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No. 112257

Pamperchu is an adult male little who likes to pick dirty diapers out of the dumpster, microwave them and then wear them out.

He has a 'daddy', an Asian man old enough to be his grandfather. He also likes to dress up in bunny costumes and drink out of bottles while getting fucked in his dirty diaper.

Pamperchu has cancer because of his constant contact with strangers' feces and urine– or was it cured?


No. 112263

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No. 112269

No. 112298

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No. 112308

I remember reading about this pos a long time ago, haven't heard anything new about him though.
Only thing I ever heard about him was the old diaper fiasco, didn't know he had a SD

No. 112310

oh my god…

No. 112322

He has a sugar daddy and still loves to microwave used diapers from crippled AIDS patients and sit in them.
Because of this torrential attack on his immune system, he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Apparently he made a post saying he was "all cured now" so idk, make of that what you will.

The thread on /cow/ has a bit more info:

No. 112329

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Those comments on his cancer youtube video…

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