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No. 175290

Autumn Asphodel is a goth trans youtuber who claims to have extreme multiple personality disorder and DID. Her videos are a wild ride into a world of crazy.

No. 175293

Her description: "My name is Autumn Lilith Asphodel and the goal of this YouTube channel is to provide a variety of informative videos regarding mental health, LGBT / transsexualism*, philosophy, spirituality, makeup, product reviews, and other miscellaneous topics.

*Mental Health: Mood disorders, thought disorders, personality disorders, depression, anxiety, psychosis, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, trauma, dissociation, etc.
**Transsexualism: I am a male to female transgender / transsexual person, full-time since 2012, and had sex reassignment surgery in March 2013.

(NOTE: I am not a licensed or trained professional and all opinions are solely from my experience. I represent only myself and am in no position to provide any sort of medical or mental health diagnosis.)"

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AutumnAsphodel
Her Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AutumnAsphodel/
website: https://autumnasphodel.com/

No. 175297

Oh man, I remember stumbling across their videos a couple of times on YT and being so confused.
Anyone here with experience in this stuff that can say her DID seems legit? Or does it reek of bullshit? I could never decide since I'm not versed in mental disorders and the like.

No. 175298


I mean the reason I stumbled upon it was because I watched that lady with 7 personalities.

Shit seems so fishy and fake but I never bothered to dig into it further. This thread kind of makes me want to do that.

No. 175303

The fact that she changes her clothes and make-up for the different 'personalities' seems hella sketchy to me also.
Like she implies she has no control over them when they're 'out' but they all just happened to want to get changed into clothes and make-up that suit each personality for the video.
It seems kinda set up to me.

No. 175307

Why are all trannies crazy attention whores?

No. 175308

No. 175309

So what's truly LolCow worthy about her? I mean, at least for her to be in /pt/.

No. 175310

She's very mentally ill but it's not DID. But then again I'm very on the fence about whether I believe it exists or not at all anyway.

No. 175311

DID is so much bullshit.
DID do not exist.
People who claim to have so much disorders, as hard to live with should be in fucking asylum, not doing fucking YT videos.
Makes me so mad.

No. 175314

They're not, just the ones on the internet, which can be said about every group ever

No. 175315

that's not true at all

No. 175317

File: 1441483313611.png (141.18 KB, 495x174, autumn.png)

Used to be a decent looking man.

No. 175320

She passes very well. Honestly, I like deep voice on women, and would tap that.

No. 175325

From what I recall, bitching about people she met on dating sites by regaling long-winded stories about their relationships/encounters, and going to great lengths to pretend to have a mental illness. Honestly though I think she is kind of sweet in a messed-up way, and I like listening to her voice hence I once half-watched her videos all afternoon whilst tidying my flat.

No. 175338

Moved to >>>/snow/22923.

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