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No. 139632
I wanted to let you guys in on this girl since she has amazing lolcow potential
The basics
>well known scammer sells stuff she doesent own and takes money for comissions but never makes them >Buried her old roomie in debth >her parents dont dare to give her money anymore because they know she will just waste it on cosplay>has neckbeard manslave boyfriend who pays everything for her >copies famous slut cosplays like without giving any credit pretending its her own design>Made british convention belive that she won alot of prices in denmark and scammed her way to a free trip and a spot as judge > Got called out never apolegized and acted like a whiny baby >looks like she has alcohol fetal syndrome>brought facebook likes >Tails any famous cosplayer she can get nearLinks: No. 139633
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No. 139638
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>>139634I am sorry Anon it went a little fast
No. 139639
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>>139638Her protos wizard cosplay
No. 139649
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Okay this explains the Jnig thing
No. 139656
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>>139647>>139654Here is a screenshot from the document tell me if you want the links
No. 139815
>>139677It not really any interesting links but they just prove that she couldent have won any of those prices
Also she brought facebook likes
And she is is deemed bankroupth as a individual by the state
Also found her insta