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No. 10725
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Also a "cosplayer"
She says these costumes are Sailor Moon, Nurse Joy and Super Sonico despite getting them from milanoo and hottopic.
No. 10751
>>10750Oh never mind I checked source code and I found her music: It's if anyone is interested
No. 10808
File: 1409499214108.jpeg (9.69 KB, 261x173, IMG_29139372072027.jpeg)

you mad bitch? because it is fucking apparent that yo petty ass is salty as fuck.must feel good to sit behind a computer screen an lash out on a teenagegirl because you're life suck ass huh. well maybe if you remove stick from ass you'll feel a bit better you miserable twat
No. 10811
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>>10808>>10810Uh-oh. Looks like someone told her about this thread and her friends have started whiteknighting her.
this is always good for a laff
No. 10815
>>10814What do you mean 'oh no', this will only make it more fun.
>anything posted on 4chan shouldn't be taken seriouslyGood thing we're not on 4chan then.
No. 10818
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top edge
No. 10826
>>10822Stop glorifying and thin shaming girls because you're 17 and already overweight
>take some time to do your hair and straighten your nappy edges and while you do that stop talking shit about people with weaves.>stop buying a ton of shitty "clothes" like an AoT jacket, save up and get quality shit.
>stop getting cosplay and lolita from Milanoo + Hottopic>stop complaining about weaboos and realize you are a humongous oneAnd finally please stop latching on to every trend you hear about. You didnt "grow up with sailor moon" because you were literally like 4 when the show ended. You can't be "kawaii" because you dress like a scene queen who gets every clothing on Milanoo.
You don't deserve to run that Kawaii Black girl page because besides the "Ace" admin, all of you look like absolute shit yet don't take advice.
No. 10827
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No. 10829
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No. 10833
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you thinking and honestly believing that this is Micky is giving me material to laugh at. this entire thread is pointless and boring, I'm just trying to liven it up.
No. 10834
File: 1409501950136.jpg (423.58 KB, 1322x1362, image.jpg)

her bf is like 24.
No. 10837
File: 1409502107731.jpg (246.05 KB, 911x911, image.jpg)

the other admin of that page. Yet they complain about rejecting people who "aren't kawaii enough"
oh god
No. 10840
>>108261. Please screen cap when I've thin shamed anyone
2. I wear hair extensions so why would I talk bad about anyone wearing weave?
3. The AoT jacket is nice quality, it just doesn't fit because of my bust size, hence why I was selling it. Plus, someone bought it for me. I didn't buy it.
3. The last time I got cosplay or lolita from milanoo was 2011, so I really don't know what you're even talking about. And I literally have no clothes from hot topic.
4. When I was in maybe preschool or kindergarten sailor moon would come on early in the morning before I went to school. I also have an old sailor moon s movie on VHS from when I was a kid. I can dig it out and take a picture of it if you'd like me to c:
And finally 5. If you really don't like my page you don't have to 'like' it or look at it. I'm not really sure why you care so much about what I do or where I get my clothes from but it really doesn't involve you or anyone else. If anything it's really weird that you're constantly checking up on me to see what I'm doing and what I'm wearing and what I'm posting even though you don't like me! That's really strange and unhealthy behavior.
No. 10842
>>10834she looks very old, not near 14.
>>10837That was the one thing I didn't like, she's not pretty enough to be rejecting other girls.
She and her friends are just in their personal hugbox.
No. 10845
>>10843Shit, I'm super sleepy right now…
But you still look older.
Also, a guy who takes a picture under a [kawai] portrait seems super weird, are you whoring it up with him? is he also a weaboo?
No. 10846
>>10845The "kawaii portrait" is the mirror in my bed room. I wrote kawaii on it when I was like 11 or 12.
Also that's my boyfriend so I guess you could say that I am whoring it up with him lol
No. 10850
>>10840Oh and the fact you have a wish list but you're a literal nobody.
This is mean but your fashion sense is actual shit. You wear a $8 sailor uniform with a randoseru WAY too small for you to the mall? Pleaaaaase put effort in your hair, makeup and clothes. I'm being honest with you because nobody around you is.
No. 10851
>>10846You cheat on him all the time and have otacoons send you gifts.
btw they've been dating since she was 15 and he was 22 which is pretty illegal.
No. 10859
>>10856So when someone tells you that you look like actual horse shit you whine
But it's k for you to tell others
No. 10866
>>10862>community page>like a job Lol
>one man's trash is like another man's treasureOk Macklemore
No. 10870
File: 1409503180163.jpg (167.92 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>how to spot a fake otaku
Weebs complaining about weebs
No. 10876
>>10870Woah you are hella stalking me, aren't you?
Anyways, there was this group called otaku313 and I joined it expecting people to talk about anime in it but no one really did and they just talked about like random things but still called themselves "otaku". Hence that youtube comment
No. 10880
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I think this whole anonymous this is for pussies. None of you have the gall to say this on fb. Or to a persons face because you are all just little bitches.
But where one goes other shall follow, mindless pieces of shit.
DeerGod has spoken.
No. 10883
>>10876because people in groups tend to become friends after a while.
I've been in groups like that, and at some point it's just people who like anime hanging around.
And that's not a bad thing.
No. 10890
Micky please listen to this
>>10874At least TRY to improve? It's not that you're ugly you just don't try. You're stuck in your scene weeaboo phase way too long
No. 10892
>>10890But why should I be trying? Who should I be trying for? /I/ like the way I look. My boyfriend likes the way I look. My friends like the way I look. Who should I be trying harder for.
People that don't even like me? People that make entire threads to bash me? Why on earth would I try to please someone like that?
No. 10896
File: 1409503893845.jpg (3.63 KB, 128x114, download (4).jpg)

I actually have. I idea who this girl is. I just think its pathetic you fuckholes do this, because your bored? Get the fuck outta your house and contribute something to the world. I bust my ass day in and day out to "protect" this countries interest and all you fuck are interested in is tearing people down. I mean, how has this actually benefited you in the long run?
Getting more girls? Passed that final exam?
Still living at moms?
Captain crunch and a muffin in the morning?
Grow up losers.
DeerGod has spoken
No. 10897
>>10892look how you want but take con crit
if not then stop talking shit out your ass about people
No. 10900
>>10896This is Lolcow, not 4chan.
Please take this shit to Reddit or /mlp/ or where ever you faggots stay these days
No. 10909
>>10901oh god you dumb weeaboos
Sagawa = obsessed with white women and ate one
Miyazaki= obsessed with little girls, watched loli manga, ate rape and killed 4 girls and was called the otaku murderer.
Please shut the hell up
No. 10916
>>10907You really don't understand how this works.
>posting your name on a lolcow board No. 10917
File: 1409504454638.jpg (77.79 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)

your hair looks like period blood
No. 10920
>>10913Actually most of the people on Lolcow are girls. Go to /r9k to complain about
~pedo bears~Oh and "Nadira" please fuck off. You're stupid as hell. We tear white knights to pieces here
No. 10923
File: 1409504657329.jpg (46.89 KB, 719x720, consider the following.jpg)

>>10892>But why should I be trying? Who should I be trying for? /I/ like the way I look. My boyfriend likes the way I look. My friends like the way I look. Who should I be trying harder for. People that don't even like me? People that make entire threads to bash me? Why on earth would I try to please someone like that?
Why not try for yourself? If you worked on your hair, makeup and clothes I'm sure you could get more out of life.
No. 10927
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Nadira is this you?
No. 10931
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Thats why they are anonymous. These guys have nothing to contribute to
Society. Nothing but self serving asshats.
No. 10935
File: 1409504899613.jpg (236.18 KB, 720x960, image.jpg)

you wore this to homecoming
No. 10937
>>10931You're right, being anonymous on an anonymous imageboard is the height of loserdom.
Why not post your face and show us how to live productively?
No. 10940
File: 1409504984238.jpg (260.12 KB, 960x720, image.jpg)

your friends are dressed appropriately but you thought a $10 wet seal dress and Minnie Mouse ears was a good choice? You need serious improvement. Are you autistic or …?
No. 10942
File: 1409505069109.jpeg (6.9 KB, 196x200, IMG_6159240620283.jpeg)

Cause you're either with us or in the way, and we destroy things in our way. This is trivial internet warfare.
When you hear those sirens in the know its time.
If lolcow is full of woman. That makes total sense. I shall retire back to my work space.
Have fun lolwhores
DeerGod has spoken.
No. 10950
What, like 5 seconds ago?
because you make it sound like it still exists right here…
>>10862>>10878 No. 10951
>>10943So you take advice from others often?
Take my advice when I say stop wearing shitty Attack on Titan merch, hit the gym and at least try stores like Forever 21. It's cheap as hell and for basic bitches like yourself.
No. 10964
>>10954Then if it wasn't for this thread it would still exists, and you would still be "taking resumes" for your kawaii page.
So, really, you'd still be judging other girls while just posting selfies in your hugbox.
But really, that was just my reason for you to improve, because if you have the right to judge, you better be the freaking best there is, and you're not.
No. 10971
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No. 10974
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wow her boyfriend took her on a date to McDonald's how fucking classy. oh and this is like a year ago so she was 60 lbs thinner
No. 10976
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>>10970Anon, you know I'm not Micky, right? I'm just commenting.
No. 10977
>>10974kawaii ~
>>10973Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad for you, you should stop replying and let this die.
No. 10979
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this coord tho
and this is from like 4 months ago
No. 10980
File: 1409505856213.jpg (102.62 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)

she actually wore this to school
No. 10982
File: 1409505880610.jpg (64.29 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

milanoo lolita
No. 10983
>>10979A skirt with leggings= nope
Hoodie with that skirt= nope
Dat hair= nope
Dem shoes= nope
No. 10995
>>10983>A skirt with leggings= nopedaw, I always wear leggings with dresses because my legs are genetically not pretty, but I still wanna look like a kawaii princess…
So, I can sympathize with her covering her legs.
Also, it looks like winter.
No. 11005
>>10998Hi. Don't type in "anonymous" in the name form. Just leave it blank.
And yes I remember that. She also sent aminyan anon hate.
This bitch ain't innocent
No. 11007
>>11003A billion times better. But her hair and sweatshirt were still shit.
And >dem shoes
No. 11010
>>10999>>11000>>11003thx for the tips
I'm an idiot with fashion and cords, so everything helps.
No. 11014
>>11009This isn't even Kimmy though…
Lol if it was her she would go on a long as rant, say she's deleting here Fb, then come back like a day later.
No. 11025
>>11023You made that Facebook page and denied many of girls who look and can pull off kawaii styles.
You are no Beyonce honey, your more of a Rosie O type of girl so let's drop the "I'm sooo Kawaii" act.
No. 11037
I'm so lost, I don't know who anyone is anymore…
>>11036This helps
No. 11049
File: 1409510773855.gif (901.65 KB, 250x333, tumblr_n3sjubNe311qim3pko2_250…)

Can she explain her weird loli shit?
No. 11051
>>11049I really don't understand dd/lg.
Like I get the appeal of wanting to be cute and vulnerable and shit, but when it gets to calling the guy "daddy" it's just…ummm?
I can literally even accept "onii-chan", I just can't deal with that shit.
No. 11052
>>11051No one can convince me the men in that fetish aren't pedophiles.
I posted a photo on tumblr that said "Stop romanticizing Lolita, you are not a nymphet" and so many dd/lg men and girls were reblogging it with "WE AREN'T HURTING ANYONE, DON'T KINK SHAME!" If it's not about pedophilia, why do they all defend a novel.. about pedophilia.
No. 11058
>>11051I used to be a part of DDLG before the weebs and pedos came in.
It was a non-sexual fetish which focused on age regression and mental nurturing.
I did it because I was abused as a kid and this help me relive my stolen childhood before I hit my 20s.
Then it changed into weebs and their loli shit. "Daddys" aren't even suppose to be there. Some idiot decided they wanted Daddy and then the incest idiots came.
>>11052It is filled with pedos now. All you see is porn and people glorifying Lolita. It's stupid. Most of them try to use child abuse survivors to justify their kink but no one really believes that shit.
No. 11060
>>11049What the fuck
She looks like an a baby chimpanzee.
No. 11066
>>10724This thread is shit. Nigger-chan and her crew of chimpanzees are now just chatting and it's their first time ever using a discussion forum considering they wrote 'anonymous' as their name.
I'm one of the anons who think she's an annoying weaboo but I can tell there's someone among us who knows her personally/has a vendetta against her and is spewing random personal shit with no context whilst posing as an anon.
No. 11079
>>11077I also messaged her and apologized for calling her an ugly ratchet weaboo nigger. She forgave me and we cried and we hugged and we sang hallelujah. I now believe in God and I'm trying to change my ways from what I was before.
>>11078Yeah Micky, you may be annoying, nasty, and chubby, but fuck what this Anon is saying, you ARE the perfect 00 to me. You are gorgeous and you are my Goddess, my Muse, my Savior.
No. 11093
File: 1409528816499.jpg (498.1 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n1sh15dRWn1qik1p8o2_128…)

what an unfortunate angle.
No. 11107
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>>11093She doesn't dress well for her body type.
No. 11110
>>11101Except her thighs are also fat as all fuck.
But clearly you're pretty retarded anyway.
No. 11115
File: 1409532302927.jpg (134.11 KB, 675x900, 1486784_1442464805965981_15759…)

can we talk about Jazmine le please…
No. 11119
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>> really? SHE also has a new Asian boy toy every other week and posts pictures of herself naked with her ass out.
No. 11124
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No. 11125
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Thot of the year goes to….drumroll
No. 11126
>>11124She shoops the shit. The black girl thread should include Momo, Jazmine Le, Vivi Miekayo, Delandra Johnson, Micky, Asia Lockhart, Kimmy Chu, Ami Nyan, Jordan Anderson, Rhea Morris, Phyllis Purple hair whatever and there's a shit ton who I could mention. We should talk about drama, good, bad etc lmao
No. 11544
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Her weave is awful. She just clips in tracks. She needs to stop being a poorfag and get it sewed in or something.
No. 11654
>>11625i think now that would be impossible because it seems like she has a relaxer. your hair will never be the same after that, just straight and puffy when not straightened.
what she needs to do is learn how to properly take care of relaxed/straightened hair. may start with a hot oil treatment or deep conditioner?
No. 11914
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The irony.
No. 11915
File: 1410127148358.jpg (33.08 KB, 640x360, image.jpg)

great more Lolcow material
No. 11942
>>11914why are the ugly/basic bitches so confident and think they are hot shit while usually the cutest girls don't think they are pretty or have low confidence?
how does this shit happen. i always wonder that.
No. 11949
>>11942She's asian, she has plenty of white/black guys chasing after her telling her she's the most beautiful thing because yellow fever is no joke.
Makes ugly asian girls over-confident when really, they're the typical basic, ugly, looking azn. Like, they really don't stand out, they all look the same.
No. 11954
>>11950LOL Hooollyyy shiiitttt! I just glanced at it and she looked like the typical azn from the thumbnails. Now that I enlarged the file I see it.
She is really pale for a black girl though, but I don't know. I haven't been following this thread, my bad guys.
I still stand by my former comment about ugly azn girls thinking their beautiful hime dolls because of the yellow fever epidemic.
No. 11978
>>11973This, pretty much.
I'm black and have slightly similar eyes. Someone once asked me "why I look chink".
No. 12045
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>>12038This tribe is 100% African. The Khoisian tribe. There's tons of black people with eyes like this.
No. 12090
>>12067Considering they have flatter faces and similar eyeshapes I would agree with you.
The only instances whereby white people and asians begin to look similar are when asians utalise beauty products to achieve their beauty ideals that mirror western beauty ideals, not that they want to look 'white' but they want to achieve their beauty ideals of coloured eyes, hair and double eyelids. i think a lot of times people act like those beauty ideals reflect white people, but they really don't when you consider the completely different face structures of white people and their large noses, chins and bulkier frames.
I'm trying to be completely unbias here but the sake of argument I'll disclose that I'm taiwanese.
No. 12944
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No. 13581
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>using edgy wrong
No. 13638
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Her fashion sense is horrendous. She shouldn't be running this "kawaii black girls" page at all. I've seen way cuter girls than some of the girls she's repeadetly posted but she probably doesn't want competition for attention. Some of the girls are cute but most are…
No. 13874
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>>13638>this page is to inspire others>i only made this page for myselfshe could easily just make an album on her profile and fill it with girls she likes instead of this shit
No. 13878
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The community page is practically "let me suck up to more popular people so they like me"
this girl she recently put up doesn't fit "kawaii style" at all. Why is someone with no coordination at all running this page? And we all know the drama Micky had with Aminyan which is probably why she's never been posted and complete nobodies have.
No. 13921
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>>13894she really likes to make excuses
No. 14020
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>>13894>>13639she will never take advice
No. 14073
>>13970Well, I can't really speak for her.
But there is an allergy to fruit, it's not bad, but any raw fruit, and your mouth will sting and will get swollen.
I suddenly got it 2-3 years ago, sucks.
I really enjoy fruits too.
No. 14190
>>13581things like this are weird. why are you guys constantly watching what i tweet and post on facebook? I'm legit asking. If you don't like me so much and think I'm fat and stupid and a wannabe then why do you care so much about what I do o.O
There are tons of "fat weeb wannabes" out there so why are you all concerned about what I do in particular?
No. 14191
>>14166How does going to Mcdonald's with my boyfriend mean no self respect? o.o and how do you know where all of our dates are?
We went to an arcade together as a date a couple times. nwn there's a video of it on anthony's fb~
No. 14198
>>14195I'm convinced they do it because they want the attention.
What's a better way for the little attention whores to get what they want than going and talking to their "haters?" She could just say "hi" and someone will reply.
Micky is probably afraid of the attention she's getting from us (and desperately wanted, might I add) going away, so she is probably just trying to rile someone up.
No. 14209
>>10980Christ. How in the fuck can anyone think this shit is okay to wear to school? I can understand a con, Halloween, or school spirt week but A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY???
And fucking stop begging people to buy you new clothes and get a god damn job.
No. 14210
>>14203ignores the fact that literally everyone here thinks you're trashy and gross ur jelly~
I think people in this thread are the opposite of jelly. We're your betters, after all.
No. 14329
>>14210"we're your betters"
oh. okay lol.
No. 14336
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No. 14340
File: 1411436919952.png (1.2 MB, 1038x1552, Screenshot_2014-09-22-21-43-38…)

I wonder Why
No. 14406
>>10909>watched>mangaThis is not how it works.
Alos people calling themselves "OTAKU XD!1!" are just so retarded to me it's so weeby
No. 14417
>>14408I'm going to go on an unrelated rant about this here because I don't have a tumblr.
The reason they can't just up the dose for fat people is because oestrogen puts you at risk for deep vein thrombosis, strokes and other blood clot related problems. Fat people are already massively at risk for these issues, and as such can't take the contraceptive pill. So taking a massive dose of the same hormones is obviously not an option.
It's not fat shaming, it's because the doctor doesn't want to kill you, for some reason.
No. 14550
>>14503>>14548What the fuck? So she thinks she's a nebula or some shit? Goddamn.
>different than most kin types>less obnoxiousHow special of you.
No. 14566
>>14564I like how she says other kin and space kin
instead of otherkin and spacekin
she can't even type it right ugh..
No. 15527
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No. 16347
File: 1412362634175.png (1.54 MB, 1079x1623, Screenshot_2014-10-03-14-48-29…)

Let's talk about this chick does anyone know her? She thinks this is cute,,,, shit looks mega photoshopped, the twists at least..or it's a twist lace front.
No. 16774
File: 1412541592515.jpg (30.63 KB, 639x480, 10626454_10202981538365060_356…)

but rly, this bitch looks like she stinks. and her hair is as fried as it can get.. not to mention her bangs are always fucking floating 5 feet away from her face
No. 16778
File: 1412542511243.png (376.62 KB, 510x498, disgusting.png)

Nasty.. just nasty. And I bet it was already like this before she had to get dressed. She lives in literal filth.
No. 16787
>>16782>>16781I was reading this and nodding until
>you white peopleI wonder who could be behind this post. :^)
No. 17175
>>16791Oh, I'm sorry then. Are you some overly obsessed negress instead? Ching chongalong? Pepto Beaner, burqa bitch? So sorry to have mislabeled you, nerd. Either way the constant samefagging here is out of control. This might as well just be titled "Vendetta Thread" because that's all that is.
Also, the 'hurrhurr u must b (insert person)' thing is old. Let it die already-what is this, 2010? If you're going to post a lolcow in a lolcow section then fucking bring the lols. Where are they?? What's to lol at here?? Some chubby burrakku weeb? Weebs are all over the place. Give us a scandal plz. Tell me she fucked a dog, that she's scamming people out of money, that she's 30 and still bending over and taking shimapan pantie shots. Something interesting. Link us to her camming. Show us something other than a 17 year old being an obvious 17 year old.
No. 17372
>>17175>overly obsessive negressYou know, if you want to be convincing in the slightest you should tone it down a bit.
I'm racist and I wouldn't say something as retarded as you did.
so this is micky or is it some other shit stirrer? Any ideas on who it might be?
No. 17414
File: 1412961194539.jpg (43.3 KB, 640x434, image.jpg)

Her ex is probably willing to leak the fucked up shit she sent him. Oh and she's a ~little~ who wants a ~daddy dom~
damn why does every girl these days have Yukapon daddy issue syndrome
No. 17428
File: 1412965086023.jpg (207.86 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg)

>>17365"I delete people who are not cute"
No. 17583
>>17572What kind of fucking logic
Why would you brush off someone warning you that your boyfriend is abusive as 'jealousy'? What the hell…. That right there shows she's fucked in the head.
No. 17619
File: 1413093797561.png (916.98 KB, 1364x705, djgbd.PNG)

From here NSFW tumblr
No. 17632
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No. 17659
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The caption for this one was "fuck you say oniichan?" when was being ghetto ever appealing?
No. 17724
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No. 17741
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No. 17992
>>17988 is micky again. She frequents this thread so much it's hilarious. Nobody pays attention so much to your sad life to know the week you left your ex. It's so obvious when you white knight micky lmao
No. 18481
File: 1413696014572.jpg (133.24 KB, 640x620, image.jpg)

This is just as bad as Abipop. Micky's fat ass trying to cover up her daddy issues by acting like pedo bait. Too bad pedophiles don't like 200 lb 5'8" ham beasts. Her cosplay is shit.
No. 18534
>>18481OMFG look at that pile of clothes ON THE FLOOR.
What a dirty bint. I bet her room smells like stale sweat and weeaboo desperation.
No. 19560
>>19521I think she does too but she doesn't really flatter it with her hair/clothes.
Also, she has a bad personality and a pretty face doesn't matter with a bad personality imo
No. 19664
>>19514 called her out and she gave a half-assed apology
my favorite thing about this
>tags post as christianity>constantly links blog>omg how did u find this post!1!1 No. 19668
>>19664The girl calling her out is Momo. I wonder if she browses here.
They might as well be the same person, except Momo's not fat or an otherkin lol
No. 19674
>>19668Momo is probably trying to start drama with Mickey because Momo isn't relevant anymore.
Momo is fat, just not as fat as Mickey.
No. 20158
File: 1414712384141.jpg (8.48 KB, 200x293, m.jpg)

>>20156I know it's shopped to hell and back and 99% sure it's a wig but look how cute she could be if her hair wasn't in that gross scene kid dye and fried to within an inch of its life
Of course, it would take more than proper care and a few decent products to fix that shit personality of hers.
No. 21170
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No. 21571
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Micky is pretty damn fake. Just a few damn months ago she was preaching about not being racist to white people and complaining about how black people are so racist. It's hilarious the shit she'll say for reblogs and likes
No. 21968
File: 1415430497825.jpg (37.29 KB, 640x361, image.jpg)

This spawned a huge debate and Micky talked about her daddy issues(wow! Shocker!) and attacked anyone who thought incest was disgusting. The entire tumblr ddlg shit is so dumb. Micky is otherkin, bashes religion but expects people to respect her, bisexual, blames YT, blames men, ddlg, multi colored hair. She's actually tumblr lol
No. 21981
>>21172lol is this real life
do you even BMI
No. 21982
>>21171You think this is 180lbs
>>18481She's a little chunky, maybe average, but deffo not obsese, I mean are you baiting or are you literally retarded?
No. 21994
>>219931-I'm not american, get off your high horse, it's pathetic.
2-I mean seriously, just use the BMI calculator if she weighed 180 (which she does not, that's nearly 100 kg) she would technically be overweight, not obese.
Words, they have meanings. Shocking, I know.
No. 22028
180lb is obese! last year i weighed my self and i was around 180lb that was a damn wake up call and I lost all that fatness.
>>22026ooooh so wacist omg!
No. 22030
>>22026She's a complete bullshitter. Just a few months ago she talked about how bad black people are.
But please don't bring the stormfront, fat shaming debate to this thread. Let's talk about the cow on hand.
No. 22110
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No. 22122
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she says she doesn't want everyone to agree with her but this post proves that wrong No. 22123
File: 1415558586580.jpg (43.47 KB, 768x528, _20141109_133429.JPG)

>>22122and when someone brings up an opposing opinion, even if they're respectful about it, she'll respond like pic related or shoot them down some other way
No. 23221
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No. 23253
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>>23221She stays on Tumblr for too long.
She thinks she's a warrior and tries to insult people. It's cringe worthy. She's so bad at offending people, but manages to get offended by every opposing view.
This is where she'd say;"bye, Felicia"
I bet she's never even seen the film Friday, but she has seen the reference in tags and tagged along with that annoying tagline just so she can't be left behind.
No. 23262
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Her teeth bother me.
Those sagging utters are going to be hell for her in a couple of more years, along with her deteriorating looks. It's great.
No. 23264
>>23253She's known to ride on every bandwagon despite understanding it. A few months ago she was a men's rights activist and talked about racism towards whites because she saw a tumblr post about it. She's incredibly ignorant and believes everything she half reads from the femnazis she follows.
She hops on other bandwagons as well such as AoT, Creamy Mami, and Madoka Magica despite watching any of the show or reading the mangas. That's to be expected of a /soc/ attention whore turned Tumblrinas though.
She also insults religion while contradicting herself in asking for respect. She claims to be bisexual since she was 12. She claims to be non-Black/"mixed" but runs to the black community as a shield. She also criticizes people for calling out otherkin and "space kin" for the bullshit it is but criticizes dragon kin herself(lol). She's a total mess.
No. 23388
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"she's an arm chair protester who claims to be a Feminist."
No. 23394
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Everything she likes are terrible.
No. 23449
File: 1415901836073.jpg (124.94 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>kawaii Japanese fashion
>posts alt pics
>the page consists of tumblr-core "kawaii"
No. 26165
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something looks off about these tweets
No. 26178
>>26165Because they correct should be
全然勉強しなかった (`;ω; )
学校に行きたくない ( Д`)ノ~
I guess?
No. 26267
>>26229Hey micky
>>26165Pretty tired of weebs who don't know Japanese at all pretending they do. 100% of her followers speak English.
No. 27105
File: 1417219202150.jpg (144.69 KB, 903x1279, 2014-11-28-18-51-06_deco~2.jpg)

>>26829she's upset someone doesn't know what ecchi and shojo are, but doesn't know that one piece is a shonen
top lel
No. 27177
>>27169Momo and Ami are/were actually friends, though.
They once argued on Twitter because Ami went on about how North Korea is just ~*tsundere*~ or some other shit like that and Momo was just like "girl bye". Don't know if they're not friends anymore because of that now or what.
No. 27191
>>27175anon….She didn't even do that. Lazy fuck….
>>べんきょしますI'm feeling generous so I'll give you some tips, Milky.
You didn't put は to mark the subject of the sentence. You kinda sorta need that particle in order to convey a coherent thought. Just saying.
On top of that, you put Japan 「日本」instead of Japanese 「日本語」.「語」makes 「日本」and just about every other country's name into its language. You said, more or less "(will) learn Japan".
Fucking embarrassing.Still with me?
Here's 2 ways you could've written that fragment:
>>日本語は勉強します>>私は日本語を勉強しますClose, but no cigar for our weaboo trash.
No. 27204
File: 1417286344225.jpg (87.09 KB, 640x512, image.jpg)

Has anyone mentioned this nut case? A want to be *~Akiba aidoruruu~* niggerpon. She's Momo's new bestie
No. 27207

>>27205Click the spoiler for the image.
And her email is
If you try and derail the thread any more micky I'll leak the newer ones lol.
No. 27210
File: 1417288397398.jpg (141 KB, 640x1068, image.jpg)

This is what honeykittenmomo / Himeka is doing now a days. Nico Douga in her swimsuits. She can't read Japanese so she doesn't know most of the comments are laughing at her or calling her hideous.
No. 27211
File: 1417288458063.jpg (116.5 KB, 640x994, image.jpg)

This was related for her channel. I had a good laugh.
>>27207Micky's room is disgusting as always. Just like her body.
No. 27214
File: 1417288654528.jpg (102.79 KB, 1279x738, partyvan.jpg)

>I'm going to put up her nudes now that she's 18>If you try and derail the thread any more micky I'll leak the newer ones lol.yyeah but these nudes are still from when she was 18, right???
No. 27216
>>27207>all those attempts to hide her belly flabI don't understand why she's even taking nudes when she knows she'd get flak over her body
What's the fucking point
No. 27256
>>27207>>27216Omg hahah her pouch is covering her vag hahaha that's fucking sickening. What is she licking??? A marker???
And her fits they're like ew. They're floppy looking.
No. 27268
>>27266So wait, does this dude seriously think it's legal to post CP once the person in the photo turns 18?
Jesus fucking christ
No. 27278
>>27261I didn't even catch that.
More reasons to go back to studying I guess.
No. 27281
>>27271No cop is gonna go, "Oh some random person uploaded an underaged girls nudes on the internet, better arrest micky."
I find micky pretty fucking annoying myself, but thats a real shitty thing to do to a person. Why'd you ruin such a fine thread with that man?
>>27266 Doesn't matter she was still underaged in the pics.
No. 27291
>>27281So you're saying the police wouldn't arrest the person who literally made and originally distributed the content just because some unrelated party shared them elsewhere (and remember, the only way of getting them was from
her posting them in the first place)?
Micky please go. You are just as guilty lmao
No. 27360
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>>27349I particularly love how she blurred out her last name, but forgot to blur out her Student Key
Which has her fucking last name
No. 27372
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>>27211>trash can overflowing>clothes dangling from drawers>shit messily placed in closetso clean
No. 27398
File: 1417405813201.jpg (22.31 KB, 212x275, image.jpg)

Here's the picture guiz. you all are just jealous of me ew
No. 27447
File: 1417450097533.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.92 KB, 242x722, mickysn00dz.jpg)

>>27408don't worry anon, have a stunningly lifelike artist's rendition of them
No. 27533
>>27455>>27458>>27497This isn't exactly rocket science here. The law doesn't always make a ton of sense, but it's pretty unambiguous. Anyone (knowingly) posting or requesting nude pictures of underaged people will be banned.
>>27461Regardless, it's still technically illegal. Posting 8 year olds in lingerie is much more disgusting but it can be technically legal while this isn't. Thanks Obama.
No. 27564
File: 1417488602885.jpg (88.5 KB, 640x556, image.jpg)

>>27458stop bulleh me guiz I'm a minor!! But don't chastise me for being sexual don't kink shame me but stop sexualizing me I am NOT a piece of meat I am a space kin feminist atheist little guuurll
No. 27571
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i am micky martyrdom nao here me rawr
No. 27718
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No. 27719
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>>27718someone want to translate this?
No. 27740
>>27719Beautiful white micky martyrdom, ugly black aminyanmoemagi
Hold on translating the rest.
No. 28099
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>>27910So what was the point of the post on tumblr
No. 28118
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>>27718she was dumb enough to retweet his tweet about he thinks she edited her picture
No. 28136
I like how jrcock obviously stalks lolcow to see who we're talking shit about and then he starts talking shit about them too. Kek.
>>27564This adult baby or whatever trend on tumblr needs to stop. She's like honeymomokitten on steroids. Gross.
No. 28145
*mfw seeing this shit
No. 28170
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jrcach bringing top lel
No. 28281
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yet spacekin is completely normal
No. 28302
>>28281The thing I dislike the most about this bitch is that you can tell she's one of these people who's personality has completely formed because of the internet.
Like all her likes, dislikes, opinions, they more or less all boil down to what tumblr is into at the moment.
No. 28369
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she's really stupid to believe there's a difference between the two
No. 28372
>>28281All kins are fucking retarded but I alsolutely love how they all hate each other and are trying to justify themselves like "____-kin isn't legit, how can ____-kin be real, I'M MORE REAL THAN _____-KIN". Fact is, they all know they're not a kawaii nebula wolf Sasuke and they're trying to take out their insecurity on others kek
>>28355HKM hasn't really done much interesting lately. She streams FGAS on some site and goes by Himeka now. I feel kind of bad for her because when she streamed when I was there, a lot of the comments called her a monkey and stuff and she doesn't realize because her moonspeak is shit so she thinks she has a lot of ~adoring fans~
HKM's a lot less speshul snoeflaek than Micky imo, but I'd like to see them interact. They'd probably just hate each other though hue
No. 28425
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>>28369she can't be serious
No. 28443
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so why did she tweet stop all white people
>>22110 No. 28455
>>28452lol no she's racist as fuck but is too much of a wimp to come out and admit it.
I think most SJW are like this. On Tumblr, it's "White people are the scum of the universe and literal animals. Every single one.". In real life, "I don't mean ALL white people but…".
They're the same as stormfags who shitpost about black people being subhuman on/pol/ but would never have the guts to say any of that shit if an actual black person was staring them in the eye and listening.
No. 28663
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she's really stupid
No. 28667
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>>28443they must be fed up with her
No. 28683
File: 1417985026799.jpg (36.73 KB, 768x213, Screenshot_2014-12-07-15-21-37…)

>people give her legitimate criticism
>waahh they bullied me!!1!11
No. 28719
>>28703To anyone lucky enough to not have to see the offending image, it was-
Micky, curled up so you can see her arms, legs, perhaps thighs and torso, all of the afore mentioned criss crossing in such a way as to hide her nipples etc. but still giving ample view of the fact that she wasn't wearing any clothes.
Also, the angle made her look skinny. Her face was in full view.
No. 28737
>>28663Is she inferring that aminyan is on lolcow?
Goddamn, shes like jrcock, accusing anonymous people of being people they hate.
No. 28752
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>28 DDD
she has no clue what she's talking about
No. 28756
>>28752lmao, as someone who's a cup size
bigger than that, i know that's a fucking lie. i'm flat chested compared to her. i'm assuming she wears maybe a 36ddd bra, but assumed cup sizes are universal and that if she just lowered her band size it would mean she's super tiny with massive boobs.
No. 28776
>>28756be optimistic, at least she doesnt brag her ~~so big titties~~ like abipop
oh well both are shit anyway
No. 28824
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micky got into an argument with her white knight lel
No. 28832
File: 1418066120576.jpg (344.77 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_n4tub5sVGm1tnvbhpo1_128…)

Cheap make up, lighting and filters are Micky's best friends.
In tagged photos she looks like shit, but on Tumblr she dolls up to be a Goddess and throws filters on anything, then posts it on Facebook for more ego-jerking.
She looks decent when she does put the effort, but she is by no means HOT and FINE like her white knights claim.
No. 28833
>>28369Dumb thing to pick up on. Iirc prejudice = ideals, discrimination = acting on your prejudice. Racism is a kind of discrimination. You can be prejudiced but not discriminate, but you can't discriminate without being prejudiced.
No. 28860
>>28847ur jus mad because u dumb
>>28832This shit's fucking hilarious. Compared with nonshop
>>10974Love it when black girls try to be kawaii
No. 28866
File: 1418082878918.jpg (105.34 KB, 500x750, 2HgJ1r569d7o1_500.jpg)

>>28860Black girls can be kawaii
Just not Micky
No. 28878
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>>28877Nvm, found out her real name and she is a model for Black Milk and other brands now.
No. 28881
>ur jus mad because u dumbnot that anon, but it's obvious you're not smart at all
>>28370 had already cleared that up
>>28833 just seems like their trying to justify being racist
No. 28884
File: 1418087044939.jpg (360.21 KB, 960x1280, 2014-12-08-19-55-42_deco.jpg)

she complains about how crap spreepicky is but has an item from there on her wish list kek
No. 28909
>>28887I wonder if people know that spreepicky has collaborated with the artist and they now have permission to use their art.
Spreepicky also pays them a share fit every sweater they sell
No. 29077
File: 1418175173288.jpg (127.4 KB, 960x952, IMG_20141209_202700.jpg)

Only black when it's convenient.
No. 29176
>>29148>>29154Why did you comment on the same arbitrary post from 3 months ago twice wtf
The point isn't that they're confident, it's that the poster specified that it was 17/18 year old girls, (hardly 'adult women') specifically pandering to a crowd of older men and playing up the underaged angle. They're not confident women being body positive, they're confused teenagers trying to play the jailbait card to the extreme.
To be honest, I'm not sure how you jumped to the conclusions you did because it's like you read every other word of the sentence.
No. 29244
File: 1418276625113.jpg (92.48 KB, 768x897, Screenshot_2014-12-10-23-58-51…)

spacekin is so *~speshul and different~*
No. 29255
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They look pitiful
No. 29476
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does she really have autism?
No. 29812
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No. 29814
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No. 29831
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No. 30117
File: 1418678306748.jpg (137.48 KB, 960x859, IMG_20141215_161036.jpg)

Micky expressing her biological views that she got from someone else.
When did Micky get self respect?
The last comment implies that she has some.
No. 30134
>>30122yes, that's why this is so fucking stupid of her to say. those are technical terms referring to your
sex. not your
gender, dumbass.
No. 30166
File: 1418694052822.jpg (50.54 KB, 960x360, IMG_20141215_203604.jpg)

This is the opening statement.
No. 30171
>>30166someone who looks like she gets dressed in the dark and never bathes really has no right to give "pro tips" to anyone, especially other women.
here's a "pro tip": buy some leave-in conditioner for your nasty-ass hair.
No. 30212
>>30186Sometimes neckbeards talk like that since they seem to think women are a completely different species from them, and yeah it's probably a good idea to give guys like that a wide berth for a variety of reasons.
This girl just sounds like she picked this up somewhere and decided generalizing it into shitty "feminist" advice would make her seem more intelligent or something.
No. 30272
>>30239Being black I'm going to tesitfy that it is, however it sounds very strange and only a certain faction of blacks use that term. My mother who surely isn't a "SJW" expressed displeasure with the term simply because it's a "female" what? For me, the term sounds extremely awkward outside of a scientific setting and really stupid. Just like when black people use the term "associate" in casual conversation. It's AAVE but it's really weird.
Social Justice warriors sometimes advocate for the term "female" because of transgender people I guess. Either way it sounds super stupid, but Micky didn't form this conclusion on her own. She bases her entire opinions on Tumblr posts which is problematic.
No. 32340
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she seriously expects someone to buy that for her toplel
No. 32752
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No. 32952
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No. 32953
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No. 32977
>>32952Doesn't she know cops kill whites and asians too? And that the only reason blacks are disproportionately killed by cops is because blacks are responsible for around 3/4ths of rapes, violent crimes etc. meaning they're more likely to be pointing a gun at the cop, trying to run away etc.
As was with ferguson, trayvon and whatever flavour of the week the professionally offended have chosen.
No. 32988
>>32977Admin stormfront is back.
Please don't derail this fucking thread with that bullshit.
No. 32991
>>32977Thank you, Fox News.
Stick to Micky's stupidness.
No. 33027
>>33013Oh gee, I wonder why. Could it be because white people kidnapped as many black people as they possibly could? Because I don't know if you noticed or knew about this but, black people didn't exactly row here on boats excitedly-unlike every one else. They were literally kidnapped and forced here. Literally. L i t e r a l l y. So, that's white peoples fault in the first place.
Also, I find it interesting when white people call other races minorities. Don't they know they're one of the biggest minorities around?? Asians are the majority of the world. We literally outnumber all other races. Pretty sure there are also more Africans in the world than white people, but then again I could be wrong-but black people arent a minority either. The only other race that could be considered a minority aside from whites would be Indians since whites did everything they could to exterminate them all and then remained forever salty that a few still managed to survive.
Derail derail derail-ok that's enough lol.
Mickey's dumb, but not wrong in this case. Only an idiot would argue otherwise. Disliking someone doesnt make them wrong about everything now.
No. 33040
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No. 33068
>>33043What if I told you Africa wasn't all just dessert and what you see in those emotionally manipulating commercials?
Oh wait. I forgot you can't process simple information.
No. 33070
>>33068>>33069Yeah, because the person that posted that meme obviously created and drew it too.
Fucking dumbass.
No. 33074
>>33071she only cares about racism because sj shit is popular, the same way she is only otherkin because it's popular.
all of her opinions are based on what's popular on tumblr/what will get her the most attention
No. 33089
>>33027You know that there were plenty of white, irish and eastern european slaves, right? You know about the HUGE arab slave trade right?
I don't see anyone whining about the arab slave trade.
No. 33090
>>33075Why would she get sponsored though?
She can't dress herself, she isn't that popular online, she has a lot of nudes and fetish stuff online which I normally wouldn't care but she was underage in most of that shit.
She just wants free shit because she doesn't want to work for it herself. Just look at when she told lolcow to buy her new clothes.
No. 33091
>>33089Oh, and btw arab slave trade means arabs keeping blacks as slaves, not whites keeping arabs as slaves.
Just in case someone manages to be retarded enough to get this wrong
No. 33092
File: 1419546247574.png (1.25 MB, 680x383, jimmies.png)

> Spacekin
> Tfw astrophysics major
You're made out of elements that were formed from the inside of stars, that's not wrong, but so is literally everything else on and including the Earth. I feel like some special snowflakes probably read that Sagan quote, "We are all made of star stuff" and decided OH MAN IT'S A CHANCE TO BE UNIQUE.
I can't wait to tell my fellow astro buddies about "spacekin". Bless based lolcow.
No. 33673
File: 1419637218125.jpg (30.65 KB, 768x220, Screenshot_2014-12-26-18-29-56…)

she is in no position to be giving anybody advice or tutorials
No. 33752
>>33729I'm not
>>33282 . I wasn't derailing the thread.
No. 34708
File: 1419819360220.jpg (47.16 KB, 768x432, Screenshot_2014-12-28-21-09-38…)

>my interests too *~special~* for normal people
>most people are ignorant about civil rights
is she serious
No. 34848
File: 1419847290138.jpg (54.22 KB, 768x437, Screenshot_2014-12-29-04-52-55…)

>>26829she loves being a hypocrite
No. 35397
>>34848Wouldn't "daisuki" and "daitsuki" sound essentially the same?
Suki = "ski"
Tsuki also = "ski"
Unless I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
No. 35411
>>35397Tsuki you can actually hear the "T" sound in it. It's very subtle though.
Unless you practice with the sounds it's really easy to miss. I think shes making shit up to make it sound like some cutesy shit. I doubt she'd even notice if he said tsu or su.
No. 35901
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she posted aminyan on her kawaii black girl page and used the most unflattering pic she could find.
No. 35905
File: 1420117428333.jpg (337.51 KB, 1085x540, kekfordays.jpg)

OT but I found this beast posted on her Kawaii Black Girls page. She's the one on the right. Both pictures were on her Facebook publically. Bitch, who you tryna fool?
No. 35920
>>35905I think she's still cute.
Other than her teeth, but I still think she's cute and I don't think she's trynna fool anyone.
No. 36028
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why does she feel the need to give advice when she obviously doesn't follow it herself
No. 36950
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every picture she takes she blurs to hell
No. 37280
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No. 37310
>>37292Her looks were never the real problem.
Her snowflakey, hypocritical personality is what makes her a lolcow, and the fact that she thinks she looks good enough to openly be shitting on other people's appearances and making an entire page for what she thinks looks good.
It doesn't help that she's an otherkin and is into creepy pedophilic adult baby shit lmao
No. 37312
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No. 37606
>>37280HA! Good luck there Micky! They messaged me too, you basically work for free, you have to have a insane amount of clicks to get anything plus you are required to post one a day and reblog from them once a day. Tumblr won't allow anything with their name in it so you have to do all these weird ways of getting around it.
They always message over and over
She won't get anything from them. They message EVERYONE on tumblr asking if they want to be a sponsor. Even small blogs.
No. 38534
>>38517She's so dumpy
and frumpy!
A dump and a frump!
Covered in lumps…
beneath her skin…
o dumpy frump w/ lumps,
go jump
in a bowl
of fuck.
No. 38584
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>>36961I hate girls with shit extensions. Either get em done right or don't at all. Pic related. Instagram quirky esque lolcow. I might do a topic on her
No. 38705
>>38675Most celebrities wear them but okay.
But sure, wanting to make your hair look longer and fuller is sooo trashy! Get the fuck out, dyke.
No. 38715
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>>38675Oh, honey. You don't need to be upset just because you're poor and have thin lesbo hair.
No. 38722
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>>38716>>38717It's basic English what they were trying to get across. Are you both going to cry over the word "faggot" too?
No. 38982
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No. 39024
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No. 39036
>>38997You are so retarded. black girls have weaves and clip ins. The most cheapest and ratchet of extensions
Celebrities and rich people have microbead/I tip extensions. They cost 500-1000s of dollars and require an extension technician to properly put them in well. I have them. Each bundle cost 100 and I have 6 bundles in. It's also around 150$ to tighten every few months. These extensions are the same ones that Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus (before she cracked out), Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan have.
Most girls like Micky and that tumblr tard with the ginger mermaid shit just go to Sally's and put them in their hair without blending them in or buying the right shade or having enough bundles
I'm sorry but I am just an aspie anon who loves extensions and I hate this retard hurr extensions are so ratchet. It's like, no. You have no idea how extensions work and what kinds are out there. Back to fat Micky tho
No. 39046
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No. 39085
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No. 39276
>>39273Because it looks more 'youthful', I think. Same with things like big eyes.
Why do you envy people with thin hair?
No. 39314
>>39276Not that anon, but thick hair, especially if it's long, can be kind of a hassle.
Because of its weight, it can cause headaches and make updos and curls really difficult to maintain. I will curl my hair, do all I can to make sure it stays, and it falls out in 90 minutes. Updos and braids are pretty much impossible with bobby pins, lots of bobby pins. And pray your hair tie doesn't break. Actually, pretty much any cute hairstyle won't really work all that well. Half dos are the extent if our natural power. Anyone who can exceed that has made a deal with devil, and should be exorcised immediately.
When it tangles, which is frequently, it knots like a fucking bitch. Which leads to broken hairbrushes. So many broken hairbrushes.
You spend WAY more money and shampoo and conditioners, seeing as you blaze right through it, and your bath drain will look nasty after you shower, since it likes to clog it up.
If I go to a salon, I will probably pay more than you will for a cut and color; or if I buy boxed, it's a minimum of 2 or 3 boxes.
But, hey, all those compliments. Is it worth it? Yeah, maybe.
There's some more things, but I just rattled of the top of my head.
>tfw my hair isn't even that thick No. 39315
>>39314Bah, braid are fine to do! Braids and half dos are the extent of our power.
How did I mess that up
No. 39551
>>39314I know the pain of thick hair all too well, I have extremely thick hair that was down to my waist last year. Hair appointments are seriously hell, just for a trim and style it can almost take 2 hours at that length. It's super expensive too. I remember getting my hair chem straightened and it took 6 hours. 6 hours of sitting in a chair.
The knots, you cannot be lazy at all with brushing your hair, I had to like twice or three times a day to avoid knots. People would come and actually touch my hair like what the hell why are you touching me?
I've also been hassled because some people will ask about my "extensions". I ended up chopping my hair above my shoulders out of the blue, it was like 10 pounds off my head. Sadly my hair appointments are about a hour.
FML Sorry went on a rant, I remember in high school wanting thinner hair like my friends so badly.
No. 39624
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>>39557take your OT discussions to /b/
why does keep using japanese when she doesn't know how to properly write it
No. 39772
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No. 39774
>>39641It's not normal, no, but I think she was trying to write it broken/spaced out to convey the fact that she's tired. 'ねむい' (nemui) means 'sleepy'. So it's like, in English, saying:
"Good morning
If you get what I mean.
No. 39791
>>39624Yeah, sorry for getting OT but why are you replying after the discussion about hair has died down?
>>39772It's pretty ironic she's become so SJW but ~cultural appropriation~ is a-ok as long as it's a trendy country like Korea or Japan.
No. 40190
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she said she doesn't know any Japanese but tweets in Japanese anyway. she must be using google translate.
No. 40198
>>40190"anata" is so goddamn rude. Nobody says that. If you don't know someone's name, then you ask before you address them in a sentence.
>>40195And no one uses "totemo". It's a death word. Pretty obvious she's been reading some kind of weeb Japanese phrase website or whatever.
No. 40242
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No. 40265
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No. 40376
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Her face looks really weird
No. 40428
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No. 40442
>>40428monkie martyrdom
i cant unsee the monkey in all of her photos now
No. 40443
>>40376She reminds me of Aminyany there….
Idk why though? The lips or the wide deer light eyes maybe?
Then again face comparison isn't my thing, and I always see similarities that aren't there.
No. 40717
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she really likes to abuse google translate.
No. 41258
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When Micky does that weird lip thing she DOES look like aminyan
No. 41408
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>wants spending money
>won't go get a job
top kek
No. 41421
>>41408eh ain't that always the way. i've got a work colleague that works 60 hours a week and you wouldn't catch her complaining she's tired. she herself said she's got expensive taste so she's got to work accordingly.
i don't really know why i posted this on here. i guess i've got a great deal of respect for her… unlike lazy weeb micky. the time you spend straightening your hair so it defies gravity could earn you some pocket money lol
No. 41748
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Is she still on this mixed shit? Is she even mixed at all? all the races she claims she has in her would make her skin super light but she's just dark brown
No. 41750
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You guys are talking mad shit about Micky and that's OK whatever. But not a single peep about Aminyanmoemagi when she is literally worse than her by a longshot considering her "popularity" and "fame". Ami can’t dance, sing, dress, do makeup, do hair, her nails, put lotion on her ashy knees, speak Japanese, pronounce Japanese, write Japanese or even anything. You guys seen her pictures. You’ve guys seen her “performances”. She’s literally garbage. But nobody ever has anything to say about her but praise and people who say otherwise are jealous? How about no. There is literal public evidence of her ratchetness. Take a look at her instagram really i dare you. If you honestly think she’s cute and talented you are lying to yourself and to her. Ok I get it. Micky is a weeb and says a lot of weird/uncalled for shit. But let’s face the facts here, the girl is never going to go beyond having tons of facebook friends, which is worthless, and that’s just the way it is. The things you guys talk about her for are things that Ami herself does but nobody want’s to bring it up? I don’t like the dynamic here. If you’re going to talk shit about everybody for literally anything they do, bring up Ami too. As I said earlier, she’s the worst but also the person who has the highest amount of fans and whiteknighters? And miss me with that “But she knows what she’s doing!!! She really understands idols!” Miss. Me. With. That. What it is really is that other people don’t know shit about idol culture so when someone pretends to they act all amazed and intrigued. (JRCACH. Someone explain to me why people still fucking with this fool) The girl gets 100 views on NND that she’s the self proclaimed “princess” of. She can’t sing and especially dance. I have yet to see her properly blend her foundation or put eyeliner on in a straight decent looking line. She rewears the same 5 things. I’ve seen stains all over her clothes. That’s so sloppy and a horrible representation of black girls everywhere. She is NOT the best out right now. She got accepted into a university that any other person can get into and is doing this idol shit on the side. (Let’s see how long that lasts though) And if it weren’t for that she’d be nowhere. Who recruited her? Scouted her? Nobody. Getting into World Otaku Mate requires nothing but sending an email. STOP HATING ON LITERALLY EVERYBODY THERE IS BUT STAYING QUIET ABOUT AMI. Stop pretending she’s amazing. Stop telling her she’s cute. Stop telling her she’s talented. Also manipulative as all hell and a manipulative liar. kawaii africakei macaron princess idol ^_^ With your nails looking like that boo, your 3 Liz Lisa dresses, and that dead lemur on your head? ok.
And if you want some receipts here I’ll link you:
Makeup all crusted in her eyelid is literal hell awkward pig latin here but omg!!! I forgot she's fluent in Japanese right ^o^ No. 41757
>>41750Omg at that wall of text. Chill out, Micky.
Ami looks like the sad frog meme.
No. 41760
>>41748I hate that lowkey "omg being light skinned is such a struggle guys white ppl are showing favoritism to me soo fucked up right???? ~_~" bragging this girl does, as if she doesn't like to call herself "mixed" when she wants to be kawaii and "black" ONLY when she wants to have a voice on social justice issues.
I'm kinda light skinned too, but I don't feel the need to make it a point every 0.5 seconds like this soggy cunt does.
No. 41766
>>41750Aminyan is still better than Micky.
Her live singing wasn't that bad either. At least she puts effort into the things she does
No. 41769
>>41750>That’s so sloppy and a horrible representation of black girls everywhere. Nah, Momo and her fat sister Bibi are. And you would be too if you actually had a following or otherwise tried to join "idol culture", Micky.
Ami may not be perfect, but she is better than pretty much all the black girls doing this shit by a long shot.
Plus she's literally friends with the guy who created Welcome to the NHK
No. 41772
>>41764Micky or Momo or her fat twin Bibi wrote this. Their twitters literally cover their faces because they know how ugly they are and 100% of their selfies are naked for horny japs. They hate Aminyan's guts for the same reason Micky does. Micky is trying to get on the fuwafuwa ero attention whore train too.
shutup ami
No. 41788
Her and her sister are naked on Nico Douga so they get a lot of views. Half of them calling them racial slurs. But momo doesn't know japanese so she continues to make nudes for her adoringu fans
No. 41790
>>41788Sorry to be OT.
She follows and unfollows ton of porn accounts too so she can compensate for her dead beatdaddy issues.
Apparently she started tweetcast because of the nigger comments on Nico Douga No. 41887
>>41750>But not a single peep about Aminyanmoemagi when she is literally worse than her by a longshot considering her "popularity" and "fame". >literally worseNot by a long shot.
>Ami can’t dance, sing, dress, do makeup, do hair, her nails, put lotion on her ashy knees, speak Japanese, pronounce Japanese, write Japanese or even anything.Your head is up your ass
>You guys seen her pictures.Yeah, and she looks pretty, unlike you.
>You’ve guys seen her “performances”.She does pretty well, considering she seems a bit shy.
>She’s literally garbage.>literally garbageMicky you're the only garbage here. Oh, and while you're reaching, why don't you reach around and pull your head out of your ass?
No. 41925
>>41750>manipulativeWhy do Tumblr fags love saying this word? Is she a bitch? Mean? Who cares. This is Lolcow. Take the oh so manipulative thing to PULL or truth blogs.
She's not some patron saint like some of her ass kissers make her to be but she's a decent kid. It's always hilarious when micky or other lolcows try to take over their thread by trying to get trolls as their personal army. Some real CWC shit
No. 41949
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she probably only has this account to either push some fake sob story or to talk shit about the girls she hates
No. 42333
>>42331She kept getting banned on tumblr for distribution of CP
But blames it because "jelly haters just hate me because I'm famousu/black/swindling pedophiles for cash"
No. 42490
>>42479This may be true, but may I ask, Micky, what exactly
you are doing that makes you so much better than Ami? Aminyan is no ~*~toppu aidoru~*~ but she's cuter, more loved and more idolized than you'll ever be. You reek of jealousy.
No. 42702
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>>42459>>42475>>42479>>42497All this time spent shit talking Aminyan, you could have been spent bettering yourself. Oh wait, that's too hard for you to do. You'd rather laze around on your dirty, sloppy ass and talk shit all day about a girl far better than you because it's easier to do.
No. 42717
>>42715Micky you made all these post
>>41750>>42459>>42475>>42479>>42497And that's not including the other posts you made months ago in this thread.
So you're really the only salty one here
No. 42744
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>>42715Oh, the irony. You're literally the only one who is salty here considering all you've been doing is bitching through walls of text, stupid cunt.
Do us all a favor and kill yourself. How hypocritical of you, you ugly whore.
No. 42801
>>42715If this is micky:
Have you seen yourself compared to her? Even if she was bullying you maybe you should act better and someone would believe you. Your extensions and your "Coords" are terrible.
If this is Momo or Himeka
Aren't you the one with the pedophile daddy pee blog? And you've been banned on paypal for making child porn? You're the last to call someone ratchet. You follow all of her twitter followers and porn accounts. You will never be popular in Japan because you look like an ape and have a terrible fucking attitude. That's why you cover your face.
No. 42802
>>42801But no keep kicking up the keks
Show us how pathetic you are
No. 42829
>>39273I had thin hair my whole life, and then snap.
I got it short, and now it's full.
I can tell you right now it's so much better thicker.
No. 42844
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No. 42924
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>>42838Translation, "I got treated so now I'm going to back down like a little bitch and apologize to everyone."
No. 42958
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She basically admitted to writing that wall of text. So maybe it wasn't Micky but rather her underling?
No. 42970
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her hair looks disgusting
No. 43018
>>42970Her extensions look fucking awful against the damage of her natural hair.
Guh… She needs to let her hair breathe, honestly.
No. 43054
>>42970That skin tone and fried hair combination is fucking disgusting.
Has she started bleaching or something? She looks darker in other pics. Awful.
No. 43075
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No. 43084
>>42998>>43018>>43054she definitely ruined her hair
honestly, she should have just worn a weave and saved her hair from the torture she put it through
extensions would still be an issue because she would still have to expose a lot of her own natural hair and it will end up like this
she seems pretty pale, so the hair color doesn't look bad imo (I'm comparing her skin/hair to beyonce, I should be ashamed), but because of how awfully burnt her hair is, it looks like crap
plus those eyebrows, jeeze. It looks like she took a brow pencil and just made a line straight across in one swipe
No. 43091
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>>43085I'm no aminyan kawaii idoru online personality but I like to think I look a lot better than Micky.
No. 43092
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>>43091You're really cute
No. 43100
>>43097I wasn't sure if I count as black since my moms half black half native american and my dads german
and I really don't look it regardless, so I've never submitted myself to any "kawaii black girl" page or anything
dunno how I came out lookin asian though
No. 43102
>>43100ugh please don't be one of those girls who hates being anything but the ethnicity/race she is
that shit is so annoying (at least you're not 1/16th cherokee princess though right?)
No. 43103
>>43102Hm? Oh you mean like OC who flips shit if she gets called white because /NATIVE MAEIRFCANSNSN/
I normally just say I'm biracial. If people think I look Asian, well I was born in Japan, so I just go with that
It really makes no difference idk. Doesn't matter.
No. 43105
File: 1422075631412.gif (235.28 KB, 500x281, tama.gif)

>>43091Yeh you're pretty cute anon, but I don't think lolcow is exactly the greatest place to self post.
Start your own kawaii blog, rub it in Micky's face.
Do it, qt
No. 43106
>>43105I posted myself here so she'd see it ahaha I can't exactly just go submit pictures of myself to her blog like "look I'm cuter than u btw lol"
I have a kawaii blog though, maybe I'll follow her
No. 43111
>>43106looks like we have our very own personal lolcow in the ranks.
Little tip (besides the fact you would benefit greatly for eyeliner) this attitude is the reason people like flan, spoony and also micky aren't liked so go fish for compliments elsewhere cause I promise if you keep this up you will be one of the cows we laugh at.
No. 43118
>>43116Flan derails threads and compliments herself/spams herself
I would constitute that as a lolcow.
A single selfie and some anons finding it cute is hardly lolcow material
Idk it seems like a stretch to
>> posts one photo>> receives 2 complimentsLOOKS LIKE WE GOT A LOLCOW
No. 43119
>>43118not the person that said shes lolcow material, but I do get what they're trying to say about her needing to be careful behind her motives for posting selfies
her wanting to make Micky upset because she not only genuinely thinks she looks better than her, but that Micky would find this to be true as well is a bit fucked up
No. 43121
>>43119People post amina all the time to make her upset or point out that she's far cuter than micky
Half of this thread is " X is cuter than micky"
How is this at all different
No. 43123
>>43121her doing it herself comes off the same way Micky comes off by thinking that she is legitimately better looking than these girls. People have a problem with that because she can't really be the judge of that. I mean imagine if
>>43091 didn't get any compliments at all and we found her to be ugly, she would end up looking stupid as fuck. She was fortunate that some people here did find her cute.
No. 43132
>>42958its obvious she's jealous
aminyan is qt
this girl looks like a fucking money and her personality is disgusting and she's dumb
No. 43257
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No. 43263
>>43248But I did.
I literally posted once.
No. 43264
>>43257But Micky, you have low self esteem.
You literally wrote a wall of text about amina because you're that jealous of her.
Why do you pretend to love yourself. It's really transparent.
No. 43265
>>43257Isn't she underage?
Her profile pic is just straight up cleavage.
No. 43267
Going off this idea
>>43105, anyone know how to start a successful kawaii Tumblr weeb persona?
Not the girl who selfposted, I just want to try something.
No. 43269
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>>43054>>43058Yeah, she's definitely been bleaching. She used to be a lot darker than that. It's too even and too drastic a change to just be seasonal.
She looks like she's been using that Whitenicious.
No. 43548
>>43377>>43377Same, not defending Micky but my skin gets lighter in the winter and when I neeted, it was pale as fuck. I went to the beach last summer and I tanned like a mother fucker.
And I'm darker than her.
No. 43713
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She really thinks having someone else do her is going to change the fact it's fried
No. 43858
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No. 43981
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toppu kekku
No. 44482
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I find it funny himeka/momo and micky are friends considering she and micky were at each other's throats not too long ago.
No. 44682
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Her hair looks atrocious and it looks like she badly shooped her eyes.
No. 44691
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>>44682Why didn't she curl her real hair in that picture? Is she going for straight or curly hair? Why not put the extensions at the sides of her hair too so it looks real? (not that it would anyway with her hair looking so dead) So many questions.
No. 45051
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At this rate her hair is going to be damaged beyond repair.
No. 45077
>>45051She doesn't even look good in any hair colour except for black, wtf is she doing? How hard is it to choose a color or two and keep it that way? She should just keep it black, let it repair and grow it out.
If all of her hair looked like the extensions in
>>44682 then she would look decent for once instead of looking like she has a rag on her head.
No. 45087
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>>45077She's not gonna to do that, it's too hard. Hiding the damage and blending with the blur tool is much easier for her.
Pic related, it's so edited and blurry, it's becoming pixelated
No. 45212
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I feel like she sent herself that last message.
No. 45256
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>>45212TOP KEK. The last one. Absolutely no one would say that to someone as nobody status as her-so, clearly written by herself.
You're ruining your hair. I'm guessing that you're seeing this like…"black girls can dye their hair too!!" This is true, black women dye their hair all the time! But the difference between a normal black woman dying her hair and you dying your hair is that a normal black woman already knows to never never ever for any reason dye your hair if you're using relaxers. NEVER. You WILL end up bald. You're not Asian. Asian hair can handle anything. Yours cannot. Your hair will slowly begin to break off at the edges until it's just shorter and shorter. I highly suggest that you stop ""dyeing"" your hair. Put it all back to black. Let it heal. Treat it carefully for months.
For some reason Mickys hair never lays down flat even though she relaxes which confuses me. It poofs up and outward. I want to know what she's using, why is this happening. All around, her haircare is unfortunate and painful to see. MICKY. You are very dumb. Tell us the full extent of your mistakes you are making so at least some can try to help you.
If you continue down this path, you will go bald and when you put on sunglasses you will look like Gnarls Barkley.
Please save yourself from this mistake.
No. 45284
though apparently she doesn't relax her hair, she could be using a flat iron everyday and using products meant for fine hair. i had a friend who was mixed with a white mom and that mom knew absolutely nothing about black/curly hair so her hair looked exactly like micky's. i think micky should do what you said and start using products from the loreal eversleek collection. i'm white, but i have really coarse, wavy hair, those products completely smoothed out my hair and my hair's really fine now. granted, it will not fix all the damage she's done to it (after using the products i had to cut off 4 inches of damaged hair i never noticed before bc my hair was that coarse/dry), but it will help repair it a bit.
No. 45488
>>45256This is true. My mom's been relaxing my hair since I was little, and she'd never let me bleach/dye all of it because she said it'd destroy my hair.
She told me one story of a woman who tried to have her hair bleached white, and it literally started falling out in the sink. Fuck that.
Also, if your hair is kind of damaged or you need a retouch, it's normal for it to stand up a bit.
>>45284 said might be more accurate if not that, though. She may literally just be using a flat iron and killing her hair. That combined with the constant bleaching and dying can't be good.
No. 45491
>>45212more than likely self-posted.
If they love her so much why would they ask anonymously? They'd want her to know who they are…
No. 45548
>>45284Yep, same here. Going by those hair type charts, I would be a 3b/3c except for the edges of my hair near the front, which would be a 4a/4b for some reason.
Because of humidity where I live I would flat iron my hair everyday while I was in hs and ended up with hair that looks like Micky within about a year. It went from being past my shoulders to Micky's length.
Thankfully my mom through out my flat iron and made me learn how to blow dry my hair with minimal heat, use roller sets, good hair products, etc. I'm not even black so my hair isn't as sensitive to heat or chemical treatments, so I can only imagine how shitty Micky's hair looks.
Dude, Micky, if you're reading this, please lay off the heat, you can get straight hair by blow drying BUT make sure you use a low heat setting, heat protectants and that you deep condition your hair before. Also use shampoos and conditioners with good oils in them and no sulfate or other crappy chemicals.
No. 45554
>>43267Make a tumblr and have a really qt theme
buy kawaii shit and do reviews and post pics of them
kiss everyone's ass
be kawaii
make everyone jealous of your kawaii stuff
tadah, you're now a famous kawaii tumblrchan
No. 45624
File: 1422834035523.jpg (61.1 KB, 768x648, Screenshot_2015-02-01-18-36-37…)

Why is she so passive aggressive when answering questions?
No. 45679
>>45548Black hair really can't get straight with just a blow drier and a roller brush.
If you are white, your advice is pretty useless if she wants to get her hair straight straight.
No. 45686
>>45679It can, I mean it won't be super straight and silky, but it'll be stretched and less nappy.
Not the person you responded to, but I have that tight ass 4c.
No. 45690
>>45687Hi Micky
Y'all on this forum like brown on fuckin shit.
No. 45692
>>45687Micky's on here like an ape chained in shackles.
Feel free to interpret that anyway you'd like. :^)
No. 45693
>>45686Exactly, it won't be straight straight but frizzy straight and I'm pretty sure she thinks she has this super straight and silky hair.
Black hair needs a little bit more umph than just a blow drier and roller brush.
No. 45752
>>45686>>45679>>45693Nah, it can definitely get pin straight just from having it be put into a roller set, going under the hair dryer or letting it air dry and then blow drying it (of course you have to use heat protectants and other products throughout all of this.)
Afterwards, you have to wrap it in a doobie wrap with hair pins overnight (you can use a hair net to hold it together and remove the pins so that they will not leave marks) and by the next morning, or even a few hours later it will be straight.
That's what some of my black friends do and their hair is pretty long, around the middle back, while the girls who relax it have it down to neck or shoulder length and it looks like shit.
Anyway not to be anymore ot, but I reeeally hope for the sake of Micky's hair that she pays attention to this and stops putting it off.
No. 45756
>>45693This makes me wonder.
What exactly is her ethnicity? Is she African? Caribbean? What is she, why exactly is her hair the way it is?
Most likely, she might read this and lean back in her chair smugglingly. 'Ah, they wanna know so much about me..' This is not because you are beautiful Mickey-it's quite the opposite. I'm trying to figure out why you are so ugly. WHY is your hair this bad?? What are you doing to it-is it relaxer or just too much heat? It's dry in every single picture you've ever taken it seems. Do you use oil? Or are you the type to think that oil weighs it down and stops it from fluttering? Micky, why is your hair more dry than your future and fanbase? Answer truthfully.
No. 45768
>>45761What the hell anon, she's a total cutie
I can understand disapproving of selfposting like that, but there's that and then there's just being a total dick
No. 45775
>>45772If anyone seriously cares that much about how many people think a girl on the internet is cute, admin has permission to check my IP.
>>45773I think she's pretty cute anyway. I don't really care whether or not she's cute though, I just think it was dumb to reply to a relatively old post that's died down now just to be a bitch to her. Like you said, she looks pretty young. Sure, it's dumb to selfpost on a lolcow board too, but it's not any smarter to bring it back up just to be a cunt.
No. 45781
File: 1422859669532.jpg (56.58 KB, 561x960, m.jpg)

In other news, here she is with her hair dyed back again.
Which is a step in the right direction, I guess.
Her extensions are obvious as fuck even with 2003 webcam-tier photo quality though. Wow.
No. 45834
>>45788Shiiit, thanks
I'd checked her fb and she uploaded it as her profile pic pretty recently but I didn't bother checking her tumblr
No. 46019
File: 1422946192496.jpg (51.65 KB, 768x505, Screenshot_2015-02-02-21-43-56…)

What was the point of even bringing that up?
No. 46025
File: 1422949621289.jpg (96.93 KB, 768x1021, Screenshot_2015-02-03-02-39-03…) doesn't even try to blend her hair with her extensions and why is she posting things like this if she has a boyfriend?
No. 46026
>>46025Is she deleting shit like crazy?
Finally, a picture where she looks cute aside from her hair.
No. 46028
File: 1422951758263.jpg (42.13 KB, 768x307, Screenshot_2015-02-03-02-47-24…)

>>46026She's been deleting things?
No. 46030
File: 1422953473775.jpg (99.84 KB, 768x999, Screenshot_2015-02-03-03-47-10…)

>>46029The thumbnail doesn't show up, but it's still there. In the full picture it doesn't look like she's wearing any bottoms.
No. 46261
File: 1423056582298.jpg (99.15 KB, 768x745, Screenshot_2015-02-04-08-20-01…)

Nobody's upset they can't have super fried hair and poor makeup skills they have to hide by abusing the blur tool and no one certainly wants her shitty attitude either.
No. 46374
>>46261Tbh do you just want her to stop taking pics all together or…
Because if she she reads this thread I can kinda see why she'd said that.
No. 46585
don't be a prude, teenagers show cleavage
it's less ugly than her face tbh
No. 47118
File: 1423283744267.jpg (21.64 KB, 768x216, Screenshot_2015-02-06-23-19-53…)

>>47065>screenshotting everything>not realzing it's just the lulzy posts> not realizing every thread on here is like thisOk micky No. 47151
File: 1423303908875.jpg (84.94 KB, 768x674, Screenshot_2015-02-07-04-49-49…)

Her boyfriend has to be at least 26, not 22.
No. 47193
File: 1423330570814.jpg (47.39 KB, 617x409, 107003617409.jpg)

>>47151I don't knoooooow much
But I know that nigga ain't 22
No. 47645
File: 1423441194190.jpg (39.88 KB, 768x304, Screenshot_2015-02-08-19-11-48…)

She keeps reading this thread but probably hasn't done anything to fix her hair, go figure.
No. 47781
>>47645Man, I don't like Micky at all or anything, but I can't just disregard everything she says.
Some crap seems far fetched, but I guess it's my personality but I can't just disbelief everything she says.
Sorry for my crappy English
Mod, feel free to check location, I ain't Micky.
No. 48623
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No. 48661
>>48658This. I'd love to see her get called out by someone asking her
real questions about space. Any space nuts in here willing to embarrass Micky?
No. 48675
File: 1423664798510.jpg (100.9 KB, 768x758, Screenshot_2015-02-11-09-22-37…)

She could also just ignore the question instead of ranting about something so unimportant.
No. 49073
File: 1423765414754.jpg (44.85 KB, 768x310, Screenshot_2015-02-12-12-51-12…)

Yeah hurling insult like a five year old that just learned how to curse is the best way to convince people the club is stupid. Also does she not know that Meninism and Meninist Club are parodies or is she just that stupid?
No. 50345
>>11625she wants her hair to look asian
is she actually part asian?
No. 50347
>>50346Looks like it, it's normal to get hair there or near the butthole but they look
long. Damn, Micky, get a razor on that shit.
No. 50590
>>50581Theres nothing there.
Did you screencap it?
No. 50625
File: 1424134425272.jpg (180.05 KB, 800x1106, IMG_20150216_194925.jpg)

>>50616She didn't delete anything. You just have to view it on the mobile version.
No. 50823
File: 1424193503418.jpg (124.22 KB, 768x1032, Screenshot_2015-02-17-12-10-58…)

Why did she feel the need to post the definition of something that common? Does she think it's some special action only certain people do?
No. 50997
>>50975Its pure jealousy tbh
Ami is kawaii and in japan and is more successful than her and has fans
No. 52104
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No. 52274
>>51458tbh they both seem like nasty cunts screaming "You have NO IDEA what she did to me!!" without actually going into detail on what happened at this point.
Shame, I honestly thought Aminyan was the bigger person.
No. 52474
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>>52454>What? She didn't even mention it lollurk moar pls
I wonder how bad a shitstorm she would have gotten into had the post went through.
No. 52477
File: 1424533596063.png (41.49 KB, 346x496, tumblr_inline_njzshagHuK1t20ed…)

>>52476>>52320>>52373>>52454>>52474You're all retarded. Look at the screencap in the link being responded to next time.
>inb4 someone says I'm Micky because they noticed the picture at the bottom but didn't read filename No. 52485
>>52477Everyone has seen this and discussed this. It looks photoshopped as hell but let's assume it's real.
>It's from 3 fucking years ago.Who cares about drama from 2012?
>it's being taken out of context We can't see the entire thread at all and based on past behavior it can be easily concluded she was pushed into this.
>Micky isn't addressing the real problemMicky's friend praised her for "not being a typical black" and she accepted it with glee. That shows aminyan probably got fed up with that shit because that's racist as hell.
Try harder. So what aminyan said a swear word 2012. Calling her homocidal and "abusive" is laughable. If this is their only shred of evidence idk who they'll convince.
No. 52501
>>52477Micky always saying about how Ami threatened to punch her, but this isn't a threat, she says "I've always wanted to punch her" not "I'm going to punch her"
Is this the only evidence she has against Ami? Lol
No. 52515
>>52485>>52486>>52487>b-but it's from three years ago!That literally doesn't change shit, they're all whiny bitches attacking each other but not explaining shit. If it turns out it's fake, my mistake, but until then, my comment still stands.
I'm honestly starting to believe Ami whiteknights herself in this thread at this point
No. 52528
File: 1424542724998.gif (764.67 KB, 499x281, WKcr1oH.gif)

>>52515>b-but it's from three years ago!That literally doesn't change shitActually that changes everything because micky can't even provide anything more than a three year old out of context screencap.
>they're all whiny bitches attacking each other but not explaining shitAminyan has not said anything nor does she care. It's just Bibi, himeka, and micky.
>If it turns out it's fake, my mistake, but until then, my comment still standsYour comment was pointless the moment you ignored the first fact. It's a fucking three year old out of context screencap.
>I'm honestly starting to believe Ami whiteknights herself in this thread at this pointI'd say you can't be this fucking retarded but after going through your whole comment it's obvious you are that fucking retarded.
No. 52530
>>52515Nigger Ami has better things to do than whitknight herself.
She has a life unlike those fat fucks.
No. 52541
>>52528>Aminyan has not said anythingBut she actually has. Are you blind?
>three years old!!It literally doesn't matter how old the screencap is if she's seriously been engaging them, and despite the context, it's obvious who she's talking about and how she feels about them.
Take off your waifu goggles for a fucking second
No. 52550
>>52541>Aminyan has not said anything But she actually has. Are you blind?Provide evidence outside of the old ass screencap or gtfo
>three years old!!>It literally doesn't matter how old the screencapOh no, it matters. If she's doing something now, where the fuck is the proof? Evidence or gtfo.
>is if she's seriously been engaging them, and despite the context, it's obvious who she's talking about and how she feels about them.It has been the days now and she hasn't said anything to them and it's already been stated that she seemed to be provoked to anger in that screencap. Again, give some real evidence or gtfo.
>Take off your waifu goggles for a fucking secondNobody had on "waifu goggles", we've been trying to point out the obvious to you, but it's clear you're too fucking retarded to understand.
And for the last time, give evidence or gtfo.
No. 54896
File: 1424929003067.jpg (77.93 KB, 724x890, Screenshot_2015-02-23-00-19-37…)

She looks butt ugly
No. 57881
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No. 488012
File: 1518674711647.jpg (400.29 KB, 612x792, Busterthebatcringe.jpg)

For those of you who haven't seen this, let me introduce to you to Nixwerld and his fursona Buster the Fruit Bat. This costume is made by some cheap crap rug for the neck fur and look like some cringe big bad wolf ripoff.