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File: 1434919075216.jpg (72.58 KB, 500x420, 1431310521794.jpg)

No. 125281

The speedrunning community is full of drama and lulz, but one person stands out from the rest; he goes by 'Chibi' on Twitch.

>had a restraining order threatened against him for dating a girl, was forced to break up with her

>brother is in jail
>dad died
>had to put his cat down, it died in his arms
>has no money
>thinks a dog collar he wears gives him energy from the moon
>is known as the "I would prefer if you were quiet" guy
>mom hates him and wants him to quit speedrunning
>caught cheating, now all his times are being removed and his viewers are leaving him

He's most well known for ruining some guys run at SDGQ 2014 by blurting out autistic ramblings. Ultimately, he got rekt when the speedrunner told him to stfu.

No. 125282

Also, he got caught cheating recently so he bawleted everything.

No. 125285

Yesssss this guy is a goldmine of lulz, you need to post the original speedrun video.

No. 125311


Best video to come out of agdq/sgdq so far.

No. 125390

Oh wow he's actually live right now drawing really badly.


Lol, he must have gotten banned from speedrunning.

No. 136437

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He should have just cut the stream. Picnic.

No. 136441

>thinks a dog collar he wears gives him energy from the moon

Alright, this I need to hear more about.

No. 136445

>had to put his cat down, it died in his arms

What's wrong with that? I know if I could do it over again, I wouldn't have chickened out when I took my cat to be put down. He deserved better.

No. 136454


I swear he's the CWC of speedrunning.

No. 136456

File: 1436668745306.jpg (46.14 KB, 600x450, cosplay_fun_wise_ass_pose_by_c…)


Have fun with this, it's a goldmine.

No. 136516

File: 1436690681713.png (19.81 KB, 675x174, 1435886630050[1].png)

Oh man, I LOVE this guy

No. 137417

Sounds like Nick Bate if he had a twitter account

No. 137591

File: 1436900770891.png (45.79 KB, 636x418, NAepoyO.png)

Why would you post this?

No. 137714

Nuffins is the worst speedrunning.

No. 216695

File: 1450830309581.png (173.95 KB, 409x236, 1450829237231.png)

He got a gf guiz! I wonder if she knows about his dark moon energy collar?

No. 803088

File: 1604332118175.png (104.47 KB, 534x532, mom and her date.png)

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