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File: 1442657359050.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.5 KB, 815x549, image.jpg)

No. 183169

Well this cake is sort of interesting. No thread about her? https://www.facebook.com/nightmarecake

No. 183182

Not interested in logging in just to read some cringy FB statuses. Post caps pls OP
>dat pic
Where is her chin?

No. 183198

File: 1442660985229.png (557.1 KB, 584x576, image.png)

She is saying that she is so ulzzang, she looks like kpop artists and she is insulting asian girls and says they want to look like her, yeah, defo

No. 183199

File: 1442661026132.png (407.07 KB, 661x500, image1.png)

No. 183305

holy shit, this is gold

No. 183310

Yikes that chin and nose though lol

No. 183327

You can tell she is hideous without makeup

No. 183329

She's hideous w/ makeup.

No. 183330

What's going on here?

No. 183466

OP pic is photoshopped right? It looks awkward as fuck. Also referring to someone as fobby (Asian or not) is kind of derogatory isn't it? Why would you tell the internet you have an Asian fetish and then insult them. Whatever man.
Also why are girls so obsessed with Koreans damn.

No. 183520

Moved to >>>/snow/34712.

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