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No. 183393
>>183278I thought that was a joke picture, but instead it's real omg.
She looks like was created in Sims 2 or 3.
No. 183406
>>183278Is it bad that I actually feel a little sorry for Mira simply because this picture is so unfortunate looking?
Sure, she isn't the nicest of j-vloggers and holy fuck her face is unfortunate anyway, but as this was undoubtedly a purikura picture which is often meant to give the kawaii anime vibe to pictures, this just makes her look like an alien who has suffered a sad head squashing.
No. 183533
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classic jrcock
No. 183548
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apparently people found her posting about her divorce on Gaijinpot
No. 183592
>>183588Yeah, she's way cuter in her newer videos. I think volumous hair and gyaru clothes does a lot for her. She should stick to ponytails and nit that flat hair look.
I guess she kind of looks more carefree too, I guess because she feels that PULL isn't as popular anymore, people are slowly forgetting about the drama, and things are kind of going back the way it used to be before she 'blew up'.
No. 183597
>>183592It's been a year since all that drama.
I don't think Mira is any cuter at all. She never was cute. It's just the hair that makes her look better. Gyaru style doesn't suit her at all, falsies and big hair… In that Kyabakura video she looked a fucking mess.
No. 183823
>>183597She's far too inbred to ever be cute.
I wish I knew were such a massive ego came from, surely not vanity. Her face looks like a wax sculpture that's slowly melting.
No. 185742
>>183278this makes me want to go
No. 185747
>>185745At one point in the video somewhere around 2:15 she purposely pronounces disclaimer as "discuraimer".
Pretty sure she's trying to act like she's losing her Canadian accent because she's become so Japanese desu!!
No. 185753
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Yep, can't unsee.
No. 185781

This video made me fucking cringe. She needs to get outside of Japan, because it's clear that she has such a completely isolated and biased view of the world.
>People carry baskets, they don't really use carts, because they only carry a small amount of groceries and tend to go to the grocery store more often. (Firsthand, I can tell you this isn't true. It is true that I personally tend to shop more often since living here, but I see people with carts everywhere. But whatever, it's an overgeneralization, but not a big deal.)
>You can't just tear the bananas apart here like in America and Canada! (Lol, okay Mira. Japanese are so superior.)
>PEOPLE DON'T THINK WE EAT MEAT HERE FOR SOME REASON! (Really? Maybe if they have a narrow of a worldview as you seem to possess.)
>They also have "Utsura eggs", which is a smaller type of bird egg. (Lol, did you mean "Uzura"? as in, quail?)
>The ice cream aisle is also quite small compared to other countries. (Flagrant overgeneralization.)
>For some reason people think there is NO DAIRY IN JAPAN. (Who thinks that?! Lol)
>Japan is a fresh food country, so they don't have a very big canned food section! (Bullshit. Overgeneralizing.)
>Spam is popular here FOR SOME REASON. (Because people eat it with eggs and rice and because of Spam musubi. It's extremely popular in Hawaii and Japanese tend to love Hawaii.)
I know it might be stupid to nitpick these things, but I hate how arrogant she sounds, as if she is the authority on Japan. I usually watch her videos and take most of what she says with a grain of salt (she can be pretty funny sometimes) but she implies that this is what it is like throughout Japan. She needs to travel outside of Tokyo and frankly, outside of Japan before she can mark herself as an expert of anything.
No. 185925
>>185875Lol I don't even live in Japan but fucking hell guys, I've seen fresh stuff in vlogs before today!
Makes me giggle how people like Mira think Japan is this unusual magic high human place where its ~~ so speshul ~~
good god
No. 186000
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>>185704Does this bitch realize that the reason why "omg!!Japanese peel their grapes!!!" is because the most common type of grapes for sale are different than the green or red variety we commonly get in North America? The grapes harvested in japan have super thick peels that can even be a little bit fuzzy like a peach. And they are bitter as hell. Bitch probably thinks that her taste buds are changing, because the peels on the grapes she ate as a kid had no flavor while the ones in japan are thick and bitter.
No. 186278
>>185704Oh no, she puts cold on her pain now, peels her grapes and gurgles! So many things she has changed to become a true Japanese. It must be very hard for Mira ://
>>185834What no, they have plenty, however it's usually a bit more expensive than in a lot of other places, esp fruits. Unless it's in season then they often have it for cheap. Idk where you're getting this info from but it's wrong.
No. 187897
File: 1443815073576.png (Spoiler Image,301.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-02-14-30-57…)

Ok, I lurk PULL from time to time, but I haven't gathered the motivation to make a profile and I'm also a bit paranoid about it. Since lolcow appears more anonymous, i'll put it here (this post is more PULL-ish than lolcow-ish, so if you don't generally like PULL content, then don't read).
Anyway, I was reading the Mira thread, and there was a recent/ongoing argument about Mira doing a collaboration w/ another youtuber (I'll put a screen cap). I just wanted to share my theory on Mira's reasonings/motives (which I hope isn't too long) in her general relationships, based off what i'm noticing in this recent collab case of her not showing common courtesy, as well as "Miragate" (as some people call it), more specifically her relationship with and later on betrayal of Sharla.
Putting it simply, I would say because it's all about HER and nobody else can truly at anytime ever come first or even benefit/gain more than she does in a relationship- as long as she can help it anyways. Apparently someone else's gain because of her, is her loss (or at least she feels she is owed), as well as simply allowing someone to gain anything over herself (why shouldn't she always gain?)
I believe she wants to achieve her goals/success by using others to her own benefit, and if she can do w/o giving anything in return, that is ideal. But, eventually, so as not to exist solely as the parasite in every longer-term relationship she builds (and to avoid simply not getting/being able to get into ANY relationships, as they can be very profitable for anyone really and apparently Mira see's this, and to a disturbing extent wants to take advantage of it), she has to give something of herself: like showing gratitude, helpfulness and even giving back emotionally/physically/tangibly- or at least appear to- if only for a little bit. But for her, for whatever reason, apparently that and any relationship/or even situation that doesn't always suit and benefiit her goals/desires is a pointless waste of time. Either out of lonliness, or investment for personal gains, she builds closer relationships than she normally would and would probably do so by choosing the latter approach of keeping up appearances for a little while.
With the other Youtuber (TexaninTokyo I believe he's called), why should she do anything for him in return? That doesn't do anything for her. She got what she wanted out of him, so he doesn't matter anymore to her.
And then there was Sharla. I would assume during this relationship, Mira had to show, at a bare minimum, friendliness towards her, but i'm pretty sure she had to give even more of herself, like i mentioned above, to make the relationship stick and even gain herself a "best friend". But why start this relationship? She doesn't even seem to like people at all, probably as much as they don't like her. I think it was out of a combination of the companionship and ofc wat she stood to gain. Once she is over said person (which is apparently inevitable, maybe because she hates doing for others), she needs to gain something for all that she put in (think of it as she won't miss Sharla, just the time and effort she predicted would be wasted). She will also need to stop 'giving' to them. Now she needs to take as much from them as possible (assuming she hasn't already been doing so out of disgust with any other 'sacrifices' she would have had to make along the way) becuz her investment needs to pay off as much as possible. If you look at who had the most to lose from the whole 'Miragate' incident, it was Sharla (losing a best friend, someone she trusted, having her info leaked, etc., all in exchange for temporary friendship that was probably phony the whole entire time, and apparently not much else), and Mira gained quite a bit from Sharla who basically helped her get her channel off the ground. For the most part, she wouldn't even really have a Youtube career if she hadn't "befriended" Sharla. And all that wouldn't even really cost her anything (aside from time spent, but Sharla obviously put time into their friendship too, so if you compare them it would at least cancel out for Mira). End of the day, Mira gained more from Sharla alone than Sharla did from her alone. I also would say Mira hurt Sharla more than Sharla did her, but I'm not entirely sure why she did so intentionally, other than to get rid of Sharla as competition and boost her own channel further (and probably also out of her own jealous feelings). So I guess for Mira, it was for the best. That's life. And the show goes on.
All I really want to say is because of this selfish nature Mira seems to possess, future relationships aren't looking good for her, especially close ones, if she doesn't fix this major flaw of her's. Random people/aquaintances are easy targets, but the pay-off is typically not as much. It's the people closest to her that will probably stand to lose the most and eventually end up disliking her the most.
Anyways, that's what I see. Hope I wasn't too all over the place.
Link to thread>>
No. 187904
>>187897TexaninTokyo is a girl, you mean StreetEnglishTV.
The thread is really long. You should just link certain posts or screencap. The rest of this is old news. She's a selfish bitch and tries to play innocent. That's why she's even talked about here.
I wonder what the deal is with Rody. They seem to be cool but I wonder if she's going to betray him in the same way.
No. 188169
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This lovely screenshot posted on PULL. かわいい、でしょう?
No. 188193
>>188174She doesn't apply make up properly nor well. I have better skin than this bitch and why the fuck am I still throwing on foundation.
Mira just doesn't… that video she made also about fashionable shoes in Tokyo. They were all hideous and she has no taste in style or does she know anything about fashion/looks.
No. 188283
i'd kill myself if i were her
No. 188352
>>188290HOLY SHIET
there's still hope for me!!
No. 189148
>>188198I keep thinking the same. Most of the time we can never really see her skin and eye make up because she has bangs/hair down while shes out and about. But in a video like this… you'd try making an effort. C'mon Mira. Youtube is paying you for this shit alone, don't be lazy. Try actually looking decent for your "fans".
Her skin is rotten, the eye make up is just… and her teeth overlap.
Why she choose mint green I'll never know.
No. 189163
>>188169"The fastest way to get [there] is taking the Disney Resort train line"
That's literally like telling someone the fastest way to get to Anaheim Disney is by taking the monorail… Mira you lazy shit, if you're even going to bother going over how to get there, at least mention the Keiyo line or whatever.
No. 195456
>>195450I get what she is saying, but yeah, Japan is just way too homogeneous to really have anyone believe she is "Japanese" despite her being a citizen or anything.
I don't know why she lets this bother her so much.
No. 195460
>>195456She doesn't seem to realize that when other people are saying "Japanese" they mean ethnically, native Japanese. She seems to think that once she gets her Japanese passport her entire Canadianism is erased. She may not be a Canadian citizen at that point, but she's still a Canadian immigrant.
She dumb.
No. 195476
>>195452I know anon, I'm bored to fuck of seeing it. I'm bored to fuck of the jvlogging community having to make "I'm a black womanz in japan" and "I want a japanese gf".
It's sad af.
1. If a relationship happens then it happens
2. Stop making everything about race
3. Stop ranting about how Japanese won't luv you because you're foreign
4. Having hafu (I'm mixed myself) kids ain't even that amazing, plus with Mira's looks god help it.
5. Mira shut up no one cares you're Japanese because ~ da law ~ has granted you your nippon wish and that you're good at sushi language
No. 195483
>>195479Exactly, so basically it's okay to point out the obvious about other foreigners or "Japanese" but when it comes to herself… jesus fucking christ! You can't say anything, she's white so THEREFORE she's JAPANESE! Only whites can be Japanese apparently. Fuck Miss Japan, fuck it. It never happened. Fuck it, she's BLACK, FULL BLACK. Let's forget her mother is actually a Japanese woman. But IT'S OKAY for Mira, Dakota, Taylor, kaka and whoever the fuck else to claim "we Japanese".
She does know her kid is gonna be considered hafu tho? kek
No. 195490
>>195483Mira is also hyper aggressive to any other white people living in Japan legally, especially if they are female. You know she has envy issues when she sees she isn't the only white girl in Japan with a visa. To her she is the only none native born white Japanese person. Oh wait nooo our precious snowflake has ancestors in Japan because she lived there for a few years. She no longer has her Canadian family.
To me Mira hates the whole world. Like I can list off all the group of people she said negative things about or seems to hate
White, Americans, Chinese, fat, mentally retarded (irony), Japanese, students, teachers, Koreans, Canadians, Poor people, anime fans, black, all females, other house wives who don't conform to staying in the fucking kitchen, sexually active people, jvloggers, youtube Japan, tourists
Like did I get everything? Or am I missing something else she dislikes.
She is a dripping oozing hate machine
No. 195738
>>195729But anon, Mira passed the N2
Surely she's a goddess at Japanese then?
She could become the next Empress
No. 195778
>>195490I just watched the video.
She's literally OBSESSED with race and nationality. I think it's sad and pathetic how someone needs to bang on about it so much. Gimmeaflakeman been living there longer than her, more experience, better Japanese and has a hafu kid. He still says "I consider myself American cos it's what I am" like a normal human being and doesn't feel threatened enough to keep saying "I'M JAPANESE!".
I personally think Mira feels mostly threatened by Japanese than she does foreigners tbh.
No. 195811
>>195490Internet hate machine!
Lol Asians in the US have been dealing with the same shit. At this point it's no big deal.
Internet fame/infamy is like the worst kind.
No. 195896
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omg these comments
No. 196964
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happy halloween guiz
No. 197021
>>196964Even without makeup she's ugly af
ever heard of BRACES?
No. 197027
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>>196964she got some grinch teeth
No. 197029
>>197021Even if her teeth were straight she'd still be hideous.
I honestly think there's no hope for her.
No. 197158
>>195450Why so angry though…this is literally a meaningless rant bout children she may not even have. And is her Japanese citizenship legit? If so, she's going to have to destroy her Canadian passport and obey immigration rules for Japanese citizens (I.e using visas to travel to Canada/US I believe …)
Does she have an actual career there, or is it just weaboo fantasy land? I think the realities of citizenship will really hit her hard when it comes to things like voting/elections, federal policies etc…but she might be too dense, living as a housewaifu to realize that. Giving up citizenship is kind of a big deal because people don't realize what you're trading when you decide to become a citizen of another country…
Never mind the nationality/ethnicity debate. Lol. mira, your kids will be hafus. Just relax. Have kids for the sake of being a mother not to prove something to the Internet. Don't be a bad mom.
Sry for disjointed rant.
No. 197163
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>>183533Not even Photoshop can save Mira.
Not in my life would i ever thought to hear anyone on this planet call her even remotely cute, she looks like Quasimoto.
No. 197272
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No. 197436
>>197158You dont need a visa to travel between us/canada/jp
You need a visa to go to places like russia, china, depending where youre from
Oh im sure shell follow japanese immigration policy…..
No. 198004
>>197962Um yeah we've all seen every video she's done about that.
In this video, Mira admits she has considered suicide.
No. 198527
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>>198524Mmm yeah anon I'm so jelly, I'd kill to look like this
>>188169 No. 198727
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>My teeth work fine. I am not ugly
No. 199299
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>>199290She def ain't thin though.
No. 200381
>>199299This gif looks cute. Mira slapping her belly fat.
Sorry farmers.
No. 200382
I work out, but don't do enough core to get my stomach not super flabby. Any weight i gain goes there, while my arms and legs are toned. It's annoying. Also, girls just gain weight easier in their stomachs and it's harder to upkeep than guys.
No. 201602
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No. 201606
>>201602I can't believe she is a native speaker.
I'm not a native English speaker and I don't think I'm near fluent level but I still don't make such basic mistakes.
If she can't master her own native language…that means she's goddamn dumb.
No. 201608
>>201606Just the blatant unwillingness to learn or correct herself is dumb. Does she think it makes her look smarter to rant like this
>>201602 ? Or what?
No. 201620
>>200385That's not thin. Even Dakota is thinner than that. She's not FAT either. Just hella average.
>>201602what an idiot. Even Japanese people will be able to see that's not how it's spelled and think she's an idiot. BTW is there actually any browsers that dont have spellcheck? I know FF and Chrome do. Pretty sure even IE has a spellcheck.
No. 202285

Old video but
>I don't mean to be mean but I hope you've changed since 2012 but everything you said in the video showed that you have a victim mentality. "It's more embarrassing to say something or scream at him than it is to be molested by a stranger???" WTF, kind of mentality is that? As a foreigner, we tend to speak up for ourselves and I'm surprised you didn't. Also the statement you said "There was no one around to save me". So I guess if things went further you'll just let it be? You need to save yourself and that old, Japanese pervert was not going to fight you if you pushed him off and said "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" You know what's more embarrassing, the fact that anyone else who might have noticed you being touched (as people do many times) knew that you were a victim and wouldn't say anything and saw you as weak. Be strong, that guy would have cowered and tried to act like he didn't understand you but I promise you the heaviest embarrassment would have been on him. Stand You Fucking Ground! Truth be told, I lived in Japan for 5 years so I do have some insight on their culture and possible reactions to things like this. I'm not saying this as a foreigner, ignorant of the culture. So, react, speak up even in the crowded train. Ganbatte ne!
>kanadajin: Weak people lose their temper. It takes a stronger person to stand their grounds. I rather not be embarrassed. But thank you for the comment.
Holy fuck you weeb bitch. You are literally enabling that old perv to molest you, but you wanna be "true japanese" and not be "embarrassed". How dumb can you get?
Also this is not the only chikan video she made, there is like three of them and each time she talks like she's proud to get molested by a Japanese man. True Japanese desu.
No. 202309
>>202285Pretty sure a ~tru japanese woman~ wouldn't openly talk about being publicly molested because it's fucking shameful.
If she's brazen enough to go home and talk into a camera about the whole thing more than once, she could've easily told the old men to fuck off. But she thinks she'll become "more Japanese" if she accepts train groping. Typical.
No. 202319
>>202311Uh, no. Just because they don't wanna talk about it doesn't make them submissive. And honestly, do you even know how chikan works? I've been groped a lot during my years in Japan, and it's not like they grab you and rub you for 5 minutes.
They do it in a very specific way and situations. The "professional" ones do it so well and fast that you have no idea who actually touched you (for example, the best way for them would be to reach under someone's skirt when everyone is leaving/being pushed out of a stuffed train in the morning, because then it's way too hard to turn around since everyone moves so fast.)
Molesting someone on the train happens just for a few seconds. This is another reason why Mira probably hasn't gotten molested, because she says so much shit, about how they wouldn't actually do it.
No. 202332
>>202285I always thought she was talking about it like she was really happy and proud of it.
>My First ChikanEven calling it that makes it seem like she thinks it's some rite of passage as a true Japanese woman to go through this.
She has 4 chikan videos total…I'll post them all here. Resist the urge to pull her wig off her head.
No. 202335

>>202332That one was not about her being groped, but some other girls, but she says IN that video that the girls got up/reacted. Meanwhile one of her commenters said:
>Well in your other video you said that you were groped on a train ride while standing. You also said that you didn't 1) verbally tell him to stop; 2) or grab his hand while it was on your ass and in between your crotch during the entire ride. YOu said that you was not sure why you didn't say anything and that you thought it was the culture in Japan for women to remain silent. You or any person for that matter, should always stick up for yourself. Also don't contradict yourself by talking badly about other women who allow this to happen when you did the same according to your 2011 video. Just saying.Video related is her second chikan. It's almost as if she did damage control when seeing the negative reactions…
>I hope this is now your reaction after the train Chikan incident. It's great that you had the fight to stand up for yourself because in the other video you said you pretty much just let it happen with minimal effort to resist and when I said to be more assertive in stopping them you replied with comments like I was being a bit ridiculous. smh so which is it? Have you made a decision to protect yourself from now on, even on the train or is this just one if those "yeah man, he's lucky I didn't catch him…" kind of stories. I never meant to be mean to you I just hate it when f'tards try to take advantage of girls, children and other innocent bystanders for their own gain or pleasure regardless of the damage they cause. I'm glad you had a fight in you at least in this situation. No. 202349
>>202285what the hell…
she lost her temper with crying about it in videos afterwards. that's truly weak.
No. 202390
>>202336Four videos on the same subject?
Is… Is she actually proud of the fact someone wants to grope her in public?
If it happened to me I would probably only do one video (with maybe an update on my personal reactions if I get the courage to fight back)
Four videos on this happening to Mira seems a bit… fishy to me. Is she just an easy target? Or is she fabricating the amount of times it has happened to make her seem more desirable?
No. 202392
>>202334It's honestly not as "common" as one might think, it's just that there are 13mill people in Japan, and people online love to drink Japanese milk. There are far more molesters in other countries, I'm sure, but who cares since it isn't glorious nippon?
There are countries where women get hung by reporting getting raped.
No. 202394
>>202392Getting sentenced to death by hanging, if they report they got raped*
Sorry, my English is shit
No. 202646
>>202390>Is… Is she actually proud of the fact someone wants to grope her in public?yes
she really, really is
if i was in that position i think i would be too embarrassed to tell anybody, i would also try and shove the guy away though.
I find it odd how she is almost bragging about something bad, as if she feels like getting groped proves she is super beautiful or something, when it's just straight up sexual harrasment.
No. 202720
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>>202452Or maybe it's women not learning to do for themselves and expecting everyone else to do for them. They stopped a 14 year civil war.
No. 202732
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>>202722You believe a societal problem is endemic to gender.
No. 202740
>>202735 don't try,
>>202720 and
>>202732 are the actual bait here
No. 203465
File: 1447379443361.png (241.6 KB, 406x429, 1390222607776.png)

>>203052>patriarchycan you keep your shitty feminist buzzwords on tumblr?
i just want to laugh at how ugly mira is, not listen to some landwhale tell me how men are evil
No. 203467
>>202722i know a boy that was raped by his mother you pile of shit
it's not always men you retard
No. 210615
>>210485Nobody really complains about Japanese people being quiet on train you dumb weeb.
She is just trying so hard to be seen as TRUE NIHONJIN
No. 211194
>>202735No, rape and sexual assault happen to men and women both. similar cases of this, nothing being done about it) who are sexually abused in youth detention centers are more likely to be abused by female staff.
"This report goes over sexual victimization of youth in juvenile detention centers. The study found that 8.2% of boys were victims of sexual misconduct of the staff, and an additional 2.2% were victims of other inmates. Additionally, of those sexually abused by staff, 89.1% of the perpetrators were women.""In one of the studies included in the analysis, the CDC found that an estimated 1.3 million women experienced nonconsensual sex, or rape, in the previous year. Notably, nearly the same number of men also reported nonconsensual sex. In comparison to the large number of women who were raped, nearly 1.3 million men were “made to penetrate” someone else. Despite the use of these two different categories, the CDC data reveal that both women and men experienced nonconsensual sex in alarming numbers." want to do your own research before parroting the believe that 99% of rapes are women, or that men make up the majority of rapists. The truth is that rape and sexual abuse is a nongendered crime. It is done by both genders against vulnerable people (people they trust, people who are unconscious) more than anything, and by perpetuating the (false) belief that men don't get raped you are only hurting people and making it more difficult for them to seek help.
Probably a wall of text no one will read… but this is pretty much all I can do to help everyone who's been raped, men or women, boy or girl.
No. 213162
>>195450Bitch can't be japanese because she's not asian.
god she's stupid
No. 213166
>>202722>>202452Yes. it's not like women can sexually harass, rape, abuse, lie, etc.
nah, it's only men!
jesus christ i hate MRAs but feminazis like you are as bad. please go back to tumblr
No. 213169
>>211194feminists are shit and dumb don't try to prove them wrong
>>210618i cringed too
No. 213443
>>213199People just said that men get raped too. Nobody here is arguing. are you
triggered or?
No. 213447
>>213371>私をもっと知ろう>私について、あなたが知らないことI'm sorry but her japanese sounds average.
You'd think that because she lives in japan that her japanese is good.
seriously, wtf? nobody says "私をもっと知ろう"?
No. 213482
File: 1449983711836.png (810.82 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (532).png)

>>185704le if u say DESU enough u become JAPANESE xD maymay
No. 213484
>>185704what the FUCK
peels grapesi'm japanese now!
paints skin blacki'm african american now!
yeah great fucking logic you got there
No. 213495
>>213486I think the droopy eyes are just bad makeup.
>>213447You can tell her Japanese is below average by taking a look at her half-assed subtitles. I think she doesn't subtitle exactly what she's saying to kind of hide that she doesn't know how to. Her subtitles are so far off, like in the beginning of this video she writes "実は2回も着ているけど、はじめてきたときの映像が綺麗に映ってない" – girl, what are you talking about?! There are mistakes in most of her Japanese subtitles even though they are so minimal…
No. 213499
>>195450>racist viewssmh @ this weeb. deny it all you want, but race exists sweetie. bone shape, muscle densities, melanin concentration, genetic predisposition to disease, IQ, etc etc. it's not good or bad, we all have a purpose. we are all perfectly imperfect. it's biology.
that being said, you will never be asian. grow up white girl.
No. 213703
>>195450Does she know that in order to be Japanese, you need to be asian first?
dumb bitch
No. 213707
>>213447plus "知ろう" seems very informal and boy-ish.
seriously why does she keep talking like a boy? smh
No. 213709
>>213482you can't become japanese.
that's like me a white girl lives in africa
will i become african, according to her?
No. 213732
>>213707○○をもっと知ろう is fine when it's about things. 子宮頸がんをもっと知ろう or whatever. But considering she's saying it to an audience, it's rude af.
I wonder where she gets most of her exposure to Japanese from? I learned Japanese with my then-boyfriend, so by copying him I got "male" Japanese, and had to conciously correct that…
No. 213773
>>213703Japanese is an ethnicity, not a race. So being "Asian", whatever you mean by that broad term, makes no sense.
But I get it, 98~% of their population is the Yamato people (leaving ~1% of their population to the Ainu who are indigenous to Japan, and the rest is random ethnicities that make up the country.)
Only reason why people wont see Mira as Japanese ever is because Japan is a homogeneous country. Hell, even if you are half Japanese you still struggle to be fully accepted despite being "Japanese".
She's fighting a battle that is out of her control and I don't understand why she cares so damn much. She honestly can't get over it.
sage for some OT shit
No. 213782
>>213732true but wouldnt 知りましょう be better? idk it's just more polite and "feminine".
i always hear women use polite forms
No. 213788
Is fine
No. 213789
>>213773actually, it does.
In order to be japanese, you need to be asian.
and Japanese is an ethnicity but asian is a race and japanese people's race is asian.
No. 213790
>>213522damn her english sounds so ratchet
who the fuck use "ain't"?
No. 213794
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is this quasimodo?
No. 213795
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kawaii desu ^____^ #truenihonjindesu
No. 213806
No. 213918
>>213836>finding beyoncé ugly means i'm white and fati'm not even butthurt. you sound offended that i dont have the same preferance.
both look like shit. beyoncé has horse legs and a manly face. there's MUCH more beautiful black woman than her
No. 213922
>>213792she might.
after all, she's a true nihonjin
No. 213928
>>213800私のことをもっと知りましょう! would be correct grammatically but still awkward because it's pretentious. It's like "know more about me!!!!". If you look up をもっと知りましょう on Google, you won't find anything talking about people.
ミラについてあなたが知らない/知らなかった5つのこと? Maybe?
No. 214533
>>213806Jesus this NippNopp is awful.
It reads like I'm watching an early 2000's seinen anime.
Anon stop trying to learn MoonGo from animu, nobody talks properly in that shit.
No. 214537
>>214533But… Don't people say あらあら all the time?! ;_;
It's really transparent if someone learnt the language via anime exactly because of shit like this.
No. 214890
>>210485>do they not realise they're talking about MEEEE?!>how dare you insult MY culture?!I really love how she's completely changing definitions so she can claim to be Japanese. You can speak Japanese and act like the perfect meek hausuwaifu and live in the country all you want; you're still white, and you're still Canadian, and no Japanese person is going to consider you Japanese.
Also, is it really so hard for her to enunciate? Hearing, "Kannajisan" is making me want to chew nails.
No. 215170
>>215153"I hate Canada" said KANADAijin lmfao
She's a fucking idiot.
No. 216295
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>>185704Holy shit, I can't.
No. 216812
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No. 216813
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No. 216819
>>216812LOL no you dumbass. If you didn't live in Japan during the critical years of brain development, then you aren't going to lose your accent or forget English. I love how she tries to push her Canadian pride while simultaneously trying to separate herself from it as much as possible lol.
You could live in a different country for the rest of your adult life and not lose your accent
No. 216828
>>216813You know you're an idiot 1) when you think living in Japan a few years means you are Japanese 2)that you expect Japanese things like onsen to exist in other countries as if you had never even stepped outside Japan before nor had lived somewhere else for many many decades of your life and 3) that posting this level of ignorance on Twitter is a good thing to do…
>>216819I don't know where she lived during her critical years of brain development, but it didn't help her to develop cognitively in the slightest.
No. 216839
>>216819She already talks kind of weird. When I first saw her on Youtube I couldn't even tell she was Canadian. Maybe it's because I don't see many Canadians outside of TV and I don't think I've ever met any Canadians anyway.
So I'm wondering if she just has a weird voice or if she's trying to force herself to sound Japanese and it's not working at all. She's one of those girls that sounds like she always has a cold.
No. 216840
>>216839Oh I missed this post somehow.
>>216812So I guess she is doing it on purpose. Trying to sound like she lost her Canadian accent. It sounds pretty bad.
No. 218111
>>215153"Things I like about Canada:
Tim Hortons
"traditional" art
Pow Wows
Why did she pick the really stereotypical (Tim's) and the native/aboriginal items…There's honestly more to Canada than just native culture, although it is a huge part of it, sure. But iirc she's from the city or suburbs, not from any type of rural or prairie region where this is more popular. Also she said she's from Toronto? How about Toronto culture and art, the diversity, the amazing food selection, the night markets and art galleries…
She picked the worst examples imo
No. 219226
>>219166Her pacing is very unnatural. Like she has memorised a speech and is slurring it out. Her mannerisms whilst talking are quite characteristic of someone trying to recite from memory (the flexing of hands, looking up and away, awkward pausing). I know this because this is exactly what I did when I had speaking assignments in Japanese classes.
Considering the time in which she's been studying the language and is only at this level AND LIVING IN JAPAN just proves that she is lazy as fuck. At least Kota puts an effort into sounding Japanese.
No. 219234
>>219231She states in her JLPT truth video that she has the N2 so that's what I was going off of.
>>219232Yeah I've had a look at some practice tests and at my peak study of Japanese it seemed pretty doable and my Japanese was and still is horrible.
No. 220307
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>>219004That's because Mira's fanbase may as well be a bunch of five year olds
"Wow! In Japan they don't need to wipe their own butts! The toilet does it! Coool! Guess I wont need to buy any TP for my bung hole"
On another random note. Anyone ever think of Squints from the Sandlot when they see Mira? Except it looks like Mira is ALWAYS making this face and has more fucked up teeth… okay fuck it she looks like Squints had a stroke.
No. 220996
>>220836Posted private fb pics of Sharla, revealing she had a boyfriend.
I don't know where she leaked the addresses tbh. but if i remember correctly, I think it might have been to fans at a meet? Like the Tokyo meet with all the youtubers, not online.
I guess that made them see the sockpuppets she had too, which is hilarious and dumb, tbf I'd cut ties with Mira just for that too but not make a big deal out of it like what happened. I mean, PULL was already gathering the info and could have outed her. I thought the drama was funny though, sort of entertaining.
No. 221001
>>220836It's petty highschool shit but the lengths Mira did it in are what made it such a big deal imo. Like ok, if she had one account that she shittalked people on it would be fine, but she had tons of dedicated accounts and would continuously update/change shit, like this was an active hobby for her.
Also why is she bringing this up again? It's been three years and she's managed to build up a new following. Why introduce them to the scandal and have potential losses in viewership?
No. 221006
>>220327> Mira must be master mind if she can read, memorize and perform over half an hour rant in foreign language that she's not even good at> not even good atshe's not a master. she's not good at japanese.
its really not hard to rant and babble and still manage to NOT say anything of value, or even make sense. have you heard of donald trump?
No. 221011
>>221006I guess I should have put
*irony* on that post to make my point more clear.
I don't really care if her Japanese is good or bad. I just found ridiculous that assumption that she had memorized the whole half an hour rant from a script or something because she's doing the hand and eye moves that tell she's trying to remember something. Most likely what she's trying to remember are single words rather than whole script in japanese.
Was I clear enough?
No. 221844
>>221835>>221834theres no way shine is her boyfriend. he is 18 or younger and sharla is almost 30.
he said he's not gay in a video but i can see him with girls. literally asexual
No. 221845
>>221844*cant see him with girls
dear god he is awkward
No. 221847
>>221834>>221835I've seen those pictures back when Mira was obviously posting on 4chan. He wasn't ugly, and kind of had a bit of a j-rock inspired fashion. Don't know why Sharla and Mira are so into actively hiding their SO's.
>>221835Shine is adorable, but i hate his speech impediment. It makes him sound like a little kid.
No. 221914
>>221913Sharla's bf during this drama was a Korean guy according to Mira and some of her Japanese stalkers on 2chan. They were mad she comes to Japan and dates a Korean.
Mira posted on 2chan that her "She needs a Korean boyfriend because they buy her all her bling" or something that effect
No. 221917
>>221913>>221914Damn, I feel bad for Sharla. In Japan it's not that rare to be stalked, if you are white young woman. Most of the times those stalkers don't do anything to you but it's still super creepy.
If I was in Sharla's shoes, having a band of stalkers on 2chan, I would probably get too creeped out and quit making videos. She is brave in my point of view.
Also fuck Mira, what an ugly cunt, both outside and inside. The way she proudly talks about getting sexually harassed in public, I bet she loves having stalkers too.
No. 221918
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Is she retarded or is she just pretending that she forgot English because she is so ~Nihonnese~ now.
Forget it, she is retarded either way.
No. 221990
>>221918>>221984Unbelievably stupid. Instead of being proud to be able to speak two languages fluently, she is proud how, supposedly, her brain isn't able to know more than one language.
Oh, and that somehow makes her true Japanese as as well. Because Japanese can't into English, innit?
She is literally as dumb as a brick.
No. 221993
>>221989…Because they keep their professional and personal life separate? Duh?
Difference here is that we have quasimodo here who made all this information public to us.
No. 222152
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>>222130Because they are all painfully boring people, who rely on things like "I live in Japan!" or "My husband is Japanese!" to stay relevant
No. 222192
>>221919I don't know how, but Sharla said all this in some interview. I think it was for a website called
something Japan. She swears a lot in most of her answers in the interview. She said she moves every three months because stans stalk her and hang around her house. She described a guy following her home and trying to get in her house when she went inside. He knew who she was on YouTube so it's probably all fans opposed to randoms.
I'm ugly as fuck and I've been stalked before by acquaitence of a friend who saw my Facebook. Creeps don't exactly demand beauty queens.
No. 222196
>>222195haha only a 2 week exchange, what a fucking pussy.
try 9 months bitch
No. 222197
>>222192She must be covered in money if she moves so much. The money you have to spend for each move is astronomical, at least in tokyo, I don't know where she lives, though. Might be different for her.
But I'm planning to move this year since my contract is ending and the moving cost is close to 5.000 USD, only to get a place, think about paying rent later…
No. 222220
>>202285Bitch has watched or read too much chikan hentai or doujin. I can tell from the pixels and from reading quite a few chikan doujins in my time.
This made me horny and even more eager to visit Japan. Wonder how I can make myself an easier target? A short skirt plus aiming for the most crowded times of the day are a given, but there's sure to be other ways to make it more likely… maybe more normal clothes instead of flashy jfash?
Wonder if actual penetration really happens too, or maybe just an actual penis rub against my legs?
Anyway, yeah, she has a fetish too, I'll go see if she has more vids about it now.
No. 222224
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>>222220Don't forget to offer to teach English and you too could end up just like Lindsay Hawker
No. 222231
>>222163The name was a play on a popular Japanese sitcom that was called something like "My Honey is a Foreigner." He claimed he tried to change the name later, and in fact the title is "Rachel and Jun" now, but the ID can't be changed.
Anyway, while I'm not a fan of them, it's not because of that. Bitching about that is a little too SJW-ish. In fact he mentioned his reasons for the name precisely because they were getting shit from SJW assholes who accused her of "exotifying" him and whatever other made-up BS only they can invent. (My answer to them would have been to say "kiss my ass, twice" but whatever.)
No. 222464
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>>219165Summary for everyone who can't sit through this:
- I don't hate foreigners (she doesn't admit to being one herself but just to helping them with her videos)
- People say mean things about me
- People SAVE pictures of me to discuss them months later!!
- Internet stalking is real!
- Young teens have killed themselves because of youtube bullying!
- Someone I never met said I have created fake accounts to trashtalk my friends and it's not true!!
- That person attacked be deliberately to put down my youtube channel even though they knew that I never did that!
- I was so scared of haters attacking after they saw Rachel's video!
- I thought haters would come to my house to kill me!!! I even hid my face with an umbrella and bought sunglasses to protect my identity
- I was so scared that I thought about killing myself
- My friends ignored my messages because they waited for a public statement from my side about this
- Friends of mine totally knew Rachel would drop this bomb and didn't tell me
- I went to a lawyer to sue her but they say it would take about 6 months to get through and I didn't want to waste more time on this
- All proof was gathered from a hate forum which wants me gone!
- Rachel knows that I didn't do it!
- If Rachel wouldn't just pretend I did it she would've gone to the police instead of making a video about her address being published!
- The hate site has whole pages dedicated to hating me, the evidence Rachel brought is false because
° Why would a GOOD YOUTUBER go to a hatesite?
° The IP-addresses of the hate accounts were from all over the world, none matched
° The hateforum has a whole DICTIONARY about my spelling errors because they read all my posts and comments and thus can recreate my way of writing.
° Not all of the mentioned youtube hate accounts were fake since there was activity on it for about 5 years
- People emailed other J-Vloggers saying that they shouldn't hang out with me
- Other people are scared to start youtube because drama like this could happen to them
- I'll say what I want, I will not apologize for things I didn't do
- I don't care about the haters
No. 222558
>>222464She is definitely a narcisist.
Reminds me of Kiki and Onision, it's never their fault and they are the victims even though they constantly do bad shit to other people.
One thing is for sure, Mira will never reach the popularity Sharla and Rachel have.
No. 222622
>>222558I can definitely see similarities between Onion and her as well.
All she was talking about in the video over and over again was how scared /she/ was and did never really reflect on how the people she has doxxed must feel.
Also she would repeat all the time how 'that person' (aka Rachel) has to know that she's innocent…
Her only arguments against Rachel's evidence was what it's all rumors/info from PULL, so it's pretty much 50 minutes of trying to make herself the victim.
I wonder if she noticed that she contradicted herself by criticizing Rachel for doing research on PULL when she herself seems to know so well what is being said about her on there.
No. 223737
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ok bitch
No. 225109
>>225061I think it was in reference to Sharla. Sharla dropped her though so I think she's trying to play the victim again.
Also wow that thumbnail she chose is fucking terrible, datnose
No. 225241
>>225109That story made little sense. She had a friend, made a new friend, and the old friend didn't like the new friend so she dropped the new friend? I dunno, not sure how that plays into the "lying to Sharla and trying to sabotage her channel" narrative.
Also, why am I not surprised she failed her Canadian driver's test 3 times? "Hard questions" like "which way to turn the wheels when parked on a hill." If that stumped her I can see why she had problem with high school science.
Anyway, +1 for drunk-off-her-ass-Mira. I kind of like this side of her. Hopefully she'll do more drunk-vlogging.
No. 225248
>>225061Lol she picked up Japanese from just being in Japan. Is that why it's so shitty?!
Also Japanese licenses are so expensive it's probably cheaper to fly to Canada, get it there and get a Japanese license through it.
No. 228132
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Even the YouTube captions dislike her. Mirek antigen is Mira Kanadajin. It was pretty lolzy but it made me think is he drunkenly implying that this guy only spread drama because she wanted him to.
No. 228870
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No. 229065
>>228870I know she claimed she masked herself as a black person for a few days, went around Japan and didn't get discriminated.
And that was supposed to be a proof that black people don't get discriminated.
No. 229729
>>229709>"Nobody warned me this was a bad idea, so I thought it was a great idea!"kek. I wonder what it's like to have no common sense of your own.
Slightly OT, but does anyone know what the show is that she mentions?
No. 229747
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>>229729probably black. white. it was on fx in 2006 or so.
No. 230083
>>229973Thing is Rachel and Jun ALREADY covered the "black in Japan" topic. It's ALWAYS the same, black vloggers who are married to Japanese and have kids there have outed their voices through the web anyway. They all say "I'm treated fine as a person but just as a foreigner, that's it."
Mira is making such a fuss. It's annoying because I feel like she's secretly thinking "japan is for white ppl so fu other races".
That's how I see her most of the time.
No. 230509
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>>229709Was looking through the comment section and found this gem.
No. 230594
>>230509OK so this raises the question: does Mira have
any fans who aren't completely unhinged?
No. 235150
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>>183278Wow Mira so Japanese
No. 236313
>>235823>Video is literally called "Gaijin Tips #9">Description said "I'm a Canadian girl who moved to Japan">B-But I'M not a gaijin! This is for all the OTHER gaijin!Also, not to get all tumblr here, but Japan's culture of blaming the victims and being passive is probably one of the more ~
problematic~ things about it, but Mira probably thinks it's perfectly fine because she's 100% nihonjin and so ~assimilated~.
No. 237119
>>236858When random people online ask where I'm from, I just say Japan, because they generally want to know where you are at/where you live. I don't really wanna start saying "I was born and raised in Country, but I live in Japan now."
Of course that's not really what I say if we are having a proper conversation, I just mean in-game etc, if I wanna be vague during quick conversation (like game party matches etc). Idk if that makes any sense. But I wouldn't never say I'm Japanese. Only Mira would do that.
No. 237650
>>237432White + White = White
The kids would just be labelled as white people who just happened to be born on the land of Japan.
Knowing Mira, she'll still find a way to call her kids Japanese both nationally and ethnically.
No. 237742
the whole argument itt is stupid anyways, because it's just using the idea of japan as a country and not as the japanese race.
No. 239842
>>237659Pretty much this.
Japs are strict about their blood. Chinese and Koreans are the same. Won't call you one of them even if you're a kawaii aryan goddessu ~
But it's hilarious. Asians will say you're "mixed" with them and whatever else.
But in BLACK culture, mostly African Americans will say "ur black" even if you're mixed with big ass grey-blue eyes, caramel/olive skin with blonde curls. Yet it's BLACK and apparently looks the same as damn Lupita Nyong'o!
No. 239847
>>239842Only African-Americans think this way, and that's because African-American people are mixed too.
Actual Africans don't consider biracial/mixed people black. Just a tip.
No. 239849
>>235285It just astounds me how she lives in this fantasy world where she is 100% genuine Japanese just because she lives in Japan.
I used to think that maybe in the back of her mind she knew that living in Japan doesn't make her Japanese. But that seems to not be the case. They'll always see her as a foreigner.
No. 239864
>>239842>>239847nah i thought afros only call you black when its convenient for them. otherwise they ostracize you anyway. you never really fit in, white or black
same with kawaii haffus i suppose
No. 239919
>>239893Ok, so they already have English announcements in many trains and lots of signs have English as well as Japanese.
Changing the stop symbol isn't bad tbh. You don't need to learn about the road signs before driving in Japan, all you need is a international drivers license (which means you just go ask for one and pay a fee and it lasts for a few years), no tests. Did she really research this at all?
Honestly though, I don't care about the olympics much, but her arguments are pretty dumb. I mean the stuff she's complaining about is mostly about changing things to make Japan more tourist friendly.
And lol pamphlets pls Mira, if people don't research a country before visiting, they're not gonna read a pamphlet about it when having traveled for 10+ hours.
No. 239927
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>she is a fucking idiot
>such a fucking drama whore
>quite spergy
thats our girl
No. 239932
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wow mira u so japanese
i dont know how her verbal diarrhea surprises me any more these days, but she's truly the gift that keeps giving.
like STDs.
No. 239938
>>239932Is she saying she can't add English subs because it's too hard for her to translate?
Wow, Mira, you even think in Japanese because you're so nihonjin! ^-^
No. 239948
>>239947Wow I can't form a normal sentence.
**A permanent residence in Japan does NOT mean the same thing as being Japanese.
No. 239969
>>239950Because they look black. If you're super light-skinned/look very caucasian, you'll be a bit of an outsider as long as it's not convenient, at least that has been my experience.
Anyway, sage for OT.
No. 240028

>>239893It's funny when she says things like
>the stadiums we built>weI mean we all know she's delusional. But she's really delusional. It's not just that she wishes she were one, but she really considers herself no different than Japanese women.
The Nagano Olympics happened in the 90s, for those who don't know. She wasn't even living in Japan at the time and wouldn't move there for over a decade. Hell, she wouldn't even be interested in living there for over a decade. She was a young girl. So she couldn't even say something like "oh they were being built while I was living here, I meant 'we' as a Japanese person living there at the time!" She's just completely placed herself into Japanese history as if she's always belonged.
It's a little fascinating how she has almost completely erased her Canadian background from her memory and only references it in hindsight to brush off the "haha I mean I know I'm actually white, I'm just also Japanese." She just acts like she's been in Japan forever.
Video unrelated to above. Honestly nothing really lulzy in it, I just felt like contributing.
No. 240030
>>239969that's your experience
diff anon but from my experience of growing up with a cousin that was albino, people called her black, we call my half white friend black.
The general consensus I have found is that even if you are Racially Ambiguous (like Dwayne Johnson) you are still considered "black", because white people will never consider you white.
but living in Japan, being a citizen does not and will never make you Japanese
No. 240034
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ugh the weebs that white knight her. its vile
No. 242298
>>241076from someone who's actually native american, mira is the farthest from native you could get. straight up i'm almost certain that this bitch's ancestors were from like britain/france/somewhere else in northern europe.
i've never seen someone as white as mira be called native american before, its actually kinda funny. it's like when you hear someone say that their great great grandmother was a cherokee princess. like, yeah ok man, it doesnt work like that.
No. 242569
>>242306She said she wanted to learn Ojibwe because it's an extremely rare language and she wants to be speshul and get attention.
This is also why she makes up so many stories on twitter about being a hero and saving people.
Anyway, it was a long time ago in the youtube comments I'm pretty sure but she literally said she wanted to learn it because it's rare.
No. 242606
>>242306Every Nation has their own regulations for qualifying to be part of the tribe. Most of the time, it's done by blood percentage– you generally have to have at least 25% of that tribe's heritage to qualify as a member. However, some tribes (like the Cherokee) do it off the Dawes Roll, which says that if you can prove your ancestor was listed on there, you can be part of the tribe. So that's why some white ass people can call themselves Native.
But, like I said, most nations do it by blood quantum. Mira may have some relation to the Ojibwe tribe, but I highly, highly doubt she is actually a member.
No. 242646
>>242298Agreed. Mira is as white as they come.
Big fucking sigh
No. 242650
>>239986Why does it matter? You see, people get pissed off if mixed people don't identify themselves (why should they?) and then when they do, if it isn't black and they call themselves "mixed" despite them actually being mixed. Why get mad?
You can't get blue and yellow together to make green then still say it's blue. That's fucking ridiculous. But that's just the US one drop rule as per usual.
No. 244001
>>243968Doesn't Japan only naturalize people who
1. Were born in Japan
2. Come from at least one Japanese parent
3. If the person was born on Japanese soil but is an orphan
No. 244061
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>>243968Micaela obv hates mira and i love it lol
No. 244217
>>244124Actually some are pretty expensive, from local temples I have seen some for 10£ The price includes shipping. At least she is not selling cheap used junk.
I think it is kind of cool to see stuff sold from little trips she goes on.
No. 244358
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>>cute tiny mouthShe has the eyes and mouth of a piranha. You've got to be joking.
No. 244457
>>244453>>244456These are assumptions you guys make though, right? Did she come out saying "I am really into Japanese guys and that's why I started dating my husband"?
Because let's be honest, who gets married to someone and dumps tons of time and energy into a relationship just to "feel authentic"? (No one I hope.)
No. 244463
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>>244061what is that?
this is the response i could find for the 'becoming japanese'
No. 244464
>>222152so true.
a girl in my city has 20k youtube subs and is moving to japan. i bet that subscriber count will up up up once she moves.
literally you dont have to do anything other than live in japan and post about it. anything at all.
tbh i dont get how sharla is still making cringey weeb videos. she has lived there how long now
No. 244470
>>244457You'd be surprised to know that there
are people out there who only want to marry a Japanese or other Asian person to feel authentic or to "feel more Asian".
But I see it mostly with men, not so much with women. I don't know about Rachel since I don't watch her videos.
No. 244574
>>244570Eh? Mira is known to shit on other jvloggers and also known for sockpuppeting.
Sharla is hardly a horrible person.
No. 244576
u are believing mira's nonsense spewing?
this must be mira
No. 244692
>>244570"Now it all makes SENCE"
Put the spellcheck on when you troll, you Maple syrup-guzzling, poutine-scarfing gaijin cunt.
No. 244788
This was already pointed out many times account is older than Mira has been a YouTuber and way before she met Rachel/Rachel was a YouTuber.
It is not a fake account at all.
It is just some random creepy guy.
No. 244808
>>244788Hi Mira!
Who said she made accounts specifically to attack Rachel? Mira attacked a ton of different youtubers and not just Rachel.
She also posted with her fake accounts on all kinds of videos just to argue with people.
And she's been doing youtube since at least 2009 with a different youtube account ( so no, that account is not older than her time on youtube.
No. 245165
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No. 245197
>>245165Those fake lashes… AGAIN
Dammit Mira stoppit
No. 245218
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No. 245411
>>245389Ugh, is that
that Lola, who is the one always kissing Mira's ass in comments on IG, FB, etc?
No. 245423
>>245389Seriously?! An over 40 hostess, not prostitute?
Anyway, can she be any more of a Mira clone? It's so creepy how closely she follows in Mira's footsteps.
No. 246139
>>246014See this is what I'm talking about. She's the queen of sockpuppetry and yet after all these years she STILL can't get it right. Goddamn it Mira put some
effort into it!
No. 246227
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Usually, faces look better from far away… yikes.
No. 246239
>>244463This is honestly the reasoning that
every weeaboo has. Holy shit. These are some Pixyteri levels of delusion.
No. 246371
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Someone called venus angelic a weeaboo on her instagram so in swoops Mira the true japanese to educate the masses!
No. 246389
>>246371Japan isn't fucking Canada, the US or Australia where it
is just a nationality and not a race. Mira, you fucking idiot.
No. 246798
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>>246789No such thing as Asians…
No. 246802
>>246789>>246801I am British because I live in England, I am also Asian because of my parents.
Mira can be a citizen of Japan but is still white, Anon.
No. 246803
>>246789I never really believe cows post in their own threads, but this is without a dumb Mira.
Fuck off with your dumb shit, Mira.
You are not Japanese, (in any way) and even if you were, you wouldn't be able to speak on their behalf.
You're as white as they come, so you will never, ever, ever, ever fit in. You can become a citizen, but YOU
And you dumb shit, go educate yourself on human categorization.
No. 246825
>>246371I'm so confused… is she referring to Venus again?
Mira, you and Venus are both weeb white girls living in Japan. You both have gotten off with Japanese guys over there and you both still remain WHITE.
NEITHER of you are Asian. There is no "pass" for Asian or hafu. You're just fucking white.
No. 246826
>>246825Yup, referring to Venus again. The only real difference is that Venus doesn't hide the fact that she's white despite her being raised as a huge weeaboo. Mira… Oh my god, this cow will insist that she's Japanese until the day she dies. Lmao
Mira, you are horrible at white knighting yourself. This thread could be nominated for /cream/ because she sure as hell is producing it.
No. 246879
>>246789Everyone here agrees that you can become a citizen but they will never acknowledge or see you as one of them.
If you've ever interacted with Japanese or Chinese people, you'll notice that they tend to have a certain idea about what constitutes Japanese-ness or Chinese-ness. Even a Japanese person who grew up abroad isn't really seen as "true Japanese" by other Japanese people. Sometimes they might praise you with "wow you're so Japanese/Chinese" if you're a foreigner who's really interested in their culture and speaks their language fluently but that's really it.
It's true that you can't "become Japanese" in a sense.
No. 247089
>>246879Yep. It's true, in most countries tbh.
Look at that Wolverine film where he's in Japan and after he fucks the girl they have a bust up and she says "You wouldn't understand… afterall, you're not Japanese".
No. 247113
>>247057"Don't talk for Japanese people."
Take your own advice, 白豚.
No. 247144
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>>246830Braces would do a lot to improve her mouth and jaw shape. She can not shut her mouth properly and naturally.
No. 247251
File: 1457598927688.jpg (56.49 KB, 500x333, LMaBgRe.jpg)

染色体の豊富。。。 Superior Japanese.
No. 247306
>>247057Man Mira's writing is really, really easy to detect.
>>Mira is not trying to be any other skin color than white idiots.Love the meaning of this sentence, due to lack of proper punctuation. kek
No. 247683
Mira. I'm a European. Deep down we don't really view immigrants as genuinely as "French" or "German" or "British" as someone whose ancestry has real roots in one of these countries.
For a place like East Asia, orders of magnitude more ethnocentric, it's even more severe in delineation.
The fundamental problem here is that you hate your own roots, subconsciously. Your entire life has been spent trying to pretend you arent a European by blood, you've even gone as far as pretending you are part of one of the primitive hunter gatherer peoples of North America in an effort to deny your ancestry. You clearly don't see being European as something worth being proud of, and to be honest that's pretty fucking sad. That this fixation with finding a surrogate identity for yourself is so pronounced you were prepared to travel halfway around the world, ingratiate yourself with men you know hardly anything about for the purposes of marriage and residency and then deny all links to your ancestry through a series of increasingly ridiculous half truths, lies and misrepresentations about how identity works outside of the comparatively few parts of the world where "propositional identity" is a thing.
You remind me of applemilk, only applemilk actually realised eventually that pretending to be Japanese and hating herself was embarrassing and pathetic, and ended up getting with a decent white guy.
Your myriad of pathologies aren't even worth making fun of at this point. I just feel sorry for you. And I don't mean that pejoratively. If you still have any sense left, get out of that country and go back home before you're shackled with a kid and become like every other white guy or girl married to a local in East Asia I've met, depressed and completely alienated.
No. 247854
>>247853Symptoms of ADD/ADHD That Interfere with Learning
Several characteristics that are a direct result of having an attention deficit cause serious learning
problems. Most teens with ADD or ADHD have problems in these areas:
1. Inattention/Poor Concentration
Difficulty listening in class: may daydream, space out, and miss lecture content or
homework assignments
Lack of attention to detail: makes “careless mistakes” in work; doesn’t notice errors
in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, or changes in signs (+,-, x) or
exponents in math
Difficulty staying on task and finishing school work; distractible: moves from one
uncompleted task to another; when distracted, has difficulty refocusing on work.
Lack of awareness of grades: may not know if passing or failing a class.
2. Impulsivity
Rushes through work: doesn’t read directions; takes shortcuts in written work
(such as doing math in his head); may not read the whole question before giving
an answer; doesn’t double check work (a greater problem among students with ADHD hyperactive/impulsive)
Difficulty delaying gratification: gives up working for rewards occurring in too
distant future (two weeks to six months or more). (Working for grades requires
delaying gratification for six weeks or more.
Executive Function Deficits That Have a Profound Effect
on School Work
The majority of students with ADD/ADHD also have deficits in the key executive functions listed
below. For more details, see Summary 12 and Section 3.
1. Poor organizational skills
2. Poor working memory
3. Difficulty activating and maintaining alertness
4. Reconstitution (taking issues apart, analyzing the pieces, and combining into a
new whole)
5. Internalizing language
6. Controlling emotions
7. Shifting (from one issue or event to another)
8. Planning and organizing materials and assignments
9. Controlling emotions
10. Planning and organizing materials and assignments
11. Self-monitoring
No. 247855
>>247853>continued:Common Learning Problems Often Accompanying
Several learning problems, although not directly related to ADD or ADHD, often occur along with
the disorder. If these problems are severe enough, the student will be diagnosed with a Specific Learn-
ing Disability (SLD). The ADD/SLD connection is discussed in more detail in Summary 50.
1. Language Deficits: Several language-processing problems are common among teenagers with ADD
or ADHD. Deficits marked with an asterisk (*) are considered Specific Learning Disabilities.
1.1. Spoken Language* (Oral Expression)
Talks a lot spontaneously (ADHD), if he can choose the topic.
Has difficulty responding to questions when he must think and give
organized, concise answers; may talk less or give rambling answers.
Reluctant to speak in class (ADD) because of slow processing speed and
difficulty organizing ideas; may even be willing to accept failing grade rather
than speak in front of the class.
1.2. Written Language* (Verbal Expression; Input and Output)
Slow reading and writing; takes longer to complete work, produces less written
Difficulty writing essays; difficulty organizing ideas and putting them in
proper sequence.
Difficulty getting ideas out of head and on paper; written test answers,
discussion questions, or essays may be brief.
Written expression is adversely affected by deficits in key executive skills:
working memory and analysis, sequencing and synthesis.
1.6. Reading Comprehension*
Can’t remember what is read, then has to read it again; difficulty
understanding and remembering what is read; difficulty with long reading
Makes errors when reading silently; may skip words, phrases, or lines; may
lose place when reading.
Difficulty identifying and remembering key facts from reading; linked to
executive functioning deficits (holding key information in working memory).
Language Deficits: Several language-processing problems are common among teenagers with ADD
or ADHD. Deficits marked with an asterisk (*) are considered Specific Learning Disabilities.
1.1. Spoken Language* (Oral Expression)
Talks a lot spontaneously (ADHD), if he can choose the topic.
Has difficulty responding to questions when he must think and give
organized, concise answers; may talk less or give rambling answers.
Reluctant to speak in class (ADD) because of slow processing speed and
difficulty organizing ideas; may even be willing to accept failing grade rather
than speak in front of the class.
No. 248021
>>247986>FASReally, anon? Have you ever even seen anyone who has FAS?
What the fuck is the internet's obsession with armchair-diagnosing everyone? Sometimes ugly is just ugly, and stupid is just stupid. Not everyone has some kind of syndrome, and copypasting various Wikipedia articles about mental deficiencies does not make you look any smarter.
No. 248036
>>248023Lol. Should have known that this was coming.
I agree that she's a stupid hick who fell off the ugly tree and got hit in the face by every single branch on the way down. I just don't understand the need to slap some kind of label on every single retard you find on the internet. What's the point? It doesn't excuse their behaviour in the slightest; and it makes you look equally as retarded if you say something like FAS which doesn't even make a lick of sense. She does not have a single trait commonly associated with FAS apart from mindblowing stupidity which can be caused by hundreds of other things.
No. 248099
>>248021Put your tits back in the freezer, anon, this is a wank board where we do things like armchair diagnose people because we're bored.
As for why people think she has FAS, it's a kind explanation for her train-wreck face. See? We're being nice.
No. 248110
>>248102"We" clean.
Dammit, I'm fighting the urge to contact her delusional ass directly.
She's Canadian, she's a Japan obsessed Canadian. I can't stand listening to her accent, English is her first language and this forced accent drives me nuts.
No. 248191
>>248102She looks like she's ready to lube you up and shove that swiffer up your ass
("an important part of nenmatsu no osouji!")
No. 248212
>>248202I'm white, I just feel ashamed of people like Mira. They make the rest of us look like cultureless losers.
Fuck weebs.
No. 248226
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Why does she even bother acting like a kawaii housewife when she isn't even married?
No. 248304
>>248226Fuck, this is scary.
What the hell is this?
No. 248745
File: 1457953531843.png (20.33 KB, 801x165, she ugly.png)

I just found the most amazing comment on her Halloween video. Her stupidity knows no bounds.
This must be why she has such a massive ego. She literally doesn't understand when someone tells her she's ugly as fuck.
No. 249211
>>249199Well enough to know she did not do that stuff. That's how well I know her. She did not make fake accounts. You don't know half the story and I am not here to give out personal info and tell it to you. She is a wonderful person to me. Unlike her old "friends" who made up lies about her. It makes me sick that people talk trash about my friend. Being friends with an online personality you are not suppose to read into the internet drama but It's really hard not to. She may not give a shit what people say about her but I do.
When will people realize that she actually is innocent. I have been with her countless times during the "sockpuppit " deal. We used to read PULL together and laugh at it. I know first hand that she did not make those accounts. I also know what kind of people her old "friends" are because I know Mira longer. She tells me everything, I have seen her text messages. It is very clear that she did not do this. It is so sad to watch people call her names. I am tired of it. It has been 2 years. How come Rachel and Sharla walk away free from this? They are the ones who started this! Mira is harmless.
No. 249217
>>249211This is either Mira or Lola.
P.S. You are not Japanese.
No. 249221
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>>249211>>because I know Mira longerThis is Mira, she used the same weird grammar. It should be "I've known Mira longer".
No. 249228
>>249224She didn't do it because I said so! I saw evidence, but I won't tell you what it was!
Show proof or gtfo.
No. 249229
>>249193>>249211>>249224So which of these do you guys think this is?
A. Mira
B. Dumbass trying to create milk
C. Actually one of Mira's friends
My bet's on B, since their Eigo is coherent, and the evidence that Mira uses sockpuppets is virtually undeniable.
No. 249244
>>249230Bitch it's not a rumor, Mira really did make sockpuppet accounts on PULL. She was not even good at making them. On the very first one she made, she used 123japanese as the activation e-mail, which is a website Mira owns. For another one she asked some other washed up jvlogger to fake a fansign picture for her (without informing her it was to make her lies on a gossip site more believable), but someone actually recognized the girl, kek. On these accounts talked shit about Sharla and implied Rachel only married Jun for visa, which is complete horse shit considering that Rachel does (? Or did, I don't follow her) not live in Japan. Your "friend" is a cunty retard and proof is out there: would Sharla use Mira for videos? Her Japanese is a million times better than Mira's, she's a million times more attractive than Mira and she is the one who gets the most views. Mira is the one who benefitted from their friendship and collaboration, not Sharla.
And lastly, what the fuck??? If you have proof to save your ass, you fucking post it! I know Mira is delusional only leaving the house wearing shades and a face mask thinking she has a horde of fantards who would immediately harass her ex-friends, but hardly anybody would give a shit about anything incriminating she could bring to the table anyways because the evidence is stacked so far against her. It sure is convenient that she had no problem trash talking her friends on PULL, but now she is to concerned for her safety to defend her ass, lol. How noble of her to be that fucking dumb.
On the off chance that you are not Mira: Holy shit are you retarded for buying into this bullshit.
No. 249303
>>249230>"fell appart"See, see Mira this is why we
know you're lying. My god, if you just turned on spell check you'd be 90% ahead of the game.
Anyway, if you want to clear your name–ah, sure I mean, if your friend Mira wants to clear her name– post the screenshots of the cell phone proof. Otherwise, it's just more of the same. What possible reason would she have for
not wanting to clear her name if she's 100% innocent, and has incontrovertible proof that Sharla is the evil one here?
No. 249307
>>249211>She may not give a shit what people say about her Sorry for samefing it here, but I had to address this, too. This is complete bullshit. If she did not care about what people say about her, why did she do that New Year's rant video on how "dangerous" ye olde internet is to poor little her? She's the one who brought up all that crap from 2 years ago, because she knows it's ruining her chances to collab with anyone other than that human dildo Rody. She cares a LOT about what we're saying.
So again, if she really wanted to clear her name, and she has proof, why would she not share it? Hmmmmmm?
No. 249319
>>249307Because anon, Mira is such a noble human being that she would not want to incriminate any of the other jvloggers. You see, she is a famous japanese idol with a vast fanbase. She cannot even leave the house without wearing sunglasses and a surgery mask, and has to move every few months for her own safety. If she posted proof of how her former friends attempted to ruin her reputation for no good reason whatsoever, who knows what might happen to them! Some of her crazy fans might mail them a bomb or something. No, Mira is better than that. She'd rather avoid any further drama and complete her metamorphosis into a beautiful japanese butterfly.
Or maybe, you know, she doesn't have any fucking proof whatsoever and thinks if she makes enough sockpuppet accounts claiming that she does and just doesn't want to share it for some stupid reason, people will believe her eventually.
No. 249348
>>249244It is a rumour.
I was with her when those accounts were defending her. She would laugh and say "these idiots think it is me defending myself" . What do you think she has built a robot to post stuff for her while she is right infront of me?
I know it's hard to believe for a bunch of kids online because talking trash about people is fun to you. Mira is a very straight up person. She never had any issues with any Jvloggers. It was I who started to warn her about Sharla. She's had her doubts about Sharla/ her attitude and well the main part of this; the conversations saved in Mira's phone. Those alone prove she's innocent.
Mira doesn't and never has owned Her ex boyfriends friend in Canada owns it and her ex boyfriend built it. Mira helped draw and design the layout for the website. These are the "things I could have told you about if you had asked me" she mentions in her original defense to Rachel. If Rachel would have got off her high horse and asked Mira she would have shown Rachel her phone conversation with Sharla. She would have also told her that that Mira boasted to Sharla about owning that website because the owner was going to give it to Mira after he was finished the contract. But Mira told Sharla about this too soon and it caused the small buisness damage. Mira has to pay for the site if she wants it. How about you ask Sharla "where" Mira released her "personal information" . I am sorry Sharla is flat out lieing. She's the type of person I hope Mira or I or any of her friends comes in contact with. Mira wants nothing with Sharla or Rachel or anyone who promotes drama. If any decent YouTuber would have just asked Mira what happened she would have provided that information. She was so quick to show everyone who she meets. Every one of her friends and YouTube friends knows the truth. Other YouTubers are friends with her and subscribed to her but they never comment. They are afraid of being banished from the "cool" club on YT.
I know first hand the manipulative power of Sharla. She tried to use my identity to attack Mira and make it seem like her own friends are against her.
I guess you are all unaware that Rachel has contacted Mira about this. Since I am not going to divulge personal information about what they said. Why don't you ask Rachel. Tell her to send you a copy of that email.
I have seen it. All I can feel is Rachel is a coward who knows she fucked up but can't admit it because she is in too deep.
It's bad enough what Sharla and Mira's txt message history says about Sharla's true personality. Rachel's message makes me believe that she's no different.
No. 249353
>>249348Ok, first of all:
> infront> lieingSo, if this really isn't Mira, all I want to know is: are you one of her English-language students?
Anyway, here's a summary: the case against Mira has been made completely. You can read the detailed summary on PULL. It starts a whole
year earlier with her making a sockpuppet account that accused Rachel of marrying for the visa–the very thing that we believe Mira did. It escalates from there over the Dresslink drama. And Sharla, who shouldn't have even been involved in this spat between R+M, suddenly discovers her "partner" and "friend" who had been trying to sabotage her channel all along (by proposing she tackle controversial topics, etc) had flat-out lied to her about something (what, we don't know, since Sharla never said, but she did say it had been a long-standing lie). The worst of it concludes with the stealing Kat Loves Osaka picture. The sock-puppets on PULL hardly matters in light of all that.
The upshot of all this: Mira's reputation is in the
toilet. She can't get anyone to collab with her–she did one video for, who was it, Tokyo Extra?–and it got downvoted to hell. Same with StreetEnglishTV. She hasn't tried since, as far as I can tell.
So this is hurting her "YouTube career." If she has proof, as you keep claiming, that she's the victim here, it's in her best interest to produce it.
If she doesn't produce this exonerating evidence, right now, the evidence we do see is strongly against her. And her rep will stay right in the toilet.
By the way, I'd like to see Mira succeed. She needs to either come clean, or prove herself innocent. She also needs to drop the wapanese act and the know-it-all-ism pandering to weebs. If she did that, she could have a good channel, and would also not be much of a lolcow anymore.
No. 249357
>>249348Wow you're awfully knowledgeable about every detail of Mira's life for not being Mira… Mira. gtfo
This is literally the same shit you write all over 2ch under your own name. How on earth do you still think you're fooling people?
You are so obsessed with Rachel and Sharla. lmao Why don't you stop making up rumors about other jvloggers and try working on your own personality?
You know all you had to do back then was apologize and they all said they would have forgiven you and welcomed you back. You brought all this on yourself and then dug your own grave.
No. 249359
>>249351But she doesn't have control over that website she didn't make it. It's not her content. *she drew pictures for the old website that are not even on that site
anymore. She may have lied to Sharla about owning the website to look cool. But I have seen their conversations and I know straight up who is the true evil one. You can sit there day in and day out looking at any posts on that website. The second your eyes glaze upon those disgusting filthy horrible conversations she has saved in her phone you know exactly who is innocent and you would know exactly who is guilty.
She's not interested in posting is online because she is not a piece of scum like that girl. I know exactly from my own experience the power of that self centered two faced girl. Even without reading months and months of conversations that will make you want to puke. I have had two experiences /very negative /with that girl.
Mira may not want to fall into the same category of human as her and attack people online. I truly wish she would. It annoys me so much to see that those girls are living it up enjoying their lives prancing around acting like they are such nice people but in reality they are nothing but two-faced liars who took the first chance they did to throw my best friend into a pit of fire. Mira is a nice person she travels all across Japan using her own money to film places. She has no interest in fighting with people and she's a very peaceful person. She is a very true good human being. A person who is send out presents to her fans for free. A person who would lend you money when you're down. A person who is always looking out for others and making sure that everyone is safe. A person who would never in her entire life put someone else through the same bullshit that that Sharla did. It's so sad to see those conversations because you can really see how two-faced it is. I really wish those other YouTubers would've had the decency to mail Mira after this happened. Mira may not be willing to make those conversations public so that subscribers could see them but I know she would show her friends in person. But they never asked for them. It is sad. Who knows which one of them she will toss aside next.
No. 249365
>>249357Right, they don't even talk about her anymore. I'm pretty sure Mira is the only one who hasn't moved on.
>>249348>>249359Well all your friend does is lie. This is the internet so none of this will just 'poof' and go away, so you'll just have to get used to it since you have no choice. Nobody is going to even come close to believing Mira, you, or any of her other sock puppets without that evidence you keep speaking of. Until then, ofc we'll keep laughing at her, duh ^o^} (well until it gets boring atleast).
No. 249369
>>249365*at least
Sry obv samefag
No. 249416
>>249370Mail = message
It's one of those stupid word replacements white girls start doing when they're ~learning Japanese~ like saying 'make' instead of 'makeup'.
Also hi Miranda! I had some poutine fries yesterday at McDonald's and it reminded me of you, kek.
No. 249433
>>249367This is so obviously Mira.
Making more sockpuppets is not going to get you out of this. Your compulsion to defend yourself without actually defending yourself is hilarious, especially because you're too dumb to do it right and you keep digging your own grave deeper and deeper. At least have the guts to defend YOURSELF and come on here as YOURSELF. Your army of imaginary friends is just sad.
You did make these sockpuppets. Whether you own the website or are "only" an editor does not matter. Fact is that you are associated with it and have access to the corresponding e-mail address. Kat loves Osaka is also a first hand witness that you are impersonating others to save your own ass. It is a fact that you have made sockpuppets, evidence exists and is out there.
You care so immensely about what a bunch of 17 year-olds say about you on the internet that you had to commit the stupidest mistakes imaginable because your pride was hurt. If you put yourself on the internet, people are going to criticize, especially if you do stupid shit on the internet and are immune to criticism. Instead of doing the reasonable thing of ignoring it or improving your own shitty videos or personality,you had to hide behind imaginary fans and defend yourself because you are so much of a narcissist. You are too ignorant and stupid for a YouTube career. Don't quit your day job darling.
You are not a good person, you are a shit person. With the sockpuppets you made on PULL, you talked shit about your former friends and even spoke about some private information they trusted you with. And why? Because you were trollshielding. You tried to divert the attention from you by throwing your own friends under the bus. You readily fed them to hyenas just to save your own pasty white ass. And it was not even about anything important; you did it because the things mean people said on the internet made you bawww. You did it because of your own inflated ego. You are a fake, two-faced and selfish little brat.
Nobody used you for YouTube videos, you inbred hick. You do not have anything good to contribute. You are the most unintelligent and uneducated person I have ever seen. You are ignorant and cannot grasp the simplest concepts (You will never be japanese, bitch). You are stubborn and do not have any desire to admit you're wrong and improve yourself. Your japanese is broken six ways from Sunday. Your face looks like somebody tried to bash it in with a hammer. Your personality is shit. There is nothing you could be contributing to a collaboration. No information, no knowledge, no superior foreign language skills, no sex appeal, absolutely fucking nothing. They did not ditch you because you were no longer useful, they ditched you because they learned about your sockpuppet shenanigans and were horrified by how much of a two-faced, selfish bitch you are. I know you have trouble understanding shit because of your retardedness, but it is not unreasonable to ditch a friend who randomly betrays others to save their own ass. Nobody wants to be associated with such a person.
Lastly, it is not our fucking job to provide evidence of your innocence. That is your job. You either post it and move on with your life, or you don't post it and have to accept the fact that the evidence is 100% stacked against you and that everybody who has any sense will want to steer clear of you. Nobody is going to believe you if you say you have evidence. You lie. You lie right now by pretending to be an imaginary friend. This does not exactly make you any more credible.
By the way, you should stop lying and making sockpuppets. It requires a certain intelligence that you do not possess.
If you really want to defend your sorry ass, at least do it as yourself. You should tell your "friends" to stop fucking whiteknighting you on the internet because all it will accomplish is nuke what is left of your reputation. Kek.
No. 249717 at the domain name servers information. It's the ex's website. Follow the yellow brick road. Lo and behold. He has an entry about HER website and more. to throw him under the bus, Miranda?
No. 249721
>>248279This is the worst part of browsing lolcow. Realizing that these blights on humanity have gotten/get way more dick than you.
Also I'm almost willing to give Mira leeway because I'm certain she has a borderline intellectual disability. But then again that doesn't mean you have an excuse for being an awful human.
(Sage for OT)
No. 249725
File: 1458189454429.jpg (117.16 KB, 720x960, 8692_10151412988172217_1266217…)

>>249717kek found a picture of this guy
no wonder mira has such a ladyboner for mimei's bf. this guy is like the walmart version of him.
No. 249741
>>249733"In the months leading up to, and including her moving down to Toronto, she had changed quite a bit. When I met her, she was into punk music, and a little bit of metal. She'd gone to a rave or two, and really enjoyed dancing, but for the time being, she definitely embraced the punk lifestyle.
She had both sides of her nose pierced, and a septum piercing, that she loved, and swore she would never remove - when she died, she told me to make sure no one ever removed it. She had recently removed piercings in her lip, eyebrow, and lost a few in her ear, and has growing her hair back from a bihawk. She wore tights, and patches, and had a syd vicious snarl when she took pictures.
She was pro anarchy, had spent a few weeks living on the streets, and did minor vandalism and trespassing for fun. She'd been in fights, dropped out of school, and hated authority. She had her favourite boots, and had been to plenty of punk, rock, and metal shows.
Throughout the summer, and into the winter, she opened me up a lot to punk music (I was much more into metal and both the heavier and softer side of punk-influenced stuff, but not punk itself). Years later, I was listening to a radio show that had someone from a punk band on it (I don't remember which band, now), and a kid called in and asked how to get other people interested in punk music, and the band suggested that he take his friends to a punk show. And years before I ever heard that, that's what the girl did.
She took me to my first concert (at the same place I saw Chris Liberator, actually): a UK Subs concert. One of the supporting bands had this little girl as a bassist, and I remember seeing her in the crowd a lot (the place was tiny - couldn't have held more than 200 people if it was packed) and thinking she looked so scared and out of place, and I just had this urge to protect her. She was all punked up, of course, but she still looked out of place. But then later that night, she got up on stage, and ripped away on the bass, and I was really surprised. Her body language and playing had the confidence of a carefree bass player in a punk band, but her face still held that scared little girl look.
The bassist really adds no point to the story, so I apologize for bringing that up.
So the concert was actually pretty good, as far as the energeticness went. At one point the mosh pit started moving my way, and I kind of got really anxious. See, I'd wanted to try moshing, but as mentioned before, I was terrified of even trying. So as it got close, I forced my mind to go blank, and I took a step in, got shoved face first towards a pole, and then I was yanked back out.
The girl let go of my shirt, and got up on her toes and yelled over the music into my ear "THAT WAS A MOSH PIT. YOU ALMOST GOT PULLED INTO IT. YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL". I just nodded my head and said "thanks". I didn't want to tell her that I had wanted to go into it. This whole night…The whole experience…Was her world. Not just the music, but everything. She was excited to show it to me, and it made my heart melt to have her excitedly pointing at someone's patch and saying "that's a Crass patch, that's my favourite band", or the beaming pride as someone pointed out "yo, fleas and lice!", which she had written on the back of her shirt, or her need to explain things to me, like when one of the bands started their song, screwed up after a few seconds, and restarted. "that happens a lot", she told me.
We didn't really end up going to many concerts, mostly because we were lazy. We did go to a Misfits concert in October (either halloween, or the day before, or something). I actually invited [user=ludamad] to come (he liked punk music), and that was the first and only time I ever met him.
I'll diverge one step further from the main storyline, and mention that Halloween was her favourite day. She loved dressing up, and all that was involved in it. She wanted to put so much work into her costume.
I had never gone trick or treating, or dressed up, or anything, so at the age of 17, I went trick or treating for the first time (for some reason, no one ever asked how old we were. I can't understand why no one thought we looked too old to be trick or treating. [/sarcasm]). At 20, I decided I was too old.
The first year I think I went as an angel, the second I went as Raichu (and she went as Pikachu), and I don't' really remember what I did for the last year. I always hated it SO MUCH, but it made her so very happy, and the candy pay off was HUGE.
But back to the original divergence, about her changing style: by the end of 2007, she had gone full on raver. She had also taken out two of her nose piercings, and kept her prized septum piercing. She was into bright colours, bright hair, and hair extensions. She made almost all of her own stuff, including her hair. She was incredibly good at finding information, and learning DIY stuff when she wanted to. She has ADHD, so it was incredible that she could actually be sucked into learning for hours and hours on end, and then ACTUALLY GO BACK AND DO IT AGAIN the next day. But it wasn't just her ADHD that made it impressive - it would be impressive even for a normal person.
I'm going to take a step away from the story again for a second (after just one paragraph), and just say that ADHD isn't some made up disease to try explain away a lazy child (which a concept that also angers me deeply, because it is often spewing from someone with no knowledge about the brain at all, and has no empathy of understanding that the most complex system known to man could have possibly developed in any way other than the exact same way theirs did). Sure, AD(H)D is a blanket term used by many school counselors to try and explain a child's problems in most cases, but it is legit. The basic concept is that the the brain's pleasure centres are often under stimulated by most things, and the requirement for stimulation and novelty overrides the brain's attention centre. Most people's attention centres can be controlled via conscious thought - eg "this is boring as hell, but I might need to know this later", but that's not the case here. Now, back to the story:
She began to abandon most punk stuff, in favour of the raver style. She eventually realized how anarchy won't work, and became a bit more conservative (in the sense that conservative = common sense, as opposed to liberally retarded). I always hated her hair extensions though. At first she made them out of wool, and whenever I would fall asleep holding her (both of our beds were singles, which made it very lovely for cuddling), I'd always ask her to pull her hair to the other side, away from me, so it wouldn't touch me.
At one point, I even made her a website to sell all the raver stuff she made (she only sold a little bit of stuff, though). She had impressed me with her incredible ability to draw and paint, her ability to make videos, her ability to make clothes and stuff (and envision a style in general), and now her ability to learn and use photoshop (I didn't teach her anything) and pick up on HTML.
She stopped listening to punk music, in favour of happy hardcore. Whenever I would be driving, she always hated my music, and I wasn't allowed to listen to it. Instead, I got to listen to her talk - which I loved, by the way - or listen to happy hardcore - which I didn't like nearly as much.
So that's how the girl, who was so excited about the Ramones and Sid Vicious solo CD that I bought her on her first week here after WEMF, transitioned to a raver. A raver who didn't do drugs, I should mentioned. Girls seem to be the only ones who can love dancing if they're not high."
No. 249744
File: 1458195373955.png (103.05 KB, 602x543, mira1.png)

No. 249770
>>249766Yes, it is from the website linked in
>>249717The members of that community have public blogs. Mira's ex updated his page until 2014.
No. 249782
File: 1458204402241.jpeg (563.64 KB, 970x1785, image.jpeg)

This dude is the king of tl;dr but the night he met Mira she tried to an hero with Tylenol of all things.
No. 249785
File: 1458206316365.png (212.77 KB, 1636x964, her profile.png)

Apparently she had a profile too, although it looks like she deleted most of her comments.
No. 249786
File: 1458206487644.png (152.5 KB, 1462x990, she did something.png)

And apparently she hasn't changed a single bit.
Now I'm curious what drama she was causing back then.
No. 249792
File: 1458207562112.png (57.43 KB, 653x399, Screenshot 2016-03-17 at 6.36.…)

lol little weeby mira
No. 249806
>>249791(Same poster)
Okay, I found some other comments that Mira was briefly a moderator at 64digits and was not well-liked or fair.
No. 249817
>>249815Members repeatedly ranking Miranda(Devotchka/FXS's girlfriend) least favorite user, voted worst site incident:>>249815Comment #16 recalling Mira's epic fail as mod: #16(again): mentioned in post aboutnot following senior members advice: There were a few others, but I lost track of where they were. It was more mentions of her being s disastrous mod and not listening.
No. 250065
File: 1458277322392.png (504.7 KB, 1966x1362, Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 12.5…)

>>249785Funny how since this first screen shot, her last login went from being in 2008 to being today, and her info has become about as spartan as one can make it. She
totally never comes on here tho guiz.
No. 250067
>>250065Oh my god LMAO
What a fucking idiot. Now not only do we have the original screenshot, we also have her edited screenshot.
No. 250070
File: 1458278031796.jpg (20.7 KB, 480x360, H1tDAdW.jpg)

>>250054God, that would be an unfortunate, droopy, faced kid.
No. 251348
What is up with her English on ebay? It's like she's trying to write engrish to make it more "authentic"…
Japanese OMAMORI
Omamori is a lucky charm that protects you
This omamori is from yamagata, yonezawa area
It has insense inside it and smells like purfume
This omamori is for love, it says love in kanji on outside.
Inside, is a rabbit?? looking cute animal, it says "cat" on the outside
but it looks more like rabbit…or mouse….
Has a bell attatched to it.
You can put this on your cell phone or hang it somewhere in your house
4x3cm big. strap is about 6cm long
No. 251418
>>251348Purfume. Bwahaha.
Anon, that's totally it. Also what's with this crazy price for a lucky charm?
No. 251424
>>251418Her "fans" you know. Apparently all of her over-priced stickers sold out in an hour after posting her latest video. I bet she sold like one listing of one single sticker sheet, haha. (Maybe three, if I'm feeling nice…)
Mira is kinda boring to me so I don't really follow her, but dang, her latest video is a piece of art. Especially the beginning where she's going cray-cray for some reason.
No. 251538
File: 1458615230557.png (847.31 KB, 1308x780, ExplodingMira.png)

>>251424What, you mean when she suddenly glitched? I'm thinking that's her true form.
No. 251631
File: 1458652639955.png (288.85 KB, 1644x990, baitobitch.png)

lol, she's so full of shit.
Probably earns either ¥1000 or ¥1500 an hour.
Mira, if you were so "rich" from Youtube, then you wouldn't have to work in a restaurant. YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THAT YOURSELF.
No. 251987
File: 1458771066939.jpg (57.87 KB, 640x480, 25gtb1h.jpg)

miranda is annoying because she's a 26 year old attention whore who constantly rejects white men and Japanese men, and refuses to have children.
She's an isolated shit-posting basement dweller in a foreign country where she can't speak the language, I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't so arrogant all the time
No. 251994
File: 1458773348094.jpg (47.99 KB, 450x600, 450px-Hostesmira.jpg)

Hostess gold digging whore, why can't she just stop being such a slut ?
No. 252039
>>251994I'm surprised any guy would actually
pay to spend time with Mira. You couldn't pay
me to do so.
No. 252291
File: 1458838513607.jpg (97.42 KB, 960x719, 16jgadx.jpg)

this is her back in the day
No. 252292
File: 1458838580171.jpg (38.18 KB, 604x453, 2u7q9ox.jpg)

and again
No. 252293
File: 1458838723496.jpg (48.82 KB, 604x453, 289zwhz.jpg)

Why do girls do this shit ? They're all slutty and shit, then later they pretend to be innocent. Isn't that what miranda is doing ? She went from piercings and spiked necklace, to pretending she's a good girl in Japan ?
No. 252297
>>252293I think it's sort of common. For some reason a lot of girls went from punk rock look to kawaii look when they got older (look at dakota). It could be because it felt good to break rules and not look like everyone else. Then you start craving something different, so you go for the opposite look. You still don't want to look like everyone else, but you want to work with something different. It's only natural. happens to everyone.
Sage bc idk anything about her, I saw these old pics and it caught my eye.
No. 252318
File: 1458843258478.jpg (46.55 KB, 640x480, bij9sx the stepping stone.jpg)

guy she used as a step stone to get access to Japan
No. 252319
File: 1458843331308.jpg (59.74 KB, 800x450, o59uaf.jpg)

somewhat……. smug
No. 252321
>>252292lol the girl beside her kinda looks like Sharla.
OP, where did you get these pictures? They're terrible…
No. 252339
File: 1458844361265.png (32.74 KB, 634x269, kndjnmrrg.thumb.png.5b69c3b010…)

2 months?
No. 252359
File: 1458847741807.png (209.46 KB, 1353x594, mira_wants_free_food.png.3ba29…)

"ofcourse, free food."
fucking slut. I don't really hate her, she just gets on my nerves.
No. 252429"…Like I said, I wanted free food."
- miranda kanadajin3.
what a slut ! she openly admits that she was just using him for free food.
No. 252446
>>252431Isn't that the guy who hates japan but still lives there to bitch about it?
And while i'm at it. I don't care about anyone appearance, people are only ugly to me if their personality is.
No. 252452
>>252416He wrote about her as his ex from long ago in 2012, which was either around the time she went to Japan or before she went to Japan, so he's not her first husband.
>>252425If he's her husband then of course he's going to get online and say whatever Mira wants him to say to "prove her innocence" just like her ex-friend Kat did. He's not her first husband who was in her videos, he's her second husband. It's the ONLY way she's able to get a visa and stay in Japan since she doesn't qualify for any other visa except a student visa, and she obviously doesn't have one of those.
Her ex friends confirmed that she was married again before they split off. At the time they split off she had only been in Japan two years and started claiming she was single and magically got permanent residence, which is 100% impossible after living in Japan for only two years.
After divorcing her ex-husband she started getting jealous of the attention Sharla got and decided to start hiding her relationships the same way. She also publicly attacked other women for being married to Japanese men and stated many times over that marrying for a visa is disgusting, hence why she would rather tell stupid ass lies instead of letting people know she got married again.
No. 252555
File: 1458918873828.jpg (271.77 KB, 860x300, Captura_de_pantalla_2015-10-16…)

she thinks she looks Japanese… just lol
No. 252556
File: 1458918928457.jpg (11.58 KB, 321x321, miranda this is you.jpg)

this is what miranda looks like
No. 252557
File: 1458918965359.png (383.38 KB, 557x417, japanese-schools-uniforms.png)

and this is real Japanese
No. 252560
File: 1458920565849.png (89.47 KB, 845x550, wut.png.fb7af11868d4fd21a3eecd…)

"I don't know the language about britain"
What a retard.
You can't MAKE this shit up.
No. 252561
>>252560Brit-fag here
Mira, I can assure you.
You're a fuckin' bell end luv
No. 252566
File: 1458921735629.jpg (83.39 KB, 1079x1079, oRW4iWy.jpg)

if Mira is actually a white Japanese, then why does she still call herself kanadajin?
No. 252796
>>252555I bet she probably means the way she dresses or smth. There's no way she believes she looks Japanese physically. She probably wrote that way just to get a reaction from ppl.
At least I'm trying to believe that no one could be that stupid..
No. 252841
>>252560I'm convinced she is legitimately retarded. Or inbred. It could very well be both with how dumb she is.
>I don't know the language of BritianUhh… You do, Mira. You just butcher it so fucking much. People that speak English as a second language do it better than you do.
No. 252857
>>252039it is because of "white privilege"
aka what the japanese call "white people fever"
No. 253233
File: 1459166350821.png (59.4 KB, 827x427, retard alert wuuuut.png.33ffef…)

"I have never had someone in real life call me NOT JAPANESE! NEVER WILL BE!!For you to even tell another person they are not Japanese, is sickening."
"…. I used to 'embrase' both, till I went to Canada an realized I am not Canadian."
>meanwhile, she Still says "ah-BOOT" instead of "ABOUT", and generally speaks with an EXTREMELY STRONG Canadian accent, every time she speaks.
She's so retarded. "I am Japanese" . "I am not Canadian".
Are you fucking kidding me? The slut's name is "Kanadajin3". She's 100% white Canadian. There's NOTHING Japanese about her at all. ZERO.
No. 253253
>>253252Mira's only problem is being a total weeb.
And why would we photoshop her face? have you even seen her videos on youtube??
No. 253262
>>253253Only problem?
ONLY problem??
No. 253265
>>253233>>252560Your culture doesn't determine your race, Miranda, you fucking lunatic.
I'd love for someone to go around with her picture, asking people on the streets in Japan if the person in the picture looks/is Japanese.
Every single one of them would say no, without a fucking doubt.
No. 253266
>>253262I meant it as a way of saying she doesn't have any syndromes or genetic disorders. Not that it's the only
problematic thing about her.
No. 253394
>>253390No, she flat out says she's ethnically Japanese now, and that means she's pure Japanese because she says there's no such thing as race.
And did you read the comment above somewhere where she told a Korean American that she's more Asian than they are and that they're not actually Asian at all?
No. 253446
File: 1459235677280.jpg (313.29 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Found this on berry vs japan
No. 253454
>>253394Wait, what?
>Korean being LESS Asian than white bumfuck Mira Explain or post a screencap please.
No. 253923
check this link : is the truth about Miranda's life in Japan, pretty much.
She's a lonely gaijin western female expat who spends Saturday nights alone, crying into her Ramen bowl
No. 253937
>>253923Are you being sarcastic?
I would cite a million other reasons it's difficult for female gaijin to make it in Japan but it's certainly not from lack of men hitting on you, what a stupid article.
Plus she's claiming it's because she's attractive (also not making much sense since she's claiming to go to clubs and bars not just live daily life so it's not exactly just cold approaches she's after), which I wouldn't count on for Mira.
No. 253981
>>253923This poor bitch thinks she's cute, no wonder she's upset. She looks stereotypically tourist white and also old. Of course she's not snagging any men.
Sage for ot
No. 254154
>>253981"stereotypically tourist white" wth is that supposed to mean?
Why is there so much bagging on foreign females on this forum? I`m thinking its because its mostly white guys on this website or hateful vendetta females or both.
Also what does this have to do with ugly Miranda? This girl Reannon looks average but Mira is butt ugly.
No. 255778
>>255770>so that she can have kids in japanShe would be the next Margo let's be real. She would vlog every fucking second of that kid's life by pouring their head with 'you are pure glorious Japanese' and when when it finally hits that kid about how delusional her mom is it's going to destroy them.
No one as idiotic and delusional as Mira should ever have children
No. 255847
>>255770lmao AS IF her kids would come to her for help
they'd probably be like "damn my baka gaijin mom wont even teach me english."
No. 255876
>>255770> Japan's Population: 126,919,659.
>She can't find a single person to teach her Japanese. She's not dedicated to learning Japanese at all. She's been living in Japan for 5 years, she doesn't like school and quit, and she hasn't put any effort to learn Japanese.
I doubt that she'll ever have any babies. She's 26, every day she gets fatter and uglier. Japan has the lowest birth rate in the world. + White women in general have low birth rates. She can't spell in English. She can't read, write nor speak Japanese, even after 5 years. She complains about money and visa, working as a hostess whore and restaurant minimum wage, etc.. she's delusional : She's not going to have kids
No. 256021
>>255876But she got Rody tho. He probably has cataracts or smth since he's been making videos with Mira's ugly ass. What is he anyway? He's got a European accent goin on.
It's funny how good her English is in Rody's videos btw. To the point where idk if he even understands her sometimes.
No. 257620
>>257436"japan is not an english speaking country"
excactly why you should teach your kids english if you know it, they will find it soooo useful later in life you dumb whore, trying so hard to be japanese, omg this video was so frustrating
No. 258363
File: 1460390233367.jpg (14.15 KB, 320x180, mqdefault hoo wa.jpg)

"You should not be aflaid of the police" .
lol. You will never be Japanese. Know your place, gaijin No. 259329
>>258363Those 4 people who asked her to show her gaijin card were NOT police. She thinks that fake cops don't know how to get a fake badge? They're really common around large areas, especially train stations.
I swear to god she's so fucking stupid.
If they were waiting at a post, they wouldn't be undercover.
I bet Mira cries herself to sleep every night because she's not Japanese enough to not need a gaijin card.
No. 259589
File: 1460586873345.jpeg (35.7 KB, 415x260, image.jpeg)

>>259380She's showing the old type, that was used before 2012. It's what they called a gaijin card before switching design and renaming it to resident card.
No. 259768
File: 1460616246703.png (1.62 MB, 939x603,…)

>that's disgusting. mira is like my big sister.
No. 260042
>>259766thank you mods.
lurk moar pls
No. 260176
File: 1460686516504.jpg (125.91 KB, 778x423, 23478794.jpg)

So this Japanese person suggested that Mira join a matchmaking site to find someone to marry while she's still young and cute, and after her butthurt reply about how she's planning to marry by 29 and that she can find a partner 'naturally' because matchmaking sites are for desperate people, she ends her argument with "I know you all are dying to see videos of my married life, but please be patient"
Seriously, where the fuck does her ego come from?
No. 260951
File: 1460904441759.jpeg (198.97 KB, 750x920, image.jpeg)

OT but i found mira's twin. So weird
No. 261606
>>261575When will you learn? PULL is dumb.
Mira always had a floppy stomach. No. 261736
>>261606Eh, this site is pretty dumb, too. But where else can I go for all that delicious milk.
I see what you're saying about her gut, but her face is definitely getting fatter. Maybe it's all that delicious Japanese housewife cooking she does (and not, say, the copious quantities of alcohol she appears to drink or all the konbini meals she's probably grabbing).
No. 261836
File: 1461113446015.png (208.21 KB, 858x509, Screenshot 2016-04-20 at 9.46.…)

No. 262134
>>262128Imagine how controversial the videos would be.
And I imagine her first one would be
"Pregnant in JAPAN. DON'T eat SUSHI"
No. 263338
File: 1461510309471.jpg (307.27 KB, 1631x989, fdsfs.jpg)

>>263325True, but nobody actually pays for Rosetta Stone though do they?
No. 263349
>>263293Kek my friend saw Mira on the train yesterday
He said she looked really distant and frowny
No. 263377
>>263338Sorry, but those sample sentences aren't very good. They're awkward to read. Plus, two of the four sentences shown have minor amendments but are mostly the same thing.
There are resources online (e.g Maggie-sensei.) that provide much better examples.
No. 263998
>>263992The internet is a revolving door. I only discovered Mira six months ago. For two of those months I was a fan. Then the infamous HereToStay video showed up in my recommendations.
So I do believe that she's still getting "harassed," but only because new people are just now discovering what a piece of shit Mira is every single day. Not because she has these super dedicated haters that stalk her every move, as her massive ego has led her to believe.
No. 264259
File: 1461770970234.png (64.94 KB, 829x387, Screenshot 2016-04-28 at 12.27…)

No. 264757
File: 1461854984285.png (177.22 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2014-06-11-21-20-49…)

>>264719Isn't she one of those people who made a video supporting kandajin while the drama was going on? I guess she took it down by now but even back then she didn't have any "proof" in her hands. Her comment were hilarious tho
No. 264759
File: 1461855017087.png (181.4 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2014-06-11-21-21-00…)

No. 264912
>>264893No, Lola is as much of a retard as Mira. I mean have you heard her speak?
Ugly sloths gathering together lol
No. 264984
File: 1461900434211.png (218.63 KB, 754x1555, mi.png)

Mira melt down in one of Victors new videos. She has already edited the comment. The video was pretty interesting but her comment was better.
No. 265041
File: 1461912801130.jpg (74.23 KB, 531x536, ss (2016-04-28 at 11.52.16).jp…)

Lola(Mira's most vocal supporter) and her husband
No. 265089
>>265084Yes, using the "logic" of "Sharla is a horrible person and she framed me and I have tons of proof, but if I show it to people then they will thin Sharla is a bad person, so I can't show anyone the proof."
Yeah, that's Mira logic….
No. 265104
>>265089Her real logic is she knows if she shares private info on YouTube she'll get reported and sued. That's the only reason she hasn't done it. Mira's "I'M SUCH A GOOD PERSON LOOK AT ME EVERYONE" act is so transparent it's hilarious.
She's even contradicting herself because she said she showed it to tons of people in person and sent it to other jvloggers like Scott and Micaela, etc.
This is honestly one of her weakest lies yet.
No. 265191
File: 1461949889346.png (82.19 KB, 819x1032, kureno-screenshot1.png)

There was great comments in Lola's video. Lets hope that Mira see them and start arguing like always when people expose her wrongdoings. That rant in Victor's video was quite hilarious.
No. 266581
>>266457It's her only means of getting the spotlight.
Negative attention is better than no attention.
No. 266946
File: 1462453745049.jpg (18.72 KB, 190x316, miratext.jpg)

A load of good info (with screen shots, etc) dumped on PULL:
Here's two choice screen shots. Mira's "proof" of here innocence: (Sharla=gray text, Mira=blue)
No. 266957
File: 1462456104003.jpg (14.71 KB, 195x236, sharla.jpg)

>>266946Here's the second screent shot from Sharla's phone (Mira=Gray, Sharla=Blue)
No. 267218
File: 1462497301125.jpg (60.85 KB, 601x204, mmm.jpg)

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA she trying to do damage control
No. 267225
File: 1462499083220.jpg (142.64 KB, 701x480, ss (2016-05-05 at 06.44.08).jp…)

I'm fucking dying the person who met up with Mira drew her with a dorito chin
No. 267328
>>267307Mira gets outed to making sock puppets to abuse people, everyone unfriends her. Mira never apologizes, people move on.
Mira is still upset and says she's innocent despite the amount of evidence where she self incriminates herself. Other parties involved in this incident don't care.
Mira wants more attention every year or so she brings it back up.
Someone met Mira in person to see the evidence, evidence actually shows Mira blatantly confessing to everything.
Mira a crazy bitch confirmed.
No. 267364
>>267363I never doubted Mira was a shit, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sharla is guilty too, to some degree. She just gets away with it because she's less weird than Mira, and a lot more popular.
And yeah why would anyone be scared of Mira? lol..
No. 267385
>>267364Have you ever watched the Hills Have Eyes?
Associating with Inbreds never ends well.
No. 267388
>>267363The way I see it is Sharla is definitely guilty for being a bystander. I'm sure they gossiped and were bitchy via text about others because what two best friends aren't, but when it started getting more serious and she realized what Mira was doing she became a passive bystander until she broke the friendship.
The texts I saw look like those people that are uncomfortable with a situation but don't want to make it tense? Like if your friend messages you about someone you consider a friend with "Hahahaha omfg did you see what she did today?" and you don't want to cause tensions so you just reply with "Haha yeah" instead?
No. 267548
>>267547Well let's be fair. Tokyo is super clean (Osaka isn't though), and super efficient and super safe. It deserves credit in all of those areas.
My point was specifically about Osaka. It's an ugly, boring city with nothing to do but see a few hastily reconstructed replica historical sites and shop in Dotonbori. I just annoyed with these same fantasists and apologists, those who might say that the dreary skyline of Osaka is one of the world’s greatest or that the view from the window of a shinkansen hurtling between Osaka and Tokyo is one of the top scenic rail experiences. But this phenomenon has been going on for a very long time – one only needs to read some of Basil Hall Chamberlain’s accounts from over a century ago to see how little has changed in this regard. Here's a classic example:
>"…Europe and America evince a singular taste for the marvellous, and find a zest in self-depreciation. Our eighteenth-century ancestors imagined all perfections to be realised in China, thanks to the glowing descriptions then given of that country by the Jesuits. Twentieth-century Europe finds its moral and political Eldorado in distant Japan, a land of fabulous antiquity and incredible virtues. There is no lack of pleasant-mannered persons ready to guide trustful admirers in the right path. Official and semi-official Japanese, whether ambassadors and ministers-resident or peripatetic counts and barons, make it their business to spread a legend so pleasing to the national vanity, so useful as a diplomatic engine. Lectures are delivered, books are written in English, important periodicals are bought up, minute care is lavished on the concealment, the patching-up, and glossing-over of the deep gulf that nevertheless is fixed between East and West. The foreigner cannot refuse the bolus thus artfully forced down his throat. He is not suspicious by nature. How should he imagine that people who make such positive statements about their own country are merely exploiting his credulity? HE has reached a stage of culture where such mythopoeia has become impossible. On the other hand, to control information by consulting original sources lies beyond his capacity." No. 267568
>>267566>Cool JapanThis has been going on for a long time, see:
>>267548I always find it funny how the Japanese will tell you in one breath it's distinctively Japanese to value humility while in the other discussing how some shitty selection of radishes (muh kaiskei cuisine) arranged neatly in a little bowl is some sublimely, uniquely beautiful thing that only ware ware japanese can understand.
Japanese cuisine is the most overrated thing in existence. Bar none.
No. 267605
>>267509I think my favourite thing about this video is how she's shitting on Micaela saying stuff like "This person doesn't even know me in real life and they're being so mean they don't even know me" but then WHY DID YOU MESSAGE HER MIRA? If you 'don't know her' and don't consider her a friend, then you don't send them a suicide message!
Like I know she was playing it up for the video/to get sympathy but holy fuck like that is the easiest lie to take out of this thing.
No. 267609
>>267509The comments at 4:03 are from Kelly(Strawberyy Mochi) and Micaela. Mira's zeroing in on them as her next victimv. lol>>267591Hahaha. It might be the lighting. She looks even worse and older here than usual. She may have intended to do so that it would make her look somewhat vulnerable, and people take pity on her.
No. 267712
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Kat can't make up her mind at all.
No. 267713
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No. 267714
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No. 267719
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No. 267724
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But Kat blocked Mira. Posted on Twitter that it's photoshopped evidence.
No. 267730
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Mira sent these conversations to a lot of people.
No. 267732
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No. 267733
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No. 267734
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No. 267735
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No. 267736
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No. 267737
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No. 267738
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No. 267740
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No. 267741
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No. 267744
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No. 267745
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No. 267746
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No. 267747
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No. 267749
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No. 267750
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So in the end. Rachel claims the conversation was fake, that she never even went on PULL. Who used her account?? Kat ? Sharla?
No. 267751
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No. 267752
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No. 267753
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No. 267754
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No. 267755
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No. 267756
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No. 267757
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No. 267758
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No. 267759
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No. 267760
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No. 267761
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No. 267762
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Notice micaela never says "these conversations are fake. She says she doesn't care. Situation sucks. Micaela made a video leaving out the images because it also includes an image of Sharla and her talking bad about Ashiya.
Which makes that girl who posted on PULLs story that "Sharla did say trash, to see how far Mira would go" COMPLETE BS
No. 267766
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Then we have this new character who posted on PULL. You can find her comments in unresteds video. She sees video footage of Miras phone and believes she is innocent. Kat unblocked Mira and says this ^
No. 267767
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No. 267773
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Mira sent out hundreds of these. She even showed them in a video.
No. 267774
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No. 267776
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Russian hooker = ashiya
No. 267777
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No. 267778
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No. 267779
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No. 267780
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No. 267781
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Mic = micaela
Sharla clearly telling Mira to do something.
No. 267782
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No. 267783
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No. 267784
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And now we have another person. Sharla and Dochihokos conversation about Ashiya.
No. 267785
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Talking about Ashiya, again.
No. 267787
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No. 267788
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No. 267790
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No. 267791
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No. 267800
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Sharla does mention multiple times something about a fake account.
No. 267802
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No. 267803
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No. 267806
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No. 267807
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Now she's about to talk bad about Emily
No. 267808
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No. 267809
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No. 267810
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No. 267812
>>267800And yet she sent her messages shit talking Rachel to Rachel herself. Whether she was only going along with Mira or whether she really did want to shit talk people and then decided to quit, the fact is she quit. She quit and showed Rachel the conversations so she obviously took responsibility for her own actions and didn't try to delete or hide what she said. On the other hand we have Mira who has done EVERYTHING she could to refuse taking responsibility such as:
Playing the victim
Accusing the people she bullied of being bullies
Fabricating evidence to hide her actions
Sharing private conversations publicly without permission of the other party
Publicly attempting to defame the people she bullied
Attacking people who tried to help her
Making 4 hate videos against the people she's bullied
I don't believe a thing Mira says or shows, and the fact that the longer this goes on the more friends Mira loses and the more friends Sharla gains tells me all I need to know about what they're actually like in person.
No. 267813
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And then Sharla talks bad about mimei because she is hanging out with Ashiya.
No. 267814
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No. 267815
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No. 267816
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No. 267817
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No. 267818
>>267815lmao this one is literally proof that mira deleted her comments. Sharla is obviously responding to something mira said about either mimei or ayisha.
If you look through this most of them are just Sharla, but usually you don't rant that fucking much without an active participant
No. 267819
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No. 267820
This is obviously Mira self-posting after she didn't get the reaction she wanted messaging all the jvloggers, posting on 2ch, and making a video.
No one cares about your bullshit.
Micaela said she didn't read a thing you sent and doesn't care. How the fuck is she going to comment on the validity of your proof if she didn't read it? You are literally mentally retarded.
If Kat and Scott are so on your side then where are they now? It's easy to sway someone when you give them fabricated conversations and tell them you're going to commit suicide but the fact that neither of them stuck by you for more than a day shows you're full of shit.
Where the the fuck does your "proof" even show any PROOF? Sharla shit talked people with you? So fucking what? What is that proof of? Who fucking cares if Sharla shit talked someone? Your conversation has YOU talking about your fake account commenting on Rachel's video. The funny thing is, they never even shared that picture until you started posting all this shit. I always thought you were guilty but thanks to you now we finally have the complete proof you did everything.
I thought you said you'd rather kill yourself than make Sharla look like a bad person. What happened to that? You changed your mind pretty quickly, messaging all these people, making videos and posting your private conversations online.
I thought you were telling people you're suicidal? Not anymore? That was fast.
How many enemies did you make of people doing all this? I heard that even your friends are fed up with you and won't defend you. That's pretty telling that none of your friends have anything to offer in your defense.
What do you think would happen if your boyfriend Rody and clone Rola talked to Sharla and got her side of the story? So far the only people who have ever said anything positive about your side only saw your conversations with your deleted messages. It's pretty easy to manipulate someone into being on your side when you control what they see. If you're so confident you're right then why don't you encourage Rody to talk to Sharla? If she's so horrible like you say then surely someone would see through her. So then why does everyone end up on her side?
I thought you said YouTube shouldn't be used as a weapon. And yet now you've made 4 videos shitting on other YouTubers, and you're posting on tons of channels, lolcow, 2ch, and god only knows how many other places attacking Sharla. What happened to not using your position to attack people?
You never responded to the fact that Sharla was sharing your conversations with Rachel when you were shit talking her.
Your story has so many holes it's mind-boggling that you think it still makes sense. You tell people that they can easily see your true personality on YouTube, so that must explain why your channel doesn't grow and every time you upload a video you lose subscribers. Sharla and Rachel must be amazing people then since they have twice your audience and infinitely more friends. How does it feel to know you destroyed your only chance at making a viable career on the internet? Sharla and Rachel work with movie stars and travel across Japan for free, and they're both in loving relationships with multiple booming channels. Why don't any decent companies ever try to work with you? Why didn't that tv show ever invite you back to work with them again? Why is it that everyone who meets you eventually gets sick of your shit and leaves?
Take the advice everyone who's had any inkling of pity for you offered and check yourself into a mental institution.
No. 267821
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No. 267823
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No. 267825
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No. 267828
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No. 267852
>>267843Mira told her fans directly that Rachel was scamming them and then made a whole video calling her a liar, so I don't think it was uncalled for or unexpected for Rachel to respond publicly. You can see how Mira responds to being confronted with things so imagine trying to solve that privately. She never would have admitted to or apologized for anything. They probably thought a public shaming would knock enough sense into her that she'd stop, but I guess they underestimated how pyscho Mira is.
Or maybe not. Rachel hasn't said anything in years, so I think she learned that Mira's a lost cause.
No. 267860
>>267857That was two years ago. No one brings up her anymore unless she bothers them. She dragged everyone into things this time by messaging the entire jvlogging community and pitting them against each other. She hits a beehive with a bat and when they all swarm and sting her she calls them bullies, and then swings at the hive again. She's fucking retarded.
And she's not saying "I'm not the only bad guy." She's trying to completely frame Sharla for her own actions. If she had taken responsibility for her actions and apologized that would have been one thing, but she's trying to deflect attention from herself by painting pictures of other people as horrible monsters (Sharla, Micaela, Kelly, etc).
She's trying to wiggle her way back into the community?? What the fuck is this even. If she wanted "back into the community" she would try to make friends. She wouldn't tell people she wants to commit suicide so they need to make videos saying she's innocent. That's not trying to "wiggle back into the community." She's playing the same drama game as always.
No. 267866
>>267860Yes. Her threads on lolcow and even PULL were beginning to die down and recently people started to lose interest. There still are 2-5 post per day but it was much more active during the drama of course and last year. Even now people don't really care anymore comparing it with the Margo thread, for example people would leap when they had screenshots like this there. This was a very dumb move of Mira if she is the one who posted this bc she basically admits making these sockpuppet accounts but isn't the only responsible one (her AND Sharla). She's taking down other Jvloggers with her. If her goal was to get accepted into the community again this backfired.
So I think it may have been one of the people she send those screenshots that posted this on here. What we learn of this is just that the jvlogging community is apparently full of crap. God I know all of you lurk here so please do us the favour and grow up.
No. 267914
>>267894They didn't say much just that again Victor doesn't really believe Mira is suicidal and Kelly said that she doesn't know if she is or not. She also said that she has the right to voice out her opinion as a watcher of Mira's videos cause it's public( Kelly was criticized when commenting about Mira and her comment was mentioned in Mira's recent video).
They also saw the screenshots that we see here from other jvloggers but I don't think they knew at that time that it was posted on lolcow.
Their advice for Mira is to just ignore everything and listen to her subscribers, to take a break from YouTube and get help. They said that they don't know of anyone of the vloggers bullying Mira and that nobody made a hate video (wasn't there a "to a dumbass hypocrite" video by Victor tho? Whatever)
Untested wants to make a statement and that's about it.
The video wasn't actually negative this time gimmeaflake/breakman showed a picture of him with others and Mira on a party and such.
No. 268011
>>267999 This video is basically:
-Scott apologizes for making the Mira video
-Says that Mira took their convo and shared with their friends to LAUGH at
Wow Mira is a new type of bitch, she made fun of someone who was seriously concerned and trying to help her, what a manipulative cunt.
No. 268013
>>267914Thanks, anon!
I wonder what caused Mira's recent breakdown after 2 years? The Naruru girl, who met up with Mira and posted about it on PULL, said she they about losing her chance to get Japanese citizenship. Maybe something is up with her residence status.
No. 268015
>>268013The Pull investigator said that Mira didn't want to release text messages herself thinking it would hurt her chances to get a residence status, hence; she sent all the screenshots to other jvloggers hoping they'd do it for her.
Mira will never get Japanese citizenship regardless. She doesn't make a lot money and nor does she even have a high school degree. She'll be forever depend on a marriage visa to have a stable chance.
No. 268016
>>268010Are you stupid? They're saying Mira's accent is Canadian, not Japanese. Mira would never admit her accent is Canadian
She said she was from Ontario, so the only place I can think of is way up north cause no one in Toronto has an accent like that
No. 268145
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I hope she is being sarcastic since she still isn't fluent in Japanese
Sorry for posting and deleting something's wrong with my mobile phone
No. 268147
>>268145I have no idea what she'd even need Arabic for in Japan. So hopefully she is joking since she really needs to work on her Japanese first.
That pic makes her look like a special needs person. That vacant stare and open mouth.
No. 268210
Why would she focus on learning Arabic when she can barely speak her own native language and is horrible at Japanese? What's she planning on doing, moving to the UAE?
No. 268359
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>>268256Just imagine Mira marryig a rich heir husbando and vlogging about how the other 3 wives and 10 concubines are not enough arabian as her hah
No. 268563
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Yunus is a prophet of islam. So is she really converting to the religion?
This kinda contributes to the 'theory' that Mira is married to Rody. He is a Muslim himself so it would really help his family to accept the marriage if his wife was also. To read the Quran she also has to know Arabic… It would be better bc things get lost in translation.
No. 268582
>>267999fucking kek
Mira you just burried yourself deeper than ever.
Go actually die in a ditch, bitch
No. 268583
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Arabic + bathing suit? Lolwat
No. 268586
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Wow lol
No. 268772
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>>268765Kek, you can always tell it's Mira giving out information about herself because she always starts off her post with "DO YOU GUyS THINK ThAT MIRA DOES ThiS BECAUSE______?" or "DOES ANYBODY ELSE THINK THAT MIRA_____?"
Literally nobody cares about your fucking visa status Mira. That most that will happen is that PULL or lolcow will laugh at how pathetic you are, and then the threads will start dying again. Keep stalking the private Facebooks of other Youtubers and go cry some more because nobody on the internet really cares about you anymore.
No. 268786
>>268772Holy shit… This is the first time ever in the entire time I've participated on these boards that I've been accused of being Miranda. Just because of the first sentence, anon? Yes, she has a history of stirring the pot to get people second-guessing and giving her a boost in traffic, but posting the scenario I suggested wouldn't achieve a beneficial effect for her at all.
I keep seeing people post their observations about her all-too-convenient Saudi Arabian interest, as if they've found the next big clue to connecting her to Lodi(his real name), but since she is stalking every forum, why would she give out incriminating evidence so freely and easily? That is not like her. She lives off chaos. Especially since people in the Jvlogging community implied that another man is sponsoring her visa and Lodi is just a two-faced weasel along for the ride, just like Carolina.
No. 268791
>>268786>I'M NOT MIRA!!!!Totes Mira.
Throwing your friends under the bus doesn't make me believe less. Also, Lodi? Carolina? Literally nobody else knows these names but you. Just stop before you dig a deeper hole. Stop white knighting yourself and go spill some dirt on the other jvloggers in the thread on /snow/. Your 'evidence' against them would work well there. I mean, since it's not REALLY Mira amiright?????
No. 268803
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>>268791Err I'm not part of your discussion or whatever but generally the paranoia of people on gossip threads is ridiculous. It doesn't need to be said that not everyone with a different opinion is Mira right?
And on PULL Carolina aka Lola is getting kinda exposed (writes on a website that she went Harvard, a ballet school for gifted people and is teaching English to Japanese since 19whatnot. Hilarious look for yourselves: No. 268810
>>268795Huh? You think lolcow is some super exclusive edgelord club that doesn't pop up in the first search results for "kanadajin3"?
I mean actively participating in Mira-related discussion since the beginning of PULL sockpuppetry. I was even was the one who leaked her ex-bf's blog here, which would be insane for even Mira to do.
Lodi and Carolina's names are not only a Google away, but they've been discussed for months already, on various site. Wait… Are YOU Miranda?
>Throwing your friends under the bus doesn't make me believe less. >make me believe lessHi, Miranda.
No. 268840
>>268791At the risk of also being accused of being Mira: how the hell could you possibly think that post was her? It doesn't contain any spelling or grammatical errors. I could actually read it. I cannot, at this point, parse
anything Mira writes, it's so gawdaful. There's no way she could fake coherence for two paragraphs just to fool us all. Her inability to communicate is not an act that she can turn on and off at will.
No. 268869
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>>268765>>268796>>268805>>268810>>268840All these posts correlate with eachother (if not with direct Mira behavior in some way) and are suspect.
I agree with
>>268791 anon. It could be her (probably), and
Rodi (maybe he typed stuff out for her), and she mentioned some Carolina girl because she is scatterbrained and thinks she's somehow relevant.
>>268786>why would she give out incriminating evidence so freely and easily? That is not like her.Uhm Mira, have you met Mira?
Anyway, FAIL.
No. 268896
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>>268810Except, that it isn't..
No. 268966
>>268869Of course they correlate with one another. We were the same three(?) people interacting in the same time-frame. What are you even trying to say here?
Lodi//Rodi/Rody writing in her defense is a stretch. What evidence do you have to suggest he writes in same fashion?
But "some Carolina girl"? Asshole. That's Lola, aka Kureno Lola, and you fucking know it. Extremely relevant when she's deep in MIRANDA's ass, willing to do and say anything to defend her. Possibly become her. Don't attempt to downplay her association or deflect attention from her. Miranda's inner circle is too small.
>Uhm Mira, have you met Mira?Uhm, no? I don't think most people have.
No. 268967
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>>268896I shouldn't have used present tense because your reading comprehension and ability to piece together information is so low, but you asked HOW I got here. At my first introduction a few years ago, yes, lolcow was in the top search results.
Just give it up already. Your deductive reasoning skills suck.
No. 269006
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>>268967Apparently you have short term memory issues, you said:
"Huh? You think lolcow is some super exclusive edgelord club that doesn't pop up in the first search results for "kanadajin3"?"
Secondly, I never asked you HOW you got anywhere. We aren't all the same person you know..
Third, prove you were hear all this time ago. I was here long before you, prove I wasn't (See why that a stupid statement to make on an anon board?)
Fourth, you were trying to act all smart-ass and superior and fell on your ass, deal with it..
No. 269027
>>269013If you can actually read the entire sentence you would see the part in parentheses that says: (See why that a stupid statement to make on an anon board?)
Referencing the comment "I mean actively participating in Mira-related discussion since the beginning of PULL sockpuppetry." (268810) Suggesting that they've been around for a long time, but it's an empty statement as you can't prove it, nor can I. Anyone here can say they've been here forever and there isn't a way to prove otherwise, hence the reason for saying it was a stupid comment to make in the first place.
And again there was the comments about "reading comprehension"? Dig that hole deeper..
No. 269047
>>268966>We were the same three(?) people Nope, I looked. There would be around 5 DIFFERENT people, including you, that contributed to those posts. But of course they are the "same people" to you, because they are all you. Why now, then, are 5 DIFFERENT people acting similar in the same time-frame? Idiot.
What you originally said:
>>268765>Anyone get the feeling that Miranda is deliberately trying to throw everyone off and start new gossip with all this Arabic and Muslim talk?Wth is she throwing us off of exactly and how?
The fact that your even still defending yourself (not) Mira, shows your not very intellectually gifted, which is another thing associated with Mira. But that's not the point, the anons (though it's obvious Mira is involved for sure) behind those posts were full of bs for following/defending bs (your original post, though of course this is all just one big Mira/Mira and friend circle-jerk). What else needs to be said?
No. 269051
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>>269006Wow… You are really losing your mind based on the weakest "evidence". And so childishly enraged too! Okay, you're the SECOND cunt in this thread fantasizing about having an Internet battle with Mira. Happy? But now you said there were five participants and you know I was three of them? The other people that told you to stfu a little further up are also controlled by me, I guess.
So… are you going to explain what's up with your shitty spelling and sentence structure? How are you supposed claim legitimacy when you are so damn sloppy? Other people noticed it too. You're even getting worse with each post as you become angrier. Don't speak of who is "intellectually gifted" when you can't hold yourself together.
I only continue replying for the same reason you do: boredom and not having work today. I'm also waiting for the bombshell that is going to be revealed soon that will be the final nail in Mira's coffin.
I know what was the final straw that made Robbie dump your ass, Mira.
No. 269224
>>269087Lemme guess. You're that Martin guy shitting up this thread? Fuck off already or contribute something useful.
On Youtube, Mira is jumping on well-meaning comments that suggest she should seek professional therapy to deal with her stress and suicidal thoughts. Predictably, she flies off the handle to not only lecture and insult the commenter, but deny she has a problem that requires attention.
She says things like "Suicidal is not a mental illness but a thought. People who are depressed over time, without reason YES suffer from depression, however I do not."
"To tell someone to get professional help for bulling and someone being harassed is silly"
The best course of action is to mass email those suicidal thoughts and personal messages to a bunch of people that never wanted to be involved or even talk to you!
No. 269824
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No. 270234
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I tried to make Miranda cute. It was difficult with her sloth eyes
No. 271135
What's funny, she just did another live and felt the need to reiterate that she "lives alone". I bet that one stays up on her channel..
No. 271139
That hostess whore kanadajin3 was caught red handed lying again.
Her husband comes home unexpectedly, and she panics. You can read her lips, she mutes the mic and says "Okaeri".
Then she claims "she's getting tired and sleepy" and has to go.
She claims that she's "single", what an epic lie. No. 272078
>>271139She DMCA'd the original, but he re-uploaded it with a few critiques to make it fit under "Fair Use" suck it bitch..
No. 272351
n. the act of making untrue statements about another which damages his/her reputation. If the defamatory statement is printed or broadcast over the media it is libel and, if only oral, it is slander. Public figures, including officeholders and candidates, have to show that the defamation was made with malicious intent and was not just fair comment.
No statement in that video is untrue. She claims herself to be a "Public figure" (See her Facebook page).
And no of it is Unfair comment.