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No. 144750

super lulzy instagram account. I follow it for the hilarous shit they say/drama that always ensues

>self diagnosing is cool

>non butthurt black people are coons
>hilarous logic overall



account is private but ill be posting some screenies. they accept everyone btw

No. 144751

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No. 144752

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No. 144753

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No. 144754

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No. 144755

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No. 144756

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No. 144757

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No. 144759

BTW they always post personal info which makes this all the better

No. 144760

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No. 144761

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No. 144813


>people are ashamed to get a diagnose

>mental illness is not a thing in some cultures
>that's why it's okay to self-diagnose


and what does self-diagnosing have to do with black women

No. 144816


pretty much. i dont even understand how its related lmao

No. 144818

An overwhelming amount of black parents tend to have the logic of "mental illness don't real", which is why I guess it's tangently related. Still doesn't make self diagnosing okay in the slightest though.

No. 144877

I discourage self diagnosis but when you have no other options (especially when you're young and have no support or access to necessary resources) the internet could provide you with some insight as to what you may be struggling with so that you can take some steps on your own to try and cope if medication isn't a requirement, i.e. some forms of depression

I think they brought up black women because as >>144818 mentioned, mental illnesses aren't perceived the same way within their culture, as is in many places around the world. I remember having a Latina best friend when I was in middle school who had to go to our schools counselor because of all the depressive symptoms she was displaying. Her family didn't understand because "she has nothing to be depressed about, she has a home, food to eat, a family that loves her and is doing well in school". The counselor stated that it was a common reaction among Latino communities.

If as a black person you feel that whatever is going on with you is normal, you wouldn't even look up the symptoms, but if some outside, non black source is telling you what you have is a disorder, and you relay that to other black people and they dissuade you from reaching out to them again because they reject the idea, you're on your own. If you can't get help from a professional (there have been studies that showcase bias in the health system, with black children and adults being viewed as older and tougher than they are, so that if they mention pain, they're viewed as complaining compared to other races), maybe you'll feel more comfortable with the internet.

Doesn't mean it'll be accurate, but it's a vulnerable time for them (all people with disorders, not just black people) so I won't knock them for relying on the internet.

However, I think these people got the point of the post wrong. There are people who do romanticize disorders and want to get the attention they wouldn't if they were of sound mind. Of course this isn't everyone, but that post was for the growing amount of people who do bastardize disorders.

No. 144894

Tumblr GTFO

No. 144896

Anon's right though. I mean, they even go against sdxing, what makes them Tumblr? Because they mentioned blacks and mental illness in the same paragraph?

I mean, using WebMD for an outline to what MAY be the problem(to later get a diagnoses and seek help), but reading it a few times and exclaiming "I HAVE BPD!!!1!!" is wrong.

No. 144969

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"Demisexual"… is this real life? I pray to God that this is just special snowflake bullshit and that people aren't actually this far down the rabbit hole.

It's literally nothing special or something that even needs to be talked about or given a buzzword. Like wtf, all she doing is describing normal human sexuality and acting like it's something different and unique. Sexual attraction is both an emotional and physical response… so wtf are these people trying to say?! I actually cannot comprehend why "demisexual" even exists as a sexuality.

I'm so glad I don't tumblr anymore. That shit brainwashes people.

No. 144971

this is what I don't get…it's normal! why does it need a weird fancy word?

No. 144987

I've never even heard of demisexual. what the actual fuck. So glad I don't go on tumblr anymore either. Even when I used to follow mainly fashion blogs, people still reblog politics and other bullshit in there.

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