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No. 190092
Meet Idol Aiya. She's been my personal Las Vegas lolcow for a while, along with Isaki, but I figured I should share since you guys might find her interesting.
>like 27, acts the same as she did in middle school>thinks she's an idol, tons of lulsy videos to go with it>mediocre/bad cosplay>considers herself an inspiration to others and will tell you all about her fanbase in person>went to conventions instead of seeing her dying father>is currently pregnant and naming her kid after sailor moon>boyfriend cheated on her so she decided to force him into marriage>THE BABY WILL FIX EVERYTHING!11Personal Facebook:"Idol" Facebook: couldn't decide whether she belonged here or in /snow/.
I'll post some caps and let you guys decide.
No. 190096
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sorry I'm so lazy and half-assed at censoring.
No. 190102
I'm having some technical difficulties posting but, I also forgot that she made a new idol facebook: keep getting "failed to resize image" message so if anyone knows what that is about..)
No. 190105
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No. 190113
>>190110I think she used to go by Motoko too?
But yea moving to California has not helped her personality in any way.
She is pretty much online constantly. Her boyfriend and her run their own "business". No. 190114
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this is the cheater boyfurendo.
(lets see if I can post unedited pictures at least)
No. 190116
File: 1444329666820.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-25-01-34-08…)

okay so I can't post anything edited so have some raw caps from my phone (I have a lot of notifs okay..)
No. 190117
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No. 190118
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No. 190121
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No. 190123
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Also the day before their engagement…
when I get this technical problem sorted out, I have a collage of the lulsy parts of the conversation
No. 190125
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she complains a lot about not being in vegas, since she has no friends outside of the middle school/high school group.
No. 190131
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>>190125case in point.
alright, done for now.
I'll try to stop fucking up my future posts.
No. 190149
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…. while pregnant.
No. 190151
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No. 190167
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She is a healthy food guru.
No. 190170
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Also I've always wondered if her gums are just the result of poor genes or something else.
No. 190174
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No. 190182
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omg I can't believe I fucked up the links. here's more:
this is her personal storenvy: idol fb: "business" storenvy: fb: couple page (I didn't know people made these??): I remember she used to have an etsy but idk what it was/if it is still around
No. 190185
>>190114How did she manage to get cheated on by such a disgusting lardass, like who would come even near that
top kek
some people have no standards
No. 190190
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>>190185idk but he is super gross.
He does work really hard to support her slightly less fat ass though (like two jobs or more if I remember correctly).
No. 190206
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Alright sorry for the delay but I had to track some of these down.
Basically her papa (who I forgot was her grandpa and not her dad), was sick and being cared for by her mother. But instead of saving up money to visit him, she basically blew all her money on cosplay and kawaii related stuff. Not to mention that despite multiple ride offers, she still used her car as an excuse not to make it down to Vegas.
After he died, her posts alternated from "I'm sad give me asspats" to "OMG look new anime-or-manga-related thing I'm so happy also look at how much cosplay I am working on" and a ton of check-ins at various stores. She started a kickstarter to have him cremated and people also donated enough money for her to drive to Vegas for the funeral (+ to Anime Expo on the way back).
Some of the posts have been deleted (there was one where she was essentially arguing with her mom about visiting), but I think the comments/timestamps on these kind of speak for themselves.