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No. 142550

Uh hey guys, how does elizabunnii afford all her shit? Everytime I read her blog its…

>I went shopping with my lovely mum

>My boyfriend Josh and I went shopping
>My bro took me shopping
>400th tokyo trip
>Angelic pretty haul

Wtf is this brit garbage doing for money? How old is she even? Does she work? Is she a student? Even if she does work, that must be a damn good job…. Does she just live off her rich "mum" and feed off her boyfriends and fans for cash?

No. 142555

/b/ much?

No. 142563

You really answered your own questions.
You gotta give us more for the lulz.

No. 142566

if she's british, shes probs on benefits no doubt and probably has someone in her fam doing some side dealing… wouldn't surprise me

No. 142568

Apart from the fact she's blatantly spoiled or sponging off the benefit system, she's basically an introvert who gets pissy whenever someone asks where she gets her non-brand clothes from, heavily shoops her pics, has some apparent social anxiety issues and has to constantly put down her body image to win asspats.

But you know, she can happily go to Japan several times a year no problem despite all of her 'problems'.

No. 142570


Yeah, benefits of some sort no doubt. She's probably receiving child support from her dad also because odds are her parents are divorced, since she looks 16 tops. Plus the pissy attitude and "awkward social anxiety" I been reading about of her SCREAM emo phases of teenagehood.

No. 142572

Moved to >>>/b/17932.

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