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No. 893607

Talk about misdiagnoses, either yours or from people you know, or famous cases. It can be any kind of misdiagnose, mental or physical health etc. Why are women more misdiagnosed than men? Why are women diagnosed with the same ways as men are even if our bodies are completely different?

No. 893609

I was misdiagnosed with bpd but I only have anxiety

No. 893615

Feels like an overly specific thread, I think you could expand it to general bad experiences with the modern health system, not just diagnoses.

No. 893870

Not a misdiagnosis but a stupid move from my school's doctor when I was a teenager. I was experiencing typical teen angst and some depression and pms worsened all that. My mom got worried and wanted me to see a psychologist who then referred me to the doctor and they gave me antipsychotics. I never took any and as I grew up I calmed down, but pms still fucks me up. I've just learned to deal with it by napping a lot. Definitely didn't need antipsychotis. They didn't even tell me what the pills were for but I googled it. Didn't even get a diagnosis or anything.

No. 894679

i was misdiagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and it was changed to paranoid schizophrenia. in retrospect that might also have been a misdiagnosis but i can't have it removed, only changed to "in remission" until i've been without symptoms for some years. i used to smoke a lot of weed and do drugs and in the time i was getting the most severe psychotic episodes i was also very underweight and had just left an abusive relationship. so i think i'm just very prone to psychosis if i get stressed and don't stay healthy but as long as i do, i don't have symptoms. now i'm diagnosed with ocd which i have suffered from since i was a kid but when i was experiencing psychosis the ocd symptoms were the least of my worries, so both me and psychiatrists kind of ignored all that. when i got sober the ocd symptoms began to peak and i finally got the diagnosis and the right treatment.

No. 894699

samefag because i'd like to add some more context. i don't fully blame them for the misdiagnosis of schizophrenia because they did consider that it was drug induced. i pushed for the schizophrenia theory because i knew that drug wasn't the only trigger and i'd had symptoms even if i wasn't smoking or doing any drugs. i think the mistake was that they only considered either a schizo disorder or drug induced psychosis when in reality it wasn't either. it wasn't just the drugs that triggered me, it was also stress, trauma and lack of good health. if we had went with the drug induced psychosis diagnosis, they would have left me to the addiction center for treatment and the addiction center would say i have mental issues that caused my addiction and send me back to psych. i had already gone back and forth between psych and rehab for years, so i convinced myself that it was schizophrenia and pushed for that. fortunately my country now has laws saying that psych and rehab centers have to work together in such cases, so this doesn't happen. it's fucked up that this could even happen until recently considering that many addicts become addicts because they have a mental disorder.

No. 894705

I was misdiagnosed bipolar when I was 16, which I’ve heard is too young to even diagnose bipolar and I only was examined for like two hour-long sessions where I was given a lot of leading questions, like the examiner decided from the get-go that since I said I wasn’t sad 24/7-just difficulty controlling my moods- I must be bipolar. Given meds for it which made me fat and suicidal, they even tried to give me lithium which I’m glad I said fuck no to because my friend was on it and I knew firsthand it was poison. My lithium friend also had ECT at the age of 17 and still to this day she’s never had a clear diagnosis. I’m starting to really wonder now that I’m older if these were appropriate treatments for teenagers. The brain doesn’t fully develop until 23, why the fuck are you zapping children’s growing brains into mush, however dysfunctional? Giving them lithium that gets their bodies dependent to the point of violent suicidal frenzies when there’s even the smallest drop in their blood levels? They also kept switching out my meds on a whim and stopping shit cold turkey, which they continue to do to everybody I’ve spoken to who are in my local mental healthcare system. No communication between doctors, ever. I might actually need psychiatry because I’ve genuinely been in and out of psychosis for five years but it’s clear that I won’t find any help.
I’m pretty sure I’m undiagnosed autistic, and all the mood issues that got me the bipolar diagnosis were just general autistic issues, only coupled/compounded with delusions/hallucinations. But I don’t want to cough up the dough to go back for a new correct diagnosis, especially because these motherfuckers are not qualified. The good that came of it was that my family at least had professional confirmation that I was mentally ill, and that whatever was going on wasn’t just a bratty teenager throwing a tantrum. Waste of time and money though. The brain is plastic grey matter and I’m starting to find mental illnesses to be way too categorized and distinct from each other, I feel like I have aspects of most mental illnesses and it’s not as simple as a cookie cutter personality disorder

No. 894747

I was misdiagnosed with a series of skin fungal infections/parasites like mange on my face/body for 2 years, but really when I was little, like 9 years old, I hated my thick eyebrows and body hair because id get made fun of for being hairy/male - so I would pull out my eyebrows with my hand along with body hair over shame. I was basically self harming my skin and hair so severe that it looked like I had mange. Anyways after countless tests, they couldn't figure it out and they prescribed everything under the sun. I stopped eventually and I couldn't admit it was really just me. I went to at least 8 different doctors with no health insurance. I am a terrible daughter for that lol. Nobody thought of giving me a psychological evaluation either, they clinged on the fact that I petted a mangy dog once before it all began.

No. 894748

I was diagnosed with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder as a child and then "grew into" a bipolar diagnosis. I do not have manic or depressive phases, I was actually being abused physically and that's why I behaved like that. I'm no longer being abused or am on any meds and it's been years. I'm doing just fine without 'em.

Anon I literally had almost the exact same experience as you in high school except I ended up taking the lithium. Who thinks its appropriate to diagnose teens with bipolar? I wonder if that counts as medical malpractice

No. 894753

not really a misdiagnosis because i didn't get any diagnosis at all. but my parents suspected that i was hard of hearing but the doctor we went to kept saying that i was just a stubborn child. eventually i got the diagnosis somewhere else but a lot of time was wasted because of that idiot and i had to repeat first grade. today my hearing has worsened to the point where i'm deaf without hearing aids and i also have a cochlear implant on one ear. that doctor is still in practice and i wish i could have some sort of revenge lol

No. 894754

I had a similar experience, still suffer from trich though

No. 894758

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This isn't a misdiagnosis but I've always wanted to share this story and can't in polite company for obvious reasons
>have annual freakout about health, this time about reproductive system
>book a gyno with high reviews on zocdoc
>day of appointment rolls around, mass shooting occurs and throws the city into chaos, decide at last moment not to cancel
>somehow arrive on time despite traffic, clinic is in a shabby home in "just okay" part of town
>walk in, immediately hit with stench of reheated curry
>building is just as run-down on the inside, large spots of chipped paint
>front office lady doesn't ask for medical history or insurance info, just asks if i can pay for appointment in cash and if i'll have enough money for a cab to get home(???)
>at this point pretty sketched out but i'm already in too deep
>actual gyno is pretty nice, does gyno stuff and tells me i can get a blood sample taken in the basement and that the phlebotomist is really great
>head into the dingy basement
>phlebotomist is having an absolute meltdown because her shitty windows 7 laptop is frozen and she has to restart
>patient chair faces the "waiting room" chairs
>sitting in the waiting chairs is an uncomfortable-looking eastern euro girl of dubious age joined by two south asian men who are clearly not related to her
>phlebotomist manages to get laptop working, stops swearing, and calls the other patient to the patient chair to get her blood drawn while i and the men silently look on
>at this point have gotten my dose of weird for the day and leave
>almost get hit by a car on the way home
thanks 4 reading

No. 894762

This sounds horrifying, omg

No. 894765

I got diagnosed with BPD at a young age, but really my 'mood' swings were just the result of being actively abused. I got put on anti psychotics and everything. I really hate how easily they'll label people without looking at the whole picture.

No. 894780

It was apparent pretty early on that the clinic was meant for undocumented (or, in the case of that one girl, probably trafficked) women, and while that's a great service, you'd think that they'd at least make a bit of an effort to make patients feel more comfortable, like by painting the walls or putting up even the thinnest fucking curtain between somebody who's getting their blood drawn and the people waiting to get their blood drawn. I forgot to mention that there were piles of medical records at the "station" in the basement too, easy for anyone to read.

No. 894804

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It's nothing too big but I have two instances:
>mom's first language is Darija but she has no accent whatsoever in French, we're in France
>since middle school I started having a lot of acne and rashes on my scalp that gave me some burning feeling, these rashes hurt so much at some point that I was scratching my scalp non stop to the point of removing scabs by accident and bleeding
>tried to remove acne from time to time because shit was nasty
>mom goes to the dermatologist with me to understand what's going on
>won't let me talk, interrupts me non-stop and exaggerates symptoms because she's a drama queen
>to tell the incompetent dermatologist that I wouldn't stop popping zits and removing blackheads she uses the sentence "she won't stop touching herself"
>dermatologist forgets the bigger issue of my scalp burning non-stop, acts like she has a revelation from the gods, tells me to read one specific book from a famous French psychologist for kids
>the chapter she told me to read is all about how masturbation is evil
>the stupid bitch says that me scratching my scalp means I probably have OCD, therapist I saw only once says she's tripping
>ten years later, after the scalp issues stops for a few years and comes back suddenly, my GP touches my scalp and prescribe some antifungi gel that perfectly works on me

And another time I mentioned it in the job thread I think?:
>it's summer, I have a part time job in retail until I can get an internship
>finally have a job interview for a Japanese company after a bunch of managers from that company wanted to hire me but couldn't because of specific dates or something
>recruiter calls, we talk for less than a minute but I pass out, regain consciousness 5 minutes later and try to call him back
>interview is a disaster, I can barely breathe and talk
>at the end of the interview I throw up violently, pass out again, and only ate a small bag of chips the whole week after because of how sick I feel
>try to get an appointment with my GP, she's on holidays so she's replaced with another doctor, I still accept an appointment to avoid going to work and get some meds
>I explain symptoms, she says I'm pregnant
>I tell her it's not possible, so it has to be something else
>stupid bitch insists I'm pregnant, thinks I'm retarded because she thinks I don't know that pregnant women during the first few months of pregnancy tend to feel nauseous and throw up sometimes
>I tell her after 30 minutes of bullshit that I'm a turbo virgin, which is supposed to be in my medical files anyway but she didn't even check
>she didn't even notice I had a health issue that required daily treatment for 8 years straight, noticed after implying I was being a drama queen and don't have any reason to be worried for my health
>"ok anon, let's see if you have a virus but I reaaaally doubt it"
>test is positive, I had a stomach virus
>"oh anon, btw I forgot to tell you but there's a huge epidemic this summer for this virus lol"
>stupid bitch only gave me one (1) day of sick leave to make sure I don't get paid for this day by public health insurance because you need to be on sick leave for at least 2 or 3 days for that
>went back to work the day after that one sick leave, still feel like I'm about to pass out and throw up on customers

No. 895072

I got diagnosed bipolar at 15 after a few short sessions with a psych. I've never been manic in my life kek.

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