File: 1414641550762.png (247.39 KB, 1800x330, cow.png)

No. 19947
File: 1414642318091.png (1.36 MB, 1826x565, progress.png)

No. 19948
File: 1414642683955.jpg (61.97 KB, 377x507, fat fuck.jpg)

Mmmm duck face.
No. 19957
File: 1414647370250.jpg (55.1 KB, 500x483, geneticallysweet.jpg)

>mfw that's my post in pic
No. 19958
File: 1414647505500.jpg (98.05 KB, 640x640, 10693610_279559128918436_34899…)

I'll drop some shit.
No. 19960
File: 1414647640735.png (782.77 KB, 1178x702, fat fingers.png)

No. 19962
File: 1414647705658.jpg (72.59 KB, 640x640, closest thing to a dick.jpg)

No. 19970
File: 1414648726578.png (1.18 MB, 1305x790, Screenshot (245).png)

A "balanced lunch", guys..
No. 19971
File: 1414648810347.png (518.52 KB, 349x615, ffs.png)

No. 19972
File: 1414648861321.png (887.17 KB, 1292x777, Screenshot (244).png)

No. 19974
File: 1414648934103.png (881.7 KB, 1311x792, Screenshot (242).png)

No. 19975
File: 1414648992647.png (745.04 KB, 1308x779, Screenshot (243).png)

No. 19976
File: 1414649004188.png (724.28 KB, 461x614, save me.png)

>>19972So…she just…pulled it up? She makes it seem as though she sewed it.
No. 19977
File: 1414649066192.png (823.1 KB, 1300x787, Screenshot (240).png)

No. 19978
File: 1414649168767.png (525.65 KB, 1615x786, Screenshot (237).png)

No. 19979
File: 1414649243360.png (1.14 MB, 1298x785, Screenshot (234).png)

No. 19980
File: 1414649330821.png (294.71 KB, 1307x790, Screenshot (236).png)

No. 19982
File: 1414649535811.png (582.48 KB, 1290x779, toothless grandma look.png)

No. 19985
File: 1414649584548.png (844.2 KB, 1028x566, why nutella.png)

>oven baked chicken
Then why the hell is the nutella there?
No. 19987
File: 1414649840988.png (1.05 MB, 1030x616, snack.png)

No. 19988
File: 1414649929502.png (713.13 KB, 1192x842, your outfit is horrible.png)

No. 19989
File: 1414649976278.png (891.08 KB, 620x615, dat arm size.png)

No. 19990
File: 1414650030085.png (714.49 KB, 1217x727, but who was neck.png)

No. 19991
File: 1414650135878.png (617.84 KB, 1192x725, disgusting.png)

No. 19992
File: 1414650314328.png (564.29 KB, 1030x615, ratchet.png)

No. 19993
File: 1414650372300.png (700.93 KB, 1178x712, filthy.png)

No. 19994
File: 1414650525220.png (847.15 KB, 1032x616, no you dont.png)

No. 19995
File: 1414650567101.jpg (84.54 KB, 640x640, potato.jpg)

No. 19997
File: 1414650618265.png (715.04 KB, 459x614, is that food on her face.png)

No. 19998
File: 1414650663061.jpg (79.46 KB, 640x640, MOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg)

No. 19999
File: 1414650837218.png (983.69 KB, 1031x617, absolutely disgusting.png)

>>19998I'm so sorry! That was unintentional, but I still love your reaction.
No. 20001
File: 1414650912580.png (685.03 KB, 1025x615, wut.png)

No. 20003
File: 1414651176486.png (807.87 KB, 1027x614, huge.png)

It might just be me, but that serving looks freaking huge.
No. 20004
>>20003ALL her servings are huge. Like
>>19987 is supposedly a snack, it's the equivalent of a whole meal for most people.
No. 20005
File: 1414651418638.png (725.18 KB, 1026x614, frumpy obesity.png)

No. 20006
>>20004I know, but I was still hoping it was just the angle, unlike the snack pic.
Ugh, my stomach is almost heaving from the thought of that much food.
No. 20007
File: 1414651599762.png (882.57 KB, 1031x615, half the woman.png)

So much hope…
No. 20010
File: 1414651756472.png (926.72 KB, 1025x616, ugh.png)

>>20009She probably did and had to return it.
No. 20011
File: 1414651823246.jpg (Spoiler Image,253.36 KB, 1280x960, disgustingcow.jpg)

No. 20012
File: 1414651863910.jpg (126.89 KB, 640x640, fucking shit.jpg)

No. 20013
File: 1414651932016.png (1.06 MB, 1026x616, hfs.png)

No. 20014
File: 1414651982172.png (693.91 KB, 1194x721, LEL LIKE A BALLERINA.png)

No. 20015
File: 1414652090487.png (943.97 KB, 619x617, flapper.png)

Halloween "flapper-girl" costume
No. 20016
File: 1414652115329.png (732.53 KB, 1189x720, sucking it in still.png)

No. 20018
File: 1414652413576.png (770.84 KB, 617x612, bleh.png)

No. 20020
File: 1414652520088.png (919.99 KB, 1026x614, omg.png)

Think she ate all of this?
No. 20021
File: 1414652621451.png (817.52 KB, 1195x723, kill yourself quirky.png)

No. 20022
File: 1414652760586.png (914.47 KB, 1031x616, kid bite.png)

Wow, her as a kid.
No. 20024
File: 1414652928604.png (777.6 KB, 615x616, drunk derp is strong in this o…)

No. 20026
File: 1414653035250.jpg (63.28 KB, 640x640, WHAT THE FUCK NO.jpg)

No. 20028
File: 1414653102125.jpg (89.22 KB, 640x640, hurrhurrhurr.jpg)

No. 20031
File: 1414653373583.png (843.46 KB, 1027x614, fucking disgusting.png)

No. 20032
File: 1414653504129.png (1 MB, 1295x777, boo fucking hoo.png)

No. 20033
File: 1414653585808.png (1.16 MB, 1296x775, Screenshot (248).png)

No. 20034
File: 1414653667384.png (1010.44 KB, 1027x614, time for a heartattack.png)

No. 20035
File: 1414653667390.png (964.22 KB, 1284x774, Screenshot (246).png)

No. 20036
File: 1414653743419.png (712.21 KB, 1311x764, Screenshot (247).png)

No. 20037
File: 1414653778028.jpg (60.63 KB, 640x640, JESUS FUCKING.jpg)

No. 20038
File: 1414653829619.png (809.68 KB, 1026x614, only a serving.png)

No. 20041
File: 1414654104493.png (861.47 KB, 1193x811, fuck no fatass.png)

No. 20043
File: 1414654286581.png (757.86 KB, 1202x791, gross.png)

No. 20045
File: 1414654638842.jpg (70.57 KB, 640x640, fat fuck.jpg)

No. 20046
File: 1414654765375.jpg (67.35 KB, 640x640, but how.jpg)

No. 20048
File: 1414654901725.jpg (61.69 KB, 640x640, ew die.jpg)

No. 20050
File: 1414655240482.png (740.83 KB, 1188x714, clueless fat bitch.png)

No. 20067
>>19999>>19969wtf. Is her brother her feeder or something?
How can her family look at her & not see a problem?
If my sister was that fat I would just bawl my eyes out because I wouldn't want her to DIE from just being a morbidly obese fuckton of lard.
>>20015>flapperyeah flappin those bingo wings.
No. 20092
>>19970EWWWW This is so disgusting, it can't be delicious, and imagine how tired she must feel after all those simple carbohydrates.
This is not balanced at all.
No. 20097
File: 1414680175831.png (1.28 MB, 1475x591, ddd.png)

I was gonna join in with you guys, but look at what she does to h8rs.
No. 20099
Oh, and her surname is 'Skaggs' in case anyone cares. Rosie Jean Skaggs.
She mentioned and showed her dad in one of the instagram photos in this thread, so I recognised him and found his fb account. No. 20100
File: 1414681319751.jpg (72.13 KB, 573x771, Itried.jpg)

I tried to thin her face down to see what she'd look like as a normal person. It doesn't look anything like her anymore
No. 20109
>>19965This is terrifying.
I also wonder if her features are actually deformed by fatness (as in, she'd have been a pretty girl if she weren't fat) or if they were always sort of weird…though her making retarded duck faces certainly isn't helping.
No. 20112
File: 1414687700842.jpg (260.29 KB, 1198x900, winter_efteling_holle_bolle_gi…)

>>19971>>20076She legitimately looks like this trash can in my local theme park.
No. 20115
File: 1414690353497.png (887.08 KB, 1163x663, dsg.png)

No. 20116
File: 1414690403972.png (152.94 KB, 736x220, efsfd.png)

No. 20117
File: 1414690565757.png (1.61 MB, 1317x681, diabeetus.png)

mmm diabeetus…
No. 20118
File: 1414690702518.jpg (42.84 KB, 720x960, jhi.jpg)

No. 20122
>>20109I think her nose is just sort of ethnic, while the rest is due to her body running out of places to store fat. I'm going off of her picture as a kid to get a feel of what her features would normally look like.
>>20022She's kind of fat as a kid too, though, which tells me she was raised with poor eating habits.
No. 20124
>>20007>>20001These women would be considered 'plus size' and curvy in the model world. I think they look grata and I don't consider them fat at all. I knacks obese people probably think they look like said people but it's so far from reality.
And her portions make me gag. I can't even stomach the idea of eating that much. Ugh no wonder she's so big.
No. 20128
>>19976DON'T LAUGH
No. 20129
File: 1414696028115.jpg (64.87 KB, 720x960, ujujuj.jpg)

>>20122Oh ya, her bro is fat too. Many family members and friends around her are on the chunky side, if not horribly fat too.
No. 20130
>>20003This is a reasonable meal if you haven't eaten all day long, and even then I don't think I'd be able to finish it, wtf.
Also, she doesn't need that fanta lol
No. 20140
File: 1414704422039.jpg (196.28 KB, 1000x750, babeanddaughters.jpg)

She kind of reminds me of a really fat Babe Ruth. Here's a cute picture of him and his daughters.
No. 20144
>>20097all you have to do is walk at a brisk pace to guarantee a getaway.
She'll be too busy fondling the folds of her fat trying to find the holster.
No. 20179
>>20025Can you delete comments on ig ? That demented chika sounded like she suggested QR lose weight and everyone jumped on her.
I couldn't tell why her arm was discolored and if it has stretch marks on it.
No. 20182
File: 1414721669968.jpg (77.51 KB, 469x444, fupa dupa.jpg)

she's got a front butt.
No. 20183
No. 20184
File: 1414722109241.jpg (92.45 KB, 640x640, HIS FACE LOL.jpg)

No. 20191
>>20187..She makes like zero sense. She bitches CONSTANTLY and I mean literally every. single. fucking. day on Instagram about the attention she gets from guys sending her dick pictures, hitting on her, and fetishizing her weight.. Yet, that's where she dropped nudes? Are you for real right now?
This fucking cunt, smfh..
No. 20192
File: 1414725764452.jpg (32.12 KB, 306x306, curves.jpg)

No. 20194
File: 1414726248708.png (793.33 KB, 1095x868, Screenshot (250).png)

No. 20195
File: 1414726392510.jpg (216.32 KB, 826x828, flapper moar liek fatter.jpg)

No. 20196
File: 1414726671847.png (1.01 MB, 1217x807, Screenshot (251).png)

No. 20197
File: 1414726709207.png (14.84 KB, 516x192, the irony.png)

No. 20201
>>20196Hahahaha jesus christ if I didn't know any better I'd really think this was just another greasy fedora neckbeard dude
No. 20215
>>20208Anon, I will never again feel insecure when those fat cunts in my college cafeteria glare at me when I have a full tray.
Thank you. I can sleep peacefully.
No. 20216
>>20195Halloween "flapper" costumes never fail to get me unreasonably angry.
>>20196Why is it that I know of so many fugly heavy-to-obese snowflake types with that exact same color hair? It's always a gross mixture of yellow and teal with obvious brown roots.
No. 20231
>>20229I mentioned that in the other fat thread, but another anon did pose a good point; Her followers are just as deluded as she is and are likely to just sob about it and move on to coddling the next fat person.
I don't want to believe that that would happen, but all things considered with this bullshit movement? I can't say I'd be surprised if it did. Aggravated beyond words, but not surprised.
No. 20249
>>20230They simply mean "honor my fatness".
It's a way for them to glorify their body while mixing this sassy, confident attitude they like to pull off. In the end it's just a big way to patch their very own insecurities.
It's sad because all the effort they make to force everyone to love them and "accept" them could be used into other things like actually losing weight.
No. 20282
File: 1414775618125.png (699.13 KB, 915x495, ff.PNG)

A whole stick? For one portion or for more servings? I really want to know lol she can't possibly mean for one serving but then again look at her
No. 20296
>>20289Now I just feel sick.
6805 fucking calories?! Fuck me, that's just insane.
Also, thanks, going to go do an extra set or five today.
No. 20299
>>20282Reminds me of Mama June's sketti recipe.
1 Pound spaghetti
3/4 Cup ketchup
3/4 Cup butter or margarine
I think someone on /ck/ or /co/ made it once.
No. 20319
File: 1414800355349.jpg (819.95 KB, 1348x3750, image.jpg)

>>20302They got sick.
I couldn't find the archive thread but here's an image cap. for higher quality.
>>20307Yeah they didn't feel too good.
>>20308Velveeta is pretty soft on its own and adding butter to it would wash out the processed cheese flavor.
No. 20329
File: 1414816155758.jpg (81.22 KB, 640x640, ugh.jpg)

No. 20357
File: 1414832840396.jpg (67.23 KB, 640x640, more stupid faces.jpg)
>IM GETTING OLD QQQQQQQQQQQReally, fat ass? That's the least of your problems..
No. 20368
>>20024>>20018>>19997>>19971I can't get over these. They are incredibly ugly. What makes you look at this picture and say 'great, I'm gonna put this on Instagram.'?
Especially this
>>19971 No. 20370
File: 1414841255831.jpg (144.79 KB, 831x871, 2.jpg)

>>20368The delusion that she's doing the same as attractive people.
No. 20372
File: 1414845540120.png (264.36 KB, 500x346, Johanna2.png)

>>20370Yeah, because Johanna-Photoshopped-As-Fuck-Herrstedt is hella attractive
No. 20373
File: 1414846253710.jpg (22.76 KB, 400x400, 0.jpg)

>>20372Ok anon, Rosie is more attractive than Johanna, you caught me.
No. 20374
File: 1414846546761.jpg (134.53 KB, 176x420, 10469093_663427803771310_45623…)

>>20373Insult a lolcow with another photoshopped lolcow
No. 20375
File: 1414847286857.jpg (36.41 KB, 433x365, <johanna <lolcow.jpg)

No. 20380
>>20370To be fair, when anyone does the purposeful ugly-face(especially more than once)it's infuriating. It just screams "LOOK AT ME, I'M SO RANDUM AND UNIQUE!"
>>20184Her "BITCH DON'T KILL MY VIBE" t-shirt is beyond corny. Oh my fucking god, it's killing me. This contrived ~sassy~ personality that everyone and their grandma is trying to cultivate is so fucking boring, annoying, and embarrassing.
No. 20381
File: 1414850260404.png (472.87 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_2014-11-01-08-53-15…)

No. 20382
File: 1414850616531.png (533.13 KB, 720x1227, Screenshot_2014-11-01-08-56-44…)

No. 20383
File: 1414850679762.png (542.49 KB, 720x1230, Screenshot_2014-11-01-08-57-00…)

No. 20384
>>20191It's probably the insecurity/fake confidence thing again. She wants the validation of being desirable to men but doesn't want to be seen as someone who needs validation from men because she's a strong independent womyn. The way she really is doesn't match the image she's trying to portray, which is the image that gets her all these followers and asspats. So she posts nudes to BBW places to get attention from men and then complains to her Instagram to get attention from other women (and possibly some men who might appreciate being directed to the BBW places).
It sounds exhausting, really.
No. 20385
File: 1414850764840.png (808.35 KB, 720x1230, Screenshot_2014-11-01-08-58-05…)

Anyone know why she's always eating off paper plates? My sister and I think it's cause she's fat and lazy.
No. 20392
File: 1414851350696.png (942.49 KB, 1090x606, fsdfdfdsfdffd.png)

No. 20410
File: 1414852912700.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.92 KB, 480x640, proxy.jpg)

No. 20428
>>20424Yeah, that's why my sister and I think it's the fat factor.
My family and other families I know use ceramic. Some use plastic because they have young kids, but still.
No. 20449
File: 1414874365542.gif (4.45 MB, 832x358, post-26672-I-just-threw-up-in-…)

>>20439This better be fake.
No. 20450
>>20443>>20442This is like a nightmare
Thanks anon I have PTSD now
No. 20461
>>20460I did consider it unfortunately.
I'd be shocked if Rosie could wash thoroughly.
No. 20467
File: 1414878262980.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1543, Screenshot_2014-11-01-14-40-15…)

>>20465Someone is obsessed with themselves for no good reason
No. 20469
>>20467Ah. I see.
She could use some squats.
No. 20481
File: 1414881374682.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_2014-11-01-15-31-07…)

Wow who would actually send her shit like what does she actually do?
Also can someone please post the whale dramu between her and randomlancila?
No. 20482
>>20467Ugh, yeah.. This creature.. She takes pictures of herself half naked while eating pizza and thinks its sexy.. Honestly, its just sickening. These two have made me like scared to ever eat pizza again despite the fact that nobody in my family is predisposed to get obese and I don't gain weight in my gut. It sounds retarded, but just.. Dude, after seeing these two and what they shovel down it fucking makes me nauseous. I see pizza and now all I think of is them. I didnt even friggin eat fast food more than probably once every two months and its only ever pizza or Panera.. Fucking fuck fuck.
These bitches make me feel like vomiting up everything..
No. 20487
>>20481I don't know about the drama between them but I read randomlancila's FAQ and holy god:
> So hi! My nameās Amber, Iām a 27 year old fat queer intersectional feminist from the general Boston area. Other buzzwords that could probably define me are anti-theist, body-positive, and mentally ill (Borderline Personality Disorder, anxiety, depression, just to name a few.) I have my good days and my bad days. Iāve been self-harm free for over a decade now! >(Borderline Personality Disorder, anxiety, depression, just to name a few.) A sure sign of the most special of snowflakes, "I have upwards of 20 mental disorders"
No. 20491
>>20486I know, I know and I'm not trying to be all MUH TRIGGERZ or shit, but I have literally NEVER seen anyone this huge in my life. The biggest was that Latino man on TLC who was stuck in his bed, but I really thought that was a rare case because I was a teenager at the time. I have a small headache right now, I'm angry, and I wish I could just beat the shit out of this girl because it's seeming impossible for me to process her lifestyle. It feels like just saying 'well, shes careless' is just too easy of an answer and all too common. I just am unable to understand how one allows themselves to get to this point. I don't understand how you look at pictures from high school and then at yourself now and honestly think that you've made any sort of progress.. She's gotten fucking bigger and I feel like she's only going to keep getting bigger despite the bullshit Advocare program she claims to be on.
I don't know how or why, but knowing that there are unhealthy people getting praised for taking pictures of themselves barely clothed while scarfing fast food is making me irrationally angry and upset and fuck I just need some tea right now..
No. 20505
File: 1414887103312.png (913.67 KB, 1306x773, Screenshot (252).png)

Beautiful soul.
Beautiful. Soul.
>lies about having been raped for attention
>demonizes anyone thinner than her as "triggers"
>encourages other girls to stay fat or get fatter
>bawws about negative attention yet brings it all upon herself by dropping nudes and instigating fights
>gives her Father a bunch of candy as a gift after his close friend does of obesity related causes
>acknowledges in one breath (or gasp) that she's unhealthy yet continues to eat like shit
>attacks former fatties who lost the weight
>leeches off of others for free gifts, food, and money
Okay, sure. Such a beautiful soul.
No. 20515
File: 1414888008606.png (264.68 KB, 1179x762, Screenshot (253).png)

No. 20516
>>20513That red lipstick too
Like it's pretty hard to pull off in general but being shit with makeup and being a fatty-chan makes it 10x worse
I think the thing that bugs me the most is she could practice with her winged eyeliner instead of actually being in public with a crooked line going about an inch away from her eye.
No. 20521
File: 1414888928422.jpg (86.55 KB, 640x640, fat fucker.jpg)

No. 20523
File: 1414889007183.png (660.59 KB, 1033x906, Screenshot (256).png)

No. 20524
File: 1414889109130.png (597.26 KB, 1091x914, Screenshot (257).png)

No. 20527
File: 1414889199083.png (20.11 KB, 795x188, loloaypig.png)

No. 20528
File: 1414889440567.png (1.08 MB, 1306x779, Screenshot (233).png)

No. 20531
File: 1414889956554.jpg (111.79 KB, 640x640, more fit trolling.jpg)

One of the tags is #pizzawrath. How fucking pathetic, bitch you have zero wrath. You have an army of weak minded followers and deep down, you're all fucking alone.
I hate her. I hope someone hits her with a car or ends her. She's a piece of shit.
No. 20532
File: 1414889997768.jpg (87.55 KB, 640x640, fit trolling again.jpg)

No. 20533
File: 1414890143585.png (450.96 KB, 1028x899, Screenshot (261).png)

No. 20534
File: 1414890270209.jpg (94.94 KB, 640x640, e-ew.jpg)

No. 20535
>>20534>comparing herself to glowpinkstahRosie, no.
Gloria fully admits to her size and what health issues that can come with it, as well as the fact that she's been slowly but steadily losing weight over the last like, year I think.
She's pretty much the exact opposite of Rosie and her attitude of absolute denial.
No. 20537
>>20530Yeah, I agree the main problem is probably o do with the undertones of her lipstick and skin. I still kinda feel like no matter how good her makeup was it's kinda wasted on her when she's that big.
You're kidding about the eyeliner though, right? Sorry about my autism.
No. 20538
Speaking of makeup:
>>20012>>20048I'm not really that great with makeup, so I'm wondering if her lipstick is that shit because she's just really bad at makeup or it's kinda bleeding because it's such bad quality stuff? Maybe a combination of the two?
No. 20539
>>20538It's both. She's flaunted the brand before. It's called City Color. It's three dollars. It's shit you get from beauty box subs or drugstores. She's not using quality, lip liner, and take into account that she's a massive fat ass with no steady hand (a la, her constantly crooked eye liner). Her lipstick wouldn't bleed if she bought a quality one and used a liner. Doesn't even have to necessarily be matte, just needs to be not shitty.
Also, she probably sweats a lot considering her size. She also probably doesn't use any primers.
No. 20546
>>20543She's probably also using crappy shampoo and conditioner (not sure if she is even using that).
Either way her hair looks so unhealthy.
No. 20582
>>20497Comments - fat people should stop eating so much though
it's a good pic tho
No. 20606
File: 1414901320955.jpg (82.68 KB, 640x640, ew why no.jpg)

amg lyke new pic gaiz
No. 20615
No. 20618
>>20610I've read it but I assumed she said those things in the past and that she now decided she didn't want to change.
I think she's trying to gain sympathy on all angles - trying to get healthy, being obese and proud, fashion and makeup queen, loves herself etc
No. 20625
File: 1414905163914.png (45.53 KB, 574x406, how about no.png)

Is she seriously whining for a tv show to save her from being harassed..
No. 20652
File: 1414911092422.png (54.04 KB, 581x429, because you do.png)

No. 20700
>>20453I was talking to this girl once, and she told me about this woman she knew. She was morbidly obese and somehow managed to get a guy to want to fuck her. They're getting down to business and the guy is moaning away, doing his thing.
She then stops him and tells him he has his dick in her belly button. So I guess it's just like what
>>20455 said. Just stick it in and hope for the best.
No. 20701
>>20514I think it's someone who feels they were wronged by lolcow and want to make us look like racist retards.
Edji comes to mind, and a few other pull users. Not to mention raven.
No. 20703
>>20535Yeah man, I love love LOVE glowpinkstah. She may be fat, and I'm a bit sad about the impact that will have on her health, but she's not delusional, she knows she's fat and she knows that it's a problematic thing.
She knows how to take a joke, has real confidence etc.
She's what rosie WISHES she could be but never will because rosie is a bitter cunt deep down.
No. 20705
File: 1414937253982.jpg (83.06 KB, 902x960, trtr.jpg)

No. 20728
>>20702She's really huge, I can't imagine how much she actually eats to keep it up.
But I can imagine what the bathroom must smell like after she's done with it. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I bet it smells rotted and rank. She eats too much red meat. She eats too much.
Red meat reeks when you shit it out.
Do you guys think she has a special toilet?
No. 20763
>>20734Yep. So imagine her grunting away on the golden throne, for 20 minutes, trying to squeeze a painful hard turd made of carbohydrates and fat out, nary a fibre in sight.
I bet it smells rotten, causes her pain, and occurs once a week. But yeah, health at erry size guys.
No. 20794
>>19981"U have a beautiful body like a goddess from heaven"
LOL wut
No. 20830
>>20453Just like thin people have sex.
What are you guys fuking retarted?
No. 20853
>#grosspeoplearegross>says the one of the grossest lolcows ever No. 20864
>>20830Not really, no.
Morbidly obese people often lack flexibility and stamina to perform sex in a satisfactory manner.
Their physical condition doesn't allow them to do much in bed, plus the potential risk of them breaking furniture, for example, or having to stop in the middle of the whole thing to catch some breath.
If walking a mile makes fat people sweat profusely and short of breath, imagine sex.
No. 20867
>>20851In all honesty, I've never seen or heard of anyone eating off paper plates everyday, no matter how poor and trashy they may be. I'm pretty sure that the reason hamplanet here eats off them so much is because she gets take out multiple times a day. That, or she's just incredibly fucking lazy and would rather spend money than wash a plate. Like in
>>20038 she seems to have a normal plate.
No. 20870
File: 1414995574276.png (1.04 MB, 1030x619, ew.png)

>>20869Wish I was kidding when I asked.
Have another paper plate full of yum.
No. 20872
>>20182That girl on the right does not to belong.
Seriously, throw some cleaner eyeliner and a new hairstyle on her and she'd be a cutie.
No. 20884
File: 1414999727911.jpg (13.52 KB, 214x317, oliverpratt.jpg)

Am i the only one who sees the resemblance?
No. 20894
>>20867well foreverkailyn also eats off paper plates a lot so let's go through the check list;
>fat>lazy>poorI think I'm seeing a pattern…
No. 20956
>>20932It's probably more expensive in the long run, but a single packet of paper plates is cheaper than a single set of ceramic plates. So if someone only has $5 to spend on plates, they might as well go for the cheapest option.
So I'd say it's indicative of an inability/unwillingness to save up. Possibly in addition to laziness since with paper plates there's no need to do the dishes.
No. 20995
File: 1415046395797.png (611.12 KB, 1035x621, wordyblahblah.png)

No. 21007
File: 1415051357221.png (56.15 KB, 582x460, Screenshot (290).png)

>>20625This post is so fucking entitled. She's acting like people calling her 'fat' or 'lazy' is a crime. You don't just get to assign the term "harassment" to anything that you don't like to hear or don't agree with. Unless people are actively trying to do bodily harm to you or making death threats, which they haven't been, you can't do shit. Also, "saved"? Saved. That shit killed me right there. What the fuck are you getting saved from? "Mean" comments from strangers on the internet? Are you fucking serious right now? What happened to the 9001 post this cunt has made about DURRHURR IDC WAT PPL SAY BOUT ME XDDDD IDC IDC YOLO #HONORMUHCURVES ..?
Seriously, what a stupid piece of shit. I hate her.
No. 21010
>>21007>lazy>so entitled>so privilegedYeah, Rose, because you totally aren't any of those exact things you're bitching about. Also..
>weh imma sleep all dayGood job, fat fuck. That's just what you need; To be more sedentary.
No. 21012
>>21007I'm friends with her on FB (not like friends friends, just that I can see her statuses) and she uses the word "Literally" all the fucking time, in every fucking post, in the wrong context.
I don't think she knows what literally really means. She just uses it to make her idiot posts sound more intelligent.
Hint: They make you look dumber quirky.
No. 21014
>>21012I hate it when people do that. It's worse than using "like" in every sentence. Even as someone who isn't good at english it annoys me so much.
Also how does she dare to talk about privilege when she can afford to eat herself to death, posting shit on the internet every day and being able to afford being lazy all the time? …I wonder how much money she spends on food every month.
No. 21021
>>21018You're welcome for the horror / lulz.
How old is she?
No. 21024
>>21022Oh wow. I was going to assume but I didn't want to feel sad.
Isn't that how old Saxy is too?
No. 21034
>>21025>>21031If you've ever seen any of those exaggerated faces some asian girls can pull, you can get an idea of how my sister's face was. Freaking priceless.
No. 21038
File: 1415063306488.png (1.03 MB, 1038x622, wheres the cheese.png)

>>21035I might be a little.
Anyway, back to Deathfattie Rosie.
Has anyone seen what her mom looks like yet? I've only seen her dad and brother.
No. 21039
>>21038ya, you can find her on fb easy peasy, looks like a sallow old lady
I'm surprised nobody has sent her nudes and dick sucking pics to her mum and dad, would be lulzy
No. 21046
File: 1415064282119.png (833.05 KB, 1035x619, unacceptable.png)

>>21039Forgot about fb, I'll have to take a look.
You've got a point, but I think it might just be more fun to watch and document like we have been.
No. 21050
>>21046Oh ya, I would hate for one of us to do such a thing, we should like you said, stay silent and keep documenting.
I wonder if the anyone on the cwciki forums or reddit had the idea though. Maybe they don't even know what her parent's facebook accounts are? Sometime I feel like sharing info outside of lolcow, because we have such juicy deets.
No. 21051
>>21050hah I got her mixed up with raven there, not a huge mistake to make, considering they're both fat as fuck.
Is she known to cwciki or anywhere outside of lolcow?
No. 21053
>>21051lol, and both aren't much of a looker either
Not that I know of.
No. 21061
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No. 21062
>>20956Just pointing out with having dishes that would mean the money to either have a dishwasher and detergent to wash those dishes and pay the water/electric bill or paying for soap and stuff if washing by hand.
But I still would bet she uses paper plates so she doesn't have to clean all the dishes she would have from constantly eating.
No. 21082
File: 1415070139552.png (812.23 KB, 1032x619, stupid.png)

Her blurb for the photo was stupidly long. Kinda long-winded isn't she?
No. 21083
File: 1415070266718.png (624.68 KB, 895x612, ewww.png)

I feel nauseated.
No. 21096
>>21046She's fucking disgusting. I don't care. I wish someone would fire those nudes off to her parents. People act like she would trace it back to here when she'd just start shit with Reddit or mystery hackers.
Hell, she's acknowledged her nudes like a month ago. It would just make her posts funnier.
No. 21102
>>21082>eating fast is an eating disorder…wat?
Also, the way she tags everything is super annoying. I hate people who do that.
No. 21105
File: 1415078812017.jpg (37.9 KB, 419x296, 1402608335728.jpg)

Holy shit, how does one even get so fat and disgusting?.. like, her food portions will feed my entire family for a week (I'm exaggerating but JFC)
No. 21107
>>20995>you're life>you'refuck I'm not even a native english speaker and seeing someone using
you're instead
your makes me cringe
No. 21110
>>21082I just knew that she ate like a fucking monster. I can even picture just slurping and shoveling food into her mouth and not really tasting it until the last bite.
Then she's like, "SO YUMMY!! XD".
Bitch you barely enjoyed your food. You keep running back for seconds or getting massive portions because you literally/s can't taste your food until the last of it is in your mouth.
No. 21111
>>21098She says she is seeing doctors to treat her binging, but she has made no progress at all. I first knew of her last february and she really shows absolutely no progress.
When confronted about it she gets defensive and people kiss her ass.
No. 21113
>>21111That's honestly probably a sign that she's not seeing any doctors and is full of shit. Remember those so called diabetes tests we never heard about again? We never see any proof of visits or hear updates. I think she lies to keep 'trolls' off of her back.
No. 21117
File: 1415084605963.png (1.07 MB, 1034x619, sandwiches.png)

No. 21118
File: 1415084657204.png (838.51 KB, 1035x620, shes got two butts.png)

>never for attention
No. 21120
>>20956so wasteful…people like this are the reason our planet is dying
>>21062>dishwasher what is so bad about washing by hand? almost no one I know has a dishwasher
No. 21127
>>21012I used to follow this lolcow from SR named Throh, she always did that too.
This one time she called someone who was trolling her a "literal adult" What the hell is a literal adult anyways? Oh and this was all while Throh herself was 19 so an adult herself.
No. 21131
>>21128haha I saw your other post in the other thread.
No problem, anon! She is less lulzworthy than she used to be though, I guess she grew up a bit…a tiny bit
No. 21156
>>21117Why does she need 2 sandwiches?
She needs to step up her sandwich game. Delux sandwiches are where it's at. She could make egg and tomato and avocado on wheat or add tomato and lettuce and peppers too if she wants meat.
When she said there was a lot of fat (on the plate) I read it as "I have a lot of fat" and was impressed she would admit it like that. Too bad.
>>21125If you switch her meat with vegetables (like Creed from The Office) I doubt she'll notice since she inhales her food like Kirby.
No. 21167
>>21062>>21120Handwashing isn't that much effort. The only person I know who uses a dishwasher regularly is stuck in a wheelchair, everyone else just takes ten minutes out of their night to wash by hand. It also doesn't take much water or detergent. I only have to buy a new bottle of detergent like every two years. Handwashing your dishes is definitely the poorfag way to go.
>>21118>MAN my eyeliner has improvedIn the sense that there's now usually less of it, maybe.
No. 21168
File: 1415120354169.jpg (92.41 KB, 640x640, no.jpg)

She looks so greasy
No. 21184
File: 1415128365503.jpg (57.29 KB, 643x360, image.jpg)

>>21176The resemblance is uncanny.
No. 21186
>>21082>2 tablespoons of mustardEw. Eeeew. She knows that just because it says "1 serving" doesnt meab you need that much, right?
Oh, wait.
No. 21197
>>21175It isn't just you. I would be, too. I can only imagine the stares you'd get from being beside her. She probably walks slow and smells terrible. I could see myself punching her if she made one of the stupid faces she often makes on selfies; The 'Im too fat to close my mouth fully' look or those intentionally ugly faces. Both are infuriating, but the latter just invoke crowbar to her face fantasies. She's ugly enough as it is, making even dumber faces doesn't really help her case.
Also, the gross ass video on IG of her eating condensed soup on camera. Staring at the camera as if she was impressive or cute and needing to see her fat mouth around a spoon twice was nauseating. I hope she gets brutally fucking beaten one of these days.
No. 21213
File: 1415134630987.png (1.08 MB, 1035x621, no veg.png)

>>21197I'm going to regret asking, but which video is that? I usually avoid them due to her squeal-y voice.
No. 21214
File: 1415134820460.png (766.24 KB, 1032x619, aint cute yo.png)

No. 21222
>>21221She only seems to eat carrots and those have sugar in them, anyway. But, of course, according to that stupid cunt its 'super yum' and she knows jack shit.
Why do fat people always make the fucking dumbest, most childish ways of expressing what they eat? Super yum? Are you fucking four? SO YUMMY AMG XDDDDD1111
Fuck just go die. I wish RosƩ would get hit by a car or beaten.
No. 21228
File: 1415138568943.png (47.86 KB, 333x286, chival.png)

>>21117Is she trying to say that this is a healthy and balanced meal? When she has a Nature Valley "Protein" bar which might as well be a candy bar and are those CANDIED almonds? Not even any fucking lettuce on her sandwiches either.
No. 21244
File: 1415141992029.png (877.65 KB, 1387x688, lel.png)

lol this really bothers me
No. 21247
>>21240>that's very unkindToo bad? She's a piece of shit who is completely proud of her actions. She wants to act like she's such a victim yet all she's ever done is instigate shit with others and when she's called out, whip out her persecution complex and wait for the cavalry to arrive.
>baw baw dun fetishize meh #iamnoturfetish!1!1!1 #proud2beee>drops nudes online>STOP SENDING ME DICK PICSSSS>takes more nude selfies for the public>continues to bitch about getting harassed>former fatties think they're encouraging her to get healthy>get army sent down upon them and blocked while rosie cries about "abuse">bawws about bullying yet admits to having been a bully herself who hit people and started shitYeah, no. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
No. 21250
>>21218Just finished my dinner and decided to watch. Instant regret.
>>21225It drives me crazy that she thinks the legs are healthier.
No. 21257
File: 1415143248476.png (473.39 KB, 1298x774, fucking weh.png)

No. 21259
File: 1415143508063.png (51.88 KB, 562x451, WEH GAIS IM TRIGGURD.png)

More fucking whining.
No. 21301
File: 1415160326257.jpg (220.66 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>21254Comments from pic.
I don't get what the first girl is saying.
If you binge on veggies, how is that a bad thing? That's rose's logic.
No. 21303
File: 1415160627324.jpg (18.13 KB, 250x152, image.jpg)

>>21268Maybe she's trying to be quirky like Chris from Parks and Recs.
No. 21305
>>21301Keep in mind that such as the comments on
>>21252Rose has retarded ass friends and followers who are on "special, unlimited diets" where they can eat unlimited amounts of whatever they want and not get fat. Oh, and it's magically not bad! Says the girl who ate six pieces of chicken in one sitting..
No. 21326
File: 1415171295932.png (897.22 KB, 1307x766, Screenshot (293).png)

>implying you haven't been revolting this entire time though
No. 21327
>>21314Keep in mind this is Quirky, so she probably licks the plate clean afterwards.
>>21326That fucking eyeliner
No. 21335
File: 1415175191931.png (942.87 KB, 995x607, oinkoink.png)

>>21332On that note, clicking on her profile….
>>the specific lifestyle plan that I'm on enables me to eat unlimited lean meats and fish, unlimited carbs like potatoes and rice and unlimited fruit an veg. Unfortunately some of us don't have the luxury of having the money to buy organic food. So your opinion on my specific diet plan which over the past two months has increasingly improved my health is completely uneducated.>>Trust me. I know how the diet group I attend works more than you>>You can't dispute evidence and results.She can't afford to eat plants but she can afford go to the salon regularly and has a huge wardrobe.
No. 21361
>>21335drinking the night before > hangover > bar food first thing
Yeah I'd say she's healthy
No. 21408
File: 1415212015187.png (696.8 KB, 1035x622, always a mess.png)

No. 21409
File: 1415212144863.png (606.08 KB, 1032x621, fucking 12.png)

She was 12 in this pic. Fucking 12!
No. 21414
>>21326Is she holding up her second chin to appear slimmer ?
I guess her eyebrows are ok though
No. 21467
>>21456THANK YOU.
Not everyone is beautiful, and that's okay. We need more people to realise this.
No. 21469
>>21426That's what she's doing so you're right.
She's basically trying to make it look like she's not eating that much but she is. It's like those people who change regular coke for diet coke. Just because it's diet doesn't make it any less harmful.
No. 21477
File: 1415230311590.png (1.13 MB, 1282x727, ds.png)

What do you guys think about sending her family her nudes via facebook?
I've been kinda toying with the idea lately, but I want to know what you think first.
No. 21487
>>21477>>21482Sorry guys, I'm going to pussy out. I just can't bring myself to do it, imagine how ashamed she would feel for the rest of her life because of it. It's too horrible.
If someone else has the balls though, go ahead, here's their FBs
Her dad siblings/close relatives No. 21499
File: 1415233113071.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2448x1836, quirkyloverosee 2.jpg)

I already messaged her Mom and Dad two days ago and I dropped this awful collage I made all over her FB. That's why a lot of the shit is now suddenly friends only. She blocked me.So, I've just been spamming this image around /b/ and /r9k/ like an asshole.
No. 21519
>>21516fatties supposedly give the best BJs because they love to suck and have experience from eating
I wonder if its true or a myth
No. 21529
>>21526Other folder? Maybe this isn't the first time someone has tried this antic on her parents.
And they must have seen it, why else would she make everything private?
No. 21530
>>21527Two days ago, going on three.
>>21529If you don't have someone added on FB, any messages they send you go to this 'other' folder where it's not a priority and they may not even see it. I'm hoping they did, though. I just don't know how out of touch her parents are with technology and FB.
No. 21537
File: 1415235173457.png (195.11 KB, 899x510, Screenshot (295).png)

>>21533HMM.. WHAT TO SAY..
No. 21538
>>21537even though it'll go in his other folder, he'll still get a notification about a message, or at least that's what happens on my fb.
I get notifications for things that go immediately into my other folder.
No. 21543
>>21537you could try adding him to bypass the other folder thing
whatever you do, good work anon, you're giving us lulz and we are grateful for your bravery
No. 21559
>>21548Agreed. Does everyone want to risk the chance and chase away our newest lolcow or something?
Of course, Roser might just use the opportunity to just baw and make it even funnier, but still…. I've been enjoying just laughing at her without getting her family involved.
No. 21565
>>21564Even if that happened, I could still make a fake account and add her being all
No. 21573
>>21548I agree, I don't want her to go away.
I'll never understand why assholes feel the need to chase the lolcows away, it ends the fun for everyone. Lame.
No. 21644
>>21426I got the feeling that her "recovering from an eating disorder" was another way of saying that she attempted to diet for maybe a week and then gave up. She's fighting this horrible eating disorder and no longer restricting her diet! She's such an #EDwarrior!
She tagged a couple of posts with #EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) which is often used for people who don't quite meet the criteria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, for instance by being of "normal" weight (or more).
So yeah, I'd agree that her "ED" is her trying to eat more like a normal person and "fighting her ED" is just an excuse to pig out and feel good about it.
No. 21670
>>21600Instagram bawwing for months. She's blamed her binging on her Mom and "getting into fights with her".
Yeah, no. It isn't just because you're a fat ass with no self control or anything.
No. 21681
>>21612She got scared when she saw she list weight and realized her fat protected her from getting hurt in HS.
May be true but if she has that self awareness she needs to build up her confidence and lose weight again because I can guarantee she'll feel a lot better and will have more mobility.
I just can't see her genuinely happy because of how much crap she eats and how much weight she carries.
No. 21682
File: 1415304656120.jpg (126.87 KB, 900x1160, v.jpg)

>>21669>>21669I'm sorry but I'm just too distracted by the fact that she looks like a mouth-breathing lumpy space princess.
No. 21686
File: 1415308452822.png (40.41 KB, 519x379, lul.png)

No. 21689
>>21678I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this were the case. There's one picture on her IG from some months ago (I can't remember exactly what of, but I remember the comments and description) where she was screaming at her followers for messaging her too much and being too clingy. She said that she was being "raped by messages" and that apparently triggered one of her followers, who called her out on it. Then, Rose proceeded to apologize and claim that she's been raped and that's why she uses it.
Because, somehow, being spammed with messages you can easily just delete feels exactly like a rape.
After that, her alleged rape was never spoken of again– just like that one British tv show she claimed that wanted to interview her and her diabetes results.
I normally don't like to say that a girl is lying about rape, but this is Rose and she's time and again proven that she'll say just about anything in order to manipulate people for sympathy. Not to mention, while I understand how many rapes go unreported and victims feel safer admitting to them online, I feel like rape is something that is becoming trivialized nowadays. I feel like there are girls out there lying about having been raped, just to get people to back off from criticizing them and to excuse their actions, which then screws over the actual rape victims of the world.
Not trying to get all feminist or Tumblr/whatever, but I just don't trust or believe Rose. It seemed like shit she said in the heat of the moment after being confronted so she could avoid any guilt or responsibility.
No. 21692
I can't get over how a single person can consume so many resources and produce so much waste, all while contributing nothing to society. Even if she dies, disposing of her will take a lot of effort and her remains will probably pollute the soil with preservatives and all the other trash she fills her body with. Can you imagine finding a casket her size? She's too self absorbed to get herself cremated, but even then, no cremation oven will be huge enough to do the job without cutting her into bits first. Those poor people who'll end up having to dispose of her. I used to feel that obesity was a good way of eliminating people with stupid, arrogant, disgusting personalities. They die young, often suffer from infertility/no one fucking them, and don't reproduce. Eugenics in practice without the government effort. Now, I feel the effort isn't even worth it, considering the rest of humanity will have to pay for these fat fucks to keep up their disgusting lifestyles.
No. 21698
She looks like a fat bird waiting for food to drop down its gullet.
No. 21700
File: 1415315717305.jpg (51.98 KB, 640x640, fat ass.jpg)

No. 21719
>>21689she claims she was raped? srsly?
if someone went into all the effort of raping someone, risking prison etc. why would they rape her?
No. 21720
>>21719It's a post from either two or three months ago on her Instagram. I'm still going through it and trying to find which one it was, because I don't remember the picture itself, but I do remember the whiny ass description and the comment drama afterward.
>why rape herLol, oh god, careful with that. I know where you're coming from because she is pretty beastly, but there are so many people who would jump on you because rape isn't about attraction. It's about power. Which, I mean, they're not wrong about that.. But, it's Quirky. She's beyond disgusting and while I'm sure she's an easy target because of how slow and fat she is, I just.. I don't know, you'd need to be one determined motherfucker to want to rape her. If I had a dick, I'd sooner stick it in an anthill than make the effort to try to get inside of her nasty cunt.
..Eugh and now you've reminded that diet affects genital fluid smell/taste and how awful she probably.. oh.. god..
No. 21722
So, about the hygiene..
>I shower daily obviously XDDDSure.
No. 21727
Another gross ass video: on fatpeoplehate despite having posted her shit there and claiming to have been approached by modeling agencies: No. 21730
File: 1415326649365.png (769.81 KB, 1287x768, enjoy your chewbacca…)

No. 21731
File: 1415326714622.png (646.23 KB, 1284x772, so hows that progress.png)

No. 21732
File: 1415326793308.png (640.61 KB, 1281x769, Screenshot (300).png)

Being told like it is and then, of course, bawwing.
No. 21760
File: 1415347613919.png (837.56 KB, 1285x765, dem home alone quotes tho.png)

No. 21763
>>21760The photos where her tits seem to grow directly under her fat chin are so funny.
And even if she loses weight, she will need plastic surgery to remove the all the stretched out skin that would be hanging off her. Not even her followers could pay for that.
Anyway, she'll never have that discipline it takes to eat healthy anyway. At this point she is putting up with a lot of complications just so she can be lazy. It's pitiful.
No. 21830
>>21682I went back and read that text in her voice.
>>21689Sounds like a "I have a black friend so I can say this without being racist!" excuse to me, and I definitely get what you're talking about. I don't like to doubt people who say they've been raped but with this girl it really does seem like she's just throwing around words to shield herself from criticism.
No. 21875
File: 1415397660443.png (823.62 KB, 1035x619, all kinds of fucked up.png)

No. 21884
>>21877I thought she looked like one too in some of her pictures.
She is more masculine because of her fat if I'm remembering what an anon said in the HAES thread correctly.
No. 21887
>>21877Obesity tends to make people's ages seem more ambiguous, like how in
>>21409 she's actually 12 but looks like she could be in her thirties easily. The makeup must also age her a little but overall it's nearly impossible to tell because of her ridiculous rotundity.
No. 21889
File: 1415400455262.gif (496.64 KB, 215x168, 1404451941198.gif)

>>21168>>all those plates stacked upHow many meals do you think she orders when she goes out?
No. 22017
File: 1415478059806.png (822.5 KB, 1034x621, poor cat.png)

I'm worried for that cat. It looks so unhealthy and ragged compared to my fiance's cat when it was 20.
No. 22018
File: 1415478673995.png (824.99 KB, 1034x621, jowls.png)

No. 22023
>>22018Yet another picture that makes me wish it were perfectly legal to take a steel bat to her face.
>>22020>>22022It's how fat it is combined with the fact that she is almost gender ambiguous looking in certain shots. Plus, the "doe eyed" expressions and facial ques she uses. They don't flatter her. They never will. She really needs to cut it with the..
>gais i haev anime eyes XDDD>pursed, slightly open lips look>one hand behind her head and smiling>exaggerated expressions for anger or happiness>"ugly" faces that just bring out her hideousness even moreNone of these make her interesting, but she believes it to be so. She's already extremely unfortunate looking and all she does is make herself look even more vomit inducing. Also, she is almost always.. okay, no, she is ALWAYS filthy looking. She'll have weird skin stains on her face, neck, and chest in certain shots that are blatantly not freckles. Her under eyes are disgusting. I know that people can age prematurely and some people have lines under their eyes just from genetics, but her lines are deep ass crevices and massive for someone only a year younger than I. Her lips are gross and almost always chapped or scabbed from being bitten, a la her "just woek up XDDD" selfie and that doctor's office one. She's also the type of fatty to possess a pig snout and, in other angles, a potato as fuck nose.
I think what is most jarring is probably the fact that we all know she's a miserable cunt and even in her "motivational" selfies, where she has her cheap ass makeup on and trying to be "sassy", she still looks miserable. Her eyes and smile both still appear miserable.
When someone as manipulative, bitter, and disgusting as this tries to be "sassy" and attractive.. you just feel it, man. Even staring at a picture of them. There's that lingering, underlying vibe and it's really uncomfortable.
No. 22024
File: 1415483168715.jpg (78.66 KB, 488x639, keikogotoiled.jpg)

>>22023Pic for reference of the stains.
No. 22058
>>22044Well that's only
slightly disturbing.
No. 22063
>>22017That's actually pretty similar to what my cat looked like at 16. Older cats sometimes just don't groom themselves as much. We had to step up the brushing and use an occasional pet wipe on him. Also a cat living to 17+ isn't unusual. rachaellkat must have dogs.
Still though every time I see a cat posted on here I just wish I could reach into the picture and rescue the poor baby.
No. 22066
>>22063Makes sense and I bet rachaellkat never had a cat.
I do too. Especially that little kitten a while back.
No. 22078
>>21102Eating disorders can go from anorexia/bulimia to compulsive eating or binging habits.
She says she has an eating disorder because she binges on food and has stated she's addicted to food overall.
Now, I DO believe that she does suffer from an eating disorder because she has shown she's addicted to food, but I also believe she's doing absolutely nothing to change her patterns.
No. 22079
>>21105As a former fatty, it's a slow progress, really.
You don't really see how much you're eating and you end up underestimating your portions, not to mention you don't even count liquid calories because your logic is that you'll pee them away anyway.
In most cases, people get so fat they can't really do much about their situation anymore, so instead of changing their habits they remain in their comfort zone because losing weight proves to be a slow and difficult process.
No. 22084
>>22078See I thought this too originally because I had BED and used to have an embarrassingly high BMI, although now I am recovered and figured out that anxiety fueled my binge eating, I just didn't realize it until I A) accepted that I even had a problem and B) worked out that I was always stressed and binge ate to cope, but I always binge ate so I never felt the anxiety… Once I figured this out I was finally able to nip it in the bud and now I am a healthy BMI and no longer feel the urge to binge/rely on food like I did before. So I always have a lot of sympathy for other people who are in a similar position to what I was in, because I know it's not as black and white sometimes as most people would have you to believe.
This girl though? I'm pretty sure when she talks about "recovering from her ED" she is not talking about BED. She said in an earlier video she was becoming anorexic when she started losing weight so she stopped losing weight or something to that effect? She yeah I'm pretty sure she's implying it's anorexia recovery, from what I've read anyway.
No. 22108
File: 1415553003028.png (534.98 KB, 948x569, ugh.png)

>>22079>slow progress>underestimate portions>logic of peeing liquid calories awayAs a recovering fatty, I can attest to this. I'm lucky I "woke up" before I got too big.
No. 22218
File: 1415586196681.png (825.56 KB, 1035x619, fishing for a hamplanet.png)

No. 22235
>>22108>>22079I'm kind of going through that right now myself.
In my teens I actually used to be anorexic, and then I recovered and maintained a stable weight for about 2 years although I still had severely disordered eating, and then, I'm not really sure what happened.
I turned 21 and all of a sudden it was like I couldn't eat the same amounts as a normally would without gaining weight, and then I fell into deep depression and blew up to 230lbs.
I'm 218lbs now I'm finally losing the weight thank god.
For a while I thought I was so far gone that I would end up with stretched out skin forever, but thankfully I've been seeing a lot of images of girls who were even bigger than me who lost the weight and look totally normal
No. 22251
>>22235Keep it up, anon!
At the beginning of the year I was 187lbs and now I'm 160. I wanna get to 154 to the end of the year.
Pretty much like Quirky, I used to be a big child, I seemed to have lost weight in my teens but then due to depression I gained all that weight back. This weight I carry now is what I used to weigh when I was in middle school, so to me it's kind of a big deal.
I've learned to control my portions and calorie intake, but sometimes my family will say I'm not eating enough.
Being conscious about your calorie intake isn't being anorexic ffs. I was an obese child, chubby teenager and when I was 19 I was bordering on the obese category, I needed to change my habits ffs. I'm 22 now so it's kinda good because I'm still on time.
No. 22316
>>20995Why do these fat bitches always retaliate with ''self love/self hate'' whatever.I remember once I commented on this fat bitches post (It was some tumblr art of an unshaven lardbeast of a woman, that read '' It's my body, and I decide what to do with it'' or something) that '' yeah you can, but that doesn't mean it's healthy.'' Then she blocked me (then replied) then posted a screencap of my profile with a novel of rage in the caption about how I tried to ruin her day and failed, and made some rude remark about the amout of selfies I had (Don't remember what she said exactly, I just remembered the irony, since she had about 2000 posts, a lot of them selfies, about 50 pictures. She was probably just mad that I was half her age ( she was in her mid 30's) with 10x her follower count, and I'm skinny af) and then all her fatknights started insulting me, and going on about how I obviously don't have self love, and then made more rude remarks about how I
gasp had lots of selfies.
I mean, who posts selfies on INSTAGRAM? kek
But yeah, got good lols out of it, but I was hanging my mouth open inbetween laughter because I couldn't believe the stupidity of these people (Some of them even well above 30) when I got a first hand taste.
On another note, I'm eating crap (Cornchips and salsa) for the first time in a while, and reading this thread. I feel I might be feeling deep reget in a bit…
No. 22346
>>22345Her awesomeness. Guess that's what the new thing kids are using now. I had to check Urban Dictionary for that one.
>>22316You're annoying. post screencaps and stfu about how cool you are Ms. I 10x the followers on instagram XD
No. 22398
File: 1415663813619.png (907.2 KB, 1284x767, Screenshot (308).png)

No. 22430
File: 1415682581500.jpg (55.4 KB, 485x574, 1401797430221.jpg)

>>22398More proof that fatties only like fit males who are wayyyy out of their leage
No. 22441
>>22430Pretty much. I don't understand their mindset at all–especially the ones with shitty personalities like this orca.
Lol oh man, I was on a serious Lisa Frank nostalgia kick recently. Good times.
No. 22444
File: 1415689128549.png (935.3 KB, 1280x760, Screenshot (309).png)

No. 22462
No. 22477 checked my instagram and this greeted me. She actually said "teehee".
Also, is she getting fatter faster? She's got a mini double chin going on in the pic.
No. 22479
>>22461It's negative reinforcement, anon.
Some people, like me, use fat people as motivation to lose weight or to keep our weight on check.
No. 22510
File: 1415728677390.jpg (134.5 KB, 714x530, image.jpg)

>>22459>>22465>>22479You should let her know that she's an inspiration and has motivated you to lose weight. She'll probably bawwwlock and screencap to make herself the victim on IG but seeing more than one person tell her that would be funny.
I think she is gaining more weight.
On the topic of clothes, that's why I would never want to baloon out so much since there are no cute clothes. It looks like half her pics are tie dyed moo-moo's.
No. 22512
>>22510I've been very tempted to make a fake account and do that.
Also, I agree, I fit into size 0-1 at torrid luckily, but there isn't much cute clothing for fatter people.
No. 22606
File: 1415751082716.png (164.98 KB, 357x354, Screenshot_2014-11-11-18-03-35…)

Her "Winking".
No. 22608
>>22346This was a while back, so I don't have screencaps.
Well, I was just pointing out how much 'cooler' I am compared to these HAES bitches, which isn't hard. Sorry, was just venting. Hard to brag bout my awesomeness since I'm anon.
No. 22633
>>22599i friend requested her on facebook but i'm not sure if she will add me since i'm only 115lbs and not 500. but at least i can follow her, i needed more humor in my feed anyway
>>22613also: bullshit. complete and utter bullshit.
No. 22643
File: 1415758270482.png (795.7 KB, 720x1230, Screenshot_2014-11-11-18-03-35…)

>>22622Original pic I got it from. I'm guessing it's a pic.
No. 22644
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No. 22645
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No. 22666
>>22643Wow she looks even more terrifying. Banding together for pizza is right, they're not banding together for health.
Also no visible winks in any pics. Pathetic.
No. 22702
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No. 22775
>>22663This reminds me so much of our queen (not that you are, at least you admit it)
My bff is much hotter than me but she inspires me to lose weight and take better care of myself…and I hit on her when I'm drunk…
No. 22862
>>22663I really don't get it either. This is really OT, but when I was in middle school, I was one of the skinniest girls in the school (which isn't saying much because all the girls wore junior's sizes while I still wore children's clothes), and the 2 fattest girls in my class really wanted to be my friends even though we literally had nothing in common at all whatsoever. Anyway, it's been like 5-7 years, I haven't hung out with or made any attempt to contact these girls, but both still actively try to contact/hang out with me even though I ignore them for the most part. One of the girls literally had a mental breakdown and forced a bunch of people to talk to me for her bc I was completely ignoring her. These girls have other friends, but they have an odd fixation on me. I think people like that cling onto the most attractive person they can find because they want to be like them. One of the girls that wanted to be my friend, got incredibly excited bc she lost weight and wanted to try on my clothes. She also always tried to wear matching outfits with me, dye her hair the same color as mine, do her makeup the same, etc. Or maybe it just makes them feel prettier/more popular because those are the type of girls that rejected them, idek tbh.
No. 22869
>>22613Is that why she takes photos of her disgusting meals? To remember what she inhaled before another "memory loss"? If so, she should be aware what kind of shit she consumes on a daily basis.
Not that I believe in this bullshit, ofc.
No. 22871
>>22803This really is true. girl I knew would make ugly faces in a ton of her photos so she could show how "cool" and "uncaring" she was about her weight, like "lol ik im ugly but im still cool tho" but when she tried to take a normal selfie she'd be insanely self-conscious and take 50 to get the right angle of not showing how obese she'd gotten.
>>22834Most people do have good angles to a point. With this cow, she's too fat for even the classic myspace angle. If she could find a lighting/angle combo that would work for her, she'd look a ton better. But I think she's just accepted that she's morbidly obese and is following on the "im 2 cool 2 curr how ugly i am" trend.
No. 22879
>>22663>>22862(incoming cool story)
I had a friend like that in middle and high school. I wouldn't call myself hot but I'm definitely skinny and I think decently cute, just slightly socially awkward. My friend was morbidly obese and was much more socially capable. She would drag me to parties and on a couple of occasions introduced me as her "skinny but socially retarded friend". She often insisted on taking dozens of selfies together but then only posted the ones in which I looked bad. Her FB was full of candid pictures of me eating and yawning with no flattering pictures of me whatsoever, whereas the pictures of herself were all duckfaced selfies with myspace angles.
She would simultaneously put me on a pedestal ("omg anon you're so cute and skinny everything looks good on you, I wish I looked like you") and tear me down ("it's kind of gross how skinny you are, nobody likes an anorexic") and completely beat my self esteem into the ground. Any time I wore something cute to school she'd convince me that it was weird or slutty and I should go back to baggy shirts and jeans. When I finally figured out what she was doing it was hard to cut her out of my life since I met all my other friends through her. I only managed to escape when we went to different universities. Going by her IG and twitter it looks like she's doing something similar to another girl, now. Did I mention she's studying psychology?
I don't think it's necessarily a fat girl thing, but it's definitely a horrible insecure bitch thing and being fat is usually a source of insecurity.
(end cool story)
No. 22881
>>22879I had a friend like that in middle school. She was skinny, as was I, but she was controlling. I think that's the main factor in all of this. She didn't like that a neighbor friend and I would play pretend (power rangers lol I'm old) and she wanted to be mature all the time. She would say my clothes are bad and that I wasn't holding my fork right and I need to look a certain way, she didn't want me hanging out with the other neighbor girl because she's immature, just a lot of weird things like that.
Then she'd invite a different neighbor girl over and ask me what I thought of her while she was hiding. It was pretty messed up. I ended up realizing it a few months into our friendship and I dropped her. We're in our late 20's now and she's since moved away but seeing her on FB makes me realized she's probably the same person but I hope she's changed.
The short of it is, I think they just want to be in control, so they find people who they can manipulate ie build them up while tearing them down so they feel great.
No. 22921
File: 1415817844898.jpg (65.19 KB, 425x340, cankles.jpg)

Has anyone noticed Quirky is apple shaped? Like her legs are oddly thin for someone that deathfat. I was actually surprised she still had ankles and not cankles at this point.
All of her fat is in her upper body, so much so it even morphed her face. She barely looks human anymore, and I'm really being nice here.
Also, does anyone else also think she look malnourished? She has terrible skin and hair (that may due to a lack of hygiene though) wrinkles and bags under her eyes even though her face is stretched out to max capacity. Her skin has a weird tint to it. IDK, maybe I'm looking into her pictures too much. I should stop.
No. 22922
>>22879>>22881Wow, the friends you two anons had were total douchebags. I hope you two got rid of them completely.
The two girls I was friends with never really gone out of their way to be assholey to me, unless they did go out of their way to distract me all throughout school so I had to be put in a "dangerous minds" school/home schooled/drop out. The only malicious thing I can recall one of them doing is, laughing at me in front of my face and always put me down for wanting to do something in music/art, mostly music.
>>22898I'm sorry if my post hurt your feelings a bit. I don't mean everyone is like that, but I've encountered a lot of people like that. Like just the other day this heavier set girl was harassing my younger brother to hang out with her, she's been doing this for the past couple weeks, even though he won't even acknowledge her existence. As long as you're not clinging onto someone or anything like that, you're not annoying. I don't really have an issue with fat people, it's moreso just annoying and clingy insecure people and it was just an observance of my experiences with some bigger people.
No. 22926
>>22879>>22881I had a roommate just like your shitty friends. She outweighed me by over 70lbs (at the time I was 175) and would insist I was beautiful and perfect and shouldn't change anything, but the next minute she'd say "your breasts wouldn't be so saggy if you lost weight you know. You'd look better if you lost weight. you'd look better in a swimsuit if you lost weight, your boyfriend would like you more if you lost weight." And she'd do the same to her girlfriend who was 110lbs. "you have a pooch right here, you're so fat you need to lose weight it's gross."
We've both cut her out of our lives and she's getting fatter by the day, doing the same thing to other girls. It's really sad, to be honest. She used to be so friendly and the more weight she gained and the more weight I lost, she'd get so angry. A while after we stopped being friends we saw each other at a convention and I'd lost a bit of weight and the ex-gf was with me. She refused to be near me and would even get up and walk to the other side of the convention to get away from me, but would angrily say I looked good in my cosplay but hers was going to be better. (she ended up wearing a size 2 small nun outfit..)
fatties are fucking crazy bro.
No. 22942
File: 1415821377052.png (823.77 KB, 1034x619, so disgusting.png)

No. 22951
>>22922Oh yeah I did say that in my post, we were only friends for a few months. She lived in my neighborhood but we went to different middle schools so I didn't see her much after I dropped her.
It's easy to spot toxic relationships once you've been in one, and I'm so happy when people can escape it.
Though it doesn't look like Rosie is toxic (her friends look alright) but I don't know much about them. She seems to live on IG though.
>>22926I don't know why but fat angry lesbians make me laugh. I imagined when she walked away she tried to be graceful and cool but failed. You see a lot of crazies, not just fat crazies, at cons.
I'm glad you both got away from her.
No. 22955
>>22942I cant imagine that any guy would want to see her face anywhere near their dick, but there is that one pic so idk.
As a linguistics major i find giving head to be an interesting exercise in exploring/practicing the different articulatory methods…
No. 22958
>>22942Ewwwwwww. What the fuck why.
>>tee hee look at how much i liek cock XDI don't hear a lot of women say they hate bjs. I think this bitch just wants to brag about her cock sucking abilities. I bet she likes it because she has something to swallow at the end lol.
No. 22977
>>22663Eh, I'm friends with people over personality, not appearance, being friends (or avoiding friends) based on appearance is kind of weird to me, it makes sense for romantic–or sexual–partners, but people you hang out with? As long as they're cool I'll enjoy their company no matter how they look. I've had friends that were gorgeous (model tier) and ugly, once you know them it really makes no difference, and you learn to stop feeling insecure in the presence of beautiful ones (especially if, like in many friendships, you've been around her vomiting, farting, crying, etc).
No. 23066
>>23064same way yaya han doesnt have one yet but deserves it
we lazy
No. 23079
>>23066I think it's because we're not autistic (Well the majority of us anyway, I'm looking at you racist-chan). Look at how well Chris Chans life is documented. Someone went to his burnt down house and stole his homework ffs. And surprise surprise a good percentage of the people that follow Chris Chans shenanigans are spergs themselves (at the cwckiforums).
So, I think it's a combination of us being lazy cunts and NOT being autistic.
Bitchy gossipy bitches we may be, but autistic we are not.
No. 23241
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No. 23242
File: 1415854099069.png (467.73 KB, 1035x622, lucky bastard.png)

Her comment was long so I had to paste it.
Here's the link. No. 23347
>>22950>>23134My aunt is about Quirky's size and goes to a nearby hair salon to have her hair washed every few days, since her arms are too heavy to do it herself. So yeah, that's probably part of it at least.
~health at every size~
>>23079I'm pretty fucking autistic but I still can't be bothered to do anything about an ED page. Sorry for failing you guys.
No. 23360
File: 1415880417563.png (43.73 KB, 600x450, areyouserious.png)

>>22955…Are you kidding me right now?
No. 23361
File: 1415881277974.jpg (51.42 KB, 550x381, 1365094572609.jpg)

>>23307>>23307>>23334>>23359>>23360Whatever. At least I know that my bf prefers velar constrictions over retroflexes
No. 23429
File: 1415898656373.png (549.4 KB, 720x1234, Screenshot_2014-11-13-11-06-55…)

Her ass apparently.
Her description is stupid too.
No. 23438
>>23429If it wasn't for that bit of ankle (I think?) on the left I'd have no idea what this was supposed to be, it just looks like an amorphous mass of flesh covered by some fabric.
I wonder how much trouble she had getting up after, she looks like she's collapsed or something.
No. 23443
File: 1415899645168.png (305.69 KB, 720x1231, Screenshot_2014-11-13-11-23-22…)

>>23429Forgot to cap the description.
The fuck is a belfie?
No. 23459
>>23444That's what I was thinking or a farting butt selfie.
Either way, it's stupid.
No. 23481
File: 1415905185069.png (770.33 KB, 1032x617, kek.png)

I can't stop laughing. She's seriously milking this.
No. 23506
>>23484Yeah I don't remember her talking about him except for a shoutout once or something.
She really isn't broken up about it at all. If she was, her face would show many signs of having cried and be even rounder from the puffiness.
Also, no mention of said "breakup" on her fb from what I can tell.
No. 23656
File: 1415936193068.png (840.01 KB, 1034x619, nasty bumps on her chin.png)

Yep, still milking it. Seriously though, anyone else notice those weird bumps on her cheek and chin?
No. 23665
File: 1415937839086.jpg (31.62 KB, 559x197, image.jpg)

>>23656[I] >need to drag myself outta my slum
I know it's a typo but I like to think it was a Freudian slip.
No. 23693
File: 1415951091997.jpg (114.67 KB, 997x787, Don't Be Mad.jpg)

>>23307 don't be mad anon, I was just complimenting your funny
No. 23771
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No. 23772
File: 1415985803241.jpg (4.45 MB, 3206x7124, what ass.jpg)

No. 23923
File: 1416013931736.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_2014-11-14-16-55-18…)

I made a bawww post about how she is bodyshaming the mod of FPH. And then all her minions appeared. It was gr8. They claimed they weren't shaming the mods body, but correct me cuz I am not so well versed in tumblrnomics, but isn't even just bringing up someone's weight in a negative way "body policing"? Not that I give a fuck. I just was bored. It's my throwaway anyway. One of the chicks who replied to me, Liquiduniverse, has a really punchable face. You guys should check it out
No. 24058
>>24004Yeah, sometimes it you just get weird people who seem to either:
1. Fetishize hating people and fatness is just their excuse
2. Are using it as some sort of self esteem boost
Neither of those people contribute anything good, it's always "I saw this person that was so fat and gross…!" without any sort of meat to it (if you will).
No. 24123
>>24064I agree, fatpeoplstories and fatpeoplelogic hate are the only good ones.
fatpeoplehate is justā¦weirdā¦They post stuff like a fat girl and a normal guy getting engaged or marriedā¦not doing anything funny or displaying fatlogic, just doing everyday boring stuffā¦and they flip their shit over it
the also post chubby/slightly overweight girls (doing nothing special, just standing there or smiling with friends) and go on and on about how fat they are and how they'd never date them, It's so weird. I don't get it.
No. 24148
>>24143I can tell you from experience that the majority of people who hate fat people vehemently are complete fatties themselves. It's only a small minority of thin people who hate fat people like you say.
Most of it comes from hamplanets who are dieting and trying to get in shape actually. It's like someone who got bullied for doing something a certain way, they stop doing that thing and then they bully others for doing that thing so they can feel better because they're not like that anymore/it means that they are the opposite of what they were before, which was perceived as a bad thing.
Which doesn't even make sense in reality since these people are still fat, they just changed their habits. They actually do hate themselves.
Most people hate fat logic, I don't think that's up for debate. But literally just hating people for being fat is something that is spouted by mostly fat people themselves.
No. 24151
File: 1416069898984.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1835, Screenshot_2014-11-15-08-40-47…)

>>24148Makes sense. I still think there's a good chunk that are just awkward and scrawny. Anyway, has it been mentioned before that she looks a lot like Hagrid?
No. 24160
>>24151lol dem chin tits
it's pretty much the only thing she has going for her
No. 24173
>>24143I've seen a bunch of this. The only thing they have going is that they're thin so they obsessively and dramatically hate fat people to compensate. I see a similar phenomenon on racist sites, the most outspoken people are the ones who clearly have low self esteem and the only thing they can be happy with is their race.
>>24151That's an insult to Hagrid.
No. 24189
File: 1416083310229.png (951.81 KB, 1036x621, tags.png)

I thought she was sounding better or at least a little less BAWW until I saw her tags.
No. 24200
>>24173lol that describes racist-chan perfectly. he/she just rages about Mexicans invading their border town and I think they even threw in some Filipinos with a picture calling both races the roaches of the world or some shit.
It's like dude, I'm not going to act like I'm perfect and not racist (
cough), but goddamn I don't go autistic online or IRL over them.
I always had a feeling s/he was pretty inadequate IRL.
No. 24201
>>24191Sounds about right. It's most likely more too since most chinese restaurants like loading those containers to the brim.
It honestly makes me sick seeing how many calories she has on one of her plates.
No. 24203
>>24189At least they're not fried? Meh, I don't know. I have a bad habit of having
one giant meal consisting of 800-1000 calories and that's the only meal I have for the day. It keeps me full for hours and hours though.
And lol at those of you assuming this is a meal for her, this is most definitely a snack (not trying to be funny, I've seen her meals and I've seen what she snacks on, this is definitely a snack).
No. 24278
File: 1416109835795.png (635.21 KB, 935x560, lol.png)

>So much has changed for the better.
No. 24379
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No. 24381
File: 1416157339812.jpg (87.76 KB, 640x640, eugh.jpg)

No. 24407
>>24381I see her wear that damn shirt all the time. In fact, it's like she only has three outfits that she wears all the time and A LOT of XXX4 T-shirts.
Fucking eww.
No. 24426
File: 1416170549226.jpg (98.78 KB, 640x640, john candy.jpg)

>all natural pretty selfie
No. 24444
File: 1416175486803.png (154.03 KB, 514x457, the mooon.PNG)

my magnum opus, inspired by her massive visage
No. 24445
>>24444SON I AM MOON
afsgjdkfb I wish someone sent this to herrrrrrr.
No. 24500
File: 1416189337756.png (1.09 MB, 986x766, quirkylovefrank.PNG)

the resemblance is uncanny
No. 24537
>>24534Girl measuring in at 34-22-36, here.
Not even trolling, but what it's like to be pear shaped? Because it seems like fat bitches have tried to take hourglass and pear for themselves when these bitches are far past apple. Like, what clothes flatter you?
No. 24538
>>24512ngl i find the small gap between the legs mor asthetically pleasing than thighs that rub together when you walk. it just looks nicer.
but anyway i highly doubt this is true. if it is than the difference in "tightness" is probably not that much at all. i think it has more to do with being petite or something…
No. 24549
>>24538Yeah me too, but i hate the obsession with thigh gaps. Its like if you don't have one you are automatically branded as fat.
>>24537Extreme pear shape here. It is not pretty. I have a hard time finding flattering shorts in summer, because i have 111 cm hips and a gigantic ass. Most shorts look like they try to eat your thighs and crotch. So last summer i had to make my own, because store ones looked like shit on me. I am also damn short so i really need clothes that elongate my torso, so i look in proportion.
No. 24562
>>24004>>23990>>24058>>24123>>24138>>24148>>24143I know it's not a popular opinion, but I like /fatpeoplehate.
I'm not fat, nor have I ever been fat, but I enjoy it as incentive to work out and, well, as a laugh at funny fat people.
I don't want to make fun of ugly people, or disabled people, or anything like that, as it's not their fault, but being fat is completely by choice, a slow process (it's not exactly like something you did while drunk in your 20s, which everyone can excuse, you gotta work on that shit for years) and fully reversible.
In my experience, the users on that board (at least those who comment/post) are very rarely fat themselves. I'd say it's a roughly 60:40 mix of people who've never been fat : people who used to be fat.
Also posts just of a fat person in public with no context are actually quite rare and generally called out or just ignored. The exception is when they're very obese/wearing something funny (a recent example was of a fat dude wearing a gym t shirt saying "feed me more").
The posts are at least 90% Tumblr HAES shit, just like this thread. Then there's maybe 8% OC and then, yes, 2% of people who don't get the joke and take it way too seriously.
Yes, if you're morbidly obese and go to Walmart in a stained green onesie someone might take a photo of you and upload it in the internet. Because you look funny. And every way in which you look funny is your own fault.
TL;DR I think a lot of people look at the name and think it's literal, but it's hardly the cesspool of hate you seem to envision. It's essentially just a less PC version of /fatlogic.
I'm subbed to both (along with fatpeoplestories) and at first heavily preferred /fatlogic but lately it's become more and more "u guise i only ate 3 bagels this morning instead of 5 i'm losing so much weight teehee". Fatlogic is supposed to be what it's making fun of, not a description… And as for /fatpeoplestories, don't get me started on >be me >be 200lbs, 5' >workin on it! down 2lbs since january! >don't ever be giantfatsmellyham >210lbs 5'1 what a fatass >etc
No. 24570
>>24562I can see that. I don't like fatlogic because it has too many DWF posts. And fatpeoplestories is too fake. Whatever floats your boat anon.
Anyway, she has an now. People have already asked…interesting questions No. 24619
>>24562I feel a bit conflicted, I always thought fat people were just lazy until my father-in-law developped cancer and decided to just enjoy what was left of his life. His doctors were not very concerned and basically told him to check if he lost weight because that was actually a bad thing in his case (that's what happened just before he died, he lost a lot of weight).
Same happened with my best friend's father so I'd rather not laugh at fat dudes just because. Also both were disabled, it didn't really show but they couldn't walk a lot. Just my 2 cents.
No. 24636
File: 1416254899176.png (34.52 KB, 496x330, FancyQuirk.png)

Quirky is so fancy! 600 thread count? LOAWDY LAWD
No. 24656
>>24652Yeah obviously I also understand that my father in law and friend's father are not the same as delusional fat people without any disease, blaming their thyroids.
But if someone posted a pic of them without knowing their conditions simply because they were fat I'd still be offended. I know it's rare and just me but when you know at least one person genuinely disabled that's not as funny anymore. (Obviously not talking about people with shirts 3x too small, but for example because his face was almost paralysed he'd often drool and had stains on his shirts so he might have passed as a dirty fat guy)
No. 24712
File: 1416271295987.png (7.81 KB, 730x89, wut.png)

I've been curious as to where she would buy clothes that fit and luckily got my question answered.
I think I found where she got her tie-dye shirt.
> asked her about her favorite dessert. Apparently it's strawberry cheesecake.
She still has yet to answer about if she has a MFP.
No. 24785
>>24763>>24774Yeah, myfitnesspal. Sorry about that, anons.
MFP is also on android, just saying.
No. 24874
>>24656Yeah I agree with this.
It's like if someone mocked and ridiculed chris chan solely because he has autism, that's cuntish.
But if you laugh because of his actions and general bad behaviour where the autism is more just a thing on the side and it's not the reason why people mock him, it's at least understandable.
If someone is literally just sitting there minding their own business and they are fat I see no reason to make fun of them.
But if someone starts that whole fatlogic shit, that's where people start to get annoyed.
Plenty of fat people don't display fatlogic so I feel it's not right to make fun of them simply because of their size.
>>24853Also this. EDs and things like depression can contribute to someone's size. Again I'm not saying I condone that HAES bs either, but for some people a lot of psychological issues are attached (especially for people who are 300+. I don't think it's possible to eat your way to that size and there not be something very wrong with you, I don't mean that in an offensive way or anything but you clearly have issues if this happens).
No. 24882
>>24656I'm confused, you say your father in law and friend's father are aware they're fat and fat because they choose it? They are also disabled for unrelated reasons.
Yet someone making fun of them for being fat (not disabled) is in the wrong?
I really do see it as similar to the tattooed face analogy. If you
choose to do something that makes you look unusual/shocking/etc I don't think you have the right to get offended when people take notice.
No. 24885
>It's like if someone mocked and ridiculed chris chan solely because he has autism, that's cuntish.>But if you laugh because of his actions and general bad behaviour where the autism is more just a thing on the side and it's not the reason why people mock him, it's at least understandable.I guess it's a difference in assumption. Being fat is not like having autism - being autistic is not self-inflicted, nor is it curable through your own actions. If you see someone who's fat, you
know the behaviour behind it; they eat too much. You don't have to know anything about them other than that they're fat and you know that they exibit bad behaviour around food, and I think a lot of people would argue that it's very hard to be obese without displaying fatlogic.
There seem to be a lot of people online who go "oh this person knows they're obese, they're okay with it, they have no fatlogic"… If you didn't have fatlogic, you wouldn't be obese. No one is 'okay with' being obese, in the same way no one is 'okay with' having any other severe medical issue.
For me personally, I don't really make fun of fat people but I do actually have a lot of dislike for them. Hear me out.
Being fat is a horrible state of being. Your organs are being choked, you have mobility issues, your hormones are fucked up. Like any other severe medical condition, it's hell, and there are a lot of people who treat it as a legitimate disability, which of course it is. It can have horrible affects on your health and welfare.
However, there is one big way in which it differs from every other severe medical issue I can think of.
It is 100% the fault of the person, and the state of being (if not the damage it causes) is 100% reversible. Yes, there are people with mental disorders, or physical disabilities, that contribute to their fatness, and I don't want for a minute to undermine these issues. But the fact is, it is a medical problem that boils down to the actions of the individual, and most individuals don't have severe EDs, or Prader-Willi syndrome. It is not unfair of me to assume, if I see a fat person out and about, that this person is disabling themselves simply because
they eat too much.
No. 24889 noise, that fatty pizza, that crumb on her lip ew
If I were her size I wouldn't dare to eat pizza tbh or maybe just self-made with lots of veggies and minimal cheese once in a time but that thing in her hand doesn't look good to me…
I think I have a problem I'm so grossed out by the way she eats wth
No. 24905
>>24882I'm not saying they were delusional but at least in my father-in-law case, he was somewhat big before (with a few attempts to lose weight the healthy way) but had a difficult cancer and chose to enjoy food. So he was fatter because he couldn't exercise (disabled) and ate rich food.
There's people who would still take care of their weight even if they knew they'd die in a few years but I don't think it's a stupid decision to enjoy eating fatty food if you know you won't last long anyway ? When you're suffering daily, eating can be a pleasure when you can't go out as much or do anything pleasant, or anything at all for the matter.
He didn't wear ill fitting clothes or acted ridiculously (Except for the drool stuff I mentioned and funky looking face) but I've seen people publicly mocking fat people for basically looking funny.
So in your analogy you leave out the pain equation, nobody tattoos themselves because they can't go out and are suffering daily and can't enjoy a lot of things.
No. 24924
>>24885But see now it just sounds like you're trying to make your bias sound ok. Be biased all you want, I don't care. You're not justified though.
Saying "it's self inflicted" is a moot point. There are many reasons someone can be fat. It's never as black and white as "stop eating fatty". It really isn't. It's the same as someone being a drug addict or an alcoholic. It's never as easy as just deciding to be x one day. There are always underlying issues.
>"oh this person knows they're obese, they're okay with it, they have no fatlogic"ā¦ If you didn't have fatlogic, you wouldn't be obese.I think you don't understand fatlogic. Some people are totally self aware and don't make excuses for their size. They simply don't care. They are not exhibiting fatlogic.
I'm not saying it's ok to be fat btw. Everyone should aim for a healthy weight.
>and most individuals don't have severe EDsActually completely untrue. I've been researching EDs for years. Binge Eating Disorder is extremely common but largely unreported as many people are in denial to the fact they even have it. Almost everyone who fits the criteria of morbidly obese on the BMI most likely has an eating disorder, it's almost guaranteed.
Can you really tell me that someone can eat themselves to 400lbs and not have disordered eating?
>It is not unfair of me to assume, if I see a fat person out and about, that this person is disabling themselves simply because they eat too much.Obviously someone ends up fat because they eat too much. But you're missing the bottom line. It's never as simplistic as "eating too much" for most people, there is always an underlying factor. It is unfair to assume that is the only reason. In that case you are just mocking someone's appearance without even knowing the possibility of their circumstances which is just shallow.
Like I said, I don't care if you're biased. But don't try and convince yourself you're justified and it's ok to mock someone just because of the way they look. You're only trying to convince yourself of this.
No. 24935
>>24924Different anon, I don't need to convince myself or anyone. I love that nobody in my family is fat. I love that people get insecure and try to say weh weh baw u can b unhealthy if UR skinny, because they need to cover their asses and can't understand that some of us have always eaten healthily and aren't genetically predisposed to gain all over like a ball. I love that there are piss poor attempts made to criticize my health status, often by the fatties trying to project. Anyone can see a fat waste of skin and know they're not healthy or on the road towards doom. They delude themselves into thinking they can look at myself and other fit girls the same way and the logic still applies. Its cute.
Frankly, I don't give a shit. And, I don't even care how horrible it sounds. Being such a glutton is disgusting. Being unremorseful about it like Quirky and other Tumblrinas makes it even worse. And, this cute little movement encouraging fatties to stay fat under the guise of body love? Don't make me fucking laugh. These are miserable pieces of shit who figured out one thing and one thing only; Its easier to wallow in validation and phony self love than to actually try. Fuck, there's even been a study done recently where people say they're doing something on social media, then they never do it. Why? They already got the validation from everyone praising their posts. That's enough for them.
Quirky and all like her are disgusting human beings. I don't feel bad. I'm not trying to be edgy. I genuinely wish we could just send them all to North Korea or the barren, radiation infected part of Russia. Quirky lies and manipulates people and uses her knights to shout down anyone who dares to call her out. She's a miserable cunt who will never change, despite all the support she has to do so. My only hope is that she gets food thrown at her while she's naked, on her hands and knees. She wants to act like a pig? Okay, then you get to live like one. You already don't bother to bathe and your house is disgusting like a barnyard.
No. 24940
>>24924I'm the anon you're replying to and I'm not talking specifically about people who are super obese. Just fat people in general.
>It's never as black and white as "stop eating fatty". Of course it's not black and white. Nothing in life is. It is however one of the simplest life decisions there is. It's on par with committing crimes - there are many reasons why people do it, but at the end of the day it comes down to one person's physical actions.
>I've been researching EDs for years.Interesting, I'd love to see your research. Who is it published with? I haven't seen much stuff about binge eating disorder (DClinPsy student here but I specialise in forensics)
No. 24942
>>24905Totally missing the point. You admit that your relatives chose to become fat, yet somehow expect them to be exempt from criticism for it.
And btw, many terminally ill people do things like dye their hair and get tattoos. The tattoo analogy is actually very fitting.
No. 24948
>>24942Can you stop being retarded for 2 secondes ? You're basically saying "Haw haw look at that fat dying guy, going to die and everything, let's mock him for being fat". Nobody ever told you "Yeah you've got some motherfucking tumor you won't last long kiss your kids goodbye" but I'm sure you'd totally rock that shit.
I'm not even mad because either you're braindead or just a troll to trashtalk a dead person.
Getting a tattoo isn't fitting (again are you that dumb ?), it's not a daily thing and it doesn't give you a physical pleasure. If being fat is the consequences of enjoying the last thing he could, then so be it, he didn't care about that. Anyway, you'd be happy to learn during the last weeks he lost a good chunk of weight as dying people often do (ya know with the whole thing about incurable disease and not being able to eat ? happy ?).
No. 24959
>I don't think random people are in the wrong for making fun of your relative for being fat, since they would have no way of knowing the circumstances and it's still their choice to become massively obese=
>haww haww look at that fat dying guy, let's mock him for being fatNice logic there brah. How exactly do you expect random passers by to know that your relative was dying? They see a fat guy. They laugh at a fat guy. They're not in the wrong for this. And yes, although your relative has a reason to be fat, he still made the choice to be fat and being fat is still his fault. Very few people would make fun of him if they knew he was dying, but you can't ever expect people to just assume "oh there's a fat guy, I bet he's going through some gnarly shit right now". No, they think "there's a fat guy, I bet he's fucking greedy", and you know what? They'd still be half right.
No. 24965
>>24959Aaaaand that's the whole point of what I was saying. You see a fat person in the street doing his stuff, not being ridiculous, maybe looking a bit funny, maybe it's best to not ridicule him ? I'm not policing anyone, if you want to quietly laugh at him go for it, whatever makes you happy. But i'm just offering my perspective because maybe that person is currently dying and that'd be a dickish move to do mock the guy publicly ?
What I'm saying doesn't apply to Quirky because she expose her life and we all know she's fat and doesn't have anything in her way to lose weight. She also is delusional and encourage others to live a dangerous lifestyle which I don't agree with. My father-in-law not giving a shit about his health was justified imo because he WAS dying anyway.
>>24964Actually I thought I was at first on the HAES thread so that's my mistake. I'm done anyway cause what I'm saying applies to strangers, not people who expose their life like quirky
No. 24970
>>24965You're right man. When we see someone fat and disgusting, or funny looking in any way, we should never make fun of them because
they might be dying. Nevermind the fat that 99% of them aren't (I mean immediately, obviously the fatsos are all dying slowly anyway).
You sound fat as fuck.
>>24964I just find it kinda funny someone laughing at a fat girl on the internet but omg when it's someone they know, that's just
wrong. Like get over it buttercup.
No. 24999
>>24656Fat people are selfish for…
1. Being gluttonous pieces of shit while children in other countries starve
2. Making people look at their disgusting bodies and expecting respect.
No. 25002
File: 1416351848526.gif (960.66 KB, 245x250, wtf.gif)

>mfw I check this thread after a day away and see that somehow HAES thread bled into this one>>24981It probably went to pot. She finally answered my mfp question and apparently she doesn't use it. I'm going to see if she is doing any calorie counting or something. Kills me to make my messages sound desperate, but she likes answering those, so why not?
No. 25024
>>24905that's as bad as saying that if you're going to die it's fine to become a junkie so you can enjoy your last years.
I think that's so wrong. Enjoying life by eating yourself into obesity? Enjoying life by hurting your body? Imagine how much more you could enjoy life with a healthy diet and outlook. Not to mention how selfish it is to decide to take what you can from the world when you could be trying to do some good for others instead. If I knew I were dying soon I wouldn't eat a bunch of food, maybe I would try to help feed some starving nation or do charity work.
No. 25047
>>25040lol she actually took it.
Did she delete it though? It's not showing up for me.
No. 25100
>>24940Do you really think all eating disorders are just anorexia or? Disordered eating and eating disorders can easily lead to obesity because of fucked up behavior with food. A simple google search can show you that.
I do think there is a tendency to oversimplify extreme obesity as "just eating too much!" without looking at any underlying problems. It's really the equivalent of addressing all social problems or drug/alcohol addictions as simple moral faults when there is clearly more to it. So yeah, you can feel superior for not being fat (or not being poor, an alcoholic, a drug addict, what have you) but it is way, way too simple and closed minded to turn everything into some moral lesson.
And I think it goes without saying that I'm addressing truly obese people, not people who are just a few pounds too heavy.
No. 25101
File: 1416382639361.gif (701.32 KB, 500x321, 1412812455904.gif)

>>25096That shit says album 1 which means there's more.
No. 25102
>>25100Any drug or alcohol addict in recovery knows the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Sure, there are tons of reasons (or excuses) for why people do things. There's depression or trauma or heartbreak or boredom to blame, you can blame the government or religion. But ultimately the person will not change until they take CONTROL and recognize that they CONTROL their actions. Every time you feed into those excuses you are hindering the process of getting better. The only way to get OUT of that rock-bottom is to push yourself which means taking responsibility.
Even a psychopath has reasons for doing what they do. The difference is that these people aren't so far gone that they can't turn their lives around.
Anyway I seriously feel sick when I read threads like this. It's making me never want to touch junk food again. I know others ITT have said the same.
No. 25108
>>25024Durhurr what is painkillers ? Yeaaah I totally believe you, I'm sure you'd be totally rational if you had an incurable disease, constant pain and depression. Sure sweetie. Tell me what good you could do when you can barely walk ? oh right you can't. I don't want to derail this thread anymore but you all don't know what you're talking about. To be clear this is wholly different from quirky situation.
>>25100I can believe Quirky could have an eating disorder but I guess it's as bad as if some pro-ana would say it's ok and healthy to be severely underweight. At least pro ana communities tend to encourage each other to recover.
No. 25128
>>25103This is going to be interesting. Kind of funny how she automatically assumes we hate ourselves.
No, dear Rosie, you just fascinate us with your refusal and fear of getting thinner and healthier, snarfing at least double what a woman needs a day, and humorously mislead most of your followers that you have lost weight. See exhibit A:>>19947
No. 25129
>>25119It is a new law there, but from what I can tell, we're fine even if we're in the UK.
"Under the act, which does not apply to Scotland, it is an offence to send another person a letter or electronic communication that contains an indecent or grossly offensive message, a threat or information which is false and known or believed by the sender to be false."
She should stop posting her obvious lies and attention-seeking behavior if she didn't like them documented.
No. 25130
>>25129She puts herself out into public social media. Once it's out there you lose any control over what happens to the content or what comments people make about it. I totally agree with you. This is all for attention. And now that she has found us she will milk her enablers for sympathy and ass pats.
She posts some pretty cringe worthy things. I guess it's her right to do that on her social media, but if you are going to post stupid ass photos of stupid ass things expect people to go "ewww, stupid bitch"
No. 25138
File: 1416398501343.png (624.79 KB, 1071x628, lelelel.png)

So, why has nobody posted about this
"To those that down play or don't believe that #fatshaming #fatphobia isn't a thing, this is a typical week for me on the Internet. The disturbing part is this is NOT fatpeoplehate. This is a month old thread, updated daily, posting about EVERYTHING I DO. They found my parents online, they tried to send them and my brother different things about me. They made fun of my cat, the talked about my brothers autism and called him my feeder because he use to be nice and cook me breakfast sometimes. My BROTHER. They posted all my social media, my full name, and picked my life apart saying they wished I was dead, and the running theme of bashing my face in with a crow bar. All for the crime of being fat. All because I am an over weight person who refuses to hide away in a corner, all because I simply exist. Trolls on Instagram have bragged on here how they said this or that to me on this forum and they pretended to be nice to me just to come on this forum to fuck with me. I will not disclose the name to anyone, so if you want it, don't ask. I'm not sharing them for people to find them. But I am at a loss right now. I have a reason to be here, but this on top of the in house MORONIC bullshit, I've lost a lot of faith. Gonna need to recharge and come back with a vengeance. Because the only thing this does is remind me why what I do is so important. This is what a lot of self hatred looks like guys. So work on yourself and remember, you input positivity into yourself you output positivity and you win with true happiness. Anyone who lives their life this way, I only feel sadness for them. Deep, deep sadness."
Nobody made fun of her cat, it's cute as fuark. Like any cat.
No. 25141
>>25140>follow and discuss her IG while agreeing with herFriends! Fans!
>follow and discuss her IG while disagreeing with herAMG STALKERS
No. 25156
>>25138>They made fun of my catI'm guessing she's referring to this comment
>>22117 which was unwarranted because her cat is genuinely cute.
No. 25191
>>25138>Because the only thing this does is remind me why what I do is so important. Hahahah.
Eat? Wear ill fitting clothes? Not take care of herself?
I guess that is important to some people
No. 25242
>>25138we never talked about her brother's autism, I think the fat is getting to her brain
but thanks for telling us your bro has autism, not sure how that's relevant to anything
No. 25244
File: 1416430765440.png (675.69 KB, 1316x750, loooooooooooooool.png)

the people commenting on her shit are just as funny
No. 25245
>>25242Yeah, never figured he had autism and honestly I, and most likely no one here, cares.
Um…she looks like any average 3edgy5me high schooler.
No. 25247
>>25246That makes me giggle.
Also, apparently it's Rosie's birthday soon.
No. 25263
>>25138Where's part 1?
Also I love how most of that pic was taken completely out of context. Don't think anon in the top screenshot was even talking about her…
No. 25279
>>25102I'm not denying that, these people need to realize that they are ill, not just quirky fatties or whatever they want to use to make themselves feel better. But I also think that as a society we need to stop moralizing certain issues (like this level of obesity, drug and alcohol issues, etc) because what good does it do anybody (except for the people who like to feel moral superiority)? If a problem is going to be fixed it needs to be recognized for what it really is and addressed as such.
For instance, I think it was a good idea to consider obesity a disease so that people can get medical treatment and address it as such (even if yeah, it technically isn't).
>>25127>>25146I'm not the anon who had been doing research. However, go to pubmed (or something similar) and look up keywords related to this. Or continue to feel moral, I guess, I don't really care.
No. 25281
>>25138This is why I said what I had said earlier in this thread. The bitch is manipulative and has no remorse for it. She's blatantly taking posts out of context, one of which isn't even talking about her. That top post was someone yelling at that anon who was being a hypocrite for policing how others think, yet being in here to still make fun of a fat person.
I'm not upset that she found this and I do bet that butthurt anon linked her just because everyone told her to sod off. It's fucking laughable that she and her followers are acting like anything is illegal, as well. Go ahead and be like every other dumb bitch who tried to sue a chan for information they put out there themselves. Those nudes were posted BY HER on Reddit's fetish board. That Imgur album was posted by either her or her boyfriend, has been up for two years, and has almost 9,000 views. Lol, also, her friends and fans can repost shit she puts out and follow her and it's not stalking. Yet, it's stalking when anyone reposts her shit and disagrees/calls her out on being a hypocrite or blatant liar? My ass, you don't fucking scare me.
The comments on these are absolutely asinine, as well. It's the typical bullshit I've seen for years whenever someone's biased as fuck army gets involved; Same old broken record rebuttals of jealousy accusations and how people must be miserable. Yeah, it's totally that. It couldn't be that maybe you insult former fat people who got their shit together. It couldn't be that you're completely lazy and ungrateful. It couldn't be that you're a walking eyesore and leech, milking validation from whichever pair of wimp tits you can get your mouth on.
>>25116She's scared, that's why. Notice how when she said "tried to send stuff to my family", she didn't explicitly say that that "stuff" was her nudes. Her SELF DROPPED nudes. Saying that would make her lose all credibility. Wording it as "stuff" makes it seem like we sent her family death threats or some shit, which is exactly what she played for. She learned how much of an ass whooping she got when she brought Reddit into this. She's still suffering backlash from that community, so she's very much fresh in their minds. Linking this to her followers would only humiliate her, because she knows shit we said here is true. We don't blindly follow her and believe her and that scares her. She's arrogant and manipulative.
No. 25282
>>25144>Why do you keep destroying our beautiful planet by constant use of paper plates and eating about double the food a normal person eats?Unrelated but neither of those two things are really destroying the planet. Just rustled my autism, is all…
>>25139Yup, someone sent her something guaranteed. I'll never understand why people do that, I doubt she'll clam up but other lolcows will, it spoils the fun.
No. 25288
File: 1416438947599.jpg (214.3 KB, 1031x616, part1.jpg)

The caption is the same as the other post.
No. 25289
File: 1416439748649.png (746.85 KB, 1035x616, 23 years old.png)

She sure likes her tie-dye clothing. I didn't know they made dress versions.
Nice mirror though.
>>25281It's tempting to link this to her followers. They're listening a little too intently and believing a little too desperately.
No. 25291
>>25281Wait wait wait anon, you're going to fast for me.
Ok so I know she posted her noodes on r/BBWgonewild for empowerment or whatever the fuck the thought that was.
Are you saying she's talked about in other boards on reddit? If so can you tell me which ones? I need moar Quirky dramu.
No. 25296
File: 1416442348273.jpg (53.35 KB, 900x592, yrV2rjr.jpg)

Reddit tried to give her a jawline.
No. 25297
>>25296I can't stop laughing, thanks anon.
Also holy shit her hair looks so dry and frizzy. Put down the fucking litre of soda and drink some fucking water ffs
No. 25298
>>25297My pleasure, anon.
Add in a tub of intense leave-in conditioner too.
No. 25306
>>25289It's honestly been tempting, but I haven't because I don't speak for the majority of us and I know that even though she's so blatantly in the wrong– her followers just don't give a shit. She could drop dead tomorrow and they'd blame us instead of her shit health and how she lives. She has zero responsibility and her followers have enabled her for so long that anything contrary is just seen as an attack. That's why she's even gotten passive aggressive with former fat people on her comments. Some had come to her, thinking that they were being helpful by telling them how they lost weight even though it was difficult, and she either ignored them or got passive aggressive and hid it poorly. Then, her knights jumped on the people because these fuckers have become so overly sensitive and prone to wanting to be victims that any criticism is bad. The same people on those comments, tossing the typical 14 year old retort back and forth about jealousy and people allegedly being miserable, are the same people who don't amount to anything and project hardcore. They see our posts, taken completely out of context, and just start flying into moralist mode. And, it's even more embarrassing that they can't seem to think for themselves. Whatever Quirky says is automatically written law and anyone questioning her gets blocked and their comment screenshot, so her knights can go demonize the person. She's guilty of doing exactly what she criticizes everyone else of doing; Being a manipulative, spiteful bully.
I digress, look at her followers. A lot of them are either white trash, ghetto trash, fat fetishists, or Tumblrinas who thrive on an SJW lifestyle just as much as Quirky herself does. These are people who are so myopic that the slightest differing remark sends them into online tizzies. Some of them think that saying they'll "cut someone" is automatically going to scare someone.
I'm completely desensitized by this, because I've seen these rebuttals for years and they really do piss me off. It's like nobody thinks for themselves, so let's all reply to shit in life with things like 'haters', 'jealous of meh', 'u must b miserableee'. It's really basic and makes them look simple.
No. 25307
>>25306Also, take note of how some of them assume that this is 4chan and what they think the average 4chan user is.
>a bunch of unfit, losers who were bulliedThat's some dated ass shit, lol. This isn't 4chan, first off. Format may be the same and all, but it's not that site. Second, that remark maybe held some weight in like 2003/2004, but they're so out of touch that they act like normal people don't use 4chan. Their knowledge is limited to /b/, like most casuals, so they instantly assume the worst.
But, hey, this once again ties into that whole thinking for yourself shit. They're incapable.
No. 25308
>>25306>>25307Well said. This is pretty much the same reason why I didn't even bother.
They're going down the shitter anyway so might as well just sit back and watch in fascination.
No. 25318
>>25288Yeah, Quirky, you're so brave for posting your ugly mug i eye-searing noods for everyone to see, all while adding a shitton of asinine tags about #muh feminysm and #fat pride. You're brave for being proud of your disgusting fat body, which you achieved by proudly and bravely sitting on your ass, scarfing down insane amounts of gross food and litres of soda, and posting shit on fb and instagram. You don't even have what some other fatties have going for them since you don't try to take good care of yourself: your hair is shit, your skin is shit, your make up is shit and your fashion sense is shit. You just sit in the pool of your own trash, surrounded by your equally trashy followers, and you keep assuring each other about how great and admirable you are, so neither of you feel any desire for improvement or even effort.
I'm sure you're reading us, Quirky. Why don't you link your followers here? There's plenty of room for discussion.
No. 25323
>>25314Indeed. But for some reason, people seem to think that everyone has an accent
except themselves, because they're just oh so special and perfect.
I guess that's what happens when the size of an area's populace tries to compensate for a general trend of idiocy found amongst many of its denizens.
No. 25325
>>25318>plenty of room for discussionNot with how wide she is..
I digress, she wouldn't link them here for the aforementioned reasons. She's also just recycling her logic she used against Reddit. She explicitly stated that in her video to them; They asked her to get in there for a discussion on her lifestyle and how she is and she refused to. She'll refuse the offer to do so here, as well. She doesn't feel that she owes anyone an explanation for how she behaves, because she knows her shit has been called out and her hiding under the guise of "being sassy" hasn't fooled quite a number of people.
And, we can't even take all of the credit for her becoming e-infamous. She began that journey all on her own, by posting her own nudes to Reddit's fetish board. That Imgur album is two going on three years old with around 8,400 views. People on 4chan knew about her BECAUSE of Reddit. There were threads making fun of her on /b/ and /fit/ long before ours. Her username also shows up as a Google search result before you even finish typing it, so she's OBVIOUSLY been Googled enough in the past because she started shit before. That's how that shit works. Nobodies don't just get auto-suggested if they haven't been searched for a shitload of times in that engine.
No. 25327
>>25325Oh, and also? Her oh so convenient IG post about how she's suddenly a volunteer? Well timed for this debacle and I call bullshit. Just one more thing to add to the martyr complex.
You know what they should get her for Christmas? A big wooden cross, so that every time she feels unappreciated for her sacrifices, she can climb on up and nail herself to it.
No. 25335
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>>25318Pretty sure because she doesn't want them to know what we know now, and she wants to look like a martyr in front of their followers so they keep patting her on the shoulder and telling her she's a role model and inspiration.
Honestly, as a former fat person, she pisses me the fuck off. When I was diagnosed as obese, I really hated myself. I hated everything about me, and I felt like shit.
I couldn't walk a mile without needing air, my sleep was irregular, I always felt fatigued, and I looked older than my real age.
The only way you can be content with being fat is by being so far into denial that you reject your body's cry for help, or by being so fucked over by your lifestyle that the only way you'll ever look like a human being again is by going under the knife.
I am not going to glorify people who keep eating like shit, lying about their lifestyle to get pats on the head, and who flat out lie about their so called improvements just to get an ego boost and attention that they wouldn't get otherwise.
I am on the healthy range on the BMI scale now, and looking at people like her gives me life. It's made me realize that hating myself would've meant me becoming what she is, and that she is not something to aspire to.
And just look at her, despite posting those screenshots she won't go ahead and link people to the site, let alone come here to discuss her shit.
I'm pretty sure she's reading this thread now so I personally have some questions for you, Quirky.
Where are the so called tests that your doctor ran on you to know if you suffered from diabetes? For that matter, all your tests with cholesterol levels, sugar levels, etc. to prove you're in great condition?
If you're so concerned about beating your ED, then why do you keep eating sugary foods and disregard a healthy lifestyle? You do realize that you're fooling yourself if you keep eating the same shit but in small quantities, right?
Also why is it that you actually look fatter compared to the beginning of the year if you're trying to beat your ED, do you even keep track of your own weight? I write down my weight every week, do you? Maybe you're too lazy to write, but don't worry that's what smartphones are for.
If you don't care about us, if you are a ~warrior~ then why do you need to post every single negative thing someone says about you on your Instagram to get validation? You don't need to prove shit to us, you need to be proving it to yourself, you know why? Because in the end you're the only one alone with your thoughts at night, and the only one who is going to suffer from it in the long run is you.
Your bullies in high school? Yeah they don't and won't give a shit about you, just like mine, and so far you've done a spectacular job at playing victim, but you're far from being the warrior you pride yourself of being.
You make me really mad because you saw the easy path and took it. You don't give a shit about yourself, or about your followers. You only give a shit about the instant gratification you get from posting a stupid selfie with shitty crooked makeup on Instagram, talking about your ~battles~ as if you made the effort to change. And then on top of everything you retort to the stupid edgy "you don't know me" bullshit excuse to try to justify your lack of competence to change your habits, without realizing that we know everything about you. From your family to your whole humanity because -you- posted it online for everyone to see, and even after being at a "loss for words" you still don't make your ig private, probably because you're not "afraid of the haters". I know people like you, Quirky, and you're the fucking bottom of the barrel, because people like you only bask in the attention your minions give you but rarely make a change, while also harming the people who admire you by getting defensive.
You don't want to be anyone's fetish yet you go posting your nudes on a BBW board, so not only are you a big blob of fat, you're also a big blob of contradictions.
So like, yeah dude, if you wanna come and discuss your life with us, the door is open. If you have actual proof that what you're saying is true, you can take the victory. I'll shut up and then I'll give you an ounce of respect in return.
No. 25338
>>25288"Hun just laugh. Just laugh because they can't do anything besides bully someone because of the way someone looks. Laugh at them because they don't have the confidence you have to be who you are. Just laugh because they are NOT confident, amazing, beautiful, sophisticated, wonderful, strong, independent, brave, encouraging, smart, and a role model like you. Just laugh at them. Laugh as they type empty threats to wonderful people (like yourself) because they are so damn jealous, ignorant, pathetic, weak, and dense. Just laugh as all the morons who wrote those damn comments sit there and say in the back of their puny minds,over and over again, "I wish I have her confidence and her heart" you are so damn amazing! Don't you dare let any asshole tell you other wise. Keep doing you gurlfrand!"
Dey're just jelus of ur sophisticated ass, Quirky! Ur a role model!
Lol, if I had her heart, I would be dead before 30.
No. 25357
>>25338lol, her "confidence and her heart".
No thanks, I don't want her hubris and her stressed out heart.
I'll keep my actual confidence and my heart though I am a carrier for fucking Brugada Syndrome even with a normal echo and ekg.
You read that right, Rosie, I'd rather keep my diseased heart that might kill me in the middle of the night than deal with your stressed out mess.
No. 25417 greedy bitch.
Because nobody else gets gifts on their birthday, nig, yeah. It's just you.
Ohohoho, the entitlement. Also, grow the fuck up. Most people work on their birthdays. It isn't the end of the fucking world nor does it automatically invalidate your birthday.
No. 25422
>>25417A wishlist? Seriously? She acts like she's 8.
I work on my birthday too, big fucking deal, and no I don't tell anyone it's my birthday at work you retarded attention whore.
I only get presents from my SO on my B-day, and that's fine with me, you know why Quirky? BECAUSE I DON'T SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON FUCKING FOOD AND EXPECT PEOPLE TO BUY ME SHIT AFTERWARDS.
Everyone, we should just send her pizza and gift cards to fast food places. I feel bad for her poor heart, but she's already a lost cause. No. 25432
>>25422She wouldn't accept then if she's still lurking here.
Hi, Quirky. Friendly reminder: You're so gross. Your pizza video actually made me sick to my stomach. Nobody likes seeing your jacked up, yellow teeth, crumbs on your mouth, filthy face, and disgusting eye wrinkles. Maybe your broke ass should ask for some Clinique. You could look like a dog's ass instead of a horse's ass afterward.
No. 25445
>>25432 fuck that's disgusting. seriously? She filmed this, had to LOOK at it and decided 'yeah that's how I want people to see me?' Her fatass ugly face chomping away on pizza.
Jesus she's foul.
No. 25469
>>25445I had the sound turned up high thanks to a movie with sound problems last night. I honestly lost my appetite and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet.
Gods she's disgusting
No. 25478
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One of the things RH wants for her birthday.
I don't think her waist is 42" even if you're supposed to go a few inches under your waist measurement for a corset.
No. 25480
File: 1416512495542.png (70.27 KB, 534x353, ss (2014-11-20 at 07.37.38).pn…)

I just looked at her wishlist.
No. 25488
>>25478it's not even a real corset omfg
how is she even going to fit in it, shes pretty much just a sphere by this point
No. 25491
>>25488Yeah, it's definitely a fake corset. Of course she's too dim to know where to get actual corsets tailored to fit her.
It's probably only going to fit on her arm if anywhere.
>>25489My bust is 42" and it's nowhere near how big her stomach is. It's gotta be at least 50+.
No. 25495
>>25478As someone who is naturally skinny yet had trained with a corset for about three years now, this is fucking laughable. I swear to god, it never gets old when I see this shit. She reminds me of the 3edgy5me girls who brag about Frederick's of Hollywood corsets with the plastic boning. This isn't a real corset. I have two and they were both around $300 and are steel boned. Sure, some beginners buy their $60 steel boned trainers off of eBay and that's fine for just starting out. However, this is garbage.
She's seriously better off just getting some Spanx with how huge she is.
No. 25496, gee. "You're a piece of shit" comes to mind. Also..
>creepers get blockedWhich is why you still post yourself naked on your IG, ass shots, and cleavage shots.
>trolls get blockedBecause anyone who isn't coddling you is wrong.
No. 25498
>>25495The spanx would rip trying to get over her fupa.
>>25493If I wasn't saving money for supplies to make a corset I'd get that for her.
No. 25503
>>25501She probably won't reveal those. The same way people have asked her weight and she says that it's "none of people's business".
Funny, it was apparently 8,400 people's business to need to see your mouth wrapped around a cock on an Imgur album which is public.
No. 25519
>>25503Yeah, though I guess we can make an estimate comparing her with her friends.
What we can do is estimate how many calories she's taking in in one meal that she shared on IG.
So, for this meal
>>20385 she got a chipotle burrito bowl. They're usually not bad if you don't go haywire, but judging by the size of it, she doubled all the toppings. I can't see everything under the giant layer of cheese and sour cream, so I may be off, but I calculated around 1,240 calories if all the toppings there were doubled (minus the meat). If it wasn't doubled, it would be around 785.
No. 25531
>>25530Now, watch my post get screenshot and captioned as "stalking" despite the fact that I'm only reiterating shit that she's made public knowledge.
No. 25536
>>25445>>25469I know, it's utterly revolting. She and her followers must smoke some good shit to accuse people of being jealous. For that matter, since so many of them claim that she's beautiful, why aren't any of them working to look like her? Gaining copious amounts of weight and taking a stay at home job so they can be lazy. I mean, that's so desirable, right? Why don't you all go ahead and imitate that?
Oh, but of course, they wouldn't. Because these fuckers know they would never want to look like her, yet they call her beautiful.
No. 25561
>>25531I would laugh so much.
>>25536I wonder if any of them are. It would be interesting, but I bet most of her watchers, the quiet ones, are all creepy guys that found her through her bbw tags and nudes.
No. 25567
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No. 25571
Kind of sad that her followers are in their 20s and 30s with the mindset of teenagers.
No. 25572
>>25567Her brother has aspergers. If he was a full blown autistic I doubt he'd be able to cook those meals or work. I mean they might hire him for a menial job, but that's about it.
She wont say he has aspergers because AUTISM sounds way worse. She's making her brother sound retarded just for attention. What a cunt.
And when did we say there was something incestous going on between them? Because we jokingly said he was a feeder? They aren't always sexual in nature. Get your mind out of the gutter you stupid cunt.
No. 25573
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>>25567Damn, you beat me to it.
Here's the screencap with her giant wall of text for documentation purposes.
Seriously, though, who is this Amber and why is it Rosie keeps saying we call her brother a feeder when one person wondered it once? What I find interesting is that she didn't bother saying her bf isn't one though we have mused over that more.
The funniest bit is that she thinks we're not part of the IG community. I've been a follower of hers for months.
Also, that one girl that thinks we're uneducated. I can't stop laughing.
No. 25579
>>25573Her BF
IS a feeder though. It's is funny she didn't mention that bit because we already figured out he was one.
I think she knows he's a feeder too and wont even touch the subject. IRL, deep down, she's lonely and sad and she deludes herself into thinking this man loves her.
No Quirky he doesn't. He gets off deathfats like you, that's about it. He'll keep feeding you pizza until you die, then he'll move on to someone else, like you never existed.
I wouldn't be surprised if she ate until she threw up only to keep eating immediately afterwards while crying.
No. 25583
>>25579It's really sad isn't it? That's probably why she wanted to split with him a few days back, if she can be taken seriously.
Watch as she makes a post on IG claiming otherwise.
>>25582No idea, but I'm betting pretty soon.
No. 25588
>>25583I think she wanted something more. Maybe she wanted to move in with him or closer to him and he was like, lolno. We have this, take it or leave it. And she took it.
Maybe it was something even less invasive like: she wanted to make their relationship official and put pictures they took together up, and he was like lolnop. We have this, take it or leave it.
In the end, she's too weak to break up with a guy, she has low self-esteem. If anyone is going to get dumped, it'll be her.
Anyone want to bet he's fucking the local fatties? I'm positive he is.
No. 25591
>>25588That is definitely a possibility. lol, at least he knows he doesn't want any evidence of them being together.
>>25587This is going to be so fun.
No. 25597
>>25595You'd be right except that Quirky had been posted months ago on this board, without having had a thread of her own. This thread is only a month old. And, it isn't unlikely to assume that that asshurt anon linked her because everyone told them to shut the fuck up. Besides.. to the bottom and read across the border's comment.
No. 25601
>>25597lol, is that racist-chan?
>>Across the borderAre they mad that they got banned?
No. 25606
>>24940First of all, toppest keks that you thought that other anon was me and went straight into insults.
I never said I published stuff. You know, you can research just by reading books and papers. So nice assumption there?
BED has a lot of books on it actually. They're pretty interesting, such as how it's similar to Bulimia but people with bulimia eat their binges twice as quickly as people with BED but eat similar quantities, how they feel similar disassociation and how they both have similar patterns of guilt (the difference being with bulimia is that they purge, obviously). BED doesn't have the same sense of panic, it's more of a spiral into self loathing and depression after a binge, so I guess that's the difference that causes the purging trigger for someone with bulimia.
>>24935Hating the "being severely fat is ok" mentality is not what I'm talking about here though. Literally just hating and mocking a human being for being fat even if they don't make excuses, admit full well there is a problem and don't do anything to another person isn't justified. I am talking about this solely and not for any other reason.
>Being unremorseful about it like Quirky and other Tumblrinas makes it even worse.This I can agree with. HAES has definitely delved into the "eating like shit and being several hundred pounds overweight is so fierce! go you!", which is absolutely the incorrect attitude to have and as a society we should not be promoting it. What I really hate is that it's teaching these girls to settle to live a life they can change and would choose to be the opposite in a heartbeat if they could. It's teaching them to be ok with dying 40 years earlier than they should, most likely with people washing them and wiping their asses. It's just wrong. I don't understand how pro anorexia/bulimia is ban-able content on almost every social media site but pro obesity is absolutely fine. It's fucked.
No. 25613
>>25609Anon, I really think that you should just drop it.
You quoted a post from over a day ago when everyone else had already moved on to another point of discussion. If you're not that anon, you're doing a great job at making yourself look like them regardless. We know she's vain enough to do that, but you forget that she never brought trouble upon herself by Googling. It was by posting nudes all over Reddit and then making herself known everywhere as a giant, miserable hypocrite and basketcase.
She was linked, whether you want to believe it or not. It's an anon board, so if the person is still among us, it isn't like they'll be found unless they out themselves. Even then, nothing to lose.
No. 25614
>>25609The point still stands. This thread was posted 22 days ago, and it wasn't until drama started itt that she gets linked. She got posted several times on /fit/, on fps threads, and people started to spam her youtube and instagram. She attributed those comments to reddit. 4chan was never mentioned or thought of.
I'm still pretty skeptical she went ahead and googled herself, otherwise she would've stated so just like that one time she found herself on Reddit.
And on top of everything, she already outed what board the comments come from, so it's kind of weird her minions haven't appeared yet.
No. 25645
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>>25616This board is the second result on the first page, so I am inclined to think they simply don't give a shit.
No. 25647
>>25645Oh my, you're right, it came up as the second result for me too.
Guess they really aren't too loyal.
No. 25648
>>25647Or, they're pussies. I'm sure many of them are going to conjure up the typical replies of..
>THEY DUN DESERVE MUH W00RDS XDDDDThey think it's sad and pathetic that we hate Quirky for being a piece of shit. I think it's sad and pathetic that I can predict every single reply fucking verbatim over here, because they never matured past the age of fourteen. None of them.
No. 25657
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So, I was just documenting the comments for the heck of it and hit the last few comments by Rosie.
She sure likes lying. I only saw that Amber girl mentioned a total of 5 times and mostly just background info about their drama. And she's using her brother so often that I'm feeling sorry for the poor kid. She's such a shit-stirrer.
No. 25658
>>25657Except that nowhere in this thread has anyone mentioned Amber or even know who she is. And, if people don't believe that, they should read every single reply here for themselves.
If you want to talk shit, you had better be able to back it up.
No. 25663
>>25658She was literally only mentioned twice and it was for background info:
>>20481>>20487The other 3 times, one was me asking who the fuck she was before I used the find function, were either asking about her or talking about her most likely perceived disorders.
But yeah, I'm tempted to link her followers to a couple screen grabs or something. Probably won't do it 'cause I have better things to do right now.
No. 25677
>oppressorsTIL discussing stuff she makes public about her is oppressing.
No. 25701
>>25690I usually don't watch her videos, so I missed those slip ups.
I think we can safely say that range is a pretty good estimate.
No. 25726
>>25702As someone who was 250 at my heaviest, it was a nightmare. I didn't want to live or do anything and just wanted to die. I was literally killing myself by eating my emotions instead of going for a walk or something.
Nowadays, I joke around that I need to shed a <insert sister's name> though I've lost a bit already. (I'm down to exactly 206 since August and I ain't stopping till I hit 120.)
No. 25728
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Why do fat bitches idolize drag queens so much? They're not anything special and yet, as with Monroe, they use them as a flag. The last person I'd ever find to be inspiring is some guy who wears clothing he'll never look as a woman in. Also, that heavy, shitty makeu– OH, I SEE WHY NOW!~
No. 25746
>>25739Fat bitches idolize drag queens because these are people who live under the reputation of being sassy and fierce– something fat bitches fancy themselves as, but will never actually be. When drag queens act as they do, most of the time, it isn't perceived as obnoxious. When fat girls do it, it just comes off as cunty and holier than thou. Rose's makeup is often as caked and shitty and heavy as some drag queens. Doesn't help that in some pictures you can't even tell if she's a man or a woman.
>>25728>keyboard nazisI know this cunt isn't seriously comparing the Nazi Party to people saying that they think fat and manipulative liars are shitty people.
Do some people just liken shit to Nazis arbitrarily in order to make a situation sound even more severe than it actually is? Holy shit, I wish your parents hit you more.
No. 25754
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No. 25755
File: 1416616578969.png (544.97 KB, 1307x781, back to being a hypocrite.png), look. I guess we're back to contradicting ourselves once more. Goodie!
>feminist makeup remarkThat's why you ignore those guys and don't date them. Not rocket science. That's /r9k/ logic and that's why those fuckers end up alone.
>chopping off hairHow fucking overly sensitive. It's just someone making an observation, not oppressing you. My hair was down to under my ass since I was six and I only ever got dead ends removed. I had it cut into a layered bob with bangs in September and when people who had always fawned over my hair made those remarks, I didn't feel "shamed". Jesus fucking..
>stick figure commentProbably the only thing accurate about this photo.
>old lesbians..I've never heard anyone say this shit in my entire life and I think you're just making shit up now.
>virgin remarkThat's still not fucking shaming? There are people who just assume that someone very good looking must have a man or a woman in their life and therefore lost the v-card. Why are you so fucking reactionary..
>fat, shallow girl remarkRose, this sounds like you, actually.
>Body positivity is understanding that ALL bodies are beautiful, ALL people deserve to choose how to express themselves,Yeah, see, but here's the fucking thing– You and a bunch of whales are promoting the concept that being fat is beautiful when it isn't. It's disgusting. It's a waste of resources. It imposes onto others, whether you want to admit it or not. It's slowly killing you and you don't even give enough of a shit to do something about it, because it's easier for you to sit on social media all day and get asspats for accomplishments you've never even made.
And, as for the crock of shit about expressing yourself? Shit you've said is detrimental to the naive people listening to your garbage, because you're enforcing the belief that this is all perfectly normal and healthy. I shudder to think of how many girls out there found your fucking blog and have now decided against getting themselves in shape and seeing a doctor.
But, what do I know? I'm just a fucking Nazi.
No. 25760
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No. 25798
>>25726Good luck on your weight loss anon!
Damn, if you felt so shitty at 250 how must Quirky feel at 400~450lbs? "I'm totally healthy and happy and I love my body" my ass.
No. 25801
>>25775Many, many years ago I read an article about a fat busdriver who was shot but he was ok because of this. I don't find the article online though.
If you can still drive a bus and work outside of your home you can't be that much bigger than quirky.
But I guess this only would work at the biggest areas of her body.
No. 25829
>>25798Thanks, anon! I can't believe how easy it's been too, so it makes me wonder about quirk.
I've been assuming that she's feeling around that bad or worse. Would explain why she's always asking/begging for validation from strangers online. I would pity her if it weren't for her horrid attitude and her compulsive lying.
No. 25837
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That caption, lol.
Anyway, genuinely curious about something; Is there a pros and cons list to Quirky? I half want to entertain myself trying to argue on her behalf, but I feel like this is something that is so far to one side that there's not really any room (hue) for a middle ground. I can't even say that a positive thing about her is that she inspires people, because the way in which she inspires them is detrimental to their health.
No. 25857
>>25837I know for a few others and myself that she inspires us to get healthier, thinspiration if you will, so I guess that's one "pro".
Another that could work is better sense of style and fashion.
No. 25866
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No. 25869
>>25866I love how she cried about us making fun of her lipstick and one of her retarded followers claimed we were jealous that she could "rock it".
Sweetie, you seem to be brain damaged. Most women can wear red lipstick, but it's a common mistake to pick the wrong shade because many don't know their undertones. She wore a cheapass, $3 orange-red by City Color. It didn't suit her skin tone. Orange based reds look better on dark skin tones. Cool/blue based reds look best on fair skin tones. This isn't even rocket science, it's called not being a ratchet bitch and just buying anything you -think- may look good on you.
No. 25871
>>25869Agreed, even I know that and I don't even bother with makeup (probably should start too though).
In any case, she looks like a middle-aged woman trying her hardest to look young. Who in their right mind would be jealous of that?
No. 25875
>>25837She inspires me to lose weight and to be humble.
Also to learn what's a true BOLD, MEAN, RED LIPSTICK.
And also to do my liner right.
No. 25892
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No. 25917
>>25837As compared to most lolcows she's actually pretty mild I think. All the worst she's doing is only to herself and she doesn't appear to attack people or be mean to anyone, at the very least (as compared to our beloved PT or Raven).
As per her "inspiring" other people to stay fat or get fat or whatever I think it's kind of bullshit. People like that would have done it anyway and either just stuck to tumblr or found someone else to leech onto for inspiration. Plus, as people here say, she's thinspiration more than anything else.
No. 25923
>>25917>doesn't appear to attack people or be mean to anyoneExcept that this is completely wrong, because she actually does go out of her way to shit on others and attack people so she can look like a victim. Quirky will purposefully put herself out there and say some asinine shit that she knows is wrong, but then whine the minute anyone calls her out on her shit. Then, promptly screenshot the comment out of context, block the person, and post it on her Instagram for all of her followers to see so she can be coddled and that person gets harassed. And, she does this to each and every single person who doesn't agree with her on any little thing. She pretty much invents reasons to get offended in order to garner attention. She preaches body acceptance and how she's so much of a feminist, yet has gone out of her way time and again to be hateful towards people who are different than her. I can count on one hand how many times she's defended "skinny people" and they all happen to be her friends, so that's a bias. She preaches constantly about how she doesn't care what people think about her and yet any negative remark that is made gets screenshot and put up for the world to see while she begs for more coddling. That's being a cunt and attacking others. It doesn't even stop at the internet or her Instagram, either. There are countless videos on her IG account where she's got her gaming headset on and feels the need to bitch and complain to everyone that someone on Xbox called her fat and abloobloo fat discrimiashunnn. She's even admitted in one of her videos that one of the contributing factors as to why she was bullied was because she partially instigated it. This is someone who acted like they were some kind of martyr for posting a picture of their fat ass. Literally.
She's manipulative. I honestly don't see how anyone could reach your conclusion unless they had come into the thread simply to disagree and never read any of it.
No. 25925
>>25923I've been following this thread and the last one, calm your tits.
She puts stupid shit out there, but that's the thing, I don't think she's aware that it's stupid shit; it seems like you are implying that she is trolling for attention when I don't think she is, I think she's sincere about a lot of the shit she posts. And since it is on her instagram (rather than her spreading out and doing it on various forums, the way Raven for example did) then it was people going on her instagram to bring it up rather than her spamming it somewhere. As far as I'm concerned people are free to do whatever they fuck they want on their own accounts just as we are free to observe and laugh, so she really didn't "partially instigate" anything if she's keeping it to herself and then people choose to bring attention to it.
I never denied that a lot of her actions are stupid, but she seemingly has no ambitions to go out and bring attention to herself (in that, she doesn't want to be an idoru like PT, a model like Raven, or any of the weird shit Chris-chan tries to do).
Again, I have yet to see an example of her going out of her way to attack someone and be mean to them (like, say, PT did when she posted mean comments on random cosplayers fb pictures). Face it, the only reason she's a lolcow is because of her unusually fat appearance and her grating personality. If she were thin nobody would care and if she were less grating while fat nobody would care either except to maybe post a few pictures to laugh at. But compared to the good lolcows we've had before she's mild as fuck.
No. 25926
>>25925>so she really didn't "partially instigate" anything if she's keeping it to herself and then people choose to bring attention to it. Not that anon but she kinda did.
You instigate shit when you decide to post screenshots, not only of this board, but of other sites and people, as a way to "expose" them, and it doesn't matter if it's in your personal space, you're bringing something foreign to it.
Quirky has this habit of doing that to garner attention and sympathy from others, and I'm guessing she deleted the lolcow posts because things were getting out of hand on her account, and maybe people were finding the board and seeing shit she didn't want them to see, like her nudes.
>She puts stupid shit out there, but that's the thing, I don't think she's aware that it's stupid shit;She is pretty aware it's stupid shit, hence why she deletes things as she sees fit.
Fat people pull this shit all the time, fuck I was one of those people, so I know her behavior because I lived it and saw it in other people who were in the same condition as me.
If she wasn't aware of the shit she pulls she would've switched her instagram to private, for example. She would've made a change, yet she hasn't and she won't.
Is she mild compared to Raven or PT? Of course she is, but she's still in denial. She's a fatty in denial who feeds on the attention her followers give her, and it doesn't matter how, she'll keep lookin for ways in which said attention is delivered to her.
No. 25934
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>>25917She encourages people to lead an unhealthy lifestyle and she spreads misinformation, which is just as dangerous if not more than intentionally lying to people.. which she already does. Since people trust her so much, they think that they can believe what she's telling them.
She attention whores in order to make herself into a victim.
She says that she's such a feminist, but she steps on other women's ideas and when women have come to her trying to help her, she shouts them down whilst equally shouting about how right she is. She doesn't respect the idea that some people don't want to be fat anymore. She expects her "triggers" and requests and wishes to be fulfilled by everyone else yet grants not an ion of respect towards others.
Remember those pictures bawwing about her breakup? They're now gone, because she got the attention she wanted. The Lolcow pictures are also gone, because she either got what she wanted or as
>>25926 said, people probably found this place and she realized what is posted here could cost her her popularity. Former fatties came to her thinking they were giving her advice and she got cunty with them on comments about her "lifestyle being policed" and soon after her knights also jumped on them. She knows her followers watch what she says and some of them even take it upon themselves to answer people before she even can. This is about as coddled as you could get aside from having one of your social media strangers ordering you a pizza, because you posted that your bank account was -$7 and were "starving".. lol, wait, she did that, too.
She also blocked a thinspiration account for no reason other than the fact that it followed her. It said nothing nasty to her. Instead of trying to talk to the person and ask, "Woah, hey there, we're such polar opposites. Why follow me?", she just blocked them and screenshot the account's user page. Thus, opening the door for yet another person to get harassed. She can't cry that she was being harassed or oppressed by this. Not if she also in the same breath claims to be all about body acceptance and loving all bodies. She operates in absolutes and it's aggravating.
If you don't find her to be entertaining then why are you still bothering with us? Because you sound like that anon who complained the day she found us about how you don't understand why we "stalk her" and blah blah blah. Nobody's making you look here. At this point, you're bitching for the sake of.
No. 25936
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No. 25945
>>25934>She says that she's such a feminist, but she steps on other women's ideas and when women have come to her trying to help her, she shouts them down whilst equally shouting about how right she is.Forgive my autism, but feminism doesn't mean agreeing with all women or listening to everything they say just because they're women. Yeah, she's working off a base of delusion but she will see it as an attack, which isn't something you should tolerate just because you're a self proclaimed feminist and the person doing the "attacking" is a woman.
No. 25947
>>25934>If you don't find her to be entertaining then why are you still bothering with us? Because you sound like that anon who complained the day she found us about how you don't understand why we "stalk her" and blah blah blah. Nobody's making you look here. At this point, you're bitching for the sake of.Christ are your panties in a twist. Re-read my post, I had no issue with anyone here laughing at her and was pretty clear about finding her entertaining, but she is nowhere near the level of PT or even Raven–in my opinion, and I was responding to someone talking about a theoretical middle ground with her. So my claiming she's mild for a lolcow is somehow "bothering with [you]" or bitching? Get over yourself and stop being paranoid.
>>25935She won't do shit, but I'm hoping she'll stop by.
No. 25952
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Her cheek…idek
No. 25956
>>25945Its not about agreeing with all women. Its about claiming to have so much compassion and derp feminism flowing in you yet being passive aggressive or cunty when another woman chooses to live differently. Quirky tries to act like she does so much to help other women, when all she's ever done is be a bitter cunt and poorly hide it. She hates herself, her life, and only loves people who readily agree with her. She's had impressionable girls thanking her for inspiring them to stay fat, because of how 'sassy' she is about her own declining health. If she cared so much about other women, she'd openly say not to look up to her and that she has her own issues like any other. She'd encourage them to get healthy and survive instead of posting this Tumblrina carousel logic about loving yourself even as an amorphous blob. It shows even in her followers; The majority of those girls are fat. The few who aren't likely follow her out of pity. The fat ones just sit around, handing asspats to each other all day instead of realizing they're all dying a slow, painful death.
She's an ignorant bitch, sorry.
No. 25982
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Because this doesn't scream arrogance, at all. No. 25986
>>25982>loving myself redefined beauty standardsI'm sorry, how are people saying that she isn't putting others down, full of herself, or mean? She's claiming that her own obnoxious ego redefined beauty standards in general. No, honey, you're just incapable of understanding that outside of fetishists (whom you once willfully catered to) plenty of people aren't going to find you to be attractive. And, instead of trying to understand that you feel the need to conjure up these lies about how it's society that is wrong and not you. How delusional.
>revolutionized my worldNo, it didn't. All you've done is become a lot more arrogant about your ever failing health, but people are too stupid to see that this isn't confidence.
Her entire movement is about pushing beauty standards and then getting upset when people don't like them. That's controlling and shitty, not to mention the same myopic behavior she always tries to shame in everyone else. She says she loves herself, but only because she hasn't made any effort to get better and realizes that she's probably fucked for life at this point.
>my self worth isn't tied to my body or sex life..But, it is? In your case, it absolutely is. You've constantly sought validation through strangers and what little you get from your boyfriend FOR your body type. You wouldn't be pushing for a change in beauty standards so hard if you didn't seek approval for how you look. You pretty much orbit around the fact that you're fat, make it your entire identity, and then get pissed when it's acknowledged by anyone. Your self worth most definitely relies in the fact that you're fat.
>Loving my body means that I respect why I look the way I do.You respect the fact that you have eaten too much for your entire life? That isn't something to respect.. It's like you've completely eliminated introspection. You brag about things you haven't even done. You've done nothing deserving of respect.
>Loving my body has given me the confidence for the first time in my life to believe that I will find my health.And, how many times is this now? Because you've alleged that you've seen doctors for years, had tests done, been on special diets, and yet we hear about those once and never again. It's always conveniently when you're whining for "trolls" to stop criticizing you. You make up shit for attention all of the time and it's honestly disgusting what kind of person you are, Quirky.
No. 25996
>>25988This is so formal, especially coming from someone who's been with someone for years.
He tells her to keep going, keep being sassy online.
He say's YOUR goals, not OUR goals.
He tells her to fight her trolls, yet what SO tells you to keep doing that? He doesn't even tell her he's got her back, because he doesn't. He's too embarrassed to even have pictures of you two on the internet. He knows how it works, once it's on there, it never goes away.
It's like he knows how to work her, he tells her everything she wants to hear down to the tee, from telling her she's been through so much, how strong she is, how terrible the trolls are, how caring and kind she is, what a noble specimen of the human race she is, and ends it with a "Love you".
Honestly he sounds like a M'Lady beta bitch. He doesn't love Rosie. They will never end up together IRL, unless it's to meet up in dirty hotel rooms to fuck.
He knows she's a terrible example for his daughter (lets not forget, a pitiful mother figure). Deep down, even though he fetishises superfats, he would never want his daughter to become one.
No. 26009
>>26002LMAO, this actually makes more sense. That whole text reads so… Quirky.
"I hope this message finds you in good spirits" M'Lady. Quirky wears fedoras (they don't fit her fat head, but fuck you, #honermuhcurves).
No. 26016
>>26013I just find it suspicious that we never see what this guy looks like, he clearly doesn't have an Instagram, she doesn't appear to even have herself in a relationship on Facebook like most people do, and she's never screenshot their text conversations in the past. Only people who "bully" her and her friends.
Out of seemingly nowhere, after she gets back together with him and finds out about lolcow, he's in the picture? Pft, alright.
No. 26022
>>26016Do you think she is pretending to be in a relationship?
I always thought he was in control and was the one that didn't want to be associated with her online. Even though she says she's protecting him, It's not true.
Now that I think about it, her
boyfriend could be a vibrator she attached to her pillow.
No. 26025
>>26018I've used iphone, android and window phones and it's the same on all of them. Base texting app, and like 6 other messenger apps as well. She's so fucking desperate to prove she's loved she's faking it. Like jfc, get a grip Rosie. You need to sort yourself out. Go take a bath and chill and see how stupidly desperate you're being.
>>26022Probably, I know a girl (surprise, the fatty that's been mentioned before) who faked relationships with people all the time, and she'd only ever post "for tha bae <3" and it'd be cropped pics of her nudes. It seems like nobody like them can actually land guys, only sympathetic girls.
No. 26026
>>26022Honestly? I'm not sure what to believe, because if you go digging through her IG for posts made over a year ago, there's A LOT of emo shit posts about not being loved, deserving love, how you broke me, broke my heart, etc.
Now, none of that adds up with the Imgur album nudes which were posted two years ago.. if she's allegedly been with this guy she's currently speaking of for years.
You guys do the math.
No. 26030
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>>25988Come on man you're supposed to be an independent sassitude wtf happened.
No. 26031
>>26030I don't get why she couldn't even be a tiny bit smart about this, like use her AUTISTIC brothers phone to send herself a message. Like goddamn she's dumb.
I don't know why, but I'm really bothered she's been pretending to have a BF for a year now. Like I find it disturbing that a grown woman could keep up this charade for so long. I know she'll have people say HE DOES EXIST!! I CHATTED WITH HIM.
But has anyone actually seen him? Like on skype? Are her IRL friends on her IG?
No. 26035
>>26032Ok, well I'm pretty dumb at explaining things, but if you follow the line on the blue box you'll notice it's straight up until it gets to the red circle, then you should notice that it starts to turn into an arrow.
An arrow that points to herself (the right side of the messenger), because she sent the message.
I don't know if that made any sense, someone HALP.
No. 26041
>>26039That was two years ago. From what I recall, they did meet (once) and had sex and took pictures.
Then I guess he dumped her?
She doesn't own the account where her noods are, I'm pretty sure she would have deleted them if she did.
Did she ever delete her noods on reddit?
I'd check myself but I don't know the moniker she used and it was over a year ago.
No. 26043
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>>26032>>26032Okay so you know how texts come in speech bubbles now, right? The circle points out that she's the one who sent the message because the speech bubble is pointing at her. She didn't receive the message or the arrow would be pointing to the left.
Pic related.