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No. 94492
So there's a story in the news about a 16-year old in Brazil being gang raped by around 30 men after her bf drugged her because he thought she was cheating on him.
The dudes in question laughed and posted about it on social media. by the culprits (NSFW obviously) of the incident:'s easy to say that only Brazilian favela monkeys would do this, but honestly there are incidents of frats in the US doing the same thing. How can you seriously not trust men after seeing shit like this?
No. 94493
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>How can you seriously not trust men after seeing shit like this?
That's the thing. I don't trust men. Nor women.
No. 94502
>>94492Some people hang around with lowlifes.
Then act surprised when they become the next victim.
No. 94534
>>94495The imgur link is not available for me anymore, but the ones I've seen they basically mock her, saying things like "they fucked her up, got it? hahahaha" and "Rio de Janeiro inaugurates new tunnel to Marreta's [a drug dealer] train course".
The worst thing imo is that people created fake accounts to post pictures in which she is carrying guns and dancing at parties to "justify" her rape, saying she wasn't a saint.
But luckily most of the people are outraged with her rape and are pressing our police to investigate properly, this won't be swept away so easily since there are no rich people involved so they can't bribe their way out of the investigation like has happened before.
No. 94535
>>94534 here, forgot to add some stuff.
Brazilian favelas' politics are really hard to understand, but basically rape is not something that is forgiven. The druglords that control this favela also were trying to stablish control over other favelas, and they are PISSED that media attention is being brought to them. The guy responsible for this favela was called to explain himself to his higher ups.
And earlier today there were some news that one of the perpetrators were decapitated. Not everyone involved in this had ties with drug trafficking btw, some just live at the drug-controlled favela.
What probably will happen is… They will kill all the small fishes involved in this and cover up any involvement that is harmful for their drug business, like if a higher up is involved.
My guess is the police won't be able to catch them all since they will all get killed soon to show what happens to rapists.
Funnily how misogyny and rape culture is deeply ingrained in brazilian culture but we also have a deep punitivist vein. So basicallly society loves justifying rape with "she was asking for it, see how she was dressed?" but when a rapist gets caught he will probably be horribly tortured in jail… That is, if the local population doesn't lynch him first.
No. 94539
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Hopefully they will catch the fucks that escape the wrath of their bosses and they'll get to spend some pokey fun-time in prison.
>Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier was arrested after he was found to have sexually abused his step son leading to seizure and later death. During his initial 30-day incarceration, the jujitsu instructor was brutally raped and injured, apparently by 20 men
>he was saved by jail guards and given with some medical attention. Later he undergo stitches to close his wounds and laceration of his anal area
>the officials of the jail facility opted to bring him back inside where he received another round of physically, mentally and morally abuse by the angry prisoners. His stitches were removed and again raped by 20 men inside the detention facility
I fucking love how even hardened criminals despise rapists and paedophiles.
No. 94543
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The one on the right is the piece of shit boyfriend who orchestrated the whole thing. Look at his smug face, he thinks he did a right thing.
Can't wait to see his face when he gets thrown in jail.
No. 94553
>>94539they were "merciful" to him (or maybe not at all)
there are/were some video of a bunch of brazilian inmates toying with a freshly severed head (allegedly a rapist). Brazilian jails are serious shit.
No. 94624
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>>94619There is more than one
No. 94637
>>94603Apart from the white Canadian teens that gang raped a young woman, and she was completely failed by all of the legal and health agencies that were meant to protect her? Rehtaeh Parsons was her name.
That's just one case out of presumably thousands.
No. 94638
>>94614Sadly crimes against women are high in Brazil, murder, rape happen daily. There was a uk documentary on it showing body bags being a normal sight.
This combined with the bans on abortion is just awful. You have 12 year old rape victims being forced to give birth.
No. 94647
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>>94641Imagine being so enslaved by your instincts to the degree that you feel compelled to grab, smaller, weaker, more vulnerable members of your species and force your way inside of their bodily cavities as a show of dominance.
Men like to claim that it's women who are not in control of their emotions, but you don't ever hear about women going on mass rape sprees or 30+ women gangraping a drugged man.
The rope is too good for these rapist pigs, they deserve to be flayed.
No. 94650
>>94613You can't really teach men not to rape, because they all know rape is bad. Some just don't care.
>>94606So wouldn't it be the father's fault for not being there? Are you really going to sit here and blame her for getting raped by 30 fucking pigs? She's a fucking child.
No. 94651
>>94647It's not just rape, but everyday sexism that we as women and girls face. You would be surprised how common it is for men to flash, grope, make sexual comments at girls and women on public transport, walking home etc.
It happened to me when I was 11, groped in the street. And many of my school friends also faced such abuse by men.
There is an article today in the guardian about all of this which is what caused me to remember such vile memories No. 94652
>>94651I'm not part of the "all men are absoulte trash" brigade, but the whole groping thing is absolutely true for almost all the girls i know and it fucking sucks how most people think it's not a big deal anymore.
The first time i was groped i was around 9, a dude grabbed my ass while i was at the counter of a hospital, i was so shocked i couldn't even do anything, when i told my dad and brother what did they do? laugh and make fun of it. Even before that when i was very little, maybe around 5? there was an old man where i live who would always touch me and stare at me… weirdly, but i don't have much recollection of that, thankfully.
One time i even got followed home by a bunch of 20-30-something year old men becasue i passed the park where they smoked and sold drugs minding my own business, listening to music, they started grabbing me, telling me to suck their dick, that i was a whore who provokoed them, grabbing my clothes, pulling down their pants, touching me… i was terrified, i manged to escape but when i left running calling them everything bad i could think they got on their bikes and followed me until home, mind you i was around 14 at that time and this was during the day on a public park. I was just walking around a playground and those men decided that that was okay to do, i don't know what would have happened if i did not kick the one grabbing me, i was fucking terrified for years of men and i couldn't even tell anyone for fear of them blaming me. So when people say "it doesn't even happen anymore", or it has "improved" i want to fucking vomit.
Yeah, women do all that stuff too, and quite a bit, but it seems people use that as a scapegoat just to not talk about what to do to stop the ludricuous amount of sexual harassment most boys and, especially, girls face by grown up adults.
No. 94654
>>94651Oh I wouldn't be surprised at all.
When I was 9 my best friends father molested me over a period of just under 3 years. When he was eventually caught, after going into a client's house to fit a kitchen and the mother walking in on the guy molesting her baby, they searched his home and found hundreds of images of CP on his PC, and this was in 2001 mind when the internet was still potato-status so no easy feat.
In the end it turned out he'd been fiddling more than half the kids in my village, and you know what happened? Nothing. He was placed on a sex offenders register and then allowed to move, to change his name and even worse is that his scumbag wife, a woman I'd known for years, accused me of lying for compensation and even took her 12 year old son with her to continue living with that monster.
My county council, which was operated majoritively by men, threw £2000 at me to make the problem go away, and that was the end of that.
I still have fantasies about tracking him down and killing him.
No. 94655
>yeah, women do all that stuff tooI am extremely sympathetic to your experiences having suffered similar abuses, but girl you're deluding yourself if you think there's a hefty percentage of women that hang around in parks sexually harassing minors and demanding they sucks their clits and grabbing the genitalia of little boys at hospital counters.
There's nothing wrong with admitting that a good potion of the male species appear to be defective to a degree, you don't have to tack on the whole "but women do it too" when comparatively they really don't.
No. 94657
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I honestly hate being straight. I hate that I'm sexually attracted to people who oftentimes don't even see me as a real human being, merely something to occasionally fuck and show off to your friends.
I hate how previously nice and gentle men can quickly turn to rage and beat me to a pulp without me being abel to properly defend myself.
I hate how, even if I'm able to find a decent man, I'll still be burdened with most family work, while he builds up a good career.
I wish women would make me feel anything, but they don't.
No. 94658
>>94655Well, i understand what you mean, but i mostly said that because quite a bit of the male friends i met online and real life have admitted to having recieved some sort sexual comments from women (and men too) for being pretty bois or whatnot, one even admitting to a woman sexually touching him without his consesnt and people not caring because he is a man, so i guess it kinda infulences my prespective knowing the other side from so close.
I certainly did not mean that more women than men do those kinds of things, what i was saying is, that while the percentage of women doing it is proabbly a lot smaller in number, it still happens and deserves to not be ignored. But also it should not to be used as an excuse by men to silence the experiences of little girls as young as, well, children, having to deal with grow ass men being creepy just because they can say "women do it too".
No. 94667
>>94651>The GuardianNot her, but no thanks.
It's because of liberals that aggravated rape no longer carries a death penalty. They're not helping.
No. 94673
>>94667It was me that linked the article, I don't understand why you would completely dismiss her valid points and her raising awareness to something that probably every woman on here has faced because you somehow think the death penalty will stop violence against women?
Give over, there are countries where sex crimes result in being given the death sentance and they are probably some of the most sexist and unsafe places in the world for women to live.
No. 94674
>>94673>Give over, there are countries where sex crimes result in being given the death sentance and they are probably some of the most sexist and unsafe places in the world for women to live.And? That means we should oppose it why?
Do you have any idea how many rapists reoffend?
No. 94675
>>94651What makes it worse are the fat feminist who make very small things into nothing like 'manspreading.'
man, shut the fuck up. We need to focus on real shit like flashing, groping, catcall and street harassment– and especially rape. All women face this. Every single one of them. Men are the worst scum.
No. 94682
>>94681Their entire ideology prioritizes individual freedom above everything else, that's their axiomatic truth. So even when something is obviously self-destructive, they support it as a point of principle.
It doesn't help that they can't conceive of harm outside of these really linear ideas of "two people consenting", e.g. the culture as a whole informing young girls through media osmosis that being a slut is great and healthy.
No. 94691
>>94687That's a pathetic excuse. You love your partner? You NEVER raise a hand to them ever.
I don't give a shit if you have anger issues. You hit walls, you break your own shit, you DON'T hit your fucking partner holy fuck.
No. 94698
>but none of you know what the situation was, myself, or my personal historyI don't care what your personal history, there is no excuse to abuse your partner.
>though who are any of you to crucify me? Like you're such perfect people?Pretty sure we don't physically abuse our partners though.
>I've had the sense to work on myself instead of criticising other people, you should do the same.Good, go work on not beating your boyfriend, I'll work on continuing never having beaten my boyfriend.
God this whole "wehhhh you don't know my situation!" shit is such a classic example of abdication of responsibility. P. sure everybody here would have gone a lot easier on you if you'd said "I've hit my boyfriend in the past. It's not something I'm proud of, I have no justification", but instead you tried to justify it and that's FUCKING GROSS.
No. 94720
>>94716It's not the action that's bad it's the intent. You don't fucking hit somebody you're supposed to love and PROTECT.
Anybody that hits their partner, male or female, they're scum and they don't understand what actual love is because love is you punching yourself in the face first before even dreaming of laying a hand on that person you piece of shit, it doesn't fucking matter who's stronger.
No. 94723
>>94716Way to be a cunt. A woman can cause damage if she wants to. She can fight if she knows how to. Abuse is abuse. Stop trying to justify it by using the double standard of 'men are naturally stronger than women, so it's okay for women to hit men.'
No. 94724
>>94721>microwaved by the big bossesPardon my ignorance, but what does that mean?
Either way, I want the men involved dead.
No. 94726
>>94721Woah. Just… woah. I mean, having sex for drugs is not uncommon, but these people aren't exactly the type to be into hardcore BDSM, so the "fucked by over 30 men in a single go" would be an uncommon practice.
Besides, that would have paid for A HUGE AMOUNT of drugs, and your average crackudo doesn't think that far ahead into the future, they want their fix for right now and will only worry about the next once the high is gone.
I kind of wish I still lived in a favela, strictly because it'd be a lot easier to find out what really happened.
No. 94736
>>94725Ah, in the West we call that 'necklacing', nasty way to go.
Thanks for the translations and updates though, I really value the cultural variety we have on this board.
No. 94740
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>>94735>>94736You farmers are all alright! For such graphic and sensitive subjects, I'm glad we're all having actual conversations instead of flinging poo, haha.
No. 94769
Like wtf.
Not every man on this planet is a rapist and a scumbag.
No. 94774
>>94772Define catcalling. How the fuck is that sexual abuse you cow.
And no, none of my friends have been 'sexually abused'. You're either extremely overreacting or living in an absolute shithole
No. 94779
>>94768Oh god yes, this so much. Granted i've had quite a few bad experiences with men but the generalization of them as absolute trash here is absolutely ridiculous.
It's like, chill, if you go outside you'll realize that not every man is out to rape you and not every single one of them are scumbags waiting to get a woman close enough to degrade like the "savages" they are or whatever. Unless these people live in the worst shithole on earth they have a pretty unrealistic and skewed view of the general male population.
How can you people survive on the real world with this mentality lmao
No. 94783
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>hey you FELLOW WOMAN>STOP THAT>I, as a WOMAN, who is DEFINITELY a female, have NEVER endured this>how DARE you, fellow GIRL xDJust remember guys, when a man can't win against you in an argument you're either fat, slutty or you're ugly :^)
No. 94787
>every 107 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted>that's 295,536 per year>sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 68% still being left unreported>of the est. 295,536 per year, this only takes into account persons of the age 12 or older>1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse>Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident>during a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;>over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized>many rapes by males against females are unreported because of "fear of reprisal from the assailant">researchers from the University of Surrey estimate that approximately 1 in 7 rapes by males against females are reported that's just one Western nation. Dare you do you go look at the stats for localities based in Iran, Niger, Gambia, Colombia etc.
Men sure are busy, busy boys.
No. 94825
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>>94775Pls leave robot. Every woman has been catcalled, groped/flashed or worse. Men are animals. Now get the fuck out of here.
No. 94882
>>94829>>94838This, this, this.
Catcalling IS sexual abuse, it is verbal abuse of a sexual nature, and it fucks people up.
No. 94933
Fallen Angels. True cost of sex tourism: Philippi…: like this makes me hate men, raping some third world slum whore and then leaving their children behind to live a life of poverty
No. 94944
>>94928Do you see the difference between you and me? I hate you for the way you choose to act and the lifestyle you lead. You hate me for having a small penis and being mentally-ill.
Comparing getting compliments and sexually-charged comments to sexual assault is so ridiculously insulting that it's laughable. I can't even imagine how legitimate rape victims feel when whores like you devalue their suffering by making a mockery of it.
>Last night, a man held me down and brutally raped me over the course of an hour. It was a terrifying experience and I don't know if I'll ever be able to move past it.>OMG girlfriend I know just how you feel! This one time, I got shitfaced and had consensual sex with a guy who was also drunk, and since I'm a woman and not responsible for my own actions, I was raped! Oh, and this other time, a construction worker yelled something rude at me from across the street! I'll never be the same again ;_;You people disgust me.
No. 94950
>>94947>>94948>Sexual assault is any involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual touching of a person. Sexual assault is a form of sexual violence, and it includes rape (such as forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration or drug facilitated sexual assault), groping, forced kissing, child sexual abuse, or the torture of the person in a sexual manner.[1][2][3]No, you histrionic little jezebels, "a man yelled mean words at me" is not a form of sexual assault any more than a stubbed toe is a form of amputation. You are devaluing other people's suffering to fuel your own ego and victim-complex. I'd tell you to be ashamed of yourselves, but if you were capable of feeling shame in the first place, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
No. 94953
>>94950Sexual abuse is not sexual assault.
She said sexual abuse. S.E.X.U.A.L. A.B.U.S.E. you blind fuck.
No. 94955
>>94950You didn't answer me
>>94945And I think yelling is just annoying and not sexual assault, but running after you and grabbing you by the arm while demanding you pay attention to them is pretty standard. You can't judge cat-callers by normal man standards because normal men don't scream "Hey bitch why don't you get your disgusting whore pussy out" and especially not when you're a flat woman wearing a maxi dress with a long sleeved cardigan over it. So you can't use the "you were asking for it excuse" anyway. Have you seen footage of ghetto blacks and wiggers before? They scream at people and grab them all the time. In a lot of cases if you don't comply you'll get beaten up at the very least.
I think comparing it to rape is stupid, but at least in my experience it's almost never just yelling unless they're already driving away.
Also >Sexual assault
They've specifically and repeatedly said sexual abuse.
No. 94972
>>94961That's so incredibly broad that it means nothing.
>Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is forcing undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. When that force is immediate, of short duration, or infrequent, it is called sexual assault. Catcalling is
>1) Immediate >2) Of short duration, and>3) Infrequent It literally fits all three criteria for sexual assault to a fucking T, yet it isn't labelled as such. Could it be because it's a non-issue and women want some special victim points?
I don't catcall women. I think the types of people who catcall women are retarded testosterone apes. But to suggest that comments like "Hey baby, how's it going!" (more common) or even "Dayum, shame dat ass gurl!" (less common) are either sexual assault or abuse is absurd and only serves to devalue both of those terms, hurting lots of people in the process.
If someone complimented my ass on the street I would thank them.
>>94955A guy running up to you and grabbing your arm against your will is a different story altogether.
No. 94976
>>94972It is and it isn't. Like I said the two almost always go in hand. The catcalling is just to get your attention, if you ignore them they usually want to "teach you a lesson in respect". Unless they're already driving off I can expect physical harassment as well.
And yes I agree those comments are obnoxious and disrespectful but unless it happens to you very young (and often does)it's not anymore traumatizing than any other insult someone yells at you. What is scary about catcalling isn't really the cat calling itself, it's what almost always comes after it.
No. 94986
>>94984Not that anon but I live near some shit areas and I'm one of the only white women around. I'm not even blonde but you do stand out a lot. It depends if they decide to loiter around places. I avoid walking to far away places anyway and wasn't allowed to walk down the street without supervision until I turned 18 and even now my parents throw fits. Sometimes it happens almost every other week and sometimes it's almost a month if I get really lucky.
Most women try their hardest to avoid going out alone anyway. Partly because of this but mostly because of even worse situations. If anything happens you're almost guaranteed to get told it's your fault for going out alone.
It also depends how intimidating you look. The taller, beefier, and more confident you look the less likely it'll happen. Wearing anything out of the ordinary (sweatpants or jeans) gets you attention too.
No. 94990
>>94984When I moved to the city it became a once every three days or so occurrence for me, that is the honest to god truth.
By the time I left it'd turned me into a raging, murderous, misandrist bitch. It was men did that to me, so what exactly is your purpose in coming here and making statements about what I have and haven't experienced as if you anything about what it is you're talking about?
No. 94991
>>94987>"Hey bitch why don't you get your disgusting whore pussy out"And similar variations, insults about my chest/butt, "Hey white girl/bitch/slut", "suck my dick/balls, and call me a racist if I try to ignore them. Honestly it's hard to understand sometimes, they talk super ghetto and uses tons of profanity and if they're in a car they usually have loud "music" on. Hispanics shout out things in Spanish. I recognize some swear words but idk about the rest. Arabs love to creep up close and get super handsy. White guys that aren't wiggers usually do similar things and try to tel me how disgusting my lack of tits is but they'll do me a favor and fuck me anyway.
I try to avoid going out alone as much as possible now tbh.
No. 94998
>>94995Yeah, I've heard that black women get pissed off if you ever complain about it as a white woman.
They're weird though, like they complain about white women taking all their men but if you make it clear you're not interested in black men they get even madder. They don't know what they want.
>>94996I've heard chavs are pretty bad, though a friend of mine says they're a lot less numerous than they once were.
No. 95001
>>94986 Houston to be specific.
No. 95005
>>95001Oh, man, I wanted to move there… Should I anyway?
OT sage
No. 95046
>>94972>hey baby, how's it goingto a woman you do not know is sexual harassment. Please go kill yourself.
>If someone complimented my ass on the street I would thank them.Fuck. Off. Robot. Wow, men really are fucking idiotic apes.
No. 95233
>>95232>I'm entirely certain are made by white guys.Why?
White guys aren't even that into latinas. Now if it was an Asian girl talking about how much she loved the white D, then I'd maybe think so.
No. 95428
>>95398Now this is autism. Internet-speak is different to vernacular everyday English, obviously there are going to be differences.
>>95400That's the problem of liberal democracy plus what is essentially a multi-ethnic empire-state. You lose the traditional methods for controlling large, heterogeneous and unwieldy populations and are reduced to a system where every organ of government is impotent more or less.
No. 95429
>>95398If you never heard a black person use the word "cracka" or bringing up someone being white as part of shitting on them, as in "pasty white bitch", you probably just don't live in America. Don't try and act like it doesn't happen just because it never happened to you directly, though. And there is no reverse racism, it's just racism regardless of who does it.
>>95428>That's the problem of liberal democracy plus what is essentially a multi-ethnic empire-state.Very much so.
No. 95493
>>95490I personally don't care about the term "cracker".
Whites who moan about how mean blacks are and expect them to actually apply nonsense principles like "anti-racism" equally are fools. For blacks, an adherence to ostensibly liberal values is about providing a smokescreen for naked racial tribalism. Always has been. The only ones who pay anything more than lip service at the altar of universalism are whites.
No. 95903
So, I'm not sure if anyone is still interested but I'm updating anyway. Things took a turn for the worst. Sorry for broken english, I'm writing this in a hurry and everything is really complicated.
I can't even begin to explain the stuff that appeared in the past days and changed everything.
Basically a lot of contradictions started appearing in her statements and everyone started speculating what really happened. Things like number of assailants, how much time she spent at the place, who did what… News' reports had a lot of conflicting info in them. Even now what happened keep changing.
To top that, her lawyer is a well known piece of shit who stalked the police station and pratically threw herself at the victim offering her services in order to promote herself. She started going on facebook and detailing everything she was doing in the case, what was going to be her defense, etc. This woman is a feminist militant and wanted pats on the back, so she would post stuff like how she was smashing the patriarchy by helping this girl. I'm dead serious.
She also instructed the victim not to undergo any sorta exam, since 'the victim's word should be enough'. After a lot of fuck-ups the victim's family dismissed her services and the state's human rights dept took over the case.
Her delaying the forensic exam resulted in NOTHING showing up when she finally did it. Which made people question if nothing showed up bc of the delay or bc there was nothing to show in the first place. Did the lawyer knew that and that's why she made excuses? Did the lawyer fucked up by putting her ideals first? We don't know. Wouldn't the wounds of 30 guys raping her show up even after some days?
The exam results and the small contradictions in statements, together with a internet smear campaign, made everyone question if there was really a rape. Lots of reactionary sects got really happy with this.
This whole 'raped-by-30' thing began with the video going around in which she was passed out in a bed and a guy says to the camera 'this one was impregnated by 30 guys'. The thing is… Apparently "impregnated by 30" is from a well known song and the guy was just making a reference to being fucked by a lot of guys, but the media and a bunch of feminist groups took it literally and started all this mess. Some are saying that since the media caused this mass panic, the girl couldn't do anything to change what was being reported and ended up going along with the story also bc she was embarrassed the video was going around (her family is very religious).
She was well known for doing gangbangs for drugs, so what people think happened was… She consented at first to some guys, then she passed out and was raped by a couple more, which would fit with the medical report and the video. She was definitely raped, but not by 30 guys. Sadly since what was reported at first was a lot more shocking, the actual truth got cheapened.
Couple guys got arrested for being involved in the rape, like the guy on the video and her boyfriend, and in recording her and distributing the images online. It seems police are still going (at least is what they say) with the 30-guys version of the facts.
Oh, the rumors that people are being killed for this are fake. Guys who died were not involved, it was just regular gang conflicts.
The criminal faction responsible for the area got really pissed with the possibility that she was lying, they take rape very seriously and would kill everyone involved if it was true. Some were saying she was raped bc her boyfriend orchestrated it with the help of drug lords, but gang rapes don't fit their M.O. so that was also disproved.
Because nobody was killed people started doubting her version even more.
That criminal gang put a bounty on her head because of all the trouble she caused them, the media is all over the favela reporting their business and police is seizing drugs and weapons. She had to enter a witness protection program and moved to another state with a new identity. Her stupid lawyer is still gloating online about how she acted awesome but was fired because of patriarchy forces.
I don't even know what is happening anymore and we will probably never know the truth. What I can say is… This poor girl got caught up in media frenzy and feminist craze, which really hurt her case and killed her for good. Our witness program sucks and I give a couple months till she gets killed.
Sorry if this end up being confusing.
No. 95905
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>>95903>She also instructed the victim not to undergo any sorta exam, since 'the victim's word should be enough'>That criminal gang put a bounty on her head because of all the trouble she caused themCHRIST what a dumb sack of shit. Wtf kind of lawyer refuses such valuable evidence? It makes me wonder if the victim told her the "true" story and it was radically different from the media one.
No. 95906
>>95905Yeah, I hope they decide to murder the lawyer instead. I want her to get disbarred so bad at least.
Even if she knew the 'true' story and refused exams because of that, she still went on Facebook and laid out all her strategies. If I was the guys' attorney I'd be so happy, I could just go online and learn her next steps.
What gets me mad the most is the horde of stupid sjws commenting stuff like "well done, sis! you rock" and "you did us womyn a favor by sticking up to the Man", "if the guys get released it was the patriarchy's fault". I cannot make this up. We are doomed.
No. 95968
>>95903Wow, thank you for updating. So, it might of just been a gangbang that went wrong? Or is the punishment for cheating thing still true?
I feel so bad for her, especially if what you said about the witness protection program being bad. I'm not sure of the laws there, but I'm pretty sure that in the US, you can't give out details of a case like that. Her lawyer is horrible.
No. 95979
>>95968Yeah probably it was a gangbang that end up out of control.
The punishment thing doesn't checks out since having gangbangs and leaving the victim alive don't fit criminal organizations' M.O.s, so that narrative was pretty much abandoned by the media. Her boyfriend is in custody at the moment but he is probably innocent, they found a twitter convo in which the girl denies his involvement. But perhaps they will convict him as some sorta scapegoat since someone has got to be arrested for this.
I also feel terrible for the girl, she probably didn't want this blown out of proportion but now she can't back out of what she said. Since the system is so corrupt, someone will probably sell her address soon.
When the girl was being questioned by the police chief she created a ruckus by saying he was being misogynistic in his questioning… He was being pretty shitty about it and the lawyer ended up getting him thrown out of the case. He is now being investigated and the whole police corp got pretty pissed.
So yeah, both police and the criminal gang are united in hating the poor girl. The lawyer should have threaded more carefully in getting him dismissed.
And yeah we also can't give out details but she did anyway. That's why I'm hoping she gets disbarred.
No. 96002
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>>94603>white men just don't have the balls to commit gang rapes.Yes because only minorities gang rape and white men are cowards. Please
No. 96004
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>>94538>>95156Most people don't do what's right. They do what they can get away with. Men can get away with a lot more because they're naturally stronger and more bold. Women stick to good old fashioned child abuse and shoplifting, for the most part, and rarely manage to rape and murder like the big dogs. Maybe you should research matriarchal bee colonies and spotted hyena clans. When females are the dominant sex, they prove to be just as cruel as men.
No. 96010
>>96009>Animal "rape" is completely different than human rape even if animals could be considered just as intelligent.It's been proven that dogs who assist soldiers in war can develop the animal equivalent of PTSD. Same with dogs who participate in underground dog fights.
>Please chop your dick off and rid yourself of your "biological drive". After all women will hate you no matter what so might as well get rid of it.I guess I can't reason with irrational rape victims. Your minds must be warped beyond repair. Sorry you had a shitty life. Peace
No. 96011
>>96010Animal "rape" is usually just part of their mating ritual. Like certain species of spiders eating the males after mating.
>rape victimsTry again. You sound like the average irrational sjw. "All men are rapists. Even if they never say or do anything they still would the instant they get a chance. Literally all men."
Again you said yourself no woman will ever love you. So why not just do everyone else and yourself a favor and remove all of your male instincts? You won't care about women not liking you then.
No. 96012
>>96011>Again you said yourself no woman will ever love you. No, I didn't. I just implied that most women who complain men being violent wouldn't want a weakling as a lover either, they want something inbetween.
>So why not just do everyone else and yourself a favor and remove all of your male instincts?Because that's insane? Are you seriously encouraging someone to mutilate themselves, just because they are loved by other people? You don't seem rational at all.
No. 96014
>>96012If they have the instincts to rape then yes I definitely vote they either die or get neutered.
Ofc no one male or female wants a complete doormat for a lover. Not unless they're a huge control freak with a inferiority complex. But literally no one but the absolute dumbest edglelord wants a rapist or potential rapist. Even then they're usually only trying to come off as edgy and freak out as soon as anything even vaguely close happens irl.
No. 96015
>>96014>If they have the instincts to rape then yes I definitely vote they either die or get neutered. Nowhere in my posts did I indicate I had the instincts to rape.
>Ofc no one male or female wants a complete doormat for a lover.Aside from abusive/rapey people of course. They deliberately seek out people with no self-esteem and then isolate them from other people.
No. 96017
>>96015>If a man was completely devoid of any desire to rape or kill, you'd probably consider him to be a weaklingThat and the way you keep trying to make it seem like women commit tons of rape makes it sound like you're trying to justify it. If you aren't defending it at all and have zero desire to commit rape what are you even complaining about? You're saying we're evil manhaters but I'm the one saying #notallmen and you're saying no one would like men who aren't potential rapists.
>Aside from abusive/rapey people of course. Which is what I said here >Not unless they're a huge control freak with a inferiority complex.
No. 96019
>>96017>you're saying no one would like men who aren't potential rapists.I know lots of women can find themselves in abusive relationships because they assume that violent men will do better job of protecting them and they'll only hurt other people. It doesn't always work out that way
>If you aren't defending it at all and have zero desire to commit rape what are you even complaining about?Basically, if women were given the chance to be violent they would. Because men are stronger they're more likely to commit more crimes, like in nature. That was the gist of it.
I've known people who have been raped personally. They were all a little crazy and pretty much dead inside, so rape should definitely be illegal.
>what are you even complaining about?Violence has to less to do with instinct and more to with who can get away with more.
No. 96020
>>96019What does that have to do with the post you quoted? You came off exactly like all the robots that come to lolcow solely to talk about how rape is natural and men are born to do it then switch around to "but women would do it too". If you had stated that in the beginning you wouldn't have sounded like them.
>Basically, if women were given the chance to be violent they would. Because men are stronger they're more likely to commit more crimes, like in nature. That was the gist of it.I'm not sure if I agree exactly. Look at Sweden's rape rates before and after all the muslims. It's not necessarily how strong you are, it's about how okay your culture tells you it is.
No. 96025
>>96022I'm not a troll at all, if I came across as one. I was being genuine.
>96021>Literally fuck off with this nonsense. Mods!What rules have I broken? If you ban me, whatevs
No. 96180
>>96125But she's a bad person if she cheated on him
Bad people deserve bad things