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No. 121971

Someone said this should be on /pt/ so here it is.
From what i've seen, she's mostly hated by women-haters anti-feminists and MRAs so idk really.
Encyclopedia Dramatica: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Laci_Green
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/profile?user=lacigreen

No. 122026

whoever told you this should be on /pt/ is cancer.

don't post shit here trying to get details that are not readily available via google. only post people truly lolworthy and a list of reasons they are a lolcow.

why is it so hard to understand this concept?

No. 122036

Why the fuck would you make a thread for this basic white bitch? She hasn't done anything lulz worthy or been in any kind of juicy drama.

No. 122086

Moved to >>>/b/10261.

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