No. 165105
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Guys… I just had a thought.
Lynns tumblr autism reminds me of ginsengteacats weeaboo autism, and we all know that the 85% of the tumblrtards today were the weebs of yesterday. IIRC GTC suddenly disappeared off the internet one day and her name was also Lin/Lynn.
What if, anons. What if.
No. 169952
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is this the right/latest tumblr thread?
No. 169967
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>>165105I hate to burst your bubble, anon
No. 169970
>>169967greenteaneckochan every cleaned up her act.
Like I remember maybe three years ago the guy that she was living with said they were no longer together so I wonder what happened.
No. 169979
>>169970Oh man, really? I thought they weren't together in the first place because he wasn't japanese desu
It's kinda nice if she actually got her shit together though. It just goes to show that even the weebiest weebs aren't completely unsalvageable.
No. 170052
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