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No. 9380
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is she a trans? she looks like she used to be a man.
No. 9381
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shes a hambeast without photoshop. also the appropriating of black culture is real. a 2 in 1.
No. 9382
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lulz at her –a cup 9y/o boy tits
No. 9383
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her lopsided tits get me
No. 9395
>>9381She actually looks like a smug, stumpy dwarf to me, but to each their own. I guess this is how people see Venus even though I think she's cute??
Anyway, I feel like OP is either this person or some stan from 2014, this is the first I'm hearing of her.
No. 9407
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lol the shoop is real!!
notice her edgy cocaine…what a fucking try hard
No. 9414
OP sounds exactly like the OP of the Alex Clark thread. Just gtfo
>>9380>>9381>>9382>>9383OP samefagging
No. 9420
>>9419OP detected
Try harder next time
No. 9450
>>9400>>9395Why did you copy/paste my posts from the retarded 14 year old selfpost thread?
Are you retarded? This is the worst samefagging I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, not because it's obvious but because you seriously think you're fucking clever about it all. You can't even come up with your own harsh comments. 0/10
No. 9473
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>>9409Behold, it's libbypunk samefagging. This is a reply she wrote from one of the fake blogs she runs about herself. Fucking fail.
No. 9478
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I think pic related is in order once again
No. 9700
>>9559They'll get
triggered and leave
We should revive the pol thread
No. 9706
>>9477Cultural appropriation is legitimate: "The most simple definition of cultural appropriation is that it occurs when members of a dominant culture borrow from the cultures of minority groups without their input" ( and it can be a bad thing when they claim it as their own and other people come to believe that it is true because they are the dominant culture. It can make minority groups lose their identity, especially if the dominant culture doesn't understand the significance behind the cultural practices and why they came to be that way.
People on tumblr don't understand that though and think that some random white girl wearing clothing from other cultures is appropriation despite people of those cultures not being oppressed for wearing them. In situations that they are oppressed for it (lets say post 9/11 and women wearing hijabs) and americans people start wearing hijabs because they think it's fun and different without paying homage to Muslims who are identified as terrorists because of it, it's appropriation.
No. 9758
>>9716She's actually very pretty imho.
>>9706Then why move to another country if your so scared of losing your identity?
>>and americans people start wearing hijabs because they think it's fun and different without paying homage to Muslims who are identified as terrorists because of itGtfo with your sjw shit no1curr. US law doesn't force muslims to wear hijabs, they chose to do it and thus chose to subject themselves to any scrutiny they receive for it. There are plenty of mudslime culture they could move to, yet they pick the US and cry about it not being just like home. Why?
No. 9766
>>9758Because moving to a new country does not necessarily mean changing your entire identity. The US prides itself on its "diversity" (aka that they wiped out the people who actually lived there, squatted there for themselves and then brought in even more foreigners) and the fact that it's supposed to be a melting pot, why not live up to that?
>Gtfo with your sjw shit no1curr. US law doesn't force muslims to wear hijabs, they chose to do it and thus chose to subject themselves to any scrutiny they receive for it.That doesn't give people the right to discriminate them. And yes, there are anti-discrimination laws in the US. Go "muh free speech" somewhere else.
No. 9782
>>9766>>The US prides itself on its "diversity"No we don't and we never did. We've always been about assimilation and have always had violent backlashes against immigrant populations who refused to do so and were
problematic. (Like the Irish)
>>aka that they wiped out the people who actually lived thereThe natives died due to disease, there was never an intentional "wiping out". The conquest of the most powerful tribes was done by the Spanish, who married and merged with the native tribes who sided with them.
>>and the fact that it's supposed to be a melting potThis whole "melting pot" phrase didn't exist throughout most of Americas existence. The goal was "to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity" for a very long time, hence the whole yellow peril thing. In fact, the whole "melting pot of diversity and friendship hehe" didn't even start within the past century.
No. 9783
>>9782>The natives died due to disease, there was never an intentional "wiping out". The conquest of the most powerful tribes was done by the Spanish, who married and merged with the native tribes who sided with them. Except Europeans are the ones who brought the disease over, and they did intentionally kill off a good amount of them. Don't know much about the Spaniards, so I can't comment on that without a source.
>No we don't and we never did. We've always been about assimilation and have always had violent backlashes against immigrant populations who refused to do so and were problematic. (Like the Irish)>This whole "melting pot" phrase didn't exist throughout most of Americas existence. The goal was "to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity" for a very long time, hence the whole yellow peril thing. In fact, the whole "melting pot of diversity and friendship hehe" didn't even start within the past century.But that's wrong.
>The first use in American literature of the concept of immigrants "melting" into the receiving culture are found in the writings of J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. In his Letters from an American Farmer (1782) Crevecoeur writes, in response to his own question, "What then is the American, this new man?" that the American is one who "leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the government he obeys, and the new rank he holds. He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of our great Alma Mater. Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world." No. 9796
>>9783I'm sorry, but if I come to talk to you and then you drop dead because you've been living in a bio bubble your whole life then it's not my fucking fault.
>>leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and mannersThat's assimilation at its core. Our attitude towards immigrants has always centered around the abandonment of the culture they've left. It's not "brig your culture here, cling to it, and get pissed that this isn't your homeland".
>>melted into a new race of menDoes metaphorically using the term "melting" equate to the term "melting pot" now? It didn't come into use until the past century, and from a play, of all things.
My point is, America has never pretended at any time to be a country for brown people. We're a country of European immigrants, all of whom were expected to assimilate into the predominant Anglo culture. These Muslims know this, so then, why complain?
No. 9801
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she's actually beautiful. OP you're not fooling anybody
No. 9856
>>9796No shit it isn't a country for brown people what with killing them off or enslaving them. It turned into that though when people started fighting back for equal rights in huge numbers, making those in power (who were white) realize that they built this country and that without them they wouldn't have shit. Not only that, but most of the resources America gets are from other countries, like ones where Muslims live (Africa, Indians, Middle East, South America, East Asia) so why the fuck shouldn't the people from those countries, who suffer at the hands of American corporations not want to go to the U.S. and try and see if they become successful there? All they want is a job, home and to be able to sustain themselves. Their culture is not just tied to the land they are standing in, it's part of what has shaped them and their ideologies. That's why they keep ties to it.
Muslims not wanting to be labelled as a terrorist for wearing a Hijab is perfectly fine considering thats not what it stands for, so they should be correcting people. They don't have to assimilate into "American" culture by not wearing one to not be called one. Many Middle Eastern people who don't practice Islam still get called that. Assimilation doesn't mean shit if it doesn't do you any good.
No. 9887
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>>9881lol that weak as fuck bait bruh.
No. 10098
>>9856>>making those in power (who were white) realize that they built this country and that without them they wouldn't have shit. Please elaborate. You do realize that less then 1% of white owned slaves, right? The large influx of minorities in this country is a relatively new development. For a long time, the largest ethnic minority were blacks, who accounted for a small percentage of the population, while the rest of the country was almost entirely white. Tell me, how does doing demenial labor like picking cotton or cooking pancakes build an entire country? Even then, there were more white indentured servants than there ever were slaves, and they were treated a lot worse due to how expendable they were. The constitution was written by whites, the architecture was invented by whites, and the majority of the inventions were created by whites. In fact, slaves actually hurt the success of the country. Free labor means that fewer people are to be employed, thus the wealth becomes more concentrated.
>>enslaving themHmm, but didn't other Africans enslave them and sell their people to us? Half of your argument stems from blaming us for participating in trade with other countries.
Do you know how many countries around the world are Muslim? There are a lot, and quite a few of these countries are wealthy. If they came here knowing that Americans host prejudice towards them, yet still refuse to give up their old cultural ties and assimilate with the rest of the population like the rest of us had to, then I have no pity for them. It's their own fault. The largest white ethnic group in this country is German, yet we have no predominant German culture. Why do you think that is? It's because they weren't fucking stupid and knew that they would need to assimilate with the Anglo culture to fit in.
No. 10111
>>10101You're just upset because someone said something you don't like. Get some balls or gtfo.
This is /b/. Hardly anything is "on topic".
No. 10131
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>>10121>e-edgyNo need for an original reply. You'll think of one next time– It takes a little practice, but you'll get the hang of it anon.
Sorry your feewings got hurt.
No. 10149
>>9881I'm also 15 but just so you know, there's tons of people that are teenagers that visit this website and i really doubt you're more mature than us, especially if you call us "spiteful bitches".
please stop thinking you're superior than everyone
No. 10196
>>9381>appropriation>oh no she's wearing THE SAME HAIRSTYLE AS ME AUGHH I AM TRAUMATIZEDget the fuck over yourself if you think wearing dreads or cornrows is the same as 'appropriating culture'. Hair is not a culture, unless you are literally raised in an African tribe where it has some connotation regarding social status, for everybody in the modern world hair is a fucking style choice. You don't see asian people crying over 'cultural appropriation' when they see black girls with their hair straightened, you don't see scots/swedes bitching about 'cultural appropriation' when someone dyes their hair red/blonde, so why is it totally acceptable amongst ~poc~ to start a cyberbullying campaign when some poor dumb bitch gets her hair braided?
people who think dreads/cornrows/kinks/whatever are cultural appropriation = literally that bitch at prom who throws a tantrum because someone showed up wearing the same dress as her.
this girl seems like just your basic hipster following style trends from fucking urban outfitters or whatever.
No. 10243
>>10196I agree with you, but I try to imagine what others are arguing for when they claim shit like this. A part of me feels its legitimate to get mad at the group who once discriminated against you for something as simple as hair (ex associating dreads with being unhygenic because black people are the group that predominantly style their hair this way since it can easily dread for many of them, even though they don't have to use the shit load of product or go through the same process people with naturally straight hair have to to get it that way; people using the excuse of dreads being unhygenic/ not proper to not hire someone because black people are its predominant users) and then when that group who once discriminated start using it, it becomes acceptable, fashionable and edgy, all the while not giving credit to the group in that area who had always worn them despite the discrimination because it became a symbol of their identity (rebelling against those who discriminate against you/keeping true to your roots).
In these
specific situations I totally get the anger and because of the meaning the group who always donned the dreads gave to them was now changed to 2015's new edgy hair style, it can be comparable to cultural appropriation.
Man I hope this makes sense because its the only way I can rationalize their anger over some white girl wearing dreads, though if that white girl isn't racist idk why they'd be upset with her. The racist white people who discriminate against blacks for wearing dreads but wear them themselves? Yeah.
No. 10246
>muh cultural appropriationget back to dumblr jfc
she may be a racist cunt or not beautiful to you whatever but that isnt enough to be a lolcow.