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No. 9900
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There are ugly motherfuckers in every race, but since white people are the least populous and thus have less attractive people than other races just by size, that would probably rule them out.
This thread can only end in bait. Plus, we all know 2D is the master race anyway.
No. 9915
>>9900and this thread can only begin with bait.
if you think 2d is superior then please leave weeaboo chan
No. 9919
>>9908Yeah for some reason people who are mixed look fantastic, and in greater numbers than people who come from a single background (whats the term for this I'm wracking my brain, I forgot). Obviously there are incredibly attractive people who don't have any other racial/ethnic group in their lineage, but for the most part a lot don't look that great. I'm white, but tend to find only specific types of other white people attractive, such as those with very dark hair, sharp features, tall, fuller lips, defined brows, nice white, straight teeth (kinda like Ian Somerhalder), light to tan skin. For other races I'm not particular at all for whatever reason and think that tanned/darker skin is so beautiful.
>>9915it'd be nice if for once even though it's obvious bait, people can be civil about discussing something
No. 9927
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>>9915>is not a weeaboo>browses a japanese imageboardI think you're the one who needs to leave, friend
No. 9972
>>9919I am mixed and to me it isn't about race, it's more or less the features on a person that make them attractive.
I love pale skin, I can see beauty in that and just love the colour. I love pitch black ebony skin over 'lighter black' skin. I like how it can be shiny and have little flaws. I love freckled pinkish skin, I just find it precious.
I am a little envious over other mixes of people, mine is just the basic mulatto one. I am thankful for having slightly lighter eyes. But I do adore those who have blondish hair, lighter tanned skin and hazel eyes.
God, there is so many gorgeous people in this world. Ugly and pretty in all races.
Automatically people would just say 'white' or 'asian' but if you look around, you can see prettiness everywhere tbh.
Again I take more notice of features and specific little things of a person.
No. 9975
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>genuinely responding to this thread
No. 9977
>>9975pretty much
i bet op is so proud
No. 10008
>>9919I think you're looking for monoracial.
>monoracial>biracial>multiracial For reference
No. 11256
>>11253Because I am Jewish, and people don't believe me.
My chin is too weak, shit like that. A jewish man will find a jewish looking woman attractive.
No. 11353
>>11256I'm sorry, but this is one of the stupidest things I've read on /b/ to date.
Phishing so hard.
No. 172191
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>>9913>>9900>>9903Doesn't answer the question but diverts it.
What's the most attractive 2d race?