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No. 158163

So, let's talk about this messy heifer and the recent tea that has been spilled regarding him.
(Here's a bit of background on the drama à la blogspot for those of you unaware of what the hell is going on. I know that its tl;dr, but bear with me.)

No. 158166

No. 158169

No. 158173

No. 158246


'' recent tea that has been spilled regarding him''

summerfag, gtfo.

No. 158250

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No. 158271

gtfo summerfag lmao

No. 158278

I don't know much about him other than that he's a damned pretty boy that wants to be famous, ans doesn't know shit aboutbapending money.
Plus he's like a male Berry, he was pretending to be rich or something like that, right?
I mean, that's what I learned off of LSA at least, and they had like three long ass threads over the recent years, so I guess he's lolcow worthy? But I'm Not into black drama so Idk.
What's wrong with the phrase? That phrase ha a been used since my mom was around, and I'm pretty sure other users here have used it too. How does that make them a summerfag?
Now the lack of given content and no explanation on why he's a lolcow is summerfagish.

No. 159714

My bad. I was being ultra lazy and thought that the blogspot articles would do a better job at explaining whats going on than I could.

No. 159773

Not a lowcow. Everything is alleged and zero proof of anything other than that he can do bomb makeup.

Lolcow outline:
Who they are
Links to social media
Bullet points as to why they are a lolcow

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