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No. 933479
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse!
Recent Art Milk:
Like nothing of note. Feel free to link highlights yourself but nothing sticks out to me.
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
Previous Thread:
>>886828 No. 934361
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yueko getting ballsy with her pro nft stance by putting one of the hate comment she received as nft, i think hanging out with crypto orbiters all day really got to her head
No. 934560
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>>934361Nothing says mature adult like stalking someone’s profile because they said they don’t support nfts. She’s a full-blown cow now.
>>934462She actually does constantly name search herself on Twitter which is why she’s always whinging about Twitter drama, as if she isn’t the one actively looking for reasons to be pissy. She needs to go and get a job that isn’t fully online.
No. 934885
>>934361She didn't even "receive a hate comment," the OP of the tweet was pinging their anti-nft mutuals in case they didn't realize they were still following her. Yueko wasn't even tagged, there was no call to action for people to stop supporting her; presumably the people who were unfollowing her based on the tweet already weren't paying any attention to yueko or actively supporting her anyway lmfao.
Of all the things for yueko to shit her pants over, this is nothing.
No. 935202
>>935151I think I remember this one. I think it was Rev/Revolocities? I do remember super old drama where he was accused of "stealing" a smaller artist's art style a long time ago but since his fanbase was huge they all dogpiled on the smaller artist.
urct/uracata still posts on Twitter nowadays from the looks of it, but their Tumblr blog is password protected.
No. 935263
>>935151If you follow urct om toyhouse they actually spoke how the artist tried to blackmail them and they now suffer from ptsd. Even when urct wanted nothing to do with it anymore, their friends would dm them constantly to "say sorry"
The artist you're talking about is rainubrew btw, who still uses a similar style.
No. 935269
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>>935263Saging cause old drama, but I recall the friends writing essays to urct who struggled to understand eng.
1/3 of the reflection post
No. 935271
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>>9352692/3 of the reflection post
No. 935273
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>>935272The example dm urct shared
No. 935276
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Sorry for the spam, but the comment about urct brought back so much deviant art memories for me. Rainubrew's friend was also caught making fake screenshots against another user here. If you read the comments, their friends brigaded the user No. 935321
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>>935263>>935202>>935269thank you anons. you're a godsend. i had a feeling the artist's apology might have been fake since i didn't recall them making any posts telling their followers to lay off, but i didn't know that it ran deeper and they continued the harassment after urct left the platform. the fact that they were so soft in their apology while blackmailing the jp artist behind the scenes is par for the course with "uwu types". looks like they still have the larger following.
No. 935517
>>935511As far as I remember people considered him really elitist in the UTAU fandom, the main thing he'd do was to redesign some UTAUs and lowkey make it seem like his designs were better than the "official" ones. I wasn't in the fandom back then so the stuff I know is surface level, but I do remember some people also saying that he'd also sometimes make fun of how some UTAUs sounded. Considering how UTAUs are 90% of the time made by fans, it was literally him mocking other fans' works.
Some anons might have more milk on this, but this is all I can remember right now. Rev isn't milky anymore though (as far as I am aware, I stopped following him years ago), all of this is old stuff.
No. 935607
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>>934361She's extremely disliked in the NZ art community too and has a habit of fucking over other artists and even kicked another artist from their table so she could have a massive table at a small con, cause of her neckbeard fanbase piling at her table it blocked the entrance and blocked attendees from entering the venue.
No. 935873
>>935581-deviantArt is still good
-Discords based around markets is what you want to look for
-Artistsnclients is a good non-furry marketplace
-Ko-Fi also has commission, but that requires advertising on your part
-Not many people mention Etsy, but I've sold commissions there pretty quick when I offered it. Their site setup and advertising makes it a good tool.
-eBay, believe it or not
-tumblr is
okay but still better than Twitter for commissions
If you can auction commission slots on the YCH commishes website, too
Hope it helps you, nonna
No. 935876
>>935873*you can auction commission slots on the YCH commishes website, too
Didn't mean to include that "if"
No. 935917
>>935581fur affinity
kekish dot fuck
No. 935928
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>>935915I'm beyond tired of seeing shit like this. Like I don't even mind if someone makes a character with big breasts, just make it consistent with your style for God's sake. These look awful; Zelda doesn't even have huge tits. Reminds me of picrel, I hate that they do this stupid ass suction cup thing
No. 936117
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>>935295Yes but AtoLive is a meme where there are very clearly 3 adults who are hanging around children.
Also they're all artists so anyone who says they watch all of the members is a liar.
No. 936285
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this is the salt thread so, let me confess to being jealous of young artists. i'm twenty-three next year and this kid is seventeen and they're leagues above me. it just makes me feel a little green and think that even if i grinded out art for a year, i'd still be shitty.
No. 936427
>>936285Is this knaiifu on twitter? Cuz if so I also feel the same saltiness too, being older and such.
Ive known him(transmale) since he made his hamilton animatics on yt with that other person galactibun. Watching how their art progressed makes me want to end myself
No. 936656
>>936649This. Some people treat getting into art like getting into professional sports, it's goofy. You can start literally any time and as long as you're committed to drawing every day and actually learning fundamentals, you
will get better, it's a guarantee. As long as you apply yourself, it doesn't matter how long it takes or how old you are. The other thing, no one can ever make what you make. It doesn't matter how many artist there are or how skilled they are, because they cannot create what you would create. That's the best part of art, it's completely Individual. There is no one who is "the best at art" and there is never a reason to not pursue art. No matter your skill level, there will always be someone who is "better" than you at art, so worrying about it is just pointless and takes all the wind out of your sails.
No. 936683
>>936437Listen to this anon. Many of you aren't even out of your 20s, so it's funny you envy literal children.
A lot of these younger artists ape pretty styles from older artists without much concept of theory, business application, or adaptability. The longer I look at it, the more 'off' it feels. And a lot of them put too much weight behind social media likes w/o bothering with engagement, which ruins their long-term career potential since successful artists rely on flexibility and/or niches.
Every "good" young artist I see is mimicking an older artist's established style. Don't be jealous. Many of these types burn out before they hit peak.
No. 936692
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Tinfoil but is she lurking here? Last thread had that comment about burning houses
>>>/ot/929173 No. 936768
>>936692Unlikely. She's making a
toxic positivity comment because a lot of people think that depression is just you thinking bad things all the time.
No. 936927
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>>936285Idk if this helps but there’s plenty of ladies that are in their 70s doing art like rumiko takahashi (inuyasha) and akemi takada (literally defined 80s and 90s anime art style.) While I’m not looking forward to aging, it makes me feel hopeful in a way.
picrel bc I think Akemi’s art is gorgeous
No. 937007
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>>932137TinaFate1 outed as a scrote catfishing (1/3)
No. 937026
>>937016Water down the acrylic a little and do thin layers. I’m not sure if a sponge or brush would be better.
If the plastic is too smooth, you may want to sand it a little bit with a super fine tooth paper, or the paint might be more likely to peel. Or maybe something like a gritty gesso as a base? The clear gesso I have has some grit in it.
You will definitely want to seal it with something. A proper sealant would be best but I’ve used cheap hairspray and it worked ok, don’t know if it will yellow eventually though
No. 937089
>>937016Using water is fine to thin the paints but if you use too much water it'll crack and flake off, so you might want to buy an acrylic medium to thin it down with. There are a bunch of them that give different effects, so do a bit of research to see what suits you best.
If the paint you're using is thin and streaky, paint a layer of white first to get more even coverage.
Acrylics are fine to use on plastic but definitely sand it or use a primer.
Brush strokes disappear easily with acrylics, you need to focus on evenly applying the paint so it's not patchy, the brush strokes disappear as it dries.
No. 937110
>>936920How are you "behind?"
>>936996Preach, nonna
No. 937141
>>937007I didn't realize Daftpina was still "exposing" them after that other stuff from last week with the discord messages and stuff. I wonder what even started this entire thing? Anyway, I'm glad to have a
valid reason to dislike Tinafate so much now (not that I needed one, but y'know)
No. 937253
>30 is fucking old in the social media sphere for artThat really depends on who you follow though. If you're in some fandom like genshin impact or cookie run, then yeah you'll be surrounded by kids. It all comes down to searching for people around your age, because they do exist in the art sphere- they're just harder to find because they tend to mind their business instead of screeching on twitter and drooling over fictional characters like kids do. Kids in the art community are a lot more vocal on social media hence why it often seems like they're all that there is, but that's not the case at all.
And remember that more than half of the "talented" artist teens you see actually suck at fundamentals and make up by over rendering their art and masking mistakes. They're not "leagues above you" they just know how to cover up their mistakes better than you do.
No. 937308
>>937250Anon who cares about age? Do you draw because drawing makes you happy? Or to show these kids you're better than them? Like, what's your goal here? Anyone can learn how to do shit at any age they want. There's 20 year olds that draw better than you but also 70 year olds that also draw better than you. I think the biggest problem here isn't social media or other people, it's your and your self esteem. You're sabotaging yourself thinking it's too late to learn things when I know there's 40, 50, 60 year olds who just also started drawing yesterday and nobody can stop them because they're enjoying themselves. You're acting like 30 is haggard grandma with dementia time when in actuallity 30 is still very fucking young.
Stop looking at what kids do and focus on your own self.
No. 937309
>>937250I’m following a ton of artists on YouTube and not a single one is
under 30
No. 937315
>>937007omfg i literally said in the last thread that tina was such an obvious scrote.
God these fucking internet coomers really cannot tell the difference between another larping coomer and a real woman
No. 937330
>>936656im the anon that made the original salt post and i will admit a large part of my worry is internalized concern about "neuroplasticity" shit from /ic/
that place was so bad for me when i was young and still drawing every day, and it still fucks me up even now.
reading everyone's replies has been helpful, though. thanks lc
No. 937368
>>937360Lol relax anon. I don't take part in any callouts.
>You don't need am oral reason to dislike an artist's artwork, you just block/mute and move onYes, hence why I also said that I didn't actually need one. Anyway, this is the art salt and discussion thread, I don't have to "move on".
No. 937501
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So looks like Nixeu made a new account to try to get into more NFT's without being judged for it. The artist is literally a nobody yet retweeted by nixeu, even funnier is that some of the art posted by this "Ezis" is literally the same art that was posted by W00neul (nixeu's previous account, that you can still find traces off of google).
No. 937518
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>>937501Samefagging but now she's literally bidding on her own nft's to pump up the price.
No. 937561
>>936285The boobs literally look like an ass lmao.
I kind of get what you’re saying though. I’ll be 22 soon and I drew a lot as a teen because it was the only thing I had going for me, but once I got out of high school I started drawing significantly less because I had no one to impress or share my art with anymore. I was mostly drawing because I thought it was my identity. So I spent a few years working through some mental health and insecurity issues while only drawing occasionally. Now I’m slowly trying to get back into it for my own enjoyment but I feel a little insecure about the time I “wasted.”
Being surrounded by teens on social media can definitely make you feel old, but who knows if they’re even going to stick with it. Most of the artists I admired in the past (and still do) were older than me anyway. Teens are usually uncreative and just go with the trends.
No. 937616
>>937330>"neuroplasticity"You know all brains retain some form of neuroplasticity as you age?
It's not the 70's anymore. People get into hobbies and learn new things all the time. I guess older generations back then didn't do it because they were adamant about learning new things. But you can do it, anyone can do it. If you stimulate the brain, "neuroplasticity" will take place to accomodate this new learning.
I imagine you are a millenial, so let me tell you something as a fellow millenial myself: We don't have to be what others tell us we are, we don't have to do what others tell us we should do. Who gives a fuck. You're your own person, and an adult at that. Work on your self esteem and you'll see how much you're self sabotaging yourself. Your brain is more mature than those teens and will let you learn better than them. Teens are literal retards compared to adults. Take that advantage and stop focusing on others.
>/ic/Imagine caring so much about what some retarded loser scrotes on 4chan have to say lmao
Go outside and find real art friends and you'll see there's a lot of them over 30.
No. 937636
>>936285No need to fret,
nonny. You still have a lot of time ahead of you, there's no such thing as being too late to improve.
Don't forget that kids these days have easier access to buying a drawing tablet, more art programs available to them, and abundance of resources at their fingertips. Go at your own pace and focus on drawing what you love while learning new skills.
Not to mention a lot of these so-called skilled young artists mostly care about clout from their followers. Another anon here mentioned how they burn out quicker too, don't let that be you.
No. 937813
>>937330that place is a hellhole and the last place you’d want to go to learn how to do art. their art book threads are great, but you’ll just get a bunch of wild animals tearing each other apart trying to prove they’re better than one another.
but neuroplasticity and art is kinda BS because even past like 30, a lot of artists that do art for a job have to actively learn new methods or tools for their work.
Hell most independent atelier schools are mostly full of old people in like, advanced figure drawing classes. it’s really never too late because you’ll be learning for the rest of your life and that’s not necessarily a bad thing either.
No. 937873
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>>937007Add copying art to the list of sins alongside catfishing and farming underaged nudes from discord.
No. 937930
>>937007Probably gonna be an unpopular opinion on the thread but here i go. While I think it's a good thing the dude was called out, I find this pretty fucking crazy he was initially doxxed because of a "haha le MILF Sora with the Mario crown XD" drawing. Cause, yes, this is what initially caused all this, not the racist or grooming allegations or the catfishing.
In the end i don't really care for the scrote cause he's made more than just a shitty drawing but i find it kinda disturbing that the catalyst of a doxx can be a shitty, trashy drawn joke that the twitter crowd didn't like.
No. 937994
>>937689>>937691Procreate brushes have a setting called Streamline which smooths your strokes. I have my sketchy brush at a low % and my inking brush at 100%.
Also it depends on your tablet? I had a Surface Pro for a while but cause the underlying tech sucked, my lines were wobbly no matter what I did.
No. 938034
>>937683You could try cheking Estudio Katastrófico (vidrel)
Also there was for a while a trend with spanish speaking art youtubers called "ruleta challenge", you could try putting that on the search bar and look through the artists you find to see if they're your type
obv if it just gives you non art related vids just add "dibujo" in front of it will probably work No. 939211
>>937689you need to actually train your line confidence, it is a major skill in learning to draw
and auto stabilizers in programs are a crutch and they will hold back your potential
No. 939478
>>939271NTA but that anon is right kek, learning to draw without rulers is the way to go if you're serious about trying to git gud because it trains line confidence, it's literally the first exercise in draw a box for beginners to learn how to draw good lines.
>Many times someone's hand shaking is out of their controlhow do you think people get better at steadying their hand? kek
No. 939640
>>939478This is such a stupid thing to argue. It's there for a mechanical reason, tablets have natural jitter because of the pen trying to be located. Its not a crutch for people, it's a crutch for technology. Even expensive tablets, like the high-end Wancoms, have a small difference between where the pen is. It's not because people can't do art.
And btw, even high-profile artists who do traditional use things like rulers or special pens/pencils can have added weights to keep the lines pressed down more. If this is the logic people want to go off of, you might as well call Ctrl+Z a crutch because real artists don't make mistakes.
No. 939646
>>939478>>939516Steady hand exercises are more useful for traditional art than digital. Paper has more friction, after all. In digital said friction is reduced and so the pen slides around more, which even for an artist with a steady hand can result in a wobbly line here and there.
The tool exists for a reason. Why be such a purist? What's wrong with digital artists using the tools art programs give them? If that's the case then kindly get rid of all of your rulers and compasses as well as erasers because a True Artist should be able to draw with a steady hand without rulers and therefore make near no mistakes. This isn't about confidence at all.
No. 939795
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Has anyone else here dealt with friends asking for art advice and refusing to listen to it? For example:
X: Anon tell me how to draw like you!
Me: start by drawing from life, doing studies, etc.
X: But realism isnt my style!
Learning how to draw isnt an "art style" you mong. Sage for rant? Im no old master but at least i have the humility to do basic drawing exercises.
No. 939832
>>939795I entered an art discussion group on some social media (pretty sure it was on Insta) 4 or so years ago and I befriended this one person over similar interests. Their art was shitty anime style with absolutely zero concept of anatomy, proportions and perspective, as if they had never even tried to study the basics. My art wasn't perfect, I was in my late teens at the time and pretty much drew exclusively anime, but I was at a skill level decent enough to be able to give out basic advice on anatomy. That person kept asking me to "help them" and "teach them how to draw humans like I do", and well, I saw them as a friend so I did it.
They'd either straight out shoot a "but I don't draw realism at all, I want to have an anime-like style!" or flat out ignore all of the advice I gave (advice that THEY asked me to give). After god knows how many months of putting up with them I finally got sick of their shit because it was always the same thing, over and over. Ask for advice, ignore said advice, their art didn't improve in the slightest, and they continued to annoy me. They'd use models from MikuMikuDance as anatomy reference instead of photos or proper human 3D models, all they wanted was for me to "teach them how to draw anime" without bringing in "realism". They just wanted to learn anatomy from anime.
Saged, sorry for the long sperg but here's my experience. TL;DR if you ever meet someone who says "I don't do realism" when you give them art advice, ignore them because they don't want real art advice.
No. 939912
>>939832Concurred. I try to talk about art as little as possible with these friends because its infuriating.
I dont let them see my art either. I dont want to hear compliments from a supposed "artist" who doesnt take art seriously. You could be as good as me if you bothered to practice, yk.
No. 939917
>tablets have natural jitter because of the pen trying to be located>Even expensive tablets, like the high-end Wancomsthis is literally just not true, high end tablets have virtually no parallax
you have to actually train your skills to improve them, sorry that there is no way around that.
No. 939942
>>939936anything as long as they don't become an art commentary channel.
on a more serious note, more stuff about human anatomy in general, but things like how it gets affected by perspective and interesting camera angles (such as foreshortening).
No. 940297
>>939989It can look cool sometimes, but some artists use it to the point where it hurts to look at their art, which kind of defeats the purpose of posting it.
>>940000Seconding this, knowing how other artists think while they draw or what their reasoning is helps me a lot more than just looking at the finished thing, and it’s interesting to see how different our creative processes are.
No. 940315
>>939795I knew someone like this in university. Bitched and moaned about having to take figure drawing and basically did fuck all during the class. Her anatomy is absolutely awful and she gets sad looking at other people’s art, but you could never tell her to take figure drawing seriously because she would always reply “ItS jUsT mY sTyLe”
And surprise surprise, she’s a weeb with a portfolio full of bad anime
No. 940366
File: 1634406783683.png (55.14 KB, 2048x1442, 260AD4DB-8300-4703-B3A9-381F00…) the hell is heartmush’s writing? She should stick to her messy unfinished art
No. 940684
>>940366people who write like this are people who usually have mediocre narrative writing skills and can't describe things in an interesting or impactful way, so they resort to using all of these WaCkY lettering-like effects.
Not too different from artists who have 0 fundamental skills and cover up their art's shitty anatomy by overloading their art with effects and over-rendering instead of actually learning the basics.
No. 941179
>>940895Honestly I think it can be potentially possible to support yourself being a freelance artist but it's a lot of luck and you have to have a really big or very loyal following and audience. You pretty much have to count on being able to make a couple sales every month and that's what's the most difficult thing about doing freelance art fulltime because you might have some months where you do very well and then have months where you struggle.
The best thing I would suggest though is try to hang in there a little longer with your current job. Save as much as you can so you can have a safety net. Set yourself a little money goal of savings and when you hit it or at the very least get close to hitting it, then you can try and put your full-time freelance journey into motion knowing that if push comes to shove, you'll at least have some backup savings for the harder months.
You said that you already make some high paying commission jobs already and that's a good sign since it shows that there are people who are willing to pay a lot for your work. The problem though is how likely would you be to continue to get those high paying commissions on a daily basis?
In the meantime though, another thing you can try to supplement your income is do some merch design to make passive income. If your art is really as good as you say, you probably could find a little market in this. Redbubble, Teespring, Society6, etc. Try designing some designs to put on merch and have that on the side. And if you're crafty yourself, you could even make the merch yourself and sell on Etsy.
The point is don't quit your day job right away just yet. Make sure to plan and save a good amount of money for a safety net before you go through with this. Because honestly the only people I usually see making a good living from being a freelance artist are usually porn artists, artists who are able to get gigs working for studios, and those who are supported by a spouse who doesn't mind them having a freelance job.
I hope this helps anon.
No. 941212
>>940895I would say to keep marketing. You might have commissions now, but who's to say a few months later, when the people interested already got their commissions, if they will be return customers? Also, the fact that you are competing with other commissioners. You also have to register as a personal business if you plan to make a living off of this and that includes high taxes for independents like you. I don't know if you've ever done taxes already like this since you also have a different job that doesn't sound freelance, so you probably get some kind of W-2 or 1099.
I think as long as you don't only keep it at commissions, you might be okay, but you have to reach out to other things like merch, put in the time for that cost as well, and probably expect to be doing this job 24/7 instead of having a day off. At least you could take your time. I wouldn't quit my job as is, but also taxes on self-employment suck and will probably cancel out with a bit of your tax return as is.
I'm sorry, but my mind immediately goes to worrying about consistent customers. You can get a nice wave for a few months, but you might have seen how all those little indie designers and whatnot are doing since the pandemic is lessening and on TikTok and Reddit and Twitter a lot of people are complaining about drop-off orders and interest.
No. 941214
>>941212Just to add in, you could also learn furry and NSFW art as those customers always have big money on hand if your work is good enough. Especially furry artists. There's a guy known in the scene who is a neurosurgeon and he spends BANK on gigantism furries and some anons have probably heard about the Wonder Bread guy. Beautiful fantasy work might be good for DnD people, but you have a better chance at getting picked up as a concept artist in that case from a studio.
You might want to try that, though. Backgrounds, character sheets [turn arounds], expression sheets.. Things that you can market into other artistic areas as well and not just focus on only commissions. This way you could get picked up by someone maybe if you submit a portfolio or make a business twitter with pieces of it, interact with other artists, get someone in the industry to follow you. Also pander the fuck out of your art. Draw whats popular so it gets the attention of other artists.
No. 941440
>>941179AYRT, thank you and the other anons for your thoughtful replies. I‘m definitely not there yet - my art is good enough to get me commissions, but not enough and consistently that I could reliably live on it. I see more skilled artists than me struggle to make a living and that makes me scared to go full freelance. Your point about the irregularity of commission work is definitely my biggest worry too.
My ideal situation would probably be to work on commercial projects and illustrations as a freelancer but I lack industry connections. I will keep putting myself out there and hopefully it will work out as I get better and can build a better portfolio.
No. 941450
File: 1634505928089.jpg (853.37 KB, 3835x3000, FB7GoifUUAER5IR.jpg)

anatomy wasnt a priority here i see
No. 941520
>>941227>>941235Oh my god nonnies I get like this too! I thought it was just me. I've been trying so goddamn hard to do commissions because I get asked all the time and I do want to see if I can make money on my art, kind of a confidence thing. But when I actually sit down to draw, I find it so difficult to get the ideas flowing and have to almost physically push myself to draw. And I burnout super quickly!
I'm suspecting, at least in my case, it's because personally I think if anyone is paying me money to draw (And this is a mindset nurtured over years of non-artist family member comments) it needs to look like the fucking sistine chapel or I feel like I've wasted not only my time, but their money. I also fear that I'll look back at it and get upset that it's not as good as I could have made it now and want to redo it completely for the client.
No. 941534
File: 1634512163462.png (162.02 KB, 1182x588, Screenshot 2021-10-18 at 01.06…)

Does anyone know what fandom she means?
No. 941571
File: 1634516728969.png (141.06 KB, 883x737, EliciaDonzeSupernatural.PNG)

>>941534>>941551Yup looks like I was right. Supernatural fans have been jumping down her throat for nearly a decade.
No. 941634
>>936081This is an extremely small space too, about half the size of a ballroom at a convention center. Fuck this bitch and her gigantic table for her generic ass anime prints.
Also hi fellow nz farmers
No. 941641
File: 1634520573779.png (212.53 KB, 537x808, EliciaDonzeSupernatural2.PNG)

>>941571These nutjobs acts as if she tried to assassinate another artist or something. Some people really take their love of fictional series way too far.
No. 941654
File: 1634522375032.jpg (41.01 KB, 500x491, EbS0ihSXYAEUTVo.jpg)

>>941571>>941641How are these people so unawares how insane they are, seriously need to go outside to touch some fucking grass.
No. 941838
>>941520That's exactly what I think when I'm doing commissions. So maybe it's anxiety? I guess that when I'm doing something without the pressure ideas flow better because I know that even if I fuck up, nothing is going to happen.
>>941235I don't really black out, although I do have a very messy and irregular process that's not "mechanical" and can't be applied to everything. Sometimes I forget what I did, and if I record the process or use a cleaner method then the piece ends up looking like shit.
No. 942021
>>942014because now everyone is expected to be morally and socially perfect which means you can only like, create and indulge pure and harmless content because people are too terminally online nowadays to be able to separate fiction from reality.
more than half of these problems would be solved if these people just understood that a bunch of pixels is in the end meaningless and cannot directly harm anyone and most of the time if it does harm someone it's their own fault for choosing to consume said content. yeah there are cases where fictional content can influence people's actions for the worse but believing that happens 100% of the time is as stupid as those parents who think that violent videogames makes teenagers want to become school shooters or satanists.
No. 942027
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>>941641I know why, but sometimes I wish the person would post the email of the harasser
No. 942157
File: 1634580080509.jpeg (273.54 KB, 2048x1575, 62F3FA39-F374-4D46-B6DF-F6D89D…)

What a glow up, artists really show you what they think of women
No. 942267
>>942157lol, goes from "great anatomy in need of some polishing" to "well polished but fucked anatomy."
I've seen this style of "growth" in art enough times that I think it deserves to be dubbed the "Sakimi Evolution."
No. 942305
>>936927I know Rumiko might be still doing art these days, but is Akemi? That pic is from 1989 btw.
I'm glad there are some female anime/manga artists that are still doing what they love. I've read too much about women quitting art after marriage to raise kids and become house wives.
No. 942309
>>942305(same anon)
disregard, I didn't scroll down far enough, it does looks like she still draws!
No. 942316
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>>942299yes it is. I believe anon was pointing out the change in the anatomy.
No. 942441
>>940366sage for no milk. what I'm guessing is that they're trying to do something similar to Typography Contemporary Art that can come off pretentious to those who aren't familiar with the medium. Though for real, the purpose is convey Text into Art in which the message is cryptic but concise into collage of pictures (usually up to five photos).
This entire thread is… nothing like that. seems like a try hard attempt at a new medium. I stopped reading as i saw its a (1/13) thread filled of pictures that seems to yield of nothing but a waste of time for those who bother to read (and pity likes).
Also unrelated, heartmush used to reply to my arts way back then with typical twitter artist suck-up messages "luvvv ur arts heart emojis". I just never bothered to reply, only to find out later they had already unfollowed me lol. A lot of times I feel like these artists only exist for online validation and nothing else.
No. 942473
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This reads to me like the artist is seething hard
No. 942493
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>>942473I was curious about the whole tinafate callout fiesta and surprised to see the same coomer clique is under the reply
>>937873I recognized this artist, went to check on their twitter and it seems that this QRT has been deleted
No. 942610
File: 1634615539737.jpg (261 KB, 500x744, Homecoming_final.jpg)

Are there any current mainstream female artists who don't paint typical insta shit (witches, Miyazaki stuff, fruits, etc.), don't have cutesy style, and don't drown all their work in pastel colors? The only woman I can think of who doesn't do those things is Karla Ortiz (pic rel)
No. 942613
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>>942610I like Alex Garant's art. picrel. The double vision effect is her shtick.
No. 942618
File: 1634616742213.png (2.94 MB, 1280x1886, tumblr_25a23cf77fae8d14ae9f41e…)

>>942610Vetyr might be up your alley.
Also, would it be alright to share general female artists we like here? I'd like to post more art I like and get more reccomendations too, though I have different taste from OP
No. 942624
File: 1634617222270.png (4.17 MB, 2000x2319,…)

>>942618Oh wow, nta but thank you I'm obsessed I'm obsessed
No. 942663
File: 1634621114154.png (1.43 MB, 1094x552, artofyayu.png)

>>942610artofyayu, her work is the same stuff over and over but I love it nonetheless
No. 942686
File: 1634626611512.jpg (81.54 KB, 768x1024, shdaman irl.jpg)

so shadman has been on a spiral because of drugs, and is cutting ties with all his friends, shittalking cory and oney and the like on twitter, posting disgusting pics of his living conditions and telling everyone to fuck themselves. An old friend of his posted photos of him on kiwifarms. He looks exactly how you'd expect
No. 942725
>>942722So? My point was that they were all buddies at one point because they bond over the stupid shit that they come up with . It’s not shocking at all that they’re friends.
>>942686So what the fuck race is he anyway?
No. 942728
File: 1634634306559.jpeg (145.66 KB, 1125x1777, FB3AF98B-54C6-4517-9EDF-9AEC4C…)

>>942701just took this directly from kiwifarm.
Feel free to browse the thread yourselves. am about to go to sleep with the knowledge that this dude also drew porn of his mom. The image is being shared on reddit right now.
No. 943001
>>942970coomer brain disease + getting validation from other coomers and horny freaks.
i checked this dude's twitter, he's surrounded by other cumbrains who sided with him in
>>942473 >>942493 in situations like these there's nothing more to do, guy's lost. all he cares about is tits and ass no matter how warped the anatomy is.
No. 943172
>>943011I am one of those artists that often being assumed of "forming secret popular cliches behind the public" several times just because, you know, sometimes you get invited to a project. And most the time I don't even know anyone in the collab except for my friend/colleagues who invited me in it.
Hell, one time I even found out one of my fellow contributors drew (anime) underage porns in their patreon, and I only learned it after they attempting to befriend me after the zine collab. Or one time, one of the artists just casually putting 9/11 joke in the art and mods just casually published the piece at it is.
Don't mind my rambling since sometimes the artist list is filled with edgelords and coomers and I can't do anything about it except bitching to whoever invited me there.
Say this is a privilege or whatever, I understand where the envy coming from, but most of the time we just want to bring a product to people (of course the organizers will have to blow smoke up everyone's ass for the sake of marketing).
Embrace your small circle of "small artists" as you call, imo having a consistent set of friends with shared interests and ideologies to complete a project here and then is a much better experience.
No. 943183
>>943172nta but i don't think it's a matter of 'envy', but rather because most of the time like
>>943017 said these 'big artist collabs' feel more like they were done for the sake of clout and sales rather than a mutual passion for a topic. the way these projects are marketed also gives them an aura of 'we're better than you all and this project is proof' which alienates a huge chunk of the public and make you guys seem more like unreachable celebrities instead of well, cool skilled artists doing a cool thing. in my view tho i wouldn't blame the artists involved, but the organizers and whoever is in charge of the marketing and whatever.
No. 943226
>>943183Oh yeah, definitely. I haven't been the scene for so long except for a few invites I've had last year. I didn't participate in any PR work but I do see the need for the PR to "flex" especially when one of them is still college and just happened to learn video editing. Which is why the advertisements always seem outrageous… Another thing I was told that fandom zine scene is incredibly competitive now (insert current popular anime fandom here), for your zine to standout, you have to go all out with marketing.
There are definitely artist cliques that hold into the elite mindset and casually flux out anyone doesn't agree with them. That shit is vile and I still see them around sometimes.
No. 943399
>>943329tell us more, fellow snobby-labeled artist.
I agree with the anon above about the presumptions of popular artists though, when most of of them are incredibly introverted, if not already have mental issues and trauma associated with their online fame. I can think of the urct case mentioned in Artist Salt #32.
Sometimes a mf just wants to draw pretty and be good at it. And being an "approachable" artist is hard these days especially when you have to balance between talking to strangers online everyday and putting actual hours in your works. I tried to be "approachable" for a period of time until I earned myself a few grifters and a stalker pinned into my name. Now I don't talk to anyone who does art anymore.
sage for rants
No. 943431
>>943420it's your problem if you're projecting too much, though. just like you said, big artists eat and shit like eveybody else. but the part that you guys can't seem to grasp because of your defensiveness is that a fuckton of these artists and big artist cliques are "tryhard elites" and try to make themselves seem like they're better than others for being famous, when surprise! they're just normal people.
if you're a big artist that doesn't do that type of thing, good for you and you shouldn't be feeling so attacked by criticism. this isn't about you. we're talking about the real annoying snobby ones here or at the very least about the crappy "tryhard elite" marketing some of these cliques/projects/whatever use.
No. 943437
>>943431NTAYRT, but I don't see a majority of what someone would call a 'popular' artist, pulling elite takes. There would be way more people outing artists left and right compared to the theft, tracing, baiting followers, scamming rewards for subscribers.. Than we have now. Someone like Robertoart has the elitist mentality and so does Raiq, but you have other artists on the other side who have large followings for the same type of art like TabuleyAnim and otagoth [Philmato] who don't have this same mentality, but you also have people will hardly their amounts of followers who have the same elitist attitudes.
Its not about the numbers. Its about whether the artist is a shitty person.
No. 943464
>>943431The most snobby artists tend to be the ones with the most generic vanilla ass art, and then they make their followers destroy any smaller artists that 'copied' their 'art style'. It's funny because most of these people aren't even famous with huge following because they're actually good at art, but because they draw skimpy au outfits and memes. I know a lot of genshin artists that got big in the past year or so that way.
My personal favorite are the wannabe elitist artists that only like and reply to comments of posts from artists with bigger followings than them.
The snobby artists are stupid
No. 943606
>>943011is this that genshin impact tarot set?
>zine stuff armsracearen't zines supposed to be cheaply made publications? Why do zines nowadays feel like a corporate product except unofficial. Gonna admit I'm not the type who's into them as a consumer or a producer though.
No. 943625
>>943606zines were made in the 70s as opposed to magazines publications. (at least in the west anyways).
Ive never seen asian anthology/doujin ever marketed that aggressively as western zine. The competition is real in here (with big fandom like FGO etc), but only occurs during convention and offline events.
No. 943797
>>943606Zines are supposed to be counter-culture mini pieces of work that wouldn't otherwise be published or distributed. What these artists are calling "zines" aren't zines, they're art collaborations, art books or anthologies. It's bugged me how they've turned zines into this overblown, over produced, bloated money making mess.
They should just call them like they are and stop feigning this "home made indie" feel when it's the same 8 popular artists per Fandom zine doing polished work and getting funded on kickstarter with 28 extra stickers and bookmarks and shit.
No. 943812
File: 1634715430189.jpg (1.3 MB, 3000x3000, 20211020_203443.jpg)

>>943797Not just stickers but shit like enamel pins and rubber straps which need a pretty penny to produce at a minimum.
Speaking of enamel pins am I the only one bothered by how nowadays anyone with money can just make them even if they can't design for shit picrel. These things feel like a waste of metal.
No. 943825
>>943812what am i looking at. This is such a waste of money considering enamel printing cost is much expensive than plastic keychains. An average pin can cost up to 300$ for minimum quantity. (100pc from what ive seen)
again, wHat am i looking at!!!! who'd want this?!
No. 943877
>>943812what the fuck is that thing? who in their right mind would even buy it?
but on the zine merch thing, i'm so tired of zines these days always coming with a fuckload of unnecessary merch. if it were just prints or a single sticker sheet or one acrylic charm then fine but now the biggest zine bundles come with so much shit that the merch alone can be as expensive as the zine book itself. it's ridiculous, just open a merch shop already.
No. 943992
>>943982Exactly. I have a friend who got accepted into a zine and months later they were talking to me about how absurdly high the stretch tier numbers for sales were (stuff like the first tier being at around 200 sales whcih is dang high in most fandoms) and that they had no idea what the mods were thinking when setting up those aims. Now I figure it was to cover the costs of expensive merch.
At this point I wonder if it would be better to just have artist collabs for merch only to have zines not rely on merch as much. If you aren't confident that your project will sell by itself then what was the interest check for, even?
No. 944161
>>944104even in cons it seems to be like that. japanese cons seem a lot more "humble" in a way, like it's just…a fan event, like it's supposed to be. an event for fans to meet, chat and buy some cool merch be it official or done by other dedicated fans.
western cons feel a lot more excessive and grandious to me, it's hard to describe, but it's everything "too much". the artist vendor tables feel as if i'm entering the town's saturday fair with sellers trying to sell all of their stock before evening. it's just money, money. there may be some love in between, but it really feels like it was just for max profit.
i understand some artists make a living out of selling merch and such, but to me it all feels so soulless now. it makes me a bit sad, because now i feel no different when deciding between buying an official keychain of a character i like or a fanmade western one because both will be products made to be sold and that's it.
No. 944334
>>944330Jp/cn/kr companies don't care about fanmerch like west companies do. They won't release any statement banning people from making merch anytime soon, so don't worry lol.
Plushies and manjuus have been a thing since ages ago, it just barely hit western fanmerch scene. Fans even make plushies of kpop idols, which I'd argue its worse than making a plush of an anime character, and still companies don't give a fuck about it. You're worrying over nothing.
No. 944364
File: 1634767849551.jpg (100.98 KB, 1276x639, kickstarters.JPG)

>>944330iirc mihoyo released a statement they're willing to look away if someone sells small merch as long as not more than 200 units are sold and there is a disclaimer it is fanmade somewhere. But things like ita bags, apparel, plushies, figures or stuff that generally scream big time productions are a no-no and you need to contact them for licensing. Sorry this isn't an example you're looking for but it would be interesting for someone like mihoyo go after the "big time" fan merch artists.
>>944334I think the problem lies in fanmerch being mass produced in some chinese sweatshop rather than being made by hand like a one of a kind thing.
slightly related, who needs $1,500 to make acrylic keychains?
No. 944382
>>944364Merch is mass produced because it's impossible to do handmade acrylic keychains and plushies without driving the price 30x higher. You can't have handmade and cheaper than official merch in the same sentence, unless it's like, stickers.
And even if mihoyo is "against it", they haven't done anything about it even when it comes to chinese artists, so they really just don't care.
I'd rather pay $10 for an original art fanmade acrylic keychain than $10 for an acrylic keychain of the official art, which are almost always one sided with no coating or anything, and the original artist gets paid cents for it.
No. 944410
>>944332Probably not
Following on
>>944161 and
>>944253 if North America did have something like Comiket it would simply be a larger version of the average artist alley you see at your local convention.
A US Comiket would just be a cluster-fluck of samey, low quality, soulless trash filling up about 90% of the venue. For Japan, Comiket is like a Broadway stage where an aspiring mangaka uses it as an opportunity to spread their name further and possibly be recognized by a publisher. A US Comiket would just be a money grab.
No. 944499
>>944330Can vouch for this. The entirety of making "ethical" fanmerch aka Do not make the merch almost identical to the official ones, especially the plushie, since the general consensus that it might harm the market of the official fanmerch of that series.
I've seen this happened before in jujutsu kaisen fandom when an artist drew some mock-up plushies of the characters, in which the style is exactly like the ones already issued by the company - just different characters they already released.
JP fans went batshit and QRTed the artist to take it down. I wasn't there to see the full-story but eventually the artist deleted the art and also their account.
Ive never seen companies going after fan creators though, so far it's always fans policing each other. They're already busy taking down aggregator sites and illegal ebooks being sold on amazon. So for now it's just fans scaring other fans lmao.
No. 944504
>>944499* it might harm the official merch that series
Not 'official fanmerch'
sorry if it was confusing
No. 945191
>>933479Do you guys know the youtuber minori/minicuteclub?? I’ve been trying to see if there’s any threads or stuff on her, I feel like there’s a lot to unpack ngl. She just irks me so much…I can’t even explain it…
(Sorry if I’m using this wrong, I’ve never posted before!!)
(namefag) No. 945633
>>945191Welcome. You don't need to write anything in 'name' field, btw. does she irk you? My japanese is basic af (N4), but she seems alright to me…
No. 946007
>>945633I actually like her Japanese channel — it’s her English one that for some reason bothers me.
She’s always bringing up how she’s on some no-eating diet lately, and I’m kinda concerned for the welfare of the dog she just adopted…I kinda feel like she just got it for clout
No. 947034
>>946659Sideblog if your art is too dissonant from the content of your main blog. If not, post on main.
Personally, I like to keep things separate (one personal account where I post whatever; one art only account where I post my stuff and reblog other people's).
No. 947076
>>947071It really grates me on Twitter when I go on an artist's account and there's nothing but dumbass memes or reaction images in the media tab and still have the gall to complain that nobody's looking at their art because of the
evil algorithm.
No. 947109
>>947086No, you're right. DeviantArt was a near perfect social platform for art. There wasn't bullshit like algorithms asking you to post several times a day otherwise you'llbecome essentially invisible, people would actually post art instead of selfies and memes or stupid hot takes, people actually talked about art.
I really miss DeviantArt. I wish it hadn't gone through that "eclipse" identity change and that it was still usable.
No. 947194
>>947043My opinion is whether you like someone's art but doesn't vibe with their posting habit, perhaps just find other socials they have, or just bookmark their portfolio.
Artists can post whatever they want and there's no need to render every of them into art posting machine on their social media.
Also agreed with the deviantart thing. Usually back then I'd just check the artist's stack deviantions and called it a day, I didn't really care about their journals and polls they had.
No. 947263
>>947043Not what you're talking about exactly, but:
>By pure luck you find a great artist that draws your fav underrated character/pairing>Follow them>90% of their posts are FGO gacha posts, pics of their cat/dog, or extremely vague blog postingI feel like so many Japanese twitter artists are like this
No. 947323
>>947320The best thing you can do is to state in your profile and/or your pinned that you don't want anyone under 18 to follow you. If a kid does end up following you then you've warned them and it was their choice to do it. That or you can check on your followers' profiles if they have their age stated anywhere, if they do and they are a minor you can block them.
Depending on the fandom you're making content for (if you're in a fandom that is) kids are unavoidable though. Stuff like Cookie Run and Genshin are crawling with kids.
No. 947329
>>947320No, It’s actually possible that being older than them attracts them, kids are a pest.
Like sure, maybe a few will stop following you, but they’re following you because of the stuff you post, not because of you as a person.
No. 947374
>>947351I know what kind of Japanese artists you're talking about but honestly they can often write a lot about their lives, the only difference is you can't read japanese so you don't realize. I can think of several on the top of my head. Not to mention there are also western artists who don't post bloggy stuff. I don't think this is as much about east vs west as you think it is.
The bigger sin is twitter artists who use reaction gifs a lot so their media tab is all shitted up and you can't easily browse their art.
No. 947387
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>>947323 >>947329
>>947343 >>947375
Hi! Thank you for all your answers.
Here's to explain a bit of my situation, I'm not a fandom artist, I'd say my account operates somewhat similar to Hungry_Clicker. Where I occasionally draws one or two fan arts of something I interested in, the rest are just original arts. My original arts aren't… OC roleplay deviantart types either. They're moody and random. picrel is an example (this is from @Quingyi33, not my art, but the depiction is close to what I usually do).
Now that I think about it, the way I draw characters can be considered "too cute", in which I understand it appeals to the kids. I've been drawing for 10+ years and I'm comfortable with my current style, and I don't plan to change it.
As for the "minor DNI" suggestion… I myself have problems with those put that in their bio (formerly calling themselves "proshipper"). I'm aware they're my age, but the way they constantly thirst tweet at artists really gross me out.
I've seen some folks only put their age (↑30) in their bio, so I'm curious if I should try that.
No. 947407
>>947398This is my only original post.
>>947320My intention is to curate my audience in general. I was happy with this way of posting for several years on tumblr and twitter (I even shitposted back then too).
I think the influx of more people using twitter during the pandemic + I'm growing older as new audience pouring in, it's a little difficult to keep the same chill vibe I used to have with my feed.
As for information about 'minor DNI' = proshipper, I have myself a blocklist of these accounts and I can confirm that they've been constantly rebranding themselves "proshipper" - "anti-anti" - "anti-harassment" - "minor DNI".
I think this video is more up to date with the term. (first time posting link here, so I apologize for not hyperlink it correctly)
No. 947411
File: 1634971834432.jpg (67.78 KB, 600x452, 1634609137894.jpg)

>>947387I was this anon
>>947375 and yes, I could see why you may not want to put "minors dni" in your profile. However, unless you draw very fandom-heavy stuff (which you've said you don't) or engage in discourse, I doubt any one is going to assume you're a pro-shipper or anything. You don't have to put it there if you don't want to though. Putting your age might help, but most are just going to follow you regardless. I'd say the strongest thing you can do is just block people who are underaged and following you, and try to associate with other adult artists so your art circulates more within mature spaces. Your pic rel is very pretty, it reminds me of the art style from "Haibane Renmei" (though maybe it's just the wings). Wish you luck anon!
No. 947422
>>947415Here's link to the artist (it seems that I spelled their handle wrong, oops).>>947411I love Haibane Renmei! I do get nostalgic of 90s-early 2000s kind of visual novel art style, I think that's what I've been gearing towards to for my style too. I don't mind sharing a list of artists that share similar theme of "innocent but dark" embed in their arts (I think there might be an art recommendation thread somewhere in here?).
And thanks for the suggestion! I will try switch between putting age in bio and 'minor DNI' here and then.
While I avoid discourse at all costs, I was targeted once by a group of autist fujo (it's complicated, just that one of them was really creepy towards me, I defended myself and the creep brought their friends to target me). Which is why I'm very concerned with what kind people attracted to my arts now.
Sorry for going on a tangent, because of this incident that I feel even less and less with autistic people, I don't know when is the next time I'm being called "ableist" for just blocking someone horny in my DM.
No. 947434
>>947407I understand your concerns with the whole rebranding thing some communities like to do, but I think you should still go for it. There are tons of art accounts that use minors DNI and I've seen it since before I knew about the whole anti/pro-shipper thing. Pro-shippers are probably just using it cause everyone else does. You can always use "18+" though, it's to the point without any acronyms, and the only people it could be associated with is NSFW artists, which isn't necessarily bad.
Good luck though, I hope your able to connect with your audience better and have more fun posting on your account.
No. 947446
>>944410Here’s my US artist alley perspective. I have a large following, but no one is willing to fund me online for my creation (patreon, kofi, etc). People are eager to consume my content 100k+ interactions on every piece, but it’s not financially worth anything. However if I put out tangible goods, people are more willing to buy.
I fucking wish 1% of my following could give me a $1 so I could do art stressfree and full time but it’s not like that. Since the pandemic I am constantly bitter and wished that I invested time into YouTube or something, because at least income is passively earned vs me drawing my ass off and getting my art stolen and exploited.
No. 947460
>>947351you sound like a scrote with yellow fever>>947417I didn't know this was a thing thank you anon
>>947446I used to feel salty about 10k+ artists who would easily get thousands of RTs and likes on their stuff. I could only assume those numbers would easily net commissions or paying patreons but I was wrong. A few times I've seen artists do numbers on their work but the moment they shill a paywall or sales link under it's all crickets. 3 likes and one retweet, that retweet being the artist's reminding their followers they need to eat and pay bills.
>because at least income is passively earned vs me drawing my ass off and getting my art stolen and exploited.holy shit are you me. I abandoned my old account with a modest following because my stuff would barely get any traction and returns but would end up getting stolen on aliexpress or reposted with more engagement anyway. It's just depressing.
No. 947482
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>>947422That's so cool you like drawing that type of style! Pic rel is from Clannad, I haven't actually read through the visual novel or even watched the anime, but I love the art (and music!) from that era too so I save pictures of it. I'm so sorry that you were targeted before, I have also dealt with autist fujos and a TRA sperg in a fandom I was apart of, but luckily was never targeted like you were. It has made me heavily filter all the content if I ever engage in the fandom again. These people take it personally that you don't want to engage in their degeneracy unfortunately. I can see why you want to be careful with how you present your profile now.
No. 947489
>>947446Oh boy I really felt that. I have 30k followers, people constantly ask me about ommissions and prints but once I actually start selling it‘s almost radio silence, People just want to look at stuff for free. I also wish I had chosen a platform where you can monetize people looking at stuff for free, now I have to work my ass off i in hopes to reach someone who thinks my art is worth spending money on.
I know it’s an entitled mindset but I‘m bitter because it made me realize nobody truly cares about my art, I’m just another pretty drawing on their feed like millions of others.
No. 947492
>>947489Have you started doing commissions lately? My followers count is less than 5k, I've been doing commissions consistently for six years. Each of my commission is over $100 - so it's not that I'm selling cheap at all.
My commissioners are mostly regulars. New commissioners find my art through their commission referral channels too(I'm aware that active commissioners keep a list of active artist handy).
My tip is to keep posting your commissions regularly, with 30k followers I'm sure the circulation will have your art reach the big wallet crowd.
No. 947497
>>947434I will keep it in mind, thanks!
>>947482>These people take it personally that you don't want to engage in their degeneracy unfortunately.yeah… I need to remind myself that too. The reason why the drama escalated was because I found myself too thin skinned and took their accusations too seriously. I appreciate this anon (and the Clannad art! I miss that, despite the bug eyes people make fun of it for).
While on topic of old school visual novel, I love them for their arts AND the music. Tori no Uta - Air will forever stays in my heart. Here's my favorite version on soundcloud. No. 947502
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Some anons talked earlier about how young artists will copy rendering from someone and thus create nice looking pieces without anything behind it, but I find it interesting how they never follow the original artist when I encounter a case of it on social media. I feel like in most cases the artist will simply block the imitator. Even though artstyle theft isn't real, something as blatant as this just feels disrespectful in a way.
This person is 14 according to their bio and it's clear that they only know how to draw pretty faces in this specific way, while the other artist is over 20 and capable of much more and has obviously practiced for years. Also notable how the imitator has put "do not steal my art" in their bio.
No. 947520
>>947502That's such a dumb topic imo
How can you copy someone's rendering when the same type of rendering is floating around everywhere LMAO
No. 947525
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>>947502I checked twitter of the artist on the left, I'm sorry but their painting style is Really, really reminding me of @9ibem on twitter (picrel). While the line style is like most of the korean art twitters I follow.
While style "copying" is a grey area of debate online right now, I do get annoyed when I noticed someone blatantly copied someone I recognized.
No. 947542
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>>947525>style copyingIt does bother me when I see art that's obviously "inspired" by something I recognize. picrel I see a bunch of artists doing this aesthetic and sometimes I legitimately can't tell at first if it's a repost. It's strange though, if someone were to ape the Simpsons or DBZ style I don't think people will be up in arms about it granted these shows kinda "own" that style at this point there's really no way for anyone else to claim it's theirs. I guess it's a matter of relevancy on what becomes a parody or a "rip off".
No. 947562
>>947520True, I guess "style" is what I meant. Maybe it's just me, but if I saw that someone is drawing in the exact same way as me, to the point where you couldn't really distinguish who made what anymore, it would be really annoying and off-putting. Especially when you consider them getting clout for it, just feels undeserved imo. An elitist take or whatever, but I don't think you can take pride in something copied. Copies are for studies and sometimes for commercial reasons. Of course looking at a pretty picture you made will make you feel good regardless of how it came to be, but when you try to draw from imagination and can't do anything but a cute left-facing head without relying on not only reference but also the interpretation of one specific artist, it's just pathetic.
>>947525I see what you mean and while their painting styles do look similar, it's still easy to tell which one made which because there are differences in how they paint and structure faces for example. Artists will naturally take inspiration from one another and will try to do certain things the same way others do. With the comparison of mugenoumi and los3r the latter copied the facial proportions exactly, like the big eyes and their overall shape, the tiny nose and sharp chin (again, traits that many artists will stylize this way, but not all art looks exactly the same, does it?). I know that artists who copy in this way will eventually develop their own way of drawing and it will look different, I've seen it happen many times. The original intention of my post was just to point out how these people are never following the artist they copy so much kek
No. 947891
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>>947525>>947542>While the line style is like most of the korean art twitters I follow.Anon probably never study art history, while the technique and subject maybe is the same, the whole piece and composistion is different.
Pic related, will you consider artist in the right stealing the art style on the left?? Both of them are impressionism artist.
The reason why artists has obviously similliar art style with anothers because the art style has a huge market with it. Probably the major case is the term of "Riot" "Disney" "Blizzard" "Calart" Art style because it really sold well to the industry. And the artstyle has certain audience with it.
Personally I believe art style theft is real.I think the best way to avoid it to not focus soly one artist insipired and don't make their branding and main theme/fandom similiar because it will fall into identity theft.
Most artist try their best to make pretty art and money, and to make money they need appeal to certain market.
Sorry for the rant
No. 947953
>>947554Couldn't bring the exact example here, I observed this artist for a long time, and when I browsed the artist from OP I did notice the exact resemblance in their progress.
>>947562Maybe I'm just old and I haven't observed much of what young people are drawing after each other these days. I do see mugenoumi's style is a derivation of various artists I already followed ever since was active (you can observe the artist's process here due to its speed paint function). I'm in no way to insult them nor los3r though, just another outsider's observation.
>>947891No need to flex about your art history study here
nonny. The culture of international online artists are different from impressionism art studies. To non-artists they see every online weeb art are just, "Anime". So I'm not sure what are you trying to explain here.
No. 948013
File: 1635022928982.jpg (131.01 KB, 570x640, manga art style drawing evolut…)

>>947953>The culture of international online artists are different from impressionism art studies>impressionism art studiesAnon I don't know if your reading comprehension is poor or it just me poorly writing it.
>>947936This. The past culture is a reflection to current culture
nonnie. You said the normie see as online anime artist while the anime style itself pretty diverse by their time period and their is a reason why they called it 80"s ,90"s , 00"s anime art style because how the popular culture back then affecting each sepific art style and the market.
Then since our current art online culture is pretty diverse because the world become more global and internet, the culture is really similliar to the past when you compare it.
No. 948065
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is this really necessary? no but it’s funny kek
No. 948236
>>948042Right exactly. I've heard the reverse where an artist can face some belittlement if they decide to do art full-time and quit their IRL job altogether but never the opposite.
>>948083Like I mentioned with the other comment, right I have seen the "hustling" encouraged, especially with artists but more importantly, no shame towards artists who both do art part-time while working part-time IRL jobs as well. As for the artist in question, her name is Twisted Disaster (or "Michie" which is her nickname). She's a part of the art commentary side of YouTube and the thing she's most known for is being friends with Holly Brown and their Zine fail fiasco a couple years back. There was also that one time where she claimed her and husband were homeless when they really weren't and were just living in her in-laws garage after they told them that they wanted them to move out.
And yeah her art style is pretty polarizing tbh, you either like it or you don't. Personally I do like her coloring and inking but her character design is unappealing but she claims that she's inspired by western cartoon styles and she tries to apply that to her own style. I think her problem is how she draws eyes too close together and something with the nose.
No. 948239
>>948236Samefaq but I just thought of perhaps why her style is so unappealing. she mentioned in the video that she's into western cartoon styles like Futurama and Simpsons (as ell as Disney) and I think the reason why her art may look so jarring is because she uses a very detailed and somewhat dramatic shading/highlighting style.
Like try imagining what cartoons like Futurama, Simpsons, and/or Family Would would look like if they had overly detailed shadows and highlights? I'm pretty sure it would look jarring as fuck. So maybe for a style like hers, if she cut down on the overly done shading styles, it would look a lot better?
No. 948244
>>948239I'm new to the whole youtube artist community, only heard about creepyshow art awhile ago because Kat Blaque mentioned her and the drama.
(kinda wishful thoughts from me but I'd love to see more of Kat Blaque's timelapse videos, the way she narrates her story/opinion and the refined painting style really soothes me).
I checked Holly Brown and Hopeless Peaches for a bit, and idk how to explain it but their commentary style is so… condescending? It feels like reading tweets of incredibly sheltered kids that overdramatize every of their little problems. I thought it was just me not finding them relatable, then I actually forgot theyre mostly white women.
As for my two cents about being a full-time freelance artist… it fucking sucks man. Like the money is better than working at a studio that going to exploit you with overtime (+office drama bs). It's incredibly lonely, and requires a lot of self-discipline to keep your life structured. Oh, and the overwhelming feeling of Shit when you failed to meet the deadline, and/or unable to meet the milestones you supposed to achieve in that year.
I kinda get how most popular online artists are mobage addicts and turning to streaming/vtuber. Though even if I try these options myself, I'd feel Worse for procrastinating.
No. 948248
>>948239Same anon here.
>>948244Idk if you wanted to discuss more of Michie's art style and why it seems put off for a lot of people. I think it's less of "putting too much shadow on eyes while remain western cartoon", more of the structured of the facial features (placements of eye balls, nose, lips, etc). Even western cartoon has its own structure to make the animation smooth in between frames, understanding the "cartoon skull / skeleton" can help a lot to bridge the audience to the style, while remaining its uncanny, horror style (if it was the intention).
It makes me think of how much I dislike of IRL friends and relatives kept asking me to draw "chibis". For the love of god I hate how chibi anatomy is incomprehensible to me. Merch artists that are able to squeeze out the cuteness of their chibis have my respect tbh.
No. 948313
>>948244Gotcha anon. I've been in the YouTube art commentary scene as a viewer since about 2017 give or take. About you not finding Holly Brown and Hopeless Peaches relatable, I'm the same as well as a fellow
POC. I never liked Holly Brown's art style and I agree that she did come off as condescendingly smug which was a big turn off for me, especially since I'm older than her so I never stuck around to watch her videos. Hopeless Peaches I didn't watch a lot of but from what I saw, I couldn't relate due to the age gap (I'm in my late 20s to give context). However unlike Holly, I thought Peaches had a rather nice art style.
And right, I've heard stories of how being a full-time artist can be draining and can even make one dislike drawing. I think with Patreon being a thing, I feel like if you can garner an audience, that would be a lot better than depending on studio work because at least then you'd be drawing things that truly interest you.
No. 948316
>>948248Same anon here
>>948313I think you're also right that maybe what's also not helping her style is how much she lacks fundamentals. The coloring may look like she does but upon closer look, everything just looks so wonky. I checked out some of the artists she name dropped who inspire her and the thing with these artists is that these seem to have a grasp on some basic fundamentals and thus their styles look more refined with cohesion even though they are toony in nature.
Michie has admitted in the past that she doesn't really practice because "she doesn't have time to" because as she always feels she has to remind her audience, she "has bills to pay and pets to feed" and blah blah.
And yeah I think she was doing a lot of chibi-style work at one point and it feels like she tried to incorporate that into her regular style that just further makes things weird looking. I'm just curious if maybe her stuff would look like non-cohesive if she tried a simpler coloring style
No. 948635
>>948499Kek oh my gosh I forgot about her ridiculousness when she was looking for part-time work. You're right, she hadn't been working in 3-4 years and then all of a sudden was expecting to get a part-time job that paid above minimum wage or a management position even though she has no experience and has been out of work for so long.
I also remember how she complained about her health and weight problems that prevent her from getting jobs in places where she could make above minimum wage like factory work or working for a place like UPS. But even for white-collar type jobs, she doesn't want to do work where she's sitting at a desk working on a computer because she doesn't want it to interfere when she gets home and continues to do her art-related work on her computer.
She was being so freaking ridiculous. She doesn't want to work regular retail because "it doesn't pay enough to put gas min my car", she doesn't want to work for a place like UPS because she has back problems from her being obese, she doesn't want to work a computer job because she thinks it will interfere with her art work… It'd like what the fuck does she want then? Because even with her art "job", she has a backlog on top of a backlog of commissions she owes, some of which are at least 1-2 years old now. And with a style like hers, I doubt she's making that much from commissions alone since it seems her market consists of teenagers and maybe the occasional young adult who's in a fandom she's into. And according to Patreon, she makes about $400+ which probably isn't a lot considering she lives in southern California.
I dunno, she's a trip lol.
No. 948741
>>948523I think I'd be the worst candidate when it comes to "full-time freelance advice" considering I've taken a dive at my job performance due to a major drama that worsen my depression. I draw so incredibly slow now.
Here are a few things that keep me floating & not get in debt:
- I still live with my family and don't have to pay out $500 for rent each month.
- I cook, too, even before the pandemic. So managing meals finance is not that difficult (and keeping me on a healthy diet.)
- I don't go out as much, so theres no need for me to buy new clothes frequently.
That's pretty much how I pinch money. Commission makes the most of my income. My patreon doesn't yield enough to buy a gift card, but still passive money for old arts.
From what I've been told, running a store would be ideal for earn passive income, and people love keeping trinkets, so if you have enough energy to do the whole progress of drawing> QA testing> print> ship. Eh, do it.
I used to occasionally got outsourced by companies before my depression took me over. I think it had something to do with me being more active online and earned a lot of trust within my peers, who are in the industry. So be loud online, be a simp, social capital does you good.
No. 948795
>>947460>I used to feel salty about 10k+ artists who would easily get thousands of RTs and likes on their stuff. I could only assume those numbers would easily net commissions or paying patreons but I was wrong.I'm one of those 10k+ artists, in the past year I've uploaded a lot of high-effort art every other week with some of them even getting 10k+ likes. So far I've earned $5 on kofi.
>>948741>So be loud online, be a simp, social capital does you good.I know how true this is but I'm so shy to talk with my mutuals. They seem to be online 24/7 and I'm just wary about being on social media too much.
No. 948808
>>948795omg anon are you me. I wouldn't be hanging around on LC if I were chatting a storm in my mutuals' comment section right now.
But yeah, people will like you more when you engage with their art. It doesn't have to be Constant Love-bombing (because i know it'd turn me Off too). I have an eye for grifters and I avoid befriending them, while keeping in contact & check in with mutuals for our shared interests at the time. This is why twitter feed is SO annoying at every anime or game announcement, it has been a tradition for years to livetweet reaction on twitter, so it's double bonus if you have a sense of humor.
now I'm too thin-skinned to tweet opinions, hell, bitches even google translate me when I'm not tweeting in English. If any of you ever religious, pray to never land yourself a group of jealous bitches that would monitor every of your movements. I've seen this happened with people I follow that would eventually deleted their accounts and go full hermit.
No. 948841
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>>948831here's comiket 2019
from what ive been told the sweat can accumulate so much that there's be clouds indoor lmao
No. 948843
>>948842why does it has anything to do with loli pedo shit. Are you the same anon that keeps bringing in the thread "oh eeew lolicon" as if every nerdy adults want to fuck kids.
I don't personally table at comiket due to how Hot the venue is. Nerdy men is incredibly docile irl so I'm never worried about them. If I raise my voice Once they'd scuttle out quickly. I got to meet fellow artists that I ever interacted online before, and ones that never had much presence online but well-respected within the community.
No. 948847
>>948244I wish we could be friends.
I’m going through this too, being a freelance artist is really hard… people say that it’s lonely and you figure it will be that way, but you don’t know just how lonely it really is. It’s scary
No. 948859
>>948847Same anon you're replying to. Share your lonely freelance woes to us
I think a few threads ago, someone mentioned making a discord for art salt anons. But now I think about it, it's hard to avoid Discourse when congregated.
Shy ones would gossip, most active ones will be the most to be talked about. I used to be really outspoken until anxiety got better of me.
I think twitter really does it worse for artists with the whole follower/following being displayed in public. I can't promise I wouldn't change my attitude 300% after learning you're some bigshot too. Even if I try So Hard to smooth my brain out, I still can't stop comparing myself to my peers. Then I had no choice but to pick self-isolation.
No. 948869
very naive to believe there aren't any pedophiles there, weeb scrotes are specially creepy.
(derailing) No. 948875
>>948869holyshit, i just wanted to include a photo of comiket and discuss artist alley culture. If you don't want to go there, good for you. No one wants to talk about anime pedos and you keep bringing them up. Got something want to get out of your chest
No. 948901
>>948892Why are you so
triggered about someone stating a simple fact? they aren't going to pick you lol
No. 948905
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>Yueko: wants to have a big group of vtuber stream partners to make it seem like she has friends
>Yueko: sells a NFT of a piece featuring one of the recently graduated AtoLive members who is openly anti-NFT
>Also Yueko: wonders why she doesn’t have actual friends
No. 948924
>>948905can anyone do a run down yueko's milk for me? from what i remembered from this thread
>got account hacked once, the hackers even held hostage of her account. She constantly bitched about it until her account was fixed a week later.>pro-NFT and trying so hard to own people in her replies. just basic deranged speech.>flaunting a lot on main? like the amount of money she'd charge for a commission. "yeah i was contracted by big companies (never namedrop which one), they wouldn't take up work if it werent charged at 50k" or some twitter flex bullshit.correct me if im wrong, i dont give a fuck about this woman or her art, her attitude just invokes my inner schadenfreude
No. 948931
>>948905holy fuck that arm
>>948924Scroll up a bit, something about NZ artists disliking her and how she hogs convention tables
No. 948940
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Unpopular opinion, as much I 'm against NFT, I will never understand with some artist attidue who went 180 when they found out their favorite artist doing Nft.
>>948905her vtuber friend allowed it so..??
No. 948946
>>948940Many artists I loved got into NFT and I kept following them for their work, but I no longer admire them as people. It even feels a bit bitter seeing their work on my TL, as much as I still am a fan of what they produce.
Someone people take it too far and start hating their favourite artists if they get into NFT, which I find too extreme.
No. 948948
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>>948905>>948931Hmmmmm i thought it was just the arm was weird, seems like clamp anatomy syndrome. I didnt notice the underboob until just now.
No. 948958
>>948946>>948941I think it's understandable when people start questioning artist as a person when they started doing NFT stuff ,but in some extreme cases people started to act like martin luther when they found out their faves doing NFT.
Honestly it lead with my biggest problem with modern online art community which is how crazy the parasocial relationship between artist and their followers.
>>948950Burnout reason anon?
No. 948967
>>948961>It's the only way to make it clear how disconnected you are from the community the artist has become. Not sure what you mean? I pretty sure the community become more divided even the minority one as the years progress.
>>948962Yeah pretty much this
No. 948982
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regarding NFT, I stumbled upon this thread which seems the most sane to me. current debate goes. JP twitter are currently spreading awareness about NFTs. Even the creator of skeb also stated his neutral stance on NFT, and refuses to implement it on skeb. Japan is more familiar with the market bubble in the 90s that they don't want to risk it again. And all the deranged overseas lecturing about the environment wouldn't be as effective in here, considering greenwashing is already rampant in Asia.
No. 949156
>>949030No problem. I've seen enough dumb brats going out of their way to harass artists. Twitter in which was supposed to spread awareness, now becoming a misinformation mess scrawled with deranged teens. Seeing what happened to EDALOG still got me very bitter.
>>949148NAYR, i dont see anon was trying to dismiss anything? What are you trying to say?
No. 949249
>>949242makes me wonder if she truly does donate to charity. and if she does, then if the amount is truly substantial.
part of me thinks she either doesn't donate at all, or she only donated once and keeps using that one case, or if she donates ridiculously small amounts and pockets the rest.
No. 949356
>>948958the parasocial relationship between artists and followers is absolute insanity. they act like the artist just murdered fifteen cats and got outted for consuming human flesh
and then proceed to constantly qrt them talking about how disappointed they are and thought that they were "better than this".
I have a neutral stance on NFTs in the sense that I really don't care to get into an argument about them and if someone makes them, I don't care. But I'm also not naive enough to think that people won't take advantage of a new way to make money from bitbros even if it is a temporary bubble.
No. 949429
>>948905To be fair, Rosuuri and Nana Nanatsuki are too disconnected from Atelier Live to even look like a group. The rest of AtloLive can only give her chump change as far as numbers are concerned.
>>948924Her streams are painfully boring and her coping mechanism is to be an active participant in the NFT "conversation." Honestly, the hacker should have wiped the account when they had the chance, fuck money.
No. 949470
>>949429yueko's vtuber trait is female equivalent of bitbro + boring artist, AtoLive has always been boring because it wasn't formed for the sake of friends having fun as vtubers and making videos about stuff that they like. It was formed for status to seem like a "closed group of elite artist vtubers", hence why it lasted for so little time before a chunk of it started to graduate.
yueko said it herself in one of her streams, "i feel the need to be the best". it's all that matters to her.
No. 949536
>>949470AtoLive was Yueko’s way of trying to compete with Hololive, especially with Ina. It’s pretty funny that she really tried to pander to Ina for a while but Ina never interacted with her.
>>949504NFTs are just another way for unlikeable scrotes with no personality to try to make themselves feel cool and popular.
No. 949778
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kyuotto, the incubus loli vtuber who traced kayozia's art and blatantly denied it and gaslighted them, both of which kayozia had proof of, made a pixiv a couple months ago and have been posting art that's been traced from kayozia to it.
No. 949779
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No. 949780
File: 1635227126349.png (266.36 KB, 1080x1649, S2Tk-QzC.png)

this one was posted most recently but kayozia has so many of these chibis that i cant find the exact one this one was traced from but you can tell it's a copy of kayozia's work
No. 949796
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Does anyone recognize the source images for these? popped up recently on my feed for drawing popular streamers. A lot of their content is obviously traced or heavily referenced but I can’t find the originals.
No. 949803
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Another example of the huge gap in skill between pieces, both made in the same year. This person claims to be drawing for 7 years btw but does that beginner thing where they hide the hands weirdly to avoid drawing them
No. 949980
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>>949796Definitely partly traced. The boobs and one shoulder line up pretty much perfectly between one of their pieces and a drawing by ex pulse. There’s another piece on their Twitter that I’m pretty sure is also referenced from ex pulse but I’m having trouble finding the original. A bunch of their drawings also look like they were 100% traced over the 3D models in EasyPose.
No. 950024
>>949803There's no difference,
That's some slow improvement otherwise.
No. 950031
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>>950024You think so? I just think it’s weird there are some pieces that are competent but then you have others where it looks like a child drew it. They also drew a comic that I know for sure heavily referenced a 4koma artists
No. 950036
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>>949796Not related to the whole tracing investigation going on. I checked the commission price and a full-body is charged at $150? Is this a normal price for this type of style?
No. 950041
>>950031Artist here. And yeah it's obvious that this person traced for pieces that seem "competent". A lot of focus are on the face that always facing the camera and most coomers dont really care about the rest.
Could be just me, I think this artist may be a minor, some common mistakes and crutches were something I noticed from my students before.
No. 950044
>>950040not really. Just curious because I haven't updated my price for a whole year and I wonder which is average price for this style (regardless of skills / fame, it's not what I'm looking for).
Think of a question like "I've been selling cakes for years but I don't know the current acceptable price."
No. 950069
>>950042>>950048Thank you nonnas. I had to go check my mutuals' pricelist (I wish they had more displayed on public).
I have definitely underpriced myself for doing $100 all year-round while my mutuals are all pushing over $200 for a half body.
I'm not a hobbyist by any chance, just been doing freelance for a long time and have been not in touch with other artists. I've been doing commissions all year round and I'm not low on client pool.
No. 950222
>>950069While I know that's industry pricing, I think that what also needs to be taken into consideration is if you have the audience willing to pay that much for your work. Certain artists, especially ones who developed a good following can get away with charging industry prices but if you're just starting out or you still haven't got that dedicated following who is willing to pay for your art, it can be a big gamble to charge that $100+ unless your work is that enticing.
Personally I put my pricing in the middle where I'm not underselling myself but also not putting myself in the industry price range since I still haven't created that loyal fanbase just yet. Nut that's me, everyone id different.
No. 950237
>>950222Yeah.. that's what I'm worried about too. I know I have a loyal fanbase, despite my follower count remains the same for nearly a decade.
I had asked a few friends about it and their answers are vague too. Not because they're trying to keep to themselves or holding back, I think they're unsure themselves.
I do want to draw less though, so for now I'm thinking of slowly hike up my price and see if people are willing to pay.
No. 950479
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>>950455Brands and Online Personalities have always been up for crypto. Look at @jack, the CEO of twitter.
I don't care much for cryptos, it's just one of many options to get rich people playing with fake numbers, while the poor and the middle class are led by the nose with false promised future. This is why we encourage people to do research rather fall into two other ends of the argument (good vs baaaaad). Brands see pros and cons, therefore it's up to them to decide.
No. 950507
>>950479Honestly at this point what bothers me isn't the concept of NFT or crypto, since crypto has existed for a long time now. What really gets on my nerves are the bitbros and the people who defend NFTs blindly to the point it feels cult-like (e.g. Yueko being discussed above). These people manage to hit such a combo of pretentiousness and delusional that it just feels ridiculous, I'd be less angry at them if they just flat out stated "we're doing it for money" than their long sperging about how "it's the future" and "we need to create our image for the metaphysical digital life" and other tryhard tech-physical gibberish. And just like you said, it's a game for the rich but these people like to throw around the idea that "anyone can become rich with NFT" which is a huge lie that attracts poor/middle class artists only hoping for a chance and they end up actually losing money rather than getting any, not to mention their image in social media going to shit the moment they say something about doing NFTs because the NFT haters are also fucking troglodytes.
sage for long rant. TLDR Crypto/NFTs don't anger me, but bitbros and their fandom does.
No. 950534
>>950507same anon you replied to.
nah, I get your point anon. I'm fortunate enough to never land myself into NFTbros cesspiss online (probably because I don't follow big artists to begin with).
Any mention of NFTs I've seen are just memes of bad NFTs, like a neopet redraw with 500 color variants. Or occasionally a thread like
>>948982I have this one friend who's weirdly obsessed with NFT though, she's a typical pick-me girl and totally brainwashed by 4channers so there's no going back for her. I understand not wanting to be near their cult-like speech.
No. 950808
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>>950352>Hooray for pirating Adobe products!I used to feel bad about this. Guess not anymore. I'm tired of NFT shit so much
>>950479Of course. Crypto is nothing but a pyramid scheme and more akin to gambling than anything. Actually, Crypto might be the worst of both things combined.
No. 950811
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I really don't understand people who say NFTs give money and power to artists "like never before". It feels like dirty money to me.
It doesn't help that people who have crypto probably got it via selling questionable and illegal goods.
No. 951040
>>950847it all feels like a huge scam too, like everyone forgets that if you right-click an image or press on it you can just save it.
"B-b-b-but you don't OWN it though!!!" that explanation doesn't matter either because I still have it and your cracked out definition of ownership doesn't change that. it's also probably retards dick riding rich retards in hopes to become as rich as them even though that's never going to happen.
No. 951050
>>951040They try to justify it as "oh but then you the the ORIGINAL license" as if a digital piece of media's license were as valuable os owning the original version of a major artist's painting. It's one thing to own an original painting from the 1800s or something made by a classic artist, and it's another to own…a png. A png that anyone can save to their computer and do whatever they want with it, including print it and put it on shirts and other merch if they feel daring enough.
Digital media has a value of its own, but comparing it to traditional art's is stupid because it's not the same. You know what these techbros remind me of? Those kids on DeviantArt saying "DONUT STEAL MY OC!1!!" and the bullshit that is closed adoptable species as if that would stop anyone from drawing a character similar theirs. Digital media licenses mean nothing.
No. 951092
>>951064i remember trying to get into nft because a couple of friends of mine convinced me to give it a go. i visited some of the popular sites (such as superrare and opensea), looked into everything carefully.
just the fact that you need to PAY to mint an nft already made me step back from it all. so in order to have a CHANCE at earning money, i need to pay? no better than paying to participate in the town's lotto. then the other thing that threw me off was the art quality in those sites. it was worse than staring at deviantart's front page, there were sometimes three copies of the same nft with marginally different color hues and the shit looked like it was made on ms paint with a mouse. it looked like a fucking joke. the third motive was that after spending some good minutes scrolling and going through some good hundreads of nfts posted in these platforms, i saw almost no pieces with bids on. my friends told me that "it was easy" to get good money with nft, but all i saw were hundreads of artworks with not even a single bid. aka hundreads of nfts that were PAID to be minted that ended up with no returns to the artist. these artists lost money with that garbage.
from point 0 this entire thing felt like a scam to me.
No. 951408
>>951057did they teach you about eth and how the blockchain works at all? i would suggest reading up on that if you’re worried about costs to mint, etc. if you’re genuinely interested in it, now is better than later- the earlier you get in the more connections you make, and the less talented you have to be to prove yourself. good luck
>>951092superrare is an exclusive platform and most artists on there make money between 5-6 figures on each piece, kinda like an exclusive auctionhouse. opensea is more akin to a monetized deviantart. for opensea you only have to pay 2 fees to sell- one to initialize your account, and one to allow your wallet to sell nfts from a specific collection you make (not for each individual nft in that collection). so if all the nfts you listed for sale were in one collection you only pay the initial authorization fee, not for each of them. it’s best to do these things when gas is low (0-50 gwei is low, 100 gwei is high) so it only costs around $20 for these transactions. EVERY transaction on the eth network costs eth, not just listing the nft. it’s like paying for gas for your car or for electricity- you need to pay to use them
also, if you want your nfts to sell you need to make a twitter and go connect with people. follow some nft artists you like, interact with them, join some nft community discords, etc. just be genuine and nice. but nobody’s going to buy your nft if they don’t know who you are. to an outsider it looks like only big artists can succeed but this is because nft people are likely to already know them. you have to get your name out there
No. 951459
>>951408the stuff on superrare looked just as shit as opensea because nft art has no standards for quality since the people who buy it don't do it because of art itself but because of investment and to play-pretend that they're "art collectors".
nft is gambling for the rich and for those that are well established in the market, end of story. if i have to pay money to submit an artwork for the chance of it getting bought then it's instantly scammy territory. nobody here needs more bitbros spawning to shill about it.
No. 951470
>>951460(same anon you replied to)
honestly? i don't think so. if they did sell something then it was a near insignificant amount because otherwise they would've used themselves as examples to further convince me. but they seem to be more into the "vibe" and the community and the aesthetic of nft and crypto. i know one of them hasn't even posted nfts because he hesitates (minting costs are pretty expensive in my country's currency) but rather than actually thinking critically about the situation he pulls up excuses and how he "wants to build an nft networking first". granted that before nft exploded, they were already kind of elon musk fans. we're all design students.
thinking about it now i should've seen it coming.
No. 951505
>>951470>they seem to be more into the "vibe" and the community and the aesthetic of nft and this is giving me the vibe of "if you dont spend money on this useless thing we are not friends anymore" kinda thing going on.
Makes me think about the whole vtuber thing is also people pouring literally thousands of dollar into commissioning models and rigging, not to mention equipment cost.
I guess I'm actually much happier for being loner with savings than burning all my money to keep up with other artist friends.
No. 951598
>>951459i didn't say anything about art quality, just that one is exclusive and the other isn't. if you buy on superrare you can usually guarantee the actual artist is selling their art, especially because it's much more expensive to mint. vs on opensea anybody can start selling and make scam collections, etc, which is why the scammer who tried selling qinni's art as nfts went on there. minting is cheaper on opensea than other platforms because you mint directly on its contract
>>951566if you don't believe in the idea/longevity of crypto there's not really a huge advantage atm other than getting a ton more money per piece, i guess. HOWEVER the ex industry artists i know who do crypto now enjoy it a lot more because they can draw what they want for much higher pay vs drawing what somebody else wants for a lot less money. most of the biggest nft advocates i've seen are from poorer countries such as brazil, thailand, phillippines, etc despite the high costs of minting because the money they can make is so much more. but because minting is high like i said earlier, they tend to sell on opensea where they only have to pay a low fee twice and it's done (vs on other platforms which cost more, on opensea you mint on their contract so it's cheaper). most of the big baller collectors only care about weird normie 3d model stuff but there are a few large collectors out there who genuinely enjoy buying smaller artists' pieces and supporting them to carry out their own vision
>it's only a chanceit's not exactly chance, like i said, you need to be able to market/make friends. if you don't know how to do this on normal art twitter you probably won't be that successful and i wouldn't recommend it. you either have to already be a known popular artist or know how to make people like you- which can be done through memeing popular crypto influencers, or drawing fanart for other nft projects, or joining nft discords and speaking to people. if you don't do any of this then yes it's much more chance reliant
also followers don't always mean shit, i had 10k followers on my old twitter a few years ago and people would only pay $60 for commissions. but it does depend on a case-by-case basis, i have a few popular artist friends (100k~ followers on twitter) who i haven't been suggesting to do nfts because they're developing other projects and it could hurt their branding in the short term, and because their fanbase is largely western. for those people it's probably better to wait imo. it really depends
that being said there has been a huge flood of popular japanese artists getting into nfts lately, but it's easier for them to tune out anti-nft english speakers because it's not like they were supporting them financially in the first place, vs it being harder for westerners who rely on commissions for income cause they could alienate their fanbase
No. 951746
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I follow this art youtuber from Spain who is a professional teacher and all, called Antonio Garcia Villaran. I love his content because he actually talks about art world controversies (not just silly shit like who traced what work on twitter). But recently he was on a podcast shilling for NFTs. He said they were the future and that they empower artists into making their own money. He also said there's no way to fake who made what NFT because people can verify it through the blockchain with a bunch of little numbers, even if it was passed along from person to person. He also said this will last forever unless all computers are somehow destroyed. And that he has multiple wealthy nft art collectors now. Pic related is his art.
I just want to know… how can someone who critizices contemporary art (because some of it isn't real art, just shit to get cash) can be so pro-nfts?
No. 951750
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Is it me or do all the people who are into NFTs are mostly into it for the aesthetics? the lainbro kind of type
>>951673I have the perfect thread for you
>>>/m/119195 No. 951759
>>951746Simple: money
If he's getting tons of cash from NFTs then of course he'll start advertising it as the greatest thing in the world.
No. 951903
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what is the software on the left?
No. 952271
>>952251Debatable. Sadly I know what you've said is correct but I can seem to never able to apply it to myself.
I'm not part of online artist community anymore and don't intend to make new friends through arts. I still have art friends but all we talk about are like, nerdy stuffs, our lives and not much art related topic really.
I realized I'm not cut out for online artist space (at least english speaking one), it's either white liberals or edgelords in which I can't stand either of them. Somehow I managed not to tread on any discourse and stayed in my lane until my art has gotten more popular. That's where it gets scary because… I don't want to lose all the good art connection I'm having right now, but I can't avoid being forced into a certain cliche.
No. 952298
>>952271I've been there anon but realize that they can't actually force you to do or say anything. You can maintain your distance and your boundaries. You don't have to pander to liberals or edgelords, you are an artist not a political figure or pundit. Just post your art and content and engage with the people who are there for that. Social media is sort of a curse for this social pressure especially Twitter. More image based communities like Artstation, Deviantart, Pixiv, and even Instagram and Tumblr to an extent are better. Patreon or a similar platform is best though. Let your art be the focus because that's what actually matters not your cliques and opinions. Perhaps look outside of these cliques you find yourself in for examples of how to do this because I know so many artists who do what I'm saying, artists who just post their art and only talk about their art and inoffensive personal life shit. Mostly older professionals, not terminally online kids.
You said right now you're on a break from online artist communities and that is a good thing. Take time to reevaluate how you want to engage with the online art space and step in when you feel confident enough in yourself to let your art be the focus and not be pressured into cliques.
No. 952328
>>952298Thanks anon, I appreciate this.
I'm the same anon from this
>>947320and I think my problem came from the fact that most of my current audience are Very young, and they are eager to impress older artists like me. Which is why for me it's difficult to avoid them.
I will just continue to take my time and reevaluate things like you said.
No. 952333
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Artist suzuhi21 got commissioned by user caeruIeae to draw a dark skinned oc. CaeruIeae refuses to pay because they're unsatisfied with the way suzuhi colored the character's skin even after multiple attempts to fix it. Both sides made a callout thread with screenshots of their DMs. Suzuhi is getting their ass beaten in the qrts and replies.
CaeruIeae's thread:'s thread: No. 952354
>>952333Jesus Christ the amount of coddling is insane. "I'm so sorry this happened to you".
She didn't even pay.
No. 952389
>"If you can't draw dark skin you shouldn't take commissions!">"A proper artist knows how to paint dark skin! Stop being allergic to darker tones!">"Black asian people exist!">"In a commission the commissioner is BOSS they're in the right for not wanting to pay!"The people in Suzuha's thread are a concentration of ignorant shit. Suzuha seems to be either japanese or chinese and in these countries the population of brown or black people is so fucking small it's almost insignificant so it's perfectly reasonable that they still have no idea how to properly paint dark skin. I'm not saying that they have a free pass for whitewashing because they do not, but their difficulty with handling those skin tones is understandable.
As for the "commissioner is boss" thing, wow congrats for basically implying that if you're commissioning an artist then you essentially see them as a slave and that they can't say or do shit. The client always has priority but the artist also should be given authority in the matter.
No. 952391
>>952333It seems that this Suzuhi person is Chinese and this discourse pretty much sums up how I feel about being native Asian on twitter. God forbid if your English isn't well articulated enough to defend yourself over bullshit like this.
The amount of times when I got "corrected" to paint darker skin tone for a commission, it's always coming from another non-black and I'm lucky enough that my art isn't pastel to go through several adjustments, or even berating comments like that.
Seeing the Suzuhi person getting harassed under replies really riles me off.
No. 952417
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>>952333The artist didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't in the least bit whitewashed in the previous versions, and the final version they made in pic related literally looks good?? Also, if you had a problem with how the artist does dark skin, why commission a second time?
It just sounds like the commissioner couldn't pay and kept making excuses
No. 952424
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>>952333I can see how the original was too pale, even though I still think it’s fine. This edit actually looks the best. It’s the correct tone while staying true to the pastel theme. I wonder why the commissioner didn’t like this one
No. 952439
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>>952424Man, the fact that the character looks like this and expects a $20 commission from an artist that mostly draws pastel and skinny characters. If they wouldn't nitpick on the skin tone it would be definitely be "oh why do you draw my character so thin, are you fatphobic by any chance".
Lesson learned here, never accept commissions where the design itself is this hideous. Or just dont accept OCs.
No. 952446
>Or just dont accept OCs.Me. It cut down on my commission numbers but I've never had to worry about shit like this again. The truth is being commissioned to draw an OC means you'll be constantly under pressure to meet 100% of the OC's owner's expectations which is most of the time not fucking worth it. You'll come across nice designs but most of the time you'll get OCs that are overdesigned to hell or OCs that are fat, black etc. And boy oh boy if you draw that fat or black or whatever OC wrong…you'll be cussed to hell and back.
Just don't draw OCs for commissions. It's not worth it.
No. 952456
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>>952443I know right. They're an artist themselves and charging their art so much higher than the pastel artist. Suzuhi charged a fullbody for $45 when Caeru charged $100 (picrel)
No. 952576
>>952333Stuff like this makes me want to draw characters of color less or at least not post any art that contains
poc. The retaliation from making a single mistake in a color tone is just brutal, these people are ruthless. It's just not worth the stress for me, I'm sorry.
No. 952634
>>952576Same. And I'm posing this as a legitimate question - how do you avoid this? You can't draw dark skin tones with a different undertone color like pink, or else you get called out like that one artist. If you make the skin more pastel, you're racist. If you make it dark/ use black, you're racist. I hate how the stupidity of the skin tone argument has detracted from real racial issues and representation. If you want to be petty, couldn't you argue that this non-asian person is bastardizing traditional japanese clothes by making that abomination of a design, and by making it sexy is buying into the stereotype of sexy geisha? If there's something I've learned from the past couple of years, drawing
poc will light a fire under your ass eventually. Who'd want to draw darker-skinned characters after that?
No. 952647
>>952634Just avoid characters with dark skin, as shitty as this sounds. Because at this point like
>>952576 said if you get the tone even slightly wrong people will instantly accuse you of whitewashing and will call you racist and tear you apart no matter what justification you bring. So why bother? It's sad and it sounds like a shitty thing to do but I don't want to feel anxiety every time I post a new artwork because "if the skin is wrong I'll get cancelled". These people keep asking for more representation but then do shit that only makes artists (particularly east asians) want to not draw people of color ever again out of fear of retaliation.
No. 952653
>>952634I know that feel, even as someone with dark skin, it feels like you’re walking on eggshells because the moment you have too many likes, any mistake will get criticized and will be seen as something racist, me-sand-dryist, anti-someshit, pro-someshit.
Hell, it even goes the other way around, if you don’t have at least (1) one, drawing with a
poc, you’re racist by default, my best friend even told me once that she feels guilty because most of her OC’s are white, like, how is that okay?
Art is supposed to be about whatever the fuck the artist wants to do, but now everyone has to cater to some vendettafags or you will get hashtag canceled, which, while maybe it could be considered meaningless when it comes to getting a job at a workplace with adults and normal people, it’s quite a shitty experience because of how unhinged is everyone during the witch hunt.
I fucking hate how art is completely political even if you don’t want to, I don’t fucking want to draw some retard with random religious shit to suck someone’s invisible dick, I don’t want to draw chicks with dicks nor guys with pussies, I don’t want to draw obese people, neither disabled people, it doesn’t make me happy, everyone should be able to just do whatever they want.
No. 952660
>>952333If this were me I would just use the exact same color from the reference and give it to the commissioner even if it looks like shit with the other colors. These kind of people aren't interested in good quality, they just want hundreds of art of their overdesigned oc and the only thing that matters is that every single useless detail is exactly the fucking same. I wouldn't even sign the shitty art though.
I've been wanting to draw dark skinned characters but I just know that something like this will happen, even if the characters' skin tone changes even in the source material because, surprise surprise, lighting exists and affects things.
No. 952665
>>952653Ahh this reminds me of a few other
poc artists that were canceled for drawing //too// many black people. I believe most of them were women artists as well. Men like Ethan Becker never got shit for his art.
No. 952666
>my best friend even told me once that she feels guilty because most of her OC’s are whiteme!!! i have a group of ocs with some friends and those ocs are loosely based off out irl appearance (like a selfsona?), and mine is pretty pale. the thing is, i'm a latina, but i'm not brown or hispanic-looking. i'm very pale, the opposite of what twitter/tumblr thinks a latino person looks like. and so, that oc of mine (who's from the same country as mine as a result of being a self-oc) is pale and latina just like me.
i've had people inquire me "why is that character latinx AND white?" and even after i explained, they'd guilttrip me into making them darker. which i didn't, it's my oc. nobody called me racist, but i had people making me feel really bad for not having my oc be dark and even show me photos of latino people who weren't even from my country to show me what "a latino looks like". it just made me feel sad that my oc, who's based off me, isn't "dark enough" because of how twitter has a warped perception of race and ethnicity. if the character is pale then they MUST be caucasian, and if the artist doesn't have dark skinned characters then they MUST be racist or whitewashing, right?
No. 952675
>>952666Jesus Christ that’s exactly how my friend feels, like, she’s pale as fuck and she’s Latina like me, and all of her characters are basically pieces of her, so all of them are pale as fuck because that’s how she imagines them.
It’s not fair that you have to feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do, like yeah, you could think of a random 1 dimensional
poc character, but it’s annoying to say the least.
No. 952677
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In other news, popular genshin impact artist, Buruchii is being called out for having a orientalist OC
No. 952687
>>952660>If this were me I would just use the exact same color from the reference and give it to the commissioner even if it looks like shit with the other colors. ^^^ this. Whenever I'm asked to draw dark-skinned characters, I always ask the client to send me the skin tone palette for me to eyepick from. And 80% of the time the palettes themselves are Horrendous to work into a picture. I'm pretty jaded for doing commissions for a long time and pretty much don't give a fuck when the finished product looks like Literally shit as long as I used the exact colors assigned to the commission. Hell, you'd even get a few claps back and a tip when you do exactly what they said, I'm happy to never have to include those in the portfolio and get passive brownie points.
>>952634There's a term for it called "exotification", whereas it's a trend on black women tiktok trying to make themselves *~exotic~* by adopting China/Korea/Japan culture into their aesthetic, going through cosmetic surgery to make themselves look more Asian. This annoys me a Whole lot and I can't find anywhere to complain about it, considering I myself subjected to the skin whitening beauty standards in my country and I'm paler than most east asians (also as result, I ended up looking OLDER than my actual age, lacks of natural melanin does that shit to you!!).
Sorry for rants but whenever I see this ignorant shit brought up I'm just fumed.
No. 952705
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>>952677??? The OC is the same shade as many Dravidian people. It's literally fine
I'm a "pee oh see" and this shit makes me sad and anxious. Good artists are now portraying cute brown and dark skinned characters, and these dumbass American SJWs decide to bitch about everything and make problems where there are none. And then they'll cry that we have no good representation and call the artists racist for not drawing us after they harassed them lol. I feel like they do it out of jealousy at better artists, I notice most of the complainers can't draw for shit
No. 952711
>>952333I feel sorry for Suzuhi, I wouldn't be surprised if they just refused to take commissions of dark skined characters from now on.
What's funny is I went through the art of people who were criticizing Suzuhi and despite them saying "just use color picker!" or "it isn't that hard" is that their art is all flat shaded, against a solid background, etc. they literally don't do any sort of complex let alone quality artwork
No. 952715
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>>952677110 quote retweets, I skimmed over and some of them even told OP to off themselves. The artist totally didn't deserve this At All. I'm glad I never touched upon Genshin Impact or anything related to it, seems like hellscape for any creatives out there.
No. 952734
>>952678that's american swjs for you. they don't care about what the country's population looks like irl, they only care about what they perceive the culture and population to be like. so for them america latina must mean everyone looks like the same old hispanic stereotype.
the thing that these american sjws can't seem to understand is that latino people can look like ANYTHING because of the extensive ethnical mix america latina had. but noooo gotta draw them always brown with buck teeth and curly black hair!!!! representation!!!! i'm chilean and i audibly groan every time i see some white ass american making a "south american" oc and the character looks like Mexican Variant #48495 but it's for the rEPrEsENtAShUN!
>latinxplease just say latino or latin. that term is so bad.
No. 952743
>>952722yeah thats the best strategy, sjws are like a horde. when you see them coming just make a basic apology; "I meant no harm and it was a misunderstanding." lay low for about a week and slowly start posting. Do not engage with anyone that qrts because its basically bait to get them started all over again.
In about 2 months youll basically be invisible to them. Thats the cycle.
No. 952745
>>952728didnt this already happen with a sonic fan art where a jp artist made gijinka of sonic, tails and knuckle. And some woke thot decided to "correct this for you" and recolor knuckle to black.
>because he's black codedalright, treating black people like a monolith, i see
No. 952746
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>>952677Looking through the replies on that thread, these people are literally saying that making a sexy design of an OC from a different culture will actually “hurt” people from that culture. The fuck. So I guess only American/European OCs are allowed to be sexy now. One Twitter artist isn’t going to have that much impact jfc. They’re also saying you’re not allowed to mix cultures in art… Wonder what they think of interracial couples or mixed kids lmao.
This just makes me feel bad for the artists who are just trying to have fun and be creative, but now you have to limit yourself and only draw pre-approved things because everything is political and causes significant real world harm, apparently, even a digital drawing of a fucking genshin impact OC. So Twitter artists say we should draw other races/cultures besides white or light skinned asian people, then get mad when artists start doing that because it doesn’t reach some obscure standard… meaning the only “safe” thing to draw is white or light skinned asian people. They’re causing what they say they hate.
No. 952754
>>952746Not related to the race debate going on. But the whole thing about yelling at artists for "hurting this marginalized people" for just drawing them is just? Counterproductive?
Makes me think about people being loud about BL/yaoi is fetishizing and hurting real MLM…. then the complaint literally coming from transmen that just wants to LARP their own yaoi fantasy with other gay men.
No. 952756
I personally don't give a fuck if an artist sells NFTs to make money, I just don't like how easy it is to steal.
But like
>>948913 says, it feels wrong to sell NFTs on a copywritten character or someone else's OC/design without permission or sharing profits.
No. 952760
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>>952757the only BL I can think that woke twitter can get riled over this Enzou - Mother's Spirits.
Hell, the depiction in the cover already gives me shivers of the reaction it wouldve been received. I don't follow Enzou's twitter anymore but the last time they were active, they seemed to have fun and pretty chill.
No. 952762
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>>952760basically a gay jp version of these novels
No. 952764
File: 1635460781511.png (87.8 KB, 649x630, G9pHWbQN.png)

absolutely annoyed at this cause caeru literally told suzuhi that it looked good and they loved it after the sketch and that she didnt have to go back and change it but now its "bopo hoo they didnt make my character fat enough theyre so terrible". not to mention going to a pastel artist to draw a highly saturated character is just… you go to character designers and ask them to paint you a landscape?
No. 952783
>>952763Can you explain why the OC here
>>952677 is a problem and why it's dire enough for death threats? Whose life does it affect? Why would anyone look to something like an animu OC to be educated on world cultures? Is this for an anthropology textbook?
I'm not white, and I don't see the harm in it. The skin color is fine. I also don't see the problem with mixing cultures because this is 100% fictional, and I don't think all cultures should be completely segregated in the first place. The original artist isn't white either
No. 952804
>>952333The people "fixing" suzuhi's art don't know shit about color theory, the edits look ass.
>>952591>>952634>>952687Always baffled how it has always felt like a double standard that somehow it's OK to use East Asian culture as an aesthetic but anything else is cultural appropriation. Most likely because once the callouts roll out everyone's going to be guilty of it.
No. 952808
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any clip studio users know how I could achieve this effect? I’m not sure if it’s noise or a tone. The artist who made this uses csp (jinx88kc) so I’m pretty sure they used something from csp assets or just already installed. sorry for such an autistic request but I really can’t seem to figue out how they achieved this effect
No. 952809
>>952781Typical white woman shit to tell oppressed people to get over the past when it still affects people nowadays. What a stupid bitch.
>>952783Idgaf about that OC in particular, I just think the circlejerking is annoying.
>>952790You're moving the goalposts and expecting one person to do all that shit lmfao. Ever heard of little wins?
>>952804East countries are doing well, they have soft power and the average person won't mistake Japanese or Korean culture with another. Nobody gives a fuck about sandniggers though, it's not the same situation retard-chan.
(racebait ) No. 952815
>>952811thank you
nonnie but I can’t seem to get that link to load, I tried on my phone and pc
No. 952816
>>952815Same anon as
>>952811Strange, but you can reach it if you google "Clip Studio Paint Assets Halftone"! It should be the first result or so.
No. 952858
>>952809twitter is that way anon->
nobody gives a shit
No. 952898
File: 1635468586160.jpg (44.8 KB, 679x665, 99119911Z.jpg)

>>952858Yeah, I'm aware. Sorry for disrupting your little safe space. Your art is probably shit if you're here on lolcow dot farm lol.
>>952845>N-no, you're the r-racist one!!1!The clock is ticking, white people are quickly being replaced everywhere. You lost the culture war kek. Die mad about it.
No. 952899
>>952809> the average person won't mistake Japanese or Korean culture with anotherYou’re putting too much faith in the average person.
So it’s fine for artists to appropriate east asian cultures in their art but not other cultures? Even if asians didn’t still face discrimination in other countries (
cough COVID
cough) wouldn’t it be depressing that only the most powerful/well-known countries get to be appreciated in the art scene? Which should be the opposite of what Twitter artists who demand “representation” want.
> Ever heard of little wins?Yeah, harassing an insignificant fan artist is such a win. Only once we cancel enough randos on Twitter can we defeat racism. This anon
>>952790 is absolutely right, stirring shit online isn’t going to help real people facing real discrimination.
No. 952937
>>952333First pic skin definitely does look washed out compared to the original. The artist is trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole, and while adjusting the skin doesn't seem to account that the other colors are probably going to need to be fixed and changed as a result as well. The commissioner should've pointed that out, since they're also an artist from what I'm gathering, but this may have been a case where both are ignorant of what's needed.
There are ways of doing darkskin in "pastel" art styles while not making the skintone look washed out and ashy in comparison, but that also involves the artist reaching for colors outside their comfort zone, and for $25, well, you get what you paid for.
No. 953000
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>>952898holy shit please go back to twitter or tiktok or whatever cesspool you came from
No. 953049
>>952824same anon you're replying to.
And yeah, unfortunately when doing commissions there is always a risk roll when it comes to desired result, and you don't have to like it since
money is involved. For me it's better when the client is happy with the finished commission that I find ugly, than wasting my time to go through readjustments.
And you don't have to post it either! Just block that commissioner if they're planning to commission you again lol.
No. 953062
>>952912>soft power>mass media>dunecoonsis this english? do you come after artists with vocabulary like this when knowing that english isn't native to them, and expect them to comprehend all of this At Once?
Learn to educate others, not downright word salad. ESPECIALLY when this topic is so important and impactful to your people right?
Go back to your homeland and donate to get clean water instead of policing weebs online. Exercise instead of preaching aight?
No. 953135
>>952757I thought it was the opposite? They praised the artist for “studying” the culture and introducing a
POC love interest.
Out of curiosity I read it, and it grossly fetishized the
POC. Like big dick, hyper sexual, etc. I couldn’t believe
this was the manga people wanted to champion as representation
No. 953205
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>>952333One of the artists self promoting in the call-out post. No wonder some people are on the commissioner's side, they clearly have no grasp of color theory. Now this is something I would actually consider offensive.
No. 953207
>>953190no, i
must have the last word.
No. 953219
File: 1635482324906.gif (Spoiler Image,496.06 KB, 500x301, H4Waq5A.gif)

>>953205This is trolling… right?
>>953208>whatever is going on in the BGThat person made a horrifying attempt at creating a black Holli Would (Cool World, 90s film), that bg is from the dancing scene.
No. 953223
File: 1635482913066.jpg (25.84 KB, 320x320, 99283828188182838382828882.jpg)

Twitter people think harasshing random artist/people is activism while still consume mainstream media and think mainstream with some poc represtation empowered them.
No. 953227
>>953217I myself like using a bit of religious symbolism/imagery in my art but mostly because I really admire the aesthetic and vibe that comes with it (as well as possible hidden meanings,I'm a sucker for those). Art with religious aesthetic can look cool but if done carelessly it can look cringy or tryhard af.
Talking about christian religion depictions here, btw. I don't know about other religions, since as far as I know some religions actually see artistic depictions of their stuff as sin.
But as always, regardless of the religion if it's badly done or done carelessly it does open way to be seen as potentially offensive. As long as you know what you're doing and you're being sensitive about it, it should be alright.
No. 953230
>>952634I hate to say it but you can’t. People who are entitled and drama-stirring will find something else wrong with the art to start mess over, they get off on putting other people down even though the artist tried to accommodate them.
Some of the artists I follow stopped doing FCFS commissions entirely and have a google form application where they choose a few from that pool. I think at this rate that may be the way to go if it doesn’t impede on your income.
No. 953243
File: 1635484942691.png (1.91 MB, 864x1440, 6614E5EE-4093-4F7B-B47C-006FE9…)

>>953227this comes up to mind when I see awanqi's art on my feed (picrel). maybe it's just me but their art can really gets "in your face" kind of vibe to me so I ended up just blocking them entirely.
No. 953259
>>953247I thought a bit more on it. It must be coming from bias really. I used to see awanqi around 2015 or so, I was friend with some big wallet commissioners and they'd come to complain to me about awanqi not very accommodating in doing commissions, despite they were charging $600 per piece way back then.
Another bias is probably just me being a horror fan. I LOVE seeing biblical depictions similar to the "canon" depiction of the cherubim (million eyes and wings). Awanqi's art comes off inoffensive and boring to me.
No. 953263
>>953245>>953239I understand that even myself feel annoyed when people represent my culture in fetishic and orientalism way. I know it is a issue, but i don't think harasshing is a way because it already a huge damage in the past. If you truly care about your culture, the best way is to take time to study them . Also what I meant culture is not just outfit but the media that embracing value from it.
If you wonder why some artist draw the korea and japanese culture in distinctive way because they take time study it.
Then not again not every artist will have the perfect ammount of time and not into cultural studies.
I pointed out because most of these twitter people that into harassing
random people/artist is that their exposure of another culture rely some much of mainstream media and usually doesn't bother to study/research their own or support small creator that represent their culture well.
Sorry if this sound to wordy, maybe there is an anon explain it well than me. Goodbye
Tldr : If you think some form orientalinism is the same level as the discrimination and inhuman action of asian ,you need to touch grass.You guys are perfomative as best Learn2sage
No. 953370
>>953267>ok ma'am, sorry ma'am. are you from pakistan by any chance?Idk why you think me being from pakistan matter because orientalism affected in every asian culture.
I'm going to add because how stupid drama it is
>Genshin impact is made by Mihoyo which it is a giant/mainstream chinese company.>The artist oc is never ment to be historical accurate because is Genshin which it is fantasy>Genshin impact characters design itself is pretty orientalism in histrocial lense look up at ganyu and ningguang.>The most people who harasshing the artist is into kpop or anime which it is a mainstream entertainment media. No. 953371
File: 1635493143214.jpg (722.93 KB, 1080x1530, 0edfsdg.jpg)

>>953220Yeah, it was this one and I would say that this is actually offensive because the dark skinned love interest started out with having pretty realistic features (hair, skin tone, features) but then it's like the mangaka got bored/changed her mind and turned him into what looks like a tan white person. Picrel is before.
No. 953373
File: 1635493170563.jpeg (124.29 KB, 400x575, Raion_Gotoki_no_Kuni_kara-cove…)

>>953371And this is after.
No. 953440
File: 1635501093634.png (Spoiler Image,615.96 KB, 981x617, ehhhhhhhhh.PNG)

>>953406I mean… normally it doesn't happen like this. There's a whole scene where the other guy keeps examining the other's dick and making comments about his race/home country/tribe?? Maybe there are not bad intention but it's definitely put in a way that doesn't sound very good.
I'll stop sperging about bad bl now.
No. 953447
>>953440Ok yeah, disregard what I said, this
is weird lol.
No. 953457
>>953440>>953371>>953373not sure if this counts as racebait but none of these characters except look "black", they all look like dark skinned north Africans and Indians, even guy here
>>953371 looks closer to some mixed north african groups like Mauritanians and Nubians rather then actual black sub-Saharan black people
No. 953461
File: 1635505846296.jpg (54.23 KB, 300x500, 51tqAfoFw4L.jpg)

>>953217Most Christian imagery that we associate with the bible today isn't even actually in the bible, it's fine.
Though I'm an atheist who grew up Christian and don't respect it any more, so I'm very pro "utilize imagery of a religion that traumatized millions without actually being religious, use the cool aesthetic and fuck the church" but that's definitely a very American lens. Other regions that are heavily influenced by different religions will likely feel very different about their own being used + other religions having their own rules about these things, like the other anon mentioned.
No. 953463
File: 1635506308354.jpg (221.8 KB, 903x1280, viktor vasnetsov.jpg)

>>953217I really like it, I always think religious imagery is cool whenever I come across it. I'm not religious and I wasn't raised super religious so unfortunately I don't incorporate stuff like that into my own art.
No. 953466
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>>953461>>953217Are there any artists who do Christan angels, but in different cultures? I think it'd be interesting, the white robe thing gets boring. I've always wanted to paint a Turkish angel
No. 953467
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>>953217>>953227>>953461Christian imagery has always been diverse and varied, its one of the reasons christianity has spread so rapidly, it can easily mix with local customs and beliefs
I think Christianity is about certain themes then mere imagery
>>953466oh yeah look up chinese and SEA christians, so many cultures have contextualized Jesus, Mary and God(sometimes the Holy Spirt)
picrel is a Christian christen depiction of Jesus as an enlightened and just ruler
No. 953479
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>>953467>Japanese christiansEVERY NIGHT IN MY DREAMI SEE YOU
I FEEL YOU No. 953481
>>953467Christianity with its many saints and aspects of God allows various cultures to interpret the Christian faith their own way and create their own unique brand of Christianity
Your local mother Goddesses can easily be substituted with the Holy Mary, creator God is simply revealed to Yahweh all along so they don't even have to change their previous high god's name and tribal war God, well they either pick the Archangel Michael or saint George for warrior inspiration
I'm not a Christian but the Christian faith is honestly the only religion that can spread to the rest of the world due to its flexible nature, the religion of the arab pedophile(Islam) or Hinduism or too focused on their Golden age that already existed and thus always focus on that culture
you have to pray in either Arabic or Sanskrit and your own language is viewed as a corruptive influence, dress by that standard and change your very names to fit in to the religion
No. 953499
>>953466oh! the headgear looks really cool, this makes me want to look more into turkish traditional clothing.
>>953467yeah, only recently I learned about the different branches of Christianity, and how they're completely separated from Judaism. For now I'm still researching Italian-based Christianity, there are so many cool artworks I managed to find online, I'd rather stare at them than whatever my local church put up on their walls.
>>953481just curious, you have anything against Islam OP?
as for my country, Buddhism is definitely the majority in here while Christianity is in the minority. Here and then we hear about land dispute between the Church and the socialist government, it's all hush hush from the media.
I have a few good friends that are devoted Christian (one of them has picture of Virgin Mary on their lockscreen, no kidding). Sometimes I'm worried that they'd find out about my hobby of drawing hot anime Lucifer (lol, and yeah.)
No. 953511
>>953499I mean, there’s a clear difference between drawing Lucifer for religious purposes and Lucifer for anime fandom purposes.
I’m kind of religious and while I would never draw something like, idk, a picture of how the satanist cult depicts Satan, or a pentagram, I love my demon boys and I appreciate the art that people do of them.
No. 953515
>>953499>just curious, you have anything against Islam OP?Nta but what sane woman wouldn't
>>953483Dirty male
No. 953522
File: 1635510511160.jpeg (417.69 KB, 1125x856, 70E05DC5-7612-4CC1-8F21-AAD33B…)

>>953515same anon from this
>>953499I don't see Islamic in here at all. There are only a few occasions where I'd see Muslim girls in tourist area (and thought they're pretty cute too). I don't understand the misconception/misunderstanding we are having here? picrel is just me googling it.
>>953511Oh, got it. While I don't draw for fandom in general, but rather like.. similar to people making anime ocs of deities and demons? I still keep this hobby very private even in online space too.
No. 953545
>>953522I'm sorry, what are you talking about? Anon was saying how Christianity is more flexible even art-wise than Islam and other religions, you ask her if she's got anything against Islam and I said that every sane woman would. What does that have anything to do with you not seeing islamic?? and finding Muslim girls cute?
Islam is bad and that's a fact, no matter how much twitter zoomers or online articles written by non-muslims tell you otherwise. You can ask any woman stuck in any Islam dominated country and she'll tell you the same. Nothing good can come from a religion worshipping a literal pedophile.
No. 953551
File: 1635511809232.png (Spoiler Image,426.03 KB, 720x1386, Screenshot_20211029-144223~2.p…)

Didn't know that mazamuno used to draw furryporn,,
(forgot to put spoiler for image)
No. 953582
>>953511>>953499even lucifer isn't real, well he is but not in the way people think
most historians believe that the figure is mostly 3 separate figures that were jumbled together to create one central antagonist, the snake in the Garden of Eden who would have been just one minor trickster deity, the angle that challenges God on whether Job would remain loyal to him and Lucifer himself, a figure that rebelled against Yahweh's rule with an army of his followers
these three are different characters that were merged into one figure, a lot of contextualization of Satan as all these figures at once came from Burton's Paradise lost, which portrayed Satan as a tragic romantic hero
No. 953587
>>953373>>953371One thing about this phenomenon, even looking at the most shallow interpretation:
>Character is hot and dark skinned>Let me switch everything about them inclusing skintone, hair texture, and color palleteThis happened a lot with Leon and Raihan (Pokemon) artists from Korea. It made no sense, isn't the darker skin part of the appeal from a fujo's perspective?
No. 953590
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>>953545I mean with fantasy anime characters with series like pokemon the characters are based on a east asian perspective of race, many characters that get headcanoned/labelled as black by westerners are often meant to be dark skinned asians, in the case of Japanese content they are specifically meant to be Okinawans or from the far south like Osaka, while with koreans they are meant to be from the far southern Islands or rural areas
No. 953593
>>953587I think it’s common in manga to whitewash the characters over the time because it takes less effort to finish panels and such.
Isn’t drawing dark skinned characters more expensive because of the cost of printing?
I’ve read that a long time ago though, it’s probably not as impactful as it seems and maybe it’s laziness or it could be even that because of plot reasons, he isn’t as tan as he was when he got there to live with the boy.
No. 953599
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>>953587Tbf, I don't think his hair changed that much. I didn't even realize that the before is supposed to be dreadlocs (I assume) before I saw that they're flat at the bottom. I think the way the hair that's pulled back is drawn makes it look like it's straight. All the other changes suck though.
>>953457The character is supposed to be Maasai, which means he would be Kenyan/Tanzanian, picrel.
No. 953608
>>953599The hair in your pic does come across as an attempt at dreadlocks (seems pretty convincing to me, even if not completely accurate maybe?), while in
>>953373 it looks like straight black hair pulled back. It changes so much during panels too though, like
>>953440 and
>>953599 are both on the first chapters. I feel like the mangaka can't draw dreadlocks right/ doesn't enjoy it that much and just gave up completely in later chapters.
No. 953731
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>>953217As a former christian I love it when people use christian aesthetics for their own purposes lmao. I genuinely think it looks cool and there’s a lot you can do with the themes, you can really get some emotional depth from it and touch on things such as guilt, ideas of purity and comfort, life and death, authority, “sin,” etc…
Picrel is by Thomas Blackshear. I like when people make their own interpretations of religious figures. In the type of Christianity I was raised in, I was taught that drawing god/angels/whatever was disrespectful and idolatry, but historically most christians have been fine with it and consider it an act of worship, or a way to make these figures feel more real and personal to them. The difference between Christian aesthetics used by Christians and non-Christians has always been interesting to me.
No. 953740
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>>933479casually ends your monarchy, nothing personal papist
No. 953741
File: 1635527366842.jpg (462.04 KB, 1411x1038, 1617038899707.jpg)

>>953740This is an actual letter that Cromwell wrote to a Catholic Irish priest.
No. 954162
>>954122Anons here are definitely being racebait-y but as I've seen some people point out, the way this person coloured still made the skin more saturated than the rest of the drawing.
Also, imo, I don't think the "twitter basement dwellers are mean, so I literally can't draw black people ever" spergs are actually the majority of people that don't have many drawings of black people (some people it just doesn't really occur to them), wich is why the way people like suzuhi get absolutely lambasted feels so unwarranted and violently petty.
No. 954197
File: 1635561406106.jpg (285.75 KB, 724x1024, boranatribegirl.jpg)

>>954122>I have a couple of black characters and people don't say shit about them cause I studied and followed tutorials>studied and followed tutorials>on drawing black peopleIs looking at photos of actual black people too
triggering or something, anon?
No. 954241
>>953731I love your picrel, I will look more into Thomas Blackshear too, thank you!
>you can really get some emotional depth from it and touch on things such as guilt, ideas of purity and comfort, life and death, authority, “sin,” etc…this makes sense to me now. when I'm doing vent art, I often want to draw a character reflecting my exact emotions (since I have trouble letting it out myself). The depictions would a person collapse on a floor crying, or committing heinous crime, etc. When I put a halo or wings on them, somehow I feel "forgiven" at that moment. It's really calming to me.
No. 954272
>>954265oof same here. It's not even on twitter but tumblr also. I'd have this one reblogged my art post and tagging like
"ugjgj the art makes me want to cum",when I browse their blog it's all grossly transmen porn.
my solution is giving myself a tequila shot and straight up blocking them. It's harder on twitter since more people congregated on it now.
No. 954274
>>954272Weirdos plaguing twitter is detrimental for sfw artists who are just trying to grow an audience and get possible commissioners.
They'd hit that follow button and rt art but when it's time we open commissions for sfw drawings, they're silent. Hitting a certain milestone on twitter doesn't mean shit anymore, all these cooms are just here for free content.
No. 954286
>>954272same anon here.
Also I'd Heavily Suggest to block those who has those matching profiles and replying to you and other artists constantly. Obvious grifter behavior.
I had one even went into my DM oversharing their mental disorder and gender dysphoria history, like, they are so delusional with their parasocial relationship with artists it's Insane.
I wish I had a hard proof solution to all this, since I really miss casual chatting with friends on twitter. We'd throw dirty jokes here and there, but then horny randos would be like "oh this person can 100% fine with me talking the same way to them".
Boundaries? that shit doesnt matter online anymore.
I'd rather getting retweeted/boosted by an esteem, professional artist than having big coomer artist having their followers flooding into my account. Nightmare. Really.
No. 954323
>>954314got something against SEA
No. 954330
>>954326that's only Philippines and Thailand, most SEA are conservative Muslims so they don't let white men abuse them like that, however they do worship Arab men to an even worse extent and I do mean worship
most literally believe that Arabic is the most perfect language in existence and the Arabs are God's chosen race for muslims to model themselves on
No. 954331
>>954325idk where all this ignorant misconceptions coming from. We adapt japanese media as much as chinese and korea. For decades I communicate with my Thai friends in japapnese just fine. And what's wrong with using the language when America and eurocentric countries already making English their global language.
we're weebs. So What? Drawing anime shits is already weebs anyways. This is completely different from people LARPing as japanese like the lulubuu thing happened before.
>>954326??? what does this mean
No. 954607
>>954331I think you are taking my original comment the wrong way. I didn't say all SEA, I specifically said "SEA weebs". Because of proximity (both culturally through soft power exchange and literally with access to Japanese media) SEA weebs can be the worst bc they use these as reasons to believe that they can actually become Japanese.
tl;dr: I'm not saying a whole geographic region acts this way, specifically weebs,
nonny No. 955013
>>954122In response to that link, I fear this exact scenario.
Despite the person seeing the examples/what they’re paying for/are seeing that the artist is willing to help change the artwork for their pleasure, they’ll jump at the chance to criticize the literal artstyle/artist themselves and not pay for a commission.
No. 955055
File: 1635649390607.jpg (181.29 KB, 1667x1667, WHATingodsnameisthis.jpg)

>>955054same anon but for fuck's sake why do they think doing this is cute??? does colour theory not exist? what is this quality?
No. 955056
>>955055This shit is so blurry i thought my eyes were fucked up for a moment.
The interesting part is that a lot of these people who draw x character but black don't even bother to alter their color scheme slightly to harmonize with the skin color change like on that pic. People hate to think about it, but not all colors fit with all skin tones. Dress up a white or slightly tan character in sand-colored outfits and they'll look like the distant cousin of a potato. If you're going to racebend a character, then at least bother to alter the color scheme slightly so it'll harmonize better.
No. 955063
>>955055Ngl, when even black artists do this, I feel like they are making fun of themselves. I understand
POC can get pretty dark, but the saturation doesn't match anyone's actual skin tone. People who are ignorant of color theories and stories, should not be doing art and critiquing people at the same time when their art level is in the realm Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic art and even that shit has people who know how colors work together. Nothing in these bright brown-oranges looks good. Absoltely nothing and it doesn't translate as black skin either.
No. 955120
>>955095Definitely because in their small, Americanized brains there's only black or white and every other
POC is deemed irrelevant compared to their suffering
No. 955142
>>955063>>955056This is exactly.
Side tangent, but some of these ppl look at a colour pallet with a black person with a slight purple/blue/lighter reddish-grey tone and claim that the artist is colour/white washing, and “””fix”” the art with the most ugliest hues is the reason why I have a hard time posting art of
poc characters. It hasn’t happened for me yet, but I’m waiting for that one comment/call out post.
No one says anything about the light blue/grey white person, but as soon as it’s a person of colour, they’re automatically an African American and “you don’t know how to colour black people”
No. 955148
>they’re automatically an African American and “you don’t know how to colour black people”This. These people act like they're the Masters of Coloring Black People Correctly but actually all they know is how to color african american black people. Just like whites and browns, black skin comes in a variety of tones too, but these different tones of black skin are almost never found in the US because they tend to be from Africa and Asia. Even the oh-so-hated "ashy" black skin tone is actually real and can be found IRL, just not in the USA.
90% of the time these people who try to talk about coloring black skin like know-it-alls only know how to color african american black people.
No. 955239
>>955063>>955148pretty much. american black people come in different tones too, it’s just the know-it-alls seem to always pick the same 2-3 darker skin tones at high saturation to “correct” to. they’re looking for a stereotype in any/all vaguely tanned or darker characters so if the art doesn’t fit that stereotype it makes them mad.
someone even accused me of not being black because one of my black characters, who is the same color as me, wasn't dark enough to them so there’s no winning even if you are black lmao
No. 955512
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No. 955721
>>955055>Those lips>Implying that dreadlocks are hardcoded into a raceFar from it for me to say this, but wouldn't those be a more offensive thing to do than picking a color that's 5 decibels too high such that
>>954122 feels the need to backseat?
No. 956210
File: 1635750997091.jpg (107.94 KB, 821x1053, Hunters-Watch-by-Thomas-Blacks…)

>>953731Thomas Blackshear is a sick artist, he did these awesome paintings of various Indians. This one's probably my favorite. I got some tutorial videos of his from CGPeers just to see his techniques. He does these really detailed base drawings and then transfers them to a huge canvas, and then builds up layers in acrylic. Makes me optimistic that I could try the same technique, too.
No. 956301
>>956249This, I refuse to put my pronouns up because it's enabling a retarded tranny pandering practice. I don't put my gender or sexual orientation up either for that matter.
>>956293If anyone gives you shit for not putting up your pronouns just tell them it's none of their business. As far as they are concerned you could be a ~questioning enbie prince
triggered by the gender discourse~ or whatever.
No. 956318
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>>956210thanks for sharing!! I like this one
the butterflies remind me of Caesar Zeppeli's bubbles a little bit heh No. 956321
File: 1635770293881.jpeg (42.66 KB, 563x600, B19E4B4D-BC06-4F65-8B05-E35F8B…)

>>956319stop sperging, it's literally day one of the federal holiday called American Indian heritage month. a lot tribal members identify as American Indian, a lot of people don't care about labels as long as we get respect
No. 956344
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>>956210>>953731Love the guy. Talented as hell.
No. 956435
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I don't get these wierdos, this is an artist who Vegeta with a clearly female build and face and any time someone comments on how weird it is she claims that person is a "triggered insecure dude bro"
No. 956441
File: 1635780829656.jpg (27.59 KB, 500x425, tumblr_m1hfee3Fg81qjm55w.jpg)

>>956435I hate how those twitterfags bastardized words like "
trigger" and etc. It used to mean something powerful but now it's just ahaha fun meme word to tease the nasty cishets haha
also that drawing looks like this shit
No. 956488
>>956301I also refuse to use the she/her bullshit because I don't wanna be associated with the tumblr crowd, so I use "female artist" instead, but now I'm wondering if that sounds worse lol
Is it better to straight up not disclose your gender?
No. 956506
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No. 956793
>>956780"Ape Yacht Club"…
wait, are these like…closed species from DeviantArt but for techbros instead?
No. 956861
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What do artanons think about iamlunasol? She's has heavy cow traits and in the last few months she made a bunch of hot takes on tiktok about her fetish for lolis and keeps getting mass reported.
No. 956878
>>956861Context? What is she talking about? What are the tiktoks?
She sounds like a delusional pickme
No. 956951
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>>956861Oh I know nothing about this person, however people making fun of her kept coming up on my TikTok fyp, I thought she was a troon and blocked her but holy shit she seems to be a biowoman, just rough looking(pic is of her face i just found it)
No. 956961
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>>956936She's sadly a biowoman. I remember her from earlier this year because she made a tiktok that went viral where she talked about wanting to sell porn to "minor antis" at cons to see their reactions. She also created a Genshin Impact charm of Diluc (I think?) and Kaeya that says "Brotherfuckers" that also got her backlash. There's also rumors going around that she and her husband doxed teenagers over shipping drama. (picrel is her)
No. 957126
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high guardian spice's amazing quality and anatomy everyone
No. 957226
>>955878I hate that so many black artists online are this mentally ill since i spent the majority of my life feeling like i barely knew any black artists growing up. I really don’t bother to address being black for the same reason, besides the fact that i just don’t want anyone knowing anything about me online. just don’t want to associate with these psychos.
i feel like the worst thing about this shit is that nobody can point out this behavior without coming off as racist or a “coon” or whatever because nobody wants to accept that the shit they pull is fucking insane. it fucking sucks.
No. 957357
>>957226Identifying your race or nationality on Twitter is just not fucking worth it because 1. people will associate you with the bad apples of the group on the spot and 2. you'll attract those bad apples to yourself.
I'm brazilian and the LAST thing I want on twitter is for others to know that I'm brazilian, because if I confirm anything then people will think I'm one of those stupid annoying ass "HUEHUEHUE BRBR" brazilians with broken english and it'll attract those guys to me as well (the brazilian part of twitter's art community is annoying as fuck). I reveal nothing about my identity because there's enough shit in my life IRL for me to stress over and twitter's not going to be one of them.
No. 957359
>>957240i’m the type to stray away from popular tags or anything like that because it’s always the same ugly tumblr-looking ass bullshit and i prefer to be a pretentious cunt with pretentious taste. but i’m glad to know the black artists i do personally know and find online that don’t involve themselves in constant bullshit. i just don’t understand how anyone of these people think that seething 24/7 will make people want to engage with you, let alone look at your art.
>>957269i generally haven’t since i was a kid because of this reason to be honest. it’s just safer not to mention it at all.
No. 957385
>>956861>>956878I followed the iamlunasol Kaeluc drama in real time on Tiktok so here’s the drama:
>She was semi-popular on Tiktok already but really blew up from creating drama.>Has accused other creators of stealing her ideas (only one of which was justified because that artist’s merch looked almost like a 1:1 ripoff of her’s)>Started picking fights with Tiktok teenagers and that’s her whole platform now>Thrives off of “owning the haters” (i.e. kids lol)>Calls kids sensitive crybabies but never shuts up about how much of a “victim of cancel culture” she is>Ever since she got cancelled for shipping Kaeluc, she’s been pumping out merch she thinks will (in her own words) “trigger” teenagers>As another anon mentioned, she joked about wanting to openly display porn (specifically Kaeluc) at cons, once again, to trigger the kids>She and her husband posted kids’ full legal names over the Kaeluc drama >Did I mention this woman is around 30?Tl;dr: She’s just a sad, sad grown woman whose entire internet presence hinges on internet drama with people half her age.
No. 957473
>>957126it's depressing to think about how much time and money got snuck into this shit, while animators overseas were probably overworked on a tight deadline. the weeb debate about whether this is "real anime" is irrelevant, it's such a poorly done animation at its core. i hate that the US animation industry never wants to take chances on new stories (hollywood in general is like this) We get a new idea like Adventure Time and Steven Universe, but then the next decade is filled with copycats of it because no one wants to take a chance on different ideas.
ATLA is the crowning gem of modern western cartoon series, the closest thing we got to an anime equivalent
No. 957666
>>956316He sells video lessons on gumroad. have volume 6, it's good for learning about his working process. He's very methodical.
No. 957699
File: 1635894793969.png (3.63 MB, 1536x2048,…)

These blatant traces are sending me.. original is unxxi, copy is uhm_saga. They're not even trying to hide it really
No. 957716
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It's funny because it's already an art style that was adapted from @imlllsn (not saying unxxi is a copycat but just that it's clearly inspired). It's especially weird to me because uhm_saga can clearly construct and render pretty well, because tracing only gets you so far, so what's the point? Why not express an individual vision? Or why not at least swap out the taobao menhara outfits for any other aesthetic?
No. 957729
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>>957643>>957662Anon who talked about the doxxing minors rumor. It happened back on September 26/27th. Apparently there was a discord server dedicated to making fun of her/taking her social media accounts down and she had a meltdown on twitter over it. Threatened to sue the parents of everyone in the server and that if any of her accounts got temporarily banned then she'd start a lawsuit. Her instagram account was then taken down, which caused her to freak out even further… until it was reinstated on October 1st. There's been nothing else about the lawsuit since.
I don't know what the other anon's talking about by her posting teenagers real full names on tiktok though.
No. 957780
>>957690Imagine being this mad because randos on an online Mongolian basketweaving forum think it’s pathetic that a 30 year old publicly chimped out over an anime ship.
>>957662>>957729Not tl;dr anon but she posted screencaps of some of the Discord/Twitter people’s Facebook pages, some of which had their real names and pictures. It got deleted by clock app pretty quickly for harassment.
No. 957946
>>957690>21 year old minor All of it is gold but this sent me
ilu anon
No. 958058
>>957780No, she chimped out over being harassed and called a pedophile by a bunch of short-sighted zoomers who throw that accusation around to the point now nobody takes it seriously. Whenever someone is called a pedo these days everyone instantly interprets it as "a 25+ year old woman who drew ship art of some terminally online teenager's NOTP". I get that half of this thread is edgy underage twitterfags who will gulp down any droplet of milk and make it into a huge deal just because they are desperate for the feeling of superiority but how I wish they went after scrotoids tracing child porn and sending dick pics to 14-year olds instead of this age old "she posted NSFW on tik tok so she's a child rapist" routine. But oh man, I forgot moids aren't socialized to be reactive and empathetic so there's no good will to be abused.
>>957729Last time some retarded ~minor~ accused an artist of doxxing her the truth was that the kid had publicly shared her own legal name and selfies on her instagram, so after harassing the artist over muh
problematic content and pirating her work the artist posted the kid's instagram account showing her face and name, calling her out as a thief and a bully. It was well deserved but of course the little bitch tried to turn it around like it was the artist who used CIA hacking skills to dig up her top secret name and face over no issue at all.
tl;dr: kids don't belong on the internet and everyone under 20 should be monitored by their parents whenever they use social media
No. 958073
>>958066I wish this became the standard on social media. I really don't want anyone under 25 interacting with me since all of them are spoiled autists clinging to their extended "minor" status for dear life to avoid any responsibility for their own online experience, but also get assmad if someone doesn't want to interact with them. I've had friends get cancelled over blocking minors because it's ~ageist~ I guess, but then again allowing them to follow you immediately brands you as a groomer.
Love watching them hit that fabled 25 mark though, they have a meltdown over becoming a boring stupid adult next in line for their own cancellation. You reap what you sow.
No. 958097
>>958067I don't even draw porn you idiot
I just wish all minors would shut the fuck up online
No. 958108
>>9580671.It doesn't take much for minors to overreact about an art piece.
2.Serious art is not for minors anyways. It's for adults with money.
It's not even about porn or nudity. Or fandoms. Or shitty twitter commisioners drawing some bakugo x deku shit. That's the lowest common denominator and the loudest of the crowd.
This thread and all the subjects talked about here are very far removed from what the real art and illustration world is out there. You think you know but you don't.
No. 958134
File: 1635933950892.png (357.73 KB, 400x811, imagen_2021-11-03_040409.png)

>>958114I'm just waiting for the day some stupid little shit looks at an art piece not meant for them and then react like "omg creepy??? I'm minor??? why would you post this??? ummmm I'm minor??? cater to me??"
I doubt these people would be able to step into an art gallery without crying or having a panic attack. Society really did wrong when they started to cater everything to children, resulting in manchildren and immature young adults
No. 958138
>>958132NTA but when I was a retarded kid online adults told me to shut the fuck up when I was acting like an idiot and drove me out of their adult-only spaces, now you get cancelled for doing the same and the kids never grow up into sensible beings.
>>958134>Society really did wrong when they started to cater everything to children, resulting in manchildren and immature young adultsThis. The "21 year old minor" isn't just an overused meme, they're actually trying to raise the arbitrary age limit of adulthood to avoid ever growing up and taking responsibility.
No. 958142
>>958132When I was a child, my dad told me to never give out any information about myself on the internet. He also told me to not do stupid retarded shit. Why should we let these kids roam free without supervision? They literally tell their whole biography on twitter now. Their minds are fragile and can get beaten up very easily. The dangers of being an online kid are starting to show. The adult world should be kept away from children.
Like, this is such a common sense concept, keep adult shit out of the way from children.
No. 958179
>>958142The moment the internet started to brew that culture of "everyone is
valid" things started to crap themselves and those terminally online ended up with the thinnest skin known to man. That coupled with young nowadays parents being fucking stupid and allowing the internet to fully raise their children ended up with the stream of shit we have now.
No. 958187
>>958179Allow me to sperge here, but,
Social media effectively opened the floodgates and now there isn't anywhere kids can't be that adults are. There's no barrier, there's no filter like there used to be, albeit thin as it was, kids were not actively wedging themselves into spaces they didn't belong and demand that adults stop what they were doing to cater to them. They still lurked but weren't setting off alarms letting everyone know they were there to invade spaces they weren't supposed to be in. And if they were, they were generally chased off.
I don't come to the internet to babysit. Nobody asked to be saddled with monitoring themselves for the sake of some snot-nosed self important brat they don't know, but here we fucking are, gearing social media for their presence, and it can't be undone.
No. 958200
>>958195the only way i can see see this garbage being undone is for older internet users to start using internet like in the early 00's, aka prioritize forums instead of social media. let the kids destroy themselves on twitter and create age restricted forums, idk. social media is a much bigger magnet for children than forums because all they want is attention and validation and social media gives them all of that.
but that plan is very unlikely to happen since 99% of everything in the world right now is tied to social media and most forums seem to be abandoned. all i know is that i'd kill a man to get old deviantart back.
No. 958212
>>958187>I don't come to the internet to babysit. Nobody asked to be saddled with monitoring themselves for the sake of some snot-nosed self important brat they don't know Based and truthpilled
nonnie. I hate that especially women in fandom and art spaces are expected to be mommies to all kids running around and "setting a good example" just because their own parents can't be assed to raise them right and teach them how to curate their own experiences. Fuck that, I want to spend time with other adults who are developed enough to understand that fiction doesn't equal real life and can be harnessed to portray things that wouldn't transfer to reality, and that what you prefer in a completely controlled, imaginary environment isn't necessarily a mirror of your own morality, nor do I want to explain for the millionth time that me liking something isn't a personal attack against someone who doesn't.
>>958200Personally I also wish adults stopped treating kids like "little adults". Someone who's 15 doesn't view the world like an adult would so having a mature conversation is absolutely impossible. I hate how mentally stunted
or potential groomer "fandom parents" try to push this narrative that kids deserve the same treatment as adults because "they know so many great teenagers who are really mature for their age" because it's all horse shit. It's not even physiologically possible for teenagers to control their emotions and long-term awareness on an adult level due to their underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. Kids should just be restricted from adult spaces, end of. It's for their own benefit.
No. 958230
>>957473I understand that the standards are different, but I really wish that we'd get more cartoon that have a higher standard(?) when it comes to art. Western animation is focused on making the art style and characters simple so it won't be a pain to draw them over and over, but it can look so fucking boring and ugly.
And I don't think it'll change anytime soon because the last show with god-tier animation was Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and it was treated like it was lower than shit by fans who wanted something serious despite it being a show about talking turtles kung-fu flipping through New York and Nickelodeon itself. But the fucking Loud House can have a spin-off.
No. 958266
>Not saying that anime is intelectually superiortbh at this point it kind of is, compared to most modern popular western animations at least. in one hand you have anime that talk about all kinds of topics, from the most childish brainless thing to entire animes dedicated to serious and/or philosophical themes with animation and art style that matches the overall thing. demon slayer, NGE, wonder egg and many others. they're not perfect content but they're at least executed in a way i can take seriously.
and then in popular western animation you have what? steven universe, adventure time and gravity falls are passable but out of these three two look like children's content and steven universe's approach to serious themes is shallow but fine at best and immature and wonky at worst, and those are all completed shows and therefore "older". and then when i gosee what's the next hot thing for western animation, guess what? another cartoon that looks like some calarts shit for children.
i wish the west started making shows like the original teen titans again, with deeper stories and a serious look.
No. 958286
>>958246> Shit like this just makes me wonder if westerns all have the same childish tastesI don’t think that’s exactly it, because then manga wouldn’t be dominating the comic industry. I just think it’s because companies aren’t listening to the audience, they hear that the audience wants an adult cartoon show, so then green lit a show with raunchy humor that says fuck all the time. Or you get the next “kids cartoon” that is very apparent that the show runner doesn’t want their work to be a ‘kids’ cartoon but something “deep”.
Like, ok, don’t get me wrong, Big companies can hire fuck all to make kids cartoons be superficially deep all they want, but I’m just tired of animation being controlled by these few major corps that decide what’s ‘acceptable’ animation while not listening to it’s audience because “it could be a bad business decision”
No. 958395
File: 1635955904625.png (131.98 KB, 290x685, unnamed.png)

Didn't know where else to post this but this if from an official Archie webtoon series
I can't look at this image without laughing my ass off
No. 958415
>>958230It’s honestly a mix of companies seeing cartoons as a means of only for catering to children for merchandising as well as america just generally not seeing animation as a serious medium or care for the arts in general.
japan, france, and other countries have a clear appreciation to an extent for the arts and film and provide venues for them to thrive, but it’s just not the same here and i feel like that’s the biggest hurdle for why so much american animation is faux-deep shit for kids and we don’t have any more “adult” animation that’s not raunchy comedy bullshit. it’s gonna take a real big cultural shift to change that perception.
No. 958434
>>958246Anime kind of is… and it also has far more variety.
>>958256Not huge fans of clownfish but in one of their videos they said it best. Cartoons are made for the same young adults in portland. The audience isn't that childish, but for some reason showrunners (and people that greenlight shows) are continuously trying to appeal to people that don't like comics/the original comics to begin with and are constantly dropping takes about how x character is actually racist, homophobic, ableist, or whatever the buzzword of the week is.
If you didn't like "I am not Starfire" it couldn't have been because of the dumpster fire art style, the fact that Mandy is insufferable and a brat for no reason other than her mother is Starfire, the fact that Mandy and Clair have literally no chemistry and managed to be even staler than Edward and Bella, or any of the other numerous issues presented… it's just because you hate fat people, you're racist, or you are homophobic.
The same goes for High Guardian Spice. Shows like it appeal to only a select few of people who are a vocal minority because something is either for kids or it is family guy levels of raunchy humor. HGS is a show that is "intended" for adults yet the dialog is as contrived as can be and has to have something like being transgender explained out to them like they're three.
>>958415Even though they are not the greatest, I hope shows like Helluva Boss help start the cultural shift. The art style at least isn't either a steven universe/gumball/adventure time rip-off, it isn't entirely depending on just edgy humor and the character's being edgy just for the sake of being edgy, and for the most part, adults actually enjoy it.
I have no idea how it ended up with a fandom full of fucking children other than them thinking because it is a cartoon it must be for them and a show that has clear warnings about viewer discretion and mature content warnings are just for decoration.
No. 958439
>>958415I think Voltron was the closest the west got to a "serious" "anime-inspired" show, but a huge chunk of its team was korean. I've yet to see a majorly or fully western-team show that's actually good and not childish cartoon that "secretly has DEEP THEMES GUYS!!!".
High Guardian Spice was the epitome of how the west sees animation and anime. The writing was abysmal, the animation was worse than most modern cartoons, the designs sucked, the "deep themes" were puddle-deep and the times the show tried to "look like anime" such as in the ending looked fucking cringy. RWBY, a series with a crappy writing in general, does a WAAAAY WAY better job at literally everything HGS tried to do. I remember seeing some tumblrtards on twitter fawning over how in one scene a character states tht they take potions to change their gender and so they're trans, but I watched the scene and it felt like the cartoon was handling the theme as if explaining what trans is to a fucking 8 year old child. I've watched anime that handled trans themes better and we all know how anime tends to be transphobic sometimes bc the japanese don't give a shit.
Imagine being beaten in your own game of woke by people who don't give two shits about it, lol.
No. 958451
>>958434i really don’t feel like helluva boss is going to do much considering it’s fanbase…it’s audience is still majority children for whatever reason and i feel like it’s still lowbrow enough to be on par with shows like rick and morty. when i say cultural shift i mean more americans seeing the merit of animation the same way they view traditional film, but even then americans only care about marvel shit so it feels a bit hopeless.
the only thing about helluva boss and hazbin hotel that i can see as a positive is it being picked up by A24. I can only hope that because if this they’ll distribute or provide funding for more animation that’s not aimed at children or emotionally stunted adults.
No. 958472
Side track, but what are some “adult” animation that you guys like?
Me personally, I actually like Castelvania, the plot is a little slow, but what I want to see most out of the series is some nice flowy animation. Idk why but to me, like many other western animation, it suffers from “stiffness” and I think that’s what throws the style off for me
No. 958489
>>958470i mean who else is there it’s not like there’s much of a choice.
>>958472i like venture bros a lot. it’s a shame it got shafted after so many years but i found the writing to be really fun especially in the later seasons.
on the topic of castlevania though, speaking from personal experiences the designs make it hard to really do anything substantial and most of the scenes that aren’t action scenes are done in korea, and they don’t get much direction compared to if they were in house from what i’m assuming. it sucks since they’ve got some serious talent on their shows but it doesn’t shine as much since it’s so damn stiff.
No. 958538
>>958526you do know that rebecca sugar used to be a drawfag on /co/ right
plenty of show runners used to go on image boards to hear shitty opinions and mentally self harm themselves but people that work on shows love to fucking gossip
No. 958637
>>958200I feel like overall this can be undone via some kind of agreement between everyone on the internet: kids don't come near adult websites (example, twitter) and adults don't come near kids websites ( Then we deplatform all kids out of the internet suddenly and radically. They can cry all they want but they aren't coming back. Child content on youtube is banned forever too, so no stupid parent with no desire to raise their children besides giving them a smartphone or tablet will be forced to interact with them on a daily basis.
The mixing between all ages on the internet is driving our society insane.
No. 958641
>>958637I think it's easier to literally just make entirely new social media at this point. Instagram and Twitter are crawling with kids, it would be nearly impossible to deplatform them.
Youtube is a different case,I think. Youtube prioritizes content for kids because it gives the site a fuckton of views and money. YT is pretty rotten now. Vimeo on the other hand seems okay.
No. 958647
>>958212>I want to spend time with other adults who are developed enough to understandSame. Unfortunately, some "minor" will always insert themselves into the talk. I miss adults bullied out kids out of their online enviorments.
>fiction doesn't equal real life and can be harnessed to portray things that wouldn't transfer to reality, and that what you prefer in a completely controlled, imaginary environment isn't necessarily a mirror of your own moralityThis used to be common sense even when I was a dumb teen. This new generation of children who expect the world to be catered to them (MEMEME PAY ATTENTION TO ME WHAT ABOUT MEEEE THIS OFFENDS ME TAKE IT DOWN!) were never told a "no" and were made to think they are unique and the center of the universe. I'm so damn tired.
And the saddest thing is, I doubt most of them will get out of this mentality by the time they're 25. The whole fiction = real life is too ingrained in their minds.
No. 958649
>>958439> but a huge chunk of its team was Koreanhuge chunk of most big animation was Korean
yes especially Japanese animation
No. 958653
>>958230>despite it being a show about talking turtles kung-fu flipping through New York Kekk, never cater to manchilds I guess
>>958236Deviantart is too dumb to do all these things though. Every change they've made to their platform has made the website worse for some reason (until everyone just takes it as it is).
Deviantart is a good platform but it isn't curated. The reason why so many people jumped to tumblr was because you could have a curated enviorment. I wish there was some kind of quality standar and age limit overall. Amateurs can coexist between adults as long as they are over 18. Children who upload drawings online just do it because they want attention, really.
>Give us an art only site!Wasn't there one in the making? I forgot. But anyways why don't you use talenthouse? I actually recommend talenthouse to all the nonnies here. Pretty chill website and professional looking
>>958256oh god not that bullshit again
No. 958660
>>958652NTA, but rather than putting the onus on people to automatically know whenever there's a minor looking at their account (even after they put up the content warning/18+ setting that's supposed to block them), maybe minors should be sent to juvy and their parents slapped with child neglect/abuse charges if they're caught lurking shit they shouldn't.
I think artists are just tired of having someone respond to their drawn porn with essays on why it's
problematic, and then they hover over the person's username and it's "15, zey/zem, ACAB, BLM, white, aroace" like lmfao
Also Lolcow is 18+, please go back to Gaia Online No. 958671
>>958657Talenthouse has been up for a while I think. It's pretty quiet but I personally like it.
https://www.talenthouse.comThey allow all kinds of art, it's like a deviantart but more professional. Don't get discouraged to join because I've seen people of all skills there. Also it not only allows art, but also photography and more. It's cool
No. 958687
>>958666True kek.
This barely visible line between minors entering “adult” spaces is so annoying. Especially when they think it’s an attack on them for being “too immature to handle such a grown up topic”- like, maybe that used to be the point, but nowadays it’s to protect adults from even involving themselves from kids. So they don’t, idk, discuss porn with a minor?
>>958662Honestly, some anons here forgot how many youtubers make content base on these threads. Just because you have a “higher setting” in life doesn’t mean you’re anymore complex than an average joe
No. 958693
>>958660>I think artists are just tired of having someone respond to their drawn porn with essays on why it's problematicThis is honestly my biggest fear, despite the fact that my nsfw arts are very vanilla, with a few secret
problematic themes such as incest. I treat my arts seriously, so when someone comes across to tell me that my arts are perpetuating harms, I get paranoid immediately.
It really sucks too because a lot of times I really want to explore dark, difficult themes. Like how I often see in seinen and josei manga. I want my art to gather people who like difficult theme for the sake of it, but instead the majority I get are gross coomers or attention seeking minors.
No. 958698
>>958660>>958693>>958687Is it really that hard not to make porn of underage characters fucking or even just avoiding incent
doesn't seem that difficult or complicated imo
No. 958706
>>958698>avoiding incentis this the same minor anon that spelled retarted a few posts ago.
mod should consider a ban on this one
No. 958724
>>958707>>958706I'm likely older then you
all I'm saying is that there's no real reason to draw any porn what so ever in life
No. 958727
>>958724even if you're older than us in age, you still have the spelling and maturity of a child kek.
>there's no real reason to draw any porn what so ever in lifeblacklists for words exist. blocking people on the internet also exists. quit acting so entitled that artists have to stop drawing content just because you're butthurt.
No. 958728
>>958698> underage characters fuckingWhat are you even going on about?
In online spaces, it doesn’t even need to be porn, it’s really anything in a fandom or community. Like, what person in their 20s+ WANTS to talk to a person that is 18 or below?
>>958706Honestly, their unsaged posts were annoying me
No. 958735
>>958727I'm ESL not underage
>>958727maybe for your mental health consuming porn ain't that healthy
No. 958736
>>958698Idk if you realize, but literally only groomers and pedos would or should ever want to hear a minor's opinions on porn one way or another. It's not even about the content. Minors don't belong, even if it's completely non-
problematic PC vanilla whatever blah blah. No minor should even be watching the "cleanest", most "wholesome" porn, much less try to argue about it
Literally every non-creep adult artist/content creator is just vaguely disgusted and/or irritated by the idea of kids interacting with their shit. Who tf wants to discuss porn with a child? Did you get lost on your way to Onision forums or smthing? Leave before you get doxxed and your parents notified. Your mom's gonna kick your ass when she finds out you're "debating" strange men and women online about incest cartoons, wtf
No. 958802
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>>958775>go back to bible study if dicks look so scaryNTA and also unrelated to the whole artists vs minors debate, but recently I learned about a weird and creepy series of Christian comics called Chick Tract. No shit, theres even a story about this dude ~*praying away*~ his porn addiction and child abuse (picrel)
Here's a link free to read for any anon wanting to read for cringe. No. 958839
>>958693your spardacest porn isn’t influential kweer art
nonnie just admit you’re a coomer fujo just like everyone else in this thread
No. 958842
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this isn't milk. I was randomly checking on a jpn bara artist following me and found this interaction.
Got me into thinking about asking a commenter's age first before engaging with them lol
No. 958843
>>958839???what is spardacest porn
I don't mind fujoshi. What I'm annoyed about are coomers that would comment gross shits on my arts and having no sense of boundaries.
No. 958852
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>>958843Not that autistic ESL underage-chan, but looks like we found anon’s kinnie characters.
No. 958853
>>958736Whenever they make the "you should keep your porn SFW because they're going to see it anyway" argument my mind is just blown. How can they accuse someone of being a pedo for wanting kids to stay away from their degeneracy and refusing to interact, yet cape for people to make their porn "child-friendly" at the same time? We truly do live in a society, my god.
>>958848Please stop embarrassing yourself, retarted ESL-chan.
No. 958866
>>958848??? When did i ever insult people being horny "like the rest of the thread". What does it have anything to do with morality? Is this the same porn panic anon.
>>958849Phayu person commented on the OP's art tweet. They replied back and asking for age, because OP's page is 18+ only. Sorry for lack of context.
>>958852omg seeing DMC5 ship art automatically makes me relive the whole drama with snotgirl artist lol
That reminded me like, for some reasons a whole lot of chinese bl artists I follow are really into dante/vergil. Even way back during deviantart times I'd see chinese doujin of the twin brothers from Blue Exorcist too. I wonder how they deal with all these twitter bs now.
No. 958888
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>>956961She looks a little like the squart guy.
No. 959065
>>958736that anon you're replying to just screams "stop drawing porn and things I don't like!"
whatever happened to just unfollowing and blocking people? Curating your own timeline? if you constantly see degenerate shit on your Tl you need to change who you follow and just start blocking and blacklisting.
i've known more groomers that use the uwu all porn and morally wrong things bad uwu shtick than actual degenerates.
No. 959172
>>959106For clarification it wasnt a drama between me and snotgirls artist. Here's the summary of the drama involved Leslie Hung.
> 2 years ago Leslie drew danero fanart as a gift for a artist in the pre-dmc5 fandom. She then got a call out about how she's a "pedophile supporter" and a "incest apologist" because she drew it for a friend and people started burning copies of snotgirl and trying to get her fired.> Also Leslie never even played dmc and all she knew about dmc was that Dante eats pizza, and in the fanart she drew 5Nero(who is in his twenties) antis were lying about his age. Anyway, It was fucked up how she got dogpiledI just copied pasta this from a tumblr reply. I wasn't online much during 2018, but a few of my comic mutuals got hit in the crossfires, and even one of them got harassed for following Leslie. That's pretty much I knew.
No. 959192
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>>959172same anon but i found the art, and wow there are literally jizz on them huh.
No. 959195
>>957716>>957739I checked out @imllsn danbooru and i found disturbing loli shit among other things. So tired of moids. want the trend of style he started to die already.
No. 959309
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>>959172That wasn't even the case. Her friend drew the fanart and she only commented on it. For some reason I only saw people getting mad at Leslie but not at the original artist lmao That shows how performative people are No. 959326
>>959309damn, thank you for the double check. This really got me thinking a lot about getting cancelled by associations, especially when following/follower list is visible to everyone on twitter. I wonder how other big artists can just be casual and chatting without having some kpop stan trying to run another crusade.
I'm just venting but I'm just sick of today young people's ideas of "punching up" when industry artists are just tired and burnout like everyone else. We can't even have inside jokes with friends on public space anymore.
No. 959423
>>959368“because you might hurt their fwelings and that’s not good. If you do that, then you’re a bad person”
It also could be because of entitlement. They’re the “children of the internet” therefore you should be setting a proper example on the internet.
i mean, I think it all started on tumblr(shipping wars/fanfic/headcannons) and I think after the purge of porn, they all just moved to Twitter(a more ‘political’ website) and so on
At least that’s my two cents
No. 959432
>>959368>>959423not all of them are like this, many young people(especially young girls) have been traumatized due to excessive phonography and porn art on the Internet, I've talked to some of these women who told me stories of seeing MLP rule 34 when they were just 9 years old
I think this is just them lashing out and trying to prevent what happened to them on an even younger generation
I mean I don't condone it but I get it, Its not just that there "prudes" for no reason cause their disgusted by incest shipping
No. 959449
>>959368I can only speak from personal experiences but it's because the idea of porn and being a sex addict is weirdly forced on teenagers now (and you're enforcing that by claiming you miss when teens liked yaoi but that's another point)
Most teens seem to be struggling or recovering from deep porn addictions that often destroy their lives or even get obsessed with hookup culture to the point that sex is no longer for fun but it's expected from you and actual relationships and intimacy seems to be completely erased, they're probably just tired of expecting to be porn-addicted Don Jons and want to learn how to be functional members of society and good partners in a healthy relationship which the previous generations completely neglected teaching them since the previous generations were obsessed with hookup and cheating culture too and no all of them are either divorced or in relationships where their partner is practically their roommate
No. 959525
>>959432They need therapy tbh.
If you are lashing out at random people on the internet because of some porn you need help.
Use filters, keep your children off of social media, don't let kids freely roam or have private computers if they are not old enough to currate their own content, and all that other shit. The internet is not a child's playground. Some of them need to take they asses back to neopets and chickensmoothie and actually stay there, gtfo off of twitter and let social media websites actually be for adults instead of nine year olds.
and it's almost like the problem could be solved or mediated if people would actually parent their own damn kids instead of expecting random adults on the internet (which, mind you when I was growing up I was always told not to trust anyone on the internet and now these kids practically dox themselves in their carrds and bios), not to post personal information, etc. and now people are surprisedpikachuface that these kids are getting identified or groomed because they put everything a predator needed to know in a carrd.
The internet is not anyones "personal space" if you are expecting people to stop doing things just to "avoid traumatizing" some random person that they've never met, they never knew and probably never will know or ever talk to you seriously need help or to just stay off the internet entirely.
No. 959531
>>959525Are you reading? Porn addicted adults have been infiltrating children's spaces (neopets actually got raided by furries and adults looking for hookups) that being said most Public schools give out laptops or tablets for kids to use for school however since a lot of these things are googleable when you're searching for innocent things it's hard for parental controls to block it
We seriously need to acknowledge the porn issue in society as computer usage becomes normal for children, and you're also forgetting that not all parents can watch their kids like hawks and a lot of parents are shit and don't think about protecting their kids from porn. I also noticed a lot of porn addict parents will be irresponsible with their porn and their child will end up finding it by accident or they'll simply put off raising children to go watch porn. No amount of "just raise your kids better!!!!" Is going to raise the obvious porn issue in society
No. 959550
>>959537right, my parents weren't the richest, especially raising 4 kids. They worked all the time and we were raised my our grandparents until I could watch them since I'm the oldest. I'm able to control what my youngest brother watches to a degree but I work full-time too. I'm lucky if I can catch something right away but I can't always and I hate it but I do my best and so does my mom.
Also I remember the bare minimum anyone has ever asked of artists who draw porn of cartoon characters that kids will most likely look up online is to tag it in a way so it doesn't appear in main tags or in the first image you see on google. Why do artists act like I'm threatening to shoot them in the head if they don't? It's basic common courtesy, even the steven universe porn artists created an entire separate tag for it.
No. 959588
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No. 959610
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>>959588Wtf i love Asuka, she finally did some beautiful art.
>Pic related, best canon ship ever, fight me. No. 959613
>>959446There is no moral grandstand to be found here, anon. The only reason why these people go after each other isn't muh childhood trauma
or repression of female sexuality (to an extent) as the vast majority of puritan moralfags doing this are only in it for the powertrip. The people who are legitimately disgusted by whatever degenerate content there is
do not actively seek it out like these freaks do. I repeat, they hunt for anyone who draws something they hate and call them out, literally nobody who would be repulsed as they claim to be would be so obsessed on their crusade. It's also why they only target people who they know will react (i.e. teenage and young adult women) because that's the only thing they're looking for. They want to bully to feel powerful, nothing more, nothing less. Most of them are mentally ill and unstable young people who are very open about being so. Normal people don't have public meltdowns moralizing fictional cartoon characters.
Pornification is an entirely different issue, it's obvious anons in this thread are continuously referring to the harassment of either completely innocuous ship artists or adult NSFW artists who draw dodgier stuff but don't want to expose their work to minors, yet are constantly harassed by people looking for a fight. It's never about adult men pushing My Little Pony fetish porn on 12-year olds, it's always about a female artist in her mid to late 20's minding her own business and being attacked by people in their late teens.
No. 959618
>>959613that's what I didn't wanna see, there is a middle ground in this, its not just a bunch of evil moral puritan zoomers who want power over other women
its complicated like all thing in life, I think a nuanced discussing might be healthier then accusing the other of being either a degenerate or a moralfag prude
No. 959624
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>>959525>use filtersYou can google any pony's name right now and guaranteed there is some kind of porn on the first page. This image circled in picrel is the seventh result under "Pinkie Pie".
No. 959649
>>959613>>959645I think this has to do with Gender but Twitter cancel culture has a lot to do with leftist expectations. The higher the expectations of you, the easier it is to get cancelled. For example, if you paint yourself out to be "liberal" or an and or a "progressive ally" people are far more inclined to freak the fuck out at you over something trivial and stupid. Then on the flipside excessively saying "nigger" is literally part of Tarantino brand. It's all about how you present yourself and what expectations you set people up with from the get go
The assumed default political position of males online is deemed to be natural, while all women are expected to be allies and woke in all social issues
No. 959661
>>959658*I'd be asked about
sorry for confusing grammar, just don't want to go too much into details of it since the experience turned out to me too much for me.
No. 959667
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? 100k followers and 10k likes is not enough?
No. 959677
>>959662no offense taken. But honestly at the time I was just naive, and the majority of my mutuals at the time had this troll-ish persona that I wanted to keep up with them.
I guess I can count myself lucky not being another tinafate01, getting doxxed over sora troll porn.
No. 959689
>>959662>like who wants to transforms their favorite characters into parody's of themselvessame anon as
>>959677You mentioned that you didn't understand shipping right? For clarification I didnt making a parody of the characters, and I took my arts & writings seriously. However I did in fact taunt people who had come to harassed me at the time. Pretty much I learned from then on that doubling down on haters just really… a stupid thing to do.
No. 959694
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>>959688they 100% think like this. idolomantese btw
No. 959711
>>959667is this the same person that drew weird ants people and then ran to their personal account to prone about boohoo not enough likes.
I can't relate to these people at all, seems like another case of social media addiction
No. 959904
>>959871thoughts about tagging?
Like personally, as of now I don't use ship tags as all, even when I draw characters being lovey-dovey. I had never posted nsfw ship arts and just putting them behind paywall if I choose to (like korean twitter using postype for it).
tl;dr imo not using ship tag feels the most safe for me.
No. 959939
>>959904I think it’s better to tag directly with what you’re portraying, like, if you’re drawing an incest ship, just tag incest, don’t tag the popular ship’s name or characters.
Maybe come up with a new ship name but only for NSFW stuff.
I think Asian Genshin artists use the emojis of the elements that the characters use in the game, you could pick emojis that represent a character, it’s obscure enough so not everyone can figure out the ship, but real fans would know, I guess?
So some examples would be
>hashtag NSFW, hashtag PORN, hashtag YAOI, hashtag Slash, hashtag incest, hashtag fire emoji, hashtag ice emoji.>Hashtag NSFW, hashtag PORN, hashtag HET, hashtag sword emoji, hashtag crown emoji>Hashtag NSFW, hashtag PORN, hashtag YURI, hashtag peach emoji, hashtag daisy emojiLike, if you’re addicted to likes, it wouldn’t be useful I guess, but it’s a way to keep children away until they figure out how it goes.
No. 959945
>>959849Children under 12 or 13 shouldn't be allowed on the internet outside of a school setting imo. I don't say this as a defense for degenerates who want to draw porn of kid cartoons without consequences, I say it out of genuine concern that kids will be groomed.
Years ago, it really seemed like the "pedophiles on the internet" panic was overblown, if only because pedophiles didn't know how to be subtle about online grooming like they do now. Back in the day, you had to try a lot harder to seek out coomshit. Now it's just everywhere.
I also seriously worry about the effect Instagram has on young girls' self esteem, with all the botched influencers, absurd photoshopping, and "sex work" shilling. It makes
me feel like shit about my appearance even though I'm an adult woman who knows it's fake. I can only imagine what it would do to an impressionable, insecure teenager.
No. 959960
>>959945(Anon you replied to)
I fully agree. I just didn't mention the idea of keeping kids of such age away from the Internet because honestly nowadays doing that would be nearly impossible, but it would be the ideal.
Porn is everywhere and appears even when you're not searching for it and just looking at Instagram makes me sick. I'm not a puritan by any means, but the amount of girls in their early teens and even young boys posting all kinds of photos with questionable posing and revealing outfits is just sickening, not to mention the likes and comments and validation they get from it which most likely comes from perverted adults.
When I was a child using the internet my mother would always warn me about "creepy old men" and pedos and to be careful because you never know who's out there behind the computer, she'd never even allow me to post photos of myself out there, but nowadays it feels like the opposite happens. The industry encourages the behaviour, parents either don't warn their children anymore or the children themselves don't listen, the kids get likes and validation from those posts, and then disaster strikes.
No. 959972
>>959939Thanks for the tip, I tend to not tag characters but tagging the series name only. I also prefer to put the hashtag on bio instead. Which seems safe, considering more attention = more trouble anyways.
>>959945>Years ago, it really seemed like the "pedophiles on the internet" panic was overblown, if only because pedophiles didn't know how to be subtle about online grooming like they do now. Back in the day, you had to try a lot harder to seek out coomshit. Now it's just everywhere.This definitely. I still remembered back when Newgrounds was still fresh in the 2000s, my cousins would prank me by sending random flash porn from the site. Otherwise my internet exposure was just boring weeb forums and mmo.
I did run into obvious groomer dudes, they would ask for my face and my phone number. And thank god at the time I wasn't lonely and desperate enough to respond to them.
Just my observation, because I did take a social media break and just went to youtube to binge watch whatever. I do find myself running into those drama sensation videos that'd expose groomer this and groomer that. It does get addictive once I follow the rabbithole, and it makes sense when it's all what the kids are consuming these days - like every adult are out to get them and shit.
No. 960046
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Why are fetish artists talking about Kisame? I feel like they lack self awareness since Dobson did inflation porn before his ego grew to big.
No. 960049
>>959945I also seriously worry about the effect Instagram has on young girls' self esteem.
Yep, and I think this has been discussed before, but the amount of young artists who start getting into a midlife crisis once they hit 18-20 because they think they're no longer the "prodigy" they once were is sad to see.
There's more to art than just being a popular fan artist on twitter; clout and validation can really break you.
No. 960103
>>959531Those people also got banned off of neopets. If your child's school gives them a tablet or laptop look over it or something to install or make sure it has safety measures that so they can't just google random porn or at least make it more difficult. if your child is old enough to be interested in porn, it is probably time to have a conversation about sexual education.
>>959541Not it but okay. Just because someone is a bad parent doesn't mean that someone else is suddenly responsible for a child they don't know.
>>959624idr if my safe search is on but pic rel. I don't google ponyporn so none show sup in mine.It's almost like you should probably just report stuff that slips through filters given you can use lolcow.
And at the end of it all, it is incredibly dangerous to expect of the millions of people who use the internet that every single adult will drop everything to cater to little billy or susan whom they've never met before in their life and they probably never will meet. At this point some of you may as well just be handing kids to groomers by expecting adults to take care of them instead of either monitoring your children or teaching children how to be proactive about content they see online and how to actually use block/report functions.
If you can't watch them teach them how to take care of themselves. It is unreasonable to expect that because Susan has bad parents that it means NSFW artist #4583284 will stop drawing content that might upset or traumatize her. In fact, that is, once again, incredibly dangerous to put a random adult in a position of content curation for a child.
No. 960104
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>>960103image drop and forgot to sage
No. 960179
>>959711Yeah, nta but I posted them last thread too
>>892565 I’m pretty sure I’ve seen their “boohoo my post only got 10k likes and not 20k” tweets for months at this point. Is it too much to just move on already? Of course your art’s gonna get stale if the main thing you worry about is likes.
No. 960258
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>>960234I was surprised too, but I understand why because they made a plague girlfriends drawing that blew up like crazy. They milked it for a bit while drawing opposites attract anthro bug lesbians that got a load of traction.
I think the first plague gfs art looks good, but most of idolo’s drawings feel like they’re more popular for the idea rather than appeal/skill/execution imo. Agreed the art just looks boring to me too, though that doesn’t matter to online normies.
No. 960344
>>960258I'll never understand people like this. I agree, I think the plague doctor characters are cute but I remember seeing them complain that people drawing similar plague doctors were stealing their concept? Any other anons know what I'm talking about? Tbh I don't see anything revolutionary or particular unique about the bug designs. Just slap the antenna of whatever bug woman, pick basic color schemes and slap lesbian buzz words on it and boom.
But if this person is seriously complaining about their artwork barely reaching 10k likes then they need to shut the fuck up because they should be grateful anyone is even caring about their art especially on such a awful site for art as twitter is. Didn't this person make a callout for a 13 year old?
No. 960364
>>960344>Didn't this person make a callout for a 13 year old?are there any screenshots or summary about it? I'm curious.
as for my opinion about plague doctor and people trying to (socially) capitalize on their OCs based on
soft gothic aesthetics, this isn't new.
they just seem unhealthily obsessed with numbers and performative online, idk, I hope they can take a break from it and see there are more values in life than slaving themselves in making free arts. And, twitter attention span is weird, appeal to 100k of strangers that can only spare some amount of attention is super weird. Bing bong control your social media participation and don't let it in control youuuu.
No. 960409
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>>960400the original "white plague nurse" outfit is actually from czech christmas folk tradition, picrel. my guess is that they think they own the 'pastel/goth plague doctor lesbians' theme. aka so stupid.
No. 960865
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for people who want more context on idolomantise drama, looks like he was chased off of tumblr and rebranded on twitter No. 961003
File: 1636178184076.jpeg (68.44 KB, 660x732, F7CA5BE1-ACBF-48FE-8CF4-2BB855…)

speaking of idolomantises, she's currently under fire for this tweet about cookie run
No. 961021
>>961017Yeah.. Like, if people are going to be doing that or doing like realfake/deepfake shit or even how 3D rendering is getting so precise that people are already doing real children with extreme accuracy and uploading them as 3D renders. Like with the poor girl from from RE, Sherry Birkin played by 15 year old Eliza Pryor. It's fucking sick.
I'm not interested in fake fictional cookies and people shouldn't be interested in them either. Men have the audacity to use real young women in 3D porn, but yeah. Let's worry about race coded fucking cookies.
No. 961052
>>960865i scrolled this minor's feed and they just sound deranged, and bitter because some popular artist banned them from the server for disagreeing.
not on defense on the ant artist but I've seen this happened so many times before and I don't think either of them should be taken seriously.
No. 961063
>>961021>>961059The only genuine attempt to attack Shadman I can think off was by the Eddsworld fandom, basically what happened was on the anniversary of Edd Gould's death Shadman posted a drawing of Edd getting raped by the Grim Reaper and then his dumbass fans started spamming that pic to Eddsworld community pages, as well to his Edd's family and friends
It became a thing and the fans tried to retaliate but there was nothing we could do, as this was the early 2010's where twitter cancellation wasn't a thing
No. 961077
>>961075The fact that this person have in big caps, ANONYMOUS, on their profile, I kind of think this whole idol thing is this samefag
>>960865 coming here to the thread to bitch about how much they hate them.
No. 961089
>>961075>idolmantises is an idiot who launches crusades against other artists and then whines when they get it with cc just as strongly.can someone summarize this for me, when i scrolled through the minor's "callout" account it's just filled with deranged language and I couldn't comprehend jackshit
>>961077I have no doubt yeah. Who'd pay attention to this shit. I saw the minor callout account mentioned like "she called me a stalker!". If that's the same anon that has been following and posting tweets from her private twitter as well. Yep, that's 100% stalker behavior.
No. 961099
>>961077im the anon of
>>960865 google is a thing. that twitter account appears when you search idolomantise's name when paired with drama, since an earlier anon asked for context about idolo calling out a 13yro lmao
>>960344>>961093no way is this person an actual man, definitely a female troon
No. 961105
>>961100>The biggest one that comes to mind is they made a public blacklist of ""pedophile"" female animators who worked on rise of TMNT and tried to get them fired because idolo got into their private discord server and saw them sharing turtle yaoi.wait so idolo made/contributed to a callout of female animators? Man.. the lengths people would go to get noticed online I suppose
Unrelated to the idolo convo but this reminded me of this 10k artist made a callout thread on kaneblob for tracing. I saw a few big names backed them up, just to see a counter callout on same person for doing narc shits in their teens. So now the person who made callout on kaneblob went offline completely and no one talks about kaneblob's history of tracing.
No. 961113
>>961110shit like this just makes me hide further, not say any takes and give literally no information on my identity
to be fair all this could be avoided by just not doing shit like tracing? but some of those call outs overreach and targets others only to drag down reputation, so there's just no winning
No. 961124
>>961089I have no doubt this is the minor posting in this thread. The same typing style and everything. Mods need to permaban them because they shouldn't even be posting here. Not to mention all the bullshit isn't being capped and just said and the fact that a lot of anons agree that stupid shit like
>>961003 isn't milk and just show how stupid SJWs are.
No. 961128
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>>961122more like someone is just trying to steer the topic away from idolo…i only posted that screen about cringeculture. not my fault idolo gets into so much shit and that a lot of it can easily be found with google
No. 961131
>>961110probably my two cents about daftpina. He's probably 7-8 years younger than me and he has a potential of a good storyteller and networking. It's such a waste of talent to follow along with drama channels, in which they have rebranded themselves as "cautionary tales" these days.
I cant speak for his mind, but imo his topic points can be improved if not focusing on "x person a groomer/tracer/apologist etc" and just go full documentary about Animation Online Community. NGL some of his vids make me nostalgic about the 2000s.
No. 961167
>>961162>Shadman drew porn of Dafnee Keen, the underage actress playing Logan, being raped by her costar. This resulted in a Cease and Desist being filed against him by her talent agency, and his host removing his site from their service.oh wow, i suppose it makes sense when a few years back he tweeted about "gonna be offline to deal with the authorities"
this isn't a range of online social justice to solve anymore. Dude went into lengths to commit crime for edgy points. No wonder he does cocaine now.
No. 962321
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some troll made an account to repost from artists, and from the replies they also mentioned that the dude also attempted to doxx an artist for fun too. I cant vouch the validity of their claims but watch out art nonnas No. 962341
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No. 963225
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Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda distasteful? I know it's fictional and harmless in the end, but the Squidgame fandom seems kinda uwu for the genre of the show.
No. 963232
>>963225I kind of get it, it feels off. I mean, it's a show where people are literally dying, right? (I haven't watched it) Drawing them as cutesy characters feels mocking.
On the opposite end of that, I hate the weird edgy AUs teenagers have made for Moomin. Moomin is so pure, wholesome, cozy, and safe and you have these shitty edgy teens making Snufkin into a cult leader and drawing Moomin characters covered in blood and sobbing and stuff. It's sickening to me. Yeah it's a cartoon, they aren't hurting anyone, whatever. But I'm still allowed to hate it. What's so attractive about ruining the lives of characters with pure hearts that haven't been corrupted by any amount of evil? Even the Groke just wants to be loved. Kids are fucking weird.
No. 963244
>>963225This is icky, I feel like the person who did this drawing would be capable of drawing animal crossing gore or some shit.
>>963232Oh, god yeah! I fucking hate when kids take cute stuff and turn it into something idiotically edgy, Mommin doesn’t deserve the crude gore pictures, neither the weird tranny shit, Mommin should only have cute and cozy fanart.
Seriously, like, I know I sound like and old lady, but I don’t give a fuck anymore, I remember being edgy too, but at least I created my own edgy shit. Did it have clear references to the stuff I consumed? Of course it had, but at least it was kind of creative.
If the idiots who made the cult leader Snufkin bullshit could’ve just created an OC and it was just an original story, I would even think that it’s pretty interesting.
I just really hate when fanfics or fanarts become an entirely different thing to the source material, where the characters are not even themselves, but the autists just won’t make an original story for the sake of clout or because they just won’t let go of the fucking characters.
No. 963270
>>963244Exactly, your creative pursuits can be influenced and inspired by the media you consume without having to completely reconstruct it and making it into "your own thing". It's not your own thing, Becky, it's someone else's thing you bastardized because you're apparently not creative enough to think of your own character design.
Nothing Snufkin does makes him even feel like a cultist. That would mean he would want people to follow him, desire him, or to look to him for answers. That's exactly the opposite of his character. He wants to be alone, he wants to be independent and he has said in the goddamn show itself that having idols isn't a smart idea when a little creature expresses his admiration for Snufkin. I feel like a sperg going on about this example in particular kek, but I'm big on the Moomins.
There is already plenty of edgy material to write fanfics about, like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac or something. And if edgy teens could just learn how to tone it down a bit maybe their OCs would better fleshed out instead of being defined by how many neon highlights they have in their hair. This felt good to get out, sorry for ranting!!
No. 963323
>>963225personally I don't find the art offensive. Probably because I have already seen twitter raging over a Korean car company for making a squid game meme, while the show has its main character having ptsd related to the car company he was laid off from.
i do understand squid game "fandom" does come off tone deaf. Reminded me of when there were fucktons of yaoi of Detroit: Become Human when the game itself is completely political tone deaf about the history of holocaust and slavery.
tl;dr the internet is just too immature for social commentary and I do understand the annoyance towards them. I'm just used to it now.
No. 963351
>>963225>mixing 2 huge fandoms together and making merch out of itI'm more impressed by this level of pure grift.
I don't get the moralistic mentality of Squid Game being 'sacred', it has important messages yeah but it's still fictional. No one minded memes around the Joker movie. I can't help but feel this series is held to a higher standard just because it's foreign.
No. 963387
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Here's the article about brands trying to capitalize off Squid Game hype. Hyundai was the one got the most pushback and they had deleted the original tweet. You can read more about it. (picrel)>>963368> could attract children or younger people and make them think that it's "just a fun cute action show" when actually it has plenty of realistic violent scenes and heavy themes people that age shouldn't be watching.that's a stretch for sure, and I agree with
>>963382a lot of zoomers are into Squid game for its social commentary and class awareness. Though I don't think most of them understand, and just want to get involved in the current conversation; and it is much Easier to get involved by doing cutesy fan arts that favored by the algorithm. Just my take really.
No. 963604
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not sure if this is a correct place to vent about this, but any artist here struggles with impostor syndrome?
I never had a grasp of what it was until much recently (through books and research). For example, whenever I notice another art directors or very influential industry people follow and interact with my tweets, I just feel.. off. "I don't belong here" kind of feeling. I never follow them back, and limit my interaction online as much as possible. Though at times it gets… overwhelming, especially when I'm being included in popular projects, and being perceived as a "pro" when I don't… see myself that way.
When I talked with my therapist, I ended up bawling my eyes out, and she asked "are those tears of joy?" and I just fucking hated that very question. I felt like I wasted my money at therapy (she couldn't even give me a proper diagnosis). Only until now I can finally understand that I could be having impostor syndrome, or something related to it.
I can't talk about this to anyone because it makes me sound like a dick, an "overachiever", or whatever. I can't even bring myself to do self-promote like those #portfolio day hashtags. I can only lie so much in my non-public portfolio and it already makes me want to hurl.
art nonnas, do you struggle with impostor syndrome? if you do, can you describe what's it like?
No. 963615
>>963604I’m a hobbyist so I don’t really care about doing any particular progress to be recognized by others, tbh.
But my best friend always struggles with this, she’s constantly trying to find inspiration or even some motivation to draw, does some art, which I think it’s honestly nice, and then she tells me that it sucks and that she doesn’t like it.
But like, there’s nothing wrong with what she does? And not in a “oh she’s perfect” bitter way but like, I genuinely feel like whatever she does looks absolutely amazing and I love it, I would frame her drawings to put them on my living room or in my own office at work, I love the things she makes even if I don’t understand the deeper meaning of them unless she explains to me what they mean.
But yeah, she always has these periods of time in which she just doesn’t know what to do with herself, thankfully she still draws/paints/sews/crafts even if she does simple things.
But like, I wish I could help her stop thinking that her stuff sucks, I feel like no matter what I tell to her, she doesn’t take it at heart, and it’s sad because she has an amazing talent for arts and crafts and even cooking.
Sometimes I feel like too much theory messes with your brain, I used to write a lot, but after going into some narrative courses, it fucked up my will to write because I feel like even for a hobby, my writing sucks and nothing makes sense even if I write in my own language, like, it specially doesn’t even make sense in my mother language.
Sometimes I think that just ignoring whatever theory you know about the type of art that you like, could help you more with making art than what some teacher said at school, like, there must be some balance between theory and callowness, but like, I honestly haven’t found a way to reach that yet, and I feel like if I told her this, she would just get mad at me or she would lecture me. Again.
No. 963642
>>963615Thank you for the reply anon.
>I would frame her drawings to put them on my living room or in my own office at workReading this line already had me stopped to hold back my tears because… yeah. I have exact one friend told me about how much they love my works, and really supportive of me despite not fully understand what I do. They draw as a hobby like you as well. Recently they become more content with their arts, and much happier with the community they're with right now. And I can't help but jealous of them, even though their community/audience isn't something I wanted.
I think your best friend is very lucky to have you, and I hope you can continue to be supportive of her.
>Sometimes I feel like too much theory messes with your brainThis is definitely true yeah. I tend to put podcasts and video essays to play as background as I do my freelance works, and over time I think they do fuck with the way I perceive my own works.
I can "fake" so much as I complete my contracted works. When I get to work on my personal projects, I find it's more difficult to enjoy the progress. Even when the original idea was supposed to be something silly, light hearted; my inner critic would tell me "no ones want to see this boring", which completely made me drop the passion project I had spent countless hours in it.
>Sometimes I think that just ignoring whatever theory you know about the type of art that you like, could help you more with making art than what some teacher said at school, like, there must be some balance between theory and callowness, but like, I honestly haven’t found a way to reach that yet, and I feel like if I told her this, she would just get mad at me or she would lecture me. Again.I appreciate this! And yeah tbh I once yelled at a friend when she told me I was "thinking too much", as I was
obsessively over-analyzing a tvshow.
Maybe I should get back to puzzle games for my brainfood instead of video essays again.
No. 963700
>>963691>Right now the artist getting the most attention is a kid doing 2 minute drawings of characters from the game as sharks, and they get spammed with "omfg rofl best thing ever seen" which feeds their ego and prompts them to do morethis is so funny to me because my friend in a jujutsu kaisen discord also complained the same thing to me. While I understand the nature of discord is to give everyone equal opportunity, instead of having to obey to twitter algorithm.
personally as an artist, I don't mind those kids. Though as someone who comes to discord to see more focused, community-based fan arts, it can get to anyone's nerves for sure.
not sure if you want advice on this, but can consult mods into limiting posts per user. Depends on the mods' language, it's possible to persuade the kid to reschedule their art posts.
No. 963818
>>963604By your description it looks like you have great art, even if you don't consider it that way. You can't control what other people see in you, either good or bad impressions are not on your control. You sound extremely harsh on yourself, working on that with your therapist on why you are like this might benefit you.
>she couldn't even give me a proper diagnosisImposter syndrome isn't a diagnosis as far as I know, but either way I would suggest you don't focus too much on that. Even people with diagnosis still need to work on a way to deal with their issues, so maybe try figuring out why you don't believe in the quality of your work, it could be insecurity, fear, etc.
I hope you feel better anon!
No. 964004
>>963969It's the nature of social media. Pump out as much content as possible and usually on a daily schedule. The algorithms blesses those who supply it with the most data and user interactions.
Simplified artwork take less time to draw and therefore can be pumped out a lot more.
Most online artist are concerned about follower count and likes so bending to the will of the algorithm (even if unknowingly) is a necessity for them.
No. 964096
>>963969Fellow "fast artist" here.
Throughout my entire life as an artist online I've always been praised for being able to pump out entire rendered pics with complete backgrounds in 4 hours or less, which is quite a feat I admit, with people coming to me and going "oh I wish I could draw this fast/can you teach me draw fast like you?". At first, I was young and in school and I thought It was cool that people looked up to me like that, I was proud of myself for drawing so fast. But as I got older (didn't take long honestly, in highschool I was already having problems) I started noticing how much this "drawing fast" ability was fucking over my health. I got muscle problems in my shoulders and scapula, my myopia got worse, my hands would hurt so much I'd have to keep them still for minutes because it felt like my muscles were cramped in place, I'd get aura migraines which are one of the scariest shits I've ever experienced, not to mention the stress and pressure to go even faster like you said in your post. Because of all of that I actually started to draw slower and slower, taking more breaks, sometimes only finishing up a piece after two or three days. My health improved greatly, I felt happier with my art because then I'd have more time to find mistakes mid-process and my art actually improved a bit because of that.
Social media treats art like fast food, mainly the more popular platforms like Twitter and Insta where posts either go viral or they have a max of a few hours to get noticed before the algorithm hides them. Don't let this pressure affect you, anon. It's just not worth it at all. Drawing a bit faster than usual it's nice but when you start trying to get faster and faster your health will get on the way as well. There'sno such thing as drawing mega fast and having good health, be it physical or mental. These people who go "I did this in 1-2 hours!" either have fucked up health problems like I did,or they're lying. OR they create their art by photobashing and pre-made brushes and textures, which does speed up things a lot.
Take your time with drawing, your health is more important than social media.
No. 964106
>>963969I agree with this
>>964038I've had mutuals mistaken me for drawing fast, when I only rescheduled my doodles which I got to complete a bunch during weekends or such.
As for simplifying style, go for it! I'd encourage putting less strain on your body and still get a satisfactory result, apparel artists do this all the time.
>>964096Seconded this. During my early 20s I was told that I was a fast artist. I'd draw consecutively every moment I get to a computer, and now I've developed light sensitivity with my eyes and I have to take breaks from screen from time to time. Don't buy into this hustle culture anon, longevity is important.
No. 964608
>>963969>Does anyone else feel like there’s an unhealthy emphasis on drawing speed nowadays? I noticed that many artists put their time in their caption now and it’s always really fast, like 1-2 hours. Yes.
Unless you are a graphic designer or illustrator, speed is not that important. Take your time on your craft.
No. 964846
>>963225>animal crossing parody about a gorey thing ew so ickyyy>seems kinda uwu for the genre of the showThis is the stupidest shit to complain about, were you born yesterday? have you seen the slasher fandom or any fandom from any horror game/movie/manga/series ever? people have been making wholesome art/doujinshi/fanfic/whatever fan content of horror gory media since forever.
I also don't get the obsession with this squid shit being this untouchable social commentary as if there hasn't been countless things doing the same and no one bats an eye because they're not popular with the twitter teenage crowd.
No. 965300
>>963969Somewhat fast artist here, if it helps you can create a backlog of art pieces to post. Let's say I make 5 pieces, instead of posting them day-in-day out I'll stagger them to the tune of a month. If I miss a week due to motivation it's no problem since there's new content lined up. You can stagger that to two months if you're especially stuck in an artblock. I don't know if that's what you meant but I'm the type of person that draws really fast but in staggered bursts since motivation or ideas don't really come to me all the time. I hate it, in a way. Like a match that burns beautifully for a short period of time and then burns out and is a bitch to relight.
But also, take that other farmer's advice and take your time with your craft. You'll work so much better when not being rushed.
No. 965358
>>965301NTA but the tradition of putting completion time in caption thing seems to be something between male artists ever since deviantart days, which was something I noticed.
men like to compete their art speedrun for.. whichever reason. There's no need to participate if it's not something you're interested in / excited about.
No. 965738
>>965719Next time put sage in email field.
>do they really look to your followers count to get hired (reminds me of animelabs fiasco who only wants 20k and above accs kek), they contacted you or they contacted you first?Not really, a lot of industry artists I know don't even have SNS, or just have them for personal use. You get your work out there by participating in artist alley and conventions, paying a little booth fee to get a few business cards in, you know.
Not sure about the animelabs thing, seems like amateurs running the HR and probably best to not work for them. Do your research and find work that suits you instead of passively waiting for a proposal. Oh and learn to build a proper portfolio for once instead of instagram collage shits people keep sending these days.
No. 965877
>>965719I don't work in that field, but the logic is rather similar. In most cases I've seen these companies rarely ever scout random artists out of the blue- they'll usually pick out names that are already known in the industry either because of previous similar jobs or because of networking. I highly doubt serious companies take social media popularity into factor since most mobile game/gacha game artists barely have social media presence, if they have any social media at all which some simply don't. And of course, they all have appealing art that follows the style the company wants in their game, which is usually a well rendered anime-ish thing.
The best you can do is to git gud at art (and reach the type of style/vibe these companies aim for) and dedicate yourself A LOT to networking and getting in the industry.
No. 966003
>>965984NTA, care to elaborate?
I don't play into social media art potluck. Even if I were to get contracted because of online portfolio, it's always temporary outsourced job. For some countries I'd need a work visa even for working remotely too, so yeah, I don't trust the game of online grifters.
No. 966025
>>966003Social media doesn't even matter you dummy. Go on google and search "game illustration job". Then you'll see a bunch of job searching websites, even some that are art job only. That's how I always find them to be honest. There's even small studios in my 3rd world country who constantly ask for jobs.
You could also search a facebook group that focuses only on illustration jobs. That's all I do.
I remember one of my teachers also showed me a website where for a monthly fee you could get the emails of a lot of creative directors. It's legal, one of the jobs of creative directors is to scout anyways. I do not remember the name of this website though.
No. 966040
>>966021>chances are it's a small company that wants both the artist's work and the artist's following as a jumpstart to gather potential consumers for their game.oh yeah, that's definitely plausible for sure. I've seen game companies aggressively paying enthusiasts to review their games and pushing PR to massive scale.
I've noticed a few of my japanese mutuals actively draw for fire emblem heroes but I doubt a gaijin like me ever receive an offer.
Azure Lane is more close to me geographically but I'm honestly too traumatized by chinese mobage lol.
No. 966353
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>>961063>Shadman posted a drawing of Edd getting raped by the Grim Reaper and then his dumbass fans started spamming that pic to Eddsworld community pages, as well to his Edd's family and friends Shit, I remember seeing that
I didn't know it was Shadman who drew it but I remember the pic getting spammed on various forums every now and then
No. 966653
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>>966471Yeah, on the 9th of November in Glendale, California. he easily paid bail because of coomer dollars and whatever job he does that he doesn't disclose because he's able to hide his face as Shadman. People on Twitter are already wishing him well with getting help. He knows what he is. He's fucking mental and he's into real children, which is clear at this point, from the dozens he's emulated in his work and not just the Emma Watson and Keemstar's daughter thing. He's made it his staple to use real children and draw them in fantasy in his work. This is when lolicon is dangerous, not actual fictional lolicon, and people should've been going after him, but instead he somehow became a godsend for people and even Belle Delphine shelled out for him. It's fucking disgusting.
No. 966680
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>>966653>>966655Wait, so he’s already free? No way.
No. 966804
>>966787Unless you have some examples, I think you’re looking too deep into it. You can’t reliably interpret these as having negative intent when every caption is just “original vs fanart”. I just treat these as fun comparison posts where both images have their charm.
Yeah some tweets are just someone posting a character in a default pose image along with more detailed fanart that has the character. Could be interpreted as them implying their art is better, or could just be people wanting to participate in a twitter trend and finding an excuse to repost past fanart.
No. 966849
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A 12 year old made at least $4m dollars off of her picrel NFT artwork meanwhile anons are venting about their smelly buttcrack nigel being a meanie in the vent thread. You are not the same No. 966871
>play with the fake money machine and go get you some good money okah yes let me become a millionaire super fast. (grabs a handful of monopoly money) am now a milionaire!
seriously if you want to defent NFTs here it'll be more productive to you if you just talk to a mirror.
No. 966872
>>966863>>966866Tbh I don’t really like NFTs either and I was just playing with you nonna, chill
>>966865That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw that article and I’m definitely going to be doing some info digging
No. 966958
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>>966787yeah we need more context on what you meant, otherwise I can only think of the redraw sailormoon meme that was going around. IMO I thought it was a good way to appreciate the original art and you got to get away being called "a plagiarist"
>>966940any examples? I used to abuse binary tool a lot when I was still using SAI, imo I found it's easier to combine fill tool with binary brush (my art style is already cell shaded so it's a plus). Never seen anyone acting like binary tool was superior or such.
picrel is an example from an artist utilizes pixel/binary tool well.
No. 966969
>>966962it's just a miku fan art from stairs2line (twitter)
i included in the post because there's a discussion of binary tool.
i have zero advice on Not using the tool, sometimes people found their bias brushes and such and just let them have fun.
No. 967384
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I like her art fine but I think fishing around for people to buy you stuff is insanely tacky. ffs have some dignity and buy your own furniture.
No. 967699
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Twitter artists are the most delusional mfs on the planet. There isn’t even anything similar about these drawings other than the pose and they probably just used the same ref.
No. 967702
>>967699hypothetically the two of them just happened to copy the same photo of some kpop idol dude
looking forward to see how this unfolds though lmao
No. 967711
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>>967699ew I had to go through this OP's profile and the art is just so fucking vile. Here's the admittance of "taking inspiration" for the art series.
I'm going to have a drink this is so stupid lol, horny danmei twit vs genshin twit should just self destruct each other for better of humanity please.
No. 967735
File: 1636854989662.jpeg (Spoiler Image,621.02 KB, 1125x1194, E14C81EF-2640-4DB0-BA42-CC6F94…)

here's the pinned art from the OP on the right… is this considered hot? sexy? I'm not into MDZS(?) so it just weird me out
No. 967749
>>967735same anon, what i meant is OP on the left (the one that made the callout)
but yeah this person's art and their attitude just makes me want to stay the fuck away. I think they have 30,000 followers? The quality on twitter these days.
No. 968641
>>968390I've seen "don't worry about style just practice, it will happen" a billion times and always feel like the people who say it are just full of shit. They are always in peer groups or industries with very specific styles which always shows in their work and that advice just boils down to "lean back and become the average of your surroundings" as if style bleed can't ever be
unwanted and as if setting a stylistic goal can't be a planned part of your development that should impact your choices (like choice of school, for one.)
No. 968702
>>968641Personally I'm 50/50 on "don't worry about style, just practice". What i get from it is that, style is simply problem-solving. Meaning that, yeah, when you draw for a long while, it's common to get used to having a certain thought process, it's like a natural thing that comes from the decisions we make out of routine and personal preference. You eventually get comfy with certain ways to solve things, ways that become "the default" for you, unconciously, and that's what style essentially is, and yeah it correlates with your inspirations because, after all, we are all attracted to certain aesthetics and we try things to achieve those aesthetics. However I don't believe it's set in stone, "style comes naturally to you" can be misleading because it makes it sound like it's this mystic thing that sets on you and never leaves, when you can absolutely train yourself to approach things differently if you're adamant enough. I don't doubt that a lot of people with "copycat styles" just do a 1=1 out of someone else and don't experiment much outside of that.
tl;dr, I think style does come naturally but also it's something that you can absolutely manipulate if you train yourself to problem-solve differently.
No. 968948
>>968390I hate when I see others aggressively push that just practicing a lot and drawing every single day at any opportunity is the best way to improve. You need to practice mindfully and really think about what you’re drawing and how it’s supposed to look, or how to convey the 3D form. Observational skills and spatial awareness are essential, not just mindless practicing, or else you’ll just keep drawing in the same shitty way. This is why some social media artists I see stay stagnant for years. Tbh it’s not a huge problem if you’re just a hobbyist who doesn’t care about improving, but so many complain about not improving when they just don’t know how to practice. This is how I’ve improved a lot without drawing every day, by taking the time to try to understand what I’m drawing.
>>968702I completely agree, you can absolutely change your art style with conscious effort. I’ve done it a few times during different phases of my life when I wanted different things out of my art. I never really liked limiting myself to one style, when I doodle just for myself I like to see where it takes me. I try to keep the art that I actually post more consistent though.
No. 969030
File: 1637002649028.jpeg (24.8 KB, 358x550, DcK-pB6WkAAQRNu.jpeg)

bump because nasty bad image, ignore
No. 969056
>>968873I know someone who's starting arts recently and complained to me the same thing, she'd sign up 5 courses at once and complains about shes not improving fast enough. It does get grating to a point imo.
Art courses should be able to guide you into a direction, not magic "art improvement" pill like everyone likes to think. There are different schools of art, and if you feel like the ones you spent money on don't fit you, can always pursue self-taught / researching on your own.
No. 969222
>>968641the not worrying about style thing is true to an extent and i feel like it might sound like useless advice because we throw around the word “style” really aimlessly. style is just your interpretation of what you’re seeing, and the more you study and the more you draw, you will find things that come naturally to you stylistically and that you enjoy doing.
don’t get me wrong though, even though i do follow this advice i’ve fallen into this loop of “do i even have a style?” after telling myself not to worry about it. really it’s just about having a healthy equilibrium of studying life and stylization.
No. 969372
File: 1637036493469.png (551.83 KB, 508x732, ex.PNG)

okay this is pretty degenerate, but seeing anons talk about making money from furry art kinda makes me think of starting a furry account myself. my art's pretty amateur, around the level of this pic, so not thinking of pricing anything high. what would the suggested commission price be?
No. 969386
>>968390>Draw every dayThis gets thrown around on /ic/ a lot but it's more useful to not draw every day and instead focus on improving different areas. You'll gain nothing out of drawing without observing where your weaknesses are and making meaningful improvements.Drawing daily just to draw daily can even make you a worse artist because you're practicing your mistakes over and over again.
>Don't use referencesThis was a big one when I was a young and impressionable young artist on Deviantart. A lot of artists back then took pride in never using refs because it was considered “cheating”. Horrible advice and my art actually started improving much more quickly once I started doing studies and drawings with references instead of just guessing.
>>969372Becoming a furry artist isn't as easy as the meme makes it sound. It's exactly the same as that "just start an Onlyfans if you're strapped for cash!” meme where people tout it as a quick and easy way to make a lot of money when you still have to do actual promotion and build a fanbase before people will just fork over money.
No. 969388
>>969372to get any money in the furry community you need a fanbase of your own, not just decent art. not to mention that you'll have a whole lot of competition too.
a lot of people talk as if making money with furry commissions is easy, but in reality it's not. it's just "easy" if you're already in he community with a following.
No. 969422
>>969386>>969388i wont put all my eggs in one basket, just wanted to try it out. will ofc keep your words mind.
>>969389praying that i get that luck too, but from other anons replies i might have to be more modest. the artist who drew the pic prices around $65-120, think i'll price lower though. anyways thanks for those that replied.
No. 969541
>>969223Thirding this because a tutor/mentorship is so good. It's effective across all levels and you actually get some instant feedback as well as motivation. Kind of like having in-person drawing classes, really good stuff.
>>969372I keep getting doompilled by seeing furries and NFT artists make so much money. I'm just sort of an underground artist and yet when furries commission me they tip so well since they're used to paying 100$++. I just start daydreaming about the money I could earn if I leaned heavy into the furry market.
No. 969605
File: 1637059688653.png (462.57 KB, 1070x836, imagen_2021-11-16_044836.png)

“I use my hand to draw, which is no different than multiple men a day violently raping you. i might get arthritis in my wrist or fingers someday, which is no different than you possibly being impregnated or infected with STDs or suffering from tears and prolapses and incontinence and ending up in the er because of how violently you were raped. we are both commodities here.”
Comparing yourself producing a product with your hands and having no contact with your customers to women and children being forced to suffer through repeated rapes just to survive is so fucking evil, holy shit.
No. 969652
>>969605what the fuck is this level of delusional
i fucking hate artists who complain when they get commissions. if drawing for money is so horrible then just don't do it and get a job.
No. 969680
>>969605You can tell people with opinions like this have absolutely zero life experience, it's like a 9 year old's logic.
Making art and selling it is world's away from having your orifices forcefully entered by disgusting strangers, try again.
No. 970003
>>969861I don't understand the purity of thinking only men can create pornography or can have an interest in it. Not all pornography is exploitational and women can and do make good money by their own terms from creating their own. But this take
>>969605 is so fucking stupid. This is not the stance or comparison she thinks this is.
No. 970341
File: 1637146447499.jpeg (114.07 KB, 942x1203, 3109CF19-C1B9-42E6-BCFF-492E5F…)

I am so sick of moids. the type of female body I usually draw is like this in picrel, and because I draw for video game fandoms that majority attract male fans. I'd get comments like "aw baby doesn't have ass" and unsolicited advices like "oh i wish she were more thicc", like shut up, shut the fuck up, go fap to a plus size for all I care. For some reasons I keep attracting these kinds of coomers for drawing the most PG fan arts of female character doing cool action pose and I honestly don't know what to ward them off anymore. I don't care for your fat fetish and I don't need to draw fat girls for thicc woke points. Holyshit.
repeating myself but picrel is just the type of female body I tend to draw. (this is not my art)
No. 970462
>>970341Eww is that a dildo on her hand?
Also this art feels so fake and traced, like an AI made it.
No. 970464
>>969605god this is so demoralizing. How is anyone okay with this bullshit? I'm so fucking grossed out how can you treat
victims of human trafficking like this.
No. 970466
I've gotten comments on non-sexualized art where men have expressed disappointed that the female character wasn't hot enough according to their standard. As if everyone's art has to suit their fetishes. NOPE.
No. 970470
>>970462The artist is, no idea on what she's holding though. All of their stuff looks like that, just realistic portraits of famous kpop girls. It's very hit or miss for me, some pics look okay but others look stiff and uncanny looking.
I wouldn't be surprised if they heavily referenced photos for their drawings just like 99% of all other kpop artists on instagram.
No. 970472
>>966958weird art, don't like it, feels like I'm looking at a fetish thing
>>970470I bet it's just weirdly traced art, it looks way too uncanny like you said