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No. 903789
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I hate mayonnaise with a passion. It's a white man's uncultured taste. People put this glob of white paste on everything.
No. 903883
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i eat all my salads without dressing. almost all dressing is salty garbage and pointless calories
No. 903943
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Salad cream goes well on chicken burgers imo
No. 903965
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>>903795fuck I meant to attach this
No. 903969
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Once you've gone Mangoraja you can never go back…
No. 904033
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I will make the rules now, if you don’t like any of these, you’re probably lacking a soul.
And making your own honey mustard at home with some Splenda tastes better than the store bought kind.
No. 904048
one word: mustard
>>903883same! vegetables are already tasty, in salads they don't need any dressing
No. 904051
>>904033Honey mustard, mmmmmmm yum
Anyway, I have that unfortunate genetics that makes cilantro smell the same as stink bugs. I can never even try it, I recoil from just taking a whiff if it.
No. 904116
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My favorite hot sauce.
No. 904129
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Gotta shill for my culture here.
Nuoc mam is fucking heavenly. A little salty, sweet, spicy and sour action for you. You can just make it everything but spicy if you're too white for it, but it's amazing. Goes with fucking everything, every animal, every savory dish, salads, you name it. Love that shit. I don't even measure it, I just throw some chilli, garlic, fish sauce, sugar, lemon and hot water into a little dish and taste it until I'm happy. It's foolproof. Try it.
If you're lazy, I recommend trying hoisin sauce or oyster sauce. Asian sauces are so fucking good, you can just squeeze some lemon into it or a little sriracha to elevate either of those. I love oyster sauce over boiled or stir fried veg. So fucking good.
Last but not least for the anons who liked hoisin but want to spice it up. Get a little tuong cham goi cuon up your alley. Better known as peanut hoisin sauce. So much fucking flavor and its just PB and hoisin sauce basically. get some minced garlic going on with some oil and dump that shit in. add a bit of sugar if you need it and thin it out with a bit of broth. the best thing to use is the water you boiled pork belly in for your guoi con if you're feeling traditional but fuck who cares there's so much flavor you don't need it. it just means it will taste great instead of incredible.
vietnamese food is so good and pho isn't even scratching the surface.
No. 904135
>>903789Some of the fussiest eaters that I've ever met have all hated mayo with an intensity I'll never understand. If there's any hint of it in a sandwich they'd rather go hungry than even scrape it off.
I like it because it wets a sandwich without replacing any of the main flavors. Its so non offensive.
No. 904162
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>>904129Based. That nuoc mam mixture is the culture. It does go on everything. I judge a motherfucker when they get grilled meat spring rolls with peanut sauce instead of the fish sauce.
I don’t like hoisin tho, always felt it ruins pho and only mediocre pho needs it.
Hated mam tom as a kid (I guess most children did) but acquired a taste for it in adulthood. It makes traditional dishes so much more authentic. When I was broke and anachan, I’d put a dab in a bowl of steamed egg and that was the hack.
No. 904192
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The perfect mix of sweet and spicy. I eat it with rice, to spice up a bland dahl, or spread on mature cheddar when I’m on a premenstrual binge.
No. 904208
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God tier.
No. 904210
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>>904208Also this, god tier. Unclear if this counts as a condiment, though.
No. 904214
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has anyone tried picrel? i cant tell if i'm just falling prey to the advertisement/packaging but i've been wanting to try
No. 904215
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This + instant ramen noodles + 1/2 of the flavor packet (beef or spicy seafood work really well) + brown sugar + soy sauce + toppings (eggs marinated in soy + dashi, chives, cheddar cheese maybe). Can confirm it's great.
No. 904307
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This is the superior mustard.
American and Dijon mustard have too much vinegar and not enough heat.
No. 904346
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>>904307I love british mustard so fucking much. Americans who think fake ass heinz mustard is too spicy make me laugh, they haven't even tried the real thing.
No. 904390
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spicy ketchup is a prime grilled cheese topping for me
No. 904493
>>904467I knew people would get
triggered by someone's ketchup use.
It happened to me once. Guy I know mixed in ketchup with rice. Years later and I'm still seething.
No. 904514
>>904493I’m a weeb but omurice
triggers me because ketchup is awful with rice and eggs. Maybe a sensible dab to highlight actual tomato is okay, better to just use actual tomato sauce with some sugar.
No. 904526
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>>903965Kewpie + samyang
You can dip you can toss you can spread you can even stir fry
No. 904582
>>904571And to be perfectly honest, I find the idea and looks of mac and cheese unappealing. Seems like trash food. But maybe I'm wrong, like I said I never tried it.
Sorry for doublepost
No. 904985
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I really like the way this thread's pic looks. So vibrant. It kind of makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. Anyway, lately I've been in a Daisy sour cream phase after having one with Hidden Valley ranch. My god. I can eat it with almost anything.
I fucking hate mustard. Fuck mustard.
>>903789But it's so good in a sandwich with chips inside it.
>>904390I love spicy ketchup, too, but I only use the bottle made by Whataburger that's a popular fast food restaurant in Texas, U.S.
No. 905048
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>>905034>Does honey count as a condiment?I like to think it does. It's pretty good in peanut butter sandwiches and on saltine crackers as well.
No. 905736
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When I worked at Chick-fil-A, I fell in love with their creamy salsa.
No. 905738
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the most delicious and spicy hot sauce ever
No. 905763
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This and some baked beans… lush
No. 905831
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This shit right here, toum. Its a lebanese garlic sauce/spread, and its amazing on gyros, sandwiches, burgers, in a salad, or just as a dip. You'll reek for days but its so worth it.
No. 905843
>>905838>>905838Red meat / beef cooked rare to medium rare. Roast beef, prime rib, etc. even cold cut roast beef from deli is fine.
For a creamier and less biting horseradish sauce, Take a big heaping tablespoon full. Place it in paper towels and smoosh all the water out. Then Mix it with 1 part Mayo and two parts sour creme and some salt,
No. 905864
>>905831There's this super popular lebanese restaurant chain where I live and they have the best fucking garlic sauce. I wonder if that's what it is, I always assumed it was some type of aioli.
Anyway now I want hot chips with garlic sauce.
No. 906065
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>>905736Oh god I love their honey mustard (ironic because I hate mustard) and Polynesian sauce. But I love the Polynesian one the most and just had to get a bottle of it.
No. 908396
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>>905864are you talking about el jannah by any chance? if not, el jannah is
that place in NSW (australia). love that shit so much. imo their chicken isn't that great and is often too salty but the sauce makes it taste amazing. i prefer to eat it with the chips though. :)
No. 908398
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i feel like i'll probably piss off a lot of people but i really like the sweet chilli sauce that came (comes) with the BTS meal. chicken and sweet chilli sauce is always a winner but this one has a little something that makes it actually taste like an actual chilli sauce (albeit mild) instead of some sweet sauce with barely any spice.
No. 909747
>>908635Ntayrt, but I'm assuming it's because it's related to K-pop.
No. 911808
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This bitch was absolutely disappointing. Don't get me wrong, if I saw it at a burger place or whatever I'd still use lots of it - it's not bad at all. But since I was always seeing it in american media, how it was delicious, how hot it was, I got pretty hyped and was let down. Too me, it just tastes like a better version of spicy ketchup. I originally thought it would have a multitude of flavors within it, like something garlic-y, a bit of sweetness, a bit of sourness and spicy glory. But it was just… hot ketchup. That wasn't even that hot. That's my own damn fault though, I expected too much and fell in love with my own idea of Sriracha.
No. 911838
>>903802Based, regular mayo is gross but I can eat spoonfuls of vegan mayo
For fries my favourite sauce is vegan mayo and ketchup, I’m a bland bitch but it’s godtier.
For salads I love mixing balsamic vinegar, olive oil , a little of maple syrup, mustard and nutritional yeast. Fucking delicious.
No. 911964
>>911899 what’s wrong with it kek it’s a simple honey dressing, just subbed the honey for maple syrup? and like
>>911924 said, I just use a little splash of it to make sour sweet, it’s not like you’re supposed to put 10 tbsp
No. 912042
>>911964>>911924No. You're trying to do one dressing with the ingredients of a different kind. A regular, basic dressing would be olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and crushed garlic. That's it. No sweetness needed. For a different kind of dressing that includes sweetness, you use olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey to balance out the red wine vinegar, stone mustard, chopped up shallot. I can't even begin to fathom why you'd put maple syrup in, let alone nutritional yeast…
No. 912322
Bay leaf > rosemary
This is now a spice-inclusive thread
No. 912329
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>>911808Picrel is the better kind
No. 912331
>>912322shit bay leaf is good too
but it gets kinda flavorless after a while
No. 912384
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I love this but it's difficult to find for some reason.
No. 912402
>>912042You sound so basic. Dressings and sauces with all kinds of flavors are a great way to spruce up an otherwise boring salad or meal.
>>904129 This is salty, sweet, sour and spicy. Try something new for once.
>>912322I don't buy the whole bay leaf meme. Since
>>912331 but I still have them so I throw them in anyway, but I don't think it has any noticeable impact I'm just using them up.
No. 912406
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This stuff is great to drizzle on select meat and dairy dishes, but you MUST not underestimate its power
>>903969What do you put this on?
>>912402They do a lot, they just work in the background. Though if you can't smell the leaves when you open the package, you got screwed.
No. 912456
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tunisian harissa is my one true love. it's better homemade but berber harissa is also good.
just stay away from the cheap shit in yellow cans
No. 912535
>>912406I've never heard of this stuff but I'm intrigued! Is it anything like normal molasses? In my younger years I once bought a bottle of regular molasses thinking it would be just like honey or syrup to put on my pancakes. I had to throw them out. :\
Some years later when I was more into cooking I learned that molasses is truly some magic shit since it's what makes brown sugar brown and caramelly. I always add like a teaspoon to my cookie recipe (or more if I don't have any brown sugar) and it gives it a darker flavor like if you'd have used dark brown sugar in the recipe.
It's my secret ingredient. ;)
To any baker anons, here's my favorite cookie recipe it's the one that Tasty stole for vid related but it's more practical and I prefer it. It's not overpoweringly sweet like theirs is but I'm not American so that's probably why I hate Tasty's one. No. 912562
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What do you dip your fries in (besides ketchup?). For me I like mustard, vinegar, plum sauce, sour cream, and mayo, just depends what I feel like that day.
No. 912566
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>>912562I like to dip them in mayo, ketchup and raw onion (frites speciaal pic related) or sour cream and sweet chilli sauce.
Sometimes I top them in gravy with caramelized onions when I'm feeling like eating my feelings.
No. 912572
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>>912566That's absolutely fucking disgusting, vile and putrid. I'm going to projectile vomit and it's going to come through your screen and hit you in the face. Nasty freak.
No. 912611
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>>912598No that shit explicitly wreaks of Europe. It especially reminds me of Nordic countries. Those fuckers eat hotdogs wrapped in tortillas and shit. They have a lot of comically bad food. Nords will pay high costs to eat American struggle food.
No. 912612
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>>912611Can I interest you in a waffle hot dog?
No. 912614
>>912612LOL holy shit. I'm pissed that Nords have easy access to non-poisoned food and they just stick hotdogs in weird shit.
>>912613Potato tortilla, don't care.
No. 912793
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Not really a proper condiment per se, but lemon juice. I put it in everything, but especially anything with feta and leafy greens. Instant summer taste. Olive oil and lemon juice = instant improvement to any salad. You know it's true. Pic related is my favourite dish and it's all thanks to the lemon juice.
No. 913934
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Is there a right way of seasoning food? I don't know how to do it for shit. It always end up too salty or tasteless
No. 914067
>>913934No, but there's 2 schools of thought.
The first, and by far the most prevalent one, is go easy on the salt because you can always add more later if it ends up being too little.
The second, popular with my grandma, is go wild with the salt, because you can always drink a ton of water later if it ends up being too much.
No. 915505
>>908396So many Sydney anons lately!
I totally agree on the garlic sauce from El Jannah, it’s really addictive. I also like Shilu’s chilli paste (from Harris Farm), the Carolina Reaper hot sauce from Terra (restaurant in Canberra), dukkah topped mustard (the one from Aldi is moreish), and pretty much any good whole grain mustard.
No. 2043795
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Most Asian stores have it (in bags as well). It's brilliant. Even plain rice becomes a main dish on its own.
No. 2044295
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>>2044280Honey mustard, basic but classic. Or picrel if you want a different mustard experience. I use it in tuna salad all the time.
No. 2044916
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Thankyou for your service
No. 2044920
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>>2044916Laoganma will never be defeated. I do really like picrel's chilli oils though, especially the garlic.
No. 2044921
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My GOAT. Sriracha? I don't know her.
No. 2044927
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Great with everything.
No. 2044928
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But enough about chili oil, this stuff is the real underdog. Look for chili beancurd/doufuru/豆腐乳. It goes great with just plain rice, but you can also use it when stir frying vegetables or stirred with sesame paste as a dip. Lots of other ways to have it too.
>>2044924On lazy days where I already have rice or noodles prepped but nothing much to have them with, I stir fry a few vegetables and rice, and then add a teaspoon or two of chili crisp to the bowl. You can also just add to plain rice or noodles. Combine with peanut, soy sauce or sesame paste (like with the above) for a nice dipping sauce.
My favourite way to have it to heat oil in a small saucepan, then saute garlic. Add soy sauce, sugar, a bit of Chinese black vinegar (optional), and then once the sugar is dissolved, add some of the chili crisp and chopped scallions and pour it all over silken tofu. It's amazing. I have it for breakfast every now and then. If silken tofu is hard to find or not your thing, I think you could do that with different vegetables. Potentially meat too, but I don't eat meat so YMMV.
No. 2045564
>>2044916I can not stop eating this. I go through a 700g jar a week.
>>2044924Char sui, crispy duck and foo young.
No. 2045748
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taco bell mild sauce is my kryptonite. Love mixing it with plain greek yogurt to make chipotle sauce.
No. 2046086
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love this shit
No. 2046097
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I'm salivating at the images of chilli oil kek. If you know what this is you know what I am.
No. 2046116
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I eat it with everything. Sandwiches, shawarma, rice, veggies. Yesterday I dipped jakarta kroepoek in it and it took me to a new universe, I don't even have to feel like a fatty for it.
>>2044921Based anon, this Indian takeout place near me sells homemade jars of it and it's so good.
>>2046086This looks like one of those weird edits kek.
No. 2046263
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This but homemade. The first time I had it in Manfredonia I lost my shit. Best hot sauce/puree in the world for pasta dishes etc. I see many condiments ITT I want to sample tho…
No. 2046316
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luv this shit mwah
No. 2046370
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it's a britbong thing but god I love this shit. best spicy mayo for me
No. 2046428
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This shit is like CRACK to me. It also has an insane calorie count, 717 kcal per 100 g. I think this shit is a big part on my weight gain. What would be a lower calorie alternative? I've just used dried chili flakes now which is ok
No. 2046432
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>>2046428It’s so damn good I’m right there with you Nona. I don’t have any lower cal suggestions (lol) but you should try Chili Bamboo Shoots if you can find them.
No. 2046579
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I eat this with eggs, potatoes, and beans. It's kinda like HP Sauce but better. Pura Vida, señoritas.
No. 2047116
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most hot sauces are mediocre, just vinegar and chili, someetiles with added capsiacin so moids can brag about how hot they are.
But some hot sauce brands out some effort into their recipes and make sauces based ion various fruits or veg or soy or shit, so you can pair tgem up with different dishes and they actually add to the taste instead of just drowning it in spice.
im borddrrline addicted to the swet brand ones, picrel with lime and lemongeass is absolutely killer