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No. 200212
Previous thread
>>94398The chronicles so far…
>The glasses phase>LACE>Her documentary >outed for self posting>Buying a nipponese cat>GOOD BYE AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH No. 200218
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>I've never heard of her. Anyone got deets?Yeah sort of. She isn't anything special, just a name-fag from 4chan. Nowadays she posts coords on CoF with poorly edited on Drake faces. I think she also tried to organize a /cgl/ secret santa last year but a lot of issues came up from it.
No. 200223
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Kate's HILARIOUS reply.
No. 200225
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carly's response to kate leaving
No. 200226
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No. 200228
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some dumbass friend of kate's departure
No. 200230
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voldie's passive aggressive response
No. 200235
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>>200230this is caps anon again. just wanted to include this cute picture of our savior from this evil.
No. 200260
>>200230Voldie's just mad that Carly is liked way more as a 'chubby' lolita than she is. Voldie didnt even start using the drake pictures. Some other seagull were using that and then Voldie jumped on it.
It's amazing that Voldie would feel the right to call ANYONE a 'cuntbag'.
inb4 vendetta: I dont know Voldie or anything outside of seeing pictures and the posts she makes I'm just wholeheartedly tired of her.
No. 200309
>>200256They have talked, happened when Kate went to Toronto. Voldie became friends with cadney and so has been brought into that inner circle. There is at least a few pictures of Kate with voldie.
>>200253You dont like how your face looks in the picture but you like the pose. You arent trying to hide your face, just unflattering pics of it.
No. 200339
>>200230Is her name actually Voldie or is it a nickname? Every time I see it I just think of Voldemort wearing a lolita dress…
Anyway she obviously needs a punch in the face along with Kate.
No. 200342
>>200327No it isn't. She canceled it when the guy wouldn't listen to her about the direction.
>>200339Wow that's a pretty dumb question. Do you think cadneys name is Cadney?
No. 200407
>>200272I used to have a hedgehog actually, and they require a lot of maintenance. They need a heat lamp at all times and have to have a very regular light schedule. They also shed their quills and are prone to mites.
I say this because it's the exact opposite of what Kate is doing with Pom. The way that Carly takes care of her hedgehog is admirable, especially when she's in college. Kate can't even be bothered to not kill her cat.
No. 200432
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>>200425>>200426Her personal(?) facebook is still up though, pic related.
No. 200440
>>200226This shit is news to me. My two dogs were carried by plane to live with me, and they're fine. They're small dogs, too. Still alive to this day.
It's fucked up if something does end up happening to the kitten though
No. 200451
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>>200348Here's Voldie. ever since she's done her best to hide her true level of chub
No. 200466
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>>200279Not originally anon but found the post for you guys
No. 200479
>>200474By "it wasn't even made yet" I meant completed, bad wording on my part. That's my point though, there was still filming left which is why she wanted money for her Japan trip.
Basically, no one asked her to make it, she wanted to all on her own. Then she wanted to profit on it because she thinks she is popular and flounced when she found out the EVIL WESTERN COMMU only thinks she is worth $1.
No. 200537
>>200487Even if all this is true, by re-uploading the video to her personal channel, linking it from her Facebook, and creating an Indiegogo fund she basically endorsed the doc, and made it seem like she approved of the whole thing.
Kate's big issue is that she doesn't think things through. She just goes and does whatever she thinks will further her agenda (popularity, LACE, etc) without bothering to consider what might happen afterwards. She is just THAT desperate for attention.
No. 200541
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>>200420>>200424>>200425Insta is gone too, maybe she's actually disappearing?
I can't wait for all her friends to whiteknight and baww about how people "bullied her off the internet!!!!".
I'm a little concerned about how this will affect her mentally. Like, I have no love for her, but going from spotlight, updating social media, getting tons of attention, to zero, is going to be very weird for her.
To be honest, I'm worried she's going top herself. I know it's awful to say, but something like that would be turned on the community so fucking bad. She's had a lot of eyes on her, and she's fucked up so badly that she could never really be taken seriously without people to defend her every action.
No. 200552
File: 1446764005798.jpg (128.83 KB, 445x223, fdss.jpg)

>Prominent lolita desu
No. 200557
>>200552Oh no, obviously the opinion of two and a half e-fame Lolitas > literally everyone else in the community.
>I had to stop wearing Lolita because Western Lolitas so mean desu ;__;Fuck off Jillian, you just wore the clothes for attention anyway. And when the Lolita community refused to give you enough asspats, you quit.
No. 200565
>>200557These bitches are just upset they're becoming irrelevant in the Lolita comm as time goes by. Without the attention they want and asspats, they cry out that the Western community is a shithole and then leave.
Fucking top kek.
No. 200588
>>200554Absolutely disgusting. What is this cosplay supposed to be anyway? Something from One Piece? She should not be cosplaying that.
I love how Voldie is like a typical /cgl/. Acts like she's so great on 4chan and has power to delete all posts gossiping about her, then is actually a typical chub who desperately needs to lose some weight.
No. 200593
File: 1446769693547.png (144.21 KB, 484x1144, screen1.png)

screenshots of the RC:UC convo in case some aren't apart of that facebook group
No. 200609
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>>200606Skipped over the carly rose/voldie stuff since its already screensnapped
No. 200635
>>200601Fuck Janine and Angel jfc.
Just cause someone voices, their opinion doesn't make them a meanie butt.
No. 200696
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>>200692Was thinking the exact same. She'll be back in Japan more often than we think because clearly the Japanese Lolitas are such saints; she'll have to join their inner circle somehow.
No. 200713
File: 1446779953739.png (52.07 KB, 504x642, ss (2015-11-05 at 07.18.11).pn…)

>>200665screen shot for archiving purposes
No. 200764
>>200233Voldie has been on Kate's dick for a while. Kate posted some uncredited art that my friend drew a while back, and my friend asked her to take it down, and started to post along with her comics to not delete captions and such. Voldie sent her a message telling her that it was offputting that she would caption her artwork that way and that she shouldn't be mad that someone stole her art.
No. 200765
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>>200764Did anyone else see when Kate posted that picture Lanii drew of her, Kate, and Cadney, and Voldie "fixed" it by drawing herself in? LMAO she's so thirsty for the e-fame chans.
No. 200839
>>200823>>200825They're not wanting e-fame because they were Lolita, they wear Lolita because they want e-fame.
There are tons of chill Lolitas who can post their pics to the internet without self promoting every two seconds, or who just don't put up pictures on the internet at all. Even the more knwon Lolitas like Lor or Peachie, who pt themselves out there a lot, usually avoid too much drama.
But these people use the fashion as a way to promote themselves, and get easy attention. Only thing you need is money, some PS filters, and the willingness to promote yourself. If you're well off like Kate, you won't have much trouble constantly buying popular releases too. They than expect the community to bow down to them, and everyone outside the Lolita comm to be amazed how ~quirky~ and ~unique~ they are because they wear frilly dresses (as if you get a special award for that).
If it doesn't work out, they'll throw a huge tantrum like Jillian and just leave the fashion for another upcoming style. Kate is on the same way.
No. 200886
>>200693So she spent close to $1K on a special needs cat. Wow.
>>200602Thank you so much for all the screencaps! If you have time, would you please be able to go back abd cap the full Kristen Mahone comments? I am curious about what her sociologist mother thinks of the lolita community.
No. 200894
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>>200602>>200886>>200886Sorry anon! Didn't mean to miss that. I currently only have mobile available but I went and found the comments for you
No. 200902
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holy shit, Japanese girl is out for blood
No. 200935
>>200902This person is a creep who can barely speak English. He made a fake profile because Kate blocked him after he got stalkerish about LACE stuff.
Everyone should stop giving him attention. He's obviously unstable.
No. 200959
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>>200950okay there friend
Just pointing out: There have been western lolitas way before Kate* who dont cry about drama and there will continue to be lolitas who will join the community without crying about drama.
*Kate, Cadney, Jillian or ANY of those stupid famewhores who bawwed out of the community because of 'drama'/'haters'
No. 200962
>>200959Exactly this.
Like what the fuck is wrong with the Lolita community? I've only been in it for several years and I've had no drama, no bullshit, a lovely comm and never experienced any hate? So what the fuck? Do these fame whores just cause problems to happen on their own terms? There's nothing wrong with it AT ALL.
No. 200967
>>200962They expect respect when they have earned none. They take people for granted. They don't live up to their promises.
They are bad people.
No. 200969
>>200950ONE mistake? You're one of Those People, aren't you? The ones who constantly excuse bad behaviour and enable others to be shit people. It's all there in the OP post:
>The glasses phase>LACE>Her documentary >outed for self posting>Buying a nipponese cat>GOOD BYE AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISHand
>the PARODY of the documentary that caused her to take it down for "unrelated reasons,">that fucking Indiegogo backpedal>the AM anonymous rumour posting fiasco No. 200972
>>200962Got to agree with you, I have never seen any real massive drama or hate in my comm and when something did look like it was about to begin it was immediately dealt with.
The only shit you deal with is the shit you bring with you. The people who continuously complain about drama and haters following them everywhere need to understand this. There needs to come a time when people need to ask themselves is the problem me or the rest of the entire world.
No. 200986
>>200969What the actual fuck? None of these are mistakes, outside of maybe the cat. Instead of trying to talk about it with her calmly over that, all anyone did was gossip over it and claim they're upset over the cats well-being instead of actually doing anything.
Basically, you hate her over things you personally dislike and continue to seek her out instead of looking away from it. You morons made her e-famous. I don't even like Kate, but I also don't think she's that interesting of a person worthy of this attention or hate. It must be because she has a big wardrobe worthy of envy.
No. 200994
>>200986>giving Skype calls as an indiegogo prize>only claimed she was being exploited over it when it didn't raise money/had people questioning her>not a mistake yeah OK
You really don't belong here. Also you have no idea if people actually confronted her about it or not.
No. 200996
>>200986If Kate just admitted she's made mistakes she wouldn't have had so many issues.
Notice how she never says thank you to her fans, but instead decided to take a crap on them. Even her little temper tantrum post reeks of lack of responsibility.
If she'd just say, "Hey everyone, I've made a mistake by getting the cat. I got caught up in the moment, here's how I'm going to make it right.." She wouldn't have gotten eaten alive.
No. 201007
>>200986You need to check your facts.
When LACE started up several people calmly and rationally attempted to open a dialogue about bullying, the direction it was taking, how people could get assistance, how people could educate themselves and how to prevent the vendetta dog pile. It was either met with silence or allegations of being pro-bully/harassment for immediately not joining the bandwagon. People asked if there was more behind it than just a hash tag (a legitimate question) and they were called haters. People were told more info was to follow - it never did.
>Basically, you hate her over things you personally dislike And yeah, I personally dislike hypocrites and people who twist the truth, you got me on that one.
Kate is a hypocrite because she made up that AM bullshit. She didn't care about the things that were going on with AM until Buttcape stepped forward. If she was REALLY about protecting people from bullying, harassment and exploitation AM would have been a red flag. She should have been leading the charge. What does she do instead? That AM bullshit.
A girl was legitimately being harassed on Facebook in the Rufflechat thread for saying something dumb about skin colour not being her cup of tea. A bunch of lolitas formed a gang to make a concerted effort to make her cry, humiliate her and shred her in a public forum. Where was Kate an LACE then? Fucking nowhere.
Kate has been caught out twisting the truth with the doco. She was promoting the trailer and was linking the Indiegogo. As soon as the online community went WTF is this $300 Skype tea party?? (also a legitimate question)she pulled the pin, stating that it was done without her knowledge or permission. How could an Indiegogo where ALL the perks were Kate-related be created without Kate's permission? How could she post links to the Indiegogo and the doco to her social media and not know what was in them?
She became e-famous by plastering herself all over social media platforms. We commented on what she posted. That is how it works.
>It must be because she has a big wardrobe worthy of envy.This is how I know that you are incapable of making a rational argument or even understanding the dynamics of what is going on here.
In summation, you can leave now since the only moron here seems to be you.
No. 201024
>>200823Lone as you never go to local meets?
I mean, to each their own.
No. 201059
>>200903well he's a fucking weirdo, BUT
>You say you are suffering, but have so many beautiful expensive dresses and an easy life.he does have a point tbh.
Kate is all first world problems, and quitting the internet for as long as she can stand to go without the attention isn't going to change that.
>>200962I've experienced a lot of drama in one comm (chicago, in 2012 when things were really awful for too many reasons), but then no drama in the one I was in after(Scotland, which is a pretty chill comm with well dressed girls, and they're still super nice and keep me in even though I've moved again because I
might possibly maybe come back). Lolita is a mixed bag of drama/no drama. Just like the rest of life. Ppl like LACE are just pretty much tumblr where everythings got to be bubblewrapped in order to be acceptable to them, except that's totally unrealistic and makes me wonder how they handle life outside of lolita tbh.
>>200996THIS. Just admit you fucked up and not play victim all the time.
No. 201109
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>>201108and some crazy on another pic
No. 201139
>>201105>>201106>>201108>>201109What the fucking hell…
>>201126No seriously, what the fucking hell is going on…
No. 201140
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>>201069very true. it didnt accomplish jack shit and only made the so called "horrible bullyingggg~~" worse.
No. 201233
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>>201109Dude's gone off the deep end. Claims that Misako is talking about him on her facebook?
No. 201396
>>201283It kind of looks like she's selfposting in defence of herself on the secrets too.
So much for quitting the online comm forever.
No. 201486
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Looks like the documentary is still going to happen - why else would the creator want to interview Carly?
No. 201506
>>201486Arey ou sure that's the creator of the documentary? I thought that guy's name was Paul.
I read this comment as coming fromsomeone who had a technical hand in making the trailer, like directing or cutting it.
No. 201516
>>201486>>201486What do you guys think about some kind of revenge use of the movie? Would you watch it enjoy it because it's Kate? Would you hate it? They'd probably portray lolitas even worse in it.
There's also the possibility, maybe, they'd show "our" side and use Carly as a voice for the people who don't like her. Thoughts?
No. 201520
>>201516You know, I'm expecting something like Exit Through The Giftshop or Dear Zachary where the documentary starts out being filmed one way and then takes a sudden turn.
If anything, I hope it's about Kate's bizarro views next to normal lolitas and about the director discovering his subject was fucking crazy and lying.
Inb4 blog post but I'm a film student who wants to make documentaries and I'd kill to get my hands on that footage and make what I just described.
No. 201544
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I don't know if this has been mentioned already but Kate didn't delete her blog she has a fake deactivated theme.
No. 201546
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>>201544Can you share how to access anon? Or if you don't can you keep an eye out to see if she posts more things and report back
No. 201556
>>201555if you search her up you won't find her but if click on something she'd been @'d you can get to her blog.
Under carly's post in the girlyhoot tag there should be a post by cadney, click on the girlyhoot link on the post in the app because that's how I found her
No. 201561
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No. 201570
>>201516I probably would have watched it a way. I enjoy docos whether good or bad. Carly being potentially involved has made me more interested.
>>201520I am torn between wanting a fly-on-the-wall no interference from the director type presentation or a Nick Broomfield-esque fiasco. I love Broomfield, his stuff is a bit bizarre and I think a Carly x Broomfield collab would be hilarious.
No. 201597
>>201522Cadney, dumbass
Read the thread.
No. 201638
>>201302Cadney did post about it publicly at the time, as a KA and with what she dealt with at AM.
>>201486He isnt the director, although he may have worked with the guy I doubt it is legit.
>>201516Would like to see the film, not with Carly though. She is not a good 'voice' for that. Would be better if the director himself was talking since he filmed with Kate.
No. 201651
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>>201544you can also access it through the small popup that comes when you click a reblog link
if that makes sense
No. 201712
>>201546>>201544When it's a fake theme, you can use /archive and see their posts anyway IIRC. You can't do that with this.
Tumblr has this setting that allows you to make your blog unviewable to anyone and the only way of access is through your dashboard if you follow them. Maybe she's using that instead, and they haven't implemented it on the app yet?
I mean, this can be circumvented if you make another blog that only follows them and just look at all their shit by checking out the dashboard, but what do I know lmao
No. 201785
>>201547jesus they're STILL at it.
I kind of figured this was going to happen ever since Carly began to have a "cult following." After her first lace/pixielocks parody, people started guessing that she would start getting hate just for being popular, and I guess they were right.
No. 202286
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Kate's new cover photo. The amount of tryhard here is ridiculously cringey.
No. 202290
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>>202287Just went to check it out and it totally is. Jfc Kate, stay classy
No. 202291
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Carly-rose = voldie btw for those that dont know
No. 202293
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No. 202294
File: 1447147321665.png (6.14 KB, 584x170, ss (2015-11-10 at 01.21.18).pn…)

So just realized her fake nip nop name on Facebook isnt a translation of girlyhoot like I assumed.
Its Catherine Glitter?
No. 202295
>>201547Not surprised. I'm so tired of how fucking fake everyone in lolita is. All the "everyone is pretty and bullying is bad, I'm such a wonderful person" shit is so fake and everyone knows it. And yet, anyone who doesn't behave like Tumblr gets shit on for having a real personality. Reminds me of those Japanese Idols. These same bitches go and talk shit on /cgl/, so fuck them.
Just a random example, but I actually liked Charms in a weird way back from her lolita days. She was just so real and it was so refreshing because everyone else acted the fucking same. I wish there could be more interesting people in lolita, but it's filled with hypersensitive rich kids who can't look the other way when they see something they don't like.
No. 202296
>>202294oh, oh! look! some nipponese i can understand! it's Catherine
kira kira ~_^ whimsical
No. 202437
File: 1447183638593.png (101.25 KB, 631x533, Screenshot 2015-11-10 12.48.34…)

It's cute that you're trying to backpeddle and delete your posts, Nina.
No. 202459
>>202425>>202423I honestly don't think this will make a difference. Choke has been wildly disrespectful to customers and potential customers on social media and her fans just eat it up. She won't lose any business for coming here and participating.
Tbh I'm not gonna act like I am above her or something because that's what we are all doing here, posting caps and pointing and laughing.
No. 202482
>>202477Yeah, there actually used to be a video about her talking about it on her Youtube channel, which I can't seem to find. It was really out of place alongside her other videos so I'm not surprised she deleted it.
She just uses the aspie card whenever she's being a bitch, basically. Being an aspie =/= your get out of jail free card and not having to be held accountable for stirring shit.
No. 202491
>>202473Yes it was really stupid, I admit.
>>202474I somehow doubt we used to be close.
Okay, I've been a huge dumbass and I should have known better.
I will not write this off as a "lol aspergers" because honestly this was just me being a bitch because Kate wrote me something that really pissed me off a few days ago. Lashing out like this made me feel better for a bit, but it's not going to make anything better. It's immature and petty and I should have been way above this.
I have a lot of thoughts on Kate's actions and I should just have confronted her instead of being a little shit.
No. 202502
File: 1447194605287.png (13 KB, 486x137, 1447143671149.png)

>>202437Kek I saved the original.
No. 202536
File: 1447199735860.jpg (41.72 KB, 629x395, image.jpg)

Thought she was done with western drama and checking cgl? Kek she just can't stay away.
No. 202553
File: 1447201631938.gif (487.25 KB, 400x300, gtfo out gif.gif)

>>202491LOL all these efamous lolitas are proving they stalk this thread to death and selfpost.
<- "Kate, Cadney, Lani, Voldie, and Choke"
No. 202566
>>202565Hmm I just wrote
>>202564 but you have a point. That would be hilarious.
No. 202568
>>202542kek I can practically hear her screaming in the comments.
>THE OWNER GOES ON LOLCOW AND SHIT TALKED ME>THE OWNER IS A TERRIBLE PERSON AND WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRAND>SHE IS PART OF WHY I AM LEAVING LOLITA BECAUSE SHE CONTRIBUTES TO THE WESTERN COMM BEING A BAD PLACEI am curious about what message she sent Choke to provoke her. I mean, depending on what it is, I might wind up thinking a lot higher of choke lol.
No. 202570
>>202566That's just my conspiracy theory man. If it's true, I can't wait for the fall out.
Voldie has always been a seagull and probably contributed to a lot of shit talking on /cgl/, I just don't believe someone would change so from a shit stirrer to a 'SQUAD OMG!! MY LIFE!! MY SQUAD WITH EFAMOUS RORITAS! FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!' so quickly.
No. 202572
>>202571Oh I don't disagree, something about her was always off. But I am still curious about the message kate wrote to her to
TRIGGER her to post to lolcow.
No. 202573
>>202536based anon pls cap comments
>>202568didn't kate unfriend choke when she did the friendscut?
No. 202575
>>202573Yes she did unfriend her around that time, either during the cut or when she found out Choke wrote about her on Rufflechat Uncensored. But apparently she also sent her a message? See
>>202491Also here is a copy/paste of the comment (can't be bothered to cap rn), in case she decides to delete it.
>>202473>Yes it was really stupid, I admit.>>202474>I somehow doubt we used to be close.
>Okay, I've been a huge dumbass and I should have known better.>I will not write this off as a "lol aspergers" because honestly this was just me being a bitch because Kate wrote me something that really pissed me off a few days ago. Lashing out like this made me feel better for a bit, but it's not going to make anything better. It's immature and petty and I should have been way above this.
>I have a lot of thoughts on Kate's actions and I should just have confronted her instead of being a little shit. No. 202599
File: 1447205871400.png (489.14 KB, 1505x807, barf.png)

>>202536>>202573Doing the lords work for you guys. Nothing special here, just a wankfest.
No. 202606
>>202604Also, Jillian saying what a two faced bitch choke is when she ONLY brings up this opinion of her when it's convenient is pretty two faced in itself???
P.S. Jillian, it's Two Faced, not Too Faced, you illiterate fuck. Read something other than Sephora labels for once in your life.
No. 202620
File: 1447207973730.png (23.93 KB, 469x192, ninabehungry.png)

>>202599I love all this drama. Kate is melodramatic as ever.
Nina wanting LACE so bad she sabotaged Kate is so funny. LACE got so much attention and Nina couldn't bear it. Does anyone know the story between Nina and LACE regarding AM that Kate mentions?
Also, wasn't LACE supposed to be against bullying? She's not any better than Kate. This older post from RCU is so e-fame hungry.
No. 202639
>>202589This basically sums up my opinion as well
>>202581Nope not her
No. 202710
>>202632Absolutely. And the 'oh I thought I was off the ride' bullshit… If she REALLY wanted off the ride and out of the drama then why contribute to it by responding? She is using Choke as an example and scapegoat for all her drama issues by holding Choke up and exaggerating the story for all her dumb arsed friends list to flog.
Thi is her true colours, this is why the critics of LACE were correct, this is why LACE never went anywhere: Kate is an immature cunt who wanted a white knight army behind her to pander to her actions. She was never for what LACE stood for.
And I fucking knew that bitch lurks here & cgl. Damn hypocrite.
No. 202737
File: 1447247781222.png (352.28 KB, 640x1172, ha.png)

>>202719Owner of Lockshop.
No. 202746
>>202737Oh boy. Another wall-o-text apology.
Choke since I know you're here, you run a business. Represent yourself better and keep the bitching between close friends or take care to do it anonymously. Honestly, back in the day when I was considering wig options I decided not to buy from you because I don't like how much drama you're involved in. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember some of those bitchery posts of yours ending up on the Lockshop page as well. Either way, not cool, and I'm positive I'm not the only one who has decided against buying from you due to that.
>>202743She's just an idiot who can't keep her opinions in. She said some awful things about how part of her hoped that the nuclear situation in Japan would worsen and then blamed it on her assburgers. Her reasoning was that ~it'll show the world how dangerous nuclear energy is~ to get us in the right direction energy-wise but clearly a very poor choice of words. That's the biggest drama that comes to mind but she has no lack of lulzy stories.
No. 202779
>>200212Well, I'm done with Lockshop.
Does Chokelate think her "manufacturing issue" wigs are special? Why would I buy from her when there's so many other wig shops to buy wigs from with no drama? Chokelate's wigs have really gone downhill lately and she finally dropped the ball.
No. 202802
>>202799Literally not tho I expected that. Here now I'll be Kate:
This bitch needs medical help, not bullying. I hate her as much as the rest of you guys but like at this point, she's alone and losing her shit in Japan, I think she's gone off the deep end and maybe someone should talk to her husband or literally anyone that can help her. I'm getting bored of this drama anyway.
No. 202812
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>>202809Also idk how many of you here are ex-oldfags but Voldie used to namefag on /fa/ as eyebrows after /cgl/ kicked her out.
It didn't go down well, as expected.
No. 202814
>>202437Omg Nina, we've all done this at one point but god fucking damn u dun goof'd kek
Laugh "with" us baby, just laugh with us.
No. 202822
>>202821I just posted 2 of those because I only just entered the thread and caught the drama and can't stop cackling, but I'm not Nina and if necessary I can timestamp something in my country of origin as proof.
Either way its funny as fuck and I'm still not going to roast her because how many other people in this thread are doing the exact same shit? I wonder how many of them are famous lolitas too? Gurl dun fuck'd up but I know we've all been there before.
God I wish I'd had the money to get into lolita whilst I was younger, you precious little monsters have the best drama.
No. 202828
File: 1447263656302.png (25.5 KB, 492x310, plz.png)

>>202737looks like choke is deleting her comments
before hitting enter, please reread your posts out loud to hear how fucking fake and ridiculous you sound
No. 202829
>>202822Different anon but the only thing that makes me mad is it's the perfect excuse for Kate to get the negative attention off of herself. I don't give a crap about Choke, she is kind of a cow or at least a snowflake anyway, but now kate's whiteknights I mean friends are going to shift the attention completely on to Choke. Especially if Kate is now saying Choke was the one who was mainly hating on her on cgl and shit all this time.
Choke, you might as well expose the message Kate sent you. It really can't hurt you at this point. Kate will never forgive you. Even if it seems like she does she is pretending because she is vindictive as fuck and wants to keep her enemies close. I mean Choke was only caught posting the screen cap, we have no idea what else she has been posting so the rest is just her word recently, but Kate is already hate mongering on her facebook page to bring down Choke.
I feel like I'm reading a suspense novel, wot a twist!
No. 202831
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>>202828Oh my god Choke fuck off and stop arguing with her. If you apologize to someone, you don't argue with them if they choose not to accept your apology. Just let it go. You're making everything so much worse
No. 202842
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>>202829well just compare how civilized choke's thread is vs
>>202599 kate and her screaming harpy harem
No. 202843
>>202834This tbh^
There is a girl on here who has her own prominent thread on lolcow now that is still bouncing back and forth between the front page daily that I used to be friends with that turned out to be a user and animal abuser, and I did the exact same shit as Choke, posting something here whilst logged into an account, onyl difference is I got lucky and caught and deleted it almost immediately after it got posted.
I mean we're no long chummy and I don't mind telling the bitch to her face exactly what I think of her, but still, it's pretty mortifying when you almost get caught in your shitposting lel
I'm suspecting that there are many on lolcow that have almost fucked up in the exact same way :^)
No. 202847
>>202844Are you blind? Kate was been somewhat MIA and now she's been driven out of her cave sperging out full force. How can you not be relishing in this new milk?!
No one was complaining when Voldie was brought up so many times. How is this any different?
Nina unvoluntarily sacrificed herself to milking process, she's part of the milk now whether you like it or not.
No. 202849
>>202845same. Is she even still getting the damn thing after all the criticism on BtB? where is she keeping it?
>>202847i'm not complaining about the fresh surge of Kate-drama in the slightest, just this weak-ass OT bitching ITT about what a ~terrible person~ nina must be OH AND HER WIGS ARE SHIT QUALITY
tbh though probably just more of Kate's friends swooping in on blind-rage attack mode kek.
No. 202852
>>202843Here's where the controversy is coming from, if I am understanding this correctly.
I don't think most people are against Choke in that she fucked up with her capping. No one really cares that she did that or if she is posting anonymously here. The problem is that Choke has a history of being self righteous and having a major attitude problem before on cgl where she trips from time to time. If you look up posts about her in the archives, she really does come across as though she can do no wrong. I have no idea about what other sperg things she has said as I don't follow her, just sometimes saw her pop up on cgl, but it seems she has rubbed other people the wrong way with really spergy statements in the past.
I personally think Kate is handling EVERYTHING, her drama plus the Choke thing, far far worse. However because of Choke's past, people are coming down extra hard on her accidentally outing herself. If it was any other efamous lolita other than Choke, everyone would be completely rooting for her.
I kind of wish Choke would just say fuck you Kate and try to not be on good terms because she is going to have to suck Kate's asshole repeatedly for the rest of her life to make up for this, and even in that Kate won't ever really forgive her/trust her. I mean, look at how neurotic she is about the western comm? Plus I am really curious to see this private message because Choke might have had a better reason to hate on her than we think.
No. 202853
>>202849Honestly the only part of this thread that has been shit is the people excusing choke. She's relavent to the lolcow now so she should be discussed.
I do agree with the need for more kate screencaps.
No. 202864
>>202855i just don't see choke as a cow. snowflake? maybe. but I've been modding lolita comms and lurking wank communities for years myself, and haven't ever really heard of any of choke's bad behavior getting her to the stage where she's worth milking.
still #teamidk, but if she is a cow, then let her have her own thread instead of having her whiteknights/vendettafags shitting up Kate's.
No. 202865
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>>202850Lol. Ebony dun goofed as well.
No. 202866
>>202865Yh I posted that and then I was like "no that's not a good idea gurl delete that".
Too late I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 202867
>>202866Nice to know choke's friends are retarded as she is.
So now we have kate and choke's friends defending these cunts.
No. 202868
>>202866Dude you have nothing to hide tho? I mean what you posted about Kate is basically what we all think anyway.
>>202865 and
>>202867 are probably Kateknights or Kate herself.
No. 202869
>Choke's friendNot really, never met her in my life but I don't dislike her and we share a lot of similar stances concerning worldviews and shit so I have zero beef against her and actually support her in #rek'king Kate's shit, even if unintentionally.
I fucking DESPISE animal abusers which is exactly what this bitch is so she gets everything coming to her as far as I'm concerned.
If you're going to imply that I'm some Facebook friendie that's flighted over here from Facebook to defend her I'm going to tell you that couldn't be more wrong if you possibly tried.
This is extremely derailing though so can we shut up and move on.
No. 202873
>>202869>>202868If you two would stop replying to these types of comments I'm pretty sure choke would fade as a subject. Trying to defend her just shits up the thread more since you'll be getting a guaranteed shit post in response from people who hate her.
Either stfu, or relish in this milk.
No. 202875
>>202868 wasn't even about Choke? It was about her friend. Also going omg stop talking about it gaiz!!!! makes people go on and on about it so.
No. 202880
>>202876HAHA OH WOW
I didn't recognize her from the tiny thumbnail but holy shit you're right. Bitch is too thirsty for attention to not to reply when someone is talking about her.
No. 202890
>>202884look far back into the /cgl/ archives and you'll see
the short version is she is a notorious attentionwhore and has a long history of selfposting on /cgl/ and /soc/ (maybe /fa/?) and generally everyone hates her
No. 202897
>>202895Crazy idea but, like, but, like, stop talking about her then?
Like, crazy….
No. 202901
>>202890She also had a thread here where she claimed for the thousandth time to be past all of the drama and that she just wanted to live a quiet internet life. So much for that eh, Spoony? Yet again you involve yourself willingly in drama.
Even the admin believed her and moved the thread to the random board. Drama never changes, farmers. Drama never changes.
No. 202902
>>202885Okay jeeze sorry I asked!
>>202890Thanks! I am just seeing everything now. I won't ask any more questions.
No. 202910
>>202904It's over now. The newfag had their question answered in 2 sentences.
>>202909She's probably thinking if she works hard enough at deflecting the hate onto someone else then people will forget about that poor cat
No. 202911
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>>202909How dumb and without restraint everybody on the board is.
No. 202922
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Just saw this on Kate's Facebook page.
I wonder how many hows you spent on this in MS Paint while you're in GLORIOUS NIPPON.
No. 202923
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Would Admin reveal all of Choke's and Spoony's posts? Or does he only do that for people who make threads about themselves?
No. 202929
>>202926Choke isn't a cow though.
If you're going to make a thread on her it doesn't belong on /pt/.
No. 202954
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No. 203004
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Not much to contribute right now but apparently she's shipping all the excess shit she bought back to America EMS. When she first left to go to Japan, she was already complaining about her suitcases being overweight. Damn.
No. 203022
>>202845Kate is still in Japan until the end of Nov, so nothing really to talk about until she comes back.
>>202849 she already bought it. She had it for a few weeks before btb blew up about it.
>>202915 Actually she is living in some sort of apartment.
No. 203032
>>203028Wow, well I hope she's studying for something that will be able for he to keep the life style she's living.
But she's probably not even a student anymore/or got a shit liba arts degree.
No. 203033
>>203032She studies marketing.
Let that sink in.
No. 203039
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>>203035At the moment marketing employment opportunities are near nil as the area is heavily oversaturated with idiots without an original bone in their body who believed they can come and study a little business here and there, a little creative thought, look a few charts and statistics and go away and begin immediately reeling in the big $$$.
They're like art degrees in that every now and again one might shit out a student who goes on to become genuinely great but who undoubtedly entered into the discipline already with a honed, natural talent.
The rest are all just dead weight.
There's a reason why Jerry's character, who is portrayed as creatively-indept, foolish, insecure, arrogant, impulsive and stubborn, is assigned a career within marketing.
So to answer your question, Kate may as well be studying at clown college.
No. 203058
>>203028She better be investing it or having someone do it for her. Even a mil won't last long as you think it would.
I don't much about her husband, but it's possible he's rich as well.
No. 203087
>>202286i just threw up in my mouth a little bit, she is fucking pathetic
>complains about toxic western dramu>photoshops face onto regina georgethat backfired irony damn.
No. 203138
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>>202922>>202982>>202927Kate didn't make it, it was actually Lani.
No. 203189
>>203153I'll be back
No. 203217
File: 1447342354364.png (322.54 KB, 628x408, Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 00.3…)

Hey queen! introduce friend for you.
No. 203356
>>202737>I'm sorry :(>but Kate posting something to her private friends only Facebook after I did something to hurt her IS EXACTLY AS BAD as what I did when I posted private info she trusted me not to post to a platform where people love to hate on her… I'm disappointed in herAre
This isn't an apology. It's a way to save face and to make yourself feel better. You can't even own up for what you did without making Kate to look bad, too. When you are apologising for doing something wrong it's supposed to be about you, not them. You don't think you did anything wrong.
No. 203368
>>203356what private info?
it was a screencap and a scathing (but amusing) comment.
you're really just making kate look worse when you come here frothing at the mouth to defend her. if you hate choke so much, go post in her thread.
No. 203381
>>203366Right, but the fact that choke is trying to pretend that what Kate did is equal is ridiculous. It's just her trying to make Kate look bad so she doesn't seem like such a bad person… While she's trying to apologise for her actions? It's really childish.
>>203372In this situation I definitely think choke is worse. She can't even be mature enough to make an apology without pointing fingers. It nulls what she's said in my opinion.
>>203368So because I said choke was being shit it automatically means I think Kate isn't? She said they were equal when they weren't. What choke did was worse.
>>203377These last few posts reek of samefagging so bad. I'm not even defending Kate, I just think choke's "apology" sounded fucking ridiculous. I don't like either one of them.
No. 203407
>>203381If Kate is publicly accusing choke of something she didn't do then she has a right to publicly dispute it. She probably shouldn't have worded it the way she did because yea it does make her she like she's trying to shift blame, but she's not worse.
Wow more than one person disagrees with you? Must be samefag!
No. 203411
>>203407Talking shit on your Facebook after someone does something to you is not the same as anonymously giving information to a thread where people congregate to shit talk you. Choke is worse.
>sudden influx of replies after hours of no activity because I said chokes apology was stupid, accusing me of defending Kate when I wasn't even doing thatOk samefag
>>203396Someone with a brain
No. 203413
>>203411Idk I don't think you can really compare them as to who is "worse." It's kind of like comparing an apple to an orange. Both of them reacted incredibly poorly.
Kate really should have just talked to her friends instead of posting OMG SO DONE WITH LOCKSHOP as a way to bait people to wonder what happened to then bitch about Choke. I mean, it's no secret she has been networking herself to have a nice big bumper for situations like this, so posting to her facebook is basically strumming up an army.
Choke is just an idiot and can't handle herself, let alone another people. We can't really pretend she is below Kate for posting here since Kate has definitely selfposted anonymously before too. But yes, Choke's apology is absolutely backpedaling and a super laughable one at that. You can see how she wrote it that her foot is shoved so far up her mouth, she can lick her knee.
No. 203433
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So according to Cadney this is only a break from the internet and not a total meltdown. I wonder if Kate really will return.
No. 203444
>>203411This thread is for discussion. If you make a post trying to say that one idiot is worse than the other of course people will crop up wanting to discuss it, you dumbass
No. 203485
>>202136>>203455Just did a lil searching, can't be bothered to check if those are good but they look it:'m pretty sure many of the bad threads are from before the archive was created.
No. 203508
>>203381>So because I said choke was being shit it automatically means I think Kate isn't?What this anon said. Some of us think you're shit too, Choke. Maybe you should work on your shitty wigs instead of vulturing on some anonymous message boards.
Has Kate posted anything else on her Facebook?
No. 203512
>>203511All this Choke talk is shitting up the thread. Get off. No one cares about how cream your panties over her.
Is there news on the kitten?
No. 203530
>>203444Just because you were caught samefagging doesn't mean you have to get so upset.
>>203491Read my post. I didn't say anything about private information, I said her Facebook was private.
No. 203604
>>203530"If I keep saying samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag then I don't actually have to acknowledge or address anyone's points! Genius!"
God I REALLY wish we had post IDs here it would really cut down on this fucking useless bickering. Admin sama pls.
No. 203717
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Hey guys, our reporting her for using a fake name worked.
No. 203750
>>203749It's because she can't provide some kind of ID that can prove her legal/given name is "キャサリンキラキラ". It has nothing to the timing or frequency, and FB only allows name changes every 60 day (unless you've been flagged obviously, then they force you to change it).
You can also just flag names that aren't super common and the person will probably get locked out of their account. For further reading: No. 203812
>>203767No, she's been staying quiet. Unless she's posting things I can't see.
As much as I enjoy the drama, I'm hoping she's keeping to her word, girl has a lot of problems and needs to be away from the Internet.
No. 203815
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This was on Loli_valentines today.
No. 203902
>>200765I think you're looking too deep into the picture
it seems she was going for a self depreciating type picture, adding herself crying by the side since she wasn't included.
its a bit funny imo
No. 204089
>>204082hmmm that could be true. Ive seen so many kate topics be instantly deleted or if they mention kate in the thread it seems to disappear.
I am curious about btb, which e-fame girl do you think has an in with the admins?
No. 204204
>>204082All they can tell from that is your city unless these people have access to your IP address from another source, like if they have an IP tracker on Tumblr and you've sent them asks off anon or if you post on LJ and they happen to be mods there too.
Honestly, it is wise to be warry anyway. I wasn't there to witness it, but I've read quite a few times that a /cgl/ mod outed JNig as self-posting because some of the IP addresses were from her city… which is a huge major city, so she very well might not have been.
No. 204256
>>204082I got a warning for saying "Kate has spent so long making herself a public figure in the community, are you really shocked she gets brought up so often?"
Complete bullshit. I honestly think voldie applied and got a janitor position.
No. 205027
>>205018>1 USDkek, he's not very optimistic about how much people would be willing to pay, is he?
Still, I'll get it. 1 buck for a good laugh is not bad at all.
No. 205078
>>205073I would so be down for a lolcow viewing of kate's shitfest
Anyway didn't she say that they had cancelled the documentary? So she was full of shit then? Or is she going to bitch about how the director is a "bully desu" and released it "without her consent" once everyone gets their fill of keks
No. 205094
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>>205078The Kickstarter was to raise funds to shoot in Philli, that's what was cancelled. Looking at the editor's facebook page, they shot a bunch of stuff with Kate in Toronto. She probably signed release forms for that, so the filmmakers are using that footage to try & make back some money for the time they invested in the project.
This is a screencap from one of the Toronto shoot days, according to Jordan's facebook.
No. 205379
>>205377Kek. He must have realized that everyone was just going to torrent it!
So not paying that amount for a laugh.
No. 205392
File: 1447881906701.png (18.78 KB, 712x375, 1000dollars.png)

>>205377Hahaha. Yeah, I made this plan
>>205319 when it was only a dollar. Not going to happen unless I can torrent it, but I wonder if it's even going to be torrentable if someone has to pay $1,000 to get it to begin with.
No. 205403
>>205392You're all laughing but you guys are seriously going to buy it. You all need to see it because somehow Kate is actually an interesting person to you. It's honestly kind of brilliant since he's aware of the Kate thirst and he knows you're going to share it. Might as well make it 1,000 dollars.
Chokey, do you have your wallet ready? Take one for the team.
No. 205407
>>205404I think his logic is:
sell it for $1 where kate fans and haters alike will buy it: he'll get a maximum of a hundred or so dollars. That's if he's lucky. Gets torrented anyway.
sell it for $1000: only lolcow buys it, only one copy. Still gets 10x as much money off kate's shitty life. Still gets torrented but at least it's not a complete loss
No. 205412
>>205392So does this guy lurk here or what?
I'm guessing the price is just to stir controversy, but we'll see. Honestly, as long as it's 10 bucks or less, I don't mind buying it.
No. 205454
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I like the lighting of this picture, but not her pose, it's kinda 80's "vogue strike a pose"' looking. And I don't like the coord it's ott as always. And again, the pose it makes her look like she only has one leg.
No. 205455
>>205432Well, they were going to offer it for a reasonable $1 a download until assholes here starting bragging about their plans to torrent it.
Clearly they're lurking here, we're only people on the planet who would have the slightest interest in seeing this thing.
No. 205457
>>205455Kind of dumb of him. If he sells it for $1000, he's most likely going to make $0, or maybe $1000 if he's lucky, at which point people will just Google for the pirated version or do nothing.
If he sells it for $1-5, he's guaranteed to make at least like $100 probably, and possibly much more than $1000. At least if he thinks it's a genuinely good documentary some people would like.
People who want to watch it are more likely to pay $1 to support the creator, or because they're too lazy or ignorant to find a pirated version. If it's $1000, people will either immediately Google for a free version, or just give up right then.
The only rational reason I can think of for charging $1000 is he honestly knows it's bad, and is only going to get one sale out of it, so might as well make it worth it.
No. 205473
>>205455I say that we don't get buy it. IMO he deserves no cash for A. trying to paint lolitas in a bad light for personal gain and B. trying to exploit our desire to laugh at Kate for money.
Also, if Kate finds out people spent $1000 to laugh at her it will probably fuel her ego and make her even more insufferable.
No. 205494
>>205454Something between the lighting, the crooked bow, and the awkward pose makes that dress look so dirty on her. It bothers me. I own that dress and it always looks so bright and clean.
>>205473I don't think this poor bastard had any idea what he was getting into. He probably saw a 3edgy5me "le damaged mind" girl in a weird niche fashion and thought, hey, it'll be like those old documentaries about goths. He thought he was doing something cool and shocking. I don't think he realized how close-knit of a community we are, and there's no way in hell Kate woulda clued him in. Now he's just desperate to try and make back some of the money he lost by playing along wih Kate's shitshow.
No. 205571
>>205565As much as I dislike Kate I kind of believe her that he wanted to make the documentary something else as he said he would before.
Almost always documentaries about lolita are extremely cringy anyway, either calling us childwomen, making us out to be horrible freaks or something like that.
No. 205578
>>205565I wouldn't be suprised if both sides are saying the truth.
The documentary guy probably wanted to frame her as some mentally ill child bride and a living doll freak or whatever normie documentaries usually say about Lolita, and Kate probably wanted him to portray her as a fragile little saint who did nothing wrong and also is an amazing human being for… reasons. In the end they were probably both disappointed.
I would be so down to watcing this shit, but $1000? He is a lolcow himself is he thinks anyone will pay this much for a piece of shit documentary. Enjoy the thought that you wasted your life on a useless human being like Kata for what turned out to be a shitty documentary no one will ever watch.
No. 205719
>>205571But the thing is, if this is the case Kate just looks that much more like an idiot. She should have made sure she knew the work of who she is working with so there would be no surprises. So if "she didn't know" she is even stupider than everyone originally thought and it is even more obvious she was so eager to throw herself at any possible chance of getting more efame/making money off lolitas.
Although she still seems to be happy to take money from the big fat meanine western comm she supposedly left by offering a shopping service while in Japan.
No. 205974
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>>205895I'm in the same boat, I dont really know any specific reasons as to why she is a hag or anything. Like maybe when she first began a lot of people were annoyed at her for wearing glasses all the time? And I think she had a messy break up with her ex but I dont know any details except that I think he wore lolita too. Also I think a lot of people were giving her a hard time because when she first started she was skinnier but then gained a little chub.
>>205829the other one is the girl who photoshopped the image, Lanii.
No. 205975
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>>205974these were the glasses everyone hated btw
No. 205978
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>>205977Completely agree anon. But thankfully shes changed that now and usually has quite successfully coordinates in my opinion. These photos are like 4 - 5 years old
No. 206023
>>205978>>205975damn kate would not be seen with her if she still looked like that
Cadney is smart enough and has strong ethics to the point that she renounced her KA title and yet somehow she has the wool pulled over her eyes by kate? Like kate was staying in Toronto with her when she self-posted and Cadney was completely blind to it? Even after closing LACE/cat thing/being a huge baby in japan and shitting on the western comms that took her in such as Toronto. Cadney is STILL this bitch's biggest whiteknight? I don't get how she could be fooled that bad. Or she likes to keep friends who have delusions of grandeur and think of themselves as Regina George??
No. 206045
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>>206032not really no, just make sure they somewhat match your outfit. If you're into classic or gothic lolita its much easier to integrate the glasses into the outfit
Now-a-days Cadney wears much better suited glasses for her outfits.
No. 206054
>>206032>so… ???>;w;Go back to tumblr with that shit. Anyway, no. Glasses are not a problem in Lolita, don't worry about the nitpicking tards that tell you that you shouldn't be wearing them. Just wear nice glasses that look good on you, that's it. Bonus if they compliment your wardrobe.
Kate's glasses are cancer though (and she obviously didn't even need them.)
No. 206082
>>206080i'm a different anon but
>>206075 is right, lol. this style of glasses teamed with the garish pastel attire and her weird chubby face makes her look like she has downs. i like the way glasses look on a lot of people but she just looks retarded. wear contacts. get some horrible circle lenses in your prescription and take those special needs glasses off.
No. 206093
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>>206080I wear glasses so that's not why I don't like them. This is literally all I see when people wear glasses like that.
No. 206394
>>206390It says on her instagram that she'll be staying in Japan until the 24th.
Anyways, is there any news on her and what she's doing over there?
No. 206405
>>206149Good for her, then. I think running from drama when you see it coming on the horizon is the best thing anyone can do.
Though I am confused why she didn't follow that policy with Kate. Cadney doesn't benefit from Kate e-fame-wise. Is Kate's irl personality really that amazing or something?
No. 206502
Also Cadney is trying so hard to stay a relevant public figure which means sucking girlyhoots dick
No. 206554
>>206545>gullsWell there is your first problem.
Here's the thing. Cadney HAS addressed it, someone sent her an ask about Kate. Cadney replied like nothing ever happened. Staying out of drama is one thing, but playing middle field so you stay on everyone's good side comes across as very two faced because then you can't tell what they are really thinking.
So, to answer your question, there are two things you can do.
1. If you don't want to say anything and just want to run away from having an opinion, lock down everything. Facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr. Make it private so only those who know you have access and shut the fuck up. Stop trying to round up attention online.
2. Make a statement about what happened in your position and where you stand. Then resume your public posting as usual.
Pretending nothing happened but still pandering to tumblr anons and # pictures is the stupidest thing to do, which is what Cadney is doing.
Cadney should have made a statement about why she is still Kate's friend. Kate was accused for animal abuse and supporting kitten mills which is what really sparked the controversy. Cadney could have said why those accusations did not matter to her but instead she is pretending nothing happened while still being Kate's bff.
As I said, one bad apple rots the bunch. None of them can be trusted. Kate made it clear what kind of person she is with how she handled everything. People who are friends with someone like that are of a similar feather. I mean, just look at what kind of people are involved on that "side." Lani, Voldie, Jillian, and Kate. I sincerely doubt Cadney is as wonderful as she tries to come across if she associates with people like that, especially considering how she already handled this and previous situations while still trying to be relevant, as
>>206502 said.
No. 206576
>>206545The best thing is by far to say nothing. People on here will talk shit about you no matter what you actually will say once you get their interest. I have never seen talking about it or showing you are hurt by what is said actually do any good.
Its easier to have people talk about you not saying anything than to have them pick apart what you did say with them knowing you read what was posted and assume you are reading still.
No. 206587
>>206578Oh, I don't mean that Cadney should dump her by any means. However the whole Kate thing undoubtedly blew up, first with her cat then with her closing LACE, leaving the western lolita world, and why. It is incredibly awkward and doesn't look very good for her to not say anything about a bff starting so much controversial stuff, especially after in the past she had no problem saying how she feels. It's kind of like how Lor was after the GLW incident.
>>206576Not always, it really depends on what happened. There has never been an incident like this before where it became a matter of ethics as well as insulting a large amount of people.
I would agree that other petty drama cows should have shut their traps in the past, but Kate pissed off a LOT of people during her meltdown. If Candey didn't want to say anything, she should have really slinked away instead of trying to still get attention and answering anon messages about Kate. It's shady as fuck.
No. 206604
>>206592I'm not sure why you are not reading some parts of my posts regarding Cadney's actions? I think you should read my post again.
In regards to the rest of your post, tbh if you feel this way, you probably shouldn't share your photos online at all unless you can grow a thicker skin. It sucks, but that is what it is.
No. 206634
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No. 206650
>>206646I don't know I just ask this question then she send this and block me.
That kind of people said "Stop bullying" that's LACE xD
No. 206652
>>206651Do you remember i'm Masaki.
I make video that against LACE about translate Kate's document to Japanese.
Then she post LACE side comment my video.
Because meaning of that question "What do you think that incident in now" ?
She just answer that and escape.
No. 206674
>>206671I'm not anonymous.
I'm Masaki.
I'm independent.
I do not forgive.
I do not forget.
Expect me.
Queen Kate xD
No. 206742
>>206634Why did this needed to be posted? How does Rachel fit into the LACE equation?
I kindly suggest you stop stirring drama in the Toronto Comm and focus on Kate. Rachel has nothing to do with this.
No. 206761
>>206714>>206719If you both would get your heads out of your asses and actually read what I wrote, I was talking exclusively about Cadney and also what not to do if you are involved in controversy and want to remain quiet. I never said "tagging = deserving of negative attention." I said still answering anons about the situation and # your photos to high heavens when people are questioning your motives is a bad idea.
The world does not revolve around you. Calm down.
No. 206788
>>206742why? reason? that just she kidding me. I'm not saint.
If I post polite and clever things then something solve the problem? never forget here is 4ch and you are anonymous.
No. 206797
>>206758I'm from 2ch.
I did 2ch way.
No. 206800
>>206693Merci beaucoup!!
I'll be buck ^^
No. 206939
>>206861I thought Voldie was the most thirsty. How many more members of the Toronto Comm want to eat Kate's poop?
>>206891Fuck off. She's never had any drama. Why don't you give hard evidence before opening your cunt mouth of yours?
No. 207123
>>207007Regardless she wasnt really part of the comm unlikely to come now that she isnt dating that dude anymore.
>>207027I bet she flounced, having Cadney take her place sounds like Kate trying to pass off responsibilities to others
No. 207169
>>207125What if it's Cadney's plan all along? Kate obviously used her as inspo before and surpassed her in terms of being guested and fame and drama. So she destroys Kate knowing Kate is stupid and fame-hunger enough to eat all shits she feeds her while seeding anon boards with hurtful drama.
And now she's trying to get above it all. Resigning from KA and act as if she has conscience and not a fame whore all along. got invited as guest and probably rising again from obscurity.
I'd say Kate got played somehow.
No. 207250
>>207246>>207248Yeah here's Ellejay…
>>144934And lolita general drama where I'm p. sure Cancerchan's been discussed…
>>45180 No. 207302
>>207246There is no drama. Ellejay has been gone for a while since the train wreck a few months ago.
Cancer-chan was spotted at Anime Midwest or Acen this year,not sure which. But she doesn't interact with the comm at all.
Heather is rarely online to begin with and doesn't post any toxic stuff. She's also nice in person. Idek why she keeps getting called out just for being butthurt over the AP tea party. Let it go already.
Rachel is just a basic tumblrina SJW who trash talks almost anyone. She turns into a huge ragemonster if you say something she doesn't agree with or that is incorrect.
Nothing really worth discussing.
No. 207651
>>207645I don't see her hanging out with a whole group of bitches, though. As much as Lani is a salty flouncer, she is overall pretty nice. idk about Vold because I've never met her in person, but I know other girls she spends time with in the Toronto comm (most of them don't have a big online presence), and they're perfectly normal people.
Same seems to be with her regular friends.
It's just the bitches she's friends with are the REALLY visible ones, so it's constantly in your face. People like Kate don't seem to be a high percentage of her friend grp.
tbh, though, I don't know why Cadney bothers with her. Kate seems like a shit person and acts really spoiled, and doesn't seem to respect her husband AT ALL, which is a huge red flag.
No. 207882
Please please let her have come to her senses and taken the cat back to the shop
No. 207899
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>>207882Unfortunately no.
No. 208040
>>207899Bahahahahahahahahahaaaaa I fucking knew that cat would be fine. You guys get so fucking worked up sometimes it's hysterical. Its like if it incriminates someone while simultaneously being morally neutral you guys just lose your shit with how easy it is to peg her as a shitty person, rather than just speculating due to random snippets of things posted 2 years ago.
Sage because bahahahaahahah the fucking cat is fine
No. 208079
>>208040I mean if Kate somehow didn't end up pulling strings to have the cat sit with her, it'd probably be in way worse shape.
Yeah, she could've adopted from a shelter and gave a needy cat a home instead of spending hundreds to support the cruel pet industry of Japan's petstores. But that isn't the point, it's okay not to adopt.
But that isn't the main point. The MAIN POINT is that she bought a living, breathing baby animal as a trophy/souvenier just because it was from ~GLORIOUS NIPPON~. There is NO REASON to get a cat from Japan when you can get just about any breed of cat back home. Especially a Persian, a non-Japanese cat. There are thousands of Persians in the US. In the end she's just an attention whore with no value for living things like this cat nor does she have value for people, as proven by her shitty generalization of "meanie western lolitas!"
No. 208095
>>208079^this. Buying a ~souvenier cat desu~ is such a shitty spoiled brat thing to do.
Amid the cat fiasco it seems people are forgetting the real problems with her anyway that actually make her the lolcow she is. The cat was just the tip of the iceberg, there are a thousand worse things she's done. Also don't forget the fucking documentary is coming out soon, and keks will be had. She's not a saint just because her stupid fucking cat is (supposedly) alive.
No. 208099
>>208040You know what, fuck you, she's still a bad person for buying a freaking designer kitten from another country instead of adopting one in need.
Basically this
>>208079 No. 208142
>>208079It wasn't a Persian (and petfinder says there are several Persian cats up for adoption in her area), but some fancy designer breed. And a souvenier.
>>208095This so much. That poor sweet cat is just one thing.
No. 208146
>>208142Infact, looks like there's a Persian specific cat rescue located just across the state line in Ohio. But yeah Ohio's probably not exotic enough for Kate. What an ass.
I really am happy that the little kawaii nipponnese desu cat is ok though. She really had us and probably a lot of other people worried about that, but honestly that's probably something she wanted. She wanted us to worry about this poor animal.
No. 208401
>>208378She needed the most sugoi kawaii souvenir from the only country who understands how
deep she is.
No. 208570
>>208040This so much. This stupid fake outcry over a kittens well-being seemed like just another excuse to hate Kate. All I hear from anons like
>>208099 is "Wahhh your morals isn't the same as mine so I'm going to call you a bad person for not getting some random Japanese shelter stray".
No. 208670
>>208666>>208665Ya, but she bought it in Japan. Half way around the world and then carried it back to the US. She didn't care about the fact that it's not good for the cat and could have killed it.
Also… it was a small kitten. She left it alone in a hotel room/apartment all day while she went and ran around Tokyo. Baby animals need attention.
I really don't care either way about Kate, but the whole thing was selfish.
No. 208672
>>208665Again, people are forgetting that the cat is the least of her problems. Honestly I don't give a shit about the high horses people are taking about the cat, it's the wrong thing to focus on about her. Remember that the sugoi moonponese nekochan isn't even the last in her long line of drama. I mean, she just denounced the entire western lolita community and bawwleeted everything, essentially outing LACE to be what it really is: all about Kate. Meanwhile her friend group appears to be other famewhores and drama mongerers because she's a ~bad bitch~ who's ~too good for us~.
I can't wait for Kate's next big stunt so that we stop arguing the morality of a fucking souvenier cat. All of a sudden people are backtracking and defending this piece of shit because her stupid cat is still alive.
No. 208881
>>208838Most of my pets have been flown in planes from one third world country to another and they ALL live pretty long.
I don't see what all the fuss is/was about, I think people were just grasping for any reason to say Kate's literally Hitler or someshit.
No. 209472
trigger discipline
No. 209593
>>209590bro, every time YOU get on a plane, you sign away your life. Read the fine print when you buy your ticket. By your logic, the majority of the western world is irreversibly scarred, because they set foot on an airplane.
I'm not saying it's not stressful as shit for animals, I'm just saying that your argument in particular is stupid.
No. 209600
>>209594You sound like a whiny vegan.
Anyway…Kate mentioned that she took the cat out while on the plane, so it was clearly in the cabin with her.
Can everyone calm the fuck down? I have pets, and I am good to my pets, but damn, the extreme animal rights arguments are so fucking irritating.
No. 209604
>>209600>whiny vegan >extreme animal rightssorry you're
triggered, anon. i was just stating facts, animals die with little oxygen and cold climatic conditions, which plane cargo holds have. sorry to have upset your delicate sensibilities.
No. 209608
>>209602Seriously wtf is with all these people acting like this whole thread is pointless now just because the cat is fine? My best guess is friends trying to derail.
Anyway I'm surprised that she gets invited places as a guest. She's a nobody and hasn't done anything for the community other than be a beacon of drama
No. 209614
>>209604Are you retarded? Animals flying cargo/baggage get flown in climate controlled sections of the plane.
"According to, luggage compartments are usually pressurized and heated on most major airlines that take pets as cargo. This climate-control makes the trip more comfortable for animals flying at high altitudes. The flight itself is typically secure for animals. According to Dog Law, most problems actually occur while the plane is on the ground."
No. 209696
>>209637Yes, we get the cat might have died. All circlejerking about it is gonna do is invite Kate's ass-sucking friends to come in and go "THE CAT IS FINE AND SHE'S NOT A BAD PERSON FOR ADOPTING A DESIGNER NIPPONESE CAT DESU".
And of course, instead of people ignoring them, they fall for it and start trying to argue with Kate's faggy friends.
No. 209702
>>209696You're the ones shitting the thread up here. Look up and see how much people only talk about the cat. I also like how you infer anyone who doesn't talk ad nauseam about the cat is a spy of Kate. It's getting to the point where you should just make a stupid animal abuse thread in /b/.
Actually talk about Kate for once. We get that you hate a designer cat are afraid it'll collapse in on itself for simply moving from place to place.
No. 210037
>>209667Ok, why are you going full retard, tho? "everyone is responsible for all of the bad things that could've happened but didnt"
Are you even reading what you type? Kate is a stupid attention whore, but at least talk shit about legit stuff like the documentary, or the fact that she flew a fucking cat from Japan instead of adopting a cute one at home.
But not this shit. "Yeah, you stopped at the red light, but if you didn't you would have ran over 12 pedestrians. Everything was ok, but you took the risk of driving a car, which could kill thousands. You're on my shitlist."
No. 210300
>>210037The problem with your simile is that Kate didn't stop at the red light. She sped on through without even considering that there could be consequences, and when people yelled at her to watch out she cried and called everyone evil bullies. Then when she narrowly avoided a direct hit and got to the other side unharmed several anons (who may or may not be Kate/her friends) started posting here telling everyone who was concerned about her running a red light that they were whiny babies and that clearly there's nothing wrong with running red lights because Kate turned out alright.
>>210174The fuck did she do?
No. 210367
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No. 210391
>>210265Does anyone have info on her husband?
I don't want to "expose" him, or anything, I'm just curious who this sad beta is putting up with his wife ignoring him to the point where he has to do a whiny call-out on FB.
It's just so pathetic.
Like, is he a normal functioning adult with a proper job, or a shut-in nerd who thinks this is his only chance at love?
I dont have access to her fb, so I can't snoop the husband by relation.
No. 210404
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>>210367ahahahaha I thought she said she'd be staying in lolita and just staying under the radar
this confirms for me that she was only a lolita for online attention
No. 210452
>>210367>still no scarlet primavera waltz aka my holy grail dress>(i hold no ill will against kate tbh, i just read here to stay informed)fucking dammit
kate, if you're reading this, pls put up scarlet primavera waltz, i'll throw my money at you
No. 210458
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>>210448Her lm account is owls if you want to look. The baby sceptre is going for 150 usd.
No. 210461
>>210458Doesn't she have like 10x this much lolita in her closet?
Leaving Lolita folder name my ass.
She is such a liar, probably is using it as an excuse to make people want it more or for pity.
No. 210516
>>210367Why? I just… why? Why leave lolita because lolcow, some honestly ugly bitter /cgl/ tripfags, and some random gulls hate you?
Leaving lolita sales are the most dramatic bullshit. If I had her kind of wardrobe, it'd be mine for keeps and no one could convince me to sell it other than myself and if my own interest declines. If lolita fashion is something you genuinely like, then it really shouldn't matter what other people think.
No. 211339
>>200224So she's going to be a Japanese lolita now?
I wonder what the "Eastern" lolita community think of this dingbat…
No. 211350
>>207953>>207934Not when you have it chipped and vaccinated along with an animal passport.
Been there, done that but with a dog on a ferry.
No. 211740
>>205829I don't get the Cadney hate. I know she's friends with Kate, but I think she's a pretty good role model. When she heard of all the shady shit going down with AM and the Kawaii Ambassador, she stepped down from the position, which many other e-famers couldn't bear doing despite how useless the whole thing is.
I've never known her to be nasty, and I can't help but wonder if a lot of people either dislike her because they were jelly of her back in the day when she got well known for being one of the first ott sweet lolitas, and wearing glasses to boot, or if they're new and don't understand why people know/like her because they weren't around for the heydey of her online presence.
TL;DR I don't get why people don't like her.
No. 211741
>>211740I've always liked her. I've spoken to her a few times over the years and she was always nice to me despite me having zero presence as a lolita.
It must be because she's well known.
No. 212100
>>211954e-famous is better that e-anonymous.
>>212093I'm busy at solve the real world problem.
No. 212103
Do you know this perison? he died.
He was one of tax thief.
Related with Japan Lolita Association.
Which is important him and Kate's kitty?
I think kitty xD No. 212117
>>212106If you interested search yourself.
If you want to only bashing Kate no-relevant.
But if you want problem of lolita world everything relevant.
No. 212118
>>212117This is a thread purposely made for talking about one thing: Kate
I think its time to pack up your bags and leave the thread
No. 212130
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>>212118You still stuck about Kate because I gift you.
Kate in Tokyo Disney Land.
If you want to know about Kate in Japan, say Mr. Masaki sorry I kidding you. Please give me more information xD
No. 212209
>>212130All that inheritance money/money from her husband and she couldn't buy some goddamn lipliner and a decent wig.
Her makeup seriously looks like a 6 year old did it.
No. 212336
>>212209i actually consider this less horrifying than when she did use one.
kate actually needs to buy some fucking coloring books and practice before attempting makeup.
No. 213959
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>>213934pffftthahaha those earrings
No. 213965
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>>213934oh my god, why would you post that here you retard
No. 213967
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>>213934we need to have a "hall of fame" for retarded shit people post.
No. 213969
>>213959You said poor kitty but you kicked kitty of next door.
You kidding Kate make up.
Now kidding my earring.
What a happy life.
>>213964Nothing funny. I have information about Kate more than you.
>>213967Make anonymous's hall of fame.
Only anonymous, anonymous,anonymous and anonymous in that Hall of Fame.
No. 213986
>>213974If you want I sent you photo that Kate in Japan.
Sent friend request to My FB.
>>213983You know nothing security system of credit card in high-technology country Japan. You must learn that from Japan before lolita.
>>213985Sent me friend request on FB I'm in here.
No. 214001
(translate on google translator)
No. 214039
>>213934You should probably go ask the admin to take that down.
>>213987Jrach #2 soon?
No. 214048
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>>214039He is Jrcock the 2nd. Only difference between him and Jrcock is Masaki has some French weeb vagoo
No. 214090
>>214048Is that her? She isn't exactly anything to brag about.
>>214086Probably, 2ch hated Jcrotch before we did.
No. 214094
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>>214090"helo dis is masooki dnt insult mai kawaii furansujin waifu XDXDXD!"
No. 214176
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Retarded pedophile 50 years old man with a 19 years old ugly as fuck fat dwarf. I know both of them personally as they are part of my French lolita comm, and trust me, the lulz is endless with that much cringeness.
No. 214374
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>>You know nothing security system of credit card in high-technology country Japan.
No. 214499
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Can we talk about the guy behind Sweet Rebel being in RC U?
I know they used to be facebook friends. I wonder if he's seen the shitposting kate has done about the documentary.
No. 214597
>>214364>>214374>>214363I was gonna say, isn't Japan really behind on the system of credit/debit cards?
My native Japanese teacher told me people still rarely use them.
No. 216445
>>215098I would like to see caps also
I don't think you get much legal protection when you are in a documentary. Don't you have to sign a waiver or something so that there are very, very few things you can sue over?
No. 216547
>>208881were most of your pets under 1 year old and snub-nosed? there were factors making this more risky for this particular cat
flying kittens isn't recommended and flying breeds prone to breathing problems isn't recommended
she made a selfish decision, with no concern for the cat's wellbeing
No. 216550
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>>216547No one's been talking about this for eons. Please let it go. It's not worth it.
>>216525This, I would like to know. I doubt it though. Anyone have the latest issue?
No. 216566
>>212130Anyone ever seen Thirteen? Movie with the druggy teen girls? If so, remember that scene where Tracey fucks up, she's in the toilets glaring at her reflection and the other blonde one is putting gems on her face like "im the mermaid :D"
reminds me of that
No. 216634
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No. 216644
>>216634The way her eyes look in this photo really look autistic to me. Like actually mentally challenged. She reminds me a lot of the Channel Harris girl that always looks super downsy here.
Although I'm really liking the dangle-y accessory she has in her hair, I think they're macarons? I'm going to have to make myself something like that.
No. 216651
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>>216644>>216648I'm pretty sure she said at one point way back that it's a macaron keychain from Laduree like pic related.
No. 216674
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>>216648>>216651Thank you guys for the info! Very appreciated.
>mfw Laduree is opening up in my city>fucking fuck yes No. 216975
File: 1450914434563.jpg (253.76 KB, 1080x1920, annoyinggaijin.jpg)

>>216525Ugh I buy my first KERA in months in a rush and yep, she's there and making me very annoyed at my purchase.
No. 216978
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>>216975So many levels of ew are oozing out of me
No. 217060
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Fucking late to using this, but still worth it
No. 218080
>>216975This coord is such a clusterfuck and so top heavy.
If she wore just one cluster of roses and changed her necklace to something simpler, it'd improve the coord a lot but right now it just looks like she fell headfirst into a rack of fabric flowers.
No. 219043
>>200212Is Kate losing steam? I really don't think she's much a cow anymore. She seems on her way out of lolita and social media, which is the only things that made her fun to watch. She's not like Isaki and Jillian that are either still in lolita or still pumping out regular videos to talk about. What is there to Kate?
She was going to release that movie all about herself, but it seems to have vanished and we'll probably never get to see it. LACE was also interesting with Chokelate bullying Kate to get it. All other minor drama like "but cats on planes" overblown and dumb.
Other than that, what is Kate doing anymore?
No. 219326
>>219321It is, thanks.
Just went through since I never looked at this account of her and she has a post saying "This is my hair I don't wear wigs" and I almost died.
No. 219330
>>219302She did buy things for people when she was in Japan.
>>219326It must suck to have to wear a wig everytime you take a photo.
No. 220650
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>>219975It is public again.
No. 220695
>>220650 is Pom. I guess Pom is doing good, which is great.
No. 221083
File: 1452391300193.png (420.54 KB, 475x627, スクリーンショット 2016-01-10 10.59.21.…)

It's Kindle book "International Lolita Fashion Phonebook".
No. 221321
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Random but I was scrolling her Insta and I'm laughing super hard at her purikura face, she looks like bashful from snow white? I can't really describe it….
No. 221358
File: 1452503737057.jpg (159.25 KB, 540x540, tumblr_neunwqwcrb1syqyomo2_540…)

>These hideously applied nails
>Gurl that aint kawaii
No. 221458
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>>221358ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
No. 224946
Can say if this is true or not? seagull is complaining that Kate is being manipulative of selling her brand.
No. 224961
>>224958Nevermind. Got her confused with Jillian when she said she wanted to start her own "Larme brand". (Funny how that never manifested, kek)
I'd like to see proof of the claims since I'm wanting to buy some BtSSB items that could possibly be hers.
Also, If I was leaving lolita and I hated the comm I was leaving, I'd scalp the fuck out of them too.
No. 226172
>>224960No it's Kensuke Iwai or something like that, I have him on fb.
I also have the fb of the girl and it is so cringey omg
No. 226180
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such fish eyes
and horse face
how unfortunate
No. 227097
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No. 227098
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No. 227102
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No. 227104
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No. 227106
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No. 227147
>>227106why the hell would you take a winking photo when your eyemakeup looks like that
No. 227172
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>>227106geez WHY
>>220650also i thought pom would grow up to be much more beautiful, kinda like this
instead he's pretty odd looking imo
No. 227228
>>227172I agree lel.
They probably have the cat looking its best and cutest in the store.
No. 227523
>>227104Oh… oh dear.
This is a picture they probably should not have shared online.
No. 227904
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>>227104they look like body doubles of Katya and Jade Jolie
No. 228405
>>228296No, he married her to be his beard. She's unaware.
I bet he will leave her for a man within the next 10 years.
No. 230582
>>229580tbh voldie doesn't really seem to give a shit about kate
she's "squadding" with a bunch of other toronto girl right now, just licking the anuses of the in-crowd. i think she only supported the kate thing because that was part of her ticket into that circle.
No. 230848
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also, pom looks like a female lion, but it's still better than the other recent photos.
No. 233943
>>230615>All those pictures of Dakotakek
>>230848He's adorable. Little awkward looking, but I'm glad he seems to be doing well.
No. 237120
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Kate is now trying to sell Cinema Doll for $700 (she bought it for like $500 and that's about the highest it's ever gone on auctions that I can recall). Vintage Cameo doesn't go for $500, either. What a scalper.
No. 237148
Ofc she wants to profit off the big ol meanie western comm. So two faced.
No. 237435
>>237120I could see CD going for that much on the western market.
But she is absolutely scalping cameo window.
I guess she still wants our money even though we're all a bunch of mean bitches lol
No. 237474
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>>237120>mod asks for proof of ownership>"ummm i'm confused, look pictures that i took, omg how dare you ask me for proof">second picture not even taken by kateCalm your tits Kate. The photos you posted are so different in terms of backgrounds and quality, of course it would look mildly suspicious. Just because you were ~famous~ doesn't mean that everybody knows your entire wardrobe and shouldn't need proof that the dresses are actually yours. Fucksakes.
No. 237480
Sorry, autocorrect. Is Kate back in the US now?
No. 237687
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>>237480Kate is back in the US. If you looked at the sales post, she had her location turned on Facebook which is dumb to do. Her place of residence is in Fox Chapel, a suburb of Pittsburgh.
Pic related, an average home in Fox Chapel.
No. 237734
>>237730Define rich. Here's two examples.
Warren Buffett is someone who comes to mind as someone who is rich, but you don't see him living in a multi-million dollar mansion. In fact, he's lived in Omaha of all places in the same house since 1955.
Donald Trump on the hand lives in a condo that is worth millions. It's a place one would expect a rich person to live in. He lives in a tower in New York overlooking Central Park.
Guess who has more money? Warren Buffett. Appearances don't tell the entire story.
No. 237738
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>>237734Not to steer this too off topic, and I get what you're saying, but Buffett is a man who is smarter than average about his money. It's good that he hasn't been an idiot who's kept up a higher standard of living by not purchasing multi-million dollar houses on the regular. On the other hand though, his house is definitely leaning more towards mansion in my definition. Pic related.
No. 237740
>>237730My family lived in a multi million dollar home in Silicon Valley, and honestly we didn't have much spending money because of it. Mortgage and property taxes ate up a lot of my parents' income, and they sent me to private school on top of that. So we weren't really "rich" in the sense that we could spend money on whatever we wanted.
Sorry for getting bloggy, but it's pretty likely that Kate decided to blow her money on a huge house now that she doesn't have lolita to use as a status symbol.
No. 237765
>>237474Cadney is still sucking Kate's dick I see.
In what world is this normal? Kate can't be bothered to spend 1 second to take a new photo of the dress in it's current condition? And no, there could be something that has changed with ware since that photo was taken. Cadney can't vouch like this, she doesn't own the dress or even live in the same country.
More proof that Cadney is from the same tree of crazy and delusion, endorsing this bs behavaior.
No. 237795
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Out of curiosity, I just looked at her Lacemarket profile and I saw this is her most recent feedback. Just when I thought she couldn't get any worse, she seems to be an absolutely awful seller. Good luck selling your overpriced shit, bitch.
No. 237802
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>>237740>Sorry for getting bloggy, but it's pretty likely that Kate decided to blow her money on a huge house now that she doesn't have lolita to use as a status symbol.I wonder if she did too. Her cats probably have their own bedroom. Buying a house in the most exclusive area of the city are for those who are successful in their lucrative careers, not for those in entry level jobs as in case for Kate and her husband. One has to factor in the cost of homeowners insurance, the cost of maintenance each year, energy costs, property taxes, etc. The bigger the home, the higher the costs every year. Compounding the costs over a lifetime, she and her husband would be better off renting in Squirrel Hill or Shadyshide in their 20s.
There are times I wonder if I got more involved in personal finance for a career. Lolitas spending lods of emone on clothes is outrageous and I am lucky to not be in debt and control my purse when buying lolita, jfc.
No. 237804
>>237795Who wants to bet that she doesn't wash her hands after applying makeup with her fingers and then runs her dirty hands over her clothing? That is, when she isn't applying lip gloss directly to her wig.
Kate is just so grubby. She has all this money to throw at brand clothing, wigs, makeup and nails and then ruins everything with lazy, shoddy styling and application. She's like poor weeby white trash who suddenly won the lottery.
No. 237809
>>237804Unfortunately no caps to prove it, but I heard from a friend who practically lives on lacemarket that Kate's older item descriptions used to say the items smelled permanently of sunscreen.
I wonder if she ever washes her stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't.
No. 238485
>>238299>>238300I've hear the same thing too. Real estate is cheap in the Rust Belt Region cause of outflow migration. I lived in a region where there are places of wannabe-rich folks. Fortunately, they live outside of the outerbelt/ring road/beltway. Where do the actual rich people live in Pittsburgh?
In your 20s and buy a home in the suburbs? No thanks. Would rather live in the city.
No. 238584
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Kate recently sold an OP for $200 more than she paid for it (1/3)
No. 238585
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No. 238586
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She didn't mention that it was stained. (3/3)
No. 238633
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>>238584>>238585>>238586top kek
just when you thought the milk stopped flowing, it's gushing again. trying to leave a fashion and selling stuff that's not even cleaned. Kate's about as bad as PT when it comes to selling lolita
No. 242340
>>242094i'm not that anon but i'm also curious because i'm behind on the kate drama
the moment my eyes were met with the phrase poop dress, my hands grew clammy
i must know if this is as benign as asherbee's poop brooch, or perhaps something far more sinister that's positively horrifying and definitely contaminated with fecal matter
No. 242341
nevermind, i must've misread the thing. regardless im still disgusted and unable to recover
No. 243883
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Kate broke her foot.
No. 243884
>>243883yea what is this
> thank you!! it is broken badly I was in the hospital for a month and am still really weak but dressing up makes me feel better!! when did this happen? shes been posting all month
No. 243885
>>243884Even if the foot was broken to the point of surgery, she wouldn't be in the hospital for a month. Obviously she's lying.
My sister needed pins and screws in hers and it was an outpatient surgery.
No. 244035
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>>243883It's like reliving the tacky tracksuit trend of the 2000's all over again.
No. 244042
>>238295There is no proof she has done either? She attended classes but who says she graduated. Her husband has a job she clearly doesnt.
>>243883This has to be old and she is just posting now, she has had that 'broken' foot for months now. She said she broke it as soon as she got back from Japan.
No. 244092
>>244042it can take a pretty long time to heal a broken foot depending on where/how bad the fracture is. I remember my stepmom was in the boot for several months. What I can't understand is why she's wheelchair bound for a broken foot… crutches are a thing and it's a lot better to stay on your legs if you can to reduce PT time. Of course she's always been a bit of a drama queen.
She's selling a dress that I want and goddammit I almost bought it before I realized who the user was. I want it but looking at her feedback I'm 90% sure it'll be stained/smell weird or she'll take for freaking ever to ship it out. Is it even worth the risk?
No. 244628
>>244621>>244622I guess it's just meant to be some kind of tragic, "sad girls' club" ~aesthetic~ kind of phrase, but yeah, I can see why that's sort of strange.
Although her husband seems like a bit of a cuck, so I'm not surprised. Personally, if I was married to someone who was vacationing in Japan, and they took the time to post about it online constantly but barely tried to stay in touch with me, I'd be pretty fucking upset.
No. 244711
>>244686Even then, this is the kind of line you'd expect from a single 16 year old teenage girl on tumblr who's all edgy and lists "depression" in her sidebar, not a married mid-twenties woman. It just comes off as even more pretentious.
Especially from Kate and considering the tone of the documentary she never put out. Where in the trailers, she constantly whines about "not bein able to relate to people" or whatever.
No. 247077
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She sucks at larme about as much as Jillian…
No. 247429
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This lipstick application is fascinating.
No. 247462
>>247429Does she literally only have one wig? It's obviously not her real hair even if she's trying to act like it is.
Kate, if you read this, you need to cut the bangs or buy a wig without bangs if you don't want bangs because this just looks stupid.
No. 247773
>>247462I am not sure if I am remembering correctly but I think her natural hair color is a shade of red?
It was scary either way and now I cannot unsee
No. 247912
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>>247773No, her natural hair color is blonde but it looks like a ratty wig. Pic related, I got sad when I realized that these awful bangs were her natural hair and not a wig. She needs to fire her stylist.>>247773
No. 247922
>>247773She has a red wig, which frankly suits her.
Her real hair is a similar blond to her daily wig, just far shorter and thinner.
No. 248261
>>243883Good, I hope it fucking hurt.
>I'm still trying heheFuck you you stupid cunt, nothing you do is cute or endearing. You do nothing but try to make yourself look good.
>Omg look at how much I care about bullying!>Look how charitable I am!>I broke my foot, but does that stop me? HECK NO! Fucking hate this bitch a whole lot.
No. 248367
>>248282That sounds a bit fishy.
I mean, I don't think Kate every openly posted on cgl, for a start, unless you mean posting photos of her.
No. 248375
>>247077jesus christ, that is terrible, she looks like an aging showgirl gone through a series of bad plastic surgeries.
>>247086for the extra big mirrors? i don't know why she wouldn't have one at home though, she's clearly swimming in money.
>>244711kate is ALL pretension, artifice, and self-absorption, that's why she's such a fun cow.
No. 248433
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>>248426This. I don't believe a damn thing that Kate says.
Back at it again with the fucking lipstick
No. 248509
The worst thing about lolita drama is that people like to cling to bullshit people make up isntead of the real milk. Its like the selfposting fb photo that was not true, people took it way too far and lost what was actually was happening.
Kate likely self posted a bit in the beginning when it was just about the glasses and you can tell she read what was said about her. She got contacts, got new wigs, cut those bangs finally, etc all after cgl said a lot of shit about it. So could she have seen the poop story herself? Likely, and if so saying a 'friend' showed her is an easy way to not out yourself for going on cgl. But to think she would create the hate herself at a time that she really was just looking for people to like her online seems to miss the point. It doesnt make sense in her narrative to sabotage her own plans.
>>248387How can you know the director was the one posting? If he really was he could do one better and "leak" stuff but it is more likely that people just said things. Some of those people would have been people around her at the time so it would ring true.
No. 250859
>>248509>lolitas cling to made up bullshit like it's real milkYou basically described all my issues with lolita drama ever. Lolitas are like a special kind of autistic where they try to create drama, but lolita cows are basically nothing compared to real cows here. A lot of it is hearsay, mistakes wearing the fashion style itself, and just plain old salt.
I'm always wondering why Kate is even considered an lolcow. She had a potential movie made about herself, but lolitas fizzle out so fast they're not worth anyone's time. Kate has absolutely not been proven to be as milk worthy as ex-lolita Jillian, for example, and even Jillian has kind of low milk. Kate is and has always been the definition of a snowflake, not a cow.
No. 255527
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No. 258231
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>>258127She's back alright. Here's to hoping for more milk soon.
No. 258250
>>258231Uh, didn't she sell a bunch of big brand name pieces? Or is she hoarding a few?
Speaking of that, does anyone know about the size of her wardrobe in general? Has she ever posted pictures?
No. 258352
>>258231is she borrowing cadney's secret garden jsk? it would be major lulzy if she returned it with stains and odor.
i don't know if kate's behavior is immaturity or if she is just an entitled person.
No. 258395
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No. 258402
>>258395same as it ever was, same as it ever was…
I have to say though that's the tidiest wig I've ever seen her wear. I know that's not saying much and the bar isn't very high, but still.