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No. 111672

This edgy "transman" fooled everyone into thinking he is a she but eventually got tired of playing the character and committed suicide. Even though she is still happily tweeting. I don't think she deserves to be forgotten and forgiven. "He" was one of the original so called "truscum" and there is even a thread on reddit announcing his death. I think this is what led me to make this thread.

Proof that she is just batshit insane:
Her tumblr:
Her twitter:
Www.myragewillendworlds.tumblr.com (her friend who is also edgy and he basically cried about her death)
Www.theotheropinion.tumblr.com (another idiot who fell for her lies. Announced the death).

No. 111682

File: 1432734148124.jpg (31.32 KB, 300x207, Its's You!.jpg)

So what? I don't see enough reason to make a thread about her, she's not even that special.
Fuck off with your personal army request.

No. 111692

Im not asking for a personal army lol

No. 111855

Lol, shit, I remember this happening.
How is this lolcow worthy though now? Most of the girls here aren't in know of the whole truscum thing and assume all ftm's are fakebois.

No. 111860

I dunno much about this person but if she wants to be called "she" then she is a she right?

No. 111861

I think she is a she who was pretending to be a trans he. I think.

No. 137653

Gay as shit

No. 142023

Moved to >>>/b/17883.

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