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No. 931739
I need to write this down because it's the longest and most detailed dream I've had in a while. It actually started out with me having a dream, and it was like the opening of a movie where I was watching these two men trudge through an empty desert. Then they came across this other man with a black robe and evil grin, and in my mind he kinda represented the devil offering them to sell their souls so they could get out of the desert. Then I woke up from the dream, and for some reason I was a teenager again, and kinda went along my day getting ready for school, and also my town was surrounded by this huge glass dome? And I could hear people talking on the bus about how it was keeping "the dust" out, but it was hard to find jobs and get around.
Then I arrived at this night club, and I was eating dinner at a table and feeling really lonely (and people kept rudely staring at me and being nasty lol) when suddenly this hot black-haired vampire came in and sat down next to me and began talking, and soon we were making out on this lounge and grinding all over each other. The insane thing is though, he started telling me that he became a vampire when he was lost in the desert and he sold his soul to escape, which was exactly what happened in the dream I had that morning. So was dream-me having a flashback belonging to a different person? Was I experiencing the memories of this guy? It's really wild.
Then we went back to my house, and somehow his mum was already there lecturing him and being verbally abusive, so he was forced to leave with her. Then I got a call later on from his mum panicking, saying he got kidnapped by his crazy abusive father and she didn't know where they were. But it was also Halloween and I had to welcome this large group of kids waiting outside into my house for a party me and my mum organised, and we sat them down at the kitchen table and started handing out candy lmao. And then I woke up. Why the hell can't I be this creative when I'm awake? The bit with the man lost in the desert selling his soul and becoming a vampire could make a very interesting story. And was the dust that was dangerous to my town from the desert, was it magical? I have so many questions lol.
No. 931879
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I use to have this reoccurring nightmare where I'm trapped in my room and I'm desperately trying to turn on the light. My light bulb doesn't work of course and I can faintly see someone else in the room with me and it is slowly moving towards me. One time when I had this nightmare I realized I was dreaming and tried to pull my hair out to wake up. It didn't work and I just woke up in another dream. I'll forever feel betrayed by my brain for making me think I was actually awake.
Another I sometimes dream about is I walk outside of my house and look up. A giant black hole opens up in the sky and starts destroying my neighborhood.
No. 931922
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I can't believe the new thread is a fucking sonic avatarfag pic. I was looking forward to making the new thread and I was gonna use something like picrel. This is what I get for sleeping. Btw I keep dreaming I'm running away from different shit, this time it was fr a falling building that I was in, originally.
No. 932028
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>>932010No joke, my ex left me for a woman whose house is basically a shrine to sonic. She's also a mother of 4. Of all the tards to fuck on the side… an actual sonic tard.
3 years later they're still together and I don't think she has any clue that she was a mistress in the beginning. I think he's kept her oblivious. The overlap in our relationships was about a year long.
No. 932058
>>932053I'd just be some random woman messaging her on fb and I know he'd find a way to paint me as crazy. He told me the ex before me was crazy and bpd and
abusive and all that and I think he was rewriting history tbh. He's a cheater and too good at lying to people. And I was afraid of him coming after me. He's someone who holds grudges and gets revenge.
I'd be putting myself at risk of more agro and pain and drama and worries of potential backlash and I might not even be believed.
No. 932113
>>931922The previous thread was 6 fucking years old. We shouldn't have to see this shit for eternity because some avatarfag wants to terrorize us. Mods please let anon remake the thread and lock this one. Her picture for the OP is so nice.
Saging my autism.
No. 932247
>>932237you can have a passion without shoving it fown others' throat, you insufferable retard.
on topic, i recently dreamed i found a room in my grandma's house where there were people in 19th clothing seated at a table and thinking "oh right, that's the room for the dead", like that was totally normal. dream logic