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No. 176616

Actor/Comedian BLAKE HOGUE (Red Robin Commercials, CollegeHumor, 90210) gets called out by fellow comic for attempting to seduce a girl with DOWN'S SYNDROME over OKCupid, takes down all internet presence including website, Facebook, and twitter.

Here is a video explaining the whole thing, including a full transcript of his conversation on OKcupid with a girl with Down's Syndrome. (Starts at 7:54)


No. 176626

>attempting to seduce a girl
>over OKCupid

No. 176629

I don't have time to watch the video but based on the title, what's so bad about this? Was it a joke or something? Was he trying to prank her? Was he harrassing her when she obviously didn't want courtship?

No one should be pranked on a relationship site because in the end it wastes everone's time, but is this particular case special only because she has Down's?
Sorry for not watching the video-

No. 176694

The guy in the video is such an edgelord, couldn't watch past his shitty intro. It's a shame he's obviously spent the best years of his life on /r9k/ because he looks like he'd have had a lot of potential if he'd invested in himself and got a decent sense of style

No. 176722

Apparently a guy created an account on OKCupid as a girl with downs for the keks, but he notices that many non-retarded guys actually try to hit on her (him) and would really fuck a girl with downs and he's creeped out by that. Then, this Blake guy starts chatting with her, and that's what he writes.
Here's the full conversation. http://imgur.com/kvZcJoz
(Sorry for bad english)

No. 176723

Not watching the video because the guy looks like a total tool but why is the comic guy a rapist? Cause seducing someone =/= rape.

No. 176724

After reading that you can definitely tell the account is a troll. It's pretty disturbing

No. 176768

People are fucking creeps. The guy who made the fake account is a shithead, too, though

No. 176801



>make fake account of disabled person for lels

>claim moral high ground when someone countertrolls you

grow up.

No. 177165

It's still pretty fucked up seeing how many men want to take advantage of downs pussy.

No. 177492

I don't get whats so bad about flirting with the mentally disabled. If she's capable enough to make her own account and catch enough social cues then… no fowl i guess? I mean, shit neroutypical girls and guys get fucked over online.

But the guy who made the troll account is more in the wrong imo.

No. 177514

…you really don't think it's fucked up? Did you read the chats? He thought he was grooming a girl with downs into "dancing naked" in her room with him while her parents were sleeping. Fucked.

No. 177524

Diff anon but while I do think what you said is fucked up, and is not only limited to people with mental illness, some people in this thread are implying dating a girl with downs is bad period.
Which is pretty freaking ableist if you ask me.

No. 177527

Erm lolcow probably isn't the best place to winge about ableism.

I see something clearly wrong with a perfectly healthy dude going after a chick with downs, makes me think he's into really weird shit he wouldn't want anyone to tell on him for so he goes after old ladies in a coma and retards.

No. 177531

Lol sorry, I don't usually use terms like that as I always mock them, but I couldn't find the word I meant. Or at least a synonym.

Ugh, tricking her was pretty mean, but in the deep end saying healthy people shouldn't be dating a retar d is really stupid.

No. 177536

No reason to apologize. I'm just saying you'll get more mockery and backlash than agreement.

How is it stupid to assume that a perfectly healthy man with no disability must have weird intentions for seducing someone with downs? That's creepy. How incompetent do you have to be to trick a disabled girl into having sex with you…

No. 177547

Idk, it's a more complicated situation where it depends for everyone.

Sometimes people actually like/love each other, and they are not always creeps. If he purposely goes out for retarded people or disabled people then there is something to be conscious of.
If he wants to just date a girl who just happens to be dissed and that's not even a factor for his ideal relationship, then what's the problem?
Are disabled people subjected to date others who are disabled or no one?
Are People who are mentally here only supposed to date neurotypicals?

I also don't think there is any tricking here either. Did he explain that getting naked was sexual?
If it was consensual then it should be fine. If she can open an OkCupid account, assuming she knew what it was for, then I'm pretty sure she can make her own sexual choices without people treating her like a child.

No. 177557

If you would read the chat logs for yourself you'd see that he was trying to get her to tell him her address so he could come over and have sex with her while her grandmother was asleep (if he isn't “tricking” anyone why would the grandma have to be asleep/unaware?). Also, when the girl said that her boss at work would make her perform oral on him or he would yell at her, he used that as an opening to ask her if she would like to perform oral on himself.

This is predatory behavior. People with down syndrome do not have the same mental maturity and understanding of some situations as people without down syndrome, making them vulnerable to sickos like this one. While it is true that people with this condition can and do have healthy relationships, even get married and have kids, I'd seriously question the motives of a person with normally functioning cognition perusing a person with down syndrome.

No. 177562

Moved to >>>/b/34678.

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