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No. 930458
What are you currently wanting,
>"Vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t. That’s a pretty big difference in goal achievement just from writing your goals on a piece of paper.>Writing things down happens on two levels: external storage and encoding. External storage is easy to explain: you’re storing the information contained in your goal in a location (e.g. a piece of paper) that is very easy to access and review at any time. You could post that paper in your office, on your refrigerator, etc. It doesn’t take a neuroscientist to know you will remember something much better if you’re staring at a visual cue (aka reminder) every single day." here things that you want: Be it material, a goal, something that you've been wanting for your whole life or just an impulsive need.
Keep track of the stuff you want to have or do, or rationalize it with your self if you really want said thing after writing it down. Report back if you get it!
No. 930471
>>930458this is a nice thread
nonnie! i hope it takes off
No. 930499
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>>930471>>930493Thanks, anons!
I'll get the ball rolling a bit more. From the top of my head:
Material things:
>Smart watch>Stationary bike>1:6 doll house>RPG miniatures to paintGoals:
>Write a book>Lose weight>Go to any Disney World/Universal park especially during Halloween season, Europe and Japan with my fiance>Start a cozy YT art channel>Get this new jobIdeally I'd make a pic collage because I think it's cuter, but I'm a bit lazy right now
No. 930631
My bucket list is pretty mundane tbh I just want a chill happy life. I'm 29 and I want my 30s to be as fun as possible, my 20s were good for me financially but socially a flop.
>Ultimate life goal: save and invest to the point of being able to retire early (likely to be in my 50s at best or whenever my parents die but I can dream). At the very least only work jobs with a great work/life balance and low stress
>Own a cute, clean apartment furnished and decorated to my liking - I have the apartment, currently saving for the renovations
>Become skinny and happy with my body, sadly I know I'm not going to genuinely enjoy my life until then no matter where I go or what I do
>Be consistent with exercise and eventually start lifting for the sake of my bones, develop a healthier relationship with food and stop binging forever
>Travel regularly to Japan for as long as I can, as well as occasional trips to other places
>Stick with my hobbies - figure skating, ballet, Japanese - and actually get good at them by practicing more often
>Somehow find a bf who I'm actually attracted to and smitten with, who feels the same about me and treats me well
>Spend more time going places and doing fun things like concerts and day trips and the beach, I'll never be a social butterfly but even if it's alone or just with my sister I need to get out more
No. 930657
I’m 19. Here’s everything I want to do, from the most likely to happen to less likely to happen.
>Self-study a lot this year; learn more stuff
>Become a better programmer
>Mess around with more projects, have more fun
>Make more online friends, meet said friends irl
>Spend more time with family
>Practice art regularly, become better
>Get a job so I can support myself
>Get good money from job
>Take music lessons
>Practice music regularly
>Practice music regularly
>Get back into reading regularly
>Get back into learning German regularly so I can become fluent
>Go the the gym, get RIPPED
>Become more social and MEET NEW PEOPLE!!!
>Become a better roller skater, go biking
>Become more outgoing
>Go to camping trip with friends
>Strengthen my friendships and make new weirder ones
>Learn to drive
>Write more
>Travel more, visit the beach more
>Quit maladaptive daydreaming
>Fix teeth
>Pick up another instrument
>Become an ever better programmer
>Stop worrying about the future and enjoy the phase I’m in
>Become a jiu jitsu black belt like I wanted to when I was 12
>Get accepted into a really good scholarship/internship
>Work on even cooler projects
>Ich kann Deutsche sprache
>Start learning French (or Korean)
>Become even better, it’s upwards from here
>Give art a shot, music and sketching/painting
>Learn another instrument
>Take two years off to try and become a musician (or on the side?)
>Write music I love
>Write music that is joy-giving
>Write stuff for friends
>Become an ACTUAL musician (I’ll give you a shoutout nonnies)
>If my ambitions and dreams fail, cool, we’ll keep on moving anyway
Just become a better me. I have a long way to go.
No. 931111
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>>931109Also samefag but I'm really craving either a caramel bullet coffee or matcha bullet tea latte kek
No. 931138
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I posted this just the other day, but I suddenly had the impulse to start rollerblading again. I spent the last two days reading through the rollerblading subreddit and compiling potential skates to buy and I've narrowed it down to a handful. I'm scared of wasting $300+ on equipment only to end up hating it, but I'm keeping my rollerblading goals small right now. I just want to be able to skate around leisurely around my neighborhood and the parks in my city. Maybe if I ever feel confident enough, I want to learn how to do cool tricks and possibly skate long distances to get places (but I'm also okay with not doing this). I'm excited at the idea of decorating my helmet and painting my skates (good and cute skates do not seem to belong together in this world kek) and having a new fun hobby. Here's to hoping my $300+ doesn't go to waste!
Picrel are my dream skates but reading around, they're really not the best so I'm hoping to paint my skates in a similar pastel blue/yellow colorscheme!
No. 931148
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>>931138Hey pal. I’m skating too! Please please please find your local skate or derby store. I made the mistake of ordering online before trying them, and it resulted in me wearing painful I’ll fitting skates. Went to the derby shop, tried on Reidells, and it was SO MUCH BETTER.
Also, please look up YouTube videos and practice falling correctly to avoid breaking your wrist… like I did lol.
Here’s the Reidells I bought- totally worth the money ($250 I believe)
No. 931172
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>>931138>>931148Piggybacking but what is the best place to learn how to skate? I made a mistake of trying to skate on ground like pic related and I nearly killed myself, as I couldn't even stand still.
No. 931174

>>931148Sweet skates anon!! Quad skates generally look so much cuter, I'm so jealous ahhh. I considered doing quad skates but I kind of like inline skates more since I'm a bit more familiar with them.
Yeah it looks like sizing is fucking hell when it comes to skates hahah. I was planning on buying a bunch online and then returning whatever didn't fit. But thankfully, most of the models I'm thinking of buying are available at the only two inline skate shops in my city, talk about lucky! I did scour for used ones but I have such small feet that it's like finding a needle in the haystack (and skimming yesterday on facebook market place it looked like people were mostly selling soft boots and not hard boots that I want).
I'm scared of falling and looking like a fool but I plan on practicing at my local park in the mornings where the basketball courts are empty and there are only old people practicing tai chi and the homeless to judge me kek. Will definitely look up tutorials! I saw some of those "I learned to rollerblade in a week" videos and it's so much fun to watch people's self learning progress, it makes me so excited aaaa!!!! Also am definitely splurging on safety equipment kek. I got health insurance now but damn I don't wanna deal with explaining that I got fucked up falling on my ass like an idiot hahahaha
No. 931200
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>>931180Picrel. Apologies if they are actually called something else than skates lol.
I have a park near me, but I think the roads are paved with the same type of brick. There is another one, but it's 20 minutes away from me (by bus) - I'm not sure if roads are asphalt there. There is an asphalt road near my house for bikers, but it's between car road and sidewalk.
No. 931210
>>931174I highly recommend s1 knee pads. I have dodgy knees and they have been a lifer saver doing roller derby .
Those talking about sizing in skates don't start me! I'm a half size which makes things fun. Also you should try different lacing techniques as well. As sometimes it's the lacing that causes issue/pressure points.
No. 931221
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>>931210Thanks for the heads up about lacing, I'll keep it in mind! I'm looking at the S1 helmet haha. I want picrel but I don't know if it's good enough for skating, plus it's more expensive. Sigh it's so cute though lol. I'll keep in mind the S1 knee pads too! I was looking to get a combo set from 187 but eesh the price tags on these things! Cheaper than doctor visits I guess.
>>931203Wish you nonnies were here with me to laugh at me while I flail…
No. 931223
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>Graduate from first career
>start second career
>learn how to drive
>learn how to sew
>get a damn job
>maybe two jobs
>save some money
>help family with money stuff like insurance payments and medicines
>go back to the gym
>start taking swimming lessons
>leave dumbass country
>Stuff I want
>small car
>small apartment
>newest phone model
>access to the best medical care
>cute yoga mats
>bike shorts
>unironically a body pillow
>pillowcases of my favorite anime guys
I just want to be a fucking productive member of society™ I’m so sick of being a half of a NEET, if I was a NEET, I would feel less pathetic but I know I’m not lazy enough to just go full NEET I would kms, I need to do stuff and feel productive.
No. 931232
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>>931221 cute S1 helmets are good
I have one of the lifer helmets like the attached. 187 knee pads are OK I just find them bulky. But if you have a skate shop nearby definitely try them on and you can a feel if the will work for you.
* current bucket list
Get a new job.
Travel more
Start reading proper books again
No. 931333
>>931241God, I’m rooting for you. I really am,
nonny. I get how bad you want it. Hopefully it’ll be a reality.
No. 931716
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Things to get for my new place:
>nice used couch
>used/new bright carpet
>comfy sitting pillow
>some shelves for books and notebooks
>a plant with big leaves
I want to eventually use plants to decorate all the "empty" spaces in the apartment because I don't want to buy a lot of furniture but will start with one because I don't have much experience.
Self development goals:
>learn to care for plants
>finish uni this year
>look for a part time programming job
>find a good gym to lift at
Other stuff:
>find good, not expensive bluetooth earphones
>keep a good diet with lots of veggies and protein
>keep drinking my liquid fish oil
>keep apartment nice and tidy
>do yoga sometimes
No. 932229
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I want my student shortfilm to be good! I will report back if lolcow is still up kek
No. 932312
>>931111Couldn't resist and got myself the caramel bulletproof coffee (it's an instant powder)
I am happy, it tastes exactly like I imagined it would! I also love the subtle smell of caramel in my hands from scooping it. Here's to drinking caramel coffee everyday for a while!
No. 932821
>>932818Wishing you all the best anons! I’m rooting for you. A lot of these feel like pipe dreams but here goes
- Graduate uni hopefully early December
- Start doing art, writing etc more often
- Get a tan/go to the beach more
Long Term
- Beat ARFID or, at the very least, stop it making me want to die
- Be reunited with my bf (we’ve been separated due to work/COVID)
- Get a PC that can actually run the games I want to play
-Travel on my terms for once; Norway again, Morocco, the Caribbean and maybe Scotland
-Buy my mum her dream stand mixer for baking kek
No. 933089
>>931109I am this anon and I just saw that Xiaomi released a tablet with pen. I really want it now ughh
But the palm rejection thing… I usually draw with my hand hovering tbh, but it still kinda of a problem. Not only that but the delay for ClipStudio… Well, we'll see. It's cheaper than the Galaxy Tab S7, but not the S6 lite.
Decisions, decisions.
No. 933093
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>>933072Anon, I love you. I hope you get to be a successful doll artist one day.
No. 933095
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>>932700thank you
nonnie, I'm also wishing you good luck in whatevever project you want to achieve!
No. 933103
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>>933072I'm rooting for you this is such a wholesome post I hope you can achieve all your goals!
No. 933549
>>933502I would love to read and support a fellow
nonnie's work,just saying
No. 933565
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>>933072Anon, I'm also rooting for your doll business!
I also wanna start customizing and selling dolls professionally, mainly Blythes. I actually got my first client sorta kinda, my sister bought a doll for me to customize it to my niece, but she just paid for the doll and the customization I'll do for free, but I guess it counts for something, and it's also good for training.
I'll try to buy one to sell as soon as I get a new job.
Let's do it!
this thread makes me realize how I want so many things at all times, no wonder why I'm so scatter brained lol No. 939505
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I want so many stuff, I don't know how to focus!
Anons, how do you focus on getting the stuff you want? I don't mean like clothes vs a computer, for example, I mean like you want to travel to 2 different places a lot or you really want 2 different jobs but you can't focus on only one of those things and your energy ends up all over the place, meaning you end up not even getting one thing.
How do you do it? Do you do a list of pros and cons of each thing? I get so lost at this stuff
I feel like it's good to give a lot of things a shot, but when it gets too diffuse it can be a problem, I think.
No. 942186
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I want to do so many things in life but I already have important things to do like studying. But I want to in my life one day:
- learn Icelandic
- compose a song, it can be just a shitty edm song or crap computer black metal I just want to make one to see how it's made
- learn how to sew, sew a pretty bag and patchwork pillow covers and everything patchwork and have a patchwork house
- make a doll (I want to make Terra Branford and Kefka dolls, with their lots of fancy fabrics and decorations I think they would make fantastic dolls)
- make a costume of Yoshimitsu in Tekken 7. I will be alien squid skeleton cyber ninja man and I swear to you it will be amazing. I already planned every detail in my head I just need lots of time and some money
I downloaded a bunch of books about sewing and crafting and two about making dolls on and they make me so excited. Look at these dolls, I wanted to make just a Terra doll because I always loved her so much for no reason, but after I saw the left upper doll I want to make a Kefka too. The book is called Designing the Doll: From Concept to Construction by Susanna Oroyan and you can get it on for free as I said.
No. 942233
>>942216That's awesome! I'm really happy for you, I hope we can become like you too
>>942219Thank you, I already found it when I was looking for how to make a plushie dog; I love these japanese blogs with their simple outdated themes and laconic posts