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/pt/ - lolcow general

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File: 1437483468651.jpg (43.08 KB, 405x720, 10403128_1652401464979828_3437…)

No. 141542

No. 141544

1. Why is she a lolcow?

2. Why is it always a blondy/ashy/moosey haired white girl who "causes drama"

3. Why are they always weebs

4. No srsly what has she done?

No. 141548

there's a lot of cringey stuff from krautchan, including a blowjob video

No. 141552


-borrows costumes and gives them back after 1 year of constantly asking and they are completely destroyed

-makes shit-tier costumes that lack any kind of craftsmanship or attention to detail

-abuses people (guys and girls, just ask her former best friend Cucco) as wallets so she can get free everything at cons, this kinda stopped because

-her ex bf got her into a position where she can work as "booth babe" for GSC Europe after which she dumped him

-talks shit about people behind their back

-on top of all of this pretends to be sweet and innocent and shit

She's everything that is wrong with cosfamous people summed up into one person and a disgrace to the scene as a whole

No. 141554

How old is she?

No. 141556


Kek, there is always some type of dirty video behind lulzies.

Ah yes, the bitch wolf in kawaii sheep clothing.

No. 141557

No. 141561

I just get a "stream not found" error

No. 141562


Click on it s'more, it works after a while of it loading. It's shit tbh.

No. 141564

I don't know who this girl is but…'sheepcream'? I don't know why but those two words sound revolting and not cute at all.

No. 141572


idk it reminds me of cream pie tbh

No. 141573

oh god

No. 141575

she's cute though…

No. 141578

File: 1437487216722.jpg (65.52 KB, 720x480, 10885060_949936148352661_53309…)

she's friends with melonpan

No. 141589

Moved to >>>/b/17797.

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