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No. 180587

Canadian Youtuber

–She started her channel on dec last year and she has already 100K+ subs

She seems money thirsty af

-She's charging $12 for tickets for her meet&greet

–She's selling LETTERS she writes for fucking $20 http://beautifullyborrowed.com/letter_from_jessii_vee

> Feel free to share your letter from Jessii Vee with your friends, or keep it private :) Every letter is different!

–Of course she has a huge store full with shitty tshirts.

No. 180590

Funny, I recall stumbling across and watching one of her videos some months ago and I remember being surprised and put off by the fact that she was trying to sell 'fan' shirts when she only had a few thousand subscribers.
Can't stand these money hungry YouTubers. Almost as bad as GG.

No. 180593

We are truly living in the age of bullshit and self-entitlement..

No. 180594

So what did she do lolcow-worthy other than pocketing gullible teenage money?
Sure, charging for something like a letter seems ridiculous to me, but if people are willing to throw money at her, whatever. It just seems to me that she wanted her piece of the yt e-fame cake, and she got it.

I haven't watched any of her videos, but please tell me if she did something interesting, like scamming, creating drama, whatever. If we talked about every self absorbed self advertising youtuber that sells t-shirts we'd have to open an entire new board.

No. 180675

She's done literally nothing other than that.
She's actually quite a lovely person, replies to comments and fan messages.
Better than a lot of other youtubers who dont make the time to answer.

No. 180708


Of course she replies them. Every one of them is potentially at least 12 bucks in her wallet.

No. 180789

Moved to >>>/snow/33275.

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