So I've been reading the lolcow thread on Eatyourkimchi and multiple people suggested making a thread for Hallyu Back, so let's do this people!
Main channel'm/user/hallyubackA couple things:
-The main channel is basically Steph mentioning a few asian dramas here and there and the two of them giving their important opinions on koreaboo articles.
-Why are they still vlogging? I used to follow their vlogs in Korea, but they don't live in Korea anymore. Now they live in Small Town USA and do nothing every day, so their vlogs are just them going grocery shopping, petting their cat, and usually ends with a shot of them lying in bed, with Richard shirtless and his chest hair on full display.
-Why don't they get jobs? At least Steph has her channel and also sells paintings, but Richard literally does nothing. He vlogged his trip to the mall on a weekday and wonders why there was no one else in the mall. I can't stand lazy people. Oh yeah, and he also filmed his unconscious near death elderly neighbor while she was being dragged out of her house that was on fire. Why? Because click bait for his vlog, of course! Ugh. /endrant