No. 93448
>>93443Your soul is what kept in your memory, you don't live life when you don't remember it. If you lose your memory, you lose your previous life.
When you get amnesia you don't feel like you lived before. So if you are going to die, and there's nothing beyond death, how did it come you are able to be conscious of yourself right now?
No. 93458
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>but I can't comprehend absolute nothingness post consciousness
I'm not surprised. As beings we have only ever known consciousness. Similarly as to how we have a difficult time comprehending being babies; we have no memory of it ever happening.
Personally I don't keep any particular faith. Energy can neither be created nor generated, only ever transferred from one unit to another. When I die my body will return the earth. My flesh will break down and my nutrients will deposit into the earth. My atomic structure will break apart, float away and bind to the various things around them, and that may be the materials that go into the creation of a tee, the manufacturing of a medicine, a cigarette, a tea cup; who the fucks knows or cares.
There may be some existence beyond this life, but according to the studies of abiogenesis, the atom count of the planet has remained more or less the same from time immemorial, at least from what we can measure. That points to all materials being recycled one way or another, which includes this concept of the 'soul'.
What's interesting is that Buddhism got a handle on this concept centuries before modern science formulated it, their take on rebirth is considerably more romantic though.
When a being is undergoes rebirth its soul is transferred into the vessel of a body. The reason they say we don't remember our past lives is due to the fact that life in the womb is traumatic. Your soul, still fresh from your past life, is forced to endure 9 months inside the body of another organic being, and for those 9 months you are incapable of speech, you can barely hear or move. You cannot feed yourself or breathe with your own lungs, whatever it is your mother feels or consumes you're forced to bear it, and by the time you are birthed your soul has been so traumatised by the experience it has been wiped clean like a slate.
I don't think humanity will ever truly know what happens to us once we pass, but it's comforting to romantacise it all the same.
Do you think people would take better care of the earth if they knew that the trees they cut down and the animals they flayed living were their mothers, their fathers, their sisters and sons and daughters?