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No. 115512 is a description of the average user
-Has a love hate relationship with Asian women.
-Everyone claims to be blonde, pale skin and attractive.
-Blames white women for everything even when white men date other races.
-Despite mocking non-whites, making death threats etc most of them still hate being called racist.
The founder don black was convicted in 1981 for an attempted armed overthrow of the government in the island of Dominica in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act(didn't anyone tell him it wasn't 1634?white people cant just invade countries whenever they feel like it anymore).
Anyone have any funny experiences with this fourm?
No. 115516
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looks kind of like amy schumer
No. 115518
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>>115512lmao I remember going there once when the little albino girl was on the news for being kidnapped. Everyone thought she was a real blonde Caucasian, and those idiots were over there saying "She's one of us. Whoever her parents are, they're one of us" and then it turns out her parents were dark/poor gypsies and she just had an albino gene.
No. 115522
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>>115512id also like to ask what is with so many "living doll" Russians who dont know how to photoshop being white supremacists?
No. 115526
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>>115516Just visited the thread she made over there… are these delusional people for real? She actually claims her real hair color is still blonde. She looks like a brunette. What is wrong with brown/black hair? Didn't Hitler have it?
Or does it go against the master race of everyone having the same hair, same head size, same everything?
No. 115532
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those gypsies, but another family who had sold her out to them. This is her birth mother, a Bulgarian roma woman who has 3 other albino kids (pictured here with one of them, hair dyed red). A DNA test was done and it was confirmed she was her mom. Some other news also said that she had a history of having albino kids and selling them off. No. 115556
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One of millions of threads complaining about asian women
No. 115559
>>115556Oh god, that's so disgusting and wrong to read.
I lived in the Vancouver area (BC, Canada) and the Chinese population is really big - I also think racism (more in a sense of difficult stereotypes, no "I want to run them over") is quiet an issue.
How can you hate other people so much? The whole forum is just so plain wrong.
>>115557Also, the guy probably wouldn't have dated her anyway because she has a shitty personality. It's not because the other girl is Asian.
No. 115561
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>>115559The men on that site seem to be torn between wanting to fuck asian women and hating them
No. 115569
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They complain when they feel black people are stupid and lazy but they are also mad when they are smart and work hard. What exactly do they want black people to do then?
No. 115575
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No. 115655
>>115648The real butthurt faggot was
>>115621The anon who posted the vid was only trying to bring them down to reality. Scandinavians are fucking delusional when it comes to this shit.
No. 115656
>>115655>Scandinavians are fucking delusional when it comes to this shit.It's actually fascinating how they're so deep into the denial that it's like they're some born-again Christians. They deny statistics because they're RAYCIS and refuse to believe that there are neighborhoods where the police, ambulances and firemen refuse to go because they've turned into a full war zone due to the refugees shitting everything up. According to the recent studies Sweden can't afford to keep up with all the incoming refugees yet they still deny everything and basically keep committing a slow suicide. At the moment Stockholm is planning to build apartments for the refugees to stay in the centrum while students are struggling to find shelter and live in fucking steel crates.
I guess that's where the Stockholm Syndrome gets its name.
No. 115665
>>115530No it can't, not without direct genetic contamination from Caucasians.
Show me a blonde haired, blue eyed Asian that isn't albino.
No. 115673
>>115660Even nazis need cheerleaders.
>>115665Isn't it a rare genetic mutation that has been seen in people straight out of Africa? Granted, colonization in Africa didn't come without mixing.
No. 115686
>isn't it a rare genetic mutation that has been seen in people straight out of Africa?>granted, colonization in Africa didn't come without mixingThat's effectively it.
All humans are thought to have initially begun looking more or less the same way, however with the migration of the continents and our species we spread our far across the North and South poles.
For some reason not a lot of people seem to make this connection but depending on the climate of your country of origin contributes to the outward appearance (and in some cases inward) of your specific breed, i.e. those descending from colder climes will frequently display lighter coloured hair, lighter skin and eyes, whereas those from warmer climates will possess darker hair, skin and eyes.
At the end of it it all comes down to the sun. Colder climates have little need for sun protection what with the frequent fog and cloud and rain and snow, and so we possess a higher concentration of the "light melanin "pheomelanin" which gives lighter colours but provides shit all sun protection.
The "dark" melanin eumelanin imparts brown and black hues and is an ultra protectant against dangerous UV, and is the reason why black people have very little to fear in terms of wrinkles and skin cancer, save for on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet which are devoid of heavier concentrations of pigment and which they are instructed to cover or protect with sun cream.
Not only that but structures in nasal differences are pretty prominent too, with the longer, thinner Caucasian nose being structured so that air warms as it flows inwards through the constricted passages, whereas a larger African nose with larger nasal passages will cool the air as it's inhaled.
Millions of years of human evolution and separation has effectively destroyed these genes "opposing genes" from presence within any pureblooded human hailing from a specific region, ergo. you cannot have a white skinned, blonde haired, blue baby from an African family or a black skinned, black haired, brown eyed child to a Caucasian family without direct contamination.
It is not biologically possible, the percentages are not even 000000000000.1%; they're non-existent.
In the end we are all inevitably going to become coffee coloured with dark hair and dark/olive eyes. All it takes is one person (be them black or white or anything in between), with a pure genetic heritage breeding with another who wasn't aware of the history of their genetic line and boom, merged for hundreds of thousands of years until evolution takes its course again which it probably won't because we're all moving around so often now instead of staying on one continent.
In the future in all likelihood those possessing green and blue eyes or red or blonde hair will become a genetic abnormality and considered especially lucky or beautiful in society and thus highly sought after by suitors who wish to pass these "rare" genes down onto their own children.
Sounds like it could make a good premise for a book actually. A neo-futuristic fiction surveying the social repercussions and every-day life of a "genetic anomaly" child being born to a world where they're considered rare, like some species of long-extinct "tiger", and is surrounded by people who frequently abuse coloured contacts, hair dye and skin lighteners in order to achieve the looks she were born to naturally. Where parents, when granted a reproduction licence, are allowed to seek the aid of companies that specialise in the genetic alteration of any planned children but are only available to the exceedingly rich and wealthy giving rise to suspicion of any child born naturally with these features.
Newspapers and tabloids galore, covered in headlines assaulting the newly born of some celebrity who happens to have been born with blue eyes where the parents insist they're "all natural" (like Beyonce's pregnancy kek)
Where there exists movements of near fanatical "mixers" who believe the only way forward for the human race is to stamp out all genetic aberrations so that everybody will come to look exactly the same the and through this achieve "true equality", and thus pose a risk to any rare children born, with kidnappings and murders without suspects reported frequently.
I am getting carried away.
No. 115705
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If they're so bad why were white people secretly marrying them and having sex with them during slavery times?it must have been pretty common considering most african americans have European in them.
No. 115728
>>115722Oh yeah, human's as a species "need" a goal, a struggle to work towards. This is why I fear for the eventuality for us as a race.
Like right now our primary goal is still space travel and colonisation of space, but then what? We've always got to keep reaching further ahead, with nothing to reach towards we grow depressed, complacent and eventually die.
In present society for everyday working people the goal is to amass riches so that we can live in comfort and "convenience", but that isn't necessarily always a good thing. In today's world where we have applications and technology and robots to do virtually everything for us, we have no real goals.
Not too long ago an idea of living a good existence would be to spend your life travelling the world, but now that high speed travel and commercial planes have made it that you can essentially travel the world in less than a year, what do you do after that? What do you do after you've seen everything there is to see?
It's no wonder that suicide rates are at an all time high, no wonder that virtually everybody seems to be suffering from depression, no wonder that everybody seems to be suffering with some sort of bodily issue. We're killing ourselves with convenience.
People keep saying that human's as a species will probably die as a result of a final war or some sort of airborne disease, but I think madness has a good chance of getting us first.
No. 115739
>>115665>>115673>>115675All of the blue eyed genes present in modern Europeans have been traced back to a single individual. It's not even a matter of being from a particular region, you have to be a descendant of this one individual.
>>115738You realise Inuit people live in the snow, right? Snow reflects sunlight like crazy. Haven't you ever seen a skiing tan?
No. 115743
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No. 115745
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No. 115748
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No. 115765
>>115743Yet if Miss Japan was mixed with WHITE it'd totally be okay.
No. 115769
>>115748So, basically. If you're an Asian female or white female you're this fucking amazing goddness that shits on other races.
Oh dear god.
No. 115782
>>115778I was replying to that screenshot. Asian men are only good for money so it seems, their brains and money.
I have no idea why Asian women cater towards white men, half of the time they're being used for some sick fetish. Plus, it's sometimes about penis size or not enough attention.
No. 115794
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No. 115806
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I can go into almost every thread and find someone prasing teh asian wimmins
No. 115809
>>115806It's not okay if you're non-white btw but hey if you're asian its okay, you're in with the pale pretty skin club ~~
oh god gimme a fucking break
No. 115811
>>115791Don't let it get to you, being mind these people probably aren't even around blacks. I can guarantee the majority know fuck all.
You see, a racist is like an untrained puppy. It pisses on the floor, but it doesn't know any better. So you've got to treat it with humour and like it's fucking stupid, why? because it doesn't know any better. Unless you train it, but these fuckers, they're brought up in the clouds. They truly believe being Japanese and white is some golden trophy gene. Pfft.
No. 115818
>>115814African Americans keep this shit going, slavery is over but it's as if they feel like it's still going. When it isn't.
What irritated me with that Miss Japan thing is that, we all know she would have had it a hell of a lot easier if she were mixed with white. C'mon, it's a known fact.
No. 115823
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>>115816In the past the media made black women look bad and those same stereotypes exist today.
Not all black women are black as shoe shine and obese but thats the image people have ofbus.
No. 115826
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The average stormfront users dream woman
No. 115827
>>115823True, this did happen. Look at the big black momma in Tom & Jerry. She was fat, ugly and loud. They portrayed blacks that way, hair all tied up like they did in slavery and made them out to be uneducated clowns.
No. 115830
>>115826Pale, blonde, blue contacts and white looking asian
how priddy
No. 115831
>>115829Well, it's been tested that black women do have more testosterone and fat cells. Just how it is, not all but that's how it is.
Plus slaves didn't have a good diet anyway. So obviously, weight gain. Kids had weight gain, ect.
No. 115835
>>115833But of course, the stormfronters would argue and tell you, how wrong you are and not to associate them being 'African'.
cos dey white and only wanna be white because its special, and better–wait no, and asian is best
No. 115841
>>115817Eh, it's true though. It's all just American politics forced on the world. Have you ever heard so much complaining about whites and other races, or even between nonwhite/nonblack races? I haven't. How much do you hear about what goes on in Africa these days compared to what's going on in Baltimore? It all reeks of just using people.
Anyway, like I said, I blame the USA for this. Its ideology is finally coming home to roost. What can you seriously expect from a country that destroyed secessionists trying not to be part of the USA anymore in the 1860s, or from a country that only 80 years later openly destroyed racist empires like Germany and Japan? (And effectively KO'ed even imperial allies like Britain in the process, lol.) Every Eurasian empire in the past century or so that collapsed has American hands involved in its destruction.
/pol/ is wrong, it should be an American rubbing those hands, not a Jew. (I even like Israel tbh.) Probably even an American than looks like the makeup-laden types you see on this board, given the way the political zeitgeist is going.
No. 115849
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No. 115861
>>115849Lmfao I've heard from westerners that they thought the complete opposite of this. They stereotyped Asian women as more intelligent, beautifully feminine, family oriented and sweet.
>brags about white women being sweet>makes a toxic post like this.Brilliant lack of self awareness.
Also most white people do not look like the pretty white girls they post about. The ones they do post about are racially diverse Eastern Europeans most times. The more racially diverse you are, the more attractive you look to other humans because of their instinct to choose strong mates. Genetic diversity=strength because there are less chances of genetic defects which occur from excessive inbreeding, which is why white people tend to have the most genetic problems and most recessive genes to show through
No. 115864
>>115816Why dont they focus on the good stereotypes then?i could at black celebrities and make the generalisation that all black women are curvy, with nice skin and great singers just like they look a japanese models and korean idols and come to the conclusion that asians are smart and pretty.
People pick and choose how they want a race to be represented.
No. 115865
>>115841I def agree with you, I can't think of a single shitfest America hasn't beaten down. American imperialism is literally the worst thing to happen to this entire Earth.
Also, not to mention, Americans tend to be the dumbest on the planet. Look at whats going on there now, look at how cult-like they are over Bruce Jenner and the trans cult. Can you think of any other country in the world that foams at the mouth over transgender people that much? No. Norway has always had far more progressive stances on trans people but they've never formed such a cult around it. It's shocking to see. Every ideological twist and turn, Americans try to turn into some sort of religion. Do you get what I mean?
I mean, I definitely get when people complain about racism and stuff, but not to the extent Americans do. Americans turn it into an entire culture. They profit off of it, so they need to create more of it. They profit off of everyone else's suffering.
No. 115870
>>115865One popular political theory going around is that it's ingrained into Americans due to the country being effectively founded by puritans. Remember the pilgrims in the northeast (and where the biggest and richest US cities are now) were famously holier-than-thou, that the locus of the American Revolution was located there, and we all know about the civil war and what happened in it.
That holier-than-thou spirit never left, though. Often times it's stressed too that said puritans were puritans in the first place because they fleeing a king and state church in Britain they didn't consider well, pure enough, so that's why there's a lot of "destroy the system!!!" rhetoric mixed into this stuff as well.
No. 115873
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White/asian people should get together and make a perfect blonde haird asian race
No. 115880
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The hangings of black people in the past were self defense!not hate crimes!
No. 115881
>>115833True, however, Sub Saharan Africans were a very different thing back then. The inhabitants of a certain region 125,000 years ago would have had a very different genetic makeup than what we have now. When humans first left Africa, we were only "anatomically human" though not quite homo sapiens just yet. Our skulls were pretty different looking, which has made it difficult for some paleontologists to tell which ones are homo sapien, and the fact that there was some interbreeding between species just added to the confusion. The replacement model is mostly true, however, it wasn't entirely true and had to be changed in order to include the interbreeding that took place. It's well accepted within the scientific community that homo sapiens co-existed with archaic humans, but we don't have genetic data for every archaic human species. There was also that Homo Floresiensis species that existed as early as 12,000 years ago, long after the time when none-homo sapiens were thought to have died out. Genetic testing has shown that several now extinct archaic human species may have interbred with modern humans, and their genetic imprint is regional. The thing about Anthropology is that it's hard to know anything for sure because they're getting their data from the few beat up old skulls that have managed to withstand the test of time.
(Sorry for OT, I just really like anthropology lol)
No. 115883
>>115829 up "mammy". It was literally made up to demoralize and desexualize black women and make it seem as if there were no incidents of white male/black female interracial rape during slavery and the Jim Crow era.
Sure enough, there were black women like this (just like there are/were boorish, fat white women like Honey Boo Boo's mom and other assorted rednecks). However, to pretend that they made up the majority of them and the archetype is therefore justified is just foolish.
There's no defending this unless you're some stormfag trying to quietly shill.
No. 115884
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>>115880This thread is obviously going to get locked up soon anyway, so we all may as well run with it.
No. 115894
>>115883They kind of did the same thing to asian men.
They tried to make black men unappealing by claiming they're thugs, dicks are big, rapists but that kind of backfired and had the opposite effect lol
No. 115900
>>115899No, they would have tried to make the criminal seem like a victim if it was a white man.
"He was just depressed and had a mentak illness"
No. 115910
>>115903 and I'm not any one of those other ones you listed lmao. Try harder.
No. 115920
>>115912This. It's a buttmad stormfag trying to shit up the thread. Don't pay it any attention, it feeds off it.
Remember when everyone found out about Stormfront literally making bots to spam forums with their racist shit? They're certainly not above shitposting to derail anyone who challenges them.
No. 115926
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Asians ftw. Only asians and white people ever created anything.
No. 115932
>>115928The Tower of Babel is a myth and pre-Arabic anyway. But Arab aggression isn't a new thing.
Also crapping on Asians and Latins isn't going to make any of this end well at all, although it's been about squawking the right ideas more than helping actual people for a while now. Anyway, I'm not sure doing an antiracist thread on a board normally devoted to mocking fat or ugly woman is such a hot idea anyway.
No. 115946
>>115944Theyre dumb. They think asian girls are like anime girls.
It pisses me off because these guys want a slave, not a human. They expect asian girls to never open their mouth and obey them. And they think western women are aggressive for not wanting to be submissive or for speaking up their mind smh i hope no asian girl ends up with any of these guys
No. 115948
>>115946My Asian female friend hates Asian fetishists and finds them creepy. She once shouted at this guy calling him a "me rove u wrong time neckbeard fedora disgusting creep" in public and was calling him a racist for saying black girls are rude, loud horrible but Asian girls are so nice and sweet. It was really funny seeing her fulfill the black woman stereotypes he just said. She is NOT submissive and neither are her traditional Asian relatives who are business owners.
Fuck I wanna curbstomp an Asian fetishist now. It's even worse when they put down other races while "complimenting" Asian girls.
No. 115977
>>115953is it possible to get second hand creeped out? my friend is a japanese girl and i cant believe the shit she has to deal with from weebs who think asians (especially japanese) should act like and dress like their animu bitches
i feel really bad for her, i love anime, but i know that its fiction AKA not real and placing those unrealistic expectations on a whole race is ridiculous
No. 115991
>>115949Reminds me of the time on TV i saw these two commercials (back to back, i might add) One of finding "beautiful asian girls" on this dating site. The next commercial was some Eastern European girl and how you can find a "beautiful Russian bride" online.
Was incredibly creepy and cringe worthy.
No. 115997
>>115988Maybe /b/ and individuals from the /b/ thread can get their own thread on /pt/
This lolcow site is so boring, especially since it's flooded with unfunny "cows" by the PULL definition. We need to spice it up with gross, awkward, nauseating, fedora-wearing neckbeards.
No. 116020
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No. 116027
>>115841You're pretty much the shining example of this crap lock, stock, and barrel.
No. 116035
>>115821And this is how the hapa is born.
I find it kind of funny how they always praise Chinese/Japanese/Koreans but the vast majority of yellow fever douchebags can only get a Thai or Filipino girl.
No. 116069
>>116035i never seen any of them with Filipino girls before
most of them have the yellow fever
No. 116076
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>>116035They want those kawaii uguu types but theyd never be able to get tthem
No. 116088
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>>116076Yeah. If you want a hot woman, you better clean yourself up first and by that I mean mostly personality wise.
Here's an example of an obnoxious Asian fetishist I know and he wants the type of girl like you showed. Omfg the stories and screenshots my friends have. he's a cow. No wonder he has to resort to Gaia, Roblox and Minecraft to get girlfriends instead of fucking eharmony or something. He put his description as "athletic" with "12% body fat" on myspace even though he is 3x that. KEK.
No. 116092
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Everyone elses race is ugly but this is what they consider a beautiful white woman?
No. 116099
>>116097He was also complimenting how well they wrote English and asked if they spoke English just as well. He would only do this to Asians (because there's no such thing as a white immigrant who doesn't speak English) it was so insulting and he had the nerve to say "Not trying to be racist but…" before he even heard a word come out of their mouth.
In real life he was accused of snapping pics of Asian girls' bottoms when they wore skirts at anime conventions when he thought no one was looking. Was at a convention he went to in the past and I thought he was really jumpy. Now I'm very curious. He always had that look in his eye that made my friends and I uncomfortable. My friend said it was like "a dangerous, hungry look" and he was very socially awkward.
No. 116100
>>116092they usually deep down dont
they clearly got a bad case of the yellow fever
but whats wrong with blond hair?
i hope im not ugly just because my hair is blonde. i hate how these assholes make me embarrassed for having such a thick bloodline, also
most of these faggots probably got turned down by a beautiful woman with ebony skin
No. 116102
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"Photos of beautiful Russian girls-nationalists"
Such a beautiful and delicate white rose
No. 116114
>>116106oh pppfffttt
she is just average, not some supreme beauty. you know in the back of their minds they have the biggest hateboner for colored women, thats what hitler was like
i kept hearing from books about the history of world war 2 and how hitler had a HUGE crush on a jewish girl, then she got married to another man and he became supremely angry
i feel like white supremacy is just these guys feeling so entitled that when they get rejected they immediately hop onto the hate wagon
No. 116115
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>>116102she looks so angry. god, russian chicks are always so angry looking
No. 116120
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I cant understand why he would brag about doing something like this to people…
No. 116135
>>115849I wouldn't be surprised if this women is below average looking and very insecure. If she looks like Mama June I wouldn't even bat an eyelash.
I read an article in my local paper once about how facial recognition as infants will determine how easily we can tell apart people from each race. If an infant is raised around white faces they will more easily be able to recognise individual white people. A person who thinks all asians or blacks look alike just hasn't been raised around enough people of that race to recognise individual features as easily. They look foreign and homogeneous. It may have something to do with group solidarity back when humans were still primitive. Any group you weren't raised around looks alike until you get used to them. But they don't really look alike. Features are varied across races and if you look at enough people you'll start seeing a lot of differences the same way you see them with people of your race.
I don't know how much water this theory holds. It is interesting though.
This woman though,
>>115556She sounds like a delusional cow. Most likely that guy would have never been interested in her. She's jealous and uses the lowest insult possible to vent her anger. She deserves whatever loser she gets. In fact, I feel sorry for that guy too. Because her bitchiness is probably universal and she hates anyone who doesn't see her as a princess.
No. 116144
>>115883Tumblr gtfo. It was "invented" because white people though it was funny to laugh at niggers. Da cracker Illuminati didn't just gather and plot a secret stereotype plan and force cartoonists to draw it.
>>115865>>Can you think of any other country in the world that foams at the mouth over transgender people that much? No.Hahaha holy shit you're fucking delusional. Homos get put to death in some countries, just stop. The entire world isn't this anti-racist anti-sexist homo-accepting place that Norway makes it out to be. In fact, you'll find that most of those innocent little brown cultures are quite the opposite. Even in countries that have been known to be traditionally accepting of Trans people still don't treat them very well. India, Thailand, ect has a class of trans people, but they have a pretty low status unless they're very lucky.
No. 116151
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>>116148Gtfo Tumblr. This thread will probably get moved now. It was meant to be about Stormfront but it's been nothing but Tumblr shills reciting Tumblr posts they read.
No. 116157
>>115940>imlying white americans arent more obeseNo we aren't. are the fattest and whites are the least prone to obesity compared to blacks and latinos.
No. 116177
>>116176Yeah maybe. I also hear it's because they tend to have white privilege, make more money, have higher status so some Asians would want to milk that maybe.
I'd milk it because those creeps would need to pay me restitution for giving me excessive nausea and that indescribable slimy feeling on the inside. Utterly nauseating. They should all die in a hole.
No. 116196
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>>116194Of course. Raymond has been bullied quite a bit. They called him fat and ugly, which he undeniably is. He was catfished by kids 2 years younger than he and was delusional enough to believe a real girl would slobber all over his dick and say "I love you" in response to a doxing (of some other girl's info they used) and repeated offensive Asian fetishist comments like "Do u speak english well?" before hearing them utter a word and then saying "WOW U SPEAK ENGLISH WELL!" because speaking English well is exclusive to whites amirite? You can tell he's a loser if he has to resort to fucking kiddy MMO games for dates. God this is why he makes my stomach churn HARD. He graduated from Devry to be what? An assistant manager at Pizza Hut? And now he's not even working there anymore for some reason… probably because the catfishes from long ago found his workplace and trolled him again.
No. 116206
>>116195Yeah because their Pizza Hut salary is a lot to them. Oh well at least they're helping the poor. At least I think they are.
>>116196You'd think someone who lives in a city with more Asians such as Seattle or Burien Washington, he would at least know that "You speak English well" or "do you speak English well?" are not acceptable pick up lines and are rude as fuck. Then he starts showing them his stupid ass stir-fry recipe and he only shows that recipe to Asian girls he hits on. He says flirting while having a girlfriend isn't cheating, and that it's ok to pick out back-up girlfriends while having a girlfriend, as if anyone is lining up to date THAT. Boy, if you're picking out side hoes, you're not 100% invested in the relationship, which will increase the likelyhood of it failing, just saying.
He also thinks masturbating is just as bad as watching porn. He told someone "How can you criticize me for being a pervert for watching porn when you masturbate?" It's not the same. You're watching people get off rather than getting off on your own.
He says he has sleep apnea but I doubt it's that. I'd say it's more of a pulmonary edema based on the symptoms he provided, which can be caused by lack of sleep and a poor diet, which is what he says he suffers from too. If you suffocate every time you lay down to sleep, lay off the fatburgers and stop staying up late to watch porn, fatty!
No. 116224
>>116144>NO FUCK OFF TUMBLR IT'S JUST FUNNY TO LAUGH AT OTHER RACES AND DEMORALIZE THEM REEEEEMeanwhile you probably shit your pants about them evil ol' marxists and Jews controlling the media when you see white female/black male couple on TV or in commercials lmao
Stormfag pls go
No. 116245
>>116230idk what part of Europe you're in but in the UK our problem is different but similar.
Virtually all of our black people that emigrated here did so in the last 100 years and during a point where the UK was still a very Christian country, and they integrated very well. You definitely still have gangs and stuff but the black "gangs" here are still overwhelmingly British born black kids and are completely pussified compared to the black gangs in America.
No, our problem is with the Muslims.
No. 116289
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wants to ship black people back to Africa and expects them just to drop their jobs, degrees, money and homes without any financial support to start new there.
No. 116292
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No. 116354
>>116230kinda this
>>116266why wouldn't they be? I live in Finland and we don't have much crime but almost EVERY time there's some street violence or a small gang of teenagers, they always end up being Somali or Arabs. Without fail.
Like, we also have Russians, Irish gypsies, regular gypsies and Estonians but most of their crimes involve fraud or petty stealing, or trying to sell you a horse for crack. These guys are the only ones who do shit like this without fail, and most women who marry black guys here end up being single mothers.
I don't hate anyone without a cause and I'd never judge a person based on their background if I met them in person, but this is a real issue. I really don't get people (ahem, Sweden) who say 'it's YOUR fault, you didn't give them enough money for dem programs!' and you can't even complain because the response is usually 'LALALA NOT LISTENING YOU'RE A RACIST NAZI, LITERALLY HITLER'. It's funny because it's perfectly fine for them to shit all over Slavs because they're white and call them criminals. But these guys are like endangered polar bears and as soon as you say anything negative about them and don't kiss their ass and call them beautiful exotic falafel gods you get told to apologise for being a big ol racist meanie :(
In the meantime, our small Jewish community has complained that those same people who pull the Hitler card all the time have been harassing them because of muh Palestine.
Talk about hypocrisy.
No. 116357
>>116245That's true.
The UK backs down to Muslims, I'm sure they've got something on us that we don't know about. Government is probably hiding even more shit than we're aware of.
No. 116373
>>116365Really? Never knew that. I'm sorry, you can blame me for those twats who fill my head up with nonsense in blogs and youtube. Blame the internet.
Russia does looks beautiful though, I like the sound of the language too. But like most countries, idiot people being racists, it pushes me away when I hear stories. Still, I'd like to go.
No. 116386
>>116365I have a friend who lives near the border with China and Best Korea. Don't know what the city is called, but he's a nice fellow.
It fascinates me that people live so normally there, you never hear anything about those places here but 'haha poor people that eat dogs and sleep in dirty commieblocks'. It's why Leviathan was so fascinating to me, it's almost exactly like my country (aside from the language and corruption).
No. 116393
>>116389Kinda, but every now and again you'll get one who goes off with a gaijin, has babies ect.
It's just how they are, culture and the people. As long as they're not harming anyone or bashing someone with racial slurs, attacking then who cares? Compared to some other countries…
It's usually Japanese women who have mixed children. Most of the time it actually is. Some of the stories I hear aren't even shocking anymore, take their kids out of school because of bullying then bring them back to Japan ect ect… Not always the case but a lot of the time I've heard this story and it strongly matches other people's experiences with half children.
Meh what can u do
No. 116399
>>116393I see what you mean, but Japan is a first world country with strict, tight immigration and is 99% ethnically Japanese.
(That sort of homogeneity is becoming rapidly unusual for first world countries.)
It is obvious they have an issue with letting other cultures in. Just look at how they reacted to the Half Black/Half Japanese woman winning Miss Japan.
Russia is also far more diverse than Japan, so making any sort of comparison between the two is ridiculous.
No. 116402
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I think one day theyre just going to make up some bullshit so they can claim japanese, koreans and chinese are white too
No. 116403
>>116393>It's just how they are, culture and the peopleYou can say the same for literally any country in Europe and you'd get called a racist for it. It's a bit of a double standard. And they are harming people, some of them refuse to serve foreigners and foreigners are banned in the some public baths for example.
If that happened in my country there'd be a shitstorm but for Japan it's just 'oh it's just how they are'?
No. 116405
>>116403>You can say the same for literally any country in Europe and you'd get called a racist for it. It's a bit of a double standard. Exactly. I'm so sick of people on here bitching about "gaijin" people going to japan and trying to make a career, and talk about how they are "trying to be japanese, lol stop"
Yet it is okay for anyone to move to Europe and adopt their customs and declare themselves "Swedish" "British" ect…? Yes, double standards much.
No. 116414
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No. 116417
>>116403Well, to be fair, living standards are generally higher in Western countries than many countries that immigrants are from. So while someone from one of those countries could be immigrating to Europe to escape getting murdered by crazy politicians or famine, usually people who immigrate out of Western countries are just abnormal people who could not assimilate into their own culture. Undesirables, if you will.
And yes, it is just how they are. Kind of like how it's just how Western countries are, to be hyper-sensitive about political correctness, inclusivity, and cultural assimilation. Lol.
No. 116429
>>116373Yeah, I have a lot of Russian relatives, and my parents both look very stereotypically Russian but there are also some very Asian-looking people in my family, some of them get quite dark too. Still Russian, they just come from the Eastern parts.
There generally is respect from Russians towards people of Eastern countries because they are seen as hard-working and intelligent. Even towards Eastern countries where people are darker, like India for example. The racism usually is towards people that are stereotypically dumb and lazy (like African Americans) or conniving and sneaky (sometimes Jews, most Middle Easterners)
No. 116443
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No. 116451
>>116447Which is what a stormfag is
>>116449They can register and try to debate but most of their arguments wont be posted and they will be banned soon after for trolling. They only allow opposing threads so they can mock an actual black person.
No. 116499
>>116449They have an "opposing views" forum where you don't have to register. However, it contains no real opposing views. It's supposed to be a board for people to debate white nationalists, but the posts get monitored before being posted and anything that's deemed as a "troll" doesn't get posted. Everything that white nationalists don't like is a troll. The things that do get posted are things written by other white nationalists with views slightly different from the WN agenda and the rest of stormfront flips their shit at them.
Oh and the notorious FadingLight is one of the people who monitors the board and goes through the pending posts.
No. 116572
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>>115826stormfronts actually think there are girls who naturally look like this
No. 116581
>>116579which one is racist granny chan?
i am too lazyto read through this whole thread because i am a huge faggot
No. 116639
>>116584that is a whole new form of delusional
they should just admit they got the yellow fever, because whites dont look anything like asians
No. 116652
>>116651They also have to look traditionally like how white Europeans look. I remember they commented about albino Africans who had white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes and they said it's not as beautiful as the white European version.
I think they look at the blonde hair blue eyes, fair skin+ white european features no matter how ugly
No. 116663
>>116579C U C K
Way to become everything you pretend to stand against lol.
No. 116675
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I wonder how many of these guys look like Am Denny
No. 116680
>>116354Another Finn here and I can confirm all of this. Especially the Somalis, oh god I hate them so much. This is coming from a person who has to live in a neighborhood filled with them. Even the 2nd generation immigrants don't speak Finnish well and we constantly have problems with them robbing and raping people, even last year we had a huge gang of them roaming around the capital city and just randomly beating up white kids. The sole reason was because "they're white, it was fun to beat them up" [sic]. They weren't even looking for money or anything of value to rob, they just wanted to beat white people up.
They try to hit on you when you're just trying to make your way from point A to point B. There's a good chance they'll beat, molest or even rape you if you don't reply to their catcalls. They are rude as hell, even to other refugees, call raped white girls whores and get everything handed to them by the welfare office. There was even a case in which a Somali refugee got lots of gratuitous monetary support from the welfare office for no reason and kept on sending it to Africa. They mess up their apartments given by the state and cause a lot of property damage and are a nuisance to the other residents. Their kids are out of control and learn to yell the Racism card at a very young age. They send their daughters to be circumcised in Somalia because it's illegal in Finland. The list goes on. But it's forbidden to talk about any of this because of muh racism.
I don't have a problem with other refugees and immigrants but the Somalis are the worst of the worst and I pray we don't end up like Sweden. Even the traditional Irish gypsies aren't this bad, they're like kittens compared to the Somalis.
No. 116757
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omg this picture KEK
No. 116760
do they really think this?
No. 116770
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White men apparently never rape anyone. I think they equate looks with people wanting to rape you, but usually rapist dont care about what the girl looks like and most people rape girls they know, right?
In their minds they think all other races are too ugly for men to want to rape(except asian
Women but they never say no to sex because theyre submissive wifu)
No. 116776
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No. 116779
>>116776Funny how they were raped back in the slave days. Weren't complaining then, were they?
No. 116781
>>116660its so true, give them some sexy gorgeous tanned/yellow diva with a nice attitude and education
nah they'll still pick the fat beastie white woman
cos she white and she powerful and she perfect
oh why
No. 116783
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>>116779According to them rape between master and slave were rare and the reason why most african americans have european blood is because white women were fucking black guys. It wasnt the white masters fault but the womens fault.
No. 116803
>>116794Their culture is what's fucking up their birth rates. Cultures change. There's no way this current trend is going to continue long enough for them to all die off.
No. 116804
>>116783Where do people even get the idea for this shit from?
It was like that time, some BNP member once said "The holocaust never happened" but despite the millions of bodies laying there festering away, yeah it totally never happened. Nah, those bodies were on for show for absolute lolsssssss ~
Oh my christ.
What a delusional fuck.
I'm sure these types of people are inbred.
No. 116812
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>>116808A lot of asian celebrities have very white skin,thats probably why they think asians can be considered white too.
No. 116815
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I remember in high school during PSHE we were on the topic of white supremacy/race, we were shown these two girls "Lamb & Lynx" and a documentary of their family who was pressuring them to be white supremacists too. I think they left home or something now, they got sick of their mother's shit.
Anyone else heard of them?
No. 116818
>>116815>Lamb & LynxPorn star names.
>>116814Not all. I know a Chinese guy who is naturally pale white. It's mainly the northern Chinese who are really pale.
No. 116821
>>116814I hear the creams are very common. They can also cause permanent skin damage and lesions from irritation. I've seen some horror stories on TV about that.
But these Asian women aren't trying to be white. It's just that light skin was equated with wealth and nobility long ago. The poor worked in the fields all day so they were suntanned. Nobility could just lounge around the house enjoying the good life. So they stayed pale.
These stormfags are delusional if they think these Asian women are trying to be white by bleaching their skin. The light skin being idolized is a problem in many Asian cultures. But it's not because they are trying to look like white women.
No. 116825
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>>116821"The manneristic portraits of the late 16th century all portrayed their female (and male) subjects with alabaster complexions, lacking even the rosy glow that became popular during the next century.
Pale skin was a sign of nobility, wealth, and (for women) delicacy, and was sought after by many. In a time when skin problems and the pox were commonplace, sunscreen unheard of, and skin creams and ointments out of reach for all but the well-off, smooth, unblemished and pale skin was a rarity."
No. 116826
>>116824>>116825Friendly reminder they also used lead based make up to make themselves as pale as possible.
Asians want to be light, not white/European. Even after the lightening and plastic surgery they go through, they still look Asian.
No. 116830
>>116826But the stormtroopers seem to think they're white lol? it makes me laugh i will say
asian as they come
No. 116833
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I think stromfags just want the japanese to be white so they can take credit for anime.
No. 116837
>>116835it makes me laugh because they get all this surgery and then their children get the sads because they're asian
they're asian they'll always be asian from the minute they're fresh out the pussy to dropping dead
it's annoying "i want to look half white" and "i wish i was white" ughhh this is coming from a half white person btw and even this shit makes me go ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
No. 116840
>>116833Asians include Indians and other dark skinned Asians so he shouldn't be going like "I think Asians respect us and we respect them" lmao.
>>116835A lot of Europeans want to fix their nose and have a smaller one. I met an Asian guy with a natural small nose that I wanted. They are just trying to look like the ideal Asian just like how white people try to look like the ideal white people.
Most white people look like Walmart shoppers, not Dakota Fanning or some shit. Don't lie LMAO.
No. 116847
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No. 116849
>>116845Yeah. Remember, beauty is a rarity among any race. I think most people look blah no matter what their race.
>>116847The inbreeding just never ends. Monkey is a corruption of the word "monarchy" which is what they used to shout when they saw a face card you dumbfucks. inb4stormfagslurkthisthreadandcorrectthisperson.
Durr hurr! Monkey is a Chinese word! Shut the fuck up oh my god
No. 116854
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>>116847TBH I always thought little old chinese men looked more like monkeys than black people (APPARENTLY ARE SUPPOSED TO)
No. 116858
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Can someone fill me in on how asian women look white?i dont see it.
No. 116860
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>>116858Because sometimes they can have pale skin. Their hair is straight. They also have eyes, a nose, a mouth, two legs and arms.
Also "messed up eyes?" Um last time I heard, westerners squinched their eyes to look more attractive and genuine in photos. Some Asian men and women have beautiful foxy eyes. inb4AsianfetiSHITstormfagcomesheretofap
No. 116863
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one of these women are Asian?could've fooled me they both look like beautiful white women.
No. 116869
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>>116835Yeah they all want this nose.
No. 116870
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>>116835White people want a white nose to look whiter than white. Whiteception.
No. 116876
>>116835Japanese frequently mock white people for their big noses
they don't want that shit
No. 116877
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>>116876>>Japanese frequently mock white people for their big nosespretty much
No. 116995
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>>116994I doubt its the same person everyone who isnt into asian pop culture thinks asians are trying to copy white because they dont know the history behind it.
I mean if you dont know anything about japan and korea youd assume theyre trying to look white.
No. 117004
>>116994no im not that anon sorry that is coming from ANOTHER anon and btw Tiffany (model) isn't black she's hapa and just to clarify before people start jumping in on the mixed bandwagon
mixed is having two parents of different races which that model was i just want to clear that up before people go off on "she black" you get the picture
No. 117006
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>>116879your average british woman right here (& YES NOT ALL I KNOW)
No. 117023
>>117019I disagree. Trying to cover for your own shitposts, much less to someone who can actually tell, after you get called out warrants this sort of response.
No. 117027
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>>117019Suck it the fuck up if you dont want to be called out for your shit. The farm hand is in the right to call a shitposter out.
No. 117043
>>117021Damn, I need to step my shitposting game up.
I'm not even on a list
No. 117056
>>116817It may not be that apparent if you just look at asians, but put an asian next to a fair skinned white person and their yellow undertones really stand out.
What's the point in comparing the average woman to celebrities, though.
No. 117069
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I like how his examples of beautiful white white wimmins are all underaged children No. 117135
>>117069How disgusting he's looking at children as attractive or something? Stormfag pedo detected.
She looks kinda manly. Her face looks a lot like this Asian guy I knew but with a shorter nose.
No. 117137
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Nothing triumphs white beauty
No. 117146
>>117069Most of the children posted in that thread really aren't "beautiful" by any measure of the word, either.
They even have shit taste when they're being pedophilic.
No. 117161
>>117135*but he had the shorter nose. Her nose is longer.
Stormpedos resort to children to refute their point of female beauty even though little girls' appearances aren't fully developed and they should really just use an adult woman's apperance since their face is finished growing and stuff. Stormpedololicon hentai
>>117146They're plain. They're ok looking I guess. I think all kids look dorky and plain until they become adults. Maybe it's cuz I'm not a pedo
No. 117181
White people are shit I just bang white chicks
>>116995They are
No. 117385
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>>117181>White people are shit I just bang white chicksif you think they are all shit, why do you bang them?
are you a tumblrette that has a hate-boner for them? you're not much better than stormfags
No. 117720
>>117600you are why this thread has to die.
this thread has turned into a "my race is better than yours" circlejerk for whites and asians
No. 117743
>>117738>>117720I'm sure every reasonable person no matter what race out there would probably all agree that these people should be wiped from the planet.
I wonder what would happen if an Asian girl white supremacist (like Belinda) joined SF. Would there be a divide between the angry white women and the Asian fetish men? Kek
No. 117755
>>117743Theyd praise her as long as shes not trashing white people
Example No. 117999
>>116835>pale skin, big eyes, small face and caucasian noseA lot of these were considered beauty standards for good cultural reasons even before East Asians had significant contact with Europeans (pre-1900)
>pale skinWas a sign of wealth and sensitivity, as the wealthy could afford to stay in all day and study.
>big eyesNow this is the only trait that became desirable very recently due to influence from western beauty standards.
But keep in mind that most East Asians are born with double eyelids anyway.
>small face Asian females usually have smaller, more feminine faces.
Where do you think the "manjaw" meme came from?
>caucasian noseI'm not sure if this is even a thing. I've only ever heard asians jokingly talking about white peoples' larger noses.
>>116814Never heard of these products being used by any asian.
East Asians are generally paler than stereotypes might have you think. However, they also get much darker, quicker than white people do. Go look up a picture of an average Jap popstar/salarywoman and compare her to a picture of a Jap farmer. Literally night and day.
No. 118000
>>117830eh, I think you'll find most people here agree with the ban because you've consistently behaved like a huge asshole.
Now shoo.
No. 118004
>>117830There's literally no credible reason not to kiss our admin's and mods' asses, considering how shit-tier the ones on other sites are. We got a pretty sweet deal, especially as a bunch of gossipy /cgl/ cunts.
Maybe /cow/ will appreciate your edginess more.
No. 118064
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>>117999A particular style of Caucasian nose is extremely popular in South Korea right now and a lot of women are getting surgery to emulate it.
It's called "Eiffell Tower" nose.
No. 118220
Most of the koreans don't even look asian anymore, they all look like pop dolls and that it hurts when they smile.
No. 118222
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Can I just ask… Why do a lot of chinese websites, like Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba… ect
Use half asian children/babies to advertise their products? I see a lot of light haired, light eyed asian babies in these cute clothes… Not bashing btw! They're lovely! But… why is it mostly half babies?
No. 118224
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>>116995remember when wengie went blonde tho?
No. 118239
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>>118219Well it's advertised as a Caucasian nose and to them it is a Caucasian nose.
No. 118241
>>118219I know some girls with babyfaces that have a nose like that, but yeah most don't have such a small nose. They are usually longer and bigger.
The doctors won't give you a 'caucasian' nose, they are simply trying to put it into the ideal height and angle. Which just ends up being higher than an asian nose but still smaller than a caucasian nose.
No. 118244
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>>118239>>118219And an example of a woman who got the surgery on her nose, but also some on her chin too.
No. 118260
>>118241Exactly this. They cater to the patient's face specifically and what would make their face look better, and for most people it's a small, high-bridged nose.
>>118222Just like in Western clothes, they want people who look unique to model them. They're not all necessarily halfies. It's just that they want a unique model for their products, not some run-of-the-mill average looking kid.
No. 118262
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>>118239They're not advertising it as a caucasian nose. They're advertising it as an "Eiffel tower" nose because of the angles the points are at reflect the Eiffel tower, and it's a high-bridged, pointed nose.
No. 118318
>>118064 >>118239Stormfag detected. Met Asians with noses naturally like that. I grew up with them. They just have caucasians modeling various things sometimes as a minority modeling. Who is to say that white woman didn't get surgery either to correct her nose, which is what some white people do in Korea?
Look at that white woman. Now compare to Koreans with plastic surgery. Do they look like her? They aren't trying to look white. They are trying to look like the ideal Asian.
No. 118320
>>118260Asian women DO NOT all have small oval faces. They Have wide, round faces. They are known for their surgery. Don't be daft.
Asians love Caucasian noses because they are taller.
Because asians would rather erase the fact that they are descendants of africans they made it a mission to eradicate their bloodlines in the name of evolution (I.E. pol pot)
Racism has always been prevalent no matter what timeline you want to look at.
No. 118321
>>118262So what other race has a tall nose arch genius.
Stop being ignorant. They aren't going to get surgery to have an african nose now are they?
No. 118322
>>118320You could say that about white people too because they descended from Africans as well…
>>118321Asians are the "other race" that have a tall nose arch. I grew up with full Asians as friends. They were too poor for surgery.
No. 118324
>>116860Asians aren't the only people with
mono lids most Africans also carry the same gene.
No. 118328
>>118327And they worship it because they think they are part european, or they might be mixed. Asians are extremely races. Whites are obviously oblivious to
racism in other cultures.
No. 118329
>>118325Yeah I agree halfway, but I guess it's like white people who praise Asians as the model minority yet shit on them so much in the media and in reality, put down their men while creepily wanting their women.
It's kind of the same in Asia. They seem to welcome white women better than men? IDK men everywhere seem to accept the woman of a different race rather than man.
No. 118333
>>118328Lol no. Stormfag is leaking. I can smell the lack of education in your posts. What about traditional Japanese and Chinese art depicting pointed noses as beauty?
People in Asia or any other country want a small nose because it's closer to looking youthful. Youthful looks are considered more attractive overall. Big eyes, small mouth, small nose, small faces are what children have proportionally to adults. It's not about race I think but maybe race influenced some people, not all who want the surgery
No. 118336
>>118332As I've stated before, Asians are descendants from africans. They were racist back then as they were today. The white washing of their race is still continuing on with all the caucasians now flooding this countries.
No. 118339
>>118334Think about it.. people in Asia such as Japan and Korea seem to have more youthful beauty standards than in the west. They are more likely to openly sexualize childlike looking adults but I guess I could say the same about the west. They got that Toddlers In Tiaras too.
>>118336Do you see white people getting surgery for "African body parts" like lips, breasts, butt. ANSWER THE QUESTION! ;) Grass is greener on the other side end of discussion.
No. 118340
>>118336They have surgery for plumper butts, breasts and even lips if they have thin lips sometimes.
Africans can have those double eyelid western eyes too you know. Some girls go ganguro in Japan which looks slightly African. It's a niche though and more and more girls are finding dark skin beautiful
No. 118342
>>118339You failed to make a point. I will ask again, DO YOU SEE ANY ASIAN GETTING SURGERY TO LOOK AFRICAN?
The Youtheful look? That includes blonde hair blue eyes pale skin?
So you look young for having White skin, blue eyes, blond hair?
No. 118347
>>118342You failed to see the point. Some African ethnic groups are known for their curves and lips and some Asians emulate it. Some want darker skin like an African or Mexican but I think Ganguro does not really reference that. Still it looks similar to them to an outsider.
Not all Asians want blonde hair and blue eyes. That's a niche appearance. Most of them seem content with black hair. Some even dye their hair black if they aren't born with completely dark hair.
Now answer the question… ;) Do whites try to "look African?" Do they put blue contacts and try to have blonde hair when they don't? ;)
No. 118348
>>118342The youthful look is big eyes, small nose small mouth in proportion to their small face. Pale skin darkens as it ages so it can be youthful. Most want to keep their dark hair and eyes. Explain that when they could easily go the extra mile when most don't.
Blonde hair blue eyes has nothing to do with it, but some Asians like the color combo. I met some who said they liked the colors, but didn't like the western appearance. They just loved the colors. Besides that is not a white exclusive trait at all. Asians can naturally have blue eyes and blonde hair even without race mixing.
No. 118384
>>118348Sorry sleepy. *Pale skin darkens as it ages so pale skin can be youthful.
*explain how Asians could easily go to the extra mile and have blonde hair blue eyes but most don't. Most keep their eyes and hair. Look at a real white person. Even with surgery and all they don't look like an ideal white person because that is not their intention most times.
No. 118399
>>118391Stop throwing whites into my argument. Of course there are whites that are desperate to be black. OT
Asians want to look white and none can prove otherwise. You aren't going to win by throwing whites in there as if someone cares.
No. 118510
File: 1433783617046.jpg (90.66 KB, 625x525, asianbeautystandard.jpg)

>>118399Lmao it must hurt to be this stupid.
How can you say that asians want to look white when THIS is the ideal beauty in Korea, china, japan, thailand, etc.?
If they want to look white, where's the blonde hair?
Where are the blue contacts?
Where are the high arched brows?
Where are the full lips?
Why don't they all get an extreme epicanthoplasty to show as much of their caruncle as possible?
Or get surgery to make their eyes look completely caucasian, which is totally possible?
Since hundreds of years, the ideal beauty in every single asian country has extremely pale skin, but dark eyes and hair, a small face, a high but tiny nose, very small doll lips and tiny feet. And that since long before they had contact with white people, you can see that shit in every ancient asian painting.
But yeah let's just ignore the fact that every single white woman wants a smaller nose and face, thinner legs and waist, and bigger lips, tits and butt. We totes all want to look asian and black right!!!!!!!
No. 118513
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>>118510Exactly. And not all white people have this Eiffel Tower nose some Asians want They just want a nice nose shape. They don't want to look white. What do you say about a white person who wants a nose like that because go outside and look. Many of them don't have a great nose.
All races seem to just want to deviate from anything that looks like the old facial features.
Look at paintings of white people, or photos of what is the beauty standard back then in various European countries. Compare them to today and there is a big difference. I don't see many people accusing whites of trying to look like another race when they try not to look like the chick in this pic
No. 118516
File: 1433784459940.png (354.74 KB, 1366x768, lmao.png)

Stormcreeps bitching about how a Miss America was Indian
Beauty isn't the only thing relevant in Miss American, morons. And these women look similar in beauty. Comparing two women who are in two different lighting environments. The low IQ is unbearable. No. 118519
File: 1433784938113.jpg (41.04 KB, 492x369, miss_america.jpg)

>>118516Her face in similar lighting. She is of uncommon beauty. Searching her other pics, she looks great.
No. 118521
File: 1433785432087.jpg (10.34 KB, 300x300, most-beautiful-actresses-ever-…)

>>118510Yeah. No one would mistake any of these women for white, half white or anything. Stormpedos, do you honestly look at these women and mistake them for white or what?
Look at the pic of this actress and compare her to these women. Pretend her eyes are dark and her hair is dark. Do they look the same to you?
No. 118522
File: 1433785719122.png (176.59 KB, 500x320, Lee-Min-Jung.png)

>>118521Yup. Let's just pretend that they look the same facial-wise. She is also on the top 50 Korean beauties list. Look at any of the female ones on the list and tell me if they look like this white woman who many consider a beautiful actress.
So much fap fuel for Stormmorons here
No. 118537
File: 1433787161980.jpg (68.18 KB, 1024x768, kareena-kapoor-wallpaper-2.jpg)

>>118528You weren't, but they likely are. She doesn't even look bad in that 'candid' (it looks like a posed picture for an event, but probably taken by a random person since she's not looking at the camera). She's attractive. She looks like she could be a leading woman in a Bollywood film (and thankfully she has no interest in that). Attached is Kareena Kapoor (because everyone uses fucking Aishwarya) who isn't even a "standard Indian beauty" but is still fucking gorgeous. Age is catching up to her, but still damn pretty.
Also most Indians are considered to have Caucasoid features, their argument is literally moot.
No. 118616
>>118516>>118519Dark skin or not, she has really nice facial structure either way and a rocking bod. Also it kind of baffles me how stormfags keep posting pictures of stock image white women and acting like they're some sort of ephemeral beauty. I mean they could post celebrities or something, but they seriously choose the most average looking women to post and jerk off to so wtf is up with that?
>>118553I see it, kek.
No. 118642
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>>118519That's Miss America? Really?
Like, she's very beautiful but when I think of exceptionally beautiful women I think Charlize Theron, Margot Robbie, Amber Heard etc.
No. 119352
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>>118642But Miss America is not just about beauty and she looks really great anyway.
No. 169129
>>116829>>116835Yes they do want caucasian features (jaws, not slanted eyes, noses etc…) Just like white women bleaching their skin and straightening their hair.
It's because of western culture strong influence i think.
No. 169220
Can this thread be moved to /b/ or /snow/ plz because
>>169215 and race shit?
No. 169229
>>115942i don't know anon
i have pale skin blonde hair and green eyes
why do people always love brown and blue eyes but forget green eyes exist
No. 169230
>>115946well to be honest, theres nothing wrong with wanting submissive girlfriends.
i want a dominant boyfriend so
No. 169234
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>>118224this is the only pic of her i EVER found her cute
No. 169296
>>169222why the fuck would anybody be "
triggered" by this if they're a "darkie"
the only people who seem to want to avoid race topics are whites.
No. 169303
>>115673"Isn't it a rare genetic mutation that has been seen in people straight out of Africa? Granted, colonization in Africa didn't come without mixing."
yeah. it actually is. which is why's it's recessive as hell.
in the mesopotamia area you'll pretty much find everything.
No. 169306
>>115912stormfront. r9k. people who want to wage war on SJWs and feel like this is the time and place for it.
i seriously don't comprehend how objecting racism, sexism, or any of these things is //that bad//. they're acting like people are demanding spechullll privileges. at least in America we've ignored this shit for pretty much ever so now people are talking about it.
No. 169313
>>116147>>"White women are statistically more likely to be raped by black men."no, they're really not. kek . i'm sorry to disappoint your propaganda campaign but white men are more likely to rape white women.
everyone's obsession with trying to make black men serial rapists to the yts stems from white men trying to scare white women from helping black slaves since women generally are more compassionate
No. 169319
>>116829>>Yeah, the beauty ideal Asians strive for is very much an idealized Asian person (Of whichever specific group they belong to, obviously) Not an attempt to emulate white people."FUCKING THIS. I'm so sick of white people trying to think we want to look like them. No, your animu is adoration for the white race. The characters are all japanese unless otherwise stated. They make fun of white people. No, if you move to an asian country it won't be paradise because you're mediocre looking and white.
Features light blonde hair and light colored eyes, which as stated can be found in many races, are pretty simply because they are recessive. They aren't that "rare". And just because asians think they're pretty doesn't mean dark hair and eyes are repulsed
No. 169328
>>169229imo green eyes are very gorgeous, but it's hard to come across true green eyes. they're usually hazel and lean towards blue, or brown. much rarer than blue eyes for sure.
but like, what are you asking for? people to worship green eyes or something?