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File: 1441803472720.png (3.76 KB, 477x137, valtyn tumblr.png)

No. 177316

"Someone posted to >>165971 defending Lynn and giving her name. I should search that."
One Tumblr and two Reddit threads later:
"Oh. Oh fuck."

Tumblr: http://histrionicmisa.tumblr.com/
Apparent sister's Reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/sisterproblems96

No. 177340

File: 1441808144826.png (6.86 KB, 417x121, Screenshot (227).png)

telling people to kill themselves is totally ok as long as you tag it so other people don't get triggered!!

No. 177440

Why are all these people allegedly Cherokee and esfp

No. 177512

>>"i hate the lolcow community and anti sj ppl n i want them all to die uwu"

Oh, did we hurt dem wittle snow flakey feels? Awwwwwww… I mean "uwu" ^_^

No. 177574

Basically this.

I made a post about how I'm a nipple-kin yesterday, and someone told me that they hope I die.

No. 177580

Moved to >>>/snow/24028.

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