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No. 121764
>>121690>>121751Oh god yes, England is the worst.
I'm British too and these days you get very little back for what you pay in taxes.
I mean the excuse used to be that taxes here are so high because we're paying for the NHS on top of all these services but now the NHS is being deliberately strangled in an attempt to push for privatisation which will inevitably succeed, public toilets that used to be maintained by taxes are turning into pay stalls, the roads are never being maintained unless you call up your council to complain directly about a pothole, university is no longer free, our rubbish disposal is being pushed further and further back to the point where in my area it's only collected every 3 weeks as a cost saving measure, our education is fucking dogshit unless your parents can afford to send you somewhere private and wages are being frozen in the name of the great con that is austerity despite everything else being inflated.
At this point what are we even paying taxes for? I have seen more funds and grants and services cut in the last 4 years specifically than I have in my entire life.
Last year I lost my job and had to sign on and there was like a 2 week delay in payment where I had not a crumb of food and because all the emergency loan funds have been cut in my area I had to attend a food bank which was the most humiliating thing I've ever had to do. Thank god there are people kind enough to donate food or I'd have had to go foraging in supermarket bins.
England is dismal. They don't call it Rip-Off Britain for nothing.
No. 121882
>>121764>>121777That's so lame. As an American, I feel for you Brits. Privatization of everything is making it unlivable for people who don't have the money for (what used to be) public services.
Also, if someone in your family gets terminally ill in the US, forget about a future if you're not wealthy enough to afford healthcare. My mother became ill when I was a child, and we lost everything. Idk if I'd still want to come here if I were you.
& yea, this thread totally belongs in /b/
No. 121898
Yet just look who recently came back into power, that dickhead Cameron. I think, yeah okay he has made a little change for the better but I look around myself somedays, on the streets and everything is just going to shit.
I know, I know what you mean. I was signing on when I was eighteen for a short period, I still live at home and I work two jobs. I start university soon. But I have never had to go to a foodbank and I would never, ever make fun of someone who does. There is SO many TV shows being made now "Benefits street", "Britian on benefits" and that other one "Skint". That's how bad it's becoming. Families can't even get by, depending what area they live in as well and rates are just going up.
I know people point fingers at foreigners (they always do) but I have to stand up and say, foreigners do try though. They do work hard, the shit jobs brits don't want to work and then complain they have no work. However, since I used to work for a homeless shelter as a receptionist for a while, it really does fucking open your eyes. Most are Brits and I think the one odd Romanian. Many reasons, not just drugs and there is always a root as to why they started drugs or becoming alcoholics.
Sometimes I do think Britian should start looking after their own, fending for their own and stop giving free houses/cars to foreigners just off the boat for nearly nothing. People WILL argue and do-gooders will step in with some kind of excuse. Yes, these people are human. I don't think foreigners should be treated any less, because we ALL deserve respect. But I just think the UK is getting that full, that messed up, it needs to come to some kind of halt and something needs to be done properly. Whenever it's been attempted it's always half-assed. Their own countries need to pull their fingers out their asses and do something. I don't hate foreigners, not at all. I just think we need to fend for our own and our own people.
But yeah rip-off Britain is right. Nothing here anyway, it's grey, miserable and shit. I wouldn't even like to live in America either tbh.
No. 121902
>>121889I've met some decent Japanese girls you know, ones I've made friends with aren't like that.
I do understand though. I skype with another friend often from Japan, they're male and even I have mentioned it. He didn't get what I meant at first until I said "They act a little fake" because I do think some of them act fake. To either impress guys, try and be all 'delicate'. It's annoying, I just find it really irritating. I don't hate these girls or anything, I just think it's a pointless act.
My friend said "Oh, well they never say 'no' or disagree with us, so it's difficult to read" and to that I said "Well most guys I've met from Japan are like that too, hard to read or emotionless". Luckily though, he's got some character to him. But he got what I meant.
Probably, I think they do it to blend in. Look at kota, before she went to Japan she was all "fuck, shit, assholes" and I KNOW she can't obviously say that on tv there, but even down to the interviews it's "etoooo…… ano… ummm
giggle" you just know it's either scripted or an act. I know yeah, you can get a little nervous and laugh but she plays the part. By god does she play that part.
Not hatin' btw js
No. 121906
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shani looks like a horse. stealing stuff from donki,sleeps with old guys for money
No. 121920
>>121906who's this shani?
tell us more or link pls
No. 121925
>>121906>>121920pinkglaaaasss or something on tumblr
she's not that bad looking
quit being jelly that you dont live in japan
No. 121931
>>121925aw i cant find her
she looks quite pretty
the only reason most girls wanna go japan is for tokyo/kawaii/clothes/anime
precisely why i wanna go too ehehehe
No. 121939
>>121932probably avoiding the real world responsibilities of their own countries. back home, they woud get a REAL major in college (not just ~art~ or japanese~) and get a real job. instead they ship off to japan where their only job experience intheir formative years is ~english teacher / model ~
they must really fool themselves into believing that they love english teaching and that they will be still be desired until their later and less-kawaii years.
No. 122805
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No. 123169
>>123160it should be flattering for shani
barbie looks much better than her
No. 123252
>>123169Delandra get the fuck off. You're only mad because everyone in Japan is afraid of your minstrel side show looking ass, Black Diamond talks shit about you, and you've marginalized yourself from every other non-Japanese. Don't get mad at Shani or whoever else because they look decent.
You couldn't even get a Japanese man to falsely marry you. Lolcow isn't your personal army Delandra. Nobody is going to fight for boohoo bitch drama you've made for yourself. You have bigger fish to fry. Like worrying when immigration is going to catch your ass for a sham marriage and living in a hostel.
No. 123398
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No. 123400
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Does somebody knows this girl? She married a scout and works as prostitute now. She started when she was 19
No. 123491
>>123400He look like one of the dancing monkey's from jungle book with that 70s hair and she looks like a cougar.
Noticed how people who do marry/relationships with Japanese people never have this type of drama surrounding them on the net? Yet the ones who do ALWAYS fit the same description?
1. white
2. thin
3. not that pretty/kinda/ugly
always the same
No. 123493
>>122860I'm tired of it too. Someone living in Japan automatically has drama, I DO understand that most these weeby girls HEAD FOR Japan (not always) either to become aidoru or live there just for… well no reason.
I want this trend to end so fucking badly
No. 123497
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>>123400She is searching for old men at deai cafe
No. 123501
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He looks terrified. someone get this gorilla out of Japan.
No. 123504
>>123497Yep, another 'wants japanese man for visa' mf
tons of them about these days eh
No. 123506
>>123504considering most of the girls who move to Japan are weebs don't you guys think they may actually want a Japanese bf?>>123502
I'm hoping the admin nukes this thread. Whoever made this did it for personal reasons lol. not your personal army.
No. 123509
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>>123504himezawa got married for a visa
No. 123517
>>123509wow yea definitely for visa.
how even is this guy.
No. 123574
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No. 123936
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No. 123937
it can't be her real nose!
No. 123997
>>121690I lived in Japan for a year for school. Every american says Tokyo is expensive but try living in Hawaii and or San Fransisco. I found living in Tokyo cheaper although for double the rent of a place in tokyo i can get a shit hole in hawaii in a cockroach infested place thats three times the size and in a terrible area where break ins happen when you're home..
Sorry for off topic
No. 123998
>>123517Marriage visas arent perment though. I had a professor who although married for 30 years and worked at a university for almost as long has to renew it every 3-5 years. Even looking on the visa website the max for a dependent is 3 years. So she has to stay married for as long as she wants a visa with a year or two extra to move.
but it is pretty simple to get married in Japan. You dont even need to go to the town hall. You can stamp both family crests (or sign your name) and mail it in. I think getting the visa is a lot harder than being married.
No. 124036
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>>124016That'd make so much sense anon!
No. 124038
>>124036never know, she might lol just for 'fanssss' and 'attentionnn'
looked on her profile, swore she had more than that? i thought this bitch was famous guys
No. 124071
>>123998Getting married is ez-pz. Just a visit to the city hall with your passport, then you sign. It takes like 10 minutes. It doesnt guarantee a visa, a visa needs to be applied to on its own and shit ton of info needs to be provides (like proof of a genuine relationship, with photos, logs, proofs and what not). You also need signatures/guarantors and shit from the Japanese's family, and stuff like the family register plus papers from your own country. And the marriage visas are given like this: 1 year, 1 year, 3 years. It's really fucking dreadful and takes up much time. Himezawa's application would probably be rejected if she went straight to the immigration office now to apply. If she's smart, she'll wait a year or so.
It's funny because she came here because she wanted to be a model/idol. If she was good at it, she could have qualified for an entertainment visa. But nope, lol so she needs to take advantage of some poor lonely japanese soul.
No. 129162
>>129161Her face bothers me
Her horse mouth
And yet ~*model*~
It's just the blonde hair and blue eyes
No. 129175
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>>129166claims to be a model
No. 129179
>>129175its not really a claim, she technically does model for some brands. just not famous or anything.
if she just keeps her mouth closed and teeth hidden from view - we all good
No. 129199
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No. 129213
>>129199eww my eyes xx
also she met a famous person in japan and said they are friends lol. that famous person ( forgot who) said she met fans. fail
No. 129504
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Look, it's himezawa's husband.
The guy we only heard of after she got married. Hurrr hurr I wonder why.
Guy looks younger than her, and her ugly eyebag makeup is not helping.
No. 129676
>>129504i had no idea she was married.
>>129511he's not hideous.
No. 129801
>>129786She posted a picture of their rings and said "married". Stop with this "where is the proof " shit when it's right in front of your eyes if you look at the thread.
>>129795She's been there for about a year or so. In japan some couples get married after 6 months. As long as she isn't Filipino and he's not an old man immigration doesn't care. You guys give Japanese immigration too much credit.
No. 129823
>>129537lol, exactly.
>>129786Her husband (who was her fan first) also posted a tweet saying they got married. No. 129829
>>129801Duh, posting a picture of hands with rings is not the best proof ever? It could've been anyone. Also: one pic =/= valid proof, so relax a little my friend.
Thank you
>>129823 when two people post the same thing it becomes a bit more believable.
No. 129838
>>123400Dang I feel like I know her. I've seen her on Facebook fo sho, but I don't remember her name or anything.
Name plz
No. 130033
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>>129897Damn, he posts some of the best photos of her real nose.
Isn't she from a rich family? She could get a nosejob, then.
No. 130039
>>130033she looks like she's 40 years old.
she doesn't have any top lip. so gross
No. 130071
>>129175The salt is strong with this one.
But seriously it looks like everyone posting on here are jealous that people like Himezawa are achieving things and you aint.
If you can be better models, gyarus, white/black girl representatives then go do it.
Oh wait, you are a bunch of basement dwelling under-weebs.
Im praying for you
No. 130100
If I had to CHOOSE someone to be jealous of, it would be Dakota. Deny all you want, but she's doing quite well with her Japanese skills and Popteen contract. She probably earns quite decently too, and probably wouldn't be invited/do free events. Himezawa is unattractive, severely annoying and she forces herself out there so much it's just painful and embarrassing to watch.
No. 130111
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gosh that katie horse model
because she doesn't like a girl she have to send her "friends" to that poor girl
No. 130113
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>>130111the girl she attacked
No. 130114
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No. 130116
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seems like both are dicks
No. 130126
>>130121>>130123Yeah, I look at
>>130041 and feel kind of jelly/upset because if this schnozmonster can model for IW then dagnabbit so could I! If only I lived in glorious Nippon!
But then I remember that I'm in grad school and my fiancé has a great job here and dropping all of that to go live the kawaii dream in Tokyo in the hope I'd be ~discovered~ would be a pretty stupid thing to do.
No. 130130
>>130116Oh LMFAO
This is sugar-honey-iced-tea
She was recently exposed on behind the bows, she made a groveling apology to capsulebunny aka Katie on Tumblr and blamed her autism.
She had like 5 secrets just for her.
She admitted she lied and CB never attacked her, then went on to say that lying is acceptable because she has autism…
She is posted on lolcow too, I was following it for a while.
Also while sugar-iced-honey-tea was in Tokyo I heard she was rude to all the foreigners she met.
She was also kicked out of our comm for being creepy. Which is why you never see her play with other Lolitas.
Please can we get a thread about this special snowflake.
No. 130151
>>130146Based from what.
Can we stop with random baseless vendettas….
I wanna know exactly how much money it takes to move to Tokyo.
3,000 dollars start up?
No. 130152
>>130151I've met her
also my friends met her
No. 130179
>>130151plane tickets are $1000-2000 (unless you a cheap bitch or wanna have like a 10 hour layover in beijing)
getting an apartment can be like 3000-5000 since you have to pay this magical bullshit called keymoney (like a gift of money to landlord)
plus other money because… life (food, transport, cell phone)
No. 130253
>>130159It makes me laugh how all these girls are into 'cutesy pretty kawaii' styles yet, they're all wolves in sheeps clothing. Proper goes against the cute mask, that's for sure.
I don't understand why they desperately want to live the 'tokyo dream' because fucking hell, isn't there more to Japan than this? Other things and places are interesting! This is what pisses me off about these girls, they don't give a fuck about Japan, they only care about what they can leech/where or who from and cute things. Nothing else.
Tokyo looks amazing, still. It's just one of many places…
No. 130259
>>130253How do you know? How can you speak for so many people? The way people are depicting girls who live in Japan in this forum is that ALL girls who live in Japan are lolcows.
Like 80% of girls posted here aint even lolcows and its just vendettas. Its boring.
No. 130263
>>129504How do you know its a sham marriage?
Like I need evidence
No. 130371
>>130259Oh calm down.
I WAS referring to the lolcows, I thought it was obvious but apparently not. Half the time it is these weeb girls who go over looking to leech off someone for visa or become models/idols. We know it's a handful of people doing this, which is increasing it seems whenever a newbie 'aidoru' comes on the scene. It's nothing new. So just calm down, christ. Why are people on here so defensive and feel the need to create an up roar? If it's not that, then you're 'salty' or 'jelly'. Fucking hell.
But anyway, its always the same fucks who are doing this. Weeb girl, wants to become kota idol, wants to be an idol… marries some random jap she met online.
Take away all the kawaii from Japan and these girls would have no interest in nippon.
No. 130400
>>130395True, they go for kawaii/karaoke/manga/food/sex/visa ect
fair enuff
No. 130415
>>130401It's like Barbie, she'd be fucked if she was in the rural parts of Japan. She doesn't know anything besides 'mizu', 'arigato' and 'konnichiwa'….
I know Tokyo, it's not so bad apparently because some english happens and foreigners happen ect but christ, learn some of the language please if you're gonna live there. Get it if you're a visitor or business person and you're there for a little bit kay.
Nah, again lulzy weebs only want Japan for its kawaii and nothing else.
Talk to them about idk samurai, old temples, taxes ect, animals, food that sorta thing and they wouldn't give a fuck. Talk to them about Kyary, Rilakkuma and Ank Rouge… only then would they be interested.
No. 130538
>>130497She doesn't mean yiu will be mistaken for a unicorn. She means people will just state at you. The same way they probably would if they saw a unicorn.
Though to be honest the japanese are probably that sick of "kawaii gaijin" they probably just ignore them all
No. 130539
>>130415I get how you feel about this. I also find it a bit ridiculous, especially when people put no effort into learning the language and expect everyone to learn English for them. But like everyone else has said, most young people like pop culture, it's the same with Japanese people. A lot of the Japanese people I've talked to want to learn English so they can live in California.
Yeah, it's a little silly to want to live somewhere based entirely off of pop culture, but they'll learn when/if they actually do go to live in their dream country. I can't speak for foreigners coming to live in America, but from what I've seen with weebs who go to live in Japan, most of them end up hating Japan and go back to their home country within/after the first year.
No. 130551
Vendetta thread is obviously a vendetta, but I can't say that I don't share the frustration with individuals like these girls. Whether their aesthetically pleasing or displeasing to the Western eye, I really don't care. In Japan, as long as you're pale foreigner who's thin or endowed with boobs larger than a C-cup and the bridge of your nose is "tall," you're going to be called beautiful. I went there as a serious student, got my BSE from an engineering university there; but I'm tall, grossly pale, dangerously underweight, and don't have a flat bridge, so I might as well have been Angelina Jolie. The amount of times I'd be approached in a day was laughable. The amount of times I got "scouted" was hilarious. The amount of times I was offered money for sex and/or followed home was disgusting. The latter is why I kind of hate girls like these: they perpetuate a stereotype. The foreigners who are in Japan for less childish reasons than these delusional girls suffer because of this stereotype. They're not lolcows, but definitely worthy to be subject to negative commentary.
No. 130573
>>130563Why? Crazy bitch is crazy
Can't be helped
No. 130598
White people sometimes end up hating japan because theyre not use to the feeling of being treated different/abnormal because of their race…
Im use to being different, race jokes, people saying a i have an exotic name, saying i have a stupid/unique accent so it wasnt a huge difference.
>>130539 No. 130607
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>>130415and if you do ask them about real cultural things, they will be like "yea omg i did that/went there!!! see its on my instagram!!!" they only do it for the pictures/attention. the sad reality of the millennials
pic related. seeing this makes me mad. you look a fool at an ancient sacred place.
No. 130609
Lucky cunts, eh? So glad I'm going this year though. I think for everything really, mostly I want to test my language skills because I'm a total weirdo like that and get excited over silly things ~
But christ… All these old sights/buildings… I get it CAN be a little boring if you're not into it or you'll go, have a look then get bored 5 mins later.
But yeah, they defo do it for attention… Makin' themselves look all edumachated and all that ppfft
No. 130611
>>130607"Ancient sacred place"
Bro it's just fushimi inari taisha, not Mecca.
No. 130843
>>130840Point is, the weebs like doing it to show off how japanese and totemo kawaii they are
its annoying
No. 130939
>>130843So you are saying people can't even take photos at tourist destinations now?
Someone complained these girls don't care about history and culture, now you are saying that it is wrong to take photos at these places?
This thread is just salty nobodies crying that girls are doing the things that they want to do in Japan. It's pathetic.
No. 131202
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No. 131363
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>>131202Now I find this interesting…
Zawa's fb page has 10K followers.
And usually her posts usually don't even get more than 50 likes.
No. 131415
>>130939Actually, no. Again people are missing the point, we're targeting the LULZY fucks. Jesus christ, what is it with people aimlessly throwing around the word "salty" or "jelly". It's overused and yet you guys have the nerve to slag off the cunts over on PULL? People on here are getting as bad.
No, we're just saying. These lulzy weebs are the type who claim they're all into 'culture' but they couldn't give a crap and just use these kind of pictures to basically big themselves up for followers/fanbase. That's ALL we're saying, so please get off your high horse.
Anybody can go to Japan and sight see, why is it Japan seems to be this 'glorious' place that everyone is so desperate to go to and when you finally get there, you're this new reformed person who's in some fucking forsaken haven or something.
Christ almighty.
So yeah, excuse us for pointing out the lulzy weeb behaviour who everyone seems to slag off on here anyway.
No. 131416
>>130939then fuck off then
no one currrr
No. 131419
>>130476So yeah, fuck all anything historical. Let's just focus on how Japan is only known for kawaii, anime and pocky.
Fuck everything else!
No. 131576
>>131420Who's Candy?
Doesn't matter, she seems like a huge brown noser imo.
No. 131633
>>131630Pretty much this.
Aka snowflakes. "I'm special because I loved samurais and the culture" like, begone with your shit. If people want to be weeaboos and go to Japan, let them go. Japan is known for anime, and wacky stuff. People will go to Japan for wacky and anime stuff. Who fucking cares.
No. 131642
I wonder if any Japanese people get salty about other Japanese people going to America for the "wrong" reasons, lol.
I've seen a lot of people say "I bet Japanese people are so annoyed by all these weebs coming over there," but honestly, I don't think a lot of them give a shit. I mean, I personally couldn't care less when people I do language exchange with only know/care about American pop culture and California/New York. I still don't think I'd give a shit if someone told me they just wanted to come here to be famous. So I feel like Japanese people probably feel the same way.
No. 131663
>>131584Why is it everyone is 'jealous' tho?
Did anyone ever think that people aren't jealous all the time? Stop using jealous as a defence to back yourself up pls
getting boring
No. 131664
>>131601Some people live in Japan and just get on with lives, not everyone has time to pretend to be an aidoru and run around takeshita street buying pastel crap with their dolla
Can we please stop treating Japan and Japanese like they're made out of gold or something? This ain't no Eldorado shit guys
No. 131665
>>131363I wonder how long this marriage will last… It wouldn't surprise me that half these 'aidoru' girls go on to Gaijinpot and any other forsaken Jap website before they head to Japan and shack up with some 'kowai sou' before getting hitched.
No. 131673
>>131666Christ, well if you're living there and working how are you poor though? Obviously people have time for fun depending on their hours/schedule. Not every person living in Japan is a some twinky weeb under 20 who has money to spend on literal shite and lizlisa.
Nothing saying it's a crime btw if people do that, their money, their time okay. But some people actually have thing to do and people to meet.
All people in this thread were pointing out is that, e-fame weebs just seem to love to show off to their followers that they're so cultured when they're not. Act like they are, when they're not. No one really is anyway. But it's a piss me off when they try and act like it. When you know they're only in Japan for Harajuku/karaoke ect which yeah is fun, but it's annoying to see them try hard as they do. That's all people were saying before this thread went off the rails and weebs got upset because they felt like they couldn't go to Japan for buy pointless crap and not enjoy themselves.
No. 131682
>>131678It doesn't piss me off, not really. I just think it's stupid now e-fame weebs try to show that they're cultured when they obviously don't care. I just think it's pointless, I mean why lie? There is no point. That's all I'm saying. Btw I wasn't even the anon who posted up that picture either, so this topic has gone on long enough I think.
"You aren't Japanese, it isn't your culture" lol thanks for reminding me, whereas it's us who should be reminding half of these lolcows instead lovely.
I'm just sick of weebs acting like they know shit when they don't. Again, it's the "im more kawaii and japanese" than you thing. I cannot wait until the jap trend dies tbh.
No. 131694
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>>131682Well, if japan attracting young weeaboos bothers you then you should write an angry letter to the japanese government because theyre purposely trying to attract those kind of tourists….
" Cool Japan (クールジャパン Kūru Japan?), along with "Gross National Cool" is a concept coined in 2002 as an expression of Japan's emergent status as a cultural superpower. Gaining broad exposure in the media and academia, the brand of "Cool Japan" has been adopted by the Japanese government as well as trade bodies seeking to exploit the commercial capital of the country's culture industry."
No. 131698
>>131694Why is this still continuing tho? Why are we not moving on to something else? Why are we still bothered whether or not people care about kawaii or culture? Why do you all want to continue this pointless pile of shit?
At the end of the day, some people like kawaii, some people like culture, some people like both, some people don't care.
No. 131699
clearly butthurt weeb
No. 131704
>>131698Basically, what im saying is the weeaboo problem is a two way street sure theyre annoying but its not like japan doesnt promote this stuff and if you dont like people having this conversation talk about something interesting and deter the conversation.
People go off topic because the op is boring, do something to fix it.
No. 131715
>>131704Yeah but it's just people repeating the same thing, arguing about liking culture and liking kawaii. It's going round in circles and getting nowhere.
We were having such a lovely time bickering about Himezawa aswell
No. 131724
>>131715The conversation was still about people in japan, but we were talking more about culture and what drives people to go there.
There is only so much we can say about himezawa and barbie which is why topics like this die so fast. There really arent that many infamous weeaboo people using social media right now and embarrassing themselves. Thats why people keep going off topic, the op is boring and then we start talking about other things.
But thats all ive got to say about it.
No. 131988
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Getting back on topic…
Zawa doesn't have a real job, right?I'm guessing her husbando provides her with kawaii shit while she lives off his pocket money?
No. 131998
>>131992You jelly
Seriously though, everyone is criticizing these girls for living in Japan but What are you expecting them to do?
Not buy cute things? Not do model or idol work? Not go to tourist destinations?
What is the point in moving to Nippon and then just working in an office today and not doing things.
No. 132011
>>131998Oh here we go, someone throwing "jelly" around because they don't think we should be bashing lulzy cunt girls who leech off others and just want to go Japan to become famous or lie that they're famous and so stupid things.
Stop backing these pieces of shit girls up please, they're on lolcow for a reason. If it was someone decent for e/g Aminyan, then there is no problem with them doing weeb shit or wanting to be aidorus. It's just that girls like Himezawa are fools.
Stop getting so defensive and jumping on the "omg ur so jealous" bandwagon to back yourself up. Getting tired of this shit on here and butthurt weebs.
No. 132019
>>132011Its fine to say X-chan or Y-chan are lolcows because *providing evidence.
But a lot of people are saying "I don't like her because she's a model" or "I don't like her face" "She doesn't have a real job" etc. That screams jealousy. If they are living in Japan, whoever they are they are going to be a weaboo. If you are interested in Jfashion and people in Japan, or researched living in Japan then you are probably a weaboo too. At this point this thread is just Weaboo living outside of Japan VS weaboo living in japan. Provide something actually lolcow worthy or interesting or you just come across as Jelly.
No. 132063
>>132048Of course it is, I've said it multiple times. Post ww2 brainwashing was a way for the East to rebuild on western resources. Also Bring eugenics, social engineering, and whitewashing as well (japan is one of the only asian countries to bend over to the rape of the west).
This supposed "civilization" movement helps eradicate bloodlines, and traditional history to unite into one also keeping lowly undesirables in sweat shops and other poor work environments . Japan was strong in culture history and tradition only to be whitewashed now into obscurity. It will only get worse with all the floods of foreigners. This goes for other Nations and bloodlines as well.
No. 132068
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Wow, seems Himezawa really took the first opportunity that presented itself.
>>132013If she's lucky she'll be able to live off her husband's money and her part time job.
No. 132071
>>132048Its not a conspiracy because theyre openly doing it.
>>131694 No. 132565
>>131998>you jellygod…stop shitposting this thread,dumbass.
imo you're one of those butthurt gaijin aspiring aidorus who have been mentioned in this thread
No. 132602
>>132568It wouldn't surprise me if most of these derailing the thread were once living doll weebos or butthurt gaijin tbh. I think it's a mixture of normal people and those.
Again, who the fuck cares. No one.
No. 132702
>>131988i actually seriously, seriously wonder what thoughts cross japanese peoples' minds when they see gaijin prancing around in school girl uniforms.
japan imposes uniforms in school to reinforce the seriousness and importance of education lol its not a costume..
No. 132794
>>132702They sell fake Seifuku in costume shops, and like 20 shops in Harajuku sell them, plus most of JP porn is school girl based.
I think that's not an issue.
No. 133822
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so this dirty looking girls works illegal as host. also good friends with horse model and sere
No. 133829
>>133826not really
instead of drinking with old disgusting men you can drink with women. way better i think
No. 133831
>>133826It is probably the easiest way for a foreign girl to get work, many do it illegally while on a visa. Host clubs want the foreign girls because it is exotic for their customers, or if you want to reach out to other foreigners you have at least a girl who speak the same language as them.
It is not that common for Japanese women to work as hosts unless they are already doing shady shit, such as drugs or other whore-like careers.
No. 133844
>>133841ahh i see
i only met one girl working at a normal host club. beside that there are also dansou host clubs so why don't they work at those clubs
No. 136534
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another girl who married only for visa. she had to pay him and now works as prostitute
No. 136663
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That saggy tits
No. 136665
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No. 136667
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No. 136940
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Gayas "husband" wrote to me. He wanted to meet me and have sex. Because i wanted to be nice i told gaya and sent screenshots. Her answers are unbelievable. Its really only a fake marriage
No. 136941
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No. 136963
i asked him why he lied (he said he broke up with her)=. he said if i knew he is married i wouldn't meet him
No. 141536
>>137119Guys, it's all part of the 'kawaii life styru' you go over to Japan and expect magic to happen.
It's their own fault, I have no sympathy for girls/guys who go over and do this. Serves them right. If she's that unhappy, save up your earnings and go back home (or move in with friend idk) something. Only they can change their lives, we can't do it for them.
No. 142180
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eww oh god
hope i won't see them
No. 142310
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Back to gayas fake marriage
No. 142312
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No. 142313
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No. 142321
>>142317Yes she is!
she is so god damn transparent lol.
No. 142325
>>142321shut up Meririn.
your japanese is so bad i can always tell when it's you obsessing over these gaijin girls
No. 142327
>>142325No reason to be agressive
So what's the problem? Everybody loves fucked up people
No. 142328
>>142327busted trololol
you seem to love them a bit too much sometimes.
No. 142331
>>142328Same as you. Or you wouldn't be here. Also you are off topic
It's not my fault that koji wanted to fuck me lol. I only wanted to show how awesome their marriage is
No. 142333
>>142331just get a job already so you don't have to spend all your time digging their shit and contributing your god damn screenshots on pull and here all the time.
but yes, I can agree that Gaya is fucked up in the head and is not going to have a bright future. Hopefully she'll wake up soon.
No. 142347
>>142328Who's Meririn?
No. 142350
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somebody knows which host club she works at
No. 142457
>>142347i dont even know mang
just some girl i found on tumblr
thought she was interesting because she seemed a bit of a hot mess lol
then again arent all the girls going to hostclubs
oh man dont get me started on this girl no_identityyy (lara / ララ) or sth on IG
No. 142466
>>142461i can live with calling these girls 'normal'
but fuckin around in kabukicho doesnt make you an adult
No. 142484
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why does amina always look like plastic
No. 142490
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>>142484She really reminds me of 2D
No. 142496
>>142491my thoughts exactly
i actually read it all
No. 142532
>>142525"Anyway, I don’t know any other place where you can find men faster than here. It may be because I am a white girl"
No. 142534
>>142532"I suffer from depressions…and see nightmares ..
I cry all night and wake up with awful headaches
I’m suffering everyday
I really get sick in my home country
And it’s unbearable to live with my family again..but I can’t move because I don’t have the money. I’m mentally dead. Every day is a mess and I’d rather die than continue the life I’m living now. I love Japan and wanna go back.. I feel so meaningless and feel even down when something ‘good’ happens. Also a lot of different anxieties occur to me and that’s why I stay at home all day. I’m such a failure.. One year ago I was like the happiest person full of hope and aspiration I was motivated and now I became mentally so sick again..the past tends to catch up with me whenever I am not in Japan."
No. 142535
>>142534yeah, what I said
>>142525look, girl, if you wanna write some dramuuu go to wattpad. Tumblr is not the place. Stop thinking your life has to be like a dramu with a musician japanese boifriendo that doesn't care about you and only uses you. I can believe someone has/had an abusive relationship, but what she wrote is too cheap to believe it. Dafuq with all the blowjobs, fucks and the yakuza "friend"
No. 142538
>>142535Exactly. It's kinda sad actually, the fact that most go over for this type of life or get roped into it. I mean I've just read some shit I never knew and kinda GLAD in a way so I can beware when I go over to Japan. But this slapper, I think she's lying about some things. If she's that unhappy, go the fuck home and don't return back to Japan… makes no sense then cries because she's NOT in Japan.
Is this the type of fucked up folk I gotta deal with when I go Tokyo this year? Jesus
No. 142544
>>142535 <<
I've noticed this girl's obsessed with white/asian girls and white girl/asian guy relationships already. Course she wud be lolin'
Least she is sorta honest about japanese and the weebo models of japan tho
Dakota rose laffin! Kekekek
yh cos kota has features all japanese wunt (maybe in pictures but not in person girl)
No. 142548
>I hate Japan. I decided to stay in my home country because it’s so much better in so many aspects like politics, society, money, social welfare system, police, environmental policy, veganism, women rights, human rights, people are more open, don’t lie and don’t prefer money to humans etc. whenever I am in Japan, esp Tokyo I feel so inconvenient because of sexual harassment, people starring at me>veganism>whenever I am in Japan, esp Tokyo I feel so inconvenient because of sexual harassment, people starring at meIs she Kiki? No. 142551
>>142548It's true though, in regards to the staring. Everyone will stare at you. All the time. It never gets better.
That's why keekz loves Nippon so much
No. 142557
>>142554>توكلت على اللI have family members living on the border of Turkey and Syria.
I am worried every day..
Allah yusallmak
Inshallah tala ._.
is Isis Islam kobane sanliurfa terrorism syria turkey inshallah
No. 142754
>>142539doubt it, many japanese esp. yaks have shit english, which is why many gaijin talk so much shit on tumblr
>>142538lol there are fucked up people everywhere. but life isn't that simple, where you can say "fuck it" to a place just because you're not happy there. who's to say her home life in her country isn't even worse?
No. 142780
>>142599WB Vendetta-chan/ s-h-I-t
I wonder why the salt is so strong.
No. 142801
>>142601Not true
Unfortunately i saw them everywhere
No. 142835
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>>142491>>142370>>142539>>142544So who is this train wreck? This is one hell of a lolcow! Need more milk.
No. 142849
>>142801Says doesn't want to meet girls.
Spends all day posting about girls on lolcow.
Seems like bullshit.
Maybe u mad because you couldn't sit with them :v
No. 142858
>>142601I live here and you're right
Most foreign girls you see, even in popular areas like harajuku and shibuya 109 are normal looking girls on vacation, not embarrassingly dressed weebs
No. 142879
theres a tiny word of wisdom in here know men of any culture/nationality cheat, but there is some kind of institutionalized culture around it in japan.
it scares me, the fact that its normal for men to always "work late" or have "business trips" or even take jobs across the country for months at a time, even when they have a wife and kids. how many are faithful when its "business culture" to go party with your boss who is so unhappy with his own life that HE wants to go have an affair, and the other men are dragged along.
No. 142882
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talk about hot mess
at least she left tokyo
she needed a chill pill
No. 142901
>>142897Ah, just another white gaijin with azn accessory on her arm lolin'
so is this not yakuza girl or not? grr
i wanna know what she looks like
No. 143100
>>143090I had someone sign my phone once, only because I was freaking out and didn't have anything else on me at the time.
The autograph rubbed off in like, a day, lol.
No. 143147
>>143144Yeah, I'm not trying to be rude. But every Japanese lad I've ever came across and spoke have all been weird. Just… strange? Like they grew up with parents and a family but no love. The women seem more normal but the guys… It's like they can't function?
Luckily I have one friend who is Japanese and male, he's easy to talk to but again the flirting and I keep telling him it's annoying or get off topic. What is with them? It's…
She should have fucking left. Honestly, I read this and even though her blog isn't very… it's not pleasant I'll say. But hearing her experience with some cunt guy, I'd have been out the door the first time he got violent and raised his voice. Any guy, Japanese or not. You go. They'll continue to do it and think it's okay.
No wonder the women over there can't fend themselves for shit, they don't know how. How their culture and people are I guess. No one says anything, it's better not to other wise "you're just a burden".
No. 143165
>>143147Yeah, i dunno. It's sad but that culture encourages meek and submissive women who never speak up for themselves, even if they are psychically being harassed in public.
And the guys grow up with work hard until you die attitudes or end up being otaku with insane expectations of women and just use them as sex objects instead of having a real relationship. Messed up shit there. I've spoken to several Japanese guys when they visited my friend's house who does a lot of hosting and they were shocked by my 'attitude' of saying what i wanted and not being cutesy. it was…. odd.
No. 143226
>>143165> they were shocked by my 'attitude'really? that sucks.
must be damn city boys.
i know more of the guys, and girls even, that arent straight up from tokyo are a bit more friendly…. some are a bit more conservative and even old fashioned, but not straight up hostile regarding "gender roles"
No. 143227
>>143144lel thinking torture/fetish/sexism leads to low birth rate
nah its because relationships are a bitch and people wanna be free
No. 143311
>>143227Basically fucking this.
I remember seeing this terrible BBC documentary on Japan's low birthrate, and it was basically an hour an half of "Lol waifus, body pillows, spending money on fake school girls", when it's so much more than that.
Women are starting to advance their careers, and usually see relationships as distractions. That, and there's major pressure to essentially get married, have kids, and live the rest of your days as a homemaker. Women who try to work while having kids are seen as selfish.
No. 143315
>>143311Yet every weeb wants to jet over there, live there and proclaim how magical japan is.
fucking mind boggling lol
No. 143355
>>143311Saw that same documentary and they only mentioned anime for 15 minutes. They talked to business women, and people all walks of life. Maybe you only watched the weeb part.
>>143315Low birth rate of the native population doesn't have diddly shit to do with weebs. They like Japanese media not Japanese people.
No. 143370
>>143311This is a really unfortunate truth about the world - the more intelligent and egalitarian a society becomes, the lower their birthrate becomes. The Japanese are probably the best example but it's true in the EU and US as well
This sucks because it means uncivilized peoples (Africans and Muslims) will end up outnumbering superior cultures
No. 143495
>>143470I loved that whole shitstorm! Juicy af…
Anyone know what Shiena is up to these days?
No. 145196
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Damn she looks like man
No. 145355
>>130033Why would she get a nosejob just to please some anonymous salty cunt on the internet? Maybe she likes her nose.
I say more power to her.
No. 145368
>>145366She won't get fame in Japan unless she goes in for like gyaru or black diamond like Barbie. She's not cutesy looking naturally like Aminyan, so I doubt she'd be an idol.
The only fame black women in Japan CAN get fame… either porn, jvlogging, gyaru or adirou if you're kawaii looking.
Won't end up in Popteen or Kera, it'd be NICE but it won't happen.
No. 145369
>>145368You're probably right there, but I'm talking about Himezawa and she's white
I mean tbh Himezawa doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting 'fame' either. I mean, her personality is probably just as big a problem as her looks, I just kinda meant that anon had a pretty fair point in saying she'd probably be a little better off with a nosejob, I guess
No. 145755
>>145366How do you know she's trying to get game in Japan?
Maybe she just likes dressing cute.
No. 145830
>>145369I think the only way someone black (typically lighter skin) or mixed (maybe with Japanese or white) I THINK could get famous in Japan is if they did something very, very different and looked a certain.
Let's say for e.g if you had a light skinned black girl or a mixed race girl (possibly the type with lighter eyes and blondish/brown hair) but she had a very dolly face, small and slender/petite, natural long curly hair and was into cutesy fashion but the RIGHT way like how Risa/Amo dress not lolita and wearing any old shitt off Taobao but looked casual cute.
Good/very good level of Japanese, polite and knew the customs, took the time to make some Japanese friends and other connections, had a back up plan elsewhere and maybe did something like singing/modelling I think there could be potential attention for her.
Again it would depend on how she looks tbh, Aminyan said it herself and she's right. How she is smaller/cute face/slim compared to a black girl who is overweight/big big nose and ghetto looking. It'd be the same with a white girl who was fat looking, dyed hair and stuff. It depends on the appearance.
I think it CAN be done but a black or someone mixed would have to work their way up slowly. Get a blog, connections, know people, have a talent aside from dancing to Hatsune Miku and looking "dolly". There is so much more and a lot of effort you've got to go through to get there.
No. 145878
>>145864Yeah but tbh I think it was more or less Americans and racists making a big deal out of her being hafu tbh.
You know what makes me go "huh" is that it would have been fine is she was half white/japanese but when it's like black or indian lets say, it's not good because her colour is darker.
So what if everyone was fucking someone white and they have a ton of hafu white/asian children, is that still Japanese and okay because they have white skin or what? But it's bad if they're half japanese/black? because the skin is darker? Even tho the white/japanese is still half… It makes me wonder you know.
They were apparently annoyed how miss japan was hafu black/jap but all the magazines have hafu models sporting the typical white/jap look because "they're asian but have the features asian gurls want so they look more refined' apparently.
TBH miss japan looks japanese but with tanned skin that's all. Apart from her nose being a tad too button, skin and height. All I see is asian tbh.
No. 145901
>>145899To be honest, when I see mixed black and asian people they look no different than just mulatto but with slanted eyes. Ariana (miss japan) looks like a dark asian you get in other parts of asia with the tanned skin tbh. I don't see that much difference. Whereas with white/asian mixed I think they always look more white than asian but with a funnier eye shape or watered down asians.
But it depends, every mixed person will look different regardless. At the end of the day they're still going to be mixed and neither race. Mixed stands on its own, it doesn't belong to any particular race. It's just it's OWN thing.
Ariana is pretty, I think she's prettier than the contestants she was going against tbh. Sure, they may be full Japanese but they weren't stunners.
No. 145903
>>145902Her eye shape, same with Rola and Tiffany Cadillac plus some half white ones too. Look at their eye shape, it gives it away.
She only looks more black because of her nose and skin colour and obv because she is half black. Still half asian tho.
No. 145904
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>>145901She could pass off as Cambodian tbh
No. 145905
>>145755I really, really can't be arsed typing up her entire history here but if you read the posts about her in this thread and
>>24669 it's pretty apparent
No. 146175
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is it me or is Phoenix's weight loss completely minuscule/non-existent?
No. 146178
>>146175Actually it looks like she did lose some wei-
>over the last two yearslol nevermind
No. 146182
>>146175It looks like she lost like, 4 or 5lbs, lol.
I could lose that much in a week if I tried just slightly.
No. 146205
I was like ' anon stop bitching, she clearly has lost some weight, it's not just angles'.
And then I saw it was over 2 fucking years.
>>146202I don't think that was anon's point though. They weren't claiming long term results, just that it would be easy to replicate that result in a very short time. 2 years is ridiculous.
No. 147112
File: 1438259693792.jpg (150.14 KB, 602x302, 6673842_orig.jpg) beloved Himezawa wrote about us. (。◕ ∀ ◕。)
>However looking into some things before judging them by the angry write-up of an ex or someone who wishes they were in the same position, will save you a lot of time and frustration. >I have heard everything from me "promoting a negative body image" to "please just get plastic surgery". >From fake rumors to death threads to hateblogs, gossip magazines, it's all there and there are a whole lot of clueless people who fall for these things. >If someone wants you to be unhappy, because they can't be happy themselves, there's something wrong with them, not you. And the typical "I'm a pretty gaijin"-speech:
>I was lucky enough to fit into a lot of beauty categories over here, regarding my body features, but also my personality. Being pale, having light hair and eyes, being a petite size, but also quite tall, having a bigger nose, all of that is a plus over here. No. 147117
>"I was lucky enough to fit into a lot of beauty categories over here, regarding my body features, but also my personality. Being pale, having light hair and eyes, being a petite size, but also quite tall, having a bigger nose, all of that is a plus over here."In other words if you're not like me then you're ugly as fuck. She's pretty average, I could go on the pinterest and find a fuck ton of beautiful ass girls who would still own Himezawa in seconds.
Japan is an Asian country, no matter if you're white/female/blonde/blue-eyes you're still gaijin. You'll never be Asian.
I really wish girls like this would stop giving it the "well im white/blonde/blue eyed so I'm like the kawaii queen" it's pathetic as hell. It's nothing to really be envious about, I mean if you were trying to be aidoru and jelly cos of that then I could see why. But if you're not, you're just normal who is into Japan and is happy with yourself, I would so not be jealous.
Half the people who proclaim this shit are dogs in person. It's like Dakota, yeah she shooped and fits the 'kawaii statistics' but she's just average. Venus again, in person she's average. Kaka, average. They're ALL average looking.
I'm so sick of the "u gotta be white girl for japs to luv you"
Japanese don't give a flying fuck apart from weeb school girls who wish they were hafu, old perverted men and the white pussy gaijin hunters.
No. 147118
>>147114She does make a few grammatical errors here and there but nothing a native wouldn't make.
It probably helps that she's had time to edit the post, in her videos her grasp of English is poor.
>>147117It does sound like she's bragging. Funny she doesn't mention her nose amongst all those praises she sings.
No. 147256
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>>147112Sabrina, most of us don't want to be you. You're a deluded humble-bragger who really thinks she's hot shit. There are plenty of lolita models who are more down-to-earth and modest than you and you don't see us bitching about them.
No. 147432
>>147256I don't know why but she looks weird in whatever she's wearing?
She looks like she has no waist
No. 152199
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Can you stop looking like shit pleass
No. 152530
>>152503Rady, maybe?
Their shit's expensive though.
No. 152531
according to her actual post, it's Datura.
No. 152544
And does Datura have an online shop?
Need this xD
No. 152548
>>152541an actual*
Autocorrect is drunk tonight…
No. 152722
>>152664I think thats just her job tho?
How can you have an attitude about your job. I follow her IG and I dont see her bragging about it.
No. 152739
>>152722you have to see her fb
about her shootings but they are only streetsnap shots-
No. 152741
>>152722>How can you have an attitude about your jobha
ha ha
um plenty of models have an attitude are you kidding
which is lame since they probably work 12+ hours a day and have to be pushed and pulled around for low pay. it doesnt seem very glamorous
No. 154407
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>a bigger nose
No Himezawa,your nose is fucking creepy!
No. 154409
>>154407She doesn't look that bad here.
Nose is still proboscis monkey-esque, but other than that she looks kinda cute.
No. 154411
>>154375I don't want to sound like a white knight but maybe she did have a serious problem. I know how it is to have a severe problem but be very afraid of surgery.
Then again it's weird how in the comments she responds to everyone but the person asking what condition she had. Then again it's not anyone else's business.
No. 154429
>>154407Idk why everyone picks on her nose. The Japanese clearly love it according to
her. You just look jealous because apparently you can't find anything else to bitch about.
No. 154444
>>154429I don't think himezawa is ugly though, in all honestly I actually don't and I like her weird nose (I have a thing about weird and cutesy but weird noses like hers) but she doesn't suit Jstyles or kawaii. She's very lanky and slender, she's suit a more toned down pretty style is you may. Some people suit it and some don't.
It's like Dakota suits kawaii more than Taylor R yet Taylor R suits actual modelling profesh than Dakota. They both want what the other wants.
Plus Himezawa isn't even that well known, christ. All these weeb girls on the web just take pics/make blog + YT/ create lulz/ try to persuade people they're rising stars when they barely have a following.
Himezawa has nothing unique about her. Aside from the fact she's the typical loved 'white/blonde gaijin' which even she said was a plus but only for the aidoru industry. I think people exaggerate about that shit on the web, I've seen countless blogs about blacks/brunettes/indians and whatever else go to Japan with no problem at all. But when it comes to modelling and aidoru it's an 'issue' so that must only apply to the weebs who try to get into aidoru when they don't fit the 'white/blonde' category that the japs look for.
Even though Himezawa HAS all of that she's not that appealing, she doesn't suit the style and she's overall just boring. Another weeb looking for attention in a country she thinks wants her.
It's boring, she's boring. End of.
No. 154463
>>154444This. I think you can say this for every lolcow who's appearance we insult.
I know I join in when people are picking on a lolcow's physical features sometimes, but I honestly don't think anyone posted here is ugly, they're just doing things that don't work for their features.
No. 154469
>>154463Imo we should focus on Himezawa's shitty attitude and lulzy behaviour.
We KNOW that her nose is fucking bulbous but there's no need to state the obvious every fucking time.
No. 154472
>>154463It's true, she isn't ugly but she doesn't suit kawaii fashion. Like for e.g this girl's blog I look at (only because I like what she buys kek and the jmagazine scans) <<<<
Not to be a cunt but I don't think she suits jfashion either (however big kudos to her for losing all that weight!). I mean if people WANT to wear it then fair enough, won't stop you, their choice. Doesn't mean they suit it though.
p.s this is not a self post either btw
No. 154479
>>154472>>154476yea ive seen her before but shes so forgettable i kind of browse her content for a bit then leave.
she is yet another example of girls buying all the kawaii merchandise tumblr tells them to buy with the promises of ~e-fame~.
a dime a dozen
No. 154494
>>154479The ones who get -e fame- always have a 'look' about them, simply because that look compliments the style. For any trend really.
But yeah, I'm the same when I go on her blog it's like - look look look - then leave.
This is why I don't bother with kawaii anymore, I like certain pieces which I buy and that's it. I gave up on dressing kawaii years ago when the trend got popular.
When something gets popular, it's fucked already.
No. 154564
>>154496I want to add:
Even though they may not like the style they suit the most as much as they one they're going for, I feel like people would actually feel a lot better about themselves in a style they suit more. In my personal experience and from what I've seen, a lot of people seem to be happy in a style they love because they delude themselves into thinking they suit it. Like pt and Kiki think they look good in the styles they're going for because they delude themselves into thinking they're kawaii babyfaced little girls. And while it shouldn't matter what people think, I think everyone wants to be considered attractive by other people which won't really happen unless they find a look that suits them.
No. 154652
>>154564Who are you to tell people what style they suit?
One thing I enjoy about this forum is that I know most of the posters are greasy basement dwellers, who in their failure to be kawaii, decide they must become some kind of authority on fashion instead. Owning a few magazines doesn't give you the right to judge people on what style they wear.
No. 154656
>>154652Wow, you mad.
You don't have to be an ~authority on fashion~ to see when a style doesn't suit someone. Whether they're putting outfits together well or not, it's still easy to spot when someone just isn't right in a particular style.
No. 154662
>>154652Calm down anon, people can wear what they want I said that in one of the previous posts about her. But it doesn't mean they suit it.
It's obvious they don't because they just look like an eye sore. For e/g she's too broad for the clothes, not her body shape since she lost a lot of weight but because its usually petite girls wearing the clothes that make it look better.
Her make up is forced, the shoop is bad, the circle lenses do nothing for her, her face is too long since kawaii suits baby faces and soft faces whereas she has very harsh features.
She can like the style, blog about it, wear it but she still looks terrible.
It's like anyone really whether it's kawaii or not anon. Like people who have no ass who wear leggings and crop tops, it looks better if you've got a nice butt (not big fat ass nicki obv) but something cute to show off instead of a flat pancake ass.
Just saying.
No. 154664
>>154656Exactly it's like kaka and kota, kota suits kawaii more than kaka despite kota looking non-doll desu in person, she is cute naturally and kaka isn't.
that's the difference
No. 154667
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>>154497idk why but she reminds me a little of the lovely ify ~
No. 154793
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>>154564I actually see your point
No. 154973
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>>154793because jvloggers have convinced them that japanese people will worship them for simply not being japanese so will get all the attention they lack in their home country. pic related.
No. 155035
>>154973Rachel is annoying
She thinks she's the only white red haired girl in Japan and acts like people are treating her somehow special.
No. 155510
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"no make up"
So you were born with make up?Because I can see the eyeliner.
No. 155511
>>155510This #allnatural, #nomakeup instagram shit is annoying af.
There's still a shit ton of filters.
No. 155513
>>154476Oh Sara Mari… I see she has gone from the gyaru look of shading her nose mud brown on the side to now shading the tip.
She has a really bad eating disorder and an old salaryman "friend" that she sleeps with in exchange for a place to stay in Japan
No. 155594
>>155513> shading the tiphey it actually looks ok in the photos… makes her face look less abnormally long. shame really.
it cant look good irl or without spot-on lighting/angles though
No. 155605
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>>155513also she looks way better here (on the right) than the current look shes going for… looks like a different person really.
No. 155607
>>155605what the hell she looks like some cute , totally relatable girl.
now she looks very austere with that deer in headlights look.
No. 155696
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with her "friend"
No. 158640
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why aren't they friends anymore?
No. 160308
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>>130071>basement dwelling under-weebs. Excuse the fuck out of you. I live in the crawl-space.
Also anyone find it a bit funny that pic related is into SJW shit on her tumblr now and yet she's a white girl lying about being half Japanese?
No. 163269
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"hey mimei wanna be in my video?"
"k let me wash my hair first" - the thought that did not pop into this womans head
No. 163301
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>>163276Her hair has seen better days
No. 163307
>>154429Are you kidding me?
Japanese people ALWAYS make fun of big gaijin noses ALL THE TIME.
They do not like her nose at all. lmao
No. 163309
>>154795Well, your personality from the inside reflects from the outside.
If you're a self-absorbed ugly bitch, you look like ugly
No. 163466
>>163379Mhh japanese friend of me makes fun of long and big gaijin noses
But maybe it's only him
No. 163867
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That's not cute
No. 163973
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>>163276That's literally the only thing I think of when I see her name
Related (picture): Mira trying to sneak her way into jvloggers again
No. 163974
>>159892She's wearing eyelash extensions
And obviously pink eyeshadow + eyeliner
No. 165404
>>164257Anon, why would you do this to me?
I couldn't stop cringing. Everything about this video is so…wrong. The popsicle licking, the pink gloves…
No. 165411
>>165358Sayounara sere
Sayounara gaya
No. 165705
>>165358It's about time. It's getting to be a bit of a joke, too many fools going to Japan to get hitched and find aidoru.
No. 166715
>>166476I can never tell if this bitch is joking. Her life just seems to be be a marathon of disgusting older men, usually criminal and abusive.
On one hand, she loves cheating on men (to feel desired or in control?). On the other hand, she genuinely seems to be in love with these creepy fucks, like the Indian cheater or the guy who videotaped her rape and torture, which he conducted himself.
I'm calling deluxe-size daddy issues. I hope she keeps posting, I love watching complete wrecks wreck themselves harder.
No. 166942
>>166584At first I thought she was like 13… Now I'm not so sure
Her voice is too damn mature (2:45)
No. 168270
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