No. 13785
>>13780lol @ her still going through her "i'm not a poser!" edgy phase that most people grow out of by the time they turn 13
also her eyebrows/hair are WHACK. someone should tell this girl that it's 2014, holy shit.
No. 13789
>>13780This video really pisses me off.
>>Class where everyone laughed every time I did or said anything>>I brought something to play with everyday>>Whaaa teacher wont let me have my phone out>>Whaaa people trying to chat with me>>Everyone but me is so stupid while I'm so cool and smart>>I mean we didn't learn anything, omg school so dumb I bet she was a disruptive cunt. That's why everyone laughed at you, bean monkey hoe. Also, why do you think she talks like that? She just says some words like a brit.
No. 13791
>>13789She's mexican and from Southern Califoria. She always lashes out and says she doesn't have an accent when someone points it out. Non-Americans think it's some Cali accent but really she just has annoying voice.
My favorite part of the video is when you can taste the bitterness from miles away due to the fact she never got to live out her high school experiences.
No. 13811
She also has a store selling over priced squishes and other shit.
I would prefer if you guys open a new tab then look at her store, not directly from here. Sometimes Etsy tells you where it's directly coming from and I bet if she found out about here, she would shit on the thread more than Mickey did. This is what her about page said:
>I started off selling kawaii handmade items on May 26 2013 on Etsy under CreepitCute. I never thought I’d enjoy selling things online but as CreepitCute grew my love for selling online grew as wellBitch you only have 138 sales on Etsy. Also her business venture seems like she's playing store clerk like what kids do.
No. 13842
>>13781I'm a sucker for dumb kawaii stuff, but something about her room bothers me. Maybe I'm being a sperg but putting files and keychains and shopping bags on the walls bugs me, I just want to go "nooo, that doesn't belong on there" and pull them off. Also, how much stationery does one person really need?
>>13836Probably because most of it is just Taobao/Aliexpress crap.
No. 13867
>>13842No she's too dumb to know about those sites.
She has several videos of her mom taking her to sanrio and buying shit for her. If you live in Cali, they have Japanese stores like Kinokoniya and Daiso that sells tons of crap so I imagine she buys out the whole place.
Every time someone asks her if she's 9 because her parents buys her little toys and school supplies, she goes full on rage mode bragging that she's so busy with her etsy store and that she has her own online business.
No. 13964
>>13962Hello whiteknight anon, you must hate a lot of the threads here since they contain similar special snowflakes like kittyphina and hailedabear. The lolcow well is running a bit dry so it's understandable to post potential trainwrecks
I suggest going back to PULL :(
No. 56855
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I knew she looked familiar. She recently appeared in a Taco Bell commercial. No. 56988
>>56972Though I understand what you're saying, TV usually over exaggerates stuff like that. I wouldn't really rely on a sitcom clip as claim evidence.
Nobody, rich people included, speaks like that in the US anymore except for in cartoons/kids movies/television.
I still think she's just faking an English accent.
No. 57011
>>13780>Said how she's been emotional ever since she was a child. I quote her "I remember when I was 3, I would tell my mom I didn't want to live anymore"that's actually quite sad
if she has depression then i feel bad for her
i know some people that dropped out because they had depression and school was fucking up their health
No. 57014
>>57011i'm sorry for sounding like a shitty whiteknight or w/e
i've never heard of her before
it's just that i know some people that because of depression they do drugs and they really want to die and then drop out school so yeah some of them aren't dumb, just truly need help tbh
however, holy shit
why doesnt her parents tell her to go get a job to pay kawaii shit? fuck you don't threathen to commit suicide for dumb shit like this
it's because of people like her that nobody takes suicidal people seriously
No. 57069
>>57066Yeah but you should also know depression isn't the only condition that could negatively affect one's life, she could have been dealing with multiple issues that affect how she deals with her depression.
I've had major issues with school due to depression and anxiety, and honestly would have wished at my lowest that I had something as asinine as an affinity for kawaii bs to help me cope with how terrible I felt.
Originally I was rolling my eyes at her behavior, I find her room set up akin to something a toddler would enjoy, but if she really, truly suffers from a disorder, than I can't really fault her for the
all of this.
Idk if her parents tried to intervene at all and get her help when she first/most needed it, but if she didn't this enabling behavior may be due to guilt. At least thats how my mom was for a little while when she found out I wanted to die. Idk, I guess if you expect to find your kid dead one morning, you either try your hardest to get them help or to give them everything you think will make them happy while you can.
No. 57115
>>57112but drugs are the only escape from this twisted fate we call reality, muh nigga
Seems like your run of the mill 'depressed' grrrl that takes drugs to look cool and can't function in society. I won't judge too much because I wasted a year and a half of the last part of highschool severely depressed and abused, so I understand how that shit goes. Tragic backstory and everything. But I go to therapy an I'm trying to work my shit out :/ I realized I couldn't be a weak little child forever, and the only way I could survive was to push through. And now, like 2 years later, I have my own apartment and I'm going to school ect. You have to grow up even if you're sick in the head. It's just fact. I don't feel too bad for people who stopped developing after 14. Put on your big person pants and suck it up. :/ if you have the mental and physical capacity to be a functioning member of society, try your fucking hardest to do that. Ugh.
No. 57301
>>57066Ive also wanted to die since im a child
pls be my friend anon
No. 87730
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An update on this girl:
>used to live with her mother only
>parents are separated and her father considers her a fuck-up
>she recently moved to Los Angeles, a street away from her best friend
>can't even set up her own Internet or call anyone to do it for her
I don't know how this girl is going to survive on her own.
No. 87752
>>87739Agreed. Don't know if she got paid a lot for that as she has moved out of her mom's house and bought herself a new car.
>>87740It took her about three days. She just got Internet about an hour ago.
No. 87782
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>>87778She's the type of girl that probably thinks you can overdose after smoking ten pots.
No. 88793
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>>88668Yeah, she definitely seems like a Leda clone.
>>88786Soon they're gonna end up looking like little bits of corn. Bleh.
No. 89856
>>89737That's what I'm wondering as well. She doesn't have enough YouTube views to make crazy money (about half of her videos have less than 10,000 views). Her dad said that she's a fuck-up so I doubt he'd support her. I also doubt the money she made from the Taco Bell commercial is enough for her to live off of it comfortably.
I'm pretty obsessed with this girl but have not found a solid answer.
No. 89914
>>89895$60 worth to make some butter, maybe?
>if you end up in a mental hospital after smoking, that says something about YOU, not the drug.Well, iirc, 1-3 in 100 natural cannabis smokers will present to a hospital with a mental episode and something like 30 in 100 synthetic cannabis users will have a psychotic episode. That isn't per person, it's per usage so every time you light up you roll for that chance. Some are more susceptible than others, of course.
No. 90233
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It seems she got rid of her stupid accent in her latest video. Either that or I've gotten used to it.
>>89918I don't know, she seems to fit the description of one.
No. 90596
>>56972haha good theory.
I always thought her accent was from her melted brains of so many drugs she did. I used to know a bunch of druggies who acted similar. Perhaps it's a mixture of the two.
No. 101472
>>101434who gives a shit? lol wat kind of pussy anxiety do you have
i mean tbh she sounds like she fakes it and its easy to fake for attention whores but people who actually have bad anxiety it legit ruins ur life
No. 219395
>I hope you burn in he'lllmao
>>219377You're just as bad.
No. 219476
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>>219374>>219467>>219460Just stop while you're ahead, buddy.
No. 219583
>>219560Demoman is bae.
Also this thread is pretty stupid? I mean at the time it was decent, all cows start somewhere and this girls is kind of shitty but no point in bringing it back to defend her lol.
No. 219584
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>>219560best taunt in the game