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No. 28
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No. 30
File: 1403572435920.png (252.85 KB, 1269x1115, 140230954056.png)

>>19Not enough, Elmo wants more.
No. 198
File: 1403614729354.png (295.53 KB, 1366x768, Mfc request denied.png)

Lol, this bitch denies having a MFC. Then what is this
>>28, her lost twin sister?
No. 267
File: 1403658107595.gif (987.56 KB, 268x327, orangenip.gif)

No. 271
File: 1403662872804.gif (952.29 KB, 308x246, gif- let it go.gif)

>>19How long is this grudge going to last?
No. 317
>>271How does it feel knowing that your gf inherited her dads cancer genes?
What do you think will happen first? She gets her act together or she'll die of brain cancer first?
Tick Tock Tick Tock :)
No. 321
>>3171, you're a sack of shit
2. Orange didn't inherit any cancer gene, the type her dad had wasn't genetic you fuck shit
She's written about it a lot
3 I'm not even the same anon who posted the gif but I literally couldn't sit here and read the shit that you typed without commenting
No. 328
File: 1403734289855.gif (489.12 KB, 420x315, Michael.gif)

>>321Well I don't read any of her blogs, or PULL posts, so please tell me about his cancer. Was he huffing asbestos? Is that why it's not genetic?
No. 334
File: 1403743788377.jpg (18.99 KB, 300x300, 1403739533596.jpg)

Looking at OP pic made me realize something about Orange. Pic related
>>28>GirlyGuy4U No. 337
>>336True, but it's not like she hides it.
Every other sentence is
>muh dead dadAfter a certain point, the sympathy well dries up.
I can't tell if Orange really can't get over her dad's death or if she just uses it at this point for sympathy and attention.
No. 341
>>340or maybe her father, her life, her choices are none of your fucking business
maybe she fucking grieves in private
how fucking stupid are you
Someone's pet dies and lets say they don't cry about it in front of you
Suddenly they don't care their animal died?
you're a piece of shit stop trying to justify bringing up someone's dead parent to make fun of them
her dad died when she was fucking 15
leave her fucking family out of this shit
who the fuck is spamming the thread? who the fuck do you think is here?
you literally think everyone is oc or her bf then you need to get off the computer friend
>>337as far as I know, the constant bringing up of a death can be a coping mechanism
sometimes the affected just have to bring it up as a fact to help themselves get over it
i took a psych class, not as my major, but you don't have to take my word on it
No. 343
>> I took a psych classLmao, you're so legit.
She put all that information on the net for the world to see. She wanted it to be seen. You shouldn't do that shit when you're a major cunt because it can be used against you.
Besides, I didn't e stalk her or hack her computer/Facebook to get this info. It's all out there in the open.
Besides I'm not making fun of her father, I just brought him up. Grow some skin or you'll just stay mad forever.
No. 345
>>343you're mad about how a teen girl is living her life which causes no harm to you
it's time to throw in the towel
>not making fun of her father>"hahah you're gonna die just like your dad did from cancer hahah" No. 346
>>345I'm not mad, but you sure sound like it.
Also go back and read my post. No hahahas or lols. Way to exaggerate shit. Go back to pull if you don't like the way imageboard anons act
No. 347
>>346>i don't see her grieve about her father she dun care!>all she does is bring up her dad she's using him for pity!>well she put it out there so>well she isn't publicly grieving soyou are grasping at fucking straws
ok she annoys you i get it
trust me I really do get it she hasn't actually done anything awful
so she fucking annoys you okay
and maybe what she does is morally questionable to you
but she isn't actually doing anything wrong
why don't you go and fucking try to get pedophiles prosecuted or something fucking productive
No. 349
>>347>she hasn't actually done anything awful That's your opinion.
>Claimed she was a victim of a pedo at age 14 who got her nudes>Turns 18 and quickly goes on myfreecams to get cash from pedos I'd say the hypocritical behavior and getting videos taken down is pretty awful behavior. Cringeworthy for sure.
No. 350
>>349dude how do you know she removed the videos
she clearly was a victim of a pedo, the picture is there to prove it
she waited 6 months to get a mfcs after turning 18 and as far as we know she's doing it for medical reasons
okay so she makes you cringe but for godsake she isn't hurting anyone fuck man
i honestly just don't understand
i mean we'll probably never know for sure what did happen with her or to her
just because some sexually fucked up shit happened to her when she was young doesn't mean she can't have fun with her sexuality now
i don't know man it just seems like you're all uptight about one girl you don't even know, will probably never know, and really isn't hurting anyone
No. 351
>>341>>or maybe her father, her life, her choices are none of your fucking businessLol, no. With that logic this imageboard shouldn't exist. Every person on here is a terrible person and we talk shit about them, their life choices, and their shit personalities, so you can kindly go fuck yourself you white kinghting fagget.
And she's just exploring her sexuality? By acting like a twelve year old? Trying to look as young as possible to attract the very pedos that got her "raped"?
By all means cam if that's your thing, but when that cam girl turns out to be a shitty hypocrite, then they're fair game.
She's hungry for fame and guess what? She fucking got it.
This isn't pull. This is a gossip site. Yeah we're gossipy bitches, so? You don't like it, then leave because we're not here to give you hugs or say nice things to you to make your day better.
No. 358
>>355Yeah seriously. I'm pretty sure the first guy that hated her spread her underage nude with an infographic type image around /b/. Basically tried to scare her. Now that's mean-spirited.
Making fun of the mfc room and pointing out her hypocritical lifestyle isn't anything to whine about. It's just funny stuff.
No. 362
File: 1403786347906.jpg (45.14 KB, 621x465, 14027846245.jpg)

>get a mfcs after turning 18 for medical reasons
ahahaha wtf that's so fucking dumb.
She's just a slut who desperately wants male attention.
I don't even believe she was raped.
No. 377
>>371Nice try, but no OC, OC's autistic bf, or OC's whiteknight, we will keep posting those sad titties fooorreevveeer.
In fact weren't there more n00ds? we need them to blackmail this dumbass in case she sends her retards to spam the threads again.
And one more thing, the day this idiot gains weight PT style (and she will, they all do because they're skinny fat, not skinny fit), her tits are going to sag to her belly button. She's only 18 and the bottom of her breast is in cahoots with her elbow.
No. 383
>>380she was 14 then you moron
she didn't even know about unichan
No. 434
File: 1403861501716.jpg (318.89 KB, 1586x970, lulz.jpg)

>>379I've saved a lot of pics from SR so don't worry
No. 573
File: 1404041905448.jpg (137.42 KB, 1024x811, 5375979b11e7d.jpg)

She's ugly as fuck…
No. 613
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>>587…and she sees herself as a young Natalie Portman?! LOL
No. 616
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Is that why she cut her hair like that? Cause she looks like a little girl who got ahold of the scissor and chopped all her hair off like like a Barbie.
No. 658
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>Stop sexualizing girls in any way
No. 665
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>>658>black girlhoodwhat the fuck
when will tumblr stop making things up to be upset about?
No. 666
File: 1404128926665.jpg (41.88 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n0suohlve11r4132mo2_128…)

>>644Because she:
>desperately tried to get noticed on the web (4chan/unichan)>created a chan dedicated to herself>closed the Jnig thread on PULL because people hurted her feminazis feelings>said she was bullied because of her enormous boobs when they're an average size >said a lot of bullshits about being raped/stalked, things I don't remember. Looks like every men can't resist her.>posted pics of allergy tests and nosebleeds on tumblr for gaining sympathy/followers>told children shouldn't be sexualized, and now she's on MFC imitating a 12 yo girl for pedos>feminazi No. 684
>>673To defend this idiot kid, I've worked on some terrifying child abuse cases and many times, the child grows up to be engaged in sex careers, sex addiction and so on.
Either way, I don't really feel comfortable questioning if OC was molested because that shit is really sad. However, it gives her zero excuse to act the way she does and do those disgusting pedo shows.
No. 691
>>676You shouldn't be taking nude photos of yourself at that age, I sure as hell wasn't. I mean yeah I liked boys, but I wasn't showing them my tits. I also knew better because even if I didn't upload them online, they could have been found by my mom, dad, friend or some stranger if I lost or lent out my phone/camera. Common sense amirite? Just admit that she's fucking stupid.
D0xed by an old fag? Don't send pictures of your tits to some dude online because you know… he might show them to the world (or 4chan whatever). And don't give me the SHE WAS HAX0RD BY SOME EVIL TROLL. No. Shut up. Those pictures shouldn't have been on her computer anyway, so your point is moot.
You're grasping at straws here buddy
>>644 <~~~ Also I know this was you as well. stop samefagging.
If you're going to whiteknight OC then at least namefag. Might I suggest
bigstupidcunt? Or if your her bf or new sugar daddy
betamaximus might be more up your alley.
No. 694
>>691Not samefag but nice try.
You seem to forget that we live in a society where even 11 year old are already making nudes for their bf/gf, just as note.
No. 704
>>694Wut. That is simply not true. Show me a report or study that confirms this
that isn't some blogger or Nancy Grace/Fox News bullshit propaganda and I'll give you some credit. I can maybe see this going on in big city schools, low income areas, or the ghetto, but from what I know of this dumbass 1)(and I might be wrong here) She was home-schooled 2) She lives in a decent enough area where this sort of promiscuous behavior, at such a young age, doesn't really happen if at all *(unless that child has been a victim of a sex crime).
>>698 But this is a speshul case. There were n00ds sent out either before or after she was allegedly raped. If it was before she was raped, then she was already slutty and probably had sex with someone she regretted later because he told all his friends and slut shammed her.
If it was after, then I just simply don't believe that she got raped in the first place and probably latched on to RAPE RAPE RAEP, so people would forget about her slutiness (while keeping her slutiness confined to the internet).
And before the BUT PEOPLE DEAL WITH RAPE DIFFERENTLY, I. DON'T. BELIEVE. HER. Who the fuck gets triggered by the word
rape then follows by making a video describing a very graphic rape that would be (ironically?) triggering as fuck to a real rape victim?
Does anyone have a mirror of this video?
No. 714
File: 1404200911590.jpg (122.93 KB, 1024x811, 53833614ee84e.jpg)

Gamer guuurrlll.
(her hair looks greasy…)
No. 727
>I know this is you as wellno I'm just a newfag to her drama calm your tits
after all that drama and bawwing about it you'd think she'd be smart enough to change her username, god, she's so easy to track
No. 732
>>731No one is making fun of her just because she recently became a cam model.
It's all the other ridiculous shit she's done in the past, like pretending her life sucked due to her massive tits, combined with the fact that while on cam she pretends to be a 12 year old girl and caters to pedophiles with names like "bigguy1952" and "daddy53" for more tips.
We had like a 700 page thread about her well before she even became a model.
No. 751
>>744>>748Oh well, guess you best get moving along because we're not going to stop. If that's what we're focusing on lately it's because that's what she's been doing lately. You guys are retarded and when we bring up why she's hated/disliked/laughable you guys scream SLUT SHAMMING, SHE'S NOT EVEN FUNNY, HER DAD DIED, SHE WAS RAPED!!!
yawn Yup.
She abused her power on PULL, was demoted, then quickly turned to camming and pretending to be a little itty bitty girl who needs a good spanking all because someone demoted her. She wants attention? She's got it and boohoo it's not all positive.
~le cry~I can feel a tumor growing in my head from all the fucks I lost :(
No. 757
>>751>She abused her power on PULL, was demoted, then quickly turned to camming and pretending to be a little itty bitty girl who needs a good spanking all because someone demoted her.Don't forget how she tried to go back on the PULL forum to edit her bitchy posts and the admins called her out on it.
And after all of this someone asked on her tumblr(?) if she goes on PULL anymore and she said "No… that website makes me sad for some reason ;_;"
No. 855
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>Enjoys money her daughter earned thanks to pedos
>great parent
No. 1053
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No. 1327
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No. 1367
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>>1391I said "You look so young, that's so sexy."
Then she banned me :(
I'll get a different name next time :3
No. 1396
>>1380at least she's good at being a dumb whore
watching Orange is just sad
>baww I hate pedos fuck you >makes big $$$ from being pedo bait No. 1399
File: 1404904571187.jpg (114.28 KB, 605x900, lol.jpg)

>>1396She also follows & reblogs from ageplay tumblrs
No. 1402
>>1399lol she reblogged that from a friend pretty0lly you idiot
she's another webcam model
No. 1407
File: 1404911327274.png (1.16 MB, 1541x635, mat.png)

>>1402lol and then? Who cares? That was just an example, you fag.
If you're 100% against pedos you can't follow/like that shit, even if that comes from your bff.
She's a huge hypocrite.
No. 1411
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>>1384I don't see why her fans would be surprised that a bunch of jealous, logic-impaired, nitpicking, puerile haters get some satisfaction by writing hate comments about her.
They'd probably just feel sympathy for her and pity for the pathetic no-lifes who criticize her.
No. 1412
File: 1404922282196.png (120.41 KB, 1882x805, cfsac.png)

Yeah cause she totally against the sexualisation of kids.
No. 1414
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Sup pt? I'm from Uni, just wanted to come in and give huge ups to whoever it was who came in as bigdaddypedo. Inspiring such a hilarious rant from the albino native was just plain artful.
Also shared this with Uni, but feel like it's be appreciated here too. OC's whitewashing camera trickery reminds me of this bit from arrested development, when they tries to airbrush the mom into looking 40, and they ended up having to check albino off on the dmv form. It's what oc will look like if she goes any further with this bullshit. I can't even sort out where her walls end and the white of her sweater begins
No. 1417
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>>1412Yeah cause you haven't completely twisted the meaning of the phrase. How can you sexualize a kid if there are no kids involved? OC is 18, dumbass. No matter what she wears, she's not a kid.
Sorry that you went out of your way only to fail miserably.
No. 1418
>>1411>nitpickingOh, it's you again.
>jealousThinking you can refute any argument by accusing said person as jealous doesn't really work outside of tumblr. You probably call everyone "racist" who doesn't agree with your views too.
As you are the anomaly here perhaps a suggestion would be you stick to her MFC's page and you can compliment her all day on what an amazing person she is and how she radiates beauty.
No. 1424
File: 1404929398233.jpg (75.6 KB, 500x380, tumblr_mrmvzf7usE1r4132mo1_500…)

>>1419How can you be so stupid?
You're making an issue out of nothing. There is nothing wrong with an 18-year-old being in the sex industry. The underlined words which are supposed to be so damning can be applied to any number of 18-year-olds. Many, like OC, have braces, are in school and are obviously teens. I'm surprised you didn't underline "sweet and "cute". They are young in that they are the youngest possible age to go on cam legally but are no where near the age that would attract pedophiles.
That constant accusation of pedo-pandering only proves how little you have use against her in your endless campaign. Outside of this circle-jerk no one would consider men who prefer "barely legal" girls to MILFs to be pedophiles. Eighteen is just sexier than twenty-eight. Any women who has seen the effects of time on her breasts, belly and muscle tone starting with her adult years would have to understand that.
The "sexualization of kids" posts referred to kids who are actually 10-12 years old being viewed sexually. MFC models have nothing to do with that.
I'm sorry that you had planned to make a pointless remark without anyone pointing out how stupid it is. I guess this is supposed to be a "Let's bash OC whether it we make any senses or not" thread.
No. 1429
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>>1425You can't blame me for your limited intelligence. Maybe the house you grew up in had lead-based paint.
>>1427ageplay=an adult pretending to be a child in sexual roleplaying
sexualization of kids=children being seen as sexual objects
Don't tell me you can't see the difference. In one case, people are playing, pretending, acting, doing make-believe. In the other, someone is targeting an actual child for victimization. Would you really say a victimless indulgence is the same as a potential act of assault? If a couple engages in sexual bondage is that the same as a man abducting and raping someone?
Besides, you said yourself that ageplay is against MFC rules so it and the sexualization of kids have nothing to do with OC. It's just more irrelevant, inflammatory bullshit being thrown by someone with an axe to grind.
No. 1432
File: 1404934287984.jpg (471.36 KB, 1280x720, orange citrus12.jpg)

>>1430Why would someone play a video game where they steal cars and kill people if they didn't want to do it in real life? Don't be stupid. There's a pretty huge gulf between pretending to do something and actually doing it.
>>1431She has even stated that she won't pretend to be underaged. The whole "ageplay" issue is just inflammatory and baseless. She has worn Sailor Scout-style cosplay outfits but that hardly counts. "Pedophila" as a word just has so much weight, haters try to attach it to anyone that they can't bring down by legitimate means.
No. 1436
>>1432>Why would someone play a video game where they steal cars and kill people if they didn't want to do it in real life?Okay now you stop rigth there. You're a flippin idiot. This is what happen when SR was up. I'm assuming this is the same person since they were also posting her stupid photos along with a long ass rant.
I suggest we do the same and ignore this troll.
No. 1439
File: 1404936239873.gif (1.45 MB, 402x300, 140489060371.gif)

No. 1440
lol at OC trying to defend herself here.
>>1424Confirmed for retard.
Eighteen is sexier, yet MILFs are a standard preference in the sex industry? And I know you're pretty proud of your pedo-baiting, Orange, but your tits and ass don't sag when you're 28…unless you're pixyteri. However, what a silly thing to argue, because I'll admit that an 18 year old could have perkier tits and a tighter ass, but…your ass sags, OC. Your butt is actually terrifying because it looks like an old grandpa's ass.
Men who are interested in "barely legal" porn are interested in it because it has sexy, "inexperienced" virgin type girls. Even in "baby sitter" porn and school girl porn, the girl looks like an adult. However you try and portray yourself as an elementary school girl. We all know what you're doing and so do you. Quit trying to defend yourself because you have zero integrity.
No. 1443
File: 1404937676935.jpg (25.72 KB, 324x331, TheOrangeCitrus[what the i don…)

>>1440>yet MILFs are a standard preference in the sex industryWhat the fuck are you talking about?
>However you try and portray yourself as an elementary school girl.That has never happened.
Congratulations! Everything you've stated is wrong.
No. 1451
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>>1429don't laugh
send help
No. 1457
File: 1404940013241.jpg (90.49 KB, 350x523, internet tough guy…)

>>1449I R LEEJUN! exthpekt me! I DOXXES U! HURRDURR!
>>1446She is a school girl, but she's not underaged. She's 18 but she's still finishing up high school. Your post said "elementary school girl".
No. 1460
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>>1449>>1450I think it could be entertaining.
She used to do it with Mila lol.
No. 1463
File: 1404940738780.jpg (33 KB, 500x374, tumblr_ly2rg9SsS61r4132mo1_500…)

>>1462But she's the most stalked girl on this planet, we need to save her from creepy old men!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
No. 1468
>>1464I was sarcastic for
>>1461 and
>>1462 . I'm not a whiteknight, as you can see my pic isn't overly edited.
No. 1469
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>>1449Can't remember her mother but here's her sister. No. 1474
File: 1404942103834.jpg (81.24 KB, 960x720, 390036_151210988323260_1941170…)

Why does she make it so easy to dox.
No. 1475
File: 1404942117554.jpg (51.47 KB, 606x453, 140278510676.jpg)

>>1469>>1472Looks like she's the black sheep of the family.
No. 1479
File: 1404942355217.jpg (223.33 KB, 1440x540, 40100_148835618478841_4872787_…)

Oh my.
No. 1485
File: 1404944093804.jpg (58.63 KB, 803x602, valentines [bag OF AIDS].JPG)

>>1481>her MFC shows are entirely catered to pedophilesYou love to say that because it makes it sound like your on some moral crusade. (And I'm sure elsewhere in your life you are just the epitome of moral correctness.) However, that is wrong. There is nothing to support it. She doesn't dress like a child. She doesn't act like a child. And she has stated that she refuses to roleplay as someone underage. If pedophile-pandering is your most important reason for attacking OC, I'm afraid you have nothing. Nothing but unjustifiable hate, that is.
No. 1486
File: 1404944359716.png (66.47 KB, 371x167, Preparation_H_Colling_Gel_Main…)

>>1485Here, OC. I believe this is yours.
No. 1490
>>1485>She doesn't dress like a child. She doesn't act like a child. And she has stated that she refuses to roleplay as someone underage.Except for the part where she's dressed as and has permanently altered her hair to resemble Mathilda; second most popular character amongst "nymphets" after Dolores herself.
So shut the fuck up.
No. 1494
File: 1404946237787.png (1.37 MB, 1879x3098, Untitled-1.png)

No. 1497
File: 1404946467962.jpg (29.19 KB, 464x349, 1370996592917.jpg)

To shit talk or not to shit talk, that is the question.
No. 1498
>>1494Is she in college? Last I checked she doesn't leave her house and was home-
schooled. Bitch was never a school student to begin with why would she even put that in her profile?
What's vanilla mean? As in white? Vanilla sex?
No. 1501
>>1497Speaking as a fellow (ex) cam-girl and girl who was sexually assaulted as a child, I would love you to shit talk because I cannot begin to express how much disgust I have for OC in the way she is conducting herself.
Buuuuuut, that being said I understand that her having once been a friend of yours that you would be reluctant. Do whatever you babe.
No. 1502
File: 1404946833751.png (90.49 KB, 407x276, realhumanbean.png)

>>1485>If pedophile-pandering is your most important reason for attacking OC, I'm afraid you have nothing.It's one of many reasons.
>She doesn't dress like a child. She doesn't act like a child. And she has stated that she refuses to roleplay as someone underage. No. 1504
>>1497Hopefully she now gets why we're all making fun of her when
you of all people think she's gone too far.
No. 1505
>>1501CamAnon, I know it's a touchy subject for sexual abuse survivors, but a lot of people don't believe OC was raped. I sure as hell don't, she's lied a lot before (
MUH BIG TITTIIEEESSS being one of many), and is a massive attention whore.
I mean she supposedly got triggered by the word
rape, then thought it would be a great idea to make a video were she graphically describes her "rape", which actually would be triggering to someone that really was raped.
I just don't can't believe her.
No. 1506
File: 1404947328731.jpg (43.5 KB, 622x480, 544081_584227741605191_1830120…)

>>1501I don't know man I only recently found out about the existence of StaminaRose, PULL, and now this place. All because of Unichan, OC never told me about this community.
I find the idea of a community of girls devoted to shit-talking other girls to be pretty repulsive, and the thought of posting everything that I should post makes me feel a bit nauseous now that I think about actually doing it. She's been ignoring me for weeks. Before that she ignored me for a whole month. I just contacted her on tumblr, since I could see on her blog that she reblogged something 4 minutes before I sent the message.
BTW me using the name Dolores does not mean that I condone pedophilia. I just don't want to go by "Loli-chan".
No. 1507
File: 1404947355826.jpg (89.93 KB, 777x346, asasasds.jpg)

>first world white sheltered girl problems
No. 1510
File: 1404947456549.jpg (50.4 KB, 345x345, 12b4c19c69614a419999135e6dca52…)

>>1504Fuck off, I was 13 years old.
No. 1512
>>1510Just in general I mean. You were one of her biggest supporters.
I still think you're a cunt too, but not in the same way OC is.
No. 1513
>>1510You know Dolores, this is my first time talking to you but it wasn't so long ago that I first stumbled across your story and did a little research into the whole situation.
I hope this doesn't come across as weird but oh my goodness you're the first person I've come across that I can relate to since I've pretty much been in your boots.
I mean, I'm not gonna get too much into my own story but it was basically the same only I started 2 years older. I've had a shit load of people essentially watch me grow up through their screens on 4chan and to date I still get recognised and I STILL get people stalking me across the net and trying to contact me.
If it means anything, I fucking hate it when people refer to me by my old alias as well.
No. 1514
File: 1404947742024.jpg (12.06 KB, 288x216, 136668342134.jpg)

>>1509Hi OC. I guess you're too afraid to tell me to fuck off? I mean, I can't believe that you still haven't responded to the text I sent you like a week and a half ago yet you contacted me while I was offline on Skype to gossip about Cecil and Huey. Like, you just totally fucking ignore me and then when you do contact me you fucking act like nothing happened. And now you're pretending you haven't seen my tumblr message, when you've reblogged something since then. You don't have time to fucking talk to me, but you have time to defend yourself in these threads. Seriously, what the actual fuck.
Pic related, it's how you make me feel.
No. 1516
>>1512Supporter? Is that what you call being someone's friend?
Fuck you, you're the cunt.
No. 1520
File: 1404948180309.jpg (1.12 MB, 1936x1936, photo 2.JPG)

Nah, but seriously, thank you. It seems like almost everyone blames me for it.
No. 1521
>>1520It's obviously Spoony.
Hi Spoony.
No. 1526
>>1523Actually, in Lolita, Delores learned about sex at camp and showed it to Humbert Humbert who pretended he had never heard of it. Later, she runs away with a theatre director who she later refers to as the only man she ever loved. Legally, she would be a victim but Mathilda would have been the same sort of victim if Leon has succumbed to her advance.
I still don't think you should read so much into a cosplay character. Society in general is seeing a blurring of the line between fiction and reality.
No. 1528
>>1524I think it's safe to say it's not some unichan member, but OC and her faggot troll looking boyfriend.
Hey OC, how does it feel to have that looming threat of having your tits exposed to your mom and sister and all of their friends and your family on FB?
Tick Tock Tick Tock :)
No. 1536
File: 1404952337283.jpg (58.44 KB, 500x299, quilty and delores.jpg)

>>1529Why does art have have some moral bias?
In the book Delores is shown how to have sex by another girl and a boy who lives at the camp. It's not unusual for a 12 year old to know other kids who are having sex. You'll be happy to know that Lolita leaving Humbert broke his heart. She contacted him years later because she was getting married (to a guy her own age) and wanted him to loan her some money. She didn't hold their previous "affair" against him, though. That's when she told him about Quilty, the man she ran off with earlier. Humbert ends up dying in prison because he hunts down Quilty and kills him.
I think the point of the story is that love doesn't have to make sense to other people. Even if your obsession seems bizarre or even disgusting to society in general and puts your life and freedom in peril, you still must pursue it as if it is all that matters and die for it if you have to. Maybe that's the point to Leon, as well.
No. 1537
>>1534Why is it so important that she be a victim?
She's a conqueror. Men put their lives on the line to be with her. She's sex-posi. She does what she wants and doesn't let SJWs tell her that she's a victim if she has sex under certain circumstances.
No. 1541
File: 1404956030873.jpg (40.73 KB, 500x407, lolita-lyon-mason.jpg)

>>1538There you go with the moral bias again. It's a novel not a handbook on how to lead a proper life. Humbert is in love. Not because he is a healthy, well-adjusted man. He even explains how it is connected to a fixation related to an episode from his youth. He, unlike Leon, is not a hero but is driven to risk everything for his love of this girl, meaningful relationship or not.
No. 1549
Orange rantin on MFC
>dat laugh>you can't my braces cause of the blinding light hiding my ogre face? THEY'RE CLEAR PEDOS FUCK OFF~Damn she's a fucking cunt in real life too haha.
No. 1554
>>1530Oh shut up, you're here defending her and she's not even your friend. The only reason she contacted you back after all the time she ignored you was because she was scared you were going to reveal info on her here.
She's whiteknighting herself here, someone threatened to send her n00ds to her family and she still shitposts like she doesn't care. So since she doesn't care, then it wont bother her if her mom and family see her naked.
I wonder what her moms reaction will be though since she's doing these shows under her mothers roof.
No. 1561
>>1554 bullies face very serious consequences. Many cases of cyber bullying include some form of hacking, password or identity theft, or stalking, all of which carry criminal charges. Law enforcement, including the FBI, might get involved. Here are potential consequences if found guilty:
ā¢ Federal charges. A federal law pending in Congress since 2009 is the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. The person convicted would be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
ā¢ Prosecution under stalker laws. Many states have updated their stalking laws to include electronic/cyberspace harassment. They include Arizona, Alaska, Connecticut, Michigan, New York, Oklahoma and Wyoming and the list is growing.
ā¢ Criminal charges filed under U.S. state law are punishable by both fines and jail time. Of the 44 states with bullying laws, five have cyber bullying laws and another 30 states include electronic harassment, according to an Oct. 2010 State Cyberbullying Laws Fact Sheet compiled by the Cyberbullying Research Center.
ā¢ School suspensions. If it happens at school, disciplinary measures would be determined in accordance with the schoolās code of conduct or policy prohibiting bullying, harassment and intimidation. Punishments established by the school board, district or school include suspension from sports teams and school suspensions. Repeated offenses result in the student having to change schools.
ā¢ Internet Service Provider (ISP) account closure and/or banishment.
If you think it's worth it. Go ahead, harass away!
No. 1562
>>1561calm down the whitenighting it just fuels the fire, retard. are you her obese boyfriend? god you're dumb
>>1546about $500 a day
No. 1563
File: 1404979553759.jpg (39.3 KB, 712x349, porphyria [do you even lift].J…)

>>1559That video makes the Unichan haters look worse than Orange. She's just telling off a bunch of losers for acting like assholes.
I don't know why he showed the screencap of her saying she doesn't have an MFC name. It was already shown that that post was made months before she started on MFC.
It just proves that OC has more courage than the anonymous weenies who criticize her.
No. 1564
>>1563You are so fucking pathetic and inflammatory. Your posts are not helping Orange. I'm starting to think you're a stubborn troll.
>that shitty image macroOrange doesn't lift, she can't even do a proper push up. My grandmother could lift more than her.
No. 1568
File: 1404983706855.jpg (13.03 KB, 480x360, cyberbully in amanda todd case…)

>>1566When they put you in jail for harassing someone's family with unsolicited messages containing obscene material are you going to say that the jail's not real? Are you going to doubt the existence of your cellmate's dick when he's raping your ass?
Whether you believe in them or not cyberbullying/cyberstalking are actual crimes and real people have been sentenced to real prison for committing them.
No. 1570
>>1568Not everyone here is American, anon. I like how you're equating OC to teenage girls who were just stupid and naive and were targeted by grown adults, but in this case all anyone would be doing is telling an adult woman's mother about her online habits and how she earns money.
You're trying so hard but in the end it doesn't even matter.
No. 1571
>>1568As a non American I'm sure informing somebodies mother what their daughter is up to out of concern for her well being (as she doesn't appear mentally sound to be able to handle MFC's) is really going to end up with me in jail, right?
Amanda Todd is the case of a leaked nude and people constantly calling her a whore because of it and to kill herself.
The cases couldn't be more different if you tried.
No. 1575
OC trying to compare her sad little situation to that of Amanda Todd is pathetic and if you guys don't realise that this is her trying to scare you because she's shitting herself about this info being potentially sent to her family then honestly you're pretty gullible.
With Amanda Todd it was literally a case of an innocent girl killing herself over the abuse she received having had nudes she sent to somebody in trust cruelly and lawfully released.
Let's imagine for a second that OC did decide to kill herself, which let's be honest is never going to fucking happen because her foul, bloated ego would never allow for it, but let's play into it for a minute or two.
Upon hearing that there was a potential case of cyberbullying police would unlikely launch an investigation and the places they would be checking out would be Unichan, StaminaRose, and PULL.
They would first see that OC has personally been deliberately posting and spamming her images across Unichan for years in order to garner attention, even insulting herself on anon in order to create the facade of being a victim.
Then they would see that she personally created and operated her own chan website in which her person was the main subject of the board by which to further disseminate her existence and garner yet MORE attention.
They would see her shitposting all over PULL, deliberately riling members, being an ass and repeatedly supposedly denouncing the sexualisation of children.
They would see her Twitter profile in which she actively roleplays an 11 year old loli character.
They they would see her MFC profile, in which they would realise she's been operating under the model of her being potential jailbait and that the nudes released of her were actually produced of her own free will and under the public domain as per contract with MFC and which she went to further profligate her character by baiting her users as "forevervirgins".
Then they would come to lolcow and they would see the testimonials of all the actual childhood sexual abuse victims and how upset they were by OC's repeated actions.
They would see all of this and it would be case fucking closed.
This is nothing like the Amanda Todd case because OC isn't some innocent girl who was legitimately wronged and received undue treatment in return, this is literally the case of some dumb whore who was too fucking stupid to know when to quit and who deliberately continued to bait, bait, bait everybody around her when she had every opportunity to just stop browsing, stop baiting, stop whiteknighting, stop the dissemination of her character and just do her webcam shit in private.
Amanda Todd was a 16 year old girl, OC is 18, a legal adult and old enough to control her own destiny.
Also her having such a close connection to loli-chan… are you fucking kidding me? No news station would go any where NEAR that shit and her family upon realising exactly what she has been upto would try to keep this as tightly under wraps as possible because none of this puts OC into a good light, and frankly it'd fucking embarrassing for them. EMBARRASSING.
I mean, yeah,I can totally see the headlines now:
>"Adult sex worker kills herself after receiving internet taunts following her disguising herself as a child in return for money from paedophiles on notorious sex worker website"
No. 1580
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Maybe that's why her boyfriend accepts MFC…?
No. 1581
>>1573It's not, she just changed her username to cut-wires.
She probably also made a locked up orangecitrus right after her username change, just to try to divert us.
No. 1592
File: 1405014584447.jpg (21.57 KB, 400x400, thatswrong you…)

>>1575LOL at legal "experts" who think a bunch of irrelevant details about the victim will be used to mitigate the sentence in a clear case of deliberate harassment.
Do you copy/paste all your posts to unichan? You're on a really important mission, aren't you?
No. 1594
>>1592Oh but they would.
Here in the UK there was a pretty interesting case not too long back of which the focus was the suicide of a young girl named Hannah Smith.
Hannah Smith committed suicide after suffering a relentless campaign of online abuse over the website
She received posts encouraging her to "kill herself", "cut herself" and "drink bleach", calling her a whore and a slut and a bitch etc. etc.
Following the girls suicide there was an enormous outcry and petition to have removed offline permanently, that is until the police conducted an investigation and found out that 98% of the messages had been sent from her own IP address. To put it simply, she was sending the abuse to herself.
And then guess what happened? The angry outcry vanished, as did the petitions, and her parents stopped giving interviews and crawled away to never be heard of publicly again, because they were embarrassed as fuck.
I wonder if the police were to do an investigation in Tumblr, Uni, SR, lolcow, PULL etc. just how many posts they'd find that she was behind? Quite a lot I'd wager.
And you're a dumbass if you actually think the media would care about the suicide of some mentally ill, attention seeking, adult, hypochondriac whore.
No. 1608
>>1596>>1594This discussion has gotten way off track. Suicide was not even meant to enter into this. It was a simple question of whether someone could be convicted of online harassment if they sent nude pictures of someone to their family members' Facebook accounts as BIGPEDOFAG was threatening to do.
>>1449My position is that because the photos are explicit and unsolicited, the courts would find that his intent was to cause emotional distress and he may be found guilty. I also don't see how the victim's online activities would mitigate the sentence.
In reality, I think BIGPEDOFAGGOT is full of shit and is just a keyboard blowhard with no balls.
No. 1609
You are embarrassing yourself here and on uni and trying way too hard.
It's hardly worth replying to a complete and utter moron who thinks sending somebody 1 single message will land you in jail.
Not even in North Korea sweetheart, not even in North Korea.
No. 1610
File: 1405035825094.jpeg (32.04 KB, 500x315, wpid-i-cannot-brain-today-i-ha…)

>>1609If you sanitize it and make it more acceptable, of course it's not harrassment. But if you look at what I actually posted and what BIGFAGPEDO actually threatened you'll see that it involves an EXPLICIT photo (not just any photo) sent to multiple members of someone's family (not 1 single message). Jesus Christ, are you just trolling or is your reading comprehension that poor?
Now let's review:
"multiple family members"
"explicit photos"
Not "innocent note showing concern" as some people want to characterize it. I don't know how I can make it more clear. I think between Unichan and this thread the sum total of your IQs is less than 100.
No. 1632
File: 1405043929098.gif (51.06 KB, 500x376, 1395434327678.gif)

>>1554It doesn't matter whether we're friends or not, fucking up ANYBODY's life just because you don't like them for petty reasons is a fucking awful thing to do. She doesn't deserve being harassed in real life. I feel horrible.
No. 1637
>>1609Ignore whatever that guy's saying. It's not harassment.
However it's a pretty messed up thing to do. She's a dumb cunt but she doesn't deserve that.
No. 1649
From Unichan:
"Do you fancy yourself an internet lawyer now since you learned the legal term "intent." I love when people online threaten law suits and try to back up vapid threats with wiki knowledge.
Now, here's the funny thing, even a veteran attorney wouldn't make the legal claims you do if their area of practice isn't in specific internet laws.
I'll also tell you another thing - laws on cyber bullying and cyber stalking have almost zero precedent and very legal basis. Even with new laws, you don't have many prosecutors equipped to handle these cases. Not only are they flooded with actual murder cases, lawyers are incredibly archaic. The only reason Amanda Todd case is attempting prosecution is because of pressure on the prosecutor's office who would never touch a case like this in a million years. Now, OC, do you think you'd have a public outcry, forcing prosecutor's to take up some camwhore's case, where the only damages that result are embarrassed family members. Your idea of cyber stalking doesn't have a leg to stand on and the damages and precedent are not in your favor. Remember that the law attempts to remedy for damages. If it's just hurt feelings there is no case, ya dumb bitch."
Also, who will do it? Unichan? /pt/? I'm in anticipation :D
No. 1658
>>1604She sounds like one of those stereotypical high school "mean girls".
That fake laugh man.
No. 1664
>>1506So basically
>man a community full of shit talking bitches, how disgusting>my friend hasn't talked to me in months>shit talks said "friend" in said communityWhines about said "friend"
>>1514QQ more but if you were friends with her in the first place you have to be a hell of a lolcow, I'm curious as to your story now
No. 1671
>>1604oh no she's 5'4?
I'm 5'4 feet and don't get drunk that fast (oh my god and 90 pounds ohygoditmatters)
she's so bitter tho. This is gold.
No. 1679
>>1671>>1671to be fair, it's determined by a few other factors too, like if you ate that day or not, but her 'drunk' act is so fucking fake. Two lemonades?? And no one actually hiccups when they're drunk.
inb4 the whiteknight is like "I DO". Well, you're an exception, not the rule. leave your house. go to parties.
No. 1689
File: 1405114195581.jpg (69.03 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m7ipfyp3HN1r4132mo1_500…)

OMG whiteknights (Orange and her stupid boyfriend) are so boooooring. Yawn.
Nobody's jelous of someone who's too lazy to get her ass out of the house and go find a decent job for paying otaku shits.
I pity her mom, it must be terrible to have such a useless, troublesome daughter. At least her sisters are normal.
No. 1703
File: 1405123247904.jpg (66.57 KB, 538x599, 538px-1150341691903.jpg)

>any info on Loli-chan>Loli-chan…are you kidding?
Loli-chan was one of the first chans and was notorious for having been enormously underaged at the time she began camwhoring, even going on to produce a great deal of CP of herself that led to arrest of some anons.
No. 1724
>>1704fuck, its hilarious seeing lolcows act all "high and mighty" when they have done this shit
my fucking sides
No. 1738
>>1671I agree, I am 5'0 and I could take more then her. Of course
>>1679 is right, and it does depend on if you ate that day/how regular you drink/ect, but still even when I almost never drunk alcohol I wasn't that drunk of such little alcohol. And the hiccups make it even more fake.
No. 1777
>>1724I was a fucking 13 year old, you heartless piece of shit.
Want to make a thread about me?
Here, I'll give you the down-low
I'm a pathetic fat, ugly, stupid, lazy, SJW, camwhore who is in constant need of external validation. Oh, and my tits are saggy and sometimes I smell bad and also I'm mentally ill. To my credit, I'm trying to change, but then again, that's really only because killing myself is scary.
Oh, and I never made CP, not even for the pedophiles who "internet dated" me.
No. 1778
>>1777You weren't a lolcow then but you are one now. Perhaps by no fault of your own.
At least you have a personality though, which is more than can be said for OC.
No. 1779
Also, maybe it would be a good thing if her mom knew about it. It would stop her getting attention from pedophiles, which she'll almost certainly regret when she's older. I know I'm glad Jaxx called my middle school, even if it was embarrassing as fuck. Sure, I still kept posting pictures, but at least she stopped me from making and distributing child porn. Not that what OC is doing is as bad because she's 18, but she's still barely an adult. I tried talking to her about this on the phone and she just kept repeating that there was nothing wrong with what she was doing and that she didn't mind what people masturbate to as long as it's just a fantasy.
I still think that, if you do go through with it, you should at least censor the images, there's no need to make her mom see her that way.
And you should be clear about the problem being that her fans are pedophiles, not that she's on MFC.
Not that I expect you to listen to me, but that's just my two cents.
No. 1780
File: 1405192156689.jpg (501.74 KB, 803x788, tumblr_n7df3uvOj81r4132mo1_128…)

No. 1781
No but srsly, how to stop being a lolcow. Wat do.
No. 1783
File: 1405192457518.jpg (385.22 KB, 1280x905, loli butt.jpg)

>>1781stop doing this stuff
stop being obnoxious and shit
basically change your entire personality into a more laid back person.
No. 1784
>>1781I guess disappear from internet until people forget.
Then come back and do this
>>1783 No. 1786
>>1783What's wrong with going to a SlutWalk protest? It gets people talking about the issue of rape victims being blamed for their own assaults.
How do I stop being obnoxious what specific behaviors are we talking about here? My trolling Unichan?
No. 1791
>>1788this. I don't think they're doing it to ruin her life or anything of that sort. Even the people who supposedly hate her feel that way because of OC's sociopathic ways; it would be hypocritical if those people were just a bad as she is. I think they mostly want to give OC a wake up call. Probably not doing it so much to help her as they are doing it to stop her rein of tyranny. Personally I would like her to change into a better person. I would rather see that than an endless stream of gossip and cringe.
I'm from Uni, btw. And I just wanna say that I don't think you're so bad at all. You have been annoying as hell. There was one time you spammed the board really badly…it was seriously bad. Every single thread was this stupid shit. But, I think you deserve happiness.
No. 1792
>>1786A few things that stand out would be your "baiting" posts and spam on Unichan, and your need for attention and responses from people.
For example when OC first started with MFC, you were in her room one time randomly talking about how your boyfriend was fucking you at that very moment, and you kept repeating it over and over. No one gives a shit, no one wants to hear it, and even if someone did, that certainly wasn't the place to discuss it.
Basically, just stop talking so much and try to be more humble.
No. 1799
>>1794you were a pretty special girl at one point. When I would hear about you (people used to post you seldomly on uni before you came around, i dunno if that might have been you back in the day) it was kind of interesting. Your old pictures were really pretty and you could see a lot of depth to your personality. This was back when your hair was long and you were in college. But a lot of your older pics were posted too. I'd never heard of you because I'm somewhat of a newfag, but when you were posted on uni I took a little interest and looked you up, etc.
But then you started MFC and it kind of ruined the mystique :/ suddenly you were everywhere and there was nothing to discover anymore. Kind of like when Catie came back and she was accessible but not providing any really good content
No. 1800
>>1779But…. I thought her mom knew about it?
She's been telling us the whole time that her mom knew and was totally cool with it.
No. 1801
File: 1405194471540.jpg (103.73 KB, 1024x577, 1401299615837.jpg)

>>1792But trolling you is fun!
You're right about the second bit and third bits though.
I actually really hate myself a lot, I don't know why I act so proud. Maybe to convince myself that I'm not a terrible person. I honestly feel that at this point, the appropriate thing to do would be to kill myself. But I don't want to hurt my boyfriend or my parents. And I don't really think I have the ovaries to overcome my survival instinct.
No. 1803
>>1802Hm, if that's the case then I might go ahead and do it myself because as much I think she's a cunt, I don't think this is a good path for her to take and could potentially prove dangerous in the future.
Do you guys think it's necessary to include a censored image as proof? I just don't want her mom snapping at me and thinking I'm lying or something.
No. 1805
File: 1405195016200.png (702.73 KB, 500x725, 1394609812504.png)

>>1799Well, I originally had the idea to do MFC while I was slowly coming out of my first psychotic episode. I was hospitalized against my will and it took me several months to become sane again because I flushed all my antipsychotics and other meds they'd given me down the toilet right after I was released. Anyway, I had this sense of impending doom about my hospital bill and thought I needed a job right away to pay it off, and I was like "Oh hey I know! I can do MFC like RavRav!". Of course, being the druggie I am and later realizing the only thing that would be affected by me missing a few payments here and there would be my credit score, I began to use most of the money to buy marijuana and also go out to eat. My parents found out about it the very day I did it because, unbeknownst to me, my dad had done some sort of thing where they could see all the pages visited by anyone using our internet connection.
I don't take artsy pictures anymore because I don't think anybody would like to see them or that I'm good at it or anything. Also my parents took my tripod away years ago so I wouldn't be able to take pictures of myself.
But, at least I started trying to be artsy like Cracky instead of continuing down the path I was on. I would probably have ended up posting child porn on 4chan. The whole "Loli-chan" fiasco only lasted three months, and by then it had already gone from "lol 4chan will flip when they realize a little kid browses /b/ omg this is gonna be so funny xD" to "hmm, what would make my audience happy?"
No. 1811
File: 1405195232733.gif (55.56 KB, 500x375, 1400956439972.gif)

>posting my skype on lolcowchan
No. 1812
>>1808maybe if there is a cap of her with her clothes on, in the chat room, to show that she's on there, would be enough.
>>1805I liked your artsy stuff but the cutting made me kinda feel sad…you were following in the footsteps of someone you looked up to. She was giving you inspiration but also encouraging you to hurt yourself. Made me question how healthy it is to have these obsessions with cult celebrities and the like.
No. 1813
>>1811Well I was gonna post mine but I didn't really known how private yours was.
It's not like I'm a regular here or anything myself, you just seem like the kind of person I could relate to and I don't talk to many people irl at the moment but I totes feel yah, thought it was worth a shot.
No. 1818
>>1812…I guess I shouldn't tell you what I just did about an hour ago
>>1813Oh, then by all means, post it and I'll add you. I use my skype for talking to internet friends and benefactors. It's not really very private, I just don't want a bunch of people trying to troll me on my skype all at once.
No. 1821
>>1819I don't know, I hadn't done it in a really long time but it made me feel so much better. When I was a teenager I think I mostly did it because Cracky did it, but I would never do it frivolously, it was usually after arguments with my parents and things of that nature. Today I did it because I hate myself.
>>1820My bad. I'll stop posting if you want.
No. 1826
>>1824I haven't told anyone except this board. My boyfriend found out and told my parents and now I'm seriously pissed and want to break up with him. If I told my doctor she'd hospitalize me, all the more reason to keep it a secret.
>>1825She doesn't need to know how to navigate the site, she just needs a link to the profile page. And I'm sure you could describe what MFC is pretty easily.
No. 1830
>>1827Yeah, that's why I don't cam there anymore. Camscores suck, all the top girls stay at the top and if you only cam once in a while (like I like to do) you're totally fucked because your camscore does down more and more the longer you don't sign in and make tokens.
>>1828I don't understand why it's bad.
>>1829Except I haven't asked for sympathy. I'm merely having a conversation. I'm not encouraging them to do it, they're probably going to do it no matter what. I'm just saying that if they do it, they should at least try to help her instead of just laughing at her. I don't want to kill myself. Is your reading comprehension really that poor? I said I think it would be the appropriate thing to do, but that I don't want to do it. I just think I should. It's not a hard concept to understand.
No. 1832
>>1830*goes down
Anyway, I think I'll stop posting with a tripcode. It's dumb and I shouldn't turn threads into threads about me.
No. 1834
>>1832Given that the majority of this board is female I think you'll find that the populace will generally be more welcoming towards you then say Unichan.
I for one would like you to stay.
Also ignore that guy telling you to kill yourself, it's clearly another OC whiteknight or maybe even OC herself.
No. 1835
>>1831Loli or "lowly" should kill herself since that what she thinks would be the "appropriate action" it's better than continuing to treat her friends and family like shit.
And lowly just look how you just spin everything. "I didn't say I want to kill myself I just said I should" "I'm not asking synpathy outright, I'm just alluding to the fact that I would like some synpathy" "I'm not encouraging them to harass oc's mom, I'm just giving them reasoning for doing so and also providing inside information about orange subtlety to help them."
Ya kill yourself bitch.
No. 1838
>>1837What's with you people and asking leading questions.
It's not about me liking oc, even though I do like her, it's about my disgust with how lowly is acting recently. I couldn't have made that any more clear.
No. 1839
File: 1405198641758.png (107.99 KB, 236x252, 6317-top-lel.png)

>>1834Yeah, that's why I want to stay.
>>1835I can tell it's you, Cecil. Tell me, on a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you that Huey successfully filed a restraining order against you? LOL.
No. 1843
>>1777>I was a fucking 13 year old, you heartless piece of shit.wanna move away from that drama? use a different name, you dumb cunt
>>1779I thought you two were buddy buddy and you got her into camming though?
you're clearly bipolar
>>1632>"that'd be really messed up no one deserves being harrassed like that">>1789>"alright, send pictures"Fucking Hell OP, one bitch ignores you for a while and you do this? Haha, Lolcows really know how to choose friends.
No. 1844
>>1842and furthermore, the anon hating on you is probably Cecil or Nig. I can't think who else would be trolling this hard.
To tell you the truth, Uni has abandonment issues. Probably much like the crackyverse. Both of our queens left us and now every girl who comes to the community is just a reminder. I don't think uni really hates you that much. There are some people who do and there are others that hate your actions. But the worst of it is just people who are afraid of being left as soon as they come to admire a girl.
No. 1848
>>1843*meant to say Loli-chan but was thinking "OC" damn, that typo
>>1846as if she's that hard to spot
No. 1849
>>1847I didn't really go into any specific details.
Just that her daughters been cultivating an internet personality over the last few years that has resulted in her having released CP at at least one known point, dropped out of highschool to work on MFC and is putting herself in a super compromising and potentially dangerous position by the continuation of the roleplaying and baiting etc.
I'm not gonna post a cap right now for obvious reasons, but I might later.
No. 1853
>>1844Are you sure I don't just get winded half-way through trying to stuff cheetos into my mouth? lol thanks for your honesty tho <3
>>18431) She got herself into camming. She just told everyone that I got her into it. I just didn't stop her because I didn't think it would develop the way it did. I would have if I had known.
2)You're clearly Sherlock fucking Holmes.
3)I had a change of heart once I thought about my own life experiences and realized that my life didn't get ruined when my parents found out what I was doing. My life IMPROVED because somebody cared enough to make sure my parents found out.
I feel bad for posting about all the petty drama between she and I, but not about this.
No. 1862
>>1842Sigh. I guess I shouldn't break up with him. I still deserved what I did tho.
Also where is that Anon who wanted to skype with me I'd really enjoy talking to her ; _ ;
No. 1873
File: 1405202251511.jpg (55.06 KB, 500x388, tumblr_mrdmaxQZFY1r4132mo1_500…)

OMG Dolores you look like a gigantic attention whore. This thread is about Orange, not you and your mentally ill persona.
Orange mom deserves to see what her daughter is doing, it's HER house.18 yo means you're not a minor anymore, if Orange wants to live the life of a cocksucker she needs to get out of that place.
No. 1879
>>1873B-B-but muh hugbox! ; _ ;
>>1875Post your skype and I'll add you.
No. 1881
>>1877LOL at her trying to do "push up".
Orange, all that does not even count as one. Stop lying in bed all day.
No. 1888
File: 1405204118573.jpg (64.05 KB, 810x366, doll.jpg)

>>1886but she looks like an anime!!! (lol)
No. 1898
File: 1405207327880.jpg (131.67 KB, 500x694, tumblr_n829ol4dWs1s2vpt9o1_500…)

Poor orange ;-;
No. 1908
File: 1405209135182.png (62.18 KB, 493x310, Screen shot 2014-07-12 at 7.47…)

From her tumblr.
Story of her life. Except she considers herself a victim merely for existing.
No. 1909
File: 1405209510683.png (62.48 KB, 511x400, earentry.png)

what the fuck is this girl's obsession with telling the world about her various ailments and injuries
No. 1915
>>1909I have wax in my ear.
It's like she actually wants half the shit she says she has just so she could have more excuses to not do anything and because she'd get more pity attention.
No. 1941
>>19"Stay strong."
Poor OC, such hardship.
No. 1963
>>1771Nah the thread isn't about me, bae. And honestly my fat isn't as lulzworthy as OC (I don't dress like star, nor am I as fat as Dana/PT), so lets talk about OC.
>>1888Yeah she totally looks like a doll. Miss potatohead.
>>1909Hey OC, i think you are gonna die. I mean it can't just be some fluid stuck behind your eardrum can it?
No. 2005
File: 1405283442363.jpg (229.4 KB, 772x938, ocmessage.jpg)

The person who posted the screenshot deleted their post for some reason.
No. 2029
File: 1405302290774.jpg (98.84 KB, 927x1321, oc.jpg)

rare pic of oc
No. 2033
>>2031Did I mention she's trying to look and act way younger than she actually is, in order to please her adoring fans (
cough pedos).
No. 2042
>>2005she stopped coming on, I wonder if related
>>2033Of course, did you think she got all those peoples money by pretending to be nice and family friendly?
No. 2044
>>2042You're preaching to the choir anon. I was referencing the optical illusion
>>2029 where you can see a old and young woman in the same picture.
The white knights still think she's oh so innocent though. I wonder if shit went down after her mom read the message. I would love to see the look on her face.
No. 2050
File: 1405325560423.jpg (123.5 KB, 602x741, lol.jpg)

No. 2093
File: 1405378629831.png (22.97 KB, 580x375, idontgetit.png)

No. 2157
File: 1405386086068.png (80.11 KB, 353x373, 14053074088.png)

The people paying her are idiots, you barely can see anything with all that brightness.
No. 2166
>>2053I can't believe she's so out of breath from moving her hips around for like two minutes.
That is pathetic. Maybe she can use some of the funds she made off of MFC to buy an elliptical or something that'll with her atrophied muscles.
Like seriously, that's all this girl is, skin, bones, and some fat. Most anorexics I've seen on documentaries are obsessive about exercising.
No. 2175
File: 1405402742163.jpg (3.76 KB, 125x94, image.jpg)

She kind of looks like Jeff the killer here.
No. 2225
>>2212I think it was OC herself. She's so fucking arrogant and stupid. People warned her: stop spamming the thread, but she just kept shining on.
She's probably scared that someone might send her mom her MFC n00ds, the anon that messaged her mother was really considerate.
I'm an asshole, but I really want someone to send her mom the n00ds because I'm pretty sure OC swears up and down that she doesn't do nude shows, (it says so on her MFC profile!!).
No. 2407
>>2393>>2391OC is that you?
Honesty, using anything "as a weapon" is wrong. That's like saying killing someone with a knife is bad, but using a pencil is okay. Gaining something through shortcuts instead of putting in the hard work that is necessary to achieve and deserve it, is pretty shitty. Paying for your grades is shitty. Sleepin with your boss to get a promotion is shitty. It has nothing to do with the action itself, but the intentions of it; to cheat your way through life.
Annoyed purely because someone chose to dress more revealing or being sexually promiscuous is slut-shaming. Many things OC claimed was doing this, was not. She had this mentality that anything involving women and sex was slut shaming. It was extremely obnoxious.
(I hope this blabbering makes sense. I'm not that good with my words.)
No. 2435
>>2420Awwww you miss your loli, pedo bear?
In all seriousness, someone contacted her mom about it. If she didn't know before, she surely does now. The jigg is up and if she stops camming, we know what happened.
No. 2444, I found this on /x/. The guy has photos of OC taped to his walls, bought a doll he referred to as his daughter and named it "Orange".
Not sure if all this shit is an elaborate joke or actual mental illness.
No. 2451
File: 1405600121154.png (68.41 KB, 543x524, reblog.png)

No. 2470
Oh my fucking god she couldn't be trying to be Boxxy any harder.
This is fucking embarrassing. No. 2481
>>2477She was imitating Boxxy.
This is from the period where she used to hang out on the CatieWayne forums. She was constantly selfposting there trying to get her attention. It was very embarrassing.
No. 2549
>>2435I'm just sad because she provided late night laughs and drama.
>>2444Beeblefox is a genius. Pure, high quality comedy.
No. 2557
File: 1405701727774.png (57.86 KB, 532x359, 346346.png)

She always tries to be somebody else, yet reblogs posts like this all the time.
No. 2591
File: 1405740031786.png (283.99 KB, 335x448, scumbagbeeble.png)

>>2549I wouldn't classify a genius as a middle aged man living off welfare. Hurling insults at an 18 year old with his pet bitch on various image boards. Leaving unsolicited messages to her mother. Sounds more like miserable scum who are messing with the wrong person.
No. 2657
>>2591Are you talking about OC? LOL
we messed with the wrong person? What is she going to do? Dox us? Hax0r us? Build an anon army from /b/ to flood the board?
We have this bitch by her twisted tits. If she even tried to get people to spam the board I myself will send her mom and sister uncensored n00d pictures.
This isn't even a "Dis is l3gi0n" crap. It's as simple as messaging her mom and telling her OC constantly talks about her dead father and claims to be anorexic to complete and total pedo strangers.
OH! And her n00ds.
Keep whiteknighting faggot, it's not like I don't have her saggy pancake ass that she spanked pink and her sad little titties saved on my computer.
No. 2660
File: 1405810615039.jpg (12.26 KB, 395x89, o.jpg)

No. 2670
>>2591Why are you getting so mad? Beeblefox makes comedic videos. OC makes… well let's not get into that.
Who are you?
No. 2673
>>2659she stopped, I check her room regularly. elmo must be very sad
>>2666she failed HS, but she's in homeschool. she said in her room, her rage was amazing
>>2667>OC>makeup artistpick one
No. 2681
>>2667OC doesn't wear makeup, that's why her videos are always so white washed (I think). If she wore makeup she'd look her age.
Even then, the times I have seen her with makeup (pictures), she globbed on a shitload of black eyeliner and mascara or had really loud colors like hot pink or some shit. Nothing wrong with wearing bold eyeshadows, she just doesn't know how to make it work.
Cosmetology would do her a world of good for her makeup routine. Other than that, lets be real, it's not like she'd leave her house to put that certificate to good use and get a job because
~muh agoraphobia~Bitch needs a bingo card
Muh agoraphobia
Muh giant hole in my lung
Muh dad died
Muh asthma
Muh anorexia
Muh triggers
Muh rape
Feel free to add moar
No. 2691
File: 1405851291002.png (675.87 KB, 850x473, 4141.png)

>>2690I am neither but here you go.
No. 2705
>>2691If she created this it's not too shabby. Even if she didn't, it's good to have a hobby and share that hobby with other people. Shit if she really wanted to she could have a career doing that, working in small theaters or whatever and she would have had fun doing it. Instead she opted for camming where you can see that she obviously hates it. She hates spanking her ass and treats MFC as her alternative hugbox since she's been chased out of PULL.
OC's mom letting her drop out of school so OC could stay in her hugbox forever is the worst thing she could have done.
Her mom should have made her stay in school and sent her to a therapist. Knowing OC she probably got called a slut a few times and that was enough to drop out because
Muh BulliesI got slut shammed too. You know what? I fucking dealt with it, I shouldn't have slept with that guy who went and told everyone. Eventually everyone lost interest and moved on to the next girl.
Also for the bingo card:
Muh Bullies
No. 2720
>>2682she's homeschooled in a group setting (I think, she only spoke a little bit). she blamed her teachers. she said she dropped out for being bullied for "her GIANT TITS"
No. 2723
>>2721Didn't she mention on PULL that her cleavage would just naturally show when she wore blouses to school and people would try to fix it by pulling her shirt up only to have it fall back neatly into place?
Bitch was wearing pushup bras to school and low cut shirts.
Look at this pic:
>>613That's a normal bra, I don't see a cleavage. Her tits sag so low that she'd have to be wearing a really really low cut blouse.
So she opted for a pushup bra and stuffing her titties with toilet paper (or whatever girls use).
No. 2724
File: 1405891783681.jpg (39.57 KB, 612x612, 140286499668.jpg)

>>2723Most likely it was socks when she was younger and then moved to fabric/padding from other bras. She uses like 2" of padding for that perky round shape.
No. 2725
>>2681Muh huge titties
Muh weakness
Muh chronic nosebleeds/allergies
No. 2732
>>2724>>2726Yeah, also why would she wear that much padding at home?
OT, once I was walking around the house in short shorts (like, a inch below buttcheeks) mom made me change them immediately and banned from wearing them again. She did good, tho.
No. 2733
>>2732maybe she's on cam
I honestly don't see the point though
No. 2751
File: 1405921589862.jpg (13.89 KB, 400x250, people-of-walmart-fail.jpg)

>>2745I thought the same while she was scolding me for wearing skimpy clothes "WTF mom i can wear whatever I want!!1!"
I used to weight about 90 kilos back then (67 now), so you can imagine how awful I looked in them. I'm thankful she slapped some common sense on me.
pic somewhat related
-end of offtopic-
No. 2870
>>2862It was a pretty shit of whoever contacted her. But it's also rude as hell, living with a parent and doing cam shows without them knowing. I think it's okay if you live alone or with friends.
So, I can't feel too sorry for her.
No. 2874
>>2862Her MFC profile says her last login was "Sun, Jul 20 2014 10:30 PM" (I think that time is UTC+1) and that's only like a day and a half ago.
So even if she's not broadcasting she's still signing in to read messages or whatever.
If she's already got her sugar daddies then she won't need MFC anymore, except of course she's a greedy exhibitionist so who knows.
No. 2896
File: 1406061181345.jpg (211.19 KB, 415x720, tumblr_n93d8z9gzK1r4132mo2_500…)

…how can she think this looks good?
No. 2898
>>2896HAHA, Oh lord, that haircut would look retarded even on a five year old.
It looks like she put a bowl over her head and cut her hair around it.
Fucking lol. It doesn't even look even, I think her hairstylist hates her. That's if she didn't cut it herself that is.
No. 2918
File: 1406078556216.jpg (16.81 KB, 400x293, eyebrows23.jpg)

>>2897Wow, I just noticed this.
No. 2921
File: 1406079662991.jpg (39.2 KB, 650x366, Mathilda-Natalie-Portman-in-Th…)

>>2917She wants to look like Mathilda but she failed badly at the haircut, it is too stiff and short.
No. 2959
>>2874she once bragged about how she had some doctor dropping thousands on her. I talked to him once, he had taken her to true privates where no one hear or see besides the person and the model.
Apparently she was quick to agree to sleep with him when he could find the time to visit. No clue if anything ever came of it or if she was just manipulating him.
No. 3102
>>2959Fucking gross. Wanting to actually physically prostitute herself out to some guy just because he's rich. Chances are he solicits prostitutes often if he has that much money… So I'm willing to bet this guy has some nasty ass STDs. She's a fucking idiot. To shake your naked ass on cam is one thing but to actually fuck for money???
I'm also wondering about her doormat boyfriend. I honestly can't see any man in a serious relationship being okay with his girlfriend getting naked for strangers. Fucking them is even worse.
No. 3127
>>3125Excuse me? She has agoraphobia, anorexia, heart murmurs, asthma, holes in her brain and lungs, her dad is dead, big tits, bullies and and and I'm sure I'm missing at least one hundred other things.
Watch your ordinary privilege
No. 3128
>>3113#don't sexualize children*
*tries to look like a ten year old
No. 3131
File: 1406151906031.jpg (35.04 KB, 255x600, 1406055377177.jpg)

>>3127And the guy who does the most bullying is 31 years old, arthritis, No job, borderline suicidal, lives with his mother, in debt, pedo and has an unfortunate 16 year old girlfriend who has got alot of mental issues who also assists him in these cyber attacks.
No. 3134
>>3131Was that a joke, or are you on about Cecil or Beeblefoxx?
Excuse my autism.
No. 3142
File: 1406157673083.jpg (74.68 KB, 505x655, kawaiisjw.jpg)

No. 3147
>>3142what is this supposed to prove, thats kind of cute that she's so caring, actually.
but major crybaby syndrome, jfc
No. 3166
>>3115>>3111It happens a lot in the sex industry actually. Boyfriend manages/pimps out girl to line his own pockets, and honestly that's exactly what it seems hes doing since he is jobless otherwise.
Sure would explain why he puts up with her.
Let's go one step further, what if she is well aware of how horrible and unwanted she is and acknowledges and accepts that this is the only way she can get/keep a guy?
Suddenly her "life choices" make a lot more sense.
No. 3171
>>3150I'm no fucking famous artist either, and practice makes perfect. its just nitpicking when there are other things to talk about honestly.
>>3169no, she's a hoe, he went in her room sometimes to declare he's a lazy sack of shit, and says he doesn't really like her job.
I think he puts up with it because he is a lazy sack of shit, and seems to be doing pretty well for herself on this site.
No. 3183
>>3142>cried about boys getting shot at a beach>drew a girlAlso her hair is sticking out, which is not really a think if we're talking hijabs.
/nitpicking assholery
No. 3212
File: 1406192283600.jpg (88.52 KB, 960x540, who dat ugly fuck.jpg)

so she claims she got engaged
No. 3219
>>3212Well it's obvious he's a desperate guy now.
Wonder if that's why she'll stop camming (as her cover story, instead of saying her mom found out).
No. 3247
>>3244Somersby reminds me of the sort of names upper middle class English families give their children.
Think of Saffron from AbFab.
No. 3398
>>3226>has sex with guy>later decides she regrets it, maybe break up or one night stand blues>"guys guys! I was raped!"but in all seriousness, don't people who that shit happens to have more likelihood to get into the sex industry? Like the stereotype of strippers with daddy issues?
>>3171Idk, I went in once for the like 2 minutes I could stomach. And it was just her talking about how he is in there EVERY night, personally I think he gets off on it.
>>3212>he won't leave me if we are married right?!also could be a way to get out from under moms house to start camming again.
No. 3439
My theory: I think she may have been promiscuous in highschool (ok so was I, my bad), she then was most likely bullied (SLUT SHAMIING). H.S girls and guys can be fucking vicious, calculating, cruel. So to save face she started claiming that she was raped, bullying didn't stop, so she just dropped out.
Yeah it sucks having people calling you a slut and have them snicker at you. It hurts.
I'm not saying I'm better than OC, but ffs, I never, ever claimed I was raped and no, dropping out wasn't an option. What the hell was I going to tell my parents? I'm being bullied because I slept around?
No. 3476
File: 1406344362828.jpg (201.14 KB, 657x467, tumblr_n96vivKq5N1qcnteko1_128…)

>>2896this bitch rekt her
seeing this on my dash though has wondered if there is like some strange ass following of bowl cut girls.
No. 3482
>>3476Woah she really pulls the look off. So cool
No. 3492
File: 1406385980578.jpg (228.52 KB, 500x375, sing.jpg)

>>3491So, you dress like this, right?
No. 3495
>>3493And all fashion I must like or else I'm uncool!
No it looks trampy, I hate chokers anyway, the eye make up is way ott, and the hair colour reminds me of engine fluid.
>>3492No. I'm a man.
No. 3503
>>2896What makes this look soooooo much worse is that there is little variation in color between her skin, shirt and the wall, which makes her hair look like this stark black helmet. As opposed to
>>3476 where the haircut probably looks just as helmet-y, but is more competently cut and styled, as well as her overall look has other focal points that draw your attention away from the shape of her hair.
Also, OC is a moron for thinking Matilda's bob is a bowlcut.
No. 3505
>>3495You're from Unichan, aren't you?
Why do so many of the anons there hate anything they can't fap to?
No. 3543
File: 1406444189791.jpg (122.95 KB, 426x282, girl_short_bob_with_bangs.jpg)

>>2896I bet she was looking for something like this now that she ruined her precious Mathilda's haircut.
No. 3544
>>3475If you feel shameful of being a slut (like OC) that is literally your own problem to overcome.
If you cant handle being a slut and dealing with the judgement for fucking everything that moves, then don't. Why does everyone else have to change instead of only you changing?
No. 4019
>>4002I think she might go back to MFC once she moves out.
I'll be waiting
ever notice how the proposal came directly AFTER anon did the (horrible) move of contacting her mother?
she's probably feeling pretty victimized that her mother wont let her be a whore, and will be packing up, moving out into jobless, sad sack of shit Jesse's parents house.
if she started camming from there it would be amazing.
No. 4046
>>4019I totally forgot she's getting married or whatever. Like what a sack of shit, I have no respect for this loser. There's nothing wrong with dating a girl in the sex industry, but ffs, at least have a fucking job and don't mooch of your GF.
>>I'd rather die than be poorWay to pick them dumbass.
No. 4049
>>4026Don't kill the golden goose. I don't think OC really harms anyone else so why put a premature end to the lulz?
As an experienced fapper, I can inform you that MFC models tend to be very shy in the beginning and do more as time goes by. OC is still in the shy stage.
Of course, if she wasn't an idiot she'd drop this Mathilda crap and market herself as a normal 18 year old high school girl. Similar to how HaleyIsSoarx (150k YouTube subscribers) is also the successful HighSkoolSlut on MFC but doesn't think anyone notices they're the same person (unfortunately for us she's not a lolcow though).
No. 4050
>>4049No one cared about contacting her mom, but she just kept shitting up the thread Marijan style like she was some epic troll.
We warned her, she thought we wouldn't do it, and we did it.
The person that did it was actually very nice about it. I was going to send her mom and sister her uncensored n00ds, but you know, there are better humans out there than me.
As long as she stops shitting the thread, then no one gives a shit about contacting her family or her BF's family.
You hear that OC you stupid dumb
muh big tits retard? Don't fuck with us and we won't fuck with you back.
No. 4059
>>4052she says she's non nude but goes nude in private. lies.
>>4051did she really? models beat around the bush a lot like "maybeee… teehee" but did she flat out say?
No. 4076
>>4059Well, at the risk of revealing myself as a total fap machine, basically no models on MFC are genuinely non-nude. Why the fuck would they sign up to MFC if they were? They basically all fall into one of the following.
1) They were fully nude until they found their sugar daddies and didn't need to be anymore (MJ).
2) Were fully nude but became non-nude after friends and family found out (ChloeLamb, KellyHeart, MiniGxo, SensiPearl).
3) Are non-nude 99% of the time but have group shows with so many "oopsies" they might as well be nude (Eight_Bit).
4) Are "non-nude" until they're comfortable with themselves (many new girls, probably OC).
tl;dr "non-nude" on MFC is a joke. Who would have guessed?
No. 4362
>>3500u have to be cute to pull this haircut off.
which is why oc can't pull it off.
No. 4365
File: 1406865574649.jpg (17.12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

Bob haircut girls are so cute tho! ( ;_;)
I saw this on my dashboard and it reminded me of how horrible ocs haircut looks on her compared to others.
No. 4375
>>4371she's gotta be making at least $300 a day with that.
who the fuck pays for this?
No. 4378
>>4375Camscore is mostly based on tokens per hour. So models who stay on for 6 hours a day every day and talk bullshit with viewers will have lower camscores even if they earn more.
I don't think there's a way to calculate earnings from the camscore. Miss MFC ranking would be a better measurement.
No. 4503
>>4378there is a way to calculate earnings for camscore.
its approximate though.
No. 4529
>>2923 actually some hairstylists can't do it. i asked for a bob a few months ago, hoping for: i ended up like: someone with a college education for cutting/styling hair can't follow simple directions (such as "no layers, just all chin length", i bet others can't do it either.
but besides that, bob haircuts are gorgeous. just some people can't pull them off :/
No. 4536
File: 1406921970555.jpg (57.77 KB, 425x307, ear length.jpg)

does this work?
No. 4553
Oh god. The pedo pandering piece of shit got promo-ed by sex worker royalty. feel like someone should inform her of OC's loli stunts because Ten is 100% against that shit.
No. 4721
>>4553lmao why did she draw OCs tits so big????? they're not even close to that size irl. bet she asked them to be drawn like her dearest Nigri's. …the face…way to make her seem even more derpy.
7/10 for effort.
No. 4725
Speaking as a straight guy, OC's body is fine for an 18 year old.
I'm fully into making fun of her for things like "omg my tits are sooo big" (they're still a good size) but you guys are getting pretty far into the bitchy side of things.
In pics like
>>434, who else but a virgin would think that she's wearing anything but a push up bra? No girl's tits look like that in reality.
You want to make fun of her? How about how in
>>1780 her scales are clearly on carpet and so 95lbs is completely inaccurate. Most likely it's well over 100lbs, maybe as high as 120lbs+. I bet half of you make the same mistake with scales on carpet.
No. 4727
>>4725have you seen Nigri's tits?
>>same mistakes on carpetnot even. what idiot weighs themselves while on carpet?
No. 4729
>>4727With Nigir's (fake) tits you can actually see more of them than just the cleavage.
A corset can give even the most flat chested girl cleavage so never trust cleavage.
No. 5371
>>5366It was actually 13 days ago.
And where's the ring?
No. 5463
File: 1407347884540.png (79.74 KB, 780x322, Screen-Shot-2014-08-05-at-10.3…)

shes an actress now
No. 5557
>>5371probably some cheap plastic dollar store crap.
No. 5589
>>5551Not really.
>>55861. I was simply using the pharse of the person I was responding to. I wasn't the first person in this thread to use the terminology.
2. Don't have a tumblr.It attracts and breeds smart ass anonymous users. Who like to cherry pick comments.
No. 5604
File: 1407408007887.png (481.79 KB, 444x854, 140738601450.png)

No. 5630
>>5604I'm kind of thinking the "look at my pretty nails" thing is because on unichan's thread about her they were talking about how gross her nails are.
Maybe not, but it's not like she doesn't lurk uni and lolcow on a regular basis
No. 5634
File: 1407428454071.png (18.06 KB, 515x265, ss (2014-08-07 at 06.18.24).pn…)

No. 5670
>>5624when I was 8 I was pushing my sister in a cart at the grocery store and she swung her feet high up and knocked my two front teeth out
my sister raped me and I had no idea. thanks for enlightening me, OC
No. 6121
File: 1407604406625.jpg (48.72 KB, 540x960, 10556250_10202358518911031_110…)

No. 6486
File: 1407772854326.gif (1.21 MB, 300x169, deal with it.gif)

>>6481If you're here to dish out compliments, then you've come to the wrong site.
No. 8255
File: 1408559146272.jpeg (32.03 KB, 650x650, oc.jpeg)

I know it's shopped but hairstyle aside, I think she looks pretty here.
No. 8403
>>8402Say hello for me lol
IDEK why anyone would be willing to give money to watch a girl with nothing special on her going on, just… standing there before cam. why
No. 8407
File: 1408595189098.jpg (11.12 KB, 326x279, LadyAmalthea.jpg)

I guess the tokens got her so excited that she took off her shorts on cam.
No. 8408
>>8407she'll take her shirt off for 1000 tokens
how much money is that? anyone knows?
No. 8421
File: 1408597762998.jpg (10.99 KB, 335x277, LadyAmalthea 2.jpg)

She took off her shirt
No. 8423
>>8421Wow. When she said "take off my shirt" I expected bra too. Smh.
Also that contrast, she needs to turn that shit down. Her room burns my eyes.
No. 8444
>>8440Oh shit let the drama continue
Wasn't she always on about protecting the young people? More funny how she said she had sooo much anxiety that she couldn't leave the house? Yes because people with anxiety run away with strangers they met on the internet. I bet cha her family is tired of her shit and she is too lazy to get her own place and is just looking for a sugar daddy ticket
No. 8452
File: 1408611491220.jpg (51.56 KB, 415x243, OrangeCitrus.jpg)

>>2896Every fucking time I see this terrible haircut all I can think of is Gary Oldman in 5th Element.
No. 8530
>>8504When did people start referring to cam girls as "sex workers" anyway? It seems to be a Tumblr thing and not something the cam girls actually call themselves.
Sure it's all part of the same general industry but the term "sex worker" is more of a euphemism for escorts or prostitutes.
No. 9287
>>8980lol this tard.
>>at a gossip board>>hey I know this girl!>>spill the deets cumrag>>uhhh no she's muh friend guiseSeriously, there's a bag of dicks at unichan, head on over there and eat them.
No. 9875
>>9874 you've got to do to find her forever is search orangecitrus in the tags and see someone she has liked a post of.
Unless she deletes it or something.
No. 10121
File: 1409016508518.jpg (197.06 KB, 1200x943, 896.3420.jpg)

>>10120there you go, faggot
No. 10561
File: 1409317324352.png (25.45 KB, 464x334, 2c644f9d3ba0a91c1d1aa5d296132b…)

well atleast OP has an answer now
No. 10626
>>10578$52k a year is loadsamoney for an 18 year old. Actually it's good money for anyone without a family or debts.
>>10597PayPal don't allow you to use their services for any adult work and doing so will get you suspended regardless of taxes. But I doubt she uses PayPal anyway, it's simpler and safer to stick to MFC tokens.
>>10562Even MissAlice was complaining about being in debt once. Apparently even though she is paying taxes she had no idea how high taxes are and didn't set enough aside.
No. 10632
>>10561She'd make a
lot more money getting naked and masturbating. 4K a month is pretty low for a camgirl even with the amount of viewers she gets. I think her ass is lying.
No. 10638
>>10637Lolcow is the only place I've been that claims that cam girls are raking it in. Someone in the Kiki thread said that Cherry is almost a millionaire by now. Seriously?
If you go to Amber Cutie's Forum (AFC) most seem to be struggling to make ends meet. Sure, there's a top 1% making 6 figures but I really don't think that the case for everyone else.
Being new and 18 gives you a massive bonus that will fade away, thus why every cam girl eventually starts doing cum shows.
Not to mention the damage being a cam girl does to your CV (i.e. gaps in employment, forget the whole sex work angle). Even if you're lucky enough to be in the top 1% you better be saving for the rest of your life or investing into something else.
No. 10661
>>10638>>10655Pretty much this.
I cam on the side for extra money for rent and stuff. Usually I can make $50 a day if I really put effort into it, sometimes $60 if I'm lucky. My rent is pretty cheap so I can live pretty comfortably.
No. 11230
>>10561Hella good money?
I wouldn't even make rent with that what the fuck.
No. 11295
>>11264Reading comprehension much?
Attractive to at least a subset of men =/= attractive
Hence why she panders to the pedos.
No. 11302
File: 1409641292221.png (18.94 KB, 640x480, 139944043488.png)

No. 11325
>>11317>>11322I don't think it's much either because there are so many disadvantages if your nudes get public and either your boss or your coworkers find them.
And it's over when you're 30. All those kids on tumblr, including Orange, think this is when your life ends when in reality you might have 60 more years to live.
Most people I read about have psychological problems after working in the sex industry.
It's just not worth it, especially if you are a rather labile person like Orange.
No. 12513
>>11325Honestly I think most people in the sex industry are damaged before hand. See Orange's apparent daddy issues and SJW obsession prior to becoming a camwhore for more details.
>>11322This is just wrong, I used to know someone on there, the camscore is loosely based on money/time spent on cam/2 months time period. So her not being on for weeks at a time doesn't change her camscore and creates the illusion that she is still making good money until 2 months rolls by, which it has and her score has dropped over 2,000 points. Meaning she isn't making shit and is still trying to be every pedo's dream come true.
On a side note, I noticed her on earlier, she came on only to do a quick private with the doctor she was promising to run away with and be his under aged sex toy.
inb4 orange or one of her pedophiles attacks me for being on MFC, I mostly sit in the lounge and laugh at what train wrecks most of these models are and at the retards who worship them.
No. 12646
File: 1410475935262.png (73.23 KB, 936x181, oc.png)

Saw this on /b/ the other day.
No. 12692
File: 1410499521047.png (113.7 KB, 337x393, asd.png)

You know how pedophiles enjoy watching little girl gymnasts?
No. 12695
File: 1410502852009.png (50.13 KB, 539x476, LadyA.png)

No. 12712
File: 1410517780153.jpg (12.1 KB, 272x185, images (2).jpg)

Saw my niece with a Ramona Quimby book, can't unsee the Orange-ness
No. 12779
I thought maybe I was the only one that had noticed her sucking upto/trying to imitate Fullten recently, but she isn't cut out for that kind of style and she certainly isn't any where near hot enough to pull it off. She legit looks like a grandma with an 11 yr olds body.
Fullten is a complete fool for trusting her.
No. 12862
File: 1410583273070.png (530.3 KB, 809x627, ocW6r.png)

>>12513>I mostly sit in the lounge and laugh at what train wrecks most of these models are and at the retards who worship them.I don't even login to MFC anymore. Back in 2010 or so models weren't allowed to do shows in public so logging in and going to group was actually worth it.
But I also feels like there's been no good MFC drama for years, though maybe that's because I don't go into the lounge anymore? The lounge is insufferable but is that where I now need to go to find the trainwrecks?
I just feel like MFC is a lot less crazy than it used to be.
No. 12877
>>12862my favorite trainwreck is babyzelda
I sat in her room and I guffawed hard
>"teehee, wanna see my belly">sucks it in>"here it is you guys">sits back down, drenched in sweat, her greasy hair clinging to her foreheadpeople actually pay her
No. 13049
>>13015I guess it goes to show that most guys that frequent that site have such low standards when it comes to women… Especially the greasy, gross, fat neckbeards that just want a girl that shares a common interest with them no matter how ugly she is. That and because of what
>>13026 said. Still man… There's cuter geek chicks on there that are genuine geeks. Not saying babyzelda isn't one but Eugh… She looks like the stereotypical, ugly, fat, greasy nerd girl.
No. 13057
File: 1410726712688.jpg (59.1 KB, 628x235, ew.jpg)

>>12513Thank you so much for this wonderful idea, anon. Have some nudes of Hank Hill.
No. 13065
>>13060I don't think she ever claimed she wasn't a sex worker. She claimed her blog wasn't "sex work oriented", but I don't think she's denied the fact she's a camwhore.
>>13063I don't see why she would when I'm sure nobody would care enough to call her, but who knows?
No. 13073
>>13059Does anyone remember an MFC model from 2+ years ago who ALWAYS spoke in a "sensual" voice? I don't remember her name or what happened to her but she was decently popular for a year or so.
The thing is, she was only 18/19 and her "sensual" voice and "dirty talk" were hilariously bad. A teenager does not have a sexy voice.
Someone needs to call Orange just to hear how bad it is.
No. 13088
File: 1410739911083.gif (312.95 KB, 518x494, oc.gif)

No. 13094
File: 1410743593065.gif (803.86 KB, 245x144, tumblr_n580bwYezM1r1da95o1_250…)

>>13049she's an mlp fag too
I seriously want to ask people what they see of her
>saw this gif on tumblr and could only think of orange No. 13098
File: 1410750685397.jpg (100.79 KB, 612x612, asd.jpg)

>>13096I'm sorry, what happened to her dad?
No. 13116
>>13096God, she really
does sound like a prepubescent boy. Fucking disgusting.
No. 13133
File: 1410763207250.jpg (442.94 KB, 800x800, orange.jpg)

No. 13135
>>13108This. She is so disrespectful…
I bet he would be ashamed if he could hear his daughter talking about him like this while camming half naked for pedos.
No. 13136
>>13135*while being on cam
No. 13142
>>13095I actually sent a message to Fullten about this and my feelings regarding it as a child sex-abuse victim and she flat-out ignored me.
Bitch should try practising what she fucking preaches. That was the day I unfollowed her. I can't follow somebody who actively support somebody who promotes child sexualisation.
No. 13146
>>13096Her laughing is so fucking cringe inducing. I can't tell if she's trying to get sympathy or if she's trying to be edgy.
No. 13277
File: 1410832111400.png (331.06 KB, 519x643, OC.png)

She's on Niteflirt now? God I wonder what a call with her is like.
No. 13294
File: 1410841771637.jpg (37.14 KB, 600x600, a69d7d3a-b890-4da2-a780-e70630…)

No. 13303
>>13277"my job and my tumblr is different! fuck you!"
"teehee call me on niteflirt ;)"
No. 13314
File: 1410857602066.jpg (14.79 KB, 331x246, io.JPG)

She is on right now.
Talking with a really childish voice and imitating pokemons.
No. 13321
File: 1410864062123.png (381.73 KB, 636x389, 141086160154.png)

Just saw this on Uni… Lol…
She should probably be scared try making the hormones though, they seem legit
No. 13329
File: 1410879147123.gif (153.87 KB, 500x490, tumblr_nbx8vuCKcE1r4132mo1_500…)

I guess you don't have to pay her to take her shirt off anymore. Just browse her tumblr! This came from a similar post to
>>13277 >>13303Before long, I'm sure she'll have a sex work blog like Fullten.
No. 13331
Oh lord this girl is like the last two girls I've been involved with.
I've had my mom die from cancer. It sucks. You bring it up a lot. But you don't do it three years after the fact.
She's like them physically and mentally. Immature, fishing for attention. I pity the guy who lowers his standards to be with her. Sure she's kind of cute cute but people like this will make you want to off yourself.
>>13059>femdomHAHAHAHAHAH she couldn't pull off a joke like financial "domination" if she tried.
No. 13365
File: 1410901331010.jpg (17.85 KB, 400x400, image.jpg)

She looks like a gelfling
No. 13420
>>13416I sent it roughly 3 months ago now, before the backlash.
She read it alright, she's just a cunt.
No. 13449
File: 1410933315380.jpg (21.55 KB, 325x242, oc.jpg)

she's online, guys
She claims she dated a guy that said if she cheated on him he'd "do what happens to the main character in School Days"
No. 13450
File: 1410933600319.jpg (21.32 KB, 316x241, oc.jpg)

No. 13456
File: 1410934084843.jpg (45.9 KB, 317x616, la.jpg)

jfc she looks so soulless
No. 13458
>>13454don't shame sex workers anon~!!!1!
(read it in OC's voice)
No. 13470
File: 1410935754990.png (127.61 KB, 335x248, 1hehe.png)

No. 13472
File: 1410936409168.png (102.19 KB, 330x246, 0001672.png)

No. 13486
File: 1410942869334.png (95.44 KB, 262x236, no.png)

she looks absolutely 5 years old
No. 13488
>>13486look at that potato face.
just look at it.
No. 13526
>>13480Lol, no you sick fuck.
If you really wanna see her naked pay her you basement dweller.
No. 13547
>>13321>london shirtI see what they did there.
>>13544What, on a porn site? Is this a new phenomena to you?
No. 13637
File: 1411054469530.png (545.47 KB, 971x728, lavenderbow.png)

>>12862Just reminded myself of a really good MFC lolcow: LavenderBow
I think she's hot (I really like her boobs) but she cannot cope with trolls and I've seen her break down crying 3-4 times this year. It's going on right now so I decided to login to check the lounge and sure enough it's them trying to wind her up.
Should we create a thread for MFC/etc? Should it go in /b/ or /pt/?
> so edge with her razor blade necklace (she got suspended at new years for threatening to commit suicide on cam) No. 13654
>>13637At first I thought the trolls thing was a bit funny but when I read the committing suicide on cam thing, now I'm kinda concerned?
She shouldn't be on the internet, or at least be a camgirl, and needs to focus on herself
No. 13658
File: 1411071600267.png (857.87 KB, 1074x1076, lolwut.png)

she tagged this 'me'
No. 13661
>>13654I didn't really take what she was saying that seriously. It went a little something like…
> she's kind of drunk, on her period, and has the new year blues> guy from lounge comes in and calls her fat> instead of ignoring and banning him she argues with him for 20 minutes> finally bans him> another guy from lounge comes in and does the same thing for 20 mins> repeat> she's crying/sniffling> lounge continues to troll her for like 2 hours> creates negative atmosphere in room and no tips but lots of viewers because of the drama> she starts saying stuff like "I bet I'd get loads of viewers if I killed myself, I'd be a celebrity"> guys from lounge say "yes you would"> MFC suspends her account for a couple daysFor some reason she always argues with trolls instead of ignoring and banning them immediately, and the lounge has really figured out how to push her buttons. She even knows it's the lounge trying to wind her up but instead of ignoring them she goes on 5 minute rants against them which spurs them on more.
She seems perfectly nice but I've never seen anyone more incompetent at dealing with trolls.
No. 13668
>>13654>>13661Also the pic with the razor blade necklace is a screenshot I took of her today. She didn't have that razor blade at new years and wasn't waving it around threatening or anything like that. It's just something she happened to wear today that reminded me of new years.
I doubt it's even a real razor blade anyway.
No. 13778
File: 1411104871427.jpg (19.6 KB, 166x290, R1eJv1qxSOSgy9jPbb-0Azl72eJkfb…)

No. 14071
File: 1411264493960.gif (4.7 MB, 430x215, 1389111215616.gif)

>>13778>that fucking bowl cut>that fucking potato nosespot-on
No. 14109
File: 1411281265259.jpg (19.87 KB, 323x248, ss (2014-09-21 at 02.32.16).jp…)

she's on now.
"i get acid reflux from drinking water"
"i'm lactose intolerant, so i drink lactose-free milk"
she says while she's eating pizza
No. 14113
File: 1411284047590.jpg (113.69 KB, 1026x380, ss (2014-09-21 at 03.16.04).jp…)

i don't know how this site works, is 10,000 tokens a lot? apparently at 10,000 tokens she's going to rub oil all over her body on cam or something
No. 14115
>>14113For her it's $500.
For the guys tipping it's like $600-800 (there's discounted token bundles above 900 if you spend enough).
Literally only top 10 models like AspenRae would dare ask for 10k tokens for just an oil show. Anyone else would do it for like 2-3k max.
She must know that she's pedobait if she believes she can ask for 10k. Why else would guys pay her 3 times more than some of the hotties on MFC?
No. 14116
yeah this bitch is like a 4 at best, i'd pay her like $10 tops to see her with her shirt off. and that's being generous, like "oh no maybe she needs to pay her bills" generous, but this bitch is eating a fucking pizza on cam. what the fuck
No. 14117
>>14116You wouldn't even have to pay $10, only like $5 and other guys would tip the rest. Cam sites are basically like 100 guys throwing pennies at models.
But then there are some super rich guys who just don't give a fuck. Like Nikki Skyler is dating Drew Carey and they met on MFC. So there's definitely a lot of big spenders but to them $500 is still "cheap".
No. 14126
>>14122Noone was going to tip towards a a 10k token goal. What's the point when it will take hours to complete?
She'd make the same money with 5x 2000 token goals and people would be more willing to tip for them. But then she'd have to think of 5 ideas instead of being a lazy cunt.
No. 14201
>>14109Lol'ing forever. Hot damn, Orange you're a dumbass.
>>14115Holy shit. This girl is ugly as shit, like babyzelda tier ugly and yet she's ASKING FOR $500?!
No. 14223
File: 1411347137266.gif (837.19 KB, 245x144, tumblr_n580bwYezM1r1da95o2_250…)

>>14201>babyzelda teir uglyI wouldn't go that far, they're both different kinds of ugly.
babyzelda looks like the fat female equivilant of a 30 year old neckbeard
and Orange looks like an old lady with baby face.
her baby face and pedo-pandering is sickening.
"I don't pander to pedos heehee" "pedos are disgusting"
her own "fiance" must love the fact that she looks like a child and doesn't tell her that. that's the ONLY way you could find her attractive.
No. 14561
File: 1411572366054.png (333.42 KB, 564x591, o.png)

Saw this on unichan
No. 14578
File: 1411576689068.jpg (63.15 KB, 496x533, oc.JPG)

OC being proud womyn of color
No. 14581
File: 1411577420719.jpg (30.05 KB, 530x413, OC.jpg)

OC is a proud ho
No. 14588
>>14578Cunts like Orange make me so angry. The same thing goes for a shitton of other white people on Tumblr who think it's fashionable to lie about being native. They cry about appropriation and yet they do this shit to my culture
all the time.
Is she still trying to emulate Ten's domme persona? Orange panders to pedophiles since she looks and sounds like a prepubescent boy and grandma. Those freaks like subs, not doms. Bitch can't be both.
No. 14600
File: 1411583983851.png (446.33 KB, 459x707, tumblr_inline_ncf3vnNb1H1r13r1…)

She just posted an image of her white as fuck "Cherokee" grandmother to prove her heritage kek
No. 14604
>>14602Maybe it is. It's not hard to picture trying to pass off a (shooped?) photo of herself as her ttly Cherokee (omgbbq!!11!!) grandma.
…Of course, it could just be my tinfoil hat talking. Who knows? ;)
No. 14605
>>14600even though they basically have the same face, for some reason OC's grandma is way cuter than OC. i think it's her cheeks and her lack of "berries and cream" guy haircut.
the native american thing is hilarious. why do most lolcows (especially white girls) go through phases where they want to be special snowflakes by claiming non-white/"exotic" heritage? is that the cool new thing, not being white?
No. 14609
>>14578since when has she been Native American?
>>14604That was my first thought anon. I looks like she just shooped herself to make a picture of her "grandmother"
No. 14612
>>14578By that logic, bitch is ridiculing Japanese culture and sexualizing japanese schoolgirls
>I was stolen from us>usHope some real Native slaps her for that.
>>14609since digging for nonwhite long lost ancestors became fashionable
No. 14615
File: 1411589233978.jpg (94.57 KB, 545x424, dasdasd.jpg)

No. 14618
File: 1411589465962.jpg (92.5 KB, 1057x438, sdfsdf.jpg)

How much money do you want to bet that she ignores this?
No. 14625
File: 1411590621755.jpg (249.62 KB, 1662x710, 1411576689068.jpg)

No. 14641
>>14615Lies, lies,
LIES.. Orange, you cringe worthy, ugly,
goblin. I'm still amazed that she makes any money at all. She's nothing to look at and the fact that she's trying to be a dom makes me lol. She doesn't have the right personality for that, even if she tries to fake it. Sure, she's a bitch but she's a very
stupid one. And has zero allure.
No. 14692
File: 1411613865222.jpg (5.8 MB, 6205x8066, Lange-MigrantMother02.jpg)

To be fair, Cherokee don't always look that injun. OC is still a retard for clinging to it, though.
No. 14699
>>14600Was her grandma really a child in the 60's? Maybe my grandparents are just really old.
But wow, her thinking that American Indian is a slur. Many irl natives actually prefer American Indian.
She has to have roots in the South. Everyone here, even (especially?) the white trash, supposedly had a great-grandparent who was SO TOTALLY CHEROKEE YOU GUYS I SWEAR. The Cherokee Nation needs to get more strict about its membership requirements.
No. 14710
>>14586Please don't tell me she expects to do this for a living and never do anything more than flash her tits.
She's not even remotely interesting to talk to either so I doubt people will pay for riveting conversation.
No. 14878
>>I'm Caucasian as fuck and will say so. Implies that being Irish and Czech means you're not Caucasian? I know I'm going to get shit for this, but if OC is telling the truth about her ancestry, then I wouldn't consider her white. I also don't consider her native, she's mixed. Having just a small amount of another race in you actually makes a big difference in your genetics. I know it's annoying for people of one race to have someone trying to identify with your race when you don't consider them so, but seriously, that's why the term "mixed raced" exists. Not one race, but also not the other, so don't try to identify with either. There's a number of racial features that would either be obvious or hidden entirely varying by individual or by racial breakdown. Like if someone were a quarter black, compared to being a quarter hispanic. The black part would be pretty noticeable, the hispanic, not so much depending on what you inherit.
>>1873>>1474Her nose, eye shape and face doesn't look white to me at all, especially in
>>1463 where her hair isn't dyed. God, she's so weird looking. Some people just have weird faces, I know, but these look like racial features. I'm 100% white, by the way. Not trying to defend 1/4th obscure heritigi, just saying that some of you aren't as white as you may think.
>>14825I have never heard anyone say something like that, ever. White=Europe. If it's in Europe, then you're white.
No. 14880
>>14878Are you kidding? She looks white. She is white. She has never lived on a reservation, she has never been oppressed because of her race, because she looks white, because she IS white. Like 50% of white americans have native american blood in them, especially Cherokee because it was one of the first nations to assimilate to white culture.
It'll be nice when being a POC isn't trendy and these white people who have never been oppressed quit acting like the world owes them shit because of their great great grandmother or whatever.
No. 14951
File: 1411763624904.jpg (1.68 MB, 6786x1364, humantypes2.jpg)

Some of you guys need help learning the members of the Caucasian race.
Spoiler: Some are not fair skinned.
No. 14956
File: 1411765001305.jpg (556.62 KB, 1162x850, 1365334799907.jpg)

>>14913I'm slavic and people can't tell me apart from every other brit, french or whatever nationality white girl until they see my surname or I tell them where I'm from.
The only "differences" might be a higher frequency of certain hair colours and eye colours in slavic populations and we tend to have angry looking faces.
Also the back of our skulls tends to be perfectly flat so the skull doesn't stick out further than the neck, I never knew this was unusual until my bf pointed it out.
No. 14958
File: 1411765154486.jpg (39.22 KB, 288x240, aboriginal-vs-slav.jpg)

>>14951Races are a social construct you shitlord.
No. 14965
File: 1411767300590.jpg (11.45 KB, 250x315, 32.jpg)

>>14956Oh wow, that's so cool.
No. 14966
>>14878>these look like racial features. Lol no she's just an ugly person who happens to be white
I think you're grasping really hard for shit that just isn't there
No. 14982
>>14880How the fuck does that little gremlin look white in any way? You are confirmed for not being white, you sound like one of those black people who thought Zimmerman was white because you don't know what white people are.
>>Like 50% of white americans have native american blood in themThat's some bullshit you just made up. Less than 3.2% of "white people" who still think they're white for some reason have Native American admixture. You're either a none-white who thinks everything that's not dark as fuck is white or you're one of those none-white hispanics things who thinks their white despite being dark as fuck and not considered white by white people. If you have none-white in you, then you are not fucking white. We've always been very strict about that, I don't care if you be all light skinned and shit. Looking white and being white are two very different things. I've seen all too many South Americans mongrels thinking their white despite being having black mixed in. They're always dark as fuck, but they're lighter than other black people so they think they're white. "Identifying" as white doesn't make you white, that's why the term mixed exists. If you have none-white in you, then you're not white. Deal with it. No. 14986
File: 1411772200173.jpg (34.93 KB, 482x312, europe.jpg)

>>14983Please tell me you are kidding, it is even on the list for joining the European Union because it is part of Europe…
No. 14988
File: 1411772548336.jpg (70.42 KB, 482x312, 1411772200173.jpg)

>>14986Because of this little part right here.
No. 15014
>>14996>>BelievingNo one calls Oboma white, despite the fact that he's half white, sort of light skinned, and has a lot of white facial features. It's not really a "belief", it's how we classify races. A white person is someone of 100% European ancestry. If you do not have full European ancestry, then you're not white. YOU may consider a mixed person white, but they aren't actually white. Geneticists always separate African American from Black Africans, because the white in black Americans changes their genetic make up. African black people wouldn't consider black Americans to be one of them, but black Americans still identify with one another, even though they aren't technically "black", because most are mixed with whites.
>>14999"We" as in white people. Who do you think invented the one drop rule? We have our own system for classifying what is and isn't white, and people who aren't 100% aren't white.
On that note, this "identifying" with whatever race you chose to regardless of ancestry is why Cherokee Nations is having so many memberships problems. They have no minimum blood quantum, so any retard with a long lost ancestor can enroll and take their money. They need to man up and make the requirement 100%, because that's what a fucking Cherokee actually is. These people are mixed raced, so they aren't Cherokee. Get it? There's nothing wrong with being mixed, just don't try to claim a specific race. Call yourself mixed and be done with it.
Inb4 race is a social construct.
No. 15017
>>15014Race is a social construct.
You can't lie about your race, you can only misrepresent your heritage. And that's what OC is doing.
No. 15022
>>15014>A white person is someone of 100% European ancestryGoogle "definition of white person"
>white person
>A person of the Caucasian race (6 Fed. Rep. 256).Don't see a 100% anywhere, anon.
>If you do not have full European ancestry, then you're not white. Unless you are inbred, you are more than likely to have ancestry from at least one other race. :^)
>inb4 it doesn't matter, i-i still look white!! it's just one tiny drop! pls /pol/, i am still white master race, plsRace is not a social construct, but your retarded concept of classifying it on such ungrounded, arbitrary terms most certainly is.
No. 15036
File: 1411777634581.png (82.69 KB, 549x535, dfrg.png)

>>15022>>Unless you are inbred, you are more than likely to have ancestry from at least one other race. :^)citation needed>>Google "definition of white person"I know what you're saying here, but most of the people who are labeled as "white" by the United States Census Bureau aren't really white. They've changed the definition of white to match the definition of Caucasian. No one anywhere would ever call an Arab white, but they did it anyways to be sensitive to none-whites who identify as white. Race has become something that's a bit obscure to the government, they've relaxed their classification rules by a lot. However, that doesn't change biology.
>>15024Look at black Africans, then look at Obama. He doesn't look white, but he doesn't really look that black. Everyone refers to him as black, though it's obvious he's mixed.
>>15030You sound frustrated.
No. 15041
>>15036Are you fucking uneducated? Arabs are Caucasoid.
And feature-wise, white people might as well be Arabs with slightly different skin and hair pigmentation tbh
No. 15043
>>15036No one gives a flying shit. You're the one writing essays and posting infographics because you don't like people calling OC white.
She's white. Accept it.
No. 15045
>>15041They are Caucasoid, but they aren't white. Like I said, they changed the definition of white to match the definition of Caucasian. Google image search "Arab", they have very distinctive facial features.
>>slightly differentWe're pretty different looking, dude. I can see how we would look like Middle Easterns, though.
>>15043That's just, like, your opinion. Race isn't really an opinion, though.
No. 15046
>>15036>citation neededI'm not sure about Yurop, but if you are American, there is a pretty good chance you are a mutt of some sort. That's just how it is.
>I know what you're saying here, but most of the people who are labeled as "white" by the United States Census Bureau aren't really white.
**"They aren't white because I don't think they should be considered white."
>They've changed the definition of white to match the definition of Caucasian. But that's exactly what being white means. Caucasian heritage.
>No one anywhere would ever call an Arab whiteThey're Caucasoid.
>but they did it anyways to be sensitive to none-whites who identify as whitecitation needed No. 15055
>>15051I have no problem with someone calling themselves white if their skin is naturally white, regardless of what their ancestry is. And excluding skin conditions and albinism.
White is just a word for a color. Saying you're Cherokee when you're really 1/16 Native American is a completely different and unrelated issue.
I also have no problem with calling themselves "not white" even if they look white. They can think of themselves as whatever they want.
No. 15058
>>15057Okay, but language and culture changes over time. Now most people in the West don't use that definition anymore, except for a handful of people like you.
Lots of people also didn't consider Italians or Irish to be white back then, even though they were definitely European. There are all sorts of dumb historical definitions for words.
In contrast, the definition of "Cherokee" has remained the same and will never change.
No. 15059
>>15058>> Now most people in the West don't use that definition anymore, except for a handful of people like you.Lmao, are you kidding me? You'll never hear anyone say that Arabs or Middle Eastern people are white in the West. It's absurd.
Irish and Italians have always been considered white, Irish were just considered a lower/inferior form of white people. Whites discriminated against other whites quite often back then, but now all white Americans are considered the same group. Even today, in Europe, there's lots of people who don't like eastern European migrating into their countries because of economic reasons or because they want to preserve they're ethnicity/culture. They're still aware that Slavs are white, though, that doesn't mean all whites are on the same page.
No. 15060
File: 1411781492285.jpg (86.4 KB, 720x507, Princess_Lalla_Salma_of_Morocc…)

Are Berbers white?
No. 15065
File: 1411782885658.jpg (176.3 KB, 361x496, Asma_al-Assad.jpg)

Also Bashar al-Assad has a weird head shape but his dad and wife both look white, even though they're all Syrian.
No. 15066
>>15059Not true at all, Irish were considered by many to not be white when they first came here. Especially by fundamentalist protestant Americans.
Most people don't consider Arabs white because most of them do not have pale skin. Some Americans consider Persians white.
No. 15089
File: 1411791102344.jpg (2.04 MB, 2560x1600, new-world-order.jpg)

Dis chick won't go away?
Also her B.F. is okay with her whoring herself to older men and dressing like a luzli?
The freak is wrong with people.
ya'll disappoint me sons.
why aren't you all giving her the good ol' /B/ justice.
this trick abused /b/. she used and consumed to camwhore herself to the top. she deserves to be exposed. KEEP EXPOSING these fake busters.
No. 15122
>>15089go back to 4chan or whatever hole you crawled out of
>Also her B.F. is okay with her whoring herself to older men and dressing like a luzli?yes
No. 15202
>>15140Agreed, please don't shit up /pt/ threads with these discussions.
No. 15265
File: 1411867464657.jpg (285.17 KB, 1280x1080, 1410656340269.jpg)

>>15202I would like you to satisfy my curiosity – are we not allowed to dehumanize people on this board and exposed them for what they truly are? At the point where they could commit suicide by the stuff we say or post? Assuming that they know the existence of this site. Or.. is everyone here just to gossip and be bullies? I prefer the latter myself.
There's someone I'd like to leak photos of and tell everyone our grand stories/adventures we had. Unfortunately, recently came to a end and there is no going back. People need to know what a monster she is and will become. She'll only get worse as she grows. That is why I am here. This looks like a place where I can have some flexibility.
But to what end, mod. To what end can I go the furthest. All 18+ material, of course.
Thank you in advance.
No. 15271
>>15265Please see the rules: you think what you have to post is relevant lolcow material, then I'd recommend posting such things in the personal lolcow thread:'s up to the community to decide whether or not it's genuinely lolcow material or just vendetta/personal army bullshit.
Also, please don't encourage people to commit suicide or intentionally dehumanize them beyond what is typically done in posts that expose activities. That is, present facts and let people make their own judgments where possible.
No. 15273
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>>15267>>15268>>15271I see. This information proved to be useful. I will refrain from posting.
No. 15302
>>15089>/B/also please go away
>>14588You can be both. She's not a dom nor a switch. I don't want to stereotype, but at the very least girls who are into that tend to have a spine, if that makes any sense.
No. 15340
>>15338You're really creepy.
Any guy who would be attracted to someone who's entire thing is to look like a child… ew
No. 15364
>>15355At least you realise that there is a problem. Look at her this way: she looks cute but is only pretending to like you so you will give her stuff. She actually doesn't give a shit about you just your money.
Don't you deserve to be with someone who likes you for you? An adult that will reciprocate and be equal to you in the relationship? OC won't do that and neither will a child. OC will suck your wallet dry and move on. You will never be happy with a child (even though your base urge tells you otherwise) and eventually after living a lie will be caught out, sent to prison and some giant dude will make you his bitch.
Just go and talk to a professional. They can't arrest you for talking about it to a professional but they will when you act on it. Do it before some poor child is abused.
No. 15368
>>15364I'm not ever going to abuse a child, jesus christ. I've had a friends little sister crush on me and it was incredibly uncomfortable and creepy. I never felt like I was going to do anything, she's just a fucking kid.
I know they're like that, they pretend to like you. I seriously sometimes feel like I can't manage someone better. I am seeing a professional. Just feels like it's going so slow sometimes. And it's fucking frustrating when people like this are around and you know you're going to get hurt and it's just a fucking farce, but you're still attracted to them. It's so fucked. This one is never going to get my money though, trust me.
>>15362Eheh, how unexpected.
No. 15371
>>15370Yeah I don't think he's a pedo, otherwise we'd have to call everyone into age play a pedo.
What I do object to is OC obviously being into age play and denying it. It's her consistent hypocrisy that makes her a lolcow. There's even other "littles" on MFC who are up front with it.
No. 15452
>>15368Are you Beeblefox?
It would make sense if you were. I've always thought he was just a very clever actor/troll as opposed to a genuinely creepy person. And the things you're saying here are kind of similar to what Beeblefox was saying about her in his latest video.
No. 15497
>>15491I just realized she labels her ethnicity as "american indian"
for someone who whines about the sexuality of native american girls so much I don't know why she would do that and not just put "white"
No. 15515
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>>15491You'd think after trying this hard, she would have gone for a more 'youthful' less granny-style bra? That thing doesn't even look like it's supporting anything.
Also, dat haircut.
No. 15543
>>15497because she's a
~proud american native feminist who isn't afraid to express her sexuality~ and also does for
~medical reasons~, you racist scum!!1! stop oppressing her!!!!1!
#tw: racism #rape #mental health policing No. 15567
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No. 15574
>>14586. She pays her mom $600 rent a month so her mom must know where that money is coming from.
I've actually seen moms and daughters on MFC together (and sisters, even twins).
I've even heard models say that their mom was who told them to start camming (Emmy_Rose).
No. 15576
>>15574She talked about moving out at
>>5634 tho.
No. 16052
>>16049yeah, don't know what I was thinking really. I was thinking about giving more details to a specific anon but who am I kidding, I can't trust you guys to keep quiet.
talking to OC, I didn't know who she was.
she lied to me right off the bat, told me she had a bad online relationship with a creepy older boy who one day out of the blue posted her nudes on /b/, then doxed her, and had people calling her number when her dad died saying it was her fault.
after a little bit of research however, I found out she posted nudes, under trip, on /b/ and was a boxxy wannabe.
of all those heartfelt gushy stories she told me, I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Especially when she goes
"Here's a sad part of my life! teehee!
She also dropped contact randomly, she seems to really want to suck the most efamous peen she can. She did that to the other girl that knew her in this thread, and she did that to me. If she can find someone more famous than fullten, she'll do it to her.
She's a sweet girl, but the lying needs to stop. Until then, I feel she fully deserves whatever punishment the internet can give her.
She's too young for mfc, and clearly emotionally unstable. Her mom must be sick in the head as well to let her continue doing it.
No. 16082
>>16052Considering shes such a liar/manipulator.. shes really not a sweet girl.
Idk OC is pretty disgusting
No. 16092
>>16082other than that of course she is very sweet.
she just needs to drop that bullcrap and be a decent human being.
No. 16093
>>16092I dont really understand.
shes a shit person. you're saying "If she wasnt a shit person, she'd be really sweet" essentially..and…yeah… So would every other shit human being in the world
No. 16144
>>16093exactly. remove the most shit qualities and bam, normal human.
but at the same time, there are people who can't be saved because their entire personality is just absolute shit.
No. 16210
>>16144Her entire personality
is shit. If you've seen her be "sweet" or she's been that way to you, it was more than likely not sincere. She's a shit person, there's lots of them… The end.
No. 16212
>>16144I don't think I have ever actually seen her be genuinely sweet at all. I've seen her interact with people for many years and talked to her on a few occasions (yes, I'm a member of that other chan no one likes) and every "nice" thing she had ever said or done seemed very artificial and disingenuous.
I don't know exactly what is wrong with her but her view of the world and entire personality is very off.
No. 16214
>>16210I guess I'm a bit delusional and trying to find nice in her somehow.
believe it or not I first started showing hatred for her not because of this but because of her lazy shitstain of a boyfriend.
after they got engaged I might of well have bought a tshirt that said "OC's a dumb cunt" and worn it proudly into this thread.
>>16212maybe she was sweet to me because she was sucking up to me so hard.
No. 16218
>>16214shit, I should stop posting on 3 hours of sleep, I know that's a fact she was sucking up to my ass pretty hard. I could probably contact her again easily if I wanted.
If I had an MFC account, I'd tip for her to have two hard lemonades, ask her about "the mean people on the internet", and what her fiancee does for a living.
No. 16219
>>16216He actually doesn't like it.
He's just too lazy to get a job so he shrugs it off as "whatever"
if they lived together I'm 99% sure he'd just be leeching off her mfc funds
No. 16220
>>16219wait, so he's unemployed, has no money, doesn't like what she does for a living, AND is hideously ugly to boot?
he must have a huge dick, because he has no other redeeming qualities as a boyfriend so far
No. 16259
>>16220lives with his parents and still had the balls to propose to her. If I'm not mistaken the ring was a cheap as heck or something, nothing over $40
wouldn't be suprised if it was a dollar store one.
No. 16500
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>>16448probably an onion ring
No. 16688
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No. 16718
>>16703Man why do you need to excuse yourself for disagreeing with someone's opinion and not hating some random chick on the internet as much as they would like you to? I agree with you but it's kind of disgusting that people have to put "b-but I still hate her so much you guys I swear" so that your opinion isn't discredited.
>>16714It has nothing to do with having your shit together, and since this isn't the 1950s they don't have to support anyone other than themselves, get a job if you're so concerned about being fed.
My fiance doesn't expect me to support him so why should he have to "prove" that he can support me? Marriage is about working together and having a suitable life partner, so I don't see how value of the ring or its appearance matters. In the middle ages or whenever it used to be the only thing the woman would keep as her property when she was given away for marriage so it had to be expensive, but this is 2014 and having a simple ring is totally fine, especially for people who don't like flashy jewellery.
Besides, precious metals and semi-precious stones aren't THAT expensive that a student couldn't afford them after saving for a few months so that theory falls into water. All it shows is willingness to splurge on your SO which even a pimp does after beating his bottom bitch to a bloody pulp. It's not proof of good character except maybe you seeming like a gold digger.
No. 16734
>>16718But her fiancƩ doesn't support himself? He lives at home doing fuck all. OC is the only one who can apparently support herself.
I don't think you have to have a ring to "prove" anything if both people involved are cool with it, but getting married signifies you and your spouse are an independent unit. You can't actually achieve that if both parties can't or don't support themselves. OC might be able to but right now her fiancƩ isnt.
No. 16769
File: 1412538589061.jpg (69.75 KB, 724x724, 4-under-3000-diamond-engagemen…)

>inb4 OC posting a buzzword salad about engagement rings are tools to oppress minority 1/72 PoC native female patriarchy victims
No. 16770
>>16734So much fucking
this.No one here is sayin that engagement rings need to be flashy so much as saying that Jesse doesn't have his shit together and isn't ready for marriage. Marriage to me means that you're both ready and able to be an independent unit, which is also why I think it's stupid as fuck to get married and still live at home. You really need to have for shit together before you get married. One of the top reasons why people in America divorce these days is over financial problems. Jesse is a fucking lazy bum and OC will eventually get sick of him doing fuck all to support the household. At least, that's how most women with a brain will feel.
No. 16817
>>16798Haha wow. That is fucking retarded. 8 YEARS??? Most people want to wait a year or two but 8?
The thought of OC reproducing is a cringeworthy one at that. That child would have no hope. A crazy cam slut for a mother and a lazy fuck all do nothing for a father. Sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer.
No. 16826
>>16798A lot of young, unstable, inexperienced couples get engaged to show that it's "totes ssrly guise ~ togetha 4 evaa <3<3".
Luckily they usually break up before they marry.
No. 16926
>>16893>he gave me a proper ringthats how you know a man's serious.
giving you a cheap ring or no ring at all is just plain disrespectful.
No. 16949
>>16926Cheap ring yes, that tacky.
No ring, that depends. My parents were engaged but didn't have enough money for a ring while they were planning, and my mom got a small one which has been upgraded over the years. My husband bought me a ring but then got laid off right after so he has to sell it to pay for rent. Things like that happen but it doesn't mean it won't work out.
If the person is shallow or the relationship is immature and there's no ring, then yes I doubt it'll work.
Conversely when someone demands an expensive ring, despite the fiancƩ being able to pay for it, or having to go into debt, that's tacky too.
No. 17099
File: 1412734024805.gif (466.92 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lwvnbwjfoo1r3hcijo1_500…)

my experiences being the one OC brownnosed for a while summed up in one image
and some useful info (some which I've stated) and other things that you already know, but this is what I've learned
>Jesse is lazy trash who even jokes about how trash he is, OC will stand up for him, while whining about him at the same time
>the lying, dear god, why lie about something when all I have to do is google something
>endless "pity me stories" I don't think she's really that sick, but she just wants to be coddled and given more attention
>tumblr as fuck (obviously) doesn't want to deal with her "white privledge" and feel awkward, so she clings onto the only ounce of minority she has, like a lot of tumblrinas do (some even try to make themselves a minority)
>blames everthing that went wrong in her life on "having too big boobs" or "being too pretty" its like, no, bitch, you're a manipulative liar
No. 17134
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>>17132My money is on Ixnay on the Oddk/Ashe Marie/Kayla.
No. 17295
>>17207link to this?
what was said?
No. 17363

>>17134She already kissed up to her. Ashe and Charms ended up moving in together and doing some sessions IIRC before Charms went psycho bitch somehow and broke off that friendship.
Charms looks so unfortunate beside Ashe.
No. 18465
File: 1413683254491.jpg (351.15 KB, 501x1400, OCphotoshopbs.jpg)

No. 18491
>>18465She tries so hard to be one of those likable, interesting tumblr girls with a "IDGAF" attitude, but it's really awkward and cringy, considering how she keeps changing personalities all the time.
>>boxy impersonation shit>>"I'm so sweet and kind" PULL shit>>Injun dominatrix shitStap.
No. 18511
File: 1413723447042.png (332.16 KB, 564x591, 1411572366054.png)

>>18465Christ, it's like she saw this picture and tried to recreate it.
No. 18515
File: 1413724009473.jpg (620.04 KB, 1080x1920, Untitled-1.jpg)

She's so hi-res.
No. 18639
>>18603Oh fuck, I cringe whenever I hear someone use the phrase "patriarchy" IRL. It's bad enough online.
All the other cows here mildly amuse me, but I don't have anything personal against them. I feel like a few people here (myself included) actually like Pixy in a weird kinda way, too.
…but I genuinely dislike OC for some reason. I don't know what it is, and it's pretty stupid seeing as I don't personally know her, but she just seems like such a piece of shit. She's literally the only person posted on here that seems massively shitty beyond repair.
No. 18750
>>18729she doesn't like long hair because "boys will hit on me too much hehe"
so she gets ugly haircuts on purpose.
No. 18767
>>18763this is the same anon that used to know her.
its a mixture of the two.
No. 19135
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No. 19140
>>19135oh shit she's feeding it
she looks so old in this picture, wait is she naked?
No. 19186
>>19185Yeah, people were tipping her cause she said she'd take her bra off if she reached her goal.
She took her bra off but never showed her granny tits. Idg why people watch her.
No. 19247
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No. 19353
File: 1414147376172.png (195.77 KB, 361x361, aged_wb20141024053944161593[1]…)

No. 19414
>>19410Jesus christ, I was kidding
Heads up, if you send her a cum tribute she'll bitch you out, but go ahead if you want to. It'll be pretty funny.
I think Unichan would be the better place to ask on, though. All we have is shit like
>>362 and
>>13329 No. 19606
>>19598Oh my fucking goooood her voice is so shrill and unbearable.
You can tell she's trying to fucking hard to imitate Ten.
>I don't need your money, I got other guys>154 followers on TwitterNormally decent camgirls average 5-6k followers.
>15 mins>not one token was given No. 19625
>>19598"I don't like having sex"
What the fuck, why be in a relationship with someone when you don't even enjoy having sex with them? I just can't phantom this girl.
Also, if sex hurts, you're doing it wrong, sorry.
No. 19659
>>19625It makes her more special and unique.
Fits right in with her dad being dead, her having a weak heart, social anxiety, depression, a rape experience, a kidnapping experience, bullying incidents, weak lungs, agoraphobia, chronic nosebleeds…
What else am I forgetting?
No. 19666
>>19625not to defend her or anything but i'm the exact same way she is with sex. i don't get why sexless relationships are so confusing to people, everyone wants to be loved. and just because there's no sex doesn't mean the asexual partner/partner that just doesn't like sex doesn't do other things to satisfy their partner.
if she's being honest and not trying to use this to be special, she may not like sex because she and her boyfriend are inexperienced. my boyfriend and i are, and on rare occasions i enjoy sex but most of the time i hate it and it's painful.
hope i didn't come across as rude, i'm just clearing the air.
No. 20291
>>18750In order to get hit on by many people she would have to be attractive in some way… which she is not.
>>19625Sexless relationships exist.
No. 20325
File: 1414811280288.png (179.35 KB, 376x444, HE0ZVu9.png)

>the bigger the dick the more "that area" has to stretch
No. 20335
File: 1414818509032.png (273.21 KB, 455x329, 1340080983063.png)

>>She says it's not a real job whaaaa
>>she knows I want to be a voice actress
>>I have agoraphobia so I can't go outside or i cri ;_;
>>going to school was detrimental to my mental health, and now she wants to put me through that kind of situation again!
>>She doesn't have agoraphobia, she dunt understand boo hoo
>>I have no friends (who were you gonna hang out with, bitch?)
>>oh i also have ocd
>>my anxiety so crippling
>>You have to give me money before i add you to friends list
>>I was diagnosed with t professionally by some general family doctor so it's real okay?
No. 20338
>>20291True, sorry.
I meant, he obviously wants to have sex, she says she doesn't, because it's painful and she has little to no sex drive, so, maybe either just skip out on sex or at least do it right, yeah? My point was that she doesn't do it properly if it hurts.
>>20331I wish I could see this.
No. 21276
>>21273lying constantly "a meanie stalker pedo posted my picture on the 4chans and I got doxxed" (she posted these pictures herself on 4chan)
brown nosing then dropping girls when they are no longer of use to her (every one of her online 'friends' ever)
"teehee my dad's dead"
"teehee I was raped"
tripping on /b/ and posting nudes
constantly telling everyone on mfc how she hates their fat loser asses.
"I'm native american and get naked on cam but please stop fetishizing native american girls even though I'm white and am barely native american at all"
"they must hate me because my boobies are Sooooooo big"
pedo pandering yet saying she hates pedos at the same time.
or you know, you could read the thread and find out
No. 21282
File: 1415153905055.png (478.55 KB, 754x720, tumblr_ne313xdicu1r4132mo1_128…)

She looks soulless.
No. 21300
File: 1415159755002.png (91.81 KB, 1075x570, Capture.PNG)

>>21273except she purposely panders pedos and if you did read this thread you'd know that she tags herself as teen, school girl, young, etc.
No. 21351
File: 1415185636903.bmp (260.21 KB, 400x222, pigtails.bmp)

>>21273Orange, you DON'T look like a kid. It's all in your head.
You look like those bizarre random characters generated by The Sims and I swear you'll look like a freak show when you'll get older.
No. 21433
>>21282holy shit i cant think of the name of it but she looks exactly like that semi stop motion cartoon using photos of this bitchy ass girl with a bowl cut. her body was a black and white photo i think, but her hair was colored orange.
does anyone else remember what im talking about?
No. 21440
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No. 21479
>>21338That's a common trait found with hatred, no? Obsessiveness.
What's there to complain about?
No. 21488
>>21485oh god me too
I thought I was the only one
wtf is it about that character design that makes little girls go lesbian?
No. 22189
File: 1415580794312.png (751.25 KB, 723x720, tumblr_nesksqLQVy1r4132mo2_128…)

She's still wearing that plaid shirt?
No. 22257
>>22256of course not, she has agoraphobia and she can't go outside.
that's why she bought sunglasses
No. 25312
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No. 26144
File: 1416835522053.gif (268.74 KB, 500x543, tumblr_nfbubvxs5U1r4132mo1_500…)