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No. 147895

Demcad (Powerword: Reginald Kaigler) is a 29 year old unemployed paranoid nutter conspiracy black man that lives in his momma's basement in the hood of flint michigan and Youtubes for a living. His youtube channel is doom and gloom talks about stocking up on guns and food storage and tells people to prepare for economic collapse. He is a devout truthtard that believes 9/11 was an inside job and practically any other conspiracy he can come up with at the moment.

His channel on Youtube is always about news articles negative about the economy, bitching about women and feminism and having no money, talking about his massive gun collection and how we need to prepare food storage in case of economic collapse. He likes to take walks to nowhere in Flint with his bugout backpack to get used to walking long distance and looking for a place to hide during the collapse. His ego has gotten so high he thinks he actually is the next black Alex Jones who can change the world from his basement.

His sole living is earned from fear mongering on Youtube as a Youtube partner. He has said he makes about 1000 bucks a month after Youtubing for 3 years and thinks somehow eventually he will be able to make a lot of money for a living on Youtube. As the economy gets better demcad has to shout more doom and gloom and conspiracy theories to keep his viewers in fear and keep watching. Most of his viewers are as broke as him and when they do get a job they stop watching his channel.

Demcad has made it clear that he would rather spend his money on buying a new gun or food storage then taking a girl out for a date. Rumour has it he may be a closet faggot. He also hates his own race and believes whites are superior. All his friends are white and he says he is only attracted to white women.

No. 148192

Post some humorous quotes or screenshots pls

No. 148590


No. 148591

Also he is right, 9/11 was an inside job and I thought it was a fact everyone knows already. Anyways, take that shit to /cow/.

No. 148592

>Rumour has it he may be a closet faggot. He also hates his own race and believes whites are superior. All his friends are white and he says he is only attracted to white women.
Is he lying?

No. 148606

Shut up, jew lackey.

No. 148614

You should just burn babies tbh

Also, thanks for the SJW era!

No. 148617

You have only yourself to thank for the sjw era. The jews and zionists created it. You dirty bastard.

No. 148648

I agree but im confused now tbh. And now I feel guilty ;___;

No. 148650


I don't think he is. I'm black and most black men are obsessed with white females and white people in general.

No. 148757

911 was an inside job and a lot of conspiracies end up true. No one cares what race some guy is attracted to and no one cares if he's gay. Keep reaching guy.

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