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No. 175573

Place to bitch about gyaru

What's Gyaru?

Gyaru is a Japanese transliteration of the English word 'girl'. The name originated from a 1970s brand of jeans called "gurls", with the advertising slogan: "I can't live without men", and was applied to fashion- and peer-conscious girls in their teens and early twenties. Its usage peaked in the 2000s and has gradually declined. The term gradually drifted to apply to an older group, whose seeming lack of interest in work or marriage gained the word a "childish" image. It is now used almost interchangeably with kogyaru.

Gyaru subculture is still a large influence in Japan's fashion economy with gyaru brands branching out and becoming more accessible in rural areas. In Tokyo, more often than not, a shopping center at each main train station is dedicated to offering the newest and trendiest items from popular Gal brands. Some brands are also reaching overseas by having their items easily accessible in webshops offering world-wide shipping services. A Gal Circle is a meet up of gals to hang out together.

Gyaru fashion and style varies greatly dependent on the subcategory. Although in general the term describes the fashion and glamour reminiscent of Brigitte Bardot with tanned skin and blonde hair. The term is also often applied to those imitating the bihaku glamour style created by Ayumi Hamasaki and the street style started by Namie Amuro. Styles derived from gyaru are often referred to by their subcategory name. - Wiki

No. 175576

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gyaru reminds me of the chavs here in the UK

Trashy, tanned and horrific

No. 175591

Every country has those tanned, trashy barbie whores.
Aren't they nearly the same thing?
Except gyaru is a little cuter and crazier

No. 175592


Gyaru looks as trashy and I don't know how anyone can think gyaru looks cute. All are a mess.

No. 175594

> Although in general the term describes the fashion and glamour reminiscent of Brigitte Bardot with tanned skin and blonde hair.

Lol Brigitte Bardot didn't look like a white trash teenager in leopard print.

Unless you're going to post about specific gyaru lolcows this probably belongs in /b/ or /g/

No. 175597

Todays gyarus are hardly even tanned, people seem to confuse them with ganguro.

No. 175599


who cares, the style is trashy and they all look like they need a good scrub half the time anyway

No. 175664

At least you can wear gyaru brand on a daily basis if u combine it in the right way. Not like lolita lol which you can barely ever wear outside.

No. 175689

What a pointless thread.
Op if you have something against someone who describe themselves as Gyaru and acts like shit, make a thread and post your reason of why you think they are lolcow material, but don't shit on a whole fashion because some cows happen to be part of it.
"Boohoo but it looks trashy af" that's pretty much your opinion, dear, shame on you for being so boring that you feel the need to shit talk a fashion style. Next time, well make a thread about how ridiculous people look on lolita as a whole.
Dammit Farmers, what the hell is happening here?

No. 175691


Yepp, that's it. This thread is pretty pointless. From the title I thought it'd be abt ugly gyaru snowflakes or wananbes, but bashing the whole fashion scene? That's nonsense

No. 175703

Like the himekaji branch of the style. You can wear pieces from Liz Lisa/Ank Rouge/etc normally and people won't question it because they're not that over the top.

No. 175704

I agree that this thread is pointless but.
Gyaru. Is. Fugly.

No. 175705

Have you ever seen hime gyaru?

No. 175707

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They're cute!

No. 175713

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Don't forget kogyaru

No. 175717

Is Gyaru even a thing anymore in Japan?

I was there last month in Japan, and my friend and I primarily stayed in the hipster parts of Tokyo (Shimokitazawa), but even transiting through Shinjuku and Shibuya I didn't see many.

No. 175718

It's even bigger than before as it is widely accepted in society, one of the main style features of gyaru was the big eye makeup with circle lens and that can be seen everywhere these days. Just look how Popteen is these days and they still call themself teen gyaru magazine.

No. 175719


It's still kinda trendy around Saitama and Chiba. I had a lot of gyaru friends during my time at high school over there

No. 175743

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it toned down

also very popular atm..onee gyaru

No. 175769


looks better like this, looks more normal and not weird

No. 175770

Kurogyaru as well as shirogyaru also got some more popularity again through BD and even ranzuki revived this year. So gyaru can't be that outdated. Like I mentioned before, there a still a lot gyaru in Saitama, also a few of the egg models live in Saitama so it's not too rare to meet one of them there.

No. 175771


Boring because I don't want to look like a total twat on the streets? Pardon me anon, but have I bruised half of your egos on this thread? Y'all probably a bunch of weeb loli's anyway. It's a ridiculous ass looking fashion, lolita is fucking horrid too. Most sub culture fashions are tbh. Only like three Japanese ones look decent atm tbh.

No. 175773


Not my fault some dick made a thread about it, I just said its trashy because it IS trashy. It looks a mess. I'm not the OP but it's obv the OP was looking to start shit.

No. 175774

So much humble-bragging in this thread.
Should really be in /g/ tho.

No. 175775

Moved to >>>/b/33994.

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