Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #146 - Pro Se Misadventures Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/931666Taylor Nicole Dean #73 - New House, Same Hoarder Edition
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingLuna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #54: (Not) Petit(e) Larceny Edition
Previous Thread: >>949775Venus Angelic - 2 Likes in 4 Hours Edition
>Previous 3 threads:Thread Requests #6
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #137 - Projection is one hell of a drug edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507GAMECUBian
GAMECUBian is a 23yr old autistic manchild that lives with his parents. He has an obsession with underaged characters such as Tomo Aizawa, Chara, and Gaz Membrane. He's made sexual comments about/ liked porn of these underaged characters on his (now deactivated) Newgrounds account. On his failed Youtube channel he makes faggy videos about him being a vigilante hero who beats up his bullies. He takes his character and story very seriously, and goes on rants if you dare get anything wrong about his character/storyline. He's extremely retarded and very easy to troll/anger. Some more things that offend him include: being called gay, being called inbred, women hate, tomboy hate, anime hate, Undertale hate, racism, anti-christianity, marvel fans, non-gamers, Bowser Jr, Donald Trump.Shingleton/Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/Viper #25
Dasha/ItsBabyDash/Neuphs/Julia Stadler #14 - Streamer/Gamer Hunter Edition
Previously:Lillee Jean Trueman: The Milk our Farms In Edition
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers onKiki Kannibal Kontainment Thread 2: Bleeding on the side of the road and facetiming edition
A new thread was overdue so decided to make one to chronicle the shenanigan's of the now second place Ostrenga sister. for unfamiliar farmers see https://lolcow.farm/kikiPixyteri/Sarah Guilbeaux/Ashton Winters - OLD and UGLY and POOR edition
Previous thread: >>>/pt/926623Binkie princess #3
Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.Arwijn
There is a wannabe Owen Benjamin that posts a stream every day e-begging acting like a delusional clown and displaying narcissim and projection through the roof. His name is Paul Arwijn Kam, commonly called just Arwijn. His dad's name is Dick Kam believe it or not. He will ban you if you disagree with anything he says and sometimes will go on an hilarious outrage (although he does it less these days). He says he went into something he calls "the dark world" and every new big event that happens he says that he saw it "in the dark". He was posting every day on YouTube untill trolls managed to take his YouTube channel down but now he streams daily on Rumble https://rumble.com/user/Arwijn despite barely getting any support and getting tons of dislikes.Shane Dawson/Jeffree Star #6
A thread to discuss Shane Dawson and all the milky YouTubers he hitches his wagon to, the ongoing Jeffree/Shane saga, Karmageddon as well as past and future projects. Previous series/collabs include:Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #53: A Fungus Among Us
Previous Thread: >>945214New lolcow
Is there any new lolcows as of now? I want someone kinda like early day Chris-Chan to look into. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask about thisChris Chan Containment Thread #2- He's out
(from old thread but edited)-Mysterious hidden angel
Recently a friend shared her mother's profile with me. It's become a guilty pleasure of mine to keep up on her. She has a secondary account orb and spirit experience. She addresses every negative comment she gets. I've never seen so many filters. I guess she looks nothing like that in real life.Amberlynn Reid
In the new video Amber mentions her friend behind her, 'talking to some dude.' then she goes, 'Goals!'. Must be getting desperate for someone to take care of her. She knows that housing situation isn't going to last, no matter how much she protests otherwise.Fahr / Keyes / Lord Amalthean
Names:Lisa Minello (Is this girl faking down syndrome? or is she not even real?)
- It's going viral for creating controversy over the taboo on people with Down syndrometwinbuns/trashbuns/sumire/sunnie
hi guys!! im really sorry if this is bad bc this is my first time ever posting, but i wanna talk about a creator named sumire or sunnie aka twinbuns or trashbuns on instagram. im not really sure how this works, i just know if u hate someone u can talk about them here. anyway she is so weird, she asianfishes and squints all the time in her vids, she doxxed someone, she thinks yaoi of underage people is fine bc its fiction, she begged people to give her money to fund her trip to japan even though shes pretty rich, she called unit 731 kinky, and she said she likes cp like fr, not even joking, and this is just surface level stuff. shes so unlikable and annoying. LIKE WHY WOULD U ADMIT THAT!! shes so ugly and annoying too just shut up about japan nobody cares. anyway, idk if anyone else has talked ab her but i rly want her to be banned of the internet and hopefully off the face of the earth, sorry if this was bad.Gotta catch 'em all! Groomer rap
Recreating various outside situations(hungry,thirsty,stuck,etc,etc) results in invisibility and speed,omnipotence,superpeople,geniuses,youngness,changing you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past (time travel).The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking enough.Surrounding things or farther,farthest away things.People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.Each thing personally affects reality example-eating salt and then being assalted.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example-the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).The soaps are killing people,the nerve and skin damage, feeling hot,dizzy,throbbing,burning and sick?Peoples bodies are being damaged and aged by the soaps,shampoos,hot tubs,swimming pools,stress,working,gravity,infections,viruses,bacteria,loud sounds,rubs,creams,pills,food,beverages,etc,etc.People are travelling to the future and to the past.People are sending messages to the future and to the past.Each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.Draining energy,absorbing energy or releasing particles and energy.Various materials and shapes.Aliens,people are visiting and leaving this world.Blood samples and contacted materials to get peoples DNA,cloning,growing,making,genetically modifying and using the copies.The souls of the dead and others are going into other peoples bodies to be young and healthy.Some people know other peoples thoughts and are communicating telepathically and are controlling peoples minds and bodies and murdering people.They're waking people and causing sleeping problems and deaths.Communicating through nightmares,sticking what feels pins and hot objects into the genitals.People are using other people to say their thoughts.Your suspicious,nature's etc examples,stuck in this nest.The TV creeps and others accusing and causing murders of people watching and listening by saying,words and images.Shingleton/Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/Viper #24 - “Welfare” Edition #2
Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #52: (Confirmed) Back on Fent Edition
Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #72 - Wannarexic Edition
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingMariah Mallad / Momokun #136 - Haunted by her own comments edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #145 - Enemies Around Every Corner Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/914105Lillee Jean Trueman: Bullyish is the Language Edition
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers onAnother fat racist white basic bitch
Here lies Emily Muheller aka Emily Grace aka Emily Adams Grace all in an attempt at rebranding.Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #51: Post Hospital Depression Edition
Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.Kevin Nathan (Power-Link-64, The-Pentagram-Cross)
Meet Kevin Nathan.@Goosewizard aka Ryann/Ronnie (Siri) Bacon
this girl on spam insta i used to follow is a pathological liar and no one ever calls her out. i felt insane like i was dreaming it all up because she had a few friends that would eat up all the lies in the comments, turns out other ppl see it….bc there's a whole google site dedicated to debunking a few of her lies and i thought it was kind of funny. an anon account messaged me on my spam and asked if i used to know her since they saw me in her comments, i said yes and they asked for any screenshots i had of her lying and i only had two so i sent them and now I'm apart of this whole thing lol.Pixyteri/Ashton Winters 2024 - Scared and (fe)MALE
New thread since old thread is about to lockHideoshikaze/Kazehideoshi
30+ year old man/gamer who consistently lies about his age and preys on younger girls. Known to lie about almost everything online and claims that he is the victim. People need to know about this fool.Amy Slaton - Hell on rascal wheels
"I'm the nicest, caring-est person you'll ever fucking meet!" -AmyKidden/kattbebey
I think this girl needs to be more known than she is in the lolcow world .Lillee Jean Trueman: Copyright Consequences Edition
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers onKate Kearns
Kate Kearns, a 22 year old woman who keeps getting away with racist disturbing things she says. She lives in New Zealand and is currently studying eduction specifically working with children to be a teacher. She’s racist and has a history going back from high school of being a sh*t stirrer so she hasn’t changed. This video was from 3 months ago.Luna Slater 28: I Think We Are Alone Now edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]pinkchyu dating tectone
Let the opinions and comments roll inBreyden Dukette: Pedophile, Racist, Sexual Harasser, Lunatic
This is Breyden Dukette, a 19 year old who avidly wants to sleep with numerous 14-16 year old girls, and is known in his city for his extremely disturbing and odd behavior. He was forced to quit his previous job at DoorDash due to relentless mockery from people who had the intent of messing with him. He was also suspended from his high school for saying racist shit to random people.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #135 - the hanging ham becomes a nurse edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Nymphknight/Ang3lthigh
Heres another pic of her without make up. Natural angel my assMystery.jpg
/r9k/ tripfag who came to the lolcord with her autistic boyfriend, getting into slapfights over her advocacy of the pullout method and farmers calling her out for sperging about JonTron's weight gain. After she fled from the Discord, she promptly went on /r9k/ to bawww about getting burned because she chose a drama channel of all places to make female friends.Venus Angelic - Hell is a Place on Earth Edition
>Previous three threads:EZ gaming expose
Michael Raines aka. EZ Gaming is a so-called gaming YouTuber turned "king of gaming" who has garnered a following from a very shitty grift with over 376,000 (mostly botted) subscribers on his (now banned) YouTube channel along with 944 subscribers on a ban evading alt. He is best known for edging on stream in front of his audience. He has engaged in several harassment campaigns against critics and has defended racists and pedophiles.The furry dumbshits of "SiegedSec " who hacked the Heritage Foundation have disbanded, run and hid.
Right after the founder personally called them out for being degenerate freaks and threatened to come after them for the multiple felonies committed.Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #50 - Munchie Arc Edition
Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.Lillee Jean Trueman: in the Actors seat edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Lillee Jean Trueman: Degenerate Animal from NY Edition
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Bob.thebaconn racist, trans (i think), pro ana, pick me
I found @bob.thebaconn on instagram after they left a comment in another anorexic person’s comments on their instagram post. The comment used the n word and I checked their account and they use the n word like a 13 year old boy edgelord. They’re very eager to dish out insults and CANNOT take them when they’re given back to them.Hybristophilia Thread #2
A thread dedicated to girls who thirst after serial killers, mass murderers rapists, etc. calling themselves things like "Columbiners", "Holmies", ect. Girls lusting after the Columbine shooters is especially common. Post blogs, pics, ect of mass killer fangirls.Kanadajin3 MIranda Anne Constable
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #49 - Bleach Please Edition
Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #134 - Return to Oz and Glorious Nippon Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #144 - Trials and Tribulations Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/909346Onision Lolcow Thread Archive
Is she a lolcow?Traci Hines
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread yet. (or maybe I missed it)Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #67 - Drugs n' Tubs Edition
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingThe Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman Show #24: Dead Teeth Edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.On the next episode of Lillee Jean Talks: Why I left the beauty community... #24
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.does anyone know how to contact cyraxx?
for the past 2 years I've been watching cyraxx. consuming his retardation.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson - The Milkless Grifting Mockumentary Edition
Previous Thread: >>813147Troy Bacon - Top Tier Woo-woo Peddler
Trusted Nerd/JY/Jessica Yaniv/Johnathan Yaniv
Copied a few elements from KF'S thread because I can't make a thread for my life (https://kiwifarms.net/threads/jonathan-yaniv-jessica-yaniv-trustednerd-trustednerd-com-jy-knows-it-jy-british-columbia.49790/)Mariah Mallad / Momokun #127 - The Milkening 2: Electric Boogaloo Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Ashleigh Coffin
Sup ladies? Is Peter Coffin paying a new girl to fake as his wife or is this the original horsemaw with heavy plastic surgery?Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #48 - New Friend Edition
Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.Gwizofthestars / Gwiz (SEGA Employee)
Gwizofthestars (aka Gwiz, Gwiz210, Garland Alyssa Moore) is the former Community Manager for SEGA's MMORPG, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. He is a transgender woman that grew up on 4chan and has been posting there since 2009. Stubborn, narcissistic, and VERY overprotective of his reputation, he goes to great lengths to harass his detractors. This includes but is not limited to stalking, doxing, and threatening people with lawsuits.Pixyteri 2023 - Gender Discrimination Edition
New PT Thread since old thread is about to lock after hitting the posting limit.Weird tumblr sex freak
There's a cis white girl named Jayme who's almost thirty and obsesses over her oc. She compares people's bodies irl to it and fetishizes underage rape, disabilities, and intersex bodies. She's always saying fucked up shit and deleting it too. People are always calling her out but she plays it off like a joke.Shingleton/Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/Viper #23 - “Welfare” Edition
Mariah Mallad / Momokun #133 - Spousal battery, and rare sightings at cons edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #47 - "Groundhog Day But Junkies" Edition
Due to character limit issues, summaries, recaps and links will be posted in the thread itself.Onision/James Jackson/Gregory Avaroe #143
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/866578Dillan Matthew Morgan aka Plagued Moth
Dillan Matthew Morgan (Plagued Moth) is an Edgy Youtuber in his 30s known for making reviews of NSFL content mostly gore videos and infamous violent cp where he mocks and blames the unfortunate victims and comes off as total deplorable piece of shit.New Pixyteri Thread - Post blowup edition
New PT Thread, old thread (>>>/pt/361385) hit posting limit and it's been almost 2 months and no one has made a new one, so I guess I willJose12Mexico
I was wondering if anyone has personally interacted with, or spoken to, Jose12Mexico. Jose currently has 69k subs on YouTube, and a significant following on Tumblr, Reddit, and DeviantArt.Anna Azhar/askmimie/askroxxie/annararr/Ssserpent/anacvnda/midsummeranna/fucksophiie/spiccykitto
Anyone else remember this potential cow?Alexandra Marzella
also known as artwerk999 formerly artwerk666- can't find any gossip threads surprisingly. I know she was previously in hot water for saying she wished she were black or something years ago. She had a baby 2 years ago and aired out her babydaddy drama for a bit dont remember details seems it was wiped from the internet. comes from money, seems to be mostly unemployed cosplaying as a poor person.In general very phony and now is pregnant with child and unknown babydaddy. she gives me bad vibes and I wanna talk shit lol idk how to work this site. had to delete and repost to remain anonyAngelina Michelle
A russian model and insta thot that lies about not getting any plastic surgery despite of having old pics from her previous modeling 'agencies' online exposing her true form where she looks like a different person.Victoria Shingleton/Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/Viper #22 - “Healing Heifer” Edition
The Basics:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #132 - Trouble in Paradise edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507The Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman Show #27: The Pauper of New York Edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Plagued Moth Thread
Information:Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #46 - “Fatty Boombalatty: Out of the Clutches of Airbnb” Edition
Due to character limit issues, summaries, recaps and links will be posted in the thread itselfSo… Afterlife Games made a major fuck-up
Are you guys familiar with this nobody “game dev” company called Afterlife Games? In which they’ve published nothing but temper tantrums and tirades on Twitter and wonder why nobody wants to work for them? Well, they released a video bitching about the lack of diversity in that new FF game while also calling Barrett Wallace a token black character, admitting that they’ve never played a single Final Fantasy game, and going on a racist rant about Japanese people depicting European culture accurately.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #71 - The Creature Behind The Meth
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingThread Requests #5
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Fahr Sindram / Fahrlightloki / Keyes
Fahr Sindram / FahrlightLoki Anonymous 4 years ago No. 156500Shannyforchrist/Rev
SHANNY HOMELESS SAGA CONTINUESSoph/LtCorbis - Billionare heiress larping as a rebel
Now that she's a legal adult, is this goblin fair game?Consequences about your actions
>goes by "incubaus" or "meatsack"Barry Turner/Baz Turner/Turn
is a forty-two-year-old ephebophile who is currently under police investigation for sexually abusing a seven-year-old after admitting to hitting her. He's intellectually disabled and has mental health problems and morbidity issues. He's currently grooming teenagers online, faking his age to attract minors, and has a fetish for chicks with dicks. He spends his time online talking about veganism, tracking chips in vaccines, and Christianity because he never had a job. He sells drugs and Bible bash daily.Kpop
Here you can rant about the fanbase, the industry, groups, or nitpick some idols.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #131 - Fursuit Friday Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #45 - “Relapsing & Rekindling Romance” Edition
idk how forums work so sorry if i somehow mess up formatting or something.The Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman Show #26: Somewhere in New York Edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #130 - But I'm A Cosplayer Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #44 - “Ronald x Grimace Saga” Edition
Vicky is a middle aged scratcher from Buttfuck Nowhere, Hicksville, Canada with an exhaustive recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving disastrous mangled tattoos to her clients. One of the reasons why this thread exists is to warn anyone who happens to Google her name prior to getting a tattoo from her.Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #43 - “Faves from the Grave: The Tunaverse Revisited” Edition
DO NOT COWTIP, THE COW DOES A PERFECTLY GOOD JOB OF MILKING ITSELFLuna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #42 - “Big Girl, Big Things” Edition
A thread for further discussion of Chris-Chan in light of recent developments.Luna Slater & Matthew Schumacher #41 - “The Calm Before The Honduran Hurricane” Edition
DO NOT COWTIP, THE COW DOES A PERFECTLY GOOD JOB OF MILKING ITSELFTaylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #70 - Methy Business
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingThe Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman Show #25 : BULLYISH : COMING NOWHERE SOON EDITION
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Luna Slater #40: “The Eve of Eviction Milkmas” Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/882448The Kiki Kannibal Kontainment Thread
Since the last one postlocked right as Sperg-chan started posting again, this shall be the new Kiki Kannibal thread.Steven Akins, crackpot tried to plant fake gravestone in Scotland to stake his claim as clan chief
Midget racist crackpot Steven L. Akins tried to 'plant' a fake gravestone in a Scots cemetery - to back up his claim to be a clan chief.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #129 - The Case of the Missing Dick Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #39: "Can Someone Donate a Cheap Cheap House?" Edition
Instagram:Why is this person still on internet?
Twitter acc:Luna Slater #38: The "I Don't Want to Die Fat" Edition
Instagram:Na wtf is this
cracking tf up. No no no get a load of this guy right hereLuna Slater #37: Copy & Pasted from thread suggestions edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heavenlybunniesMariah Mallad / Momokun #128 - An All Natural, Wildcrafted, Self Healer Baddie Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Loligent, Lightbringer tier webcomic artist specializing in #agegap #diversity #inclusion and #loli
I just stumbled on this dude, and wow.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #69 - Revenge Of The Mullet
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingSave this Woman
This woman's name is Briana, she is pregnant and she has an abusive husband name Chris. She already lost her baby last year, but she's trying to have another one with this Chris guy. I know how manipulative he is, and I know she's been brainwashed by him. If anyone can come to her senses to divorce him so that she can have full custody, do so. Chris is going to be an awful dad and brainwash that child too. His family isn't better and are just as manipulative as him, please save Briana.Luna Slater 36
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heavenlybunniesSoloveitchik
so which one of you greasy femcels doxxed soloveitchik?Spooky Bones / Regina / SKL
Spooky Bones is a disgraced former moderator and exceptional individual. A known discord and contributor to kiwi farms and lolcow.farmYuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov
Born Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov, June 30th, 1988, Bologoye, Omsk, RSFSR, USSR.I love women!
I love women!!!The Lillee Jean and Laur Truman show #23 ADVOCATE FOR BULLYING EDITION
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #126 - Douma's Strawberry Jam Delight Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater 35
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heavenlybunniesKirsten Liimatta Bosio Reyes/Tiny Bangs
This cluster B momfluencer nightmare has been wreaking general havoc for decades and exploiting her children for attention/pity/money their entire lives. She recently got run out of LA for scamming and abusing too many people, left her husband for one of several men she was cheating with, and has been in a full public spiral since September 2021.Rachel Mary Stout
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LesYQbhJT8&t=5sMariah Mallad / Momokun #125 - Will Starfish For Unpaid Labor Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Dex The Celestial aka Jonman 77
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dexthecelestial/Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #68 - Sad Clown Edition
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingnikocado avocado? more like fatheadcado shitacado lmao
So lately I was watching this video called Reacting to PewDiePie's video about me. is this video he starts verbally chastizing and abusing Pewdiepie, while he was making points in a polite logical way. He was calling felix an idiot, stupid, dumb, when in fact he's the one being those three things himself. He even calls him a hypocrite at the end of the vid Like what the fuck nick dont you realise that youre the biggest hypocrite on youtube.Luna Slater 34
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/edgy 15 y/o who pretends to run a cult
edgy ass 15 y/o tranny who runs a shitty discord cult called "diceorg", goes by Mortis, if you ask the right people you could find out their real name. Not gonna put a lot of info in this post, if ya'll are interested ill talk some more about this little shit. Anyway, there's a video of them fucking their dog and theyre a "proud zoophile", also supports groomers and MAPa, has nudes of a 12 y/o and other young kids. Their shitty cult is a fucking dumpster fire. The entire point is to get other edgy kids to Paypal them. There's also some old dude who funnels insane amounts of money into it, my working theory is mortis supplies him with kiddie nudes for it. anyway, i can talk more about this fuck if yall want.Victoria bella morte / miss victoria murder / Victoria Shingleton
Vicky is a middle aged scratcher from Buttfuck Nowhere, Hicksville, Canada with an exhaustive recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving disastrous mangled tattoos to her clients. One of the reasons why this thread exists is to warn anyone who happens to Google her name prior to getting a tattoo from her.I'm a lolcow and I'm going to kill myself
I'm 24 years old, a transexual "woman" (passable, but not pretty), an insufferable mentally ill asshole who is terminally online.Margaret Palermo #33 - Orange is the New Black season 7
After 3 years of playing the South Korean visa system, our favourite illegal alien has finally been apprehended and sent to prison, and will most likely be facing deportation.This guy has a huge anorexia fetish
Okay this dude is like obsessed with anorexic women he doesn't talk about anything else, its creepy and weird, hes creepy and weird.Lillee Jean TALKS #22: Lillee's Law edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Troy Johnson, a.k.a. littlehoss16j
Troy Johnson, a.k.a. littlehoss16j. Shitposts pro-Trump and anti-gay tweets on Twitter. Even calls for cancellation of The Loud House. Biden Derangement Syndrome sufferer and QAnon cultist.gracey and oceanna...
gracey has been cheating on her boyfriend with her best friend oceaanna while on molly.False LOL Cow Rumors about me.
Hello, some of you may know me as "Crazy Samantha." I'm here to simply explain a few things that are incorrect. There have been accusations about me on this site even, that I want to address. People have tried to make me a LOLCOW, and I want to prove otherwise.BrieLarsonFan2004
Absolute schizo, lolicon, brony, league of legends addicted (maybe) tranny, obsessed with Steven Universe, cuckolding, Blade Runner Alita and Transformers, currently building a life-size Pearl doll from Steven Trannyverse, brainfucked by a comic featuring Miles Morales kissing Gwen Stacy, claims to have killed 3 niggers in Los Angeles years agoCreepshow Art
Hello so im gonna speak out of the topiv of Creepahow art and ill say my story about creepshow aka Shannons past online friendship in 2017. So me and shannon was friends on instagram in 2017 and it quickly turned into something really uncomfortable,Shannon and i used to talk on instagram for hours time and we also called for alot of hours and one of the times me and shannon called she said a the n word and she used the n - word in this sentence " I feel like black people are overrated too over hyped them n - words should stay in there place" in the time spand of 2017 january- 2018 december that we have talked she has always been talking shit about Emily Artful and say slurs and Genuiley talk very much trash about her past friends that i dont remember the names of i remember the Girl Robin that she was bff's with in middle school she said that robin loved spreading Lies about her and that she was a ugly annoying acum i belived her until i got contact with robin through facebook she told me everything about shannon that shannon was a bully in middle school , that shannon once bullied some kid in the 9th grade to kill themself. And stuff like that i was shocked and spoke too Shannon about it and she completly denied it and sended me paragraphs and paragraphs of these accuaations about robin and what she had done towards her and how she was horrible , Adter she started doing that she eventually threatend me that she was gonna leak my face my adress and everything, How she knew my adress is because we was supposed to meet in April of 2017 in North Antonio , Texas in a small cafe and talk for a little but those plans dident work , and in my dms with her i was confronting her with these things others have said about her and she threatend things like she like cut herself , she will kill me etc she said to me i was the r slur and the d slur when i left her , Creep show is genuiley dissgusting.lananicolesmith
bitch looks like my dog after it farts and is confused by the smellMariah Mallad / Momokun #124 - Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss! Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #33: Filthy in Pink Edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/Omorashi
There are these freaks on Tumblr who have an unhealthy obsession with fictional characters needing to pee and/or peeing themselves. They come up with all sorts of elaborate prompts that entirely involve around this.The Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman Show #21: Lillee Jean the treehugger #1change4change edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Reception Wikis/Qualitipedia
Can we get a thread on the Reception Wikis/Qualitipedia? They're drama-ridden AND cow-ridden pieces of shit with no potential of improving. Just "wikis" that review online content - for example, "Crappy Games Wiki" which reviews bad vidya or at least what the users think "bad" vidya is. They have wikis covering both "good" and "bad" games, movies, TV shows, websites, and music. They're on Miraheze now and literally damaged their entire reputation, but were booted from FANDOM before. They're also controlled by hyperautists that barely are able to control their temper for a bunch of electronics. Their rebranding on Miraheze, the most autistic website of all time, as "Qualitipedia" is super cringe as well.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/ames Jackson; Even Andy Dick Won't Fuck Him Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/828285Mariah Mallad / Momokun #123 - Her Worst Era Yet Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507npcpuppy (sugaryfawn)
Her real name is Emily, but she decided to name herself Fauna because of an Animal Crossing character. She’s in the DMV area, and she’ll most likely be at every convention in the area. She spends so much money on conventions and will always post on her socials on which ones she’ll be attending and which cosplays she’ll be wearing on each day. She says she has a job, but that’s most likely a lie. She asks people online to send her money for fake reasons, and she most likely has her dad provide her money. She’s super selfish and narcissistic, and it’s evident in her stories. She does shit voice acting for Persona characters, it’s actually cringe. I’ve been following her for a few years now, back in 2016, and she has gotten so fucking fat since then. She deleted her old photos, but I’m sure if you looked up sugaryfawn in google images, you’ll see her old posts. She’s a compulsive liar and always changes her stories when talking about her personal life or age. Her recent cosplays are always bought off of cheap Chinese websites, and she only cosplays “popular” characters and franchises. That way, she’ll be “relevant.” She always spends money on plushies, arcades, and Korean BBQ as that’s the only things she posts on her IG stories.Shane Dawson/Jeffree Star #5
A thread to discuss Shane Dawson and all the milky youtubers he hitches his wagon to, the ongoing Jeffree/Shane saga, Karmageddon as well as past and future projects. Previous series/collabs include:Tiffany Bell - Crazy Drake Bell Cult Leader
I think it's finally time to make a Tiffany Bell thread.Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman #20 - The Adventures of Philip Romance and the Tomato Trespassers
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Thread Requests #4
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Angelika Okes cashing in on being a hypocrite?
I remember watching one of her YouTube videos about a reaction channel with someone named Suzy. In it she said reaction channels are lazy. She also posted a Tweet about them being lazy and that they don’t deserve subs. Now she’s stated on her second channel that she doesn’t want to do makeup reviews anymore as theres nothing to get excited about. Is watching a movie while putting on make up lazy or does the added putting on of the make up, make her deserve more subs? I love reaction channels, all the different kinds but this just seems like another cash grab because make up wasn’t bringing in the viewssatansmcnugget
>>> abuses her friends and then makes them apologizeMariah Mallad / Momokun #122 - Art is Dead, Nose Jobs Instead Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Potential LolCow Via FB
Here is a woman I want the world to know. She is "disabled" (ssi disability status) but really just too lazy. She had a boyfriend for 10 years that was her "catetaker" that left her because shes a little dumb, posts her personal stuff on facebook (including drug use/selling). When he broke up with her she tried to fake a pregnancy test by marking the test with pen in a different color! Recorded the fight, faked a fall, and then blamed her "miscarriage" on that fall. She also buys alcohol and weed and other non essentials and basically every month shes asking for money or food donations. She has 7 dogs she cant care for and keeps wanting more ( they keep getting pregnant) the local animal shelter has prohibited her from adopting in the city. She also begs for dog food.Pixyteri
Let’s talk about the queenTaylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #66 - The Animal Cruelty Never Ends
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingLuna Slater #32: Lumpy Space Princess Edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/Isabella Loretta Janke ("Kelly Osborn") / 10anon / Nobodysbusiness77897 / Bella the Incest Troll
ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him, and possibly coerced him into raping his mother. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother. (which was leaked first by another party and then by ILJ in a form which she thought was more favorable to her.)Edwins Generation/Edwin Costa/Edwin Ramos
Edwins Generation/Edwin Costa/Edwin RamosLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 15: I risk losing my own moral democracy - Dry Edition
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.Lillee Jean 19: Attacked for having she/her pronouns (the Pansexual Pride edition)
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Mariah Mallad/ Momokun #121 - Resident Evil Village cosplayer sets internet alight as Moreau
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #31: Attacked by middle class pit bulls edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]Creepshow art.
First of all I don’t know if this is how you post on here so if this goes to the wrong place….my apologies. Second, I’m normally against this kind of stuff. Like I don’t care that it exists it’s just not my cup of tea. But I wanted to talk on a platform that is seemingly more obvious importance to Shannon than her own YouTube platform.Russell/DrHeartstrings/Francis, and the issues with the roblox myth community
I have decided to make this thread because clearly the myth community cannot hold people accountable for their own actions, Francis also known as DrHeartstings is a well known myth in the myth community, it has come to my attention they have 1) cheated on pretty much everyone theyve dated and defended themselves by saying it was polyamoury, 2) they tried to force a 15 year old into a polyamourus relationship with a hypersexual 19 year old when they were 14 3) they are extremely lazy and cause their own family grief by being lazy and has on occasion spent money they didnt earn and that wasnt their own on various things, nobody wants to hold them accountable for any of this even though they need to be because of how much they do the same messed up things over and over again and they seem to be completely unaware of how their actions hurt others and refuse to take accountability for it themselves. now the myth community itself is very toxic, its full of pedophiles abusers and power hungry children, and these people are looked up to by a multitude of children who dont know any better, ill be posting more screenshots once i start this thread https://mythcommunity.fandom.com/wiki/Kazdam_Drama if anyone has any questions im open to them, this was a very rough thread.Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/Victoria Shingleton/Vicky Shingles #20 - Unedited Edition
Vicky is a middle aged scratcher from Buttfuck Nowhere, Hicksville, Canada with an exhaustive recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving disastrous mangled tattoos to her clients. One of the reasons why this thread exists is to warn anyone who happens to Google her name prior to getting a tattoo from her.Mariah Mallad/ Momokun #120 - Demon Simper/Professional Mangaka Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman: Perfect Teeth Edition
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson/Gregory von der Poo - Andy Dick is going to fuck Greg edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/820994Nick Scott / Myrodistus breaks up with women after making them suicidal.
After 6 months of pushing an eating disorder on his girlfriend, suggesting she change her appearance with plastic surgery, constantly comparing her to his exes, and gaslighting her to the point of wanting to commit suicide, she's had enough and is now giving Nick Scott / Myrodistus a piece of the pain he gave her. this is the 'man' who thinks he deserves women FAR out of his league.Mariah Mallad/ Momokun #119 - Attack On Eyeballs Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Lillee Jean: Queen on the witchery board. Checkmate #17
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer “Mama” Dean #65 - New Year, Same Old Taylor Edition
If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingArt Commentary Community
A thread dedicated to all the stupid shit that goes down in this niche and drama filled community.Luna Slater 30: The Nancy Pelosi Online Methadone-Benzodiazepine Program
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]ALEXIS POTTEBAUM
Hello. If I am not misguided and misinformed, then I am very certain I have taken a stroll here to the farms a while ago - I need to chuckle at the mere thought of me actually committing something like that - and posted this fellow individual here. But the hazard of me being misinformed is very high. I would like to offer you a cracker right now. Tomorrow? Who knows. The day after? Who knows. The day after that? I am not certain. But for now? Cracker.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson - Muh drama shekels edition brought to you by Adam & Eve
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/816723Mariah Mallad/ Momokun #118 - "I'm a bad bitch, I swear"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Austin Adams/A Man Undercover/Mystery Man/Instant Secrecy
>Autistic Conservative Christian who is also homophobic.Victoria Bella morte
Vicky is a 35 year old tattoo scratcher from Nowhere, Ontario who has a recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving horrible mangled tattoos to her clients. One reason this thread exists is to warn people in her community in case they happen to Google her name before getting a tattoo.Chibiyima
Oi! I'm Howlbert the Wolf and let me introduce you to the worst laughingstock ever had. Meet Chibiyima, also known as Crystal Mae Franks, who is admitted to be a pedophile. She lost most of her ex's since April 2015 due to the fact that she's a pedophile.Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 16: Sponsored by JawRepairs®, GrandmaJohn™ and FancyFakeAncestorsdotcom
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.CatboyKami/Lolisocks/Philip Hedley
CatboyKami is a 23 year-old Australian NEET, streamer, edgelord and self proclaimed white nationalist, now living in the USLuna Slater 29: Lost in New York Edition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]Erdem Alsırt/Turkish brony Gamer/tenordem
(Copied a few elements from Kiwi farms thread because I'm suck at making a thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/erdem-alsirt-turkish-brony-gamer-turkish-chris-chan.84731/) Erdem Alsırt is turkish brony gamer,cross dresser,degenerate pervet, and turkish chris chan.Jenna Lynn Meowri
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JennaLynnMeowriTaylor Nicole Dean and "Mama" Dean #64: Furby is a Personality Trait Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before postingNicole Arbour
Nicole Arbour + Matt Santoro Drama anybody?"Where Are They Now?": Lolcow Edition
Blah, blah, blah, you know what to do.Margaret Palermo - 43rd Birthday Edition
We expected an outpouring of milk for the 2nd anniversary of Mags stalking Venoos unto the ends of the earth, and she didn’t disappoint. From the first anniversary of her B&E on Venus and Manaki’s place (12/7/16) all through the second anniversary of Venus’s escape from her clutches (1/27/16), Mags kept up a steady stream of loud personas:Johanna Herrstedt
PULL's favorite photoshoop queen.Amor Hilton
Amor HiltonLaineybot and Onision - Little Trailer of Horrors Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>586933Annie
Looks like we're in need of an Annie thread.Marjan Siklic
Marjan Siklic (Croatian: Marjan Šiklić) is a deluded blogger and epic lolcow from Zagreb, Croatia who created Governments Get Girlfriends to introduce the internets to the “new, radical idea that governments have to help certain people obtain a girlfriend.” Marjan’s first act of radicalization happened in April 2008 when he had been previously arrested for detailing his plan of a murder-suicide of some girl who broke up with him back on the Love-shy.com forums. He was reported to Interpol, arrested by the police, charged with death threats, and thrown in prison for a month. Since then, he believes that society has been brainwashed by “The Atheist Cult” (TAC) which consists of liberals, leftists, atheists, and feminists (by his terminology, murderers and psychopaths). For example, he is sickened by the fact that rape is considered worse than involuntary celibacy (incel).Ophelia-Realhousewivesoftheinternet-Misha Mayfair
Ophelia (Although she changes her name, personality, friends, interests and life story every two years) is a MFC lolcow like non other. Prepare yourself children, for the lolcow of all lolcowsMariah Mallad/Momokun Livestream #3 - Shes Back and Fatter Than Ever Edition
Current Main thread: >>>/pt/563425Brianna Wu
She seems like a popular topic around the internet these days. Anyone want to talk about her here?Mariah Mallad/Momokun #64 - "John Travolta Animorph" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mila Mortice
She was pretty lulzy back in her kota clone/photoshopping days but now she is a full on SJW twat. She is super racist, homophobic and Pro Donald Trump. This girl forgets her parents are immigrants. Even Charms hates her guts.ED Scammers
Taralynn McNitt AKA Undressed SkeletonMiranda (Scammer and ISIS bride) Constable: Kanadajin3
Previously on the adventures of "ISIS Bride With an 82pt IQ" >>606843Einshine / ShinePHD - My Enemy Einshine-kun! Edition
The story of the Weeb-pedo-extraordinaire Einshine continues…Lucas Werner/The Broke Atheist
Longtime lolcow, Lucas Werner is a homeless Bernie-bro atheist living off disability (which he claims to give away), obsessed with dating teenage girls and full of unrighteous indignation about "ageism" and almost everything else.edgy tumblr kid thread
can we get a thread on the tumblr wannabes who do nothing but take edgy selfies and refresh their inbox all dayLost Asperpedia Comics
Escuse me, this may be off-topic, but does anyone have any "lost" Asperpedia comics (Simonchu, Friend Zoned in Hell, The Internet Is So Yesterday, Direct 2 Sex:The Final Conflict, and The Real Collosal-Chan) I can't seem to find anything from looking on Archive.org. I also have asked people on the Cwcki Forums if they have archives of the lost Asperpedia Comics. Any finds are greatly appreciated….Daisylola Junior
bitch rides DaisyLola as much as she can. rides the SJW train to wahhhh town. rides the fact she's a special little white girl who "cares" although everyone who's met her in real life confirms she's a racist cunt. total tumblr wannabe xoxoxoxoxoxoxfailed living dolls
Girls who brand themselves "living dolls" while looking like shit. Different from the 'kota clone' thread because these aren't girls who are straight up trying to morph themselves into Dakota. More like trying to be a living doll on their own.Jace Connors/ParkourDude91
Military-obsessed stoner wolfkin dudebro. Some highlights include:Maki Davis/spicyhotv8/mookichan
I noticed the last thread about her 404'd, but I've been kind of watching her with a few friends to figure out what she's been up to. I'm sorry if this post isn't fantastic, I've always been more of a lurker.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #27
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Edgelord Circle
Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath/snoopyfemme/HackerOnHackerLaineybot and Onision - Slow Burn Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>625614Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #32
If you are new, please make sure you read:Onision and Laineybot - How The Grinch Stole Milkmas Edition
Image Credit: >>607375Onision: "I'm grooming you nicely." Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>706630Persephone Pink / daddyslittlegirl / fxturewars / dontslutshame
Insufferable “porn creator” from Yorkshire, UK. Huge attention whore, built her “brand” on tumblr but now active on twitter, OF and tiktok, jumped into sex work as soon as she turned 18 and somehow seems to fancy herself some kind of guru because she happened to have done reasonably well.Victoria Bella-Morte/Vicky Shingles #16
Vicky is a 35 year old tattoo scratcher from Nowhere, Ontario who has a recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving horrible mangled tattoos to her clients. One reason this thread exists is to warn people in her community in case they happen to Google her name before getting a tattoo.Ana/ Nicky Mikan/ Nicky Cosplay
Nicky is a pity cosplayer from Spain OBSESSED with being famous and having some little attention. She's known for being very manipulative, egocentric and a radical feminist/sjw. She's a very mediocre cosplayer but makes fun of almost any other cosplayer that is slightly more thin than her and, also, only makes grupal cosplay with girls who are way fatter and or uglier. Shes mad envious too of anyone that makes better cosplay."Dollilicious" / Meat Queen
Meet Holly "Dolly" Fallon aka "Dollilicious" / "The Meat Queen" as stated on her FBMariah Mallad/Momokun #117 ~ End of 2020 Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Davida Burge aka _Ani
links~Dasha/itsdashka/itsbabydash/Julia Stadler - natural beauty ed
Previously:Miranda (Kanadajin3) Constable: Most holiest than thou!
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson - papa was a rollin' stone edition
Previous thread: >>>/pt/806820Dasha thread #9 (itsbabydash / Julia Stadler / neuphs): Scooby Doo body unmasking edition
Summary of last thread/s:Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #33
If you are new, please make sure you read:Shallon Lester
As requested by many in >>/pt/763213Non-binary people/enbies on tumblr
So basically non-binary is the identity dujour since being a regular Troon isn't snowflaky enough anymore. The non-binary label covers a wide variety of made up genders ranging from genderqueer to nanogender.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson - Nip / tuck edition
Previous thread: >>>/pt/799829Chad (Middle aged "Satanist" who makes embarrassing videos)
Chad is a man in his late 40's who uploads ridiculous, childish rants about being a "satanist"Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 14: It's a title, I’m versed in serveral of the arts
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.Jeff the Kushcoach Mages
Get ready for some cringe. This guy is the ultimate edgelord and claims that weed solves all problems. He's a real tough guy and will threaten violence towards you over the internet for questioning his shitty gardening skills. Jeff has no highschool education and is a histrionic. He's very easy to trick if he thinks thinks that you are going to advance his "popularity" or "fame".Jenn Oscura aka Jennifer Pellinen
Jenn Oscura/Jennifer Pellinen/TeletransoneTaylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #59: (Not So) Sober Kween Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Kiki Kannibal / Kirsten Leigh Ostrenga / Lilou Vos
If you're new, here's a summary of why she's a cow:Emilie Autumn
Edgy "lol im so crazy XDD" mallgoth musician notorious for causing drama.Chase Bristow, the self proclaimed Autist
This guy is a goldmine full of lolcow content. He's, according to his own words, a bipolar, autist with ptsd. He has uploaded multiple videos giving out his phone number incase anybody wants to call him, and unsurprisingly, most of his phone calls are trolls. He likes to call himself an artist sometimes, but most of his "art" is shit, and it just makes him look like someone larping as an artist. Check out the rabbit hole for yourself, I am too retarded to explain everything myself.bratphobic
Honestly, Bratphobic photoshops their self to the max. Bratphobic has claimed to be a female that has had no plastic surgery. She's also claimed to be black and asian. There were videos posted to make her look bad, so I'm here to offer the real tea on this person. I reached out to someone who posted that had posted one of the videos that were shopped to make her look "ugly" and has said they know this person in real life. I think they posted the vid to give some people reality of what they look like since they didn’t want to actually expose her I guess. Anyways, they told me bratphobic was a white male who photoshops themselves. They claimed that bratphobic has also said the N word. Now, I can believe most of this because back in bratphobic’s older days, she had a semi-normal nose in her pictures. The person I got this info from sent unphotoshopped pictures of him/her. The nose looks the exact same, and to even further prove it, they have a an elementary photo of him/her and the nose/forehead match the picture. If you see in bratphobic’s highlights, theres a picture of her showing off him/her’s waist. There’s a bone or kinda ruffle I see in the middle of her stomach that ive saw only males have had in the past. Bratphobic’s real name is Griffin, and that name is mostly associated with males in the US. I will provide pictures here.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #116 - Squirting for Simpbux Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Who is this?
His alias' are MIX and Subotai, supposedly an rw mob organizer from Telegram who lives in Oakland San Francisco and kidnaps AntifaXyzygy discord server
[removed]Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #63: SoundClout Rapper Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Katherine Marion
Saw this on 8chan, thought it would be interesting to discuss it here as well. Quite the spectacle.Hybristophilia Thread
Girls who thirst after mass killers, calling themselves things like "Columbiners", "Holmies", ect.Victoria Bella-Morte #15
Vicky is a 35 year old tattoo scratcher from Nowhere, Ontario who has a recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving horrible mangled tattoos to her clients. One reason this thread exists is to warn people in her community in case they happen to Google her name before getting a tattoo.BubzBeauty/BubzVlogz/Lindy Tsang
Lindy Tsang, AKA Bubz, is a 34-year-old makeup guru-turned-mommy vlogger who originally started her channel BubzBeauty in August of 2007. An Irish citizen originally based in Hong Kong, she moved back to Ireland after she had her children. Her channel has not aged gracefully. Still stuck in 2010, her makeup tutorials became stale and outdated. She now mainly posts on her dying vlog channel, BubzVlogs. She keeps the comments turned off because she receives quite a bit of backlash and criticism on her parenting style as well as opinions. She has 2 children, Isaac and Ayla. She is recently divorced. Videos since the divorce have been very bleak and depressing. She struggles to get the views she used to get and relies on clickbait-y titles.This person
This person is a rapist and known for sexual assault. Say what you want but truth always comes out in the end.Pajeet Sonya_Qafi dming me thinking I'm a teen Asian girl
Miya larpers thirsty for nudes and social clout literally refuse to fucking dieXIAXUE
instagram: @xiaxueMarina R. Gutierrez / Nonconformking / AdorkableMarina / AJ_Coretoon / Optibyte - trans furry pedo
Wanted to start a thread on this fucker.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #115- Quarter Life Crisis Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Musha — Semi famous Pakistani man on instagram
Mushahid Shahid ChandioHeather Marie Cousins
Obsessed with an imaginary punk culture in which she is well respected. Boasting always about achievements that are mostly exaggerated. Posts constantly about gross drug use and threats to out those who have wronged her with lawsuits and admissions to the New York TimesLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 13: confidentiality contract and cosplayer harassment
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.Mariah Mallad/Momokun Livestream #4
Made a new thread instead of necroing thread #3 >>>/pt/624348Angelsetfree/Ariel/lilitA/Natasha udovenko/Natalie/Natalia
Famous erotic model who got recently exposed on Reddit since she decide to raise her OF from 12to 50$ because of a fan who commented she is too expensive.help me figure out who this is please
Random artist/streamerOnision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson
Previous thread: >>792323Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #134
Previous Thread: >>784303The YouTube Poop/YTP Scene
So, in 2006, this fad called "YouTube Poop" was pretty popular. YouTube was still developing, and the internet was full of dorks squeeing about cartoons, anime and video games. When you mash all of those things together into a weird, non sequitur internet stew, you get YTP. But I'm sure most of you knew that. But, would you have thought this stupid internet hobby had, and still has, a lot of drama attached to it?Victoria Bella-morte
Victoria shingles/ victoria bella-morte / miss victoria murder.Does anyone know this bitch?
gathering information suspected groomer and I want to know more about itkaliacc (kero) drama
For those who don't know, one on the left is 24-something FtM obsessed with hinduism and vedas, and one on the right is unknown age male (likely detransed MtF) who has larped as a proana tumblr girl and engineered cancellation by making Kero post something fatshaming on her story. Together started a "right wing" twitter movement known as #kaliacc, and I am surprised nobody is talking about them cause it's some of the funniest larp happening out there on twitter.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #114- "Yeah, you fuckin' with sum Fat n' Doughy"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #34
If you are new, please make sure you read:Kuzure San - the "tactic fox" primarchs
I present a personal lolcowThe wildcat
Meet lol cow the wildcat. He likes to cyberbully people by making false claims on his YouTube channel and lol cow threads on kiwi farms. Turns out he's a real lol cow himself.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #62: Almost Sepsis Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:WOLFE BARRETT/DRRTY PHARMS
Does anyone have information on Drrty pharms/Wolfe Margolies? I know he got locked up and is currently doing 20 years. I just want as much information on him as possible. Any screenshots or weird info you have on him is appreciated. His Instagram/YouTube/and last fm are the only social media he still has upLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 12: People Are Verbally Murdering Me
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.Men Drawing Women Mod
Checked out the Discord for the Men Drawing Reddit. It's just a server where the admin wants people to lick her asshole because she's such a loser anywhere else.Steve Horner
This guy has been pretty easy to enrage. A self-proclaimed Writer, MRA, and openly homophobic/racistOnision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #133 Eye Bleach Edition
Previous Thread: >>777882Raven Sparks #15 Mommy and Daddy to be? Or just more chicanery?
Join us for the ongoing saga of 42-year-old horrorcow Raven Bradley (née Diana Dawn Sparks) and her 32-year-old husband #5 Josh Bradley in their hoard-filled Love That Was More Than Love Shack #3 mobile home inMariah Mallad/Momokun #113 -" I know you're not 'Thicc Samus' like you used to be"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Debbie Campbell (PT's Psycho mom)
Since PT is laying low after she got kicked out of her home her mother takes the lolcow crown by obsessively going after her daughter despite being homeless and making petty statuses on facebook so people can give her asspats. Did I mention she goes after rando widows as well? Someone give her the Mother of the year award!Amber Sage (fairytears)
This girl dated one of my friends, and she is the epitome of cringe. Clearly she's trying to be like Belle Delphine. She posts videos of herself doing ahegao faces. She also cakes on an EXTREME amount of makeup, like drag queen level. She says her name is Amber legally but I refuse to believe a name like Amber Sage isn't a name created by someone who pretends to be into crystals and witchcraft. Not to mention her music is trash and sounds so autotuned. How do you try to make music when you can't sing for shit? She seems like shes trying to be this influencer egirl pop star but we all know shes not getting anywhere in life if she can't be in public without 10 lbs of makeup onour everlasting queen Pixyteri
she's back, and she ~isn't interested in Asia anymore, guys~Luna Slater 27: 24 years (of e-begging and heroin) later
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]Onision: ED, PTSD, "kinda gay", pedo accusation & rape survivor extraordinaire
Thread Image Credit: NoneRaven Sparks #10 The Codependent Love That Was More Codependency Than Love Edition
Previous threads:Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #51: Sober Club Kid edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Luna Slater #19
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Vicky Shingles/Victoria Bella Morte/Miss Victoria Murder #9
PREVIOUSLY ON THE INTERNET:Laineybot and Onision -Mother Nature's Revenge Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>594830 (Honorable mentions: >>590257 >>591670 >>591996 >>591670 )Luna Slater #12
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Luna Slater - part 10 edition
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420RYDEN ARMANI
Couple people asked for a thread on this lolcow camwhore, so here it goes.Onision Livestream Thread #1
Thread Image: >>703848Laineybot and Gay Husband Onision - Freddy Krueger
Onion Krueger Image Credit: >>542822Momoko Nostalgia thread
She was one of the large influences on black girls getting into gyaru and Harajuku fashion along with Usagipyon.Onion and Lamey, Sam is out of the Grease Mansion, edition.
Onion quits Twitter except her really doesn't.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #118 - Chris Hansen Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/715385Mariah Mallad / Momokun #88: The Duality Of A Thot Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Dasha thread #10 (itsbabydash / Julia Stadler / neuphs): Trasha Thundercunt edition
Summary of last thread/s:Nyanners
The kawaii desu ~natural~ loli voice actor.Austin Jones - Convicted YT pedo superstar
So I'm shocked there's no thread about Austin Jones as his huge recent scandal. Here's the 411.Tara and Raven
Does anyone know what happened to these two?Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #26
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Monika Lee
I'm kinda surprised there isn't a thread on her. Well known cosplayer and apparent friend of Jnig?Katie Joy Paulson/ WOACB
"Without A Crystal Ball" aka "Katie Joy" Paulson calls herself an "investigative journalist" yet has a history of hypocrisy & often substitutes "mean girl" tactics for objective analysisShane Dawson/Jeffree Star #4
A thread to discuss Shane Dawson and all the milky youtubers he hitches his wagon to, the ongoing Jeffree/Shane saga, Karmageddon as well as past and future projects. Previous series/collabs include:Joshua Conner Moon/Null/Kiwi Farms owner
https://kiwifarms.net/members/null.1/Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #61: In a dark place rn Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad/Momokun #112 - "Showin' Coochie For Celery Juice Money " Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Bruce Watson/Trowelhands
33 years old Scottish Deviant who claims to being son of Bruce Watson from the band Big Country, with Asperger and a more than 2100 followers on Furaffinity and Deviantart, Cunt Boy and he still lives with his parents.Kiwifarms
Kiwifarms: I was recently banned from KiwiFarms because I decided to troll them, something they themselves love to do, and needless to say, it really pissed them off. They spent the entire thread rageposting about me, insulting me, etc. It's really funny how they call others "snowflakes", yet they do shit like this.Liana Judd
Jfc, WHERE DO I BEGINLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 11: False Flags
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (it fluctuates with when they buy new ones to replace bots), 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (mostly fake) subscribers on youtube.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #131
Previous Thread: >>763043Victoria Bella Morte - Guelph Ontario Tattoo Artist / Miss Victoria Murder / Victoria Shingleton #13
LATEST MILK:dumb thot doesn't know what condoms are
>tries to act tough online. is actually just a whore.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #111 - "Bitch Be Lookin' Like Goomba From The Super Mario Bros. Movie"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Nicole Sheena Duquette - "which sugar daddy will live through this season of Survivor" edition
Didn't care much to rewrite another bio for her so stole it from previous thread. Recent developments at the endWei Wen / 7haii
Kpop, ulzzang, asian influencer with 29k+ followers being a total racistLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 10: Golden Brown
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Used to have 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (now around 975k), 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (mostly fake) subscribers on youtube.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #110- "Crystal Gems Aren't Just On TV Anymore...They're In Moo's Ass"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 9: The Hatchetface Files
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Used to have 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (now around 975k), 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (mostly fake) subscribers on youtube.Vicky Shingles / Victoria Bella Morte / Miss Victoria Murder / Victoria Shingleton #12
LATEST MILK:Female rapist and cheater that everyone believes is innocent
Full name is Haley Sierra Schenk or some shit like thatTaylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #60: Not A Dog Collar Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Frank Wolf/ Francis Lapointe (dead)
Can we speak about Frank Wolf?Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #130
Previous Thread: >>755271Youtube Room Tours
Amongst the good, there is the bad, and then the absolutely disgusting. Ranging from blatant hoarding to poor hygiene to classic TMI, Youtube Vloggers love to show you their bedrooms no matter how disgusting they can be.These videos can often range from 20 to 50 minutes long on average.Luna Slater 26: Time To Make Daddy Proud
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funeral1996/ [private]Mariah Mallad / Momokun #97 - NIP NOPS and Onnaholes
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Ariana Mcmillan
PlasticandProud / PlasticnProud / AliceAmorLove / Ariana McMillan / Psoriasisbutmakeitsexy / ScorpioAssHoe / VersatileHeux is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in PhillyLillee Jean and Laur Trueman 8: (fees apply)
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has <1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (mostly fake) subscribers on youtube.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #109 - "I Can Take Your Hams If I Want To"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Fahr Sindram / FahrlightLoki
https://www.facebook.com/fahrlightlokiTrapt's Chris Taylor Brown - Cabin Fever Edition
The frontman of Trapt, Chris Taylor Brown, is currently suffering from a severe bout of Cabin Fever and losing his mind on twitter, replying to nearly every single person that @'s him. Ranging from Corona Severity denial, calling people idiots / cowards, over-use of "virtue signaling" and "victim complex," as well as using the same copy-pasta to show how Accomplished he is by getting a bunch of streams on Spotify / Pandora for a song he released 18 years ago.Emzotic probably stole Danny’s Skunk
This is long so if you read this god bless. I don’t know if I’m even posting this correctly, I only started looking at lolcow to see if I could find info about what I’m posting and I couldn’t. Sorry if it’s already posted.Ruby Lyn
Who?General Depop Top Sellers
In this thread we will be able to talk about Depop Top Seller / Influencer flaws. We will started with the basic kit of characters such as:Thread Requests #3
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #129
Previous Thread: >>752485Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #58: Sober Kween Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #26 - Fat Wiggling Edition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplayYandere Dev/Alex Mahan
Yandere dev is a 30 something year old manchild developing a game called “Yandere Simulator” which was supposed to be released this year.Vicky Shingles / Victoria Bella Morte / Miss Victoria Murder / Victoria Shingleton #11
LATEST MILK:Bernice Morgan aka Neece Lone Wolf
Bernice Morgan is a crazy middle-aged woman from Australia that likes to attack random people on social media then block them. If you say anything about it she has a meltdown and hate tweets you while having you blocked. She is frequently throwing stuff around calling people narcissists, psychos,stalkers, etc while accusing people of doxxing, harassment, slander and threats. All things she does on a daily basis. She will tell you to drink bleach, jump off a cliff and threaten to kill you or file false police reports. She makes hate videos of her targets and posts them on BitChute and talk shit on Gab. Her Twitter handles are loneneisz and neiszjail.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #108 - "Throw Up, Glow Up"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Jeff the Killer - Image Origins [Oldfag Edition #3]
Hello /pt/, I've come here as a poster from an /x/ thread (from origchan) and we need to figure out what the unphotoshopped image of pic related is. We've gotten to the point that we think it's this ugly autistic girl who has an account on Stickam during the mid-2000s. Possibilities are one of her online photos got stolen, or a screencap of her from a webcam chat session got posted to /b/ with the OP impersonating as the girl. This is our chance so if you would be so kind as to lend us a helping hand to lurk further beyond the web, finding the Stickam account. If any of you can find out who the girl is by any chance, then as a group, we'd all politely ask her with at least a few questions. No more, no less.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #57 "F*ck a Job, hand tatz" Edition
Previous thread >>748569Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #128
Previous Thread: >>750184Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 7: #SheIsComing
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has 1.1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (who knows?) subscribers on youtube.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #56: -- "thrive in 2020" edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Laineybot and Onision - Tractor Greg vs. The State of Washington
Thread Image Credit: >>573786Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #127
Previous Thread: >>746783Onision
Old thread: >>291769Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #126
Previous Thread: >>741284Miranda (Kanadajin3) Constable: “Totes in Japan, guyz!”
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Albany Davis Drabot/Sadhippy
Newly-discovered breed of lolcow Sadhippy AKA Albany Davis Drabot from Winnipeg, Manitoba.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #55: -- leavin abusers in 2019!! edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:Rapper Mike The Dimensionalist
compulsive liar claims he can hack 10k people and believes in angelic forces among other weird shitOnision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #125 - A Few Legal Topics Edition
Previous Thread: >>738157vinylmannequin/ Emily Langford + rottinggirlsrestingplace/ Robyn
It really bothers me to see someone who used to promote self-harm and anorexia now being 'Instafamous’.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #107 - Sexy Stroke Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #54: -- Home for the Holidays (and every day) Edition
If you're new, please make sure you read:European genetic history
Europeans proceed of the admixture of three ethnic groups, the neolithic farmers of anatolia (light skinned, dark haired, dark eyes, gracile features and shorts, the nearest groups to them are the southern europeans), the WHG (cromagnons, they had blue eyes, dark or red hair and very possibly a cinnamon skin colour) and the yamnayas (proto indoeuropeans, they were very tall compared to neolithic farmers and WHG, they were tanned and their eyes and hair were dark). The Hunther-gatherers were assimilated by the indoeuropeans, who are more near to northern europeans genetically.DEAD9IRL
dead9irl is an Instagram ethot who thinks the entire world is copying her. She believes because she’s still “emo/scene” that she’s 100% allowed to dictate people who are actually emo and scene. Does everything she can to look like toopoor but gets angry when people say she looks like her. She pisses on other people who wear dollskill but directly buys from dollskill and brags about it. She is very egotistical and fame hungry and calls out anybody who unfollows her on Instagram.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #53: -- "It's not a phase, mom!"
If you're new, please make sure you read:Soft Girl/Ddlg/Nymphets 2
This is a thread dedicated to the cringe worthy wannabe lolicons and lolitas.Onision, "I'm going to sue you" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #124 - Sleeping in the Swamp Edition
Previous Thread: >>735562picture of me
Because null banned me for a weekNate Brown/Nate the Chipmunk/Nathan Brown/WSLCaptainNate
Oh boy, you guys will fucking love this one.Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #122
Previous Thread: >>731845Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #123 - Pre-milkmas Meltdown Edition
Previous Thread: >>734013Gahoole / Patrick Nelson
A failed person briefly known as the BO of 8chan /tv/ from bumfuck nowhere (Saint Cloud, Minnesota). Fancies himself a "comedian", known for shilling his unfunny garbage on ghettogaggers and imageboards.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #52: Sober from hErOiN edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 6: A Tale of Two Boomers
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has 1.1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (who knows?) subscribers on youtube.Eileen De Freest and Julia Zelg
25 year old Julia Zelg is married to a 62 year old, pink haired, heifer who has an extensive criminal past and is currently going by the name Eileen De Freest Zelg (Sellge). This is one of many name that Eileen has been known to use over the years.Vicky Shingles / Miss Victoria Murder / Victoria Bella Morte / Victoria Shingleton
“Other girls get plastic surgery to look like me” edition.Dumb Anorexic Recovery IG acc
so this girl who ive followed for a while is so fucking fat. Like, she says she is recovering but clearly not lol just look at this???Moyumie/kayla caliendo
So I heard people say that shes like a shitty person and shes done some bad shit and I'm just really curious because theres almost nothing on the internet that can tell me shes had so many social names like hementia,moesagii,moemii ,and moyumii. But she seems like a nice person on the internet I guess? I heard shes racist and cheated on her boyfriend. Her social is @moyumie. I was wondering if you guys know anything.Vicky Shingles / Victoria Bella Morte / Miss Victoria Murder / Victoria Shingleton /
LATEST MILK:Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #121
Previous Thread: >>728973Luna Slater #25
Previous thread: >>>/pt/657873Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #120 - Have A Seat...AGAIN Edition
Previous Thread: >>725146Hyojin Choi / Squizxy / Squizzy
> June 28, 1999, Sydney AustraliaOnision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #120 - Have A Seat...AGAIN Edition
Previous Thread: >>725146Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #119 - "Married Predators" Edition
Previous Thread: >>719767Barry J Hutchinson - greedy author invents own reviews, takes advantage of Terry Pratchett's death
This guy claims that an English newspaper said this "Call off the search - we've found the new Terry Pratchett." – The IndependentMariah Mallad / Momokun #106 - "Sausage Lips, Saggy Tits And Friendzone Trips"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 5: Night of the Living Sockpuppet
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has 1.1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (who knows?) subscribers on youtube.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #50: It was TWO YEARS ago Edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Hearthex I Kawaiikayy_ I Tsundertay
So I just want to start this off by saying I, in no way, know any of these people in this picture. I have been following Hearthex and Kayla for quite some time now. But, I saw this a couple months back on Kaylas IG. Why is Tsundertay calling someone out like that when they are trying to make a name for themselves? Only reason I blocked out the person's name is for security reasons. I am not trying to start anything with anyone. Just want it to be known that they did this to someone. This is the crap that I hate to see in the cosplay/ anime scene.Jontron got married
and somebody wasn't invitedVictoria Potter/Worsnop
Can someone tell this dumbass to stop getting animals if she cant take care of them? She had 3 dogs, got rid of 2 probably because she doesnt know how to train them, then got a kitten and is now debating on getting rid of it because its peeing everywhere, like????Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson #117 - Predator Orc Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/712064Miranda (Kanadajin3) Constable: Deported Edition 2
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman 4: Return to the Attic
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has 1.1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (who knows?) subscribers on youtube.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #49: Don’t do drugs kids!1 edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Onision/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson - 5'6'' Bobblehead Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/709810Mariah Mallad / Momokun #105 "Work The Saggy Breasts With An Uppercut" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #48: Gifted fish! edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #104 “Summer of Cunt” edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Onision: "Fueled by a Russet and Yukon Gold Delirium" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>707969New Greg thread since its been a day no one will make one
Thread Image Credit: >>706630Onision, "I'm grooming you nicely" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>706630From a 10+ year fan, What Happened?
I'll be honest.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #47: humanly Medusa edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Onision: "Arby's #1" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>703915Lillee Jean & Laur Trueman #3 The Jeaniez Resists vs The Kiwi lolCOWARDS
The last thread hit the ground running as Laur flashed her accusatory glare at one suspect after another. Having just discovered their thread on Kiwi Farms, the haters were no longer Joe and became Josh Moon, and all of the hate sites, including Reddit, became his.Vicky Shingles/Victoria Bella-Morte/Miss Victoria Murder/ Victoria Shingleton #10
LATEST MILK:Onision: "The Girls are Back in Town" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>701859Strange and Wacky Tales of Whoredom
While on Facebook's Subtle Asian Dating, I came upon this really strange profile: Erika. A third person retelling of sexual experiences and whoredom.Onision: Pedogate 2: Electric Boogaloo
Thread Image Credit: >>693132Onision: "BE HUMAN" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>700776Onision and Lainey, Groomers go wild edition.
Thread Image Credit: >>697045Trancels make discord group to encourage incels to take HRT, engage in suicidal behavior, self-harm
As most of you are probably aware, there is evidence floating about 4chan about a Discord group full of trannies that raid 4chan (especially /r9k/) on a regular basis in the hope of pushing beta males and "retards" to take HRT. Among the other shit they are purported to have done is blackmail kids into telling their parents they are trannies at the risk of being doxxed, buying and taking hormone replacement drugs, and cutting the admin's name into their arm with a razor.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #46: Fashionista Edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:I got banned how do it appeal it
Zoe Quinn
Surprised nobody is talking about this cunt considering 4chan, Tumblr and every other only game journal aside from Kotaku is blowing up about.Remy Boydell / Nervanaofficial
Remy Boydell, artist of Image Comics' "The Pervert" has recently gotten a callout thread on twitter exposing her interest in child pornography and bestiality lol.Who is she?
Who is she?lolcow.farm
This website has been cursed.Onision: ED, PTSD, and 'kinda gay' edition
Thread Image Credit: >>675140Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #45: Men Are Trash and I live at home again edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Dasha/ItsBabyDash/Neuphs/Julia Stadler #13 - Illegal alien escort edition
Previously:Laineybot and Gay Husband Onision - #FreeTheUdder Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>528942 (Lainey's face is Social Repose's) and >>529098Not for Tots, Definitely for Cam Girls
Let’s face it, camming is anything but your traditional job or lifestyle is a huge understatement. Add in a relationship (let alone a marriage) and you have a pretty unusual state of affairs. Most couples would shutter at the idea of strangers watching them being intimate with one an other. Not to mention the insecurities many folks can feel when their significant other is naked and on display for a viewing audience. Yet a growing number of couples are becoming a part of the cam world. I mean if your already having sex why not pay your bills in the process?Taylor Nicole Dean, Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #44: tHe VoIcE fOr AdDiCtIoN edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #101 "I Love Myself So Much I Filed a DMCA Takedown Notice"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #24
Previous thread: >>>/pt/619612Onision: New name edition - James Jackson.
Thread Image Credit: >>670167Taylor Nicole Dean, Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #43: "well at least I feel safe now" edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Lilith Levisis / Clare Buley 4
Lilith Levisis real name Clare Buley. THREAD 4.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #103 "It's not porn if I'm wearing pasties"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Child Pornography? On MY Patreon?
Its more likely than you think:Miranda (Kanadajin3) Constable: Deported Edition
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Taylor Nicole Dean, Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #42: “Househunters: Sober Living“ edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Taylor Nicole Dean, Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #41: “30 Day Chip“ edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Holly Ann Powell
Military wife with secret life gone completely viral bitch starts complaining when peopleTaylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #40: "Forced By My Own DNA" edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #102 "Lipo Fixes Personality Right?"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer "Mama" Dean #39: "Break Up/Break Down" edition
If you are new, please make sure you read:Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #38
If you are new, please make sure you read:Alex Yrigoyen (Zubat)
I'm surprised there isn't a thread for this whore yet. This is big on dumblr right now.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #37
If you are new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #100 To Another 100lbs
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Miranda "Miriam Al Fas" Constable: Kanadajin3
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.Talconhiro/The "just more proof im living in an anime" toast guy
Remember the creature in pic related? i dont know how people arent aware of his youtube which is a million times worse, if you can imagineDelusional Boy
This guy calls himself a "goth bully" yet he dresses like a goth and is a seriously mixed up character. He is an african american who hates whites, but he covers his face with translucency white powder. He has used a couple of his many alt Facebook accounts to make extremely racist comments against black people, and Jewish people but wont admit to it now that people have exposed him. One goth girl in particular got under his skin so much that he deleted his old racist posts right after photo-shopping her name and current profile picture onto a few of them in order to wipe his racism onto her image. He apparently didn't expect her to have already taken screenshots of his old posts because hello, facebook search.(duh)Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #36
If you are new, please make sure you read:Margaret Palermo - Nothing is Turning Up Marge Edition
When we last left our antihero, she was back pouting and plotting in her goshiwan basement room, having failed to:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #99 Losing "Friends" the Road to One More Thread
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Takedownman/rap video
I got this screenshot from Takedownmans fb a while back. He has since pulled it down but in the comments he claimed to be the dude on the right! Hahahahahahahaha!Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #35
If you are new, please make sure you read:Mariah Mallad / Momokun #98 The Case of the Missing Sets
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Cyklisk: Troll Snowflake
Subject: u/Cyklisk aka Thomas BacherRaven Sparks #14 The Bradleys: Pet Cemetary Edition
Join us for the ongoing saga of 42-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana Dawn) Sparks and her 32-year-old husband #5 Josh Bradley in their barren Love That Was More Than Love Shack mobile home inLuna Slater #23 - New Year, Stagnant Junkie Edition
Image credit: >>>/pt/571360Mariah Mallad / Momokun #96 - "Let The Bovine In!"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Looking for a mother / Sephi
25 year old UK tumblrinaMiranda "Miriam Al Fas" Constable: Kanadajin3
Previous Thread >>613179Dolly Mattel/Shay-Gnar/Shayna Clifford #31 Alone together in Tulsa
Old thread: >>783044Mariah Mallad / Momokun #95 — “Just Good Vibes, Mate” Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater v. 22
Previous thread: >>>/pt/574429Laineybot and Onision - VALIDATE MEEEE Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>585645Lilou Vos / Kiki Kannibal / Kirsten Leigh Ostrenga
Kiki appears to have abandoned her glittering career as an actress as there is no evidence of her obtaining any work since April.Mariah Mallad / Momokun #94 - "Shitty Cosplays Are Just Test Runs, My Guy"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Vicky Shingles/Victoria Bella Morte/Miss Victoria Murder #8 - Gosh She’s Average Edition
PREVIOUSLY ON THE INTERNET:Laineybot ft. Husband Onion. (Doormat's Head of House edition).
Lainybot's husband Onion boy/Onision gets triggered because Sam won't admit she had feelings for him. Claims she tried to kiss him and wiggled in his lap.Jude Bishop / Rosemaryonette (Rosie hinton)
Jude Bishop is a "goth" (she whipped out her Black veil brides guitar lmao) Girl who was recently featured in a Barcroft Hooked on the look documentary featuring her best friend Rosemaryonette (Rosie hinton) as well, a "Lolita" (shes fairy kei not Lolita) who shares a house with her dark and brooding best friendKatie Carney
Who she is: 32-year-old YouTube personality who gained traction by making videos about how she lives in her car. Her account went from 15k to 150k in summer 2018 over the span of one month.Laineybot and Onision - "I'm a grown man, I don't want to change your little girl." Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>636020Mariah Mallad / Momokun #93 -"Does Celery Juice Cause Autism?"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Momokun #87 - No Weed No Speed Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #31
If you are new, please make sure you read:Onision and Laineybot - LAINEY IS CRYING!!!!1!!11! Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/627226Mariah Mallad / Momokun #92 - "Zoidberg Body-ody-ody"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Jordan Frye of VenturianTale exploited me when I was underage
Hi guys. Firstly, I apologize if anything in this post is done incorrectly. While I've looked into other threads, I've barely commented on them.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #30
Chrisdome6 :Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #29
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Laineybot and Onision - Milkmas Justice Boner Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>615654 (honorable mentions: >>612993 >>613537 >>613647 >>615257)Mariah Mallad / Momokun #91 - "Unleash the Pepperonis"
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Thread requests Pt. 2
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Miranda "It's your fault that I'm horrible" Constable (Kanadajin3)
Previously on the adventures of "ISIS Bride With an 82pt IQ" >>>/pt/600055Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #28
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Tony Michael Bazley - London Fruit and Pizza Pan Man
Tony Michael Bazley is a 59 year old London man (turning 60 this August), living in council housing under a bridge (a literal troll). He makes pizza pans, and various other simple metal works, for a living and is obsessed with a pill popper from Georgia. Due to this, he thinks that everyone who tells the truth about the pillhead is an 'enemy' of his and he stalks their social media pages. He harasses good people who don't know how to counter him.Laineybot and Onision - Pedogate Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>623285 (honorable mentions: >>623191, >>623232, >>623166)Onision and Laineybot - The Girls Who Peeled The Onion Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/620129Mariah Mallad/Momokun Livestream #2 - Figured She Would Have Been Banned or Quit By Now Edition
Current Main thread: >>>/pt/563425Mariah Mallad / Momokun #90: Ahegao Through the Pain Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Lacey spears the shuddercow
Hello friends, this is an ongoing story of a deranged 'mommyblogger' who poisoned her son, for years, to get attention.Sonichu Boom
Sonichu Boom is now in development! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1019393774744587/MRJOIEE
can we start a thread on Joiee?TheDollForum
I want to start a thread where I post information about guys that live with plastic dolls. I find them hilariously autistic.Flan / TanixTani / Tanya Parushina
Former Australian /cgl/ lolcow that used to shitpost all over the board with her ugly weeaboo boyfriend Cockburn.Demib0y, snowflake who thinks he's a god.
http://demib0y.tumblr.com/aboutAdding color to KPOP faces
She is the bastard offspring of Euthanizeallwhitepeople and THISISNOTJAPAN. You thought THEY were the silliest? You haven't seen BronzeBun.Matthew Lush (GAYGOD)
Gay God? Well of course.Adella
/cgl/ used to like to talk about Adella a lot. I don't see much from her these days, but this:Tumblr thread
New tumblr thread since the last one got flooded and autosaged./tradfem/- Traditional Womyn
https://8ch.net/tradfem/catalog.htmlasderathos the "libertarian" lolcow
Asedetheros is a major internet tough guy who rants about overthrowing the government and is a "pro-life" , gun worshipping, racist libertarian. this is his main blog: http://asderathos.tumblr.com/LAURA SOUTHWORTH/KRISTEN RUSSEL
She's thinks she Kiki kannibal and the real Kiki is actually coping her for years.Dead lolcows?
can we have a thread about these guys?ADF Ahuviya Harel/ Phillip Vincent Haskins-DeLici
He grew up on the East Coast of the United States and originally enjoyed the carefree life of a gay college student and anime appreciator. A series of setbacks in his personal life led him to seek solace in cosplaying, and by the middle of 2009 he had established a pattern of behaviour whereby he would adopt the attributes of the characters he cosplayed, in an attempt to bring meaning and motivation into his directionless life. Dressing up as Sakura from Naruto led him to realise he was in fact a woman, and China from Axis Powers Hetalia turned him into a Communist overnight. This all took place against a backdrop of constant conflict with his mother, whom he lived with and occasionally beat up. By 2011 he was finding his domestic situation intolerable, and left home to stay with a succession of leftists and LGBT persons in Philadelphia, each time getting thrown out when they got sick of him. Having exhausted all of his support on the East Coast, he went West in 2012. Unfortunately this did not lead to an improvement in his situation, as his new acquaintances were no more tolerant of him than the ones he left behind. Today he divides his time between Oregon and California, sleeping under a wide variety of bridges. Incurably narcissistic, ADF has written about himself at length, allowing the conscientious reader to build up a detailed, albeit heavily biased, picture of his life. Below is the Lolcow Wiki's attempt to disentangle the truth of ADF's life from his self-mythologising.Momoko (Reinahoney)
Weeb who was in porn. go knocked up. addicted to cocaine. got kid taken awayFatwarriorgodess
I haven't heard anything about fatwarriorgodess in a while. Is there any news on her? Did the kids get to safety? Has she been posting under a new name?Glaive Thread
>Posts on CWCki defending wizardchanHugbox Bloggers
Seriously. Why do we not have a thread for these Wordpresss / Blogger cows?The Best of PT
Lets remember PT in all her glory./cream/ - best of
/cream/ is a new "board". Really just a listing of threads.free stuff for people to see
Let's have a thread about everyone's favorite flavor of crazy. Fictives, factives, and other related snowflakes are also welcome.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #68 - "'I'm Sorry for Getting Caught' Video Watch Party" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507ED articles
ITT, we post some good ED articles that provide a good read and a good laff.Journey.to.lauren
New here, thought you’d might want to take a look at her Instagram. She’s an attention whore who “attempted” after hearing that someone she knew had killed herself, then proceeded to make a post about how nobody should kill themselves, which she took down after it was pointed out how hypocritical she was being. Any more milk?Changes on /pt/
Hello everyone,embroye
http://embryoe.tumblr.com/Laineybot and Onision - Child Grooming Confirmed Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>616173 and >>619604Himeka/Catherine Saint-Onge Thread
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread yet.Sheena Duquette
Mourning Period is Over EditionLuna Slater #22 - At Home With The Homeless Edition
Image credit: >>>/pt/591576Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #25
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.kerosenememes (Kevin/Malachi/Angel)
>started as a niche memes account on instagram back in summer 2017 calling himself 'Kevin'Doe Deere/Lime Crime/Xenia Vorotova
Doe Deere thread.Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #22
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Dasha/ItsBabyDash/Neuphs/Julia Stadler #12 - IT’S GEENA NOT MINAAAAA!!1!1!!!! Edition
Previously on the internet:Luna Slater #20 - CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP Edition
(Image courtesy of >>>/pt/543310)Laineybot and Onision -The Sperg Before the Storm Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>601471Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #24
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Miranda "weeb scamming Isis bride" Constable (Kanadajin3)
Previously on the adventures of "ISIS Bride With an 82pt IQ" >>>/pt/581738Onision and Laineybot - Literary Critiques and Collapse Edition
Previous thread:>>>/pt/600694Lily Bouse (enrouteforthehexconclave/cokedrip)
Can we talk about this girl?Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #23
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Laineybot and Onision -Total Eclipse of the Heart Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>600494Raven Sparks #13 Horrorcow Homemaker Edition: The Fifth Time's the Charm!
Join us for the ongoing saga of 41-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana Dawn) Sparks and her 31-year-old husband #5 Josh Bradley in their Love That Was More Than Love Shack in rural South Carolina.Luna Slater #18 Crack Confidence Edition
-Crack Confidence Edition-Momokun #87 - Whiteknight Fail Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Ashley thread #9
Ashley thread #9.Miranda "Label Queen" Constable
Previously on the adventures of "ISIS Bride With an 82pt IQ" >>>/pt/547092Taylor Nicole Dean and Jonny Craig + Jennifer “Mama” Dean #21
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #86 - "10k Lead Balloon"
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507H3H3 General
Look at this fat cow who claims to be anorexic all over her social media.Vicky Shingles "Same Vick, Different Day"
The lack of work and social life , as well as being painfully single has left Vicky with nothing to do but spend all her time on social media and lolcow while drinking alone and taking photos with self timer which are marked as "Frankie photography". This has resulted in a slew of angry outbursts and outlandish claims , which are usually followed by posts about how totally unbothered she is. She has also been doxxing and harassing random women, insisting they have been stalking her for years , are copying her and/or are mad that their boyfriends are hitting on her because she just can not cope with the fact that a multitude of people are laughing at her. Her fan base has dwindled down to a handful of alt right neckbeards which she is desperately pandering to with some new edgelord personality. She is also relentlessly battling bullying by telling people to kill themselves, that she wishes she could beat them up and being condescending any chance she gets.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #85 - "Is It Cannibalism When Hogs Eat BBQ?" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Miranda "Jihadi" Constable
Miranda "Jihadi" ConstableLuna Slater v. 21
Previous thread: >>>/pt/558885vampirecherub insta
Luna Sobieski, aka “vampirecherub” is a problematic hoe who fakes her kindness to get clout. She’s not even cute she’s ugly as hell and is nothing but a butterface. She thinks she’s a badass but she’s really just a nobody who does absolutely nothing.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #84 - "Broke Back Thottin'"
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #83 - "Dream Daddy Dress Nightmare"
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Brittany Venti and Mason/4chad/90skid/her EX
When your GF forces you to eat ALL the eggs.Laineybot and Onision - "Dat Booty Though" Edition
Masterpiece of a Thread Image Credit: >>552787Laineybot and Onision - "I can Take a Hit" Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>576411Is Bishojomom aka Juliette Michael is really nice as she seems
Luna Slater #15
Old thread is locked and I can't see a new one so here goes.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #58 - "More Money, More Fat" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Eva Zander / xxBloodynyuuxx
https://www.twitch.tv/xxbloodynyuuxx/Miranda "ISIS Bride" Constable
Previous Thread >>>/pt/485749Mariah Mallad/Momokun #82 - "Silence of the Hams" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #81 - Become the Ham Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #80 - Coconuts and Pasties Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Victoria Bella Morte
Now she is photoshopping muscles in her “throwback pics” prepare for her “comeback” maybe we’ll get more silly milky shoops of her! She saw one fitness post and this is what we get lol a ninja warrior GODDESS no one can compare to! She’s been bragging so much about her shit I never knew she stopped lol also note her Failed attempt at reverse psychology even though she apparently studied psychology… It’s why she’s projecting it onto other random females I actually do fitness to so I found this comical, I also have a theory to why her pictures are blurry she has to to make the smooth parts on her face she edited to look the same as the rest of the pic or we’ll see she’s nothing but graphics and lash brushes ps. Not every guy wants you, single or not. Just no.. Also if your a tattoo artist who’s gone “pro” you don’t call a tattoo machine a “tattoo gun” cheap kat von d knock off much… i bet if you didn’t shoop yourself to shit people wouldn’t be so surprised when they see what u actually look like , just saying. Get real or get off the internet even bunny found stability your to far gone! I really wish not to waste more time on this one.. I’m simply bored and don’t care.. I’ll just leave this here good dayLaineybot and Onision - Child Bride 2: Electric Boogaloo Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>566002Dasha/ItsBabyDash/Neuph/Julia Stadler #11 - Annoyingly Pretty Edition
Previously on the internet:Mariah Mallad/Momokun Livestream #1 - Probably the only thread Edition
Current Main thread: >>>/pt/563425Mariah Mallad/Momokun #79- "Scam Cam and Japan" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Moo cow thread
I think we're ready to have a thread about this piggie.Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Just a Fool in a World Full o' Sharks Edition
Thread image courtesy of >>514923 and >>517761biggest lying cow on the net
This lying troll tells her youtubers she doesn't lie to them says she's never had a job but works as a fruit picker, has been stalking a cosplayer who is married doing and copying everything the girl dose , even makes up lies so her life matches the person she's stalking,.Chaos Angel / Keith
* Early 20'sMariah Mallad/Momokun #78 - "Daddy Issues and Tissues" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Laineybot and Onision - Mass-Tweet Deletion Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>554982 (honorable mention >>556722 )Mariah Mallad/Momokun #77 - "Its "Airspun", Not "Cake Batter" Foundation" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #76 - "From Costhot to Camwhore" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #75 - "*blocks your path*" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Courtney Middleton
Ugly northern English Tradwife who believes that children are to blame for rape due to how they dress.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #39 ~Unoriginal moomoo mascot edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #74 - "Who Let The Dog Out?" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #73 - "Clout Doesn't Buy Remorse" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Deviantart tards
Deviantart, as we all know, is the breeding ground of lolcows, weebs and autists galore.Gothic Cynthia
Meet our Dutch PT, Gothic Cynthia who thinks she is an alt model. She has very unfortunate genetics, lies all the time and dresses as bad as Star.Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Extra Fried Hair Edition
Lainey's gay husband Onision/Onion bans patrons because they didn't find his suicide jokes funny as well as going on a witch hunt against anyone who he thinks is leaking screenshots from his online cult, "The Coterie". Only patrons who donated $250+ in the past year are allowed access.Yukapee i found you
Just browsing gaijin gyarus and/or gaijin living in grorious nippon and found thisHoglee
Someone suggested that we create a thread about hogshit in the xiaxue thread, so here you fucking go.Bobby Burns- Shits on Shane Dawson one minute and sucks his dick the next
Bobby Burns is a dying youtuber who used to specialize in analyzing movies/tv shows. He was just like your average film reviewer, but he came off as a bit arrogant sometimes. All this changed though, when last year in November he made a video calling out Shane Dawson and calling his content terrible. Afterwards Shane reached out to Bobby on twitter saying he wanted to do a collab and Bobby agreed like the two faced snake he is. Enter a really badly recieved collab video which caused so much drama Shane even commented on it, basically saying it was a mistake. After this disaster Bobby changed his content style completely and became your typical youtube blogger. He is also now a soundcloud rapper, so yeah hes fallen pretty far from grace. His gf is also kind of a cow, she is very agressive and weird like him.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #72 - "Patting Away Tears with Paypig "Donations"" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Stevie Tutwiler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Iikawaiikittyiix3?ref=br_rsLaineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Publicly Shaming People Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>548316Umbranwitch
>>>defends Momokun to hellMariah Mallad/Momokun #71 - "Block Hole Sun, Won't You Come" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Opinions on mens, incels and robots?
What do you "farmers" think about the average male , would you ever see yourself in a relationship. just curious coming formm /r9k/ where the majority seems to dislike women even antisocial "femanons" and oft creat hate threads on women. I am just a curios bystander who wants to see how a parallel for females of 4chan is like.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #70 - "Theatre Skype Class Came In Handy" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #69 - "Of Lies And Consequence" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #68 - "Pariah Mariah" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #66 - "Nice Motive, Still Sexual Harassment" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #67 - "Blame it on my ADHD Baby" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Laineybot and Gay Husband Onision - Double Strike Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>531980Mariah Mallad/Momokun #65 - "Cognitive Dissonance" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Furry uses real puppy as reference to furry porn
Name : tacklebox or tacklebawxVicky Shingles
Last Thread : >>485956Margaret Palermo – “I WAS RIGHT AND VENOOS WILL RETURN TO MEEEEEE” Edition
The latest drama:OrangeCitrus/Somersby
The last thread is at it's limit, so I figured I'd start a new one.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #63 - "All Gut, No Butt" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507rhirhidamiengurl666 Threas
Rhirhidamiengurl666 is a South Park Fan Art Fag that likes to post her own weird art on tumblr.Dasha thread #8 (itsbabydash / Julia Stadler / neuphs)
Summary of last thread:Pixy's Mom, Has It Going On!
So… sometimes I like to see what Pixy's mom up to and low and behold did I stumble onto some milk!Onision & Laineybot: Green-Eyed Gaycano Edition
Previous thread: >>>/pt/441397Mariah Mallad/Momokun #62 - "wide load" edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Ahuviya Harel
A trannsexual SJW communist who rose to fame by drawing creepy self insert lesbian weeaboo art of his friends. Chrischan style.Laineybot and Gay Husband Onision - Long Live Queen Lucidia Edition
Thread Image Credit: >>525292Related too or knowing a potential lolcow?
We all have that one friend or one family member that we anticipate to be on this board some day.Dasha/Cyr/Edwin/Mina Pt. 3
Onision and Laineybot- livestream general
You are free to live blog in this thread but make sure to post a recap in >>>/pt/488983 afterMariah Mallad/Momokun #61 - "Squished Bread Bag Is Her Stomach" Edition
First thread: First >>>/snow/93507Onision and Laineybot, the New Year New Me edition
> Vix continues to stream for three more days, happily making fun of the onions. Greg replies to her one tim, blocked and unblocked her since, but won't answer her messages.Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Twitter Meltdown Edition
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/518201doughy daniels
got naked at work for views, thinks his irony is meta, shills himself on 4chanMariah Mallad/Momokun #60 - "These Ho-Hos Were Meant For Me" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #17 ~deepest sadness imaginable~ edition
~deepest sadness imaginable~ editionMina/Dasha/Edwin/Cyr
Last thread > >>>/pt/417225Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? Edition
Thread image courtesy of >>512399Mariah Mallad/Momokun #59 - "Serious About Everything but that Diet" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Paranoid Ban-Happy Admin, Criticism-Censoring Dick
NCZ/ninjacoachz, as the subtitle says, is an admin of Behind The Voice Actors, a website cataloging voice actors and their roles, as well as voice comparisons. The problem, of course, is that he is completely unable to take any criticism of TPCi, even going so far as to delete posts criticizing their dub!Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Mid-Life Crisis Edition
Thread image courtesy of >>510498Raven Sparks #12 Bereavement Funding Edition: Another Shack, Another Dog, Another Drama
Join us for the ongoing saga of 41-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana) Dawn Sparks and her 31-year-old future husband #5 Josh Bradley in their barren Love That Was More Than Love Shack mobile home in rural Saluda, South Carolina.Vicky Shingles
Previous thread: >>431342Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Swamp Chronicles
Thread image courtesy of >>505888Mariah Mallad/Momokun #57- "Better Dig Two Graves" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Whoring his Tits for Patreon Money Edition
Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH) is a wannabe costhot who was never attractive at any point and has started to whore out his tiddies to fund his lifestyle. His wife, Taylor/Laineybot/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat, is a transtrender and beauty guru with no makeup-knowhow or personality.Raven Sparks #11 The Fall of the Shack of Raven
Join us for the ongoing saga of 41-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana) Dawn Sparks and her 31-year-old future husband #5 Josh Bradley in their barren Love That Was More Than Love Shack mobile home in rural Saluda, South Carolina.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #56 - "Asherbee With Money" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Grayscale Hentai Break Edition
Laineybot and Gay Husband Onion - Grayscale Hentai Break EditionBatshit Transvestite Vegan
Batshit Transvestite Hardcore Vegan Feminist "Speciesist"… unintentionally hilarious, takes him/herself very seriously. Talks in extremely badly butchered English, definitely a HF-Autist and very trollable.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #55 - "Running From Responsibilities" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Eurasian Tiger died!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go2UAjXOiokMariah Mallad/Momokun #54 - "I Can't Go Out, I'm Sick" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #16
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Mariah Mallad/Momokun #53 ~Labeanse Cosplayer cosplaying for 3 Years Edition~ ~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Greg Mazujian
For about a year or so now on 4chan's /toy/ board, a manchild named Greg has been posting threads constantly- typically of him holding a cheap toy in his fingerless glove-clad hands.new ASHA thread
Her twitterOnion and Lame, Sam against the Onions edition
Onion has turned Youtube into his new Twitter and lovebombs Lame and his kids to the max.Kanadajin3: Miranda "Mighty Muslim" Constable
Previous thread: >>384956Margaret Palermo - 2nd Anniversary of Stalking Venus Edition
Margaret continues to live a hobo sex worker's existence in a student goshiwan in Seoul, surrounded by her hoard of cardboard boxes. A visa run to Okinawa in early December 2017 seems to indicate that she no longer has a proper student visa, and has returned to abusing back to back tourist visas.Onision and Laineybot: Prostate Massager Edition
>Greg makes a very special video where he imitates his wife by dressing up in Lainey's clothes, screaming and rolling around in garbage. Soulmates!Where in the world is Pixyteri Sandiego?
Haven't heard much from the queen recently. Does anyone have any updates?nix
For being the drama addict and often make trouble alot in fa. Making a tirades about united states and from CanadaThread requests
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.Joedaddy 505
Joe Ortega, a 34 year old twitch streamer who abused his girlfriend after he thought his stream ended.Game Grumps
Here it is.Momokun/ Mariah Mallad #47 ~Stealing Designs Is Part of Cosplay~ Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Momokun/Mariah Mallad #46 - "Become A Business Major, Become An Expert At Anything!" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Vicky Shingles
Previous Thread: >>336817Momokun/Mariah Mallad #45 ~ "Acne Doesn't Just Appear On Faces" Edition
First thread: >>>/snow/93507titodeal / Grant Bunch
Well, I was just banned from Kiwi Farms and directed here, so I'm creating a thread on this guy. He is an Aspie artist who plans on documenting every single day of 2018 with his shitty art. He is currently writing a story about an Aspie resistance movement on Saturn and is in the process of converting to Judaism.Onision and Laineybot, Vixmas / it's raining DMs edition.
Action continues to abound while Vix drops caps in tempcow of messages exchanged with Grug. The story of an epic troll where she completely reeled him in is beginning to unfold.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #23 - Floppy Titty Star Edition
Previous thread - >>>/pt/404189Margaret Palermo - fried hair edition
>still stuffed in that filthy goshiwan with a moldy shower she nearly "died" inRaven Sparks #9 Love That Was Greater Than Love Shack Edition
Previous threads:Mariah Mallad/Momokun #41 ~Walmart Jessica Nigri edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad/Momokun #40 ~Averylewdchristmas realistic pasties edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507SirCutieYuki/Lindsay/ayaseyukiyax/Skinny3600
Time for the new Cow of the Year!Raven Sparks #8 Welcome to Couchland Edition
Previous threads:Onision and Laineybot, Monogamous again, we quit poly, Edition.
Previous thread > >>>/pt/465692Onision and Laineybot, Gay Married couple Edition.
Recap.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #38 ~Flipping tires has made me lose 30lb edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Luna Slater #14
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Mariah Mallad/Momokun #37 ~Totally original lewds for my dudes edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Onision and Laineybot - Smug Edition
Where we left off in main thread:Raven Sparks #6 Countdown to Couchland
Previous threads:Eclair Marie/Erica/theawakened_
Thanks to all the info in >>>/pt/366110 we can finally give her her own thread lel feel free to move to /snow/ if needed, I never made a thread so idk where she should goRandomlancila MOOching off of her followers again
A sane person needs to have followed her Instagram for only a few minutes to find out she is angry, lazy, close minded and always looking for a handout. I am not sure who is worse Randomlancila (Amber) for repeatedly preying on her followers (whom she doesn't bother to respond to a majority of time) or her followers, the ones who aren't trolls.Mariah Mallad/Momokun #36 ~The suspended twitter edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #22 - Nervous Breakdown Imminent Edition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplayAshley Bennett/AxelAsh Cosplay/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys
The "More Aliases, Less Hair" Edition.Onision and Laineybot, Nevermind Daddy kinks are predatory, Edition.
-Onion continues to bleed subs and keeps blaming YouTube. Says he will protest.Mariah Mallard/Momokun #35~ Spooky, Scary Photoshop Hallewdeen Edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Raven Sparks #7 Fatchelorette Edition
Previous threads:Cyr/Edwin/Dasha/Mina
Last thread >>396612Onision and Lainey, Daddy/Mommy kink Edition.
-Former fan Macncheese releases creepy screencaps of Onion trying to get her to the grease mansion.Mariah Mallad/Momokun Cosplay #34 ~ the Spooky Mystery of the Missing Charity Money edition~
First thread: >>>/snow/93507Onion and Lame, Fake love and fan exploitation.
-Lame has a gender reveal party that is extremely cringe.Mariah Mallad/Momokun Cosplay #33 ~ the Accordion Torso edition~
Previous thread: >>443756Luna Slater #13
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Onision + Laineybot: Hentai Edition
Previous thread: >>>/pt/444507Mariah Mallad/Momokun Cosplay #32 - Why Buy the Cow Edition
Previous thread: >>439516Onision + Laineybot - "Used Makeup Edition"
Last Time On: "As The Onion Rots"Mariah Mallad/Momokun Cosplay #31 - Eternal Milk
Previous Thread: >>435304Weeaboo general
For stories and discussion of minor weeb lolcows. Know of anyone who believes they are an anime character or is far to invested in cosplaying the hot yaois? Have your own Hambeast Prime tale to tell? Post it here.Onision - "Family Values Edition"
>After getting called out for being an ass to one of NetNobody's crew members it seems even more people are keeping their distance from Gregma. To be fair he hasn't lost all hope and in a desperate bid for relevance he has continued taking trips to LA for colabs. His most recent trip saw someone bail on him but despite him being upset/disappointed he has not release the name that person. This has led to tin-foiling that he may also be going to LA to ether get away from Lainy and the kids or cheat.Mariah Mallad/Momokun Cosplay #30 ~ Revenge of the Sith Edition
Last thread: >>432595Belinda Kovalskaya
Not sure if there is a thread on this girl. I went to school with her, real name Belinda Wang she worked at Mcdonalds and was extremely quiet and is chinese, now she claims her name is Belinda Kovalskaya and is Russian/an Alien bhuddist.Onision - "Fall of Onion Corp." Edition
>Sarah was in the McMansion, but hangs with other people besides The OnionsAlexander Brooks Ratta
This is Alexander Brooks Ratta, a pedophile. Don't worry, he has published this name and all of the below information openly.Raven Sparks 5.0
Previous threads:Onision
Previous thread >>>/pt/429098Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #29 ~ Mental Breakdown Edition ~
Last thread: >>429934onision and laineybot: alone edition
Previous thread >>>/pt/426045Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #28 ~ Trash Can Hat Edition ~ TAKE TWO
Last thread: >>425446Rita Repulsa rpg thread 1
Itt one poster acts the part of Rita Repulsa while the 2nd player acts the part of the Power Rangers as a whole, the storylines and rules for each of the 2 players of the game are as followsVicky Shingles
New Vicky ThreadMariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #27 ~ The beached whale in heels edition
Last thread: >>421206Onision and Laineybot - $5.49 Edition
Previous thread >>> /pt/422661Onions in the shitter, how deep does the rabbit hole go edition
Last time on Kekking at the onions:Tess Holliday
Previous thread: >>88648Onision + Laineybot blessed and fleeky not greasey and cheeky edition
Onion and his smug spaceprince continue on their path towards destitution only managing to get by for the time being on their ~true~ fans' bux donations on younow and patreon.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #25 - Police Back Pedalling Edition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplayEDucating Shanny
>Dumb fucking attention-whore cunt whores her life out about how she relapses with cutting and bulimia on youtube.Onision + Lainey - Collector's Edition
It's our incumbent top lolcow, YouTube """"comedian"""" Onision, and his Agender Space Prince Lainey, better known for his rampant ephebophilia, harassment of anyone he comes into contact with, and malignant narcissism.Kiki Kannibal/ Lilou Vos/ Sperg-chan
Obligatory sperg thread https://lolcow.farm/kikiKanadajin3: Not Nihonjin enough
Previous thread: >>319570Cyr/Edwin/Dasha/Mina
Old thread >>373154Raven Diana Marshall Sparks
Old Threads:YOHIO
22 year old musical artist from Sweden. Is obsessed with Japanese culture. Basically plagiarized lyrics from one of his idol's songs. Ex-girlfriend said he's a lazy asshole who drinks and smokes and will cry to his daddy if he doesn't get his way. SEIKE, who is an ex-member of a band YOHIO used to be in called him out on his shit too. Shoops pictures, but never admitted it. Also pretended to be kawaii children's idol when he was smoking, drinking and fucking people behind everyone's back. Says he's so big in Japan but fucking no one knows him. Also seems to emphasize he's straight, but who knows who he cheated on his ex-girlfriend with.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #24 - "I'm not plus sized I'm THICC" Edition
Previous Threads:Onision (and Laineybot) - Desperate Relevance Edition
Lainey has developed cow tendencies over the course of the Onion threads and according to the farmers, she's featured along with Onion as the second co-conspirator in this dramatic saga from now on.Luna Slater #11
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420Onision VS Blaire White Debate Containment Thread
(Click OP image to go to the stream)Carl Kish the YouTuber who hates dislikes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqoNVER1d7oOnision - Revised "Vegon Love" Edition
>Onion continues to sperg about Jaclyn's "disgusted body" while her and Richie milk his sperging for $$$.Martina Big
>transracialTaylor R
When your boyfriend own beauty exchange and gets you important presentation roles at large scale events for publicity.BLUEGRAYEMMA
So this cosplayer is known for being a complete liar.Krissy Victory
How's Krissy still relevant in the community? Looks like she's been rolling with a new crew and burning bridges.Onision - "I only date feminine agender princes" Edition
>Gerg cries about his parasitic relationship with Andy Biersack presumably coming to an endEBONY DARKNESS DEMENTIA RAVEN SPARKS
Reason:Vegan Cheetah
Why doesn't this guy have his own thread yet? He's becoming a major lolcow.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #21 - Glam Hiking Edition
Last thread: >>385834shall we discuss this cow?
tried to post it on int cuz shes int i thinkFresh cow
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9hby0dYOLAzlwxe1Msc09w/Kiki Kannibal / Lilou Vos / Sperg-chan Thread
Kiki chose to totally ignore the Sperg-chan revelations (https://lolcow.farm/kiki) and continue with her love and light empath goddess who is stalked by haters for NO REASON act as she pursues a career acting in student films and F-grade horrors under the name 'Lilou Vos'.Sui Swan
Blog: http://www.suiprincess.com/Onision - IRS Tax Audit Edition
> - Greg's "military records" on hand were discovered to be forged and his med records implied that nothing was really wrong with him other than behavioral issues, abnormal blood pressure and ~depression~, along with warts on his freaky dick-textured skin.Michelle Phan
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuYx81nzzz4OFQrhbKDzTngMariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay #20 ~Body Positivity Edition (but only when it makes her look good
Last thread: >>385834Jaiden Gumby @jaidengumby Jaiden Gumbaya
Old thread maxed out >>370733Posting new threads to lolcow.farm
Onision - "Collaboration Over" Edition
-We finally get to see the "expected" collab with Grease and some dumbass nobody.Queenpersiax
- trans girlPearnisa and The Cancer Crew Cunts
Pt five of Pearnisa, last thread reached limit. Some recent developments;Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #19 ~ Hank Hill Ass edition
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507Onision - "No Love For Others"
Previously:Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #18 ASSGATE 2017
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplayAxelAsh Cosplay/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys
The Ride Bum Edition!so shmegeh's still alive as of summer 2016...
anyone remember this girl? I used to follow her Tumblr and Instagram pretty closely because I liked her style and she lived about an hour away from me. she destroyed her body by starving herself and consuming only sugar-free cranberry juice mixed with wine, former friends and SOs came forward with allegations of emotional abuse/manipulation and physical abuse, she went to rehab, then just went dark on the internet in around late 2013 or so. since then people have swarmed her Instagram (which is still up) speculating over whether or not she's dead.ragreynolds
Who is this dunce and why is he going after JoySparkleBS? I get she's terrible, but he seems like a despicable human being. He also seems to be on speaking terms with Onision? In one video he's praising him but in the next he's calling him the worst person to ever live. Does this guy have any sort of moral compass or integrity? Does he just say whatever he thinks will get him the most attention?Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #17 ~ Free Vamplette Edition~ BONUS: LEWDING THE LOLI
Previous thread: >>382934Onision - Aging, Dying and "Onion Son" Edit
-Onion is dying from a tumor and a horrible skin disease! He really needs them kids' lunch money to ~survive~!!!!Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #16 ~ the "I love being my size but still got lipo" edition
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507ThorneChan / Sierra Thorne
Anyone have anny info on this chick? Found her in the Momokun threads and wanted more info. Heard a lot about her a year ago trying too hard to be Moo. I feel like there has gotta be more to her. I found a thread on her started like a year ago asking for her nudes and I didn't feel like she was relevant enough to ask about her in the moomoo thread.Kanadajin3: The delusion continues..
Cont. from >>319509Tumblr Lifting Dox Spree: PT 3
yeah I get that this slowed down it's steam but I promised you guys I'd post all the texts that spookylifting/monica alejandra lira-gonzalez sent to me plus other info, so whatever, here it is, and the lulz still goes on (but slowly!)Anorexic Instagramers
I thought a new thread on these amusing girls who use instagram as an outlet for attention would be fun since we cant bitch about aly no more, who knows or remembers @edmayeh? Also been know on Tumblr as @closetobonedry or @exmayeh before she went private (ha, i wonder why?) I keep seeing her youtube video screenshotted on MPA as a thinspo. And so many people idolize her. She hashtags her stuff as #madbitch, if you have been watching this girl for years. How fucking crazy is she? Damn!Onision - Narc Rage Edition
-major lulz was had with Gregma's recent chimpouts on younowBiggest attention seeking the Instagram mental health 'community'
Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #15 ~ The "I'm more twisted than people think" edition
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507Lilith-Fath Fedynych
>abused baby daughterMargaret Palermo: Bald Poop Eye Edition
Margo's holed up in student goshiwan in Seoul. She recently celebrated her 42nd birthday by setting up her OutcallMassageSeoul website (3 am "outcall massage", anyone?) and ranting at Venoos for strangling her while Margo was just innocently trying to visit by opening the door with tools.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #14 ~Cute cumming set edition ~
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507Onision - Broken fax machine edition
-Drew claims Greg has been emailing Billie to get her backNicole "Sheena" Duquette "Oum"
Looking Like a 60 Year Old Woman With Fake Tits EditionOnision - Patreon (it's a trap!) Edition
-The Gregster makes a patreon account after lurking in Lolcow (shame on you anon for the idea!)Isaki Tahashi
Instagram: https://instagram.com/isaki.go.boom/Tiffany Mays AKA Starrrpower
Anyone else remember this gem from Tumblr?Onision / Greg Avaroe / Brokeass Garage Sale Edition
Greg continues his meltdown over his views dropping, total lack of ads, and his funds drying up. He's also starting to lose it over not having any fresh teens to manipulate, fuck or abuse - Sarah went home, Billie is happy and he can't stand it, and Taylor won't trust him with another "trinity" in the house but won't shut up about her fake gayness. They're selling their old clothes, equipments, anything to make ends meet.Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #13 ~The Fetish Edition~
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507Cyr/Edwin/Dasha/Mina
Old thread hit limit >>244778Wow
Some of you people really need Jesus/Buddha/etc, y'all are some evil, petty and disgusting individuals. Seriously the collective hate you people produce put Westboro Baptist Church to shame. There is trolling and riling someone up and then there attacking someone just because you can since you have a wall of anonymity to hide yourself with. If any of you were this vitriol and hate mongering in real life I can't imagine anyone loving you. If your mother/father/brother/sister were to see your posts what would they say? I hope at least some of you grow up and stop hating your fellow for their flaws when you yourself are no better. You all feed off of each other and just get more nasty and ugly. I sincerely hope some of you can sit back see what you're doing and move on from this god forsaken den of bullies.Onision - Losing Them Youtube Bux
Previous thread >>>/pt/359590AxelAsh Cosplay/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys
OLD THREADYep, This Is The Autistlet We're Dealing With
Gloria Renshaw, guys.SSSniperwolf/Alia Shalesh
Is she lolcow material? I came across her and it seems like a lot of drama revolves around her, but I don't know how much of that comes from being a youtube celeb with millions of subscribers and how much of it comes from her being her.Lizzy Howell Is Smashing Stereotypes.
I didn't feel like truly figuring it out yet, but it is hilarious:Mariah Mallad - Momokun Cosplay Thread #12 ~#Fattea edition
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507Santa Monica restaurant freakout lady
Anna Storelli has 10 FB accounts, 8 amateur porn videos under the name Anna Marie, a deranged Bieber obsessed twitter, a criminal past with profection orders, and another video has surfaced of her talking to herself about mermaids.Karyme Rocha / Karrie Loves / Kamren Loves / Theo Loves / Ben Loves
She started out making PPG art on deviantART, but has overtime evolved into a transtrender Tumblrina SJW. I'm not sure if this belongs here on in /snow/. She had a breakup with her boyfriend due to what she claimed was emotional abuse. She is currently working on a novel called Helping Hand.Onision - Debate Fail
-Onion had his first debate since 3-2 years ago with former friend and collaborator Jaclyn Glenn, where we've learned that he's too mentally incompetent to debate with adults and will only use pathetic attempts and his trusty doormat-I mean loving wife (lol) to get on top.pls respon
why is everything backwards?Charles Lucas Shine Schwingendorf Tachibana
Einshine is a 19 year old YouTuber and aspiring mangaka from Japan with over a million subscribers. His first account can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMl_CxVaKout8eY6wlWPc2AEricka Camacho
Anyone knows what is going on with her? It's like she just disappearedMomokun Cosplay Thread #11 ~Softcore but don't call it porn~
Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507"Science Doesn't Lie", But OP Sure Does
http://kindredghoul.deviantart.com/art/Science-doesn-t-lie-kids-664458186Margaret Palermo: Kappa don't preach
Margaret continues her descent into madness.Fuck Lil Wayne
Take this Brother may it serve you wellAxelAsh/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys
OLD THREADOnision - Eugenia Strikes Back!
Back at it again with the attacks against Eugenia Cooney, demanding she'd get removed from YouTube immediately due to triggered fans.Kourtney Galloway (catfishing as Cheyanne Sparks, PRETENDING TO BE BRYSON TILLER'S GIRLFRIEND)
READ THIS: https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/3410-cheyanne-sparks-kourtney-galloway-bryson-tillers-baby-mama/?page=1Kiki Kannibal / Lilou Vos = Sperg-chan
Previous thread: >>323212ALL OF KIRSTEN'S POSTS: https://lolcow.farm/all-posts-kiki.html
Game Grumps / Suzy Berhow #3
The Main Event:Celeste LeBeau/Katsyuudon
Andie, who is known on the internet as Celeste LeBeau, somehow has over 6k followers on tumblr that have no idea of even half of what she's done. An appropriate place to start would be to first mention she's a japanophile and a francophile. Celeste actually derives from the word "celestial", and in the french language translates to "heavenly". And the pronunciation is specific, she wants it to be pronounced the Japanese way, "Shay-leste." If you've taken a basic french class, you will also notice the fake last name "LeBeau" translates to "the beauty". She evens claims to have a french accent, and even went as far as to make an audio post after the paris bombing last year, pretending to have a french accent while crying and acting upset about a supposed cousin who died during the attack. Several people can back me up on this, they've heard her voice before, it's just an american accent.Myblossomsnowydaisy
A mentally disturbed English girl obsessed with an elderly bus driver.Momokun Cosplay - POV Cosplay Thread~~!
Thread #1 >>93507Joshua Conner Moon
Joshua Conner Moon's mother Candice Lynn Potter is owning the fuck out her son on her name .com lolOnision: Sarah's Choice edition
Previous thread: >>348341Loeylane
So shocked this idiot doesn't already have a thread. She's basically a dependopotamus turned actual whore. She's married to a man in the military yet throws her lard ass all over men any chance she gets. Until recently her thing was body positivity but it wasn't working anymore for her because she consistently lies about her size. She claims to be a size 14, but looks more like a 22. Now she's grabbing people's nosleep stories off of reddit and passing them as her own with parnormal stories. The girl is a flat out liar and annoying af.Pixyteri - Our beloved goddess~
Old thread hit limit.Amberlynn Reid Fatty 1000
So when you buy the cow you really do get all the milk. Especially out of this lard ass.Momokun Cosplay - Now With More Cellulite
Thread #1 >>93507Joysparklebs
She uses young girls for views. She obsess over Laineybot and Onision. Rumors say she is in love with Onision. She makes people feel sorry for her and she doesn't have a job, but she can't upload videos, how sad. Onision can upload 2 a day and take zero breaks. She thinks she can make it as a YouTuber and start monetizing her videos off of her little fan base. She blames her lack of uploading videos because of her "sickness" which is all in her delusional head of hers.Onision: The New Trinity edition
Previous thread: >>344293Tracy armah
>mentally ill black girlOnision: "I'm sowwy!" Edition
Previously…Frank Wolf
Frank Wolf thread.hey
sup guis i heard this shit is like 4chan but where are the fucking memes you normis?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAsh/Axel/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys
This guy isn't really that bad in terms of being a lolcow, but has one of the MOST annoying adult voices I've ever heard in my entire life, every word is like a cheese grater to my ears, he also reviews shows made by children, and insults them, even though this guy is like 20. His reviews are cringe and only young children seem to even be remotely interested in him, he only gets a few thousands views each on his videos so I don't know if he qualifies but whatever.Elliot Fan girls
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe1zMeNsSMoQ1Rx0emBPYDQAlexis Boldin
Alexis Boldin has been known to steal artwork and recipes for her business and not credit them. Not even her Fat Girls Snacks company name is original because it's an existing company name. Look at the pic. She just slapped on chocolate on the tongue, put a logo underneath and that's it.Onision: The Gergening
LOL BE MADAnimatedJames
AnimatedJames is a somewhat popular YouTube animator who really hates Teen Titans Go!, and has made an animation which features the writers getting killed. He also created a series featuring Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little pony characters fighting, which begs the question of why his brain didn't implode from the autism when he concieved the idea.Onision Chronicles: The Rise of Billie and Ayalla
>Spams TwitterThe Great GergSperg of 2017
LOL BE MADMomokun Cosplay ~Cute Groping~ Edition
Thread #1 >>93507Onision
New Onion-san threadLolita industry
Let's discuss drama with the people who make their living in j-fashion. Models, shop girls, designers, let's talk dirt.Sindy Pop
I've only just heard about this girl, because there is drama going on with her with a local con coming up. She honestly looks to be a major lolcow judging by her Facebook posts.Taylor Smith aka Panda
How ugly is she?Onision
-Onion's still being called out for the dirty old man that he is.Kiki Kannibal/Lilou Vos is Spergchan - PART 2
Previous thread: >>313147ALL OF KIRSTEN'S POSTS: https://lolcow.farm/all-posts-kiki.html
Last thread: >>327461Miley, whats good?
I mean miley, whats wrong? Why you do this, we know you crazy but damn! (Suggested in another thread to give miley her own so here it is)Margaret Palermo - Return Of The Kappa
After 5+ weeks of radio silence, Margaret popped up again claiming she didn't mean to scary anyone but she did want to see how Venus would react if she died. Cue another predictable rant about how Venus' boolying is making poor Margaret ill.Springs1, Patron Saint of Foodservice
Springs1 (or Springs131) is the handle of a mysterious woman who's been terrorizing the blogosphere for over a decade. Her singular passion is foodservice etiquette, and she crusades across the Internet with no regard for borders, from male shaving forums (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/46509-How-to-be-a-Good-Server-OR-How-to-Convince-an-Entire-Shaving-Forum-You-re-a-Jerk) to foodservice blogs (http://customers-suck.livejournal.com/19275200.html?thread=267695040#t267695040) to reddit to conspiracy theory forums (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread884539/pg9#pid15035132) to bridal communities (http://www.weddingbee.com/members/Springs1/?section=boards), to argue with others about what PERFECT waitstaff behavior should look like.Bakhar Nabieva
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Bahuh/ (public figure page)Mariah Mallad / Momokun Cosplay Thread 7th Expansion inc
Thread #1 >>93507Onision
Last thread >>325644Onision
Last thread >>324303Onision
LUXYMOO/ONISION DRAMA AT >>324533Onision - the return of Billie
God fucking damn it, Billie.Keekweek
Next thread: >323212ALL OF KIRSTEN'S POSTS: https://lolcow.farm/all-posts-kiki.html
She has a lot of followers on Tumblr because of her edits, and basically because she self-promos on gossip blogs and in peoples ask box. A couple of months ago it was made aware that she sends asks about herself on gossip blogs complimenting herself and pretending to be other people who admire her.Dreampurr/GAYF0X
-still jailbait huntingTaty the Mighty
OH GOD PLEASE can people check this mess out?! https://www.youtube.com/user/tatyology/videosPeter coffin
So, is coffin's wife a doll/fake or not?Connie AKA Noodlerella
'I can make £400 selling pictures of myself'Raven Sparks 2.0
So on our last episode our sacred queen of the night killed herself.Mariah Mallad
Luna never was with Wong shes been dating some viner forever he was on her snap this weekendMariah Mallad / Momokun Cosplay Thread #6
Thread #1 >>93507onision - what happened to skye?
I've been up to date with onion boys shit storms since 2012 and I know about most if not all the shit he's been involved in. However in my opinion things involved skye are for the most part undocumented.Mango/Hythe/Nina Stockman
>parents asked her to dress appropriately for grandparents anniversary dinnerOnision
>billie and ayalla visitRosy The Rascal
https://www.youtube.com/user/RosyTheRascal15/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=gridracism and sexism
these youtube videos are by two complete racists and sexists. They have a whole video demeaning women and then a video where they harrass a native american. what the HELLKanadajin3 Miranda "Mira" Constable # 3 Stalker Edition
Last Thread:Enkidu Loli VA
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9fzkczzGV-dfzlZqzXUZwConnie Nakamura
I created this thread out of general curiosity. I originally found Connie on lolcow in another thread, and she has been a mystery to me since then. Anyone know anything about or the current whereabouts of this "pop idol"?Onision - Grease 2016
Previous thread:Spergchan Generator
EDIT - November 14: Some adjustments were made to the generator.Onion
>Ayalla has come to stayKiki Kannibal - Sperg-chan edition
> Kiki returns to post selfies, lame jokes and animal rights videos and hint that she has a Japanese boyfriendo. Same old, same old.Narcissa Wright
I think i found a (for the most part) untapped lolcow. I'm frankly shocked she has no ED page.Hana Beth
Margaret Palermo / tokyo hobo turns prodigal daughter edition
Still valid: Our heroine Margo remains ensconced in her plywood cubicle at Tetris House in Tokyo. She gets crunk with fellow hobos by night, and stalks Venus at YouTube Tokyo Space by day.Onision
Previous Thread >>>/pt/303405what do you guys have to say about this?
Young woman, 21, arrested after horrific images of cats and dogs being 'killed and tortured' in Russia are shared on social mediaTUMBLR USERS I CANNOT FIND
OK so there was one of a girl that lived in the south her name was like the-little-bear and she seemed very conceited and hardly posted pictures of her face…. CANT FIND ANYWHEREBritbongreturns/Manlytears
Hey farmers, I wanted to know your opinions on Manlytears/Britbongreturns/Dominic Vanner. I got linked to a thread about him on 8chan's /cow/ (which in turn had links to two previous threads about him).im a guy
i'm a guyScreamkiwi
Does anyone of you ever heard of the youtuber Screamkiwi?Meg Feather / megfeather / Megan Feather
Someone mentioned in the Onion thread that we should have one for mamma Onion.Delusional "Musician"
His video description says it allSocialrepose Thread
Kinda infamous on 4chan, not just sindy but other cringy messes are starting to cringe the fuck out of me and others. Alot of them got serious personality problems (or a lack of personalities)KAKA HAS RETURNED TO US
Kiki has finally slithered out from hiding and graces us with our presence!Nicole "Sheena Oum" Duquette: Crawling up the ass of every LA cosplayer edition
Thread #1 >>51365Vibrant Oxymoron
Lisa Marie CarrickKeemstar
40 year old neckbeard trying to make a career out of Youtube drama news, but is too busy shoving popcorn in his mouth to do any actual research.Alison "Nintenwhore" Rapp
Please note: This isn't a GG/GamerGate thread. So try to stay on topic!Margaret Palermo / tetris house hobo 4lyfe/ illegal immigrant in japan
Our heroine Margo remains ensconced in her plywood cubicle at Tetris House in tokyo. She gets crunk with fellows hobos by night, and stalks venus at YouTube Tokyo Space by day.Margaret Palmero / Jung Wooman in Japan / Stalking Venus Edition Infinity
Margo is sleeping at Tetris House in Tokyo with 5 other women in a "Semi private" dorm, as she continues her 2016 Stalking Venoos Tour. She managed to snag a few new crazy stans via a certain YT video, which was taken as gospel truth by a bunch of 12 year old edgelords, for they are Margo's people.Onision
>>280274 Last thread.Rosaire
>worked for BABY, got fired for being incompetent and abusing her employee discount for profitUm
Has anyone been watching these ? Seriously please tell me I've not been the only one.SITE IMPROVEMEMT SURVEY >>
See >>>/meta/3227Margaret Palermo / Return to Japan: Split Personality Edition / Hostel Hobo
Margo weaseled her way back onto the shores of Glorious Nippon, with funding from her mother, Margit, who apparently could give two shits about her granddaughter's safety. Ferenc remains in Venus's corner, and Zsu is on the fucking warpath against Margo after her little vexxed / drama video stunt.Onision
New Onion thread.Margaret Palermo / Homeless Narcissist / VenusAngelic's mom / London, cont.
Margo is holed up in various cheap motels and AirBnBs in London - leaving horrid messes and furious roommates behind according to her latest review. Margo's been staying near Whitechapel, going to the Eye with her SwissBux, and claims to be engaged and invited to London by her imaginary fiance (she get so mad when you bring this up).Hellweek in Session
>>>/meta/3138Lenni Lurie
- walking, talking, wannabe russian kotexPixy in porn ads
lolcow.ml is now lolcow.farmmoar announcement
Announcement in >>>/meta/3059Margaret Palermo / London Edition Redeux / VenusAngelic's mom / Narcissistic Injury IRL
Margo was in Hamburg for roughly one week; she stayed several days with Hamburg Jassy before Jassy realized margo is a mooching, insane piece of shit. Jassy loaned Mags 105 euro and drove her to a new air bnb, and joined the fucking party over here (Hi, J!). Margo filmed her now epic Vanis Angelicus video in her temp apartment in a lounge singer dress with pinned straps, gifting us with many gifs >>284060. Mysteriously, Margo’s gay roommates told her they were leaving town asap and she had to go. Margo hopped on a cheap bus for a 19 hour drive to London, where she is now. Jassy tried to get her money back from Margo; Margo said J was “abusive” to her and that Jassy needed to accept used hobo goods instead of money, and then claimed the money was a gift anyway. Margo still claims her ultimate goal is a return to Seoul.Taylor R. TayTay
Kota Clone. Discuss.Bald Gaijin Girl (Dakota's sister)
Previous Thread >>187661Margaret Palermo / Hamburg Hobo Edition / Loving Mama of VenusAngelic (totally won't wear her skin)
Margo is confirmed in Hamburg, Germany. She was briefly given houseroom by one of her InstaFriends, which fell apart quickly once the friend realized Mags was only out to use her (interview with the former friends starts here >>283073 and confirmed by instargam photo with tag for the farms).Margaret Palermo / Deutschland(?) Edition / JapanB& / batshit mom of Venus Angelic
Margo skipped from Vancouver to maybe the Tokyo airport to Seoul to Beijing to Someplace, Germany in the last 3 weeks. But somehow really needs a kind soul in Toyko to pick up her 17 boxes from storage and keep them for a few months and probs ship them to her in the EU and she'll pay you later, OK? She doesn't have any money right now.Game Grumps / Suzy Berhow #2
The Main Event:Onision
New Onion threadMargo Palermo: international blackmail edition
Venus' channel has been terminated again only a day or so after coming back.Dakota Rose Ostrenga / Kotakoti
Previous thread: >>254463Animeleague/Michael Towers thread
Well as the Liverpool shitfest is over, we have Animeleague's first summer manure-riddled con, London Hell full of Dumb Weebs Con in a few weeks.Kelli Maxx / Kelli Autumn
Kelli Autumn (aka "Kelli Maxx" from her legit porn days) is once AGAIN quitting MyFreeCams because she is claiming people have been doxing her and posting her personal info. She frankly has a habit of deleting her Twitter accounts / all of her tweets, creating separate accounts that people need to pay to access, then deleting those as well for similar reasons. Like running away from trolls makes the trolls go away. Does anyone have actual record of her being doxed? Has anyone seen her or her SJW tweets?Margaret Palermo IS VenusAngelic.com / US lawsuit Edition
Margo now claims to be in the US, where she plans to launch a lawsuit to reclaim "her" channel from Venus. Having missed the cutoff date for the counter-notices, Venus' channel has been reinstated and right now Margo looks to be shit out of luck. Here's to more Margo milk.Charlotte Charms / BigLottes #6: Spiraling out of Control Edition
Previous thread: >>206707Margaret Palermo IS VenusAngelic.com / Korean e-sale Edition
Margo has left glorious nippon for the inferior land of South Korea due to her visa expiration - just in time, because she tracked Venus's location down less than week before she had to leave Japan. Margo claims YouTube told her to go to Venus's house to "make an agreement" about the channel, and that Manaki hit her when she waved a camera in his face when he got home from work.JNig: Electric Boogaloo
New JNig thread, old one hitting limit >>34186/beauty/ful women
http://8ch.net/beauty/index.htmlKanadajin3/Mira thread #2
Mira thread #2Ashley... "How the fuck is she even alive??"
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume threadAshleigh Coffin
Peter Coffin's "wife" is almost as big of a cow as Peter is. I figured while cow is discussing Peter, us ladies could discuss Ashleigh.Margaret Palermo: Visa Countdown Edition
We're t-minus a week until Margendo the River Kappa's Japanese tourist visa expires (May 6th.) Margo has set up an illegal resale business, and is dumping everything from her and Venus's shared storage including her precious swarovski collection. It remains to be seem whether the fire sale is just a cash grab, or if she's really sending out the items.ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Previous thread: >>240979Game Grumps/ Suzy Berhow
Thanks previous anon for collecting all the links. I dont know if I'm doing this right but I really just wanted to post my poor shoop photo in the old theadOUR KAWAI QUEEN
Old thread hit the limit.Margaret Palermo / Leg Hair Sweater Hobo Edition
Last time on River Kappas Gone Wild:Jennifer Petkov
I came across this individual via a news report about a woman who harassed a dying child and the dying child's family by photoshopping images of her, targeting the family etc.Jrcach/Komaban
The old man creep now goes by the name 'komaban' and he's still an asshole.Rule changes and clarifications
Please check out the recent rule changes and clarifications at >>>/meta/2430.Himezawa (Part Three)
Old thread reached max posting limit.Gossip?
Anyone recognize this girl? She sells her panties to her supporters.Margaret Palermo / Finder of Evil Plans / thorn in VenusAngelic's side
Last thread:Onision #6 Eternal Teenager Edition
Last Onion thread reached the bump limit. The archive:kawaii
Why no Dahvie Vanity thread?Brett Keane
His ED page has been mentioned a few times in The Amazing Atheist thread but after going through that page and his own entry on the Drunken Peasants Wiki detailing all the kinds of shit he's gotten himself into, it seems like he has had quite a prolific history going back to the early 2000s and has been an established nut himself. What really caught my eye is that he went from being an atheist to this sort of born again Christian and using that because everything else he has tried has backfired on him.Margo Palermo / net cafe hobo / VenusAngelic's nightmare
Last threadSteven Universe Fandom
I thought this deserved a topic because tumblr graces us daily with the cancer that is the Steven Universe fandom. I've seen a few threads about it on Kiwi.Girly-Hoot/Kate Davis
Previous threadPT Thread
PT sold some AP recently. Copypasta from KiwiFarms.Choose life warrior
talks about being an ed survivor and her road to recoveryMargaret Palermo / Destroyer of VenusAngelic's Dreams
Last thread is about 4 posts from sage, and the site is lagging like a mofo.Lauryn Lawler/Lauryniwi
Whatever did happen to good ol' Lawl-cow? Last I heard was that she dyed her hair pink and went full Koreaboo, but then she kind of just vanished.the queen of kabukicho sere
she is so insane.Incoming psycho lolcow
This guy is just insane. His name is Eric Otness, and his usernames include Weedle McHairybug, Pokeria1, and Otnesse. He has an inflated ego that makes him believe that everything he thinks is factual, even when faced with evidence that it isn't. On top of that, he comes up with bizarre and frankly batshit insane reasons why things he doesn't like are not only bad, but the embodiment of evil itself. As if that wasn't crazy enough, he can't just disagree with people like a normal person. Nope, any time he spots an opinion he disagrees with, he has to launch into this super-long rant explaining (badly) in great detail every single reason why he is always right and everyone who disagrees with him is always wrong.Psycho makes shitty fan fic
Once he starts denying reality, he obsessively holds onto his version of it forever.Could this be our "Jun"?
Could be our "Jun"?Margo Palermo, stalker of Venus & Parfait
Last thread reached it's limitBalenaproductions Thread
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BalenaproductionsDeath of Efagz aka ediotz
Finally in its death throes. I guess everyone got sick of waitng a week for posts to be approved. And when your post does get up having some sjw snap at you for daring to use the world "rape" without 7 trigger warnings before hand.ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Previous thread: >>210557FragilePeach
I would now like to show you the buttchin 16 year old 'loli'.zak cy
Facts:Horrible lolitas
We all know them right, people who are just plan nasty, treat others like scum, think they are queen bees. Who do you know like that and why?Margo's revenge (Dennys edition)
Margo continues her daily (?) parfait at Dennys while she plots Venus’ demise.Game Grumps General feat. Suzy Berhow
there's more milk here than a single fat FAS-looking weebJNig
I was surprised that there was no thread on her while she gets mentioned in other threads quite often.ORIGINAL TSUTSUCAT
Summary about her:Yukapon
Old thread reached max posting limit.Dejavudea?
>small yet popular YouTuberDoes anyone think Ashley hit 100 pounds ?
Does anyone think Ashley ever hit 100 pounds? I mean back when she was like 16-17 years old….ElleJay & Frill-Ability
Frill-Ability was a nice concept but has turned into another way for Ellejay to talk about herself and her problems. She has started converting to Islam in the last week to jump on the recently trending Hijab Lolita.venus
shes bringing venus againTess Holliday
Let's discuss this cow. Formerly Tess Munster, she claims she is only a size 22 and weighs 250 lbs. She recently got signed to Milk modelling agency. Also, created #effyourbeautystandards, promotes HAES, and lies about her weight and fitness level. Also tries to shoop her pics to hide how fat she is getting. She really is getting fatter and fatter, and will be at Quirky's level soon (if not arguably there already).Tana Mongeau
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about this cow yet.(Tr)Ashley Thread
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume threadCharlotteCharms/Big Lottes #5
Previous thread: >>190640Venus Angelic and crazy Lizard Mother Gothel Margo
Margo has locked Venus's laptop, Venus can't access her bank account or PIN. Leaving Venus with only her phone to make videos with.PULL thread
>PULL 1.0 was deletedNew Kota thread
Since she is so flawlessJay Allen AKA A Man In Black AKA Raziel Lupin trying to suppress evidence of his cringe past
New black chick that's trying to be the next Aminyan. Panders to lolicons for follower count boost, self-pity attention whore, the whole shebang.VenusAngelic and Lizard Queen Margaret
New thread because the old one became OT cancer.Onision #5
Last thread has reached it's limit, here's the archive:Kirsten Amanda Brown
19 years old stripper from Adelaide (Australia).McJuggerNuggets Thread
Basically, the "protagonist" in question is named Jesse who loves to game and is obviously "oppressed" by his disapproving parents since they want him to find a job.Suzy Berhow & Game Grumps Thread
Old threadyazochan
not sure if anyone knows her but I think she deserves a thread. Her name is yazochan, a half German half Turkish cosplayer living in Germany and currently staying for 6 months in Japan.She has lots of weebs crawling up her ass because she's such a 'good' cosplayer but her haters hate her for being a spoilt liar bitch who brags about everything.Janitor applications
We are looking for new janitors / farmhands.William Pattison aka Eric Morse
Ijs, this is my first time starting a thread.Venus Angelic
Last thread reached limit:Tumblr Fashion
typical tumblr fashionz, styles and trends.#prayforVenus
Previous thread: >>231331Venus escaped
Previous thread: >>229267Xiaxue
Pixyteri Ultimate Idol!
Last thread hit reply limit >>147692Suzy Berhow & Game Grumps Thread
Previous threadOnision Pt. 3
Previous threadAshley Thread
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume thread #?? –Elena Genevinne (John LU)
16 Year Old and TransgenderBrazilian cosplayers
Took you guys long enough to do this. I will start with Myo.Lolita Lolcows
Are there any lolita lolcows you know or follow?/cgl/ General
ITT: we discuss the past, present and future of a now dying board that was once the birthplace and sekrit bitch klub for many of us here today.Operation Kirono
Kirono is a Tumblr user who might as well be called a pedophile. She's a twenty three year old woman who writes about children or quote and quote 'shotas' being molested by their fathers. We need to learn more about her to make a valid tip in order to ensure that she hasn't or she will not go out in order to supply her fantasies. If I know a forum that would help me with this, it would be lolcow. So, I'm here, in search of help.PULL
New PULL threadTumblr stupidity
>adele is popular because of black people being oppressedPotential Lolcow? Creepitcute
There's this special snowflake youtuber who has been popping up on my recommended all the time because I watch Japanese cooking videos. I finally decided to see what the shit she was all about and I cringed so hard.WV/OH/KY Cosplay/Jfashion Community
Anyone know of any significant lolcows from this area? I know most of you guys are /cgl/-types, so I figured I'd ask here.Yuriko Tiger
Can we have a Yuriko Tiger thread? Heard about her through jrcach and I want to know if there's any drama surrounding her.Maki Roll's Chop Shop
Surprised she isn't on here yet.Rudekaiser87 the Manchild
There's an obese Canadian who lives off welfare and claims to stream on twitch for a living. It's almost indescribable in words how awful he is.Jillian Vessey - Pixielocks
efame hungry spoilt bratSuzy Berhow/Game Grumps Thread
Constant Weight Fluctuation EditionHimezawa (Part Two)
Somehow, it's worse than I expected, and I wasn't expecting it to be good. The quality of the MV makes me think at any moment it could just spontaneously become some kind of gonzo JAV.Jennifer Hopkins
Scottish lolitaAmber McCleary
Amber McCleary is a cosplayer from Scotland who manipulates others around her into constantly feeling sorry for her. Her most recent exploits range from taking photos of her sleeping friends’ feet to use for fetish purposes to crying suicide after being posted on r/fatpeoplehate.Kyatto the hooker?
a long while ago someone mentioned the cosplayer Kyatto in a thread and about how she's a wannabe model with mediocre cosplay, desperate to be yaya, and whatever elseHAES thread 2
Fuck fuckity fuck. I've been permabanned from cgl again
I wasn't even tripping, I was namefagging with 2 letters.Tumblr Thread
Old one reached limitAdam H Wright/Black Luigi
I've been hearing a number of stories about this guy, many of them very similar to one another. He's a creep who doesn't understand boundaries and hits on women in a uncomfortable fashion. As well if you are friends with him or are on his Facebook friends list and you unfriend him, he flips out publicly attacks you and tries to destroy your reputation. I probably know 5 people who he's had a problem with this year by name, i'm aware that he's been banned from Derpycon and two other cons.Ember Whannarexic
Last thread reached it's limit, here are all of the previous ones:Venus & Margo
Old thread >>204635Yaya Han
Recently, Yaya Han aka Gook McTits whined about the "Golden Age" of cosplay being over. See:Venus and Margo
Previous one reached its max.Nicole Dollanganger
"Nicole Dollanganger is a Toronto based musician and artist. She’s a beautiful little bug child living in a dream-like world with strange yellow lighting and lots of abandoned buildings and cute punk boys who get into fights and throw up a lot. Every one of her songs is like a beautiful lullaby and all pieces of her artwork are the bomb diggity (I can’t think of a really good “poetic” way to describe her artwork it’s godly). She is the sole owner of ponyboy and Danzig (#Daddy). I don’t know what else to say, I just love her so much oh my god."New Kaden thread
http://rnyjay.tumblr.com/Onision pt. II
Previous threadJoanna Kuchta
I see this girl in Ig and I think as her followers increase her clothes decrease. He used to be nice but now its just a intagram thotProudToBeAsian
Remember this "asian" faggot? He's at it again.Tumblr thread
New tumblr thread, old one reached posting limit.Zeezee wednesday
Zeezee wednesday thread?Sheena oum duquette thread 3
ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Previous thread: >>184768Gangnam Unnie Wengie
Wendy Huang, or Wengie, 20-something, Chinese living in Sydney.venus angelic
she's at it againEat Your Kimchi
the levels of creepy on this girl is starting to frighten me. did she actually bruise her own legs in honor of Kotex?Emily Hu thread
Emily Hu aka avnp, averyniceprince, barleytea was a popular artist and internet celebrity for drawing fanart for the webcomic series Homestuck. She has been known to let her underage friend drink and black out during an anime con and documented via twitter.Nicole "Sheena Oum" Thread #2
Last thread: >>51365RinRinDoll
A lolita and Harajuku fashion model who goes by RinRinDoll.Suzy Berhow Thread
Join Suzy as she attempts to lose weight…Again.MOMO/ahri pop
Lets talk about this weabooCharlotteCharms/Big Lottes #4
Previous thread: >>175655Abi-pop/Abigailm28
The Yukapon and Jnig wannabe, now with a brand new photoshopped image.Ashley thread #14 SpOOpy Halloween Special
Ashley was hanging from a rope, but somehow managed to undo it while telling us about it on tumblr. Phew, no an hero!LACE and Girly-hoot
Can we have a thread about LACE and girly toot? Mods are getting pissy on 4chanVenus & Margo
Last one reached maxAlexa Poletti
I'm really surprised no one has started a topic on this girl already.Tumblr thread
Last one reach the posting limit.aly_real(ly fake)recover: PART 3
last thread is saging >>121883Chokelate Thread
So lets begin a Choke thread since it's starting to clog up the Kate thread.Lexines
Was connected to the snowflake thinspo queens a few years back but was never really talked about, used to talk to Felice Fawn (Felice stole one of her diary entries later posted it to her own tumblr) Had a spat with special snowflake Ember Whann being called out which ended in Ember blocking her on all accounts. Photoshops self thinner while reaching out to young girls with eating disorders. Runs a "truth" blog http://snowyreviews.tumblr.com Deleted all her photos when called out.Christie Swadling
Anyone heard of christie swadling? There was a video on youtube of her journey with "anorexia" and how she basically found the light to "recover." She posts food all the time on her instagram, claims she's a vegan, looks about the same as when she was her lowest weight in the video though. We're all familiar with these types, yeh?r/Hapas
Are these guys lolcows?Twitch.tv Attention Whores and Sellouts
This thread is to discuss hilarious Twitch.tv whores and their silly anticsDakota's Sister (feat. Snaggle-chan?)
Previous thread: >>174775Ashley and the Finches #13
Introducing the Finches!Call Out Blogs
Tumblr loves to make "call out" blogs. No, not the ones where some eceleb's friend reveals that they did coke and fucked homeless dudes in 2013, but call out blogs in which Tumblr SJWs "call out" people on stupid shit they deem problematic even if it happened 20 years ago. Found this one last week through my friend: http://bandomcallout.tumblr.com/WannaBlaze/Kiersten Reitan
Figured I'd start a thread on this after seeing it crop up in Yuka's.Kawaii uguu fashion bloggers
Haven't seen a thread like this yet.Yukapon ( ユカぽん)
New thread.ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Other thread was maxed out.Crotchtits Chat: My Little Pony Waifu Pseudoscience Cult
Pic unrelated.Mostflogged
What's the deal with this chick?loli thread
>comes and chimps out anonymously when people talk shitPixyteri: The 30-Year-Old Loli
Previous thread:"adorable kimono romper"
This Tumblr thread is the funniest ever. Try reading the entire set of comments. Multiple keks from established cows all packed into one.Lonbon Lonlon
The girl who begs for money, and when she gets it. Blocks people.CharlotteCharms/Big Lottes #3
Previous thread: >>108454Idol Aiya
Meet Idol Aiya. She's been my personal Las Vegas lolcow for a while, along with Isaki, but I figured I should share since you guys might find her interesting.Moschino & Jeremy Scott
What do you think?Suzy Berhow/GG
Previous thread: >>133120Princess Doll 2
Old thread >>182101Tumblr thread
The other one went downhillDakota's Sister (feat. Snaggle-chan) Part 2
Stop Trolling R9K
God /pt/Princess Doll
(Princess Doll posted this thread about herself. Her posts are marked in pink. For more information please see >>182981.)Hallyu Back
So I've been reading the lolcow thread on Eatyourkimchi and multiple people suggested making a thread for Hallyu Back, so let's do this people!ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Previous thread: >>148816Personal Lolcow / Drama Queen
Do you or a friend know a person who's like that and want to tell an interesting story? Post your stories here!Nightmarecake
Well this cake is sort of interesting. No thread about her? https://www.facebook.com/nightmarecakeSaxy General
http://saxyeli.blogspot.co.at/ (deleted)Jessii Vee
Canadian YoutuberVenus and margo thread
So I saw this and wanted to share it with u guysChristopher Poole / moot
Moot is effectively a lolcow at this point right?David Lucus
Blogger who likes to think he's famous when in reality he only got a following of about a thousand. He likes to steal other peoples pictures without credit and claim them has his own. He also been known to copy and paste others people blogs and claim he wrote it. Charges people to comment his blogCreepyyeha
I figured there is some interest in her so she should get her own threadLynn/galaxyprincet
Because we needed one.Angelica Kenova
Angelica is a 'human barbie' who at 26 has never had a bf and still lives with her parentsPsychedelic Paprika/Drunk Roxy
Figured this scamming drunk cow deserved her own threadBryan Stars & My Digital Escape
Does anyone keep up with My Digital Escape?top lolcow nominations
Top lolcow of the past three years. Who do you nominate? Please include an image along with your nomination.Lolita Richi
Yes, baby, I am only 15 years old and I am all real and natural!Fetsu
Can we talk about this disgusting beast.the #leaveALYalone Aly thread
Aly has deleted her ig life prior to her NEW BEGINNING where she faked a new real recovery!Boy Thread
Can we have a thread for those tumblr "trans"boys that post j-fashion shit? The crazy sjw type?Jillian Vessey - Pixielocks
stop taking bait and imitating everyone unless you want the thread to disappear.Ember Whann - Pro Ana pretending to be Pro Recovery
Could I have some help getting this pro ana instagram disguised as a pro recovery account removed?Dollysve Mommys Dreads
Probably a relatively if not completely unknown girl in this community, but an interesting lolcow case nonetheless….Sally and Ally
Can we get an Sally and Ally thread going? Recently saw them mentioned in a previous thread, I'd like to know more if anyone has anything interesting to talk about.Valtyn/Holly/histrionicmisa
"Someone posted to >>165971 defending Lynn and giving her name. I should search that."Actor/ Comedian tries to rape a RETARDED GIRL
Actor/Comedian BLAKE HOGUE (Red Robin Commercials, CollegeHumor, 90210) gets called out by fellow comic for attempting to seduce a girl with DOWN'S SYNDROME over OKCupid, takes down all internet presence including website, Facebook, and twitter.Adolf hitler
This guy is a total lolcow , remember that one time he tried to commit genocide?Charlotte Charms / Littlelotte-xo
Anyone heard much from her after her little room mate debacle?Ember Whann's fave white knight
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)aly_realrecover - part 4 THE HUGE DELISH THREAD
Restrict aly threads? Gone over our plan for aly recovery inspiration? Dang NO! Put those stupid #alyishidingfood thoughts away and indulge in some #DELISH #OILY #closeupporn debate about this ~inspirational~ #FIGHTER who is definitely looking better (…) Be strong, darlings…Free lee the banana twat
Black Khaleesi
Black khaleesi as claimed by tumblr. Claims she has an editing and promtional team.Apparently changed her name to Artemis. Ex Sugar baby.Onision
So can we please have an Onision thread.Gyaru
Place to bitch about gyaruCharlotteCharms/ Littlelotte_xo
New Charms thread, other one auto saged.German thread
let's talk about some German lolcows, shall we?Autumn Asphodel
Autumn Asphodel is a goth trans youtuber who claims to have extreme multiple personality disorder and DID. Her videos are a wild ride into a world of crazy.Dakota's Sister (feat. Snaggle-chan)
Previous thread: >>152604LOLCOW.FARM (Members of the Colebrookdale Railroad who harass underaged girls)
I am an admin from 8chan. I think your all faggots and lolcows. There was no milk here.New HAES/fatshaming thread
Old one has reached reply limit.New Beer Guy threa-oh, new Aly thread #7
Last thread >>146319Sarah Rafika
Blogger who is obsessed with Dakota rose but was force to remove any post about her due to so much hate. She also a xiaxue stalker. She like to lurk here and randomly block people like Kiki.New Personal Lolcow Thread
Discuss people from your life who have lolcow potentialSuzy/GG Thread #3
From >>93631Taylor R
From established career in Hong Kong to being a copycat nobody in JapanMicky Martydom II
Previous thread >>10724gaijin in japan
can we talk about crazy foreigners living in japan? there are too much stupid people living in japan.Webcam Girls General
Last thread >>30923League Whores
Can we have a league of legends whore threadBerry Tsukasa
#10 Previous thread >>158389Berry Tsukasa
#9Dakota's Sister
Last thread >>137479Monique Titania
Can we discuss this trainwreck please?Carebeargirl
Anyone familiar with this girl? There's just something annoying about her to me. Maybe its the 10 million selfies a day or the ass shots followed by 'fuk da h8trz I luv being me" posts?thisisnotjapan
thisisnotjapan threadPotential Lolcow
Has anyone ever heard of Koolkakashi123?Charlie Barker
Lolcowzy. Not too sure.hatelyn // katelynhope
Found this speccle snowflake when truthbloggers exposed her for:Stahr Milan aka Travis Hayes
So, let's talk about this messy heifer and the recent tea that has been spilled regarding him.Jadah bird
Tells people her hair is naturally that curl pattern when she actually uses a curling wandaly_real(ynot)recover SUPERLICIOUS THREAD #6
Good morning my #farmer family. Let's start this ROYAL day with a cup of super creamy (!) cappucino with super creamy frothy MILK (gotta love those cows) and some ~positive vibes~ from our least favo(u)rite fake worrior.Berry Tsukasa
#8Venus & Margo Thread
Old one is on sage >>61069grav3yardgirl
http://moarfailplzkthx.blogspot.com/2012/08/rachel-meyer-swamp-cult.htmlHAES fat thread
HAES, fat shaming etc."Jemie Chan"
>thinks she's e-famous enough to need a second facebook for herselfAshley Isaacs - THE COMEBACK THREAD (#12)
To stop the whining in the aly-surrealrecov thread for MOAR ASH PLIX, I'm making this one. Also hoping the mpa skels from aly thread start to discuss their issues re "fat" people here instead.Dakota's Sister
Previously on KKKrazyTV >>127490Ashley #6
Ashley Thread #6 Grim Reaper Edition!Kiwi Farms
http://takingdowncyberbullies.webs.com/Ashe Maree
MFC camgirlTwisted Cosplay
So, let's talk about the genius behind this cosplay:Kiwi Farms ED page
Help me write the ED page about Kiwi Farms.Lulsy cosplayers thread
I wanted to start a thread where we can talk about little-known cosplayers who don't warrant their own thread. Been finding a lot of lolcows recently that I wanna talk about, sure some other people feel the same.Demcad/Reginald Kaigler
Demcad (Powerword: Reginald Kaigler) is a 29 year old unemployed paranoid nutter conspiracy black man that lives in his momma's basement in the hood of flint michigan and Youtubes for a living. His youtube channel is doom and gloom talks about stocking up on guns and food storage and tells people to prepare for economic collapse. He is a devout truthtard that believes 9/11 was an inside job and practically any other conspiracy he can come up with at the moment.The Sims LOLCOW EDITION
Ok u jelly pedolesbians (dakooter reference, you guys are all kawaii living dorrus), let's make a Sims game with our favourite lolcows and make them fight for fame in a kawaii house.ダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Picking up from where we left off, Dakota has pissed off Japan because of bad karaoke and mean remarks lol.Sheena Duquette Oum
Someone said she should have her own threadPixyteri: Goddess of Youth, Beauty, and Kawaii
>>112363Aly_fakerecover - Thread 5
Last time, on Aly's li(f)e: Aly takes a picture of her brother's OILY [sake emoji] and LUSH cheeseburger at McDonald's while eating a DELISH plain one, all in the name of #bloating herself for her appointment [hospital badge emoji]. It worked, and now she thinks it's a #recoverywin that she gained 1.2kg (2.5 pounds) in two weeks.Tabby Ridiman (now Tabby Sharp)
https://encyclopediadramatica.se/TabbyTheTopTens - A Website With Shitty Voting Tastes
You probably never heard of this site. Let me tell you these people have shit taste. Most of their lists are horrible and people often vote for things that don't deserve to be on the list either because they are trolling or because it is overrated. People on this site confuse overrated and horrible.90's Feminist's
super lulzy instagram account. I follow it for the hilarous shit they say/drama that always ensuesthread for the psycho-bitch that is theunicornkittenkween
From the OC thread.sheepcream
Sheepcream Threadcandiedmoon aka lexi bee aka lexi lush
http://candiedmoon.tumblr.com/Nathanael cosplay
I wanted to let you guys in on this girl since she has amazing lolcow potentialダコタ・ローズ / Dakota Rose / Kotakoti
Last thread is in auto-sage: >>86224beautyblogger airi
white girl who had plastic surgery to look asian but denies it. says she is asian.Aspiring Aidorus
Anyone know of any new aspiring aidorus/ idol groups?NoelleBelle
She deserves her own thread. Lets talk about this horsefaced, cringeworthy weeb.Trolls
So I think it's time we have this discussion.Dakota's Sister
Previously on KKKrazyTV >>118665Supernanny Fanon Wiki
http://supernannyfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Supernanny_Fanon_WikiRaven Sparks
Hooray for new lolcows!Chibi AKA 'Green shirt guy'
The speedrunning community is full of drama and lulz, but one person stands out from the rest; he goes by 'Chibi' on Twitch.TotemoKawaii
The cringey 3edgey5me tryhard at PULL who probably wants to skin Venus alive then wear her skin afterwards. She allegedly wanted to enter the CanCam contest because she probably thought she could be Venus better than Venus.Easily offended, self-proclaimed protectors of KPOP
This blog really has it allTumblr Lifting Dox Spree: Part 2
The previous thread: >>98777(Admin Note: This roleplaying game is rated M for Mature. You must be 18 or older to participate. Family members and friends cannot join in.)
Whats the Sauce on her?
Alice Infinity CosplayBerry Tsukasa
#6New Suzy/GG Thread
From >>58845Forest 'T-rex' Thomer/humanpuppet
Forest 'T-rex' Thomer/humanpuppet/that painfully embarrassing attention-whore who drives around in a car with "Fuck you. I'm a motherfucker, buy my book" emblazoned all over it, and then bellyaches when he gets attention.Lolita General
With all the drama and cows in lolita fashion I thought it could use it's own general thread like PULL. /cgl/ mods continually purge anything drama related so it's impossible to discuss anything there.If I had a nickel for everytime
If I had a nickel for every time I thought "gosh darn if I was born with a silver spoon up my as like Kiki and didn't have to work a real job, I would be doing useful YouTube videos, real hobbies, and enjoying life. Not carrying about being internet famous".Peach Milk Tea
Can anyone find a picture of this girl without the extreme lighting blurring and caked up makeup? Her fans say she doesn't look like anything like her pictures when it comes to her meet and greets and also in her youtube channel she has started that she had a nose job but I see no difference :/aly_realrecover THE #INPATIENT THREAD
First thread is sage >>101158Dakota's Sister
Last ThreadPixyteri thread: We mean business! edition
Old thread is here: >>64385ArielKarasu
Top class ableist and shitty ass cosplayer. Ariel has caused many different problems in her so called "fandom" She also has stated she has cancer and has told many she does not want her personal life online, yet she spills all about it on facebook.Valeria Lykuanova nakes?
Pixyteri: Nippon's Next Top Model
Old thread:ダコタ・ローズ
Last thread is dead, so might as well make another.Srhbutts/Sarah Nyberg/Retrogradesnowcone
Our friends at /cow/ did some digging and found the final piece of evidence that proofs that Sarah is a self-admitted pedophileLaci Green
Someone said this should be on /pt/ so here it is.joesphinenicole
http://instagram.com/josephinenicoleWhat about Ckitts/Senmw?
Gone by a ton of names. Ckitts, Senmw.Lol fat boots
Trying to be sexy lollolollolCamgirl General Thread
Thread for lulzy camgirls. Made after OC thread was derailed by discussion about megan.Dakota's Sister
Kaka thread #5, previous one has hit autosage already.Luna Lanie
sooo has anyone heard about this chick?Pinktokki (Brenda Mao)
http://pinktokki.tumblr.comGIMENA MOLINA
GIMENA MOLINA :3Alychu Cosplay
I'm really surprised she doesn't have a post already. She's a slutty cosplayer who is always begging her "fans" for money for cons. She either begs for donations or begs for people to buy her slutty cosplay sets. Recently moved to twitch to get donations. Thankfully she's not going the twitch in slutty costumes Kelly Jean route.Ashley Isaacs #11
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume thread #11 –Updates & Suggestions
Taking suggestions and advice here. I'm open to all sorts of feedback. Also, general questions, support, and troubleshooting thread. If you see a bug or are having an issue please post it here.Info
You can read more site usage information at https://lolcow.farm/info. If you are new to imageboards, please read it.
Post styling
*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
~#words#~ =>words
#any combo of ~ and * (example: #*~*~) => ミ★
#<3 => ♥
Daoine Morte
-Embarrassing eyebrows. Very lulzy.Haku Aoki
http://04haku.tumblr.comPrincess Doll
The newest source of idiocy, weeaboo, ita garbage. Even has a crappy online store.Pixyteri Thread: Tinychat Edition
Old thread: >>95298Holly/CEO of Cute/ProfessionallyCute
"I ♡ 徳永千奈美!! Cuteness! Charm! And Potty Humor! Loud mouth artist from Jersey~! I tweet a lot about Berryz工房 and dogs. Nice to meetcha'!"Pamperchu Thread
Pamperchu is an adult male little who likes to pick dirty diapers out of the dumpster, microwave them and then wear them out.Lilypichy
league slutBerry Tsukasa
#5Alex Clark // Bushb4by
There was a post about this cow but it got 404dVenus Thread
Old one is on sage >>41167Ashley Isaacs #10
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume thread #10 –RAEQUAZA
RAEQUAZAgo back to the hole you came from
There is this girl called Amy McDowall who likes to stick her fat ugly nose into peoples busines.Ana veggie fast
This bitchPixyteri Thread: Insanity Mode Edition
Old thread here: >>78927Tumblr Lifting Comm Dox Spree
Last thread is auto saging: >>95985(Admin Note: This roleplaying game is rated M for Mature. You must be 18 or older to participate. Family members and friends cannot join in. Everything else is fair game.)
Tiffdoll (Tiffany Cadillac)
Not really much of a lolcow but she is half black/jap, models and modeled for that Katie brand over in JPNTumblr shoplifting fandom
Learned about the lifting community recently. What does lolcow think of these girls and their behaviour? Is it real or mostly RP?(Admin Note: Don't post specific personal information if you believe the person is under 18. Additionally, do not post info of their family members or friends. Otherwise, do what you like.)
Fat People Hate
Lets talk about these circle jerk pathetic losersMen's Rights Activism
Alright, this is something that really pisses me off.MRA Neckbeards have a whole subreddit for raping Feminists
http://www.reddit.com/r/breakfeminazis/Has anybody made a thread for Tom Preston?
I see all these weeb chicks who photoshop themselves to death, but I do not think I've seen one of this splendid artist. Unless I haven't been paying attention or osmething please feel free to refer me to one that is already runnning.New Ashley thread
Ashley thread #8.I'm a blonde girl and recorded my feelings on Eurasian boys
http://www.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments/34kq20/hello_eurasian_boys_im_a_blonde_girl_and_this_is/here i got some lol cows for ya
Local Lolcows
It's fun talking about the big time lolcows, but what kind of shit do you all have deal with locally?Kaoru Yuuka/Kristen L. Therrien
https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Kaoru_YuukaPotential Lolcows
Apologies if this is irrelevant/already done.Aki Nyan
TeamViewer and similar programs allow you to dig through someone else's computer and view their files, correct?New Ashley thread
Ashley thread #7Kaden / Reece
https://rnyjay.tumblr.comPT and the CP debacable
Well? Lets not act like it's not going to be a hot topic. It caused the admin at SR to lose her shit and close down the site. We have people who say yay and those that say nay, so…Local Lolita Communities
My local community has been steadily going down the shitter. There are a few girls who stay around and dress well, but most of the god-tier Lolitas have moved somewhere else. Mostly my comm's wall is full of newb questions and "why won't you lovlies make meetups in my town", but this guy takes he cake.Berry Tsukasa
Last thread >>66097Dakota Rose / ダコタ・ローズ
New Kooter thread since The last one is finally in autosage >>27570Nyanners
Moved to >>>/b/4209Jessica Elwood
/cow/ told me to post this here insteadNew PT Thread
Old thread: >>30600Berry Tsukasa
New Berry threadAshley thread #5
Tumblr: http://shred-my-anxiety.tumblr.com/Pixiteri Shoopdawoop thread
I am bored, since our queen is being silent on the internet. Lets post shoops, pictures you want to see shooped, and lets all try our best to turn our queen in something cuteLaverne Cox x Synthia China Blast
Thoughts on the whole Laverne Cox placing the issue of a convicted child rapist and murderer's transgenderism above the issue of the actual rape and murder?New Policies
Due to a myriad of recent complaints and suggestions, the following new rules have been implemented:Kristi Thinks
Can we have a thread about this bitch?lulzy/annoying Jvlogger Thread
"erhmegerd! Im n japan! Dis ish da combini! Omg, sushi! Omg, trains!"PT Thread 2.0
Discuss recent developments and feel free to shoop our queen to victoryYukapon / ユカぽん [2]
Can we have a DECENT Yukapee's thread? The other one it's full of Keeki shit.Lolita/ Lolita Comm Drama
Can we have a lolita drama thread? Post about lolita drama queens, tumblr-itas and bitch about the queen bees, the itas and everything in between.Lol
It seems like 99% of the people this board targets are women. Are you guys all loveshys?Berry Tsukasa
The Photoshop abusing weeaboo no one questions.(NEW) video thread
The old one's videos got deleted from youtoob, so I'm giving this another shot.Emerald bond aka purinyappykura
massively photoshops herself with insane thinspo bs, went to korea and slept around using her mom's money, sold things on livejournal only to never delivery… List goes on.Kirsten Amanda/coconutbabydoll
Her name is Kirsten Amanda Brown, currently on the Internet as coconutbabydoll.The One True Queen
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, farmers.Dakota Rose / Kotakoti / ダコタローズ
Official Dakota thread to stop it intermingling with Kirsten's.Penus pathetic (new Venus Angelic thread!!)
Weenus thread.this website; people; jews
is this the new /cgl/ or something except with better drama and stuffThe entire human female population
All females are lolcows.Dakota's sister
Yukapon ( ユカぽん)
New Yukapee (Talli/Singingprinc3ss) thread.gimena molina
GIMENA MOLINAQuirkplanet, the manliest of them all
Thread number three. REMINDER: Please keep things on topic. Start a new thread for her hilarious followers or take random debates to b so we don't have to dig through stuff to get to the hammy bits.KIRA KIRA PRINCESS FROM MARS
New Kiki Kannibal thread since the other one is over post limit.Diseased cows/People you're sick of hearing about
Feel free to call me a terrible human being, but I have only had so much patience.CommunismKills
She's a "Libertarian" and a Zionist Jew.euthanizeallwhitepeople
euthanizeallwhitepeople aka Jun threadKiki Kannibal
So if anyone is wondering why the Kiki and Kota threads got taken down, here's the gist:Jrcach
Summary:HAES / thin privilege
ITT: Thin privilege/ Health at every size bulshitNice Guys Thread
Seeing as the old thread died with Staminarose.