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File: 1432521591508.jpg (180.34 KB, 495x700, bloody miku.jpg)

No. 108534

For stories and discussion of minor weeb lolcows. Know of anyone who believes they are an anime character or is far to invested in cosplaying the hot yaois? Have your own Hambeast Prime tale to tell? Post it here.

No. 108555

Holy shit OP image brought back /cgl/ nostalgia.

No. 108743

File: 1432564708215.png (1.9 MB, 620x4385, bloody_miku_by_weeb_horrors-d4…)

Here's the whole thing.

No. 108744

File: 1432564924265.png (2.26 MB, 900x3885, hambeast_prime_by_weeb_horrors…)

No. 120177

File: 1434071394058.png (870.06 KB, 976x641, whatthe.png)

well, here's this little gem.

No. 120198

I dont get it…

No. 120902

File: 1434206915686.png (1.54 MB, 1680x1050, dfdf.png)

Tokyobannana, before she was ulzzangmika, she was mentioned in kota clones thread on PULL. She was following the ulzzang look and copying Kota. She's recently changed her account to tokyobannana and changed her whole bio, now she uploads some fitness and ''sexy'' pictures. She's admitted that she uses meitu xiuxiu and knows 0 english,so sometimes she thinks someone is praising her when they're telling her she's not asian (she's a asian wannabe, she tags her pics with korean, korean girl, chinese, chinese girl, japanese, japanese girl. She's created a new instagran in which she has a weeaboo bio and uploads kawaii pictues (lmao) to become famous in Japan
links https://instagram.com/tokyobannana
some photos

No. 120903

>Entiendo que no puedo parecer asiatica , pero por que parezco negra ?
>I understand I can't look Asian, but why do I look black?
>tagged #nigga

No. 120970


"I want to live in Tokyo"

Why? So you can become another 'living barbie' and get a visa, modelling contracts and end up in magazines? Get out of here.

No. 443307


What is it with egirls?

Usually young and b-baka and attention seeking

This snowflake has a voice clip of her going baka and it's not even ironic I'm so worried for this generation sometimes(post screenshots, no necroing)

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