Her description: "My name is Autumn Lilith Asphodel and the goal of this YouTube channel is to provide a variety of informative videos regarding mental health
, LGBT / transsexualism*, philosophy, spirituality, makeup, product reviews, and other miscellaneous topics.
*Mental Health: Mood disorders, thought disorders, personality disorders, depression, anxiety, psychosis, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, trauma, dissociation, etc.
**Transsexualism: I am a male to female transgender / transsexual person, full-time since 2012, and had sex reassignment surgery in March 2013.
(NOTE: I am not a licensed or trained professional and all opinions are solely from my experience. I represent only myself and am in no position to provide any sort of medical or mental health diagnosis.)"
https://www.facebook.com/AutumnAsphodelHer Youtube: