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No. 934981
To get the ball rolling…
>do you consider yourself a munchie?
As a child and teen I was definitely a munchie, but in my adult life I'd say I've got a handle on it, though I still fall back on the stupid thought "damn I wish I was so sick nobody expected anything of me" when I'm stressed
>have others described you as a munchie/hypochondriac?
When I was literally seven I'd say I had a stomach ache when I was nervous about going to school, the family GP straight up called me "just lazy" to my face lol. Since then I've been more strategic and not complained unless I had evidence, so no, nobody has called me munchie to my face since childhood.
>when did your anxiety about health start?
When I was a kid my parents gave zero fucks about our emotions, so I only ever got slack or sympathy when I was sick. When you're healthy you have no excuse for failure. So I guess my real anxiety is about being healthy.
>have you ever tampered with medical tests? eg. putting blood in urine samples
No, I don't have the balls for that lol.
>have you ever hurt yourself to make symptoms appear or intensify symptoms?
I am allergic to NSAIDs but take them regularly because I tell myself they are the only thing that helps even when I have a little headache or period cramps, which I know Aspirin will help most of the time. I'm not really sure why, I guess so I can tell my boyfriend I'm feeling under the weather and I get a little sympathy. Once I spilled hot coffee on myself and made a huge fuss but there wasn't a mark after a few minutes, so I gave myself a real burn on the same spot. Not proud of that at all,but at the time the pain was worth it as insurance against my family thinking I was a drama queen.
>what is the appeal or reward of munchie behavior for you?
Nobody expects the sick girl to achieve anything worthwhile. Her only job is to survive and that's the only thing I haven't managed to fuck up.
>have you sought counseling or treatment for the munch?
No but I'm gearing up to telling my new therapist about it.
No. 936035
>>936020Well my "episodes" weren't spontaneous by any means, they were planned days ahead, waiting for the right time where I could gain the most sympathy, I also used to purposely act "off" for a couple days prior before my planned "episode" so it wouldn't feel out of the blue
As for what I did that was varied, constantly rearranging my shoes for a full hour without saying a word, talking to myself and other stuff
Come to think of it I planned all of this for my parents and siblings attention, I was left alone and ignored most of the time
No. 936072
I grew up under what could be considered Munchie by proxy…Well, I didn't get the worst of it, my little brother did. But we were taught that we were sickly, disabled mentally slow children and paraded around at parties for attention. I wasn't drugged, but I grew up with severe health anxiety due to thinking I was disabled and had "bad genes" (My mum told me that grandad was at Hiroshima and that's why we have so many genetic defects). My little brother was dosed up with Ritalin to the point where he couldn't eat, he had a BMI of around 14 for a good portion of his childhood. Every second Christmas he'd cry because he'd be paraded around for attention.
All of my siblings have severe depression, my little brother has depression and now a drug addiction. I can't work and burn through 4 jobs a year, my little brother says he'll kill himself before 40 but still works and my older sister ghosted the rest of the family as soon as she had children.
I have gone the far way and now have an absolute fear of hospitals, nurses, doctors, etc. I haven't got my covid shot because I just can't bring myself to go in, I get angry and anxious in the parking lot and just end up driving away. I don't think I'll ever go to a hospital again, ever.
No. 940258
>>935971Are you serious? Intent is
the most important thing. As for "subconscious intentions", you don't know and it isn't up for you to decide what goes on in people's brains.
No. 940896
>>940246Citation fucking needed. The only woman I know who suffered that was in her 50s about 20 years after a botched hysterectomy. Saying a menstrual cup can cause prolapse is like saying a waterpick can give you brain damage - technically not impossible but you would have to have extreme issues first so anything could have caused it.
>>936072I'm so sorry that happened to you anon, that's so fucked up. People who involve their kids in their mental illness are the lowest of the low. I hope you've managed to get away from her and build a good life for yourself, we're rooting for you.
No. 940904
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i hope this thread picks up. a dumpster fire in the making