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/pt/ - lolcow general

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File: 1438656016605.jpg (94.7 KB, 960x625, pretty!.JPG)

No. 150741

MFC camgirl

gorgeous but a sloot

what do you guys think about her

No. 150742

No. 150746

she is beautiful i wish she would marry me

No. 150747

Not unusual.
Give reasons as to why you think she's a lolcow, otherwise move it to /b/.

No. 150748

her chin is so pointy holy shit, i'm sorry you call this gorgeous

No. 150749

anyone have any tips to achiever her makeup looks? I love it so much but can't figure it out

No. 150750

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It's not bad at all

No. 150751

sorry, meant to post it there. No idea how to move this

No. 150752

her makeup look is basic as fuck.
it's only a natural makeup look

No. 150753

Does any one know more about the drama between her and Big Lottes?

No. 150754

here she's gorgeous not on OP's pic.
I wish korean eyebrows were a trend in america

No. 150758

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I love her eye look/eyebrow look…I can never do my brows like that no matter how I try/enhance my eyes like that. maybe its basic but i have no makeup skills and have the same eye shape as her

No. 150759

Man why is she shoving stuff up her ass on cam when she could be a model. Pretty face, skinny as fuck and tall. Model genetic lottery right there.

No. 150760

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wish I had her body jesus

No. 150762

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No. 150764

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I love this eyebrow look ugh

No. 150765


No. 150771

what's the point of this thread of y'all are just going to praise her

No. 150781

do YOU have anything to contribute?

No. 150784

She kinda attention whores her "disease" but other than that there's really nothing to bitch about. She's gorgeous and should be in /b

No. 150790

There's already a camwhore thread, post about her there.

No. 150798

She was once "homeless", has a pretty big mfc following, and was briefly friends with Charms but then they had a huge falling out. She is not much of a lolcow…but she is a huge SJW so I guess there's that?

No. 150830

she has an amazing figure.

No. 150831

Holy shit, is it just me, or is this thread same faggy/self posty AF???

No. 150832

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She's a total hungry skelly and she needs to start eating.
This is her as of last night.

No. 150837

I thought she had an ass???

No. 150854

Oh wow.
Well, I take my jealousy back.
Rather not be a spoop with saggy asscheeks.

No. 150860

>tfw short as fuck

No. 150861

she isnt a lolcow. Delete this thread.

No. 150868

should just move it to /b/. I agree with you buttttt she sort of is? Known to self harm, diagnosed with bpd, has some sort of eating disorder, and major sjw.

No. 150869

I thought she had a booty?

No. 150871

then show us her SJW side.
anon made this thread to just say shes gorgeous. he didnt include any lolzy shit

No. 150878

ah, yeah, you're right anon. OP is retarded and doesn't know how to properly formulate a thread.

No. 150880


No. 150881

Aside from sjw-ness, she is fine. She doesnt cause drama online and she has Crohns or IBS, so she became vegan and lost weight. She's against pro-ana and pro-ED sites and encourages people not to follow her if they are recovering.

No. 150907

at most her "sjw" side is tweeting about social issues like racism and sexism. but if that is all that makes someone an lolcow then you might as well persecute half of the rational people online then.

as long as shes not insisting that sparklegender is a real identity, that bunself is a real pronoun, and that white people cant eat sushi, shes not really a lolworthy sjw

No. 150913

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>this thread's lack of drama

No. 151127

Moved to >>>/b/20092.

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