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No. 171766

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Ms. Piggy becomes dependapotamus, can't be assed to get its nails done.

No. 171769

Thank god I've got thin long fingers. Look at those stumps!

No. 173260

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Speaking of dependapotamuses, kek

No. 173473

I didn't even know dependapotomus (dependapotomi?)were real until I googled it and saw all these for real landwhales married to desperate military guys.

Then I thought back to how many fatties I knew with a baseball team's worth of kids who had a husband in the military. And it all clicked.

If I ever get married I'd rather repeatedly shoot myself in the spleen with a nailgun than turn into a lumpy dumpy fatass who has to risk a coronary every time she has to peel herself off the couch and waddle to the refrigerator for more Hagen Daaz.

No. 173479

Was medic in the military, can confirm the existence of the dependapotamus. Hated having to work in the clinic and hearing "don't you know who my husband is!" Botch, I don't care what rank your husband is we're not going to rush you to the top of the patient appointment list because you have a yeast infection in your fat folds.

No. 173481

*bitch, wtf autocorrect

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