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No. 89857
So, this is Vi(first time posting here ever btw) and I just saw
>>>>/pt/135682And want to clear up a few things. first of all, i realize that i'm an attention seeking idiot and that I should have never tripped on fa or added fuel to the fire but it what it is.
The "troal minister" namefag is pigfuck a.k.a Martin a shitposter who would troll fa daily for hours and hours and was a constant nuisance to the mods because he would ban evade on a regular basis. He's made several threads impersonating me poorly after he recognized me from some old pics.
Poor judgment aside, I want to put old drama behind me. And distance myself from the incessant hate because it the persistence that it's delivered with makes me uncomfortable tbh. Sieg and/or whoever else would harangue me when i was active on /fa/ needs to chill out and let whatever resentment they feel towards me go. (I stupidly interacted w/ people who would troll because i couldn't understand why they thought it was worthwhile. I inadvertently added fuel to the fire so trying to take trolls seriously was a serious misstep on my part)
Ironically, after checking back on fa a few weeks after i had left the board, Pigfuck no longer posts there. That just drove home the fact that I was not only an idiot but a major enabler. fml.
(literally) No. 89860
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>>89859why doesn't the link to the posted thread work :(
lolcow dot farm/pt/res/135682.html
is the link.
also that "brick shithouse" thing is something Martin would write on the samefag insults he directed at me, but i doubt tbhat it's him
jfc i need to get my shit together though. It's painful to read some of the nutty ramblings I'd so carelessly leave on /fa/.
ps. I don't use facebook, and most other social media accts were retired a few months back.
No. 89862
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My Lady doth hath returned!
No. 89863
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>>89861yes. did you read the post?
also pls don't troll. it's redundant at this point, although idk what else i was expecting.
No. 89865
>>89864i have no idea how this board works. You can still post in old threads? I just found out that there was a thread today.
I just wanted to make it clear that the person they're quoting is Martin. And that thread was made months after I stopped going on /fa/ which makes me suspect that someone who was involved wanted to reignite the drama. Why though?
No. 89867
>>89864people will never forget, trust me.
Believe what you want to believe, I've added my two cents and I'll leave it at that.
No. 89871
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>>89868right. It's got nothing to do with me even when the content being posted is about me.
There's no use in trying to reopen old discussions esp. when it just adds fuel to the fire that much is evident. I mean, i see how this can be counterproductive esp when i'm saying i just want to get past all this.
i feel sheepish yet here i am repeating the same mistakes that got me into this mess.
No. 89888
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lol, this is too weird– i'm sitting in a room with martin right now. we all know that 'troal minister' was you, no need to lie.
martin (nor i actually) had no idea who you were before your appearance on /fa/, he knew nothing about you other than that you were annoying and ugly on /fa/, so he didn't "recognize you" from anywhere.
it's funny that i browse lolcow and saw your ugly mug and something clicked. i showed martin just now and he laughed and said 'that's big ol clit!'
You are insane. get off the internet already, get your hormones checked, and stop lying and being retarded.
No. 89891
>>89888also, he stopped posting because we moved to a new house where he didnt have a dynamic IP anymore so ban evading constantly was too much of a hassle just to shitpost.
it had absolutely nothing to do with you… but keeping thinking it does, you narcissistic fat loser.
No. 89896
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>>89891>also, he stopped posting because we moved to a new house where he didnt have a dynamic IP anymore so ban evading constantly was too much of a hassle just to shitpost.omg, go away Matin. I know it was you, 'cause sieg does not typically write like that.
But thank god he's left. I was hoping that he'd take his psychotic nazi shitposting and leave.
>it's funny that i browse lolcow and saw your ugly mug and something clicked. i showed martin just now and he laughed and said 'that's big ol clit!'jfc what is wrong with you nopenopenopenopenopenope
I still have that stupid collage and since it's probably appropriate for this board I'll share it so people can truly understand what a piece of work pigfuck is.
No. 89897
>>89888also freaking calling me insane is a goddamn hoot. You wrote an entire friggin novel after I made a random post on a thread ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY that had nothing whatsoever to do with me or you iirc. Where the heck did you find those pics of me?! Why do you even care? Making several threads masquerading as me and samefagging to hell and back while trying to pretend it wasn't you won't lend you any cred. I'm so sick of this shit. do I have a fucking sign glued to my forehead that reads "easy target"?
Go away.
No. 89912
>>89897So if you were 23 in 2011 wouldn't that make you 28 today?
Still got that degree in clinical psychology, Vi?
No. 89914
>>89896Wow, I'm all down for a bit of fun and games but this takes it too far, it's pretty much harassment bordering on stalking.
OP I don't know who you are but this board is actually generally a pretty nice place with decent people so I think you'll find we're all on your side now that you've explained your situation.
How are you coping with this shit after all these years? xXx
No. 89915
>>89896it's not martin, but i am his girlfriend. he doesnt really use chans anymore, much less a weeb gossip site rofl.
>>89897no you have a sign on your forehead that says clinical retard
>go awayyou started this lol
No. 89916
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I've no idea who any of these people are or what's going on but I'm enjoying this thread
No. 89920
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>>89914Now THAT's samefagging!
No. 89922
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>>89916It's nowhere near as enjoyable as you might think. At first I thought that people who make a spectacle of themselves like pf and myself are great subjects to study because humans are so diverse and complex but that's not always the case. Pigfuck uses the same stock insults over and over again on anyone he can. So his attacks aren't personal. He's the prototypical internet troll: a psychopathic, sadistic manchild with the added bonus of delusions of grandeur. There's no rhyme or reason for his attacks. I also doubt that this gf of his exists. Whoever's claiming to be "her" isn't that much better, seems like. I have a feeling like they were the one who made the previous thread months after the drama died down.
>pic related. this is what the board looked like when pf used to post. all those threads are by him.I'm not saying that i'm blameless by comparison, mind you.
>>89912I'm not 28. Were you really in the og thread?
>>89921No need to be sarcastic now.
No. 89929
>>89918i wish i had been!
>>89922he's posted pics of me before and i made appearances in the /fa/ tinychats way back when (but he'd always yell at me to get off cam lol or like i wouldn't know he had his cam on). i exist. i wasn't active on lolcow 9 months ago though, i only started browsing frequently again a few weeks ago, i was kinda off imageboards in general for a while as well
can confirm all those threads in your screenshot were by him but that was one time he did that, i remember because he got the shits he was banned so he did that and thought it was hilarious and i told him he was a dumb dickhead. usually he'd only have a thread or two up and stick to that.
fun fact: /fa/ janitor and him were friends. it was global mods who always deleted his shit and banned him because there was one anon who stalked him (ACTUALLY stalked him, not the type of stalking that you think people do to you) and used a report bot.
No. 89944
>>89930I hope you're joking. You're defending him? Despite having seen what he does? If you're being serious you should be more concerned about yourself. No matter how PF acts like when he's not being a horrible, racist troll, you can't dismiss what he is bc he's a "softie". I really really hope that this is a troll.
>>89930Nah that was Sieg and he was pretty vague about his identity. Or maybe it wasn't Sieg 'cuz he he had a diff. writing style. He asked me why a grown ass woman would resort to grade school teasing and the like. He was quite boring and he even confessed that he was boring. I felt like being friendly at first and humoring the criticism but that got pretty disheartening. They were fairly unimaginative and we didn't have enough in common to sustain meaningful convos. No nudes were sent obvs. It was a pretty depressing ordeal, seemed almost like being privy to something you're not supposed to because he said some very personal things. The amount of self disclosure made me think of Sieg.
He did pretend to be pf once bc he's an idiot but took it back, got annoyed n asked for nudes.
It was very very odd. Also I am terrible at playing Sherlock.
Pigfuck replying to the thread mere minutes after it was posted unnerved me. I wasn't under the impression that pf was the chatter. Pf just comes off as too sarcastic n i kind of flew off the handle bc i cant effen stand him tbqh.
No. 89950
>>89944ummm soooo you realize you were on 4chan, rite?
anyway i wasn't even defending him, but i really do think you have aspergers because you dont realize that. but since i have to spell it out for you, i was just pointing out that you're so pathetic that even
he felt bad for you.
it wasn't sieg. it was some rando.
it shouldn't have thrown you off, everybody knew that he was online all day long. and when he wasn't he had lots of friends that used the board and would link him threads.
No. 89954
>>89940I'm not convinced this is real until someone verifies this isn't some random anon talking to themselves.
I mean I could make threads claiming I'm 32'' Waist-Chan…. I could claim to be 32'' waist-chan or martin or martin's girlfriend right now.
No. 89963
>>89950Regardless of your identity, you're ok with him being a misogynist (because let's face it his tirades are pretty misogynistic)? And although you may not have meant to sound like you were defending him, you are biased. Saying that you don't approve of his unsavory behavior but at the same time implying that it's an act- therefore excusable is justifying and enabling shitty behavior. I don't agree with the notion that you are absolving oneself of responsibility by calling what you're not proud of "an act". PF it's quite aggressive and petulant.
> really do think you have aspergers you don't realize that I don't think that you're defending his behavior on 4chan. You may even be indifferent to how he chooses to express himself on here, but the weight of said action remains.
I still don't disagree w/ u. sometimes I feel like I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt but really im throwing caution to the wind because I tend to give in to an impulse.
idc who that was tbh
oh and im not under the pretense that my Impressions are always spot on or anything dumb, either.
No. 89978
>>89973But that's just your interpretation. You couldn't have known what was going through my head. I should have just left after things got too intense b/c even though those situation escalate on their own, my being there didn't exactly help calm things down.
Despite all this, I'm in no way responsible for other people's actions. and that's why I was attacked first, I didn't incite drama. People who were on the offensive and who mindlessly joined in on the predatory doxxing and hate seem to disregard the the gravity of their actions. No one deserves to be singled out like I was and basically bullied. I don't want to hear any justifications. There were voices of reason in the threads and ones i knew irl that didn't think the ensuing Witch-Hunt fervor that people took to the threads was warranted. I was being defensive as heck and may not have made the best judgment calls but don't try to frame it like I'm the only one who made missteps, just cause the brunt of the consequences fell on me ultimately.
Why direct that smug indignation at me w/o knowing anything about the context? What satisfaction does that give you? I certainly did not provoke the misogynistic slurs slung at me by Pf all those times.
And as for that old drama, unfortunate that some people still harbor the same mindset they had then.
No. 89986
>>89982What is that supposed to prove?
Oh, right that you have argument, just the same old victim-blaming.
I ain't saying little responding to "I want to hit your face with a shovel" with that was right. But I wasn't the one to start that argument. But why does it matter that I was insulted if I retaliated, right? The moment I do something you don't like I deserve everything that's coming to me, right?
Sounds legit.
No. 89988
>>89981again, zero context.
the PT comment was mean, but you're bringing up thst when trying to justify another type of malicious jab.
>>89986*have no argument
* I ain't saying me responding to "I want to hit your face with a shovel" with that was right.
No. 90013
>>90005Of course she thinks she didn't do anything wrong and doesn't deserve what she got.
If she thought for a minute that what she did was inappropriate from the beginning, regardless of what retaliatory things were said to a twat like Spoony, she wouldn't be here defending it.