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No. 93331
>>93310I miss the scene too anon. I jumped in very late, but it was early enough for me to taste the amazingly pure drugs and super chill vibes. That drug is once, tops thrice, in a lifetime, but the atmosphere…I lived for that for so long.
Then it died out cause too many bros and basic sloots wanted to parade around and look like the shit whilst getting trashed on bunk shit they never bothered to test. W/e.
No. 93392
>>93391EDM = electronic dance music
>>93382OP here, that doesn't count. I personally am interested in vocaloid for its technical applications as an instrument but do not consider music made with it to necessarily be electronic music
No. 93399
>>93397EDM has become increasingly commercial over the past several years, yes.
Steve Aoki is a talent-less hack who uses too many gimmicks
EDM is a broad genre. Also most famous producers are European actually, especially French
No. 93408
>>93397Is it not a genre with sub genre? Those aren't raves anymore anyway, they're music festivals that have sucked all the essence out of a rave.
>>93399French? That's interesting because all I ever hear now is Swedish Swedish Swedish. Like all these other djs promoting a bunch of people out there.
No. 93435
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For anyone interested in learning more edm genres (or literally every genre known to man), this website is pretty neato. At the top it has different edm genres and plays an example of each. No. 93533
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Farmers, who are the most attractive EDM artists in your eyes?
No. 93897
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>>93533>tfw you will never see Rogue in concert or meet RogueAdmittedly his eyebrows are a little odd though so you may disagree.
No. 93955
What are some tips for a first time festival goer?
>>93902In Country there's probably a ton of drinking and dip. And tons of rednecks love weed these days.
No. 93958
>>93701And what, all those kids running in place look fucking amazing? Just do you anon. Guarantee the only people that will stare at your dancing is those kids that are rolling face and subsequently fall in love with you cause you look ethereal to them.
>>93784I'm annoyed with the ignorance and people's inability to take the proper precautions to keep themselves, others, and the scene free from harm. I get so annoyed when I talk to people and they don't even bother to do the most basic tests on their substances. It's so cheap to buy too.
No. 93994
>>93559Holy shit Savant <3 very happy to find another fan, and on lolcow of all places.
I got into the festival scene when I was 17 and it's been amazing so far, I try to do about two fests per year that are drivable and have at least 10 acts that I will enjoy. My only problem is that I dont like having my phone on me at shows and if I do, I forget to take photos. So, i'm thinking of starting some kind of festival and concert review blog, since i've probably seen at least 100 live acts in the last three years (I also work at concert venues around my city). Any advice for starting a project like this?
Also as an aside, and a reply to
>>93784 I have noticed in the last 2 years that the scene is becoming very riddled with people who… don't give a shit. And I know it's super snotty to be "oh I have such superior music taste"… but I just think that if you wanna go get fucked up in the trees, go do that for $50 instead of wasting your time and money when there are people out there who are working their asses off to see some of their favourite artists. I went to a festival last year and I asked someone if they had caught the previous night's act (Skrillex was playing a tiny ass festival) and she said no. No, not because she was enjoying some of the other music, but because she was too fucked up and started talking to a tree on her 6 hour mushroom trip and missed EVERYTHING.
I'm just saying it's fun for you to get a little whacky sometimes, but learn how to pace yourself and maybe give a little more of a shit. Some of these people travel across the world to play for you, so show some respect lol.
>>93902 most people do crack or cocaine at country music fests.
No. 94551
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So I guess this thread is less about electronic music as it is about EDM/rave/dance music?
I love electronic music but I dont know if the stuff I listen to is dance-y at all. I really like happy stuff and chip tune. I'll dump some stuff if anyone wants.
>my music taste is probably shit anyways but I dont care, I like listening to it.
I'd also love for others to dump music because I love finding new things to check out.
Also festivals and the scene in general doesnt appeal to me. I dont like large crowds and stuff
No. 96062
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been listening to drum'n'bass for over twenty years and going to shows. i enjoy it.
> tfw you wonder if you are too old to be at clubs/festivals anymore.
here's probably the best d'n'b internet radio station: tune in to that regularly and see if you like jungle.
I also really love hardcore these days. That has the absolute worst name because no one knows what it is and it's too generic. Basically it's really fast aggressive shit that crazy dutch kids love. It's like happy hardcore without the happy? I love this radio station: and also is good.
What I don't like is psuedo-techno like Fatboy slim or Prodigy or anything that cracked the top 40 basically. I don't mind the catch-all term EDM, it's better than "Techno" or "Electronica" and I use it when I am explaining to normies what I like.
No. 96066
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Why is it called EDM when you can't even dance to half of these tracks? Is it just a general term for anything with vaguely electronic elements in it?
>>96030What aspect do you like about it? Melody wise it reminds me of "take me over" by peking duk.
No. 96070
>>96053>vocaloidOhhh fuck yes. Miku's voice just fit perfectly with electronic music instead of the usual ultra-kawaii-uguu and vocarock bullshit. It's truly a pity that the usual faggots who like her just won't use her for what suits her.
Thanks for the song, btw, Didn't know it.