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File: 1439825457630.jpg (51.75 KB, 500x487, tumblr_inline_nqf103Qdn81qkv5t…)

No. 161833

No. 161834

god i hate her

No. 161837

I've never heard of her. Who is she?

No. 161841

strawberry-kisu she reminds me of berry tsukasa

No. 161846

File: 1439826036193.jpg (53.24 KB, 500x495, tumblr_inline_nqf0y77xFB1qkv5t…)

lol, how many photos of herself does she have

No. 161852

dumb face on nearly all photos doesn't make her kawaii looking

No. 161859

oh my god she claims that shes like 85 lbs I forgot what she said but it was somewhere around that

No. 161874

No. 161877

No. 161884

"I can’t shop anywhere BUT the childrens section Very rare xs-s in juniors" jesus christ

No. 161898

Admin-sama you know what to do with this thread

(delete it because /b/ is full hihi)

No. 161908

File: 1439831496920.jpg (61.44 KB, 640x640, 925640_673186092769304_2091071…)

I actually think she's pretty cute when she's doing the "petite butch lesbian" look rather than forcing the ~kawaii~ down your throat with with the wigs and over the top makeup.

No. 161913

she looks like a horse

op why would you make a thread on her and not post any information, it makes you look butthurt

where are all these newfags coming from go back to your tumblr h8 blogs

No. 161914

Her face is disgusting in that picture, jfc

No. 161929

Could you make it anymore obvious your self posting

No. 161937

i thought the same thing

No. 161938

This, lmao.

No. 161940

you're an ugly horsefaced mother fucked

stop self posting

No. 161952

Where is the drama?
She looks cute but a bit weebish, who cares?
jesus christ, put NON-lolcows in b or some shit.

No. 161963

Moved to >>>/b/26985.

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