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No. 96690
Okay, can we talk about this? Because it fucking pisses me off.
Back in high school and Jr. High, there was an endless supply of cute boys I could fall in love with. They were cute, skinny, and optimistic with this type of energy that just forced you to fall in love with them. They were the types of boys who you could genuinely be friends with, you could have a good time with them AND date them. They were everything I could ever want in a guy and more. And then high school ended. The second I enter the adult would, BAM. These cute and endearing boys turned into gross, fat hairy douchbag old MEN with beards. Why the fuck do adult men think that working out and having some muscles tone on their arms gives them the right to be a fat fuck? I fucking hate adult men. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the male brain that makes guys turn to shit the second puberty ends? At what time do guys go from cute young boys to gross old men? I miss all the skinny, horny cuties who would pretend not to be starring at my cleavage in Jr.High. The types with those cute, rock hard little bodies with the slight muscle tone on their chest, not an inch of fat on their belly. They'd be on top of me, their heart thumping in their hard little chest, tongue in my mouth, so so happy that they finally got a girl to make out with them. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear I would make them stop. And you could feel their hard teen dick rubbing up against you in their pants, the head generating from their crotch as their excitement heightened. They were perfect. And they're fucking illegal to me now because adult men know they can never compete with the simple beauty that is a teenaged boy.
I hate, HATE adult men. I hate how they put on a fake persona to be "cool". I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool". I just hate them.
Watch, you're all going to call me a pedophile now and post some gross hairy adult men and scream THESE ARE BETTER HURR. Well, I don't give a fuck.
No. 96698
File: 1465446106094.jpg (63.93 KB, 500x375, alternative-boy-cute-emo-gray-…)

If I could kill all adult men, I would. You fucking bet your booty I would. And the fact that they're so fucking jealous of cute, young, energetic guys fills me with rage to no end. Ever notice how the #1 haters of things like One Direction, Justin Bieber (when he was young and qt, and emo are ALWAYS these ugly as fuck men? It's because they're fucking jealous. They sell their souls so they can become a fucking tool and blend in. They've read every PUA handbook in existence, changing everything about themselves in a pathetic attempt to acquire woman. They intentionally removed themselves from the vigor and quirks of their youth. They try and try so hard to rid themselves of the emotions and life that make us human, just because they've convinced themselves that being a shell of their former selves is the only way to get gurls.
And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young guys, just being themselves and doing their thing, yet attracting a herd of fangirls begging for their dick. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed too? After all that research, after all those other men telling you that these are the guys woman hate. And yet these boys have girls fawning over them, just by being themselves. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed? All that research, down the drain! You sold your soul for nothing! But, of course, they'll never admit that cute tween boys are better than them. And so, they attack these cute boys to protect their cognitive dissonance.
>T-they're faggots D:
I hate adult men so much. So spiteful. So full on hate. Void of everything that adds to the human experience. Kill them and let me piss on their graves.
No. 96701
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>>96690When you talk all i hear is "i am a pedophile"
No. 96702
>>96690>I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool".It's called growing up, physically and emotionally. We've all done it, unless you have some kind of developmental disorder and you're a 15 year old stuck in a 25 year old body
A grown man who acts like he did at 15 would be extremely off-putting
No. 96703
>It's because they're fucking jealouskek
Only creepy manchilds who can't let go high school era (onision style) want to look like that. It's also terribly outdated
No. 96707
>>96696Adult hipsters are fucking awful. Theyre hippie scum who have nothing going for them.
They grow up to be gross old men with a fringe
No. 96712
>>96705Worse of all, these female perverts tend to get away with this shit more often than male.
OP I wish upon you a painful karmic death, you sick child diddler fuck.
No. 96726
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>>96690You're attracted to pre-teens, pedo-chan, seek help.
pic related, it's you
No. 96732
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>>96728oops, you should said it was a significantly more attractive version of OP. Anyway, Taytay isn't a pedo, she's an Aryan goddess and queen of /pol/
No. 96738
>>96733Ugh this
>man begins at 30, at 20 there are only boys teehee>woman ends at 30 fuckin shriveled used up sack just kill urselfA majority of men get dumber and more desperate with age, not wiser. Just because they happen to acquire some wealth along the way, like most regular people fuckin do regardless of gender and status, doesn't make them alphas or sages or some other shit.
I already decided I'll be a cougar at 40. Fuck beer bellies, hairy arms and bald heads. Fuck their fragile mid-life egos and soft dicks. I wanna spoil some smooth and lean underdog. It's the main reason I bother with all this exercise and skin-care, lol.
No. 96779
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>preferring prepubescent looking skinny manlets over beefy bearded viking gods
I'm sorry you have shit taste OP, maybe when you stop being salty about the fact that only beer-bellied neckbeards pays you any attention you will evolve from still living with the mindset of a 13yo.
No. 96780
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>tfw no matter how much I bust my ass at gym or improve myself I'll never get close to being like himfucking genetics
No. 96787
>>96785Because most people aren't litteral pedophiles who likes to fuck childlike virgins.
>implying 8 previous sex partners is a lot by adult standardsJust grow the fuck up.
No. 96802
I'm pretty sure this is copypasta where the author reversed the genders, and the original author of this posted on /r9k/ on halfchan or fullchan, as a male ephebophile. It's disgusting.
So technically we are the ones being trolled.
No. 96804
Most men 20+ are ugly as fuck with wrinkles and agespots and bad skin and balding etc. I lucked out on my bf, he's the same age as me but when he shaves he looks like a teenager. He still has a full head of hair and zero wrinkles and perfect skin whereas most men his age look haggard as fuck.
No. 96812
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>This entire thread
No. 96820
cool bait. sum 1 on r9k posted this too
>>96811why do so many retards fuck up this meme
No. 96829
christ op who the hell hurt you
>>96738target shy guys if you want a high success rate
No. 96830
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>>96698I feel like I'm reading the personal manifesto of a future serial killer, good god op. Even if you are just a troll, reading this creeps me out
No. 96842
>>96841I'm not actually fat, and I do get to the gym and eat well generally, I just go through periods when there are projects on or work is tough when I'll gain a few pounds.
Women should accept this and love us in spite of it. I work hard and save for settling down with a family one day anyway.
No. 96846
>>96802>>96820What makes you think that? I copied and pasted this to /r9k/ just now, yes, but only to share my hate with more people. I did, however, write it myself. You need a source before you can accuse someone of plagiarism, friend.
>>96829Shy adult men are usually the most soiled and bitter. Shy teens boys are HHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
>>96839Then fucking stop eating like a pig you piece of trash. Requiring more food than woman doesn't give you permission to eat massive fucking portions of food.
No. 96849
>If only women would accept our doughy bodiesNo. Just don't overeat.
>a few poundsA few pounds is nothing on a guy. You must be eating a ton if you're gaining so much during your 'stress' period. And this isn't the thread for your pathetic validation anyway. Go back to your containment board. I'm dead sick of seeing robots running amok on lolcow now. Where are the mods? I miss hellweek.
No. 96852
>>96787That is kind of a lot, not him.
>>96849You can love a man for reasons other than him having rock hard abs.
No. 96859
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>>96738You do you, OP. I'm working out 3-4 days a week and watching what I eat so I can be as good looking in my 40s and 50s as I am now. Most men in their 30s are legit manchildren still.
No. 96863
>>96860You're talking to two different people, I'm the "fatty".
Fuck you for being such a bitch by the way.
No. 96870
>>96863And that was the first post I made in reply to this, your point? You retards assume that I'm talking to one person, while thinking you're talking to the same one.
Anon has to be a fatty fag if he's hating on others getting some. Probably can't see your dick thanks to your gunt.
No. 96874
>>96870I'm a pretty girl. :)
Only fat ugly stupid girls think that being a nasty slut is a badge of honer. You can't get guys to notice you unless you put out right away, huh?
No. 96881
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>I'm a pretty girl. :)
No. 96899
>>96698If I could kill all adult women, I would. You fucking bet your booty I would. And the fact that they're so fucking jealous of cute, young, energetic girls fills me with rage to no end. Ever notice how the #1 haters of things like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus (when she was young and qt), and emos are ALWAYS these ugly as fuck women. It's because they're fucking jealous. They sell their souls so they can become a fucking whore and blend in. They've watched every makeup tutorial in existence, changing everything about themselves in a pathetic attempt to acquire men. They intentionally removed themselves from the vigor and quirks of their youth. They try and try so hard to rid themselves of the emotions and life that make us human, just because they've convinced themselves that being a shell of their former selves is the only way to get guys.
And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young girls, just being themselves and doing their thing, yet attracting a herd of fanboys begging for their pussy. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed too? After all that research, after all those other women telling you that these are the women guys hate. And yet these girls have boys fawning over them, just by being themselves. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed? All that research, down the drain! You sold your soul for nothing! But, of course, they'll never admit that cute tween girls are better than them. And so, they attack these cute girls to protect their cognitive dissonance.
>T-they're sluts D:I hate adult women so much. So spiteful. So full on hate. Void of everything that adds to the human experience. Kill them and let me piss on their graves.
No. 96908
>>96905Back in high school and Jr. High, there was an endless supply of cute girls I could fall in love with. They were cute, skinny, and optimistic with this type of energy that just forced you to fall in love with them. They were the types of girls who you could genuinely be friends with, you could have a good time with them AND date them. They were everything I could ever want in a girl and more. And then high school ended. The second I enter the adult would, BAM. These cute and endearing girls turned into gross, fat, ugly, slutty old WOMEN with caked on makeup. Why the fuck do adult women think that working out and having some muscles tone on their arms gives them the right to be a fat fuck? I fucking hate adult women. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the female brain that makes girls turn to shit the second puberty ends? At what time do girls go from cute young girls to gross old women? I miss all the skinny, horny cuties who would pretend not to be starring at my package in Jr.High. The types with those cute, rock hard little bodies with the slight breast buds on their chest, not an inch of fat on their belly. They'd be on top of me, their heart thumping in their hard little chest, tongue in my mouth, so so happy that they finally got a guy to make out with them. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear I would make them stop. They were perfect. And they're fucking illegal to me now because adult women know they can never compete with the simple beauty that is a teenaged girl.
I hate, HATE adult women. I hate how they put on a fake persona to be "cool". I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool". I just hate them.
Watch, you're all going to call me a pedophile now and post some gross, flabby adult women and scream THESE ARE BETTER HURR. Well, I don't give a fuck.
No. 96930
>>96868Can't believe I'm posting in this shit troll thread but we've always had a few males on board, we even have male admin sama. Love for dramu and pt surpasses age, gender and distance.
That said /r9k/ can fuck off, i don't know why they moved in, it's disgusting and they contribute nothing at all. Why do they even come here?!
No. 96934
>>96930I think they crave attention, specifically from women.
I bet some of the more emotionally damaged ones are here in an effort to prove/disprove their shit views about women.
No. 96945
>>967858 is much? Oh LOL, i have lost my count 2 years back, i had sex with more than… well… certainly more than 50 people.
>>96812My sides…
No. 96963
>>96934I wish they'd just gone to /soc/ on 4chan or something. This clearly isn't a dating board so coming here to try to fish for grils is gross and off topic.
I'm getting so fired up over here about it that it's pathetic
>>96961I want hellweek back
Maybe the site is getting too busy and needs more mods?
No. 96977
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>>96976>Boys don't usually have hips like thatwell now I just feel offended.
No. 96981
>>9696390% of the time the people who get accused of being bots are not, lolcow is just filled with hypersensitive bitches trying to protect their hugbox.
The amount of times I've been accused of being a robot for having an opinion that hurts fee fees is unreal.
No. 97018
>>96981It's the tumblr migration. When I first came here everyone was ruthless about saggy tits, etc. Now if any one makes a tiny comment it's "every woman has stretchmarks, saggy tits, whatever. You watch too much porn. You've never seen a woman naked. Robot, etc".
At least we can still make fun of nasolabial folds.
No. 97020
>>96976I gave up trying to find that pear man picture but men can have wide hips.
I like skinny lanklets but OP picture is nasty to me. I like broad shoulders and narrow hips. OP picture even seems to lack any sort of muscle whatsoever and just looks…. too much like a girl. It looks like he has a hormone imbalance or maybe he'll look better when he finishes puberty but I doubt it with dem hips.
No. 97025
>>96978No, OP's pic is Joel Dumbledore. He's grown up now, dunno whether he's improved or gotten worse looks-wise
Also is it wrong I slightly agree with OP? Twinks > beardy hipster scum
No. 97349
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>>96846>I copied and pasted this to /r9k/ just now, yes, but only to share my hate with more people. I did, however, write it myself. You need a source before you can accuse someone of plagiarism, friend. If there is any doubt left, confirmed for troll. When you posted this you wanted it to be posted on /r9k/ but anons stated they wouldn't.
>>96706So you waited, then did it yourself.
Wanting to "share your hate of adult men," you shared it with people who could understand - girls. But /r9k/ would be the last to share your sentiments. They ARE adult men, and since you know they won't agree but get angry, you're purposefully riling them up against lolcow/women.
You started with a female board and logically should have continued on female forums. But no, you shared your adult-man-hate with the singular board that would react the most against you. The board we've been getting invaded by. Hmm…
>can accuse someone of plagiarism, friend.>, friend.No one here talks like this. I only see this on 8chan.
You are a troll trying to bait /r9k/ back here for amusement. How's that working out, friend? Requesting ban.
No. 97363
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Okay, can we talk about this? Because it fucking pisses me off.
Back in the pet shop, there was an endless supply of cute kittens I could fall in love with. They were cute, fluffy, and curious with this type of energy that just forced you to fall in love with them. They were the types of kittens who you could genuinely play with, you could have a good time with them AND cuddle them. They were everything I could ever want in a pet and more. And then adolescence ended. The second they get older, BAM. These cute and endearing kitties turned into gross, fat hairy douchbag old CATS with hairballs. Why the fuck do adult cats think that killing a bird every once in a while and leaving it on the doorstep as a gift gives them the right to be a fat fuck? I fucking hate fully grown cats. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the feline brain that makes cats turn to shit the second adolescence ends? At what time do cats go from cute young furballs to gross old assholes? I miss all the skinny, awkward cuties who would stare feverously at the toy I was dangling in front of their faces. The types with those cute, furry little bodies with the slight lankyness in their legs, not an inch of fat on their belly. They'd be pouncing after the laser pointer, their heart thumping in their tiny little chest, hair raised on the back of their neck, so so happy that they finally got a mouse to torture to death even though it was just a fake mouse. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear that a loud sound would startle them. And you could feel their sharp baby claws accidentally scratching your hand, their tail swishing around as their excitement heightened. They were perfect. And it’s fucking illegal for me to abandon it on the side of the road now because fully-grown cats know they can never compete with the adorable lovability of a small kitten.
I hate, HATE cats. I hate how they ignore you to be "cool". I hate how they abandoned their old cuteness to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool". I just hate them.
Watch, you're all going to call me an animal abuser now and post some gross hairy adult mane coons and scream THESE ARE CUTER HURR. Well, I don't give a fuck.
No. 97503
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If I could kill all children, I would. You fucking bet your booty I would. And the fact that they're so fucking jealous of anorexic, spergy, adult shut ins fills me with rage to no end. Ever notice how the #1 haters of things like Columbine, Taylor Swift (before she got a bf,) and gun collecting are ALWAYS these school aged children and their parents? It's because they're fucking jealous. They sell their souls so they can transform into a fucking teenager in five years. They've read every Magic Tree House in existence, changing everything about themselves in a pathetic attempt to not be held back a grade. They intentionally removed themselves from the violence and hatred of a sperg. They try and try so hard to rid themselves of the creepy adults who try to talk to them on CoD, just because they've convinced themselves that being a shell of their former selves is the only way to not get molested.
And then, they turn on the computer and see these adult male gamers, just being themselves and doing their thing, yet attracting a herd of tweens on their twitch. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed too? After all that research, after all those other kids telling you that these are the adults you be careful around. And yet these aspies have the highest score on CoD, just by being themselves. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed? All that preschool, down the drain! You sold your soul for nothing! But, of course, they'll never admit that 110lb spergs are better than them. And so, they attack these cute boys to protect their cognitive dissonance.
>Y-you have no life D:
I hate adult children so much. So spiteful. So full on hate. Void of everything that adds to the human experience. Kill them and let me piss on their graves.
No. 110235
>>96976I know that I am 3 months late, but I am a male with a pearshaped body, and it is not fat, my bmi is really low.
My only option would be to bulk up but I prefer my skinny body.
No. 110292
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>>97363I'm actually just another dog on the internet, but maybe I could RP a cute kitten for you?
bats at yarnball No. 110296
Okay, can we talk about this? Because it fucking pisses me off.
Back in the agency school and training, there was an endless supply of cute small guys I could fall in love with. They were cute, small, and optimistic with this type of energy that just forced you to file a flight plan with them. They were the types of guys who you could genuinely be friends with, you could have a good time with them AND fly with them. They were everything I could ever want in a guy and more. And then Agency school ended. The second I enter the CIA world, BAM. These small and endearing guys turned into gross, big hairy Hired-gun old MEN with shaved heads. Why the fuck do big guys think that working out and having some muscles tone on their arms gives them the right to be a mercenary? I fucking hate big guys. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the hired-gun brain that makes guys turn to shit the second the flight plan begins? At what time do guys go from cute small guys to gross big men? I miss all the non-crashing, horny cuties who would pretend not to be planning how to crash my plane in my flight plan. The types with those cute, little faces with no masks to cover them, not an inch of master plans in their brain. They'd be on top of me, bringing me doctors from some slavic country, smee waiting for me, so so happy that they finally got a doctor to be with. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear I would shoot them before throwing them out of the plane. And you could feel their hard small guy dick rubbing up against you in their camo pants, the plans generating from the agency as their excitement heightened. They were perfect. And they're fucking illegal to me now because big guys know they can never compete with the simple beauty that is a small guy.
I hate, HATE big guys. I hate how they put on a fake persona to be "A hired-gun". I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of "raising the fire". I just hate them.
Watch, you're all going to call me a CIA agent now and post some gross big masked guy and scream IT WOULD BE EXTREMELY PAINFUL HURR. Well, I don't give a fuck.