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No. 203794
New tumblr thread, old one reached posting limit.
Old thread:
>>189689 No. 203799
>>203691Ugh these kids.
>>203700If it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure the feathers they use for those tacky "Indian" costumes sold in shops aren't actual eagle feathers.
No. 203848
>>203842Yeah, they are well on it already.
I don't think it is good to generalize groups of people, but funny how tumblr SJW's think it's okay to pick and choose when it is OKAY and NOT okay to generalize.
>tumblr: ALL men are rapists>tumblr: ##not allmuslimsHate this double standard shit they do.
No. 203883
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>non-binary parents
pls dont tell me these crazies breed
No. 203904
>>203883>they sound rich and mysteriously importantThere you have it folks, the most important thing in life is to sound cool no matter what. Even when your mom is a manipulative selfish nutjob.
Surely that kid will grow up to be a well adjusted member of society for not being able to call his mother "mom" in fear of her flipping off in anger after being misgendered.
No. 203945
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No. 204022
>>204021ah, i see more of the "bawww i wish i had a period, ciswomen are so lucky, pls never talk about them ever cause muh
triggers" thing
No. 204025
>>204022 The mentioned friend constantly reblogs stuff about how tampons and pads should be free and how everyone sucks for not understanding every single little detail in regards to periods. Maybe I have low standards and/or shitty friends, but she fits into the tumblrina image well. Overweight and complains about the aches and pains of it (but not really doing anything about it), dumb looking shaved sides with a tuff of hair on top, draws herself much skinnier then she is, draws in AT style a lot and tries to say its not lazy, thinks communism would solve everything, procrastinates on projects so she never turns them in on time or completed, complains about money issues but then goes and fully pays for a preordered game for a system she doesn't even have yet, smokes weed constantly, doesn't have her license so always bumming for rides even though she is 5 minutes from the university, bumming rides for everywhere but never chips into gas money, the list goes on. She's not full on SJW luckily, but sometimes it feels pretty close. It's funny cause she will constantly say 'faggot' and nigga' in public, despite being in neither 'category' for either.
Looking over it, I suggest staying far from even slight SJW now, if for the sake of your health.
No. 204078
>>203895Well, "gaurdi", doesn't sound that cute to anyone Irish because the police in Ireland are called The Gardaí (pronounced "gaurdi").
Also how is "gaurdi" supposed to be a shortened term for parent when they're the same length?
Fucking Tumblr logic.
No. 204092
>>204078>Well, "gaurdi", doesn't sound that cute to anyone IrishYou're Irish? Duh, this means you are just an oppressor and not entitled to any opinion. I bet you are cishet scum as well.
>>204025Sorry to disappoint you Anon, but your friends sounds already shitty without the SJW part. The SJW is just the iceing on the cake. Grow a spine and stop being friends with shitty childish people you clearly don't seem to like very much instead of anonymously complaining about them.
No. 204129
>>204092I know, right? The Irish are oppressors despite what history proved time and time again. We're white so that automatically means any evidence of us being treated as slaves by the English (and treated as less and worth less than African slaves) is null and void.
Seriously, this is a prevalent thing on Tumblr - non-Irish SJWs refuse to acknowledge this was a thing that happened because ~ only non-Whites can be oppressed~ and if you dare try to talk about it, you're racist for thinking your people were oppressed. Because like the Irish Famine totally wasn't a genocide caused by the British. Also, the Irish language totally isn't almost dead because of this and the harsh corporal punishment inflicted on those who spoke a word of it in schools in the 19th Century. Yeah didn't happen. And then Irish migrants to America totally weren't refused jobs based on the fact that they were Irish. “No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish” totally wasn't a thing either. Nope. Us privileged white Irish scum have no idea what being oppressed means…Fuck Off!
That's one of the things that pisses me off most about Tumblr: the popular mindset that hard facts and history didn't happen (regardless of the mountains of evidence) purely because it conflicts with their idea of society. Not to mention them making up their own definitions of highly complex concepts to fit their opinion. I guess babies can't deal with cognitive dissonance and deal with it in a rational and objective manner.
No. 204135
>>204078Guardi sounds fucking stupid, but it'll catch anyway. Just like 'Comfy' instead of comfortable did. And then tards like that lord of the fucking idiots pastel-ugly/angelic-shitmoji will be slurring it left in right under each set of 10,000 selfies.
"I'm not comfy with my fat jiggling lardfolds but I'll show you guys anyway uwu body posi !!" "Went out with my guardi to take some more bodiposi shots since I'm eternally 12 and not comfy with learning how to drive yet! My guardi had to wipe my asshole for me when we were done since I'm not comfy with touching my nono parts, it
triggers me uwu" I can see it now.
No. 204153
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>>204012Not IRL friend, but my old internet buddy turns full SJW from time to time. I like her as a person, but she sometimes goes full retard with her preachy tirades. I used to ignore that, but recently she started writing long-ass posts about cultural appropriation, so I anonymously sent her an ask (because I don't dabble with SJW stuff too much) correcting one of her statements. I wrote that ONLY Americans (including descendants of immigrants from that country) get angry about people simply wearing other people's traditional clothing in a respectful way, while the native people from whatever country simply do not care, and they don't want people to get angry in their stead.
She went batshit insane, wrote a long-ass angry reply, started throwing religion, collonialism and dreadlocks into this (???), and immediately told me to GTFO her blog/mailbox/life. I tried explaining my point in simpler words, because she missed the point…
And she replied quoting thisisnotjapan as a reliable source, because I'm clearly an insensitive barbarian and need to be educated.
I laughed out loud.
No. 204157
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>>204153that's totally true though
i know a lady who i work with that went to Jamaica and alot of people there nicely offered to give her dreds (but she said no, because she thought she would look crazy in it)
it's funny how the only people who whine about cultural appropriation are the people with no culture, kek
No. 204246
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these people sure like to pin labels and project their hate on fictional characters.
No. 204276
>>204246Oh god why
Honestly, this shit is why I hardly take trans people seriously. I bet the bitch who wrote this is a fakeboi.
No. 204314
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why is it that these people REFUSE to let someone be not trans. why does legitimately EVERYONE in the world have to be trans to these people? Christ.
It's like they're saying "yes, be dysphoric and miserable like us!!" or "oh yes don't be yourself at all!!!! you must be trans or you're just garbage!!!!"
But then if I bring up that, people are gonna whine about how "not all trans people are dysphoric!!!!!! u fucking truscum!!!!"
No. 204335
>>204324>a boner that you can easily hide or make it go away by thinking safe thoughts.Well, that's easy to say when you never experienced the awkwardness of having an involuntary boner in a crowded train and you don't even know why.
Seriously, both genders had its hardships, can we just agree with that and stop the "no I suffer more than you" Olympics?
No. 204358
>>204335 Sorry you're getting all these negative comments anon, didn't mean to cause a mini shitstorm. I am a girl and I understand that random boners are not a fun experience. Like I said before, at least with periods girls can at least try to plan ahead for it. Not to mention the fact that not every girl gets terrible bad cramps, or that some girls have the option to take birth control to lower the number of periods. I've been in places where I have gotten my period and wasn't prepared for it. One time it was at a competition, and because I had been a bit irregular I hadn't noticed till it was my time to go see the judges. I was embarrassed and my teacher had to go buy pants for me to wear since we were out of town, and it sucked. However, I think it would suck too knowing that you have to walk in front of a classroom sprouting a chubby. Everyone assumes you're a pervert, and like the previous posters people assume you should just be able to think it away or that you must have been thinking dirty thoughts for it to happen. If your nipples get hard does that mean you're an insatiable horndog? No it's just blooodflow, same when your body decides to go half mast during a lecture. Not to mention, a girl can usually get out of class for a period emergency (I was always able to, not going to speak for everyone's experience), but a guy just kinda has to try and hide it. But I feel like more anons are just going to complain about this issue, but I wanted to let yo know that you at least had one femanon on yourside.
tl:dr- Periods can suck, boners can suck.
No. 204361
>>204314You know what's really shitty?
Taking away biologically female characters.
There's always been a lot of critique on how females are inferior to men, so why take so many strong female characters and reduce them to being biologically male? It's just saddening, it makes people think only boys who pretend to be girls can be good. And that real girls are just shit tier after all.
Yes I mad.
No. 204367
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>>204361Because those strong female characters were made by men, and therefore can't truly be strong characters, but rather sex objects or idols meant to be fapped to by the boys who play video games.
Even characters made by women, like Bayonetta, are torn down just because they are "sexy" or their boobs are too big or whatever other shitty metric they use to determine if a character is sexist or not.
What you need to understand is that these kinds of people will never be satisfied with a character
No. 204381
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>>204314>putting 'generic animal crossing player character' and not saharahi shiggidy diggidy
No. 204383
>>204364>not trying to understand the disadvantage of bothI'm not trying to rage a war, saying that boners are worse or as bad as periods. Cause it just matters on the person anon. I'm sorry your periods are hellish for you, and I know that other girls suffer the same. But not every girl does. My periods can hurt like a SOB, but they never last more then four days. Most of my friends end by the fifth day, and the last day is just spotty. I've learned methods to help me alleviate my cramps, what to do to make myself feel better. If a girl doesn't carry around pads or tampons, then usually that is their fault for not preparing before hand (give or take on the situation). I know many girls who go the way of birth control and only ever have their period once or twice a year. I don't mind letting friends or coworkers know that I may not be on top of my game because of 'nature'k Not every girl has those luxuries though.
A guy can have a boner any day, several times in one day. They can't always hide it, or they have to worry about it being visible to others. There's a stigma that if people can see if, they are going to be considered a perv for a long time, and then comes the name calling if everyone thinks you got a tiny dick. If a female teacher gets a period during class, she just had an unfortunate incident, whereas if a male teacher were to get a boner in the middle of class then he is a massive pervert. On the other hand, a girl may get her period on a bus and have no way to hide it, bloodstains on her clothes or even the seats, while a boy with a boner in the same place could have a better time hiding it.
It depends on people, places, situations. There are many ways periods are worse then boners, but there are many negative attributes to random public boners. For me, I can handle my periods fairly well but that doesn't mean another girl is going to have an easy time. Same with different boys. To just dismiss a boy's problem with boners is just ignorant, and I truly do feel sorry for any boy that has had to suffer consequences from them (just as I do for any girl and her period).
No. 204385
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No. 204387
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No. 204395
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>>204394It's just teasing white people like "white boys can't jump" or all white people are school shooters
I'm sure some tumblrcunts take that shit seriously but its just some racial humour. People make fun of blacks and other minorities for similar shit so I don't really care, its even funny sometimes
No. 204413
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No. 204423
>>204012You don't befriend them.
dont be friend with crazies.
No. 204428
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>>204413Oh my fucking god. Someone please shut down tumblr before it's too late.
No. 204435
>>204314Dude I'm just sick of all of it.
I will bet all of my fucking autism dosh that whoever made this list hasn't played half of the games their "trans headcanon babies" are from.
As someone else said already, you can't cry about no female representation and then take canonically female characters and say "Well no they're trans!!"
It's disrespectful to women who actually give a shit about games and to trans people who aren't crybaby spergs.
You want trans representation? Make your own goddamn games. Make your own goddamn games and make the characters you've always dreamed of. Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about trans activism. Actual trans people don't give a fuck about your harebrained headcanons.
sage for drunk sperg ranting
No. 204443
>>204435>You want trans representation? Make your own goddamn games. Make your own goddamn games and make the characters you've always dreamed of. Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about trans activism. Actual trans people don't give a fuck about your harebrained headcanons.This sums up pretty much how I feel about the "lack of representation" of PoC and the white privilege thing. I know plenty of black people that don't sperg out over the whole white privilege thing and grew up accomplished and just fine. It sucks that these people that feel so
triggered and miserable about everything have the loudest voice and influence in society these days (so it seems, anyway).
No. 204449
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>>204445Yeah, you gotta be pretty depraved to be into beastiality. But it definitely exists. It's so disgusting that it's almost funny.
In addition to tranny freaks in the ladies room, I now have to worry about tumblrtards raping my cat.
No. 204463
>>204458Zelda pretended to be male in Ocarina of Time…but…she was just cross-dressing.
I have an ACTUAL trans friend and her life is shit right now. She doesn't wish "trans" on anyone. She just wants to live her life as a woman like a normal person. Trans people want to be normal and these tumblrs are the opposite. They think it makes them special but anyone who is choosing to life their life as something that is not biological is incredibly difficult. Fuck these people.
No. 204476
>>204458Everyone is trans because tumblr is full of trans fetishists who don't care how marginalising their attitudes are to both trans people and women.
>>204463Yeah I've got a trans friend too. She is so different from the tumblr stereotype, and I wish more people would realise that actual trans people and tumblr trans people are not the same. Unfortunately what people see is tumblr trans people since they're so… how to say this… noisy. It's so damaging to the trans community, but they for social justice warriors they really don't care all that much since trans is trendy now on tumblr.
No. 204486
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>>204484Iunno, seems like most people just care about random sex nowadays
No. 204494
>>204314Why… do any of these characters come across as trans exactly?
Man, I almost feel like for the majority of these dumbfucks that are ~*trans*~ are actually just experiencing a combination of narcissism, being a loser, and hating their ugly selves.
No. 204515
>>204381I was just think about Saharah and Gracie.
Like who ever made this list seems to also forget Poison from Final fight.
No. 204530
>>204153while I agree with you for the most part, I wouldn't say "only" Americans, because I'm sure there are many cultures out there (upon the thousands at the very least) who do not want people to dabble into their traditions if they haven't grown up under and earned their right to wear certain pieces. For example, if there are certain groups that must pass tests of strength to earn the right to have a certain piercing, a foreigner (of
any background) coming in asking to get the same one because they "get" the meaning behind it and think its awesome may not warrant them getting one.
No. 204532
>>204344dude I know a guy that got accused of sexual harassment for simply having a random boner in front of a chick
she literally didn't know guys can get random boners without thinking anything sexual in the slightest, the worst part is that her and her gang of raging bitches didn't either so they attacked the poor dude
only other guys came to his defense, so it looked even worse for him
I'd rather have a period stain with bad cramps than suffer through that shit
No. 204539
>>204534probably not at all, but just the possibility of it happening to other people is crazy
I used to work at a nursing home in hs and I remember a woman coming in to visit her mom and telling her that she was scared that her son was attracted to her because he got an erection while she was bathing him, and her words exactly were "I don't know what to do mom, he's a little kid I didn't think that could happen"
like to jump to that conclusion is insane over something that is unpreventable and that you can't plan for
Don't get me wrong, I've cried from how bad my cramps have been and usually have to get up in the middle of the night a few times to make sure I haven't leaked onto the bed so those few days suck
but to be worried (if you've been through it) that you may be accused of that at any time sucks too
No. 204540
>>204534how common is having a horrible period? obviously not everyone does, I just take pain killers. other people can't function.
boners and periods can suck, the end. a horrible period is worse than getting a boner, the end.
No. 204544
>>204435I saw a post on tumblr about how the next Tomodachi game should add a nonbinary option. As if you can't already make miis extremely neutral looking or marry together same sex couples as long as you make one of them the opposite gender in the mii maker. I guess that arbitraty gender sign you need to click through is too
triggering for them. as is having it show up in the profile.
But it's super easy to get what you want regardless. All clothing is unisex equipable. The miis might not like certain clothes but they'll still wear them.
Some of these are good suggestions. But 2 and 3 are totally SJW. We'll be lucky is we even get same sex couples in any future Tomodachi games. I'm surprised this list didn't include polyamory.
And I really do hate this "every character is trans" trend. Don't they realise how highly unlikely this is? Actual trans characters are few and far between. The vast majority of popular and obscure characters are not trans. That's just the way it is. Taking away actual female characters and claiming they are trans really does make it sound like they are saying real women are second class citizens after all. It really does.
Some of these SJWs get really irate when you try to tell them they are wrong. And they'll insist their interpretation HAS to be canon. I really don't think they play even a fraction of the games they claim these trans characters are from either. I totally don't buy it. Because if it were true they'd know that their headcanons can't be actual canon. It doesn't make sense.
It makes me wonder how they explain cleavage on a transgirl who couldn't have possibly gotten implants due to age, technology level, historical setting, income ect…
What do they do about the ones that have babies? I'm actually curious as to how they step around the issues and keep insisting said character is trans.
No. 204553
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>>204551You are a smart fucking person. No logical human being should have SJW friends.
No. 204558
>>204403Someone should start telling these SJWs that it's cultural appropriation if they aren't of Ukranian descent. I'd love to see their reaction.
I'm 1/4 Ukrainian and I feel
triggered now. how dare they steal 1/4 of my cultural history?
No. 204565
>>204410"Exotic" and "fetish" seem to be the two go-to terms every time an SJW feels that some culture is being mocked.
Yet at the same time you are racist if you don't like that culture enough. A good example is if you say you aren't attracted to a certain race you are racist. But if you are attracted to someone of that race it's a fetish. You don't really love them. You just fetishize them for being exotic. Personal preference and true love don't even get considered.
You literally cannot win. There's no use arguing. SJWs will gush over biracial babies but lambast interacial couples because "muh exotic fetisization".
I grew up in a very multicultural area. So I do not see people from races other than white being anything but ordinary. Maybe it's different if you're from an all white or predominately white area. But I did go to school in an all white area and it was extremely weird and alien to me because to me it didn't feel normal.
To me people are never exotic. Fruit is exotic. Flowers are exotic. Birds are exotic. So unless you're a pineapple, an orchid or a bird of paradise, you aren't special for wearing cultural clothing and sporting a bindi or a turban. Sorry. You're just a normal human being.
The thing is that I really do think some of these SJWs want to be exotic and someone's fetish. Deep down they actually enjoy it. Which is why they keep posting pics and ranting about it. They love the attention it brings. And when people stop paying attention to them they get upset and start ranting again.
Exotic isn't a slur. There are far far worse things that people can be called. But I guess that's so played out that they need to bring ordinary words into the mix and post hate on people's blogs, twitters and instagrams every time they post a picture of some food or clothes and call them exotic.
No. 204566
>>204539I had to explain something similar to my sister. As americans were are so hooked on selling sex when we understand so little about how it works.
Thats why we have so many tumblrinas thinking they are different for not being interest is abnormal.
Hell one of they tried to convince me i was demisexual because i want my first time to be with someone i care about. Like i want sex with someone i can about, its pretty fucking normal. Most relationship do this.
No. 204594
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>>204562I always tep kek when I see Dumblrs trying to push the whole "whites have no culture" thing, like bish who do you think you're kidding lel
No. 204609
>>204597Agreed. As a slav it makes me sad sometimes, but then I just get on with it. Being seen as inferior is just a fact of life we fought through centuries, to the point that today we are nearly equal…And with no affirmative action or slav lives matter necessary.
A victory earned on your own is worth a thousand victories handed to you.
No. 204650
>>204608idk people use it as a kind of icebreaker or pickup line.
it is such a lame way to feign interest in a person "what is your heritage? ancestry? your people - where are they from?"
i kek whenever i hear people trying it
No. 204651
>>204650its like.
"originally. im from america."
good lord does it matter what my 50 shades of white are?
No. 204663
I think its cool to understand where your ancestors are from, obviously its obnoxious to try to make yourself sound special like
>>204608is saying.
Have you ever heard of 23andme? Its really interesting to see where your DNA is from
No. 204668
>>204530>>204153 poster here. I fully agree, there are cultures like that, but my SJW friend's post mentioned only European/East Asian countries so there was no need to get into such detail.
Apparently I
triggered her so badly she turned off anon on all her blogs, lol.
>>204608This is how you can instantly tell someone is an American.
No. 204709
>>204558Anon, I like how you think. I'm Ukrainian too and it just burns my ass when I see shit like that.
Worst one I ever came across was this one though.
>Headdresses white people can wear that aren’t appropriative of non-white cultures >Russian kokoshnikHere's an idea, don't wear it if you aren't Russian because that's literally cultural appropriation. But slavs are "white" so it doesn't count on tumblr jfc
No. 204733
>>204650It's kind of weird though.
I'm English and it's like an American coming up to me and asking where I'm from and me being like "Hmmm well I'm part viking and DNA testing shows that I have some Roman and Pict blood and my aunties' grandad's daughter's nephew's cousin's dad are all Welsh and…".
Like, no1curr.
No. 204769
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or perhaps tumblrinas are so hostile with how that speak about people that aren't gay/bi/trans that they're faking it just so they don't get hate. or, even more likely, they're just following the crowd because being trans and gay is more ~interesting~ than being a ~boring~ person who's cool with their gender and like people of the opposite sex.
No. 204837
>>204608I actually sometimes do that when talking to people about their family's history, etc
Not in a bragging way and not the amounts, but I just find it interesting to talk about my/other's history and how much of a mix some people can be and how they got to where they are now.
It's pretty cool.
That said, although we do have some native american in the family (mom did the genealogy stuff so I don't know specifically which, sorry) it's like 3% compared to 97% white lol
I hope I'm not a speshul snowflaek for finding my genetic history interesting.
No. 204848
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Next up on "Things that Totally Happened."
Man, these children claiming asexuality as their orientation really wanna be oppressed for some reason. Last I checked, no one was ever attacked or had their rights withheld from them for being ace, let alone being forced to sit through some weirdo teacher's tirade about it being a disease.
No. 204850
>>204848Holy fuck, it's like a tv show where the bell rings perfectly, huh?
These kids are ridiculous with their stories.
No. 204851
>>204757It's just women and their victim complexes, nothing matters more than their own self-suffering and discomfort. Even when you present a simple opinion that both periods and random boners are kind of shitty, women always need to have it worse.
Pitiable creatures.
No. 204871
>>204848I doubt it because it came from tumblr, but some teachers can be ridiculous.
I work at an elementary school and am an assistant teacher for different grades. One of the teachers I most like surprised me the other day. I walked in about 2-3 minutes late because I was taking with my supervisor and hear the teacher talking about religion in colonial times and its significance in American history to her fourth graders. At one point while I was getting settled it seems one of the boys was asking about whether or not everyone wanted to follow the beliefs or cultural practices involved in his limited vocabulary and the teacher responded with, "not everyone believes the same thing, for example, some people think we came from god and that god created the earth and all the animals along with humans. Some other people think we came from monkeys, now I don't know if you agree with that, but I don't."
Students: Monkeys??
Teacher: Yes, but don't you think if we came from monkeys that there wouldn't be anymore monkeys around?
Student: Yeah that makes no sense
Teacher: exactly, thats why you need to question some of what people tell you, they can be wrong
Me internally: OMFG are you kidding me? You've been a teacher for how long, have your Masters in education and don't fucking know that scientists theorize we evolved from a common ancestor???
about to raise my hand to tell her this more politely
Teacher: changes the subject
No. 204874
>>204848asexual people arent oppressed.
holy shit who gives a shit about what your teacher said? asexuality isnt healthy nor normal anyway
No. 204875
>>204851im a woman and i agree to some extent.
the only women who have victim complexes are mostly for tumblr.
most of my friends who are women dont like to appear as victims and dont get upset about stupid shit like this
No. 204918
>>204871I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few teachers back in my school days that had been completely crackers. Then again, I live in the Dirty South, so that kinda thing is expected. I feel, though, that asexuality isn't really something people acknowledge or really know much about, unless someone who identifies as it is tumblr level retarded and foisting it into their faces at whatever chance they're presented.
>>204909Live and let live, man. You'll be happier that way. If a certain group of people aren't interested in sex, well hey, that has little to do with you, huh?
The chief issue I have, is that people try to make it out as comparable to actual "sexual" orientations. You know, the ones people legitimately get hurt over. Just,
The tumblr community only embarrasses itself by trying to paint asexuality as something it isn't.
No. 204975
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No. 204980
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The stormfront side of tumblr is pretty wild as well.
No. 205000
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No. 205009
>>204347probably female since they're using He/They pronouns. its fairly same on tumblr to just assume everyone is a transtrender now.
>>204335periods are worse than boners. not only are periods embarrassing, much like unfortunate boners, but they are fucking painful. also, in a lot of third world countries, women don't have access to hygienic supplies and a lot of other terrible shit comes along with girls getting their periods (being shamed, sexual assault, etc.)… so yeah, boners don't compare.
>>205000i go on tumblr; i get why subversive humor isn't ~~~as bad~~~ as if the situation was reversed (i.e. why are people gay?), but don't they get how fucking annoying and up-their-own-ass they sound when they say stuff like "keep pissing off the straights xDDDDD"
No. 205020
>>205000Come on now. Is this a real post? I'm a gay woman and this is making me cringe. It's not a damn choice. and you can't just decide to switch sexual preferences for 'funsies.'
I have nothing against heterosexual people/couples, especially since they make up over 90% of the world's population- This tumblr post is so irritating.
No. 205023
Ouran is probably one of the most gay-friendly and trans-friendly animes out there.
No. 205026
>>204990lol she didn't even try to answer taht shit.
>hurr b-but black people died under hitler u r wrong the endAlso that "they weren't considered white at the time so w/e" line has never been acceptable argument as to why e.g. Irish "privilege" is an oxymoron to tumblrites. Now suddenly it's ok?
No. 205028
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No. 205033
>>205030Yeah, Poles may have had it bad like 9000 years ago (lol wtf even), but have they ever had some wicked evil nazi white supremacist republican klansmen threaten to shoot up a shit-tier university?
Didn't think so. Cry more, cracker
No. 205053
>>205051You know, if they aren't killing people, rapping people, or a pedo, there isn't much need to doxx someone.
The best comment from someone who reblogged this.
>Yeah cause getting her fired stops racism…the only thing is she doesn’t have a job anymore! She’s still racist! There… No. 205056
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>>205053The rest of that person's comment.
No. 205066
Black Tumbltards need to get over themselves.
No. 205097
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>"if im having a breakdown/paranoia episode/psychotic episode/etc., please give me constant attention and reassurance. also please keep me from doing anything impulsive. also feel free to ask me if something is wrong if you feel that i might be in distress, but if i tell you that i dont wanna talk abt it, dont bring it up unless i do so first."TOPKEK WHAT A BABY
No. 205102
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Of course
No. 205104
>>204012I've pretty much cut ties with anyone in my circles who got wildly offended at nothing. Having differing opinions isn't a big deal to me, but I hear shit like "freedom of speech is of lesser importance than potentially
triggering someone!" and I'm writing them out of my circles in an instant.
No. 205112
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>>205103AAVE mean African American Vernacular English
instead of trying to teach blacks how to actually speak the goddamn language we just let them speak in their ebonics. Surely this will help the black community prosper!
Telling her to go to black twitter though is just as bad. She should just come to you if she wants a black perspective on something.
No. 205122
>>205112Fuck not black Anon but I don't even understand why there has to be a 'black perspective'
Tumblrs version of PC is just segregation of everyone/thing
If anyone wanted true equality they'll have to start treating everyone as actual equals
No. 205134
triggered by left-wing politics
No. 205147
>>205000this makes me lose faith in the LGBT community
man it's really going downhill, i'd rather pretend to be straight
No. 205191
>>205112>>205122I only told her to look at black twitter because they're more sane compared to the fuckwads that traverse tumblr.
I really don't want her coming to me on the daily asking me what's racist and if she's
triggering my ancestors or some shit. That's so fucking aggravating just thinking about it.
I do wish there wasn't a black perspective. They're (sjw) just digging this divide between races deeper and deeper with shit like that. It's come to the point where I feel as though if I tell her blacks really don't give a fuck about that shit, she's gonna say "I'll give a fuck for them!/You can't speak for all blacks!".
Lol I totally forgot her veganism. W/E.
>>2015168Not that anon, obviously, but I have a problem with that
and Ebonics. The English teacher does too and she's from the south herself.
I dislike Ebonics because blacks expect
every black to know
every slang word, no matter your origin. And most of it sounds mad dumb.
No. 205198
>>205103Im black but even i know AAVE has a time and place. I never spoke AAVE at school unless it was downtime with friends. Your friend needs to get her head out her ass.
But then again, im from thr south and went to a black historic school(it was made specifically black students in the early 1900s)
No. 205212
>>205205>>205103if not that then they'd find some other reason to tear her a new asshole.
And I don't think SJ (don't know about black twitter specifically) are much better than tumblr.
No. 205336
>>205205I only call her a friend mostly becauses she's not all that bad with that shit excluded. If she didn't talk so much about sj and veganism and I have to walk on eggshells to prevent arguments… She'd be okay.
>>205294Black twitter means all black users on twitter lol
No. 205365
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Remember kids, if a film has an all female cast its the bestest film ever and totally immune to criticism or you're a meanie sexist :(
No. 205372
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>>205365The only good thing about that movie was the misfits at the end. 10/10 of doing a modern version of them and still being able to tell who's who. That movie pissed me off so much
No. 205374
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>>205365Also, I would like to note that it was written/directed by all MEN. They never once went to Christy Marx and got her input on this monstrosity.
No. 205380
>>205365>women do 90% of the worlds work and own 1% of the worlds propertyholy fuck this delusion
I am fucking mad related
No. 205486
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>>205469id still put my dick in it
No. 205487
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>>205481>participates in "fandoms">probably "ships" charactersyou bring this on yourself
No. 205499
>>205487I know anon, but it's such a guilty pleasure of mine!
Yes, I am guilty as charged.
No. 205532
>>205489I'm so glad that many of my favorite games aren't that popular due to age or obscurity. They're a lot less likely to become the targets of tumblrtards who want everyone to be trans with neo pronouns.
When you like something popular and all you see is a bunch of posts about how so and so character is trans, autistic and asexual it gets really irritating. Especially when they start insisting that it has to be canon. Or worse, they are that character.
And people thought it was bad when every hot bishounen was made gay in fanart and fanfiction. It's completely jumped into new territory now.
Of course you can ignore it. But I really hate the fact that many fandoms have become like this now.
No. 205564
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Someone please fucking end my life oh my god
No. 205576
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No. 205586
>>205564I llov e the edgy typing styl e like?:::???11
>>205576Having a certain type of voice is now offensive and racist?
No. 205602
>>205564>that typing styleare they having a fucking "
triggered panic attack", hence why they can't type? Shit is fucking annoying.
No. 205612
>>205576I totally disagree with her that white people are appropriating black culture by singing soul, but the rest of her post is actually pretty legit. There are so so many people who worship Adele and call themselves soul fans without listening to anyone else or caring to. I asked an Adele obsessed friend about this once and said it was because while the voices were beautiful, she couldn't relate to others. Even though they were singing about the exact same shit. The reason for this is simple; many whites just simply cannot relate to black people at all, even if they totally would of they magically turned white. Many whites can't relate to soul music at all, but the second you have a white girl singing about the exact same stuff, it's the best music ever. Adele is the most successful soul singer for a reason and it's not because she's among the best. I mean, just look at what happened to rap the second Eminem got on the scene, same general concept. Then of course, there's the biggest example of rock and roll and Elvis.
It's a shame because whiny little Tumblrinas like this make it look like people are just making this shit up because there's nothing legitimate to be offended by. If she cared about ~educating~ people then she would link to articles explaining this shit or discuss it in a manner that people will actually respond to.
No. 205628
>>205615Not to be rude, but did you not read the entire post?
The problem is not that she's white singing black music. It's that she's the most successful soul singer BECAUSE she's white, despite not being anymore talented. It's that so many white people worship her while simultaneously not giving a fuck about any other black artist because they simply can't relate to black people. it's the fact that througout the histlry of black music, this type of situation has happened time and time again.
This really isn't one if Tumblr's made up non-issues. Look it up.
No. 205631
>>205628This isn't people playing the race card. Yeah, Adele shouldn't be shat on for it, but it's still an issue. Sure many whites can and do relate to black music, but that doesn't change the fact that just as many don't. If that were the case, then explain to me Adele's success over every other soul singer. It's obviously not because she's better. The fact you're ignorant on this issue and choose to live in a world where these problems are just black people and Tumblr being uppity doesn't make it any less true.
No. 205635
>>205630Except that black artists have been promoted that much. Ever hear of Beyonce? Whitney Houston?
How about bother Googling this shit before acting like you know what you're talking about.
No. 205639
>>204874>>204909not the norm =/= bad, unhealthy
For one, they are less likely to get STDs.
No. 205653
>>205651On December 16, Apple announced that Beyoncé was the fastest selling album in the history of the iTunes Store, both in the US and worldwide.[126] It sold 828,773 digital copies worldwide in its first three days, and topped the iTunes Store charts in 104 countries.[126] Six days after its release, the album had sold one million digital copies on iTunes Stores worldwide.
And Beyonce dropped that album with no warning or promotion whatsoever…
No. 205655
>>205612Being this fucking dumb.
Are you black?
Getting this upset over a white person singing a certain style.
No. 205670
>>205664This tbh
>>205654>It should be socially acceptable to like people just for being white and not black whilst copying black styles of music and/or aestheticsFuck off
No. 205680
>>205679Sry, this was for
No. 205682
>>205674Actually, it's completely different. Blacks support each other for being black because of a little thing called systematic oppression and the fact that throughout history, they've been treated as subhuman by the Western world. Whites don't need support from other whites for being white. By all means, if you want to have pride in your origin (French, English, German, etc.) have at, but pride in being white and supporting others just because they're white makes you a racist given that your race has no history of being the oppressed, but the oppressor. The fact you're white has done nothing but benefit you in ways you wouldn't have if you were black because of a system white people put in place throughout history to assure such, that's nothing to take pride in. As a white person, I can't for the life of me imagine not seeing the clear as day difference in black pride vs white pride.
No. 205684
wew lads, another race war cooking up here I see. We all know how well that goes
>>205028Saw this shit when tumblr was promoting his/they/her/zir's AMA. Saw that MTV was reblogging it. MTV sure is struggling to stay relevant these days. Better hop on whatever is "cool" with tumblr!
No. 205708
Can everyone stop talking about this now and just agree to disagree? Anyway…
There was this amazing tumblr conversation I saw posted on /cgl/ once. A white girl was freaking out at a black girl because she disagreed that Frozen was racist due to only having white people. The white girl was really awful about it, callung her a cunt, saying she was an iduot who didn't know what racism looked like, and she told the black girl flat out that her opinions and perspective on race as a black person didn't matter because she was the first one she ever talked to that didn't say it was racist. Keep in mind, this girl's Tumblr was super anti-Frozen, meaning obviously most of her discussions were going to be with people that also thought it was racist. When other black people came to defend the girl, she told them the same thing, that because they disagreed, they obviously had internalized racism and their opinions and perspectives on matters involving race didn't matter. She also told the girl that by being a fan of Frozen, she was a traitor to her race. It was so beautiful, I wish I capped it. Anyone by chance have it?
No. 205709
if you're a white girl who hops on beyonce's dick, you're seen as desperate to ingratiate yourself with 'black culture', SJWs, or simply trying to stay 'hip&trendy' for the sake of your vanity. that all comes down to beyonce's image.
if you're a white girl who hops on taylor swift or adele's dick, you're an everyman's-classic-good-ol'-girl. you don't stand out. all white girls like their starbucks and their taylor swift and their leggings and uggs, right? and the reverse applies as well; black girls who like adele are discouraged because their peers will be like 'what, are you trying to be white now?'…which, even though whites get harrassed over how privileged they are and how great they have it, it's somehow still seen as betrayal to try to integrate into the predominant 'white culture' in an effort to better your situation here in 'murrica.
anyways, it comes down to catering to a specific market image, imo. adele simply happens to have an image that executive decison-making award-givers (probably old white dudes, admittedly) preferred.
No. 205723
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Seriously, the only asexuals I've come across besides myself, (I cringe every time I think about telling anyone, though, because holy shit who in their right mind would take me seriously a this point?), are just so… whiny. Yeah, being told it's weird/strange/wrong that you aren't into sex is kinda dickish, but it's not oppressive. You're life hasn't been thrown down the proverbial shitter just because your parents wanted grand kids and being hit on makes you uncomfortable.
>Asexuality is to sexuality as atheism is to theism. It’s not another type of thing, it’s the lack of it altogether. I honestly don’t think it belongs with LGBT. It’s just not the same issue.
This is a fair comparison to make imo. Not like the one who made the comment was unreasonable or making himself out as an asshole in his wording. But you have the tumblrinas flying off the handle because "muh oppression," along with the fact that they're both clearly too thin skinned to handle a single differing opinion on the internet. Honestly, if they don't like it, they can gtfo.
No. 205726
>>205723I don't understand how asexuality is a thing. Like, you seriously have never been attracted to anyone ever and not once have been horny?
Not trying to rip on you, just genuinely curious.
No. 205727
>obviously people are going to give their two cents.Except race discussion is banned from /pt/ because of sensitive little bitches like yourself whining at people to check their privilege every time race is brought up.
>omg gb2 /pol/I'm not the one posting essays about my views on race. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with whatever bullshit you're spewing, I'm just telling you it's not relevant.
No. 205733
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>>205723Yup, it's like the atheists who make churches and basically preach to people about how God doesn't exist.
Asexuals claim to lack sexuality, so why in the world would they want to be an ally of LGBT? Trying to stand up for your lack of sexuality by adamantly demanding to be included by a movement that is 100% focused on human sexuality makes no. goddamn. sense.
Real asexuals and atheists wouldn't give a shit and would just live their own lives without religion or sex. But we apparently live in a ridiculous world where atheism is basically a religion and asexuality is considered a sexual preference.
No. 205736
>>205733They don't give a shit about acceptance, they just want oppression points. I'm like 99% sure nobody has ever been disowned by their family, attacked, thrown in jail, etc, for not having an interest in sex.
I hope to fuck that most of these people are just dumb kids trying to fit in.
No. 205737
>>205735I'm not even trying to be insulting here, are you legitimately autistic? Or at least ESL or something?
Both sides were spewing bullshit.
"You" wasn't referring to you exclusively. I was addressing everyone ranting about Adele and Beyonce. Not just you yourself. My first post didn't even quote anybody in particular.
Holy victim complex, Batman.
No. 205740
>>205734>>205735>>205737PLEASE STOP.
petty bitches
No. 205741
>>205738You can interpret it however you want, I'm explaining what I meant.
And no, I don't want to keep it going. Admittedly I got really carried away, but I don't see how I must automatically have some kind of agenda for that given that it happens in every thread. You're keeping it going, too, and I'm pretty sure you're not intentionally trying to derail the thread.
Anyway, TL;DR I should probably stop replying seeing as I'm now just shitting the thread up as much as the race debate has.
No. 205752
>>205726ehnn, not that anon, but I consider myself asexual and it's kind of a gray area.
i can look at someone and go, 'oh, they're cute', but I've never looked at someone and been like 'oh, DAMN, I would tap that'. romantic attraction doesn't go away, and I still like being in relationships with people just for the sake of companionship, but the idea of having sex with someone is just…squick. no thank-you. I can still get horny and I masturbate occasionally but the subject matter that 'turns me on' during that time usually doesn't involve a partner, stuff like fucking machines or tentacles or something. other than that I'm not really interested in sexual acts with other humans, although I've had sex before to please whoever my partner was at the time. there was one guy who literally would not let me leave the bed for 24 hours when we first started dating, we had sex like seven times in a day but I never got off from it. not really sure why sex is something other people seem fascinated with. idk if this is what others consider asexual but it's my personal interpretation of what it means. sage for life story.
No. 205779
>>205664>At least they don't try to act like racism is dead and whites haven't done anything to blacks to warrant their anger.You do know all races got killed and aped right? Not only black people, dumbass.
I dont owe you an apology for something that i didnt do that happened in the past.
If a black person rapes me, does it mean black people owe me an apology? No. Fuck off
No. 205780
>>205682>implying there were never anti-white crimes and white people never faced death, torture, etc.Why do you need to bring slavery? ALL RACES experirnced slavery. And systematic oppression is rare.
Everytime a bitch whines about it, its always an upper class who has food, a house, internet, iphone, etc and yet whine as if she was oppressed lmao
No. 205784
>>205175Its one of the reason im losing faith on the lgbt community.
I feel sometimes its just LG community.
I mean (some).gays and lesbians think bisexuality is a phase and think we have some kind of special privilege but when we come out we get shit by them and straights. I dont get it tbh
No. 205797
>>205780>>205790>the only examples of systematic oppression are slavery and people complaining about lack of representationLol no. You just straight up are living in ignorance and don't know what the fuck you're even talking about.
Seriously, y'all need to shut up about race. The sjw shit was already annoying, but you idiots on the other side of the spectrum are just gross.
No. 205798
>>205726No offense taken, man. I can't speak for anyone except myself, but for me personally, it's not so much about being horny as it's about having the desire to have sex with other people. Like any teenager (I'm 22 currently), I was a victim of my hormones, but I'd never had the desire to act on those feelings or to experience them with another person. It was just another irritating aspect of life I had to deal with, like acne or school work. I dunno, you
could just call it a lack of interest, I guess. Though, that's not completely accurate either, since the idea of sex pretty effectively disgusts me, too. Like I said, it's entirely personal and has nothing to do with anyone but myself. It's just the way I've always felt. I'll note, too, that I've never been molested or sexually assaulted at any point in my life, since some people like to use asexuality as a coping mechanism for the sexual trauma they've endured.
As for attraction, none of this is to say I can't appreciate a good looking person when I see one; I'm sex repulsed not blind. I just don't have any interest in pursuing relationships outside of what's platonic. From what I understand, that puts me pretty high up on the aromantic scale, too…
Hopefully, this was a little bit informative, or at least gave you an idea of where I'm coming from. Anyway, sage for personal OT bullshit.
No. 205802
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>>205797>you just don't get it! These people are oppressed really, I'm not going to tell you how or anything, ill just say you don't get it and call you an idiotgo back to #mizzou
No. 205820
>>205771I mean, the guy
was supposed to be good at it. He was good-looking, nice body, long thick dick, excellent stamina, even went down on me a couple times. It actually kind of hurt his ego that I couldn't come because he said that he'd never had sex with a partner that didn't; that was one of the reasons why we just kept doing it, he was trying to figure out the trick and I was like, 'well, if it makes you happy…'
I've had sex with around nine guys so far in my dating life? So it probably sounds weird to call myself asexual, but it's always happened either because I wanted to do something nice for my partner or because they were pressuring me to do it.
The folks ITT are right, though, there's really nothing 'oppressive' about being asexual. Like, it kind of sucks sometimes because I think about how other people seem to enjoy having sex and I don't, but it's like 'darn, this sucks but oh well'…mostly because books and movies always make such a big deal about how AAAYYYMAZING sex is supposed to be. It's also kind of put a damper on past relationships because guys are
always dtf and they're confused by my total lack of enthusiasm if I'm honest about it. Like, I'll fake getting excited by it so it doesn't upset my partner, because I know that having a healthy sex life is an important part of a relationship, but it's all acting.
The robots itt probably hate me right now.
No. 205849
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>Adele owes her sucess to white supremecy and racism against black people
I'm not a fan of adele's music but i dont think anyone can deny shes popular because her voice is impressive. beyonce doesn't come near to having her range but shes kinda held up like the tumblr queen. There was a similar and more scathing post saying the same thing about amy winehouse if i can find will post.
No. 205868
>>205682I'm very happy/proud to be white.
If this makes me a racist, then so be it.
No. 205873
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So blm got another person fired! Emily Faz got fired for this tweet and blm created a hashtag for her, sent death threats, racist remarks and eventually called her work and got her fired. She didn't even say anything wrong.
No. 205881
>>205797so basically, you think you're oppressed even if you:
have education
have a house
have expensive shit (iphone, tv, internet)
are upper class
The only privileged people are rich people. I can't deal with bitches like you who have everything they need in order to be happy but whine about stupid shit that rarely happens
No. 205882
>>205797also, ALL races experienced slavery.
Any race isnt special.
All races endured a ton of shit but you see people OF ANY RACE living successful race so keep acting like a victim and lmao why is the word ignorance always used by special snowflakes?
No. 205883
>>205882*successful life
No. 205922
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seen on my dash earlier. I can't believe someone actually put all of this on a poster asking for a room mate.
No. 205932
>>205922this is just..
This is how you stay roommate-less
No. 205938
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>>205916>literally have massive welfare programs>huge amount of money spent on affirmative action programs>cuckolds in the government and other institutions bending over to the whims of a bunch of uppity blacks>systemic oppression exists tho!!!!go the fuck back to tumblr, why are you even here?
No. 205939
>>205934I feel like it's almost forgivable since it's in Seattle, which is like Portland UwU's second banana.
I think it borders on cutesy and cringy but I know a lot of people in that age range who still act like they're fresh out of high school.
No. 205948
File: 1447995313698.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, hJkJYSNo.jpg), I guess this bitch bawwwwwed about the World Fantasy Award featuring Lovecrafts head and got them to change their award statue. So, are we just going to knock down every author with semi-racist views who lived about a century ago? Can we not appreciate Charles Dickens without sociology majors whining about his microaggressions and
problematic word choice? This shit's stupid and the fact that everyone submits to the will of these retards makes me lose faith in western civilization.
No. 205954
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ffs it's not real women's fault that they don't have to cake on the make up and walk around in hyper-feminine clothing just to be considered female.
besides, i thought the point of all this trans shit was eventually being able to pass as your preferred gender. how can these wannabes expect to be taken seriously as women, if they aren't willing to put forth the effort being a woman requires?
No. 205959
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>>205954How is this different from blackface? Why does Tumblr rabidly hate one while praising the other?
No. 205966
>>205959A very good question.
The answer seems to be that trans women are the most oppressed people evar, and are the only people to suffer from being killed, being raped, being oppressed, denial of rights and persecution. Because of that anything they do to make themselves feel better is ok, even if it ends up hurting othere because you know, they are the most oppressed.
>>205954The person who wrote that is a fucking idiot-there have been studies conducted that women who do not wera make up end up being treated differently and get less pay, and women who are feminine also face discrimination" the effort being a woman requires" this sort of thinking is the problem, because how does one define that?
The idea of "feminity" that many trans women uphold is their own fault, they think its what makes them a woman, they also shoot themselves in the foot with it.
>>205955Totally agree and its depressing.
No. 205971
>>205959This questions gives me cancer everytime
I mean first of all they all gay so kind of get more shit than straight women
But yeah this really isn't worth an answer
No. 205972
The person who wrote the Tumblr post about Adele has since deleted it. Some interesting points were brought up here about why Adele is as successful as she is, but the post was poorly written and insulting. I and many other people know about/became fans of Adele just because she's popular and accessible. Being an Adele fan has nothing to do with my racial preferences or not being able to relate to non-white people.
>>205612>It's a shame because whiny little Tumblrinas like this make it look like people are just making this shit up because there's nothing legitimate to be offended by. If she cared about ~educating~ people then she would link to articles explaining this shit or discuss it in a manner that people will actually respond to.Exactly. And people give shit like this legs to stand on by reblogging it. I'm glad the poster realized their error (I hope?) and took it down after getting some backlash. They can do better.
No. 205993
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>>205103>I told if she wants to hear actual black people's opinions, she should go to black twitter. They're no better than tumblr, just more ghetto. Tumblr blacks are the kinds who think they're smart because affirmative action got them into college. Black twitter is more the average run of the mill nog, aka the ignorant as fuck kind.
>This bitch actually called me racist because I said I'm not attracted to my own race (I'm black)Look at this race trading whore
No. 206025
>>205103I just don't get this. Yes, I understand that AAVE can be seen as a language with consistent grammar, its own vocabulary and shit, but that also means that it ISN'T English and therefore not approproate for using in an English educatinal context.
I mean ffs, I am from Denmark and therefore speak fluent Danish, but when I was studying in America last year, I didn't insist on speaking Danish on the basis that it was a part of my ~culture~
No. 206029
>>206025The problem with the United States is that it has no "official" language, so certain groups can see that as an excuse not to conform to "oppressive power structures".
If it were up to me, I'd make English (and possibly Spanish) the official language(s) and be done with it.
No. 206044
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This is what happens when a cartoon boy wears a dress to sing on a stage.
No. 206047
>>205929Then go live with them and see them go nuclear when they discover you're not a ~magical transabled femme depression ridden homo~ like they specify on the flyer…
Seriously, tumblr obsession with "awkward" and quirky juvenile attitudes and pastel aesthetics sickens me as much as its ageplay/ddlg community.
No. 206048
>>205682>your race has no history of being the oppressedWELL I GUESS IRISH PEOPLE AREN'T WHITE THEN. Thanks for clearing that up. I'll have to put something else on census and equal opportunity forms when I fill them out now. Lol.
I'm pretty sure there have been other groups of "white" people that have dealt with oppression and white-targeted hate crime as well.
No. 206050
>>206044Ugh, I remember this one bitch who, excusing herself as an asexual agender fakeboi, loved to imagine, write and draw boys on dresses/panties.
Like, she degenerated all the canon universes on any show she watched and morphed it all into "omg you know what would be cute???? Lil [insert character here] takings his hormones and looking at himself in the mirror waiting for his hips to widen in his cute pink panties
heart emoji I luv my trans cinnamon rolls!!!1!1"
It was fucking gross to see a 20 something old hag talk like a psycho and in the same breath say "th-this is not a kink u guys, I just get really carried away with my headcanons, wanting representashum ain't no fetish!!1!"
Dude… keep that for yourself if you don't want to get teared a new asshole and being seen like the sick fuck you are.
No. 206052
>>206051It's the same as the Barbie argument (that the doll gives children false beauty standards).
I think the majority of people who feel better from having cartoon "representation" are these insecure tumblr teens and broken adults–both much older than the intended audiences.
No. 206067
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No. 206070
>>206066White people also oppress other white people. Black people have oppressed other black people. Every race has been a slave at some point in history.
Stop looking at it like "all whites are evil and take advantage of minorities," rather it's a case of the haves v.s the have-nots. A lot of the "haves" have been white, yes, but just because you're white it doesn't mean you're an oppressor, and just because you're not white doesn't mean you can't oppress other people.
Tumblr is so American-centric it sickens me.
No. 206071
>>206067This… this can't be real, right?
Tumblr has leaked into real life and its bullshit makes me want to blow my head off. I have little hope for the human race.
No. 206072
>>206067>autochoristarianI didn't know that not being a judgemental asshole and minding your own business was a gender identity.
But that's probably my white, cis, hetero female scum background talking.
No. 206074
>>206071I also hope it's an elaborate troll but they seem to take it too seriously
http://demivegetarian.tumblr.comJust read blog description
>Demivegetarianism is a poorly-understood type of diet. It is similar to vegetarianism, wherein one may not eat any sort of food that requires an animal to die, except that in demivegetarianism, it's okay to eat meat products only if they are among your favorite's called being omnivorous
>Demivegetarianism is not bullshit, nor is it a special snowflake ideology or a way of "cheating" on vegetarianism. All I ask for is understanding.uh
No. 206103
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>>206074why the fuck do people need labels for everything? to feel special???
saying "i dont really eat meat but i occasionally enjoy bacon" is easier to explain to other people than these stupid snowflake labels
No. 206107
>>206066>but generally throughout history white people are known for oppressing none-whites. lmao maybe in your americentric worldview
Newsflash: the whole white world isn't just USA or UK
No. 206109
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>>205948Her name is Nnedi Okorafor, apparently. She wrote "Who Fears Death"
>The novel takes place in a fictionalized post-apocalyptic future version of Sudan, where the light-skinned Nuru oppress the dark-skinned Okeke. The protagonist, Onyesonwu (Igbo for "who fears death"), is an Ewu, i.e. the child of an Okeke woman raped by a Nuru man. On reaching maturity, she goes on a quest to defeat her sorcerous father Daib using her magical powers.Christ, that sounds awful. Reminds me of Arkh Project.
>The person who wrote this attempting to discredit Lovecraft No. 206158
>>206145Well, down here we blame money and power. Since aristocracy back in the day used poor people from the country side who couldn't complain against someone promising some money while pointing a gun to their heads. If you were poor, your race was the last thing to be worried about.
So, most people still hold a grundge againt the rich and patrimonial big name families that hold some political influence.
No. 206165
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>>206067Tumblr needs to fuck well off with this labelling bullshit. Seriously.
Like, I honestly can't fathom how at one point they're expecting everyone to be accepting of LGBTs (including marriage, adoption etc.), but then come out with this bullshit. Like that latter shit undermines the former efforts, but I guess their Tumblrina melted brains are blind to that. Whoever came up with this, needs to have their internet access revoked and spend that Tumblr time volunteering for charity - seriously this shit wouldn't come into the consciousness of someone who was in touch with reality, had a life in the real world and didn't spend all of their time on Tumblr trying to get validation from strangers.
No. 206201
>>205993>race tradingIdgi but k.
She's more offended by the fact that I have preferences than anything. Sometimes I feel it comes as a surprise to her that most people aren't pansexual.
Idk man I'd rather her just shut the fuck up altogether.
About black twitter. I don't mean thouse faux equality for everyone accounts where they try to take away a tragedy such as fucking terrorism over white people pretending to be the KKK on campus (I haven't read what actually happened so I'm going by what was being said on twitter…which wasn't much). The people I follow (benadryI, milfbitch, daddy khadds, deray) are all for black solidarity or whatever but they know when something needs more attention. Do you get what I'm saying? It's like when those cunts attacked Bernie at a speech and they were condemned by most of the pro blacks on the net (twitter mostly imo). The same would happen if those people in your screenshot were more relevant, I think.
No. 206230
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>>206193>hurr durr blacks are opressed, now give us total control>all dem buzzwords >c i s h e t e r o p a t r i a r c h yEurofag here, how do you deal with people with this kind of mindset irl? (''tumblr extremists'' or whatever you wanna call it) I've never met one and it looks like hell from here
No. 206238
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>>206230idk either anon, thankfully I've never encountered people like that in my country.
They literally are asking authorities to
>hire mentally ill people, ex-con and trannies as school staff>Remove all kinds of qualifications to work/study in there, (apparently those are white privileges kek)>remove surveillance cameras,jails and police forces (white oppresive devices!!!1!)>get everything for freeaka turning school into IRL Tumblr just because "HURR BLACK GENOCIDE". Go figure.
No. 206253
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>>206239She's not doing anything wrong. People just want to complain about SOMETHING. If not this, something else, like the fact that she says she doesn't want to be skinny, so therefore she MUST be promoting obesity..
No. 206273
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Tumblrina needs donations because "Mah nonbinary dysphoria".
Here's the actual art: you can see it looks like a nine year old drew it while having an epileptic fit. I don't know how this person thinks that they can get money for such awful art. Messy lines, bad coloring, sketchy junk left in what is supposed to be the finished product.
Do people ever actually commission these artists? I don't know why anyone would pay for something like this. Maybe they get pity donations.
No. 206287
>>206272>Adele eats more than memore calories*
that's an important destinction.
No. 206325
>>206322They might eat like shit or eat a lot. Female TDEE tends to be lower than men, shorter people tend to have lower TDEE, small people, buff people etc. There are tons of factors, which is why their girlfriend shouldn't be eating the exact same thing as her partner here.
That strikes me as kind of odd anyway, but maybe it's normal. What do I know.
No. 206345
>>206288uh yeah, gender differences?
like, male tdee at 5'4" is a 200+ kcal difference, and it's just from being male (more muscle, more bone density, testosterone, it all goes into play)
your gf shouldn't be eating as much as you if you're a male anon
No. 206350
>>204314Why does every character have to be cis?>>204769
Or perhaps you're just a bigot
No. 206483
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Really hatin this post.
No. 206488
>>206273>i need money urgently to curb lots of dysphoriaL M F A O
what the FUCK
No. 206489
>>206322are you fucking retarded
do you really think all human beings are biologically wired to absorb nutrition the EXACT SAME WAY
No. 206499
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The ignorance of these people make me laugh
No. 206528
>>206500Kek this is so ass-backwards and anarchronistic I don't even know where to begin.
>world is at peaceJust lmao
>Indus people invent writing, do great mathShe misspelled "Mesopotamia".
>Native Americans get hella advancedShe's off by about 3-4000 years here.
>Africa has great medicineAssuming she means Egypt, Egypt /= all of Africa
>Mongolia is scary powerful"Mongolia" didn't even exist. Xiongnu people shit up China so much the latter had to build walls to defend against them. But then again, "you go mongolia!".
>greece gets very racist for no reason hurrMaybe has something to do with being on the doorstep of the biggest empire the world had ever seen?
>white people rape, enslave and murder = boo hiss>Mongols rape, enslave amd murder - "you go mongolia!>white people force capitalism on the worldI don't think this person knows what capitalism is.
Jesus Christ why are these people so fucking stupid? Is this level of ignorance cute?
No. 206534
>>206528dude they don't actually study history
If they did they wouldn't be borderline communist. As a history major I get extra offended
No. 206556
>>206112I agree.
but black people apparently think it's only them who endured slavery and think that their slavery history is tHE WORST ONE AND THE ONE THAT TRULY MATTERS!!!! WAH IM OPPRESSED EVEN IF I DONT LIVE IN AFRICA I HAVE A LAPTOP AND INTERNET AND IPHONES AND EDUCATION AND RICH PARENTS BUT IM OPPRESSED!!
just ignore them lol
No. 206557
>>206273she doesnt deserve money.
shes not special for being nonbinary (aka a made up term to look oppressed)
fuck this bitch
No. 206558
>>20648398% of people are cis.
You are only trans if you experience dysphoria.
The fuck are they talking about?
No. 206563
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>>206509the best part of this blog
No. 206565
>>206558Ugh this so much!
I'm sick of seeing all of these snowflakes with their made-up genders saying you don't need dysphoria to be trans. Yes you do. If you don't, you're just a girl who likes masculine things, or a guy who sometimes wears make up. And that's fine. You don't NEED to have a special label, why would you want to alienate you? Why do they want to be oppressed? It infuriates me!
No. 206579
>>206570Except it's true.
Pretty much any female that wasn't a Queen or a notable noble nobody knows fuck-all about, but we can all recite the names of hundreds of male painters, executioners, doctors, statesmen, presidents, inventors, engineers, mathematicians, scientists etc.
Male pls leave.
No. 206586
>>206582I think you mean to say every country*
Legit, literally every country in the world oppressed women in the past and in many instances today I'm the present.
And men still like to bang on about female privilege, like being viewed as a sex toy and having any man around your at any moment be willing to fuck you is a good thing, because that seems to be the only thing they talk about when discussing how "privileged" we are isn't it? Sex?
No. 206597
>>205026before it was, "well that was just an issue of white people killing other white people!"
now it's this bs
No. 206609
>>206565The idea of being trans without dysphoria makes no sense and when you ask them how that's possible they'll call you a truscum transphobe instead of answering the question. What makes a cis person who doesn't conform to gender expectations like butch/stud women different from a trans person without dysphoria? What does it mean to be trans if you have no dysphoria?
I think people have the wrong ideas about dysphoria, you don't have to be in anguish over your genitals every moment, some people can learn to accept their genitalia since the options for SRS aren't accessible to everyone, but the disconnect from your sex and your gender still has to be there. Women typically don't have beards, men typically don't have breasts, there are things like PCOS and gynecomastia but the cis people who have those conditions aren't happy with having those things. If you claim to be a trans man but never bind and flaunt your breasts or a trans woman refusing to shave your beard you're probably not trans.
There's this artist who insists on male pronouns but dresses as femininely as possible with makeup and cute lingerie and all. There can be feminine men, cis or trans, but I don't think a trans man would ever want to wear dresses to formal events and show off his frilly bras. I don't think it's a surprise that most transtrenders are biologically female, I think they choose to identify as men even with the absence of dysphoria because of how women and interests for women are so often looked down upon, along with how these people tend to project onto yaoi femboys.
No. 206620
>>206589It's hilariously sad when men want to complain about their own rules they made for social construct being sexist.
Perfect image.
No. 206626
>>206609yes, I agree.
at least a huge section if not majority of transtrenders obviously are a direct product of yaoi obsessed fan girls.
for what it's worth, I like men together and I'm a girl - I always assumed that was natural because I'm attracted to men, why not men together. I understand I can't be romantically involved in a gay male relationship though.. which some people do not. transtrenders always seemed like girls who want to get off on a kawaii uke man and draw it/write fanfic and are acting it out irl.
No. 206633
>>206193>We DEMAND that standardized tests such as the SAT, SAT II, and ACT no longer be considered during admissions process, as high scores on these tests correlate most closely with higher household income, disproportionately benefiting wealthier, white students. Well wtf are they supposed to look at when accepting students? They're demanding to be judged based on their race rather than their capabilities.
>We DEMAND that University cafeterias, gym memberships, libraries, and class registration be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance into the institution. Top fucking kek. Enjoy having creepy hobos invade your campus. Where the fuck is the university going to get the money for that?
>We DEMAND that all hiring of therapists should make the utmost priority to hire people of color with a strong structural analysis of mental health and anti-oppression. Students should be able to attend counseling sessions that do not reinforce and antagonize them based on oppression that is already forcing them into the counseling session in the first place. Whaaa I had to go to therapy cuz someone called me nigger
>We DEMAND Gender Non-Specific housing and bathrooms across UNC’s campus. Ewwww, enjoy your rape. How long until they start crying about men invading their safe space or whatever?
>We DEMAND that cameras surveilling students, workers, and white supremacist monuments on campus be deactivated and removed.>white supremacist monumentsI didn't know they had those
>We DEMAND an end to the list of people banned from the University campus, who we are certain are disproportionately poor and homeless people of color. Again, enjoy your rape.
>We DEMAND that UNC not privatize its police force and/or contract with other security or surveillance firms now or in the future. Still, a public police is no better, if not worse. Policing as an institution must be abolished, and must be replaced with restorative and transformative justice practices, rather than functioning as a mouth into our penal system. Holy shit, wut. This screams of "I have never seen bad things happen in my life".
>We DEMAND the elimination of tuition and fees for all students.…where will this money come from?
>We DEMAND a University and hospital-wide minimum wage of at least $25.00/hour>We DEMAND that all administrators be compensated at the same rate as workers.>We DEMAND a minimum compensation of $15,000 per course for all adjunct faculty. Spoiled rich kids think money falls from trees>Stop criminal background checks for all faculty, staff, and administration.Jesus
>We DEMAND that sexual violence and all forms of racist, gendered violence should be seriously addressed in employment practices on this campusHow the fuck is that gonna happen when you got rid of all the criminal background checks?
>We DEMAND language justice for all workers at UNC. Trainings, materials, and all communication should be made available in all languages that workers prefer.>Everyone should learn my language whaaaa No. 206655
>>206500>White people export homophobia, racism, transphobia, ableismYes, because I'm sure NO OTHER ETHNICITY IN THE WORLD has things like capital punishment for homosexuals.. oh, wait. The majority of Islamic countries. How silly of me.
And no country in the world is guilty of ableism other than the whitey. No, in Africa albinos were never hunted down and killed. Around the world people never left their disfigured/disabled child in the woods to die. It's all white people.
>White people cause global warmingBitch assuming global warming is human-caused which it most likely isn't (local pollution is a different story) have you ever been to India or China? China is the top emitter of fossil fuels, deforestation AND greenhouse gases. And they sure aren't white to me.
>White people steal four continentsNorth America … Western Europe … that's … 1 and a half continents?
>Greece gets very racist and oppressive in general for just no reason[citation needed]
Ugh, going through this whole thing is a waste of time. The worst thing is that I'm pretty sure that on tumblr numerous people believe this to be true and reblog it without ever questioning this unsourced post on the internet.
No. 206657
>>206633These people are delusional. They basically think an UNIVERSITY is like a state which has endless amounts of money and resources to fulfill every bizarre demand. And if they want a "safe space" how come they're demanding and end to background checks, security surveillance and ban lists? You want a shooter or rapist walking down your hallways you idiots? Well I guess for them it's ok as long as the criminal is a beautiful poc standing up against the whitey uwu
And to think these people are fucking university students. Let that sink in.
No. 206681
>>206609This so much.
In fact, someone else said it (in the previous thread i think?) that it's funny that so many transtrenders identify as feminists, when the idea of actually being female seems to revolt them.
No. 206702
>>206660It's not a generalisation if it's true.
Go find me one country in the world that at some point in the past or present hasn't oppressed its female citizens.
No. 206709
>>206661But in so doing, arent they just perpetuating the idea of gender roles which they are fighting against in the first place. Kek
They decide to enjoy male activities because womens things are frowned upon and seen as vapid or lame, but then they are just reaffirming x is a mans activity, y is a womens thing.
No. 206720
>>206702How the fuck are you going to be able to prove that, or the opposite for that fact? I haven't lived in every single country in all of human history.
No. 206729
>>206720You dont have to live somewhere to have any idea of its history. Jeez
This isnt some minor thing that anon is generalizing. It is a pretty common fact that women have been oppressed in one way or another in all cultures
No. 206737
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>>206729>>206733If you lazily glaze over history like feminists do, yeah, women had it pretty shitty sometimes. However deeper investigation is needed to see how true that is.
The problem you are forgetting is that through most of human history BOTH genders are forced into specific roles that have both benefits and disadvatages
we are told that women were "oppressed" for all of human history, but this ignores the BENEFITS of being a woman, and the DISADVANTAGES of being a man. It also ignores CLASS. Are rich women as oppressed as a peasant woman? Is a peasant man more privileged than a rich woman?
For gender roles, i like to look towards modern Islam to illustrate my point. Many people agree that being a woman in Islamic countries is hard, and it is. Often times this point of view is taken for granted and it assumes that men must live like its a party or something and they are totally free. There is a really great tumblr post that explains this is more detail than I possibly could here: were "all women were oppressed in all of history"? No, it depends on the time period, the geographical area and the culture of the people that lived in that area.
No. 206739
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In other tumblr news…
No. 206750
>>206737Forced into specific gender roles by who exactly then. If women were being treated so shittily because of their gender roles, do you think women designed them…themself? No.
Sometimes men got the short end of the stick, by accident, not design, but women got the short end of the stick because they were viewed as inferior and it was designed to keep them inferior.
No. 206754
>>206750Example: Women in the USA weren't allowed into direct combat until 2013 (although plenty of women did serve in direct combat under the radar)
In 1948 The Women's Armed Services Integration Act excluded women from direct combat. Who do you think pushed for this policy. women? Do you think women were the ones making these decisions in 1948? No. Men were. Women are delicate stupid lambs who will just distract soldiers, better keep them away.
Now, if women are excluded from direct combat, (and today are still ineligible for a fifth of the armed forces positions) who does that leave…oh right, men. So men, by believing this horseshit, foisted themselves into the role of being war fodder.
No. 206760
>>206754I love this example because it's held up as one of the biggest ~female privileges~ (not having to enlist and serve as cannon fodder), too. People can't make up their minds about whether it's an example of women being valued
over men or of women being infantilized, treated like second-class citizens, and not given equal rights.
No. 206762
>>206760Well, I'd say it is obvious which way it swings. Black people in the military in those times were also treated unequally and didn't usually get to see direct combat
so… where's the argument that this is because black lives are considered "more valuable" and not just a result of racism. Because no one would make such a stupid argument. It's obvious that this was a result of racism, so why can't be just as obvious that for women this was because of sexism?
No. 206764
>>206737And who is it that is forcing both men and women into these roles in the first place? Who is it that held power in every country, at any time, at any place, any period etc.
Can you say it a little louder, cause' I don't think I heard you the first time?
tbh you sound like a guy from /r9k/ in which case I'm going to discount anything you have to say from hereonin.
No. 206765
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>>206764>>206750>but who forced people into these roles?!?!Geez, maybe NATURE you fucking morons
Men and women are biologically different. The world was a harsh place where one single bad crop harvest could kill your whole fucking village. Thanks to technology we don't have to fit into these gender roles so much anymore but people still do. Look at the feminists complaining about no women in STEM degrees, women have the most freedom ever in the history of mankind and they STILL ~~CHOOSE~~ (keyword) to go into more social, nurturing jobs because they want to.
Men have to do the hard and strong work and the fighting in wars because we are bigger and stronger than women. Women need to be protected or the tribe will die out. That's just how it was
>>206764>who held power in every country, at any time, at any place?The rich and powerful, regardless of gender.
>im just gunna ignore you because I think you come from /r9k/!typical tumblrshitter argument tactics. Maybe you should go back there if you are going to be a fucking dumbshit and say things so childish
No. 206772
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>>206754women shouldn't fight in wars. pic related
>>206762first off race is not the same as sex. I will address this point though. During both world wars, different races were used. Usually they would be in their own separate regiments because racism but they weren't excluded completely. The Brits didn't have an army at the beginning of world war one (thanks socialists) and they used Indian troops for the first bit of the war until they could muster their own men. Second, many blacks did participate in wars. There were even black SS soldiers. There were blacks during the American civil war. There are a bunch of other examples you can google yourself.
Now about women, first, Women have fought in battle before. A lot of soviet snipers were women, as well as pilots. In these instances, women aren't being used as infantry though because of the things Pic Related mentioned. (There were women gladiators, but they were extremely rare, again a solitary role. Shieldmaidens are another example but their existence is debated and they possibly never existed but I felt it might be good to mention them anyway)
If you want to go further back in time. Imagine yourself as a woman living during the Roman Republic. You would have to leave your home and children (your man would also leave too, so who the fuck would watch your farm and kids?), to go stand with a bunch of dirty men and be forced to not only hack people to pieces, but watch your friends and possibly yourself get hacked to pieces. If you could stay at home and play with your kids instead, why the FUCK would you ever want to go to war. Even if women were allowed to join the ranks, they probably wouldn't have wanted too. Hell, even today women rarely enter the armed forces, only 14% of US armed forces are women. Its even more dangerous for a woman to be in a sword and board unit of battle because you are responsible for the man directly to your left and right, if you can't handle holding your shield and spear and fighting all day then you are worthless, even as a man.
No. 206774
>>206586I'm a woman and female privilege doesnt fucking exist. Men are equally seen as sex toys.
>Legit, literally every country in the world oppressed womenlol yeah right.
No. 206775
Women studies won't get you a job nor help you in life. it's a fucking useless degree.
No. 206776
>>206750I don't think gender roles are bad.
What is so immoral about women being housewives and men working to bring the money? people talk about gender roles as if they were still forced today in fucking america.
>>206765amen dude
No. 206778
>>206774i also meant to say that male privilege also doesnt exist.
white, male, female, black, etc privilege just dont exist.
what happened to "we are all equal"??
why are people now trying to divide everyone?
No. 206780
>>206774>>206778…because people WEREN'T considered equal before? like wat.
are you actually trying to deny this? slavery, women's rights, etc?… ..
No. 206783
>>206780Everyone was oppressed in their own ways.
I don't get why feminists always exaggerate and only focus on women.
so did everyone else? i'm not denying it, i'm just saying people like you act as if all women were beated down every fucking second of their lives before feminism lmao which is false.
ever thought a lot of women were happy before feminism? that staying at home wasnt bad? what about the shitty ass conditions men worked while the women stayed home?
and people are equal now so there is no privilege.
the only privilege that exists is being rich/upper class.
No. 206791
>>206783>I don't get why feminists always exaggerate and only focus on women.>feminists focusing only on women>doesn't understandokay yeah never mind you
are actually retarded, carry on.
No. 206799
>>206765lol yeah, it was the mythical force of nature that said women couldn't legally own land or achieve an education or choose who she desired to marry, or vote.
Yes, all nature.
You're definitely a man. Get out.
No. 206801
>>206765You're saying that women weren't allowed to have an education because otherwise the crops would go bad and her entire village would die?
Can you hear yourself?
No. 206803
>I'm a woman andNo, you're not, you're the neckbeard guy in this thread trying to argue that women were oppressed by nature and not men.
Because nobody on this board starts off a post with "durghh I'm a woman", because the DEFAULT gender on this board is female, dumbass.
No. 206808
>>206803>>206801>>206799Jesus christ did you even read what I wrote
I never implied that nature is what oppressed women. Thats just waht I said invented gender roles at the start.
LEARN TO READ. In fact, in the first post I made I said that the degree to which women were oppressed fluctuated depending on the circumstances, and not once have I implied that women NEVER experienced oppression.
Of course, actually trying to argue with the real point im making is too hard for retarded feminists
No. 206812
File: 1448227436570.png (55.11 KB, 681x287, Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 8.28…)

This thread is for posting pics from Tumblr. Not for acting like tumblr. All of you need to shut up and post something funny instead.
>Dieting causes pedophilia!
No. 206839
File: 1448231818210.jpg (25.69 KB, 400x600, chanmi.jpg)

>>206833>ad hominem
No. 206845
>>206791I'm not retarded.
I don't understand why they focus on women when men also are oppressed.
Oh nevermind, i get it. they want special privilege and think they're oppressed because they have a vagina.
go back to tumblr
No. 206846
>>206803I'm a woman you fucking idiot.
I say I'm a woman because people like you assume EVERYONE who is against feminism is a robot.
No. 206848
>>206803also i'm
>>206846and i'm not the anon who said that.
Men were also oppressed by women. get the fuck over it. everyone oppressed each others.
No. 206849
>>206847Hahaha true
Do these people travel across the globe yet
Still eat food from the homelands aka mcdonalds? (no wait thats sweatshop tier) um…. So what do sjws eat while traveling?
No. 206855
File: 1448235660365.jpg (81.68 KB, 738x947, UjNmlBf.jpg)

No. 206859
>>206849Trick question!
SJWs don't travel.
No. 206867
>>206739Who is actually offended by that? Men have dicks. Women have vaginas. I keep forgetting that biology
triggers sjws.
No. 206869
File: 1448237678007.png (13.57 KB, 551x111, mexican food.PNG)

>>206842wow, just wow. I mean they're trying SO HARD to make this an issue it's embarrassing
No. 206872
>>206869food have nothing to do with political or sexist issues or w/e
what the fuck man
this is why i dislike SJW and stay away from them.
while they're bitching about how eating foreigners food is bad, there are thousand of people craving for food and wishing they had our lives.
this disgusts me so much
No. 206876
>>206871>>206872tbf, and I'm not defending this shit, I think a lot of these people make a living (the worst ones at least) off writing articles, staying relevant on tumblr/twitter/etc. So what do you do when you have a deadline but no real issue to talk about? Just churn out this kind of bullshit.
They can't be this ridiculously out of touch with real life?
No. 207021
>>206938Don't worry, I think it's all over for now.
Damn it guys, were here to shame on radical tumblrinas not become ones.
No. 207024
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No. 207034
File: 1448307894034.png (140.49 KB, 702x881, friendship.png)

ok guise but being a special snowflake is a serious and real condition?!?!?!?!?
No. 207040
>>207034Aw, sweetheart, you just don't get it do you?
Sigh, how will people ever know who we are down to our core if we don't label ourselves. Labels don't limit us, they liberate us. They keep us from interacting with people who might
trigger us. No longer will we have to wonder whether or not the people we love and who make us happy are actually oppressive bastards towards groups of people I never interact with by simply eating an Americanized version of their food that they don't even relate to? I mean c'mon, California rolls? Fuck any best friend you've ever had if they're willing to put that crap in their mouth knowing that there's more to Japan than anime and sushi. Indulge in their issues too, not just their food.
No. 207049
I don't know where this trend came from of needing to label yourself.
No. 207104
No. 207106
File: 1448320912270.png (38.1 KB, 517x623, sigh.png)

the person who posted this had to issue an apology because the tumblr community can't handle an opinion that exists outside its comfort zone. thing is, the majority of the list makes a fair amount of sense if you've played the game, but what use does being rational have to tumblr? i can only imagine what kind of garbage was sent the OP's way.
i mean ffs, some of them act like you just murdered and cannibalized their entire family in front of them with how disproportionately they respond to the opinions they don't like.
No. 207119
>>204709Ahh that kind of got to me. You see I'm half-Russian and that's just a part of our culture. The kokoshnik is traditional, it has history. Russian culture is majestic, it's beautiful. But because Russians are white, it suddenly doesn't exist (even though not all Russians are white but ok).
Why can't we celebrate all cultures without belittling others, I don't understand? Where is the acceptance, where is the tolerance? Where is the equality? The amount of notes it got makes me a little sad and hopeless.
No. 207126
>>207120I would understand the anger if a culture that has been trying to keep to itself, is not bothering anyone, and has practices or creations that aren't really of any real value (dances, recipes, etc) to anyone outside of this culture was repeatedly approached by an outside culture and harassed to share with this outside culture without being offered anything in return. Then that cultures practices get copied and spread in another culture, while the original culture gets either no credit or put down. Hell, even if that culture
wanted to share and was not credited or looked down on it despite it.
In that sense it would be appropriation and legitimacy behind the anger, but this? Imo, and according to my friends this is an optimistic way of looking at it, people just want to feel passionate about something and as though they're serving some purpose. They just don't know where to direct their sentiments, and end up reaching this fucking far. However, this is mainly true with the people with too much time on their hands but the lack of mental capacity that would handle conducting or analyzing research on the topic they're so quick to "educate" others on.
That includes the people from the very culture/race they're talking about. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, if a person of any background is telling you the reality of how they experience life as a/an _______, they need to understand it and that they're version of what its like for that group of people is narrow minded.
One of the thing that irks me the most on tumblr is seeing all these suburbian black kids talking about how every race on the planet is so anti black, not understanding how diverse black people are (which is true, they have the most genetically diverse dna, even among other black people), so that it makes no sense to hate them based on skin colors or features that don't encompass all black people. True, I can support that. But I don't get why the same black people go and tell a biracial "black" person that they're not fully black and will never understand what it's truly like to be black, while in the same sentence reminding them that they're black and to not be so self hating by saying they're biracial. Or that all Latinos and racist against blacks when Latino is an ethnicity made up of all racial group, it literally makes no sense.
Sorry for the rant but it's something thats bothered me for such a long time, it makes me not take black people's comments on tumblr as seriously. Especially when they respond to every rebuttal with the crying/laughing emoji and some lame joke about white people.
No. 207159
>>207151hopefully! And they'll ban eating sushi and hummus on campus or listening to rap because that's just appropriating another culture too, you filthy imperials! Truly, the way to a more just, tolerant and inclusive society.
(this post may contain high levels of sarcasm)
No. 207237
File: 1448372724510.png (Spoiler Image,218.15 KB, 1280x968, one of my many personal vendet…)

No. 207268
>>207237pls don't
trigger me
No. 207304
File: 1448392944681.png (20.2 KB, 342x486, ss (2015-11-24 at 07.21.50).pn…)

Trainwreck from start to finish
No. 207309
>>207304so why is it okay for people on tumblr to hate others for something they have no control over (skin color, gender, sexual preference)? It is because it's okay to hate anyone who is white, or straight, or a girl who is comfortable being a girl? Is it okay because it's "normal"?
No. 207593
Who do you think is to blame for this fucking shit? The parents being liberal "let the kids do whatever they want" passive parents. Look at the way Lena Dunham was raised. Thats America today
No. 207622
>>207604It really depends on how long you take them. There are a lot of permanent changes. Basically anything you would get through puberty is there. There is also health risks, more for MTF because you need to block the male hormones as well as give female for transitioning. Bone density is a concern too.
So for example a mtf will still have any breast growth that had happened, and their muscles there would already have shifted a bit to that change, and that will not reverse. A Ftm will still have any facial hair that happened to grow in, but it wont continue to get any thicker than that, but it will exist.
No. 207746
File: 1448469195526.jpg (569.51 KB, 510x1826, 2015-11-24-hate.jpg)

No. 207752
File: 1448471409943.png (15.04 KB, 467x217, ss (2015-11-25 at 05.07.50).pn…)

No. 207794
>>207748i feel you, anon. it was only a matter of time, though, considering tumblr's constant clawing for
representation. while i'm sure Toby had good intentions–the game's "progressiveness" isn't the least bit preachy, but you wouldn't guess that from its fandom alone–everyone knows that if you give the tumblrinas an inch, they'll take a mile.
>>207761while that's true for a lot of things tumblr gets their hands on, they almost always accompany it with some kind of holier-than-thou statement about their own headcanons concerning the characters, and throw fits when not everyone agrees with them. they act like that, because you think differently about something, you're somehow trying to take their headcanons away from them. it's childish and completely without sense.
No. 207801
>>207752Yes you are a fucking girl. Just an average lesbian and there's nothing wrong with that.
WHY does everyone wanna be a fucking snowflake? Fuck off.
No. 207970
File: 1448551900989.png (29.01 KB, 468x441, ss (2015-11-26 at 03.24.44).pn…)

Post title: "If you're a vegetarian dating a carnist"
No. 207974
File: 1448552530327.png (35.4 KB, 500x190, tumblr_nye36iBBzV1uvgzv5o1_500…)

Trying to police who can reblog your posts is the dumbest thing ever.
No. 207976
File: 1448552837481.png (12.15 KB, 484x319, ss (2015-11-26 at 03.47.03).pn…)

This is just sad
No. 207978
File: 1448553522662.png (9.6 KB, 459x172, ss (2015-11-26 at 03.57.51).pn…)

~fragile flower uwu~
No. 207980
File: 1448553737472.png (17.18 KB, 511x382, ss (2015-11-26 at 04.01.57).pn…)

The next big YA novel.
No. 207982
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No. 207985
File: 1448555455817.png (999.57 KB, 996x938, 6h2t29f.png)

This looks like a great website.
No. 207988
File: 1448557118983.png (8.74 KB, 475x191, ss (2015-11-26 at 04.58.29).pn…)

No. 207990
>>207985A million rage memes could not describe my rage nor would a text block of caps. Just know, I am enraged.
No. 208023
File: 1448564693622.jpg (111.32 KB, 669x664, currentyear.jpg)

>>208019We've conditioned men to be like this. They are told from a young age women are princesses and they can't do this and that to girls. How do you think that translates into real life. A bunch of men who either hate women for their entitled, stuck up princess shit they also bought into, or a bunch of beta males who apologize for doing anything against a woman.
No. 208034
File: 1448567549567.jpg (37.96 KB, 511x351, image.jpg)

>>207106This all does make a lot of sense tho, why attack op? What a shame that this cool game had to attract such a shit fandom
>maybe it's because they told people they will never get to fuck SansIn all seriousness I think it's because tumblr just gets way too attached to these characters. If you say something that is not universally accepted by the fandom you're a witch and should be burned at the stake
No. 208043
>>204389Its racial humor. I find it hypocritical because for sjw its okay to make fun of white people but racial jokes about blacks is wrong and evil!!! I think both are okay.
I havent seen those posts tho
No. 208052
File: 1448572788597.png (10.39 KB, 535x246, ss (2015-11-26 at 09.18.54).pn…)

Sorry everyone, kek is now cultural appropriation
No. 208056
It's keke but who cares when you could whine about appropriation instead :^) Such an awful act of oppression!!!!1
No. 208057
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No. 208059
File: 1448574107742.png (38.34 KB, 556x585, hwun is a bitch tho.png)

this was a picture of a random Norwegian guy.
what if i made an "Anti black" or "anti asian" blog and reblogged and posted pictures of uglies?? would i not be shat on and probably have a hit man hired on me?
i know there are some ugly whites out there, but this bitch is ridiculous. why can "poc" shit on one race ?? but we can't do so much as criticize their attitude?
No. 208072
File: 1448577494396.png (60.51 KB, 625x685, itswhateveriguess.png)

>>208034eh, from what i saw in responses to the post, a lot of people were going apeshit over the lgbt comment and the fact that OP was "dissing" the characters. so, what, we can't address the
problematic actions video game characters take anymore? i thought tumblr was all about that "calling out
problematic behavior" garbage, but i guess they're willing to look past anything a character does nowadays so long as that character is conveniently fuckable.
>not like they'll ever get the chance, those dirty, wannabe skeleton fuckers. No. 208077
File: 1448578048398.png (8.71 KB, 552x149, a0b793679f0aec38feded1007b86f4…)

>>208070 it is, anon. but watch out, she's a major bitch and will go on a two day rant or just block you, then make fun of white people again and pat herself on the ass because she won the argument by calling you ugly :)
No. 208092
>>208057good thing I don't associate with niggers so I never have to worry about this.
Why don't we just reinstate segregation? I mean, lots of SJW types have already suggested it before. Racists would obviously want it, and blacks who are "oppressed" by whitey would want it
No. 208105
>>208092Because segregation is retarded and only causes more problems. Been there, done that, and it's never been a viable solution. We should just put all the racists, SJWs, and dindus on an island and watch them kill each other off.
I like having friends from different races and experiencing other cultures, so these people can fuck right off with their PC shit. They're ruining everything.
No. 208122
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No. 208127
File: 1448590194483.gif (1.22 MB, 305x239, kajshdlkafhskasd.gif)

>>207982Girls like these are bitter af. They need a good dicking and a man to treat them nicely and then they'll stfu.
I'm not into sappy romance stuff, but this is retarded. It's a really nice feeling when a man goes out of his way to spoil you. The end goal will always be sex (for BOTH parties), but that's how we propagate the species, and it's the ultimate expression of romantic love.
Were these bitches comatose through all of their biology classes or something? Why else would a man even bother to court you if he wasn't interested in mating?
It's like they're regressing or something.
No. 208177
File: 1448602203457.png (27.95 KB, 508x261, 2015…)

God forbid someone asking about tips on how to write a good female character.
No. 208232
File: 1448634080823.png (284.25 KB, 500x300,…)

Why does Disney fans are always so…. Ugh.
>baaaaw a complete stranger felt uncomfortable when I show them my self inflicted scars, they were supposed to kiss them and tell me how wonderful I am!!1! No. 208275
>>208059Wtf this is disgusting. Do they think it's funny or cute to act like this? They're all for empowerment and body positivity when it's about them but will turn around and say ruthless, unnecessary shit about someone else just because…? Because he's a white man? Ridiculous. It's like the fucking fats preaching body positivity until they see a picture of a fit woman, and suddenly they're
triggered and have no choice but to say ugly things about her.
No. 208293
File: 1448643672275.jpg (50.84 KB, 443x550, lPYN8fz.jpg)

>>208287Pretty sure she expected this bullshit to happen… Sadly, real life is not that whimsical, not even in Disneyland were the actors are there to entertain toddlers for a living, not to be your therapist.
No. 208305
File: 1448646931567.jpg (39.67 KB, 500x335, 1432106415262.jpg)

>>208290>>208293>>208232For some reason, it reminded me of this post…
No. 208326
>>208232That's part of Elsa's character though.
And did she honestly think that she would get fawned over for having self harm scars? Does she think it makes her like one of those Make-a-Wish kids or something? Seriously fuck tumblr.
No. 208451
File: 1448679314992.png (1.5 MB, 1627x966, fat racist pig.png) girl honestly seems like a cow. She likes to post garbage about whites, mexicans, and anyone not black and call them racist. In this case she attacks this white eyebrowless girl just for making a valid point.
Of course, she herself is white as fuck and just a fat, kool-aid haired pig and was probably jealous a creepy skinny white girl made a point against her. Every time she gets called out on it she links her Amazon wishlist and sperges all over the place like in this picture. Sift through her tumblr because it's a typical SJW ~black lives matter but fuck your race~ goldmine. There is no self awareness.
No. 208518
File: 1448706882583.png (22.44 KB, 303x643, ss (2015-11-28 at 10.34.12).pn…)

>>208517This was commented on a video zamii posted of herself in hospital.
No. 208522
It's so sad how the "SJW" movement has just turned into a way for bitter, nasty people to attention seek and bully and harass others whilst still claiming to be righteous, and no one can disagree with anything they do because that's racist/misognistic/transphobic etc.
No. 208524
File: 1448707933243.png (20.46 KB, 408x372, ss (2015-11-28 at 10.51.17).pn…)

>>207978bogleech is also a ~fragile flower~
No. 208525
>>208451But she looks so white herself..?! She does have brown eyes and curly hair but gurl that skin is caucasian white. Reading through her Tumblr I'm actually shocked to see she's as old as 20 because you'd think most people would grow out of this 2edgy phase.
It seems that the mixed kids are always the most radical ones. Like almost every time I see some really out of control race-centered SJW it's almost always a white-passing mixed girl who desperately tries to hang on to that tiny percentage of black/native/asian/hispanic genes.
No. 208571
>>208555I wonder if this type of hyper "anti-white people" sentiment comes from living in an affluent life in secluded suburbs, where populations are mainly white and/or another race. Maybe these type of people see mass media and don't realize it's all just fabricate bullshit to make money, and take it to be zomg real life. Or maybe they have nothing else to worry about except righting the wrongs of society. Does anyone else have experiences living in very mixed and diverse neighbourhoods? I don't want to derail so ignore me if this is OT, but I lived in a very city with an incredibly diverse population from around the globe, and my friends and I we're never so hyper sensitive. Saying things like "lol white people" would be met with a joke at the expense of another race, but it was never malicious. I think that growing up where you aren't exposed to other people makes you go inward and forces you to make snap judgments of "all white people must be like this" or "all black people are this" and that can be either positive or negative traits.
Also she picks the worst outlier examples of viral Internet posts and takes them seriously. How is this different from reacting to viral posts of black people saying "lol BLACK CULTURE"
No. 208580
>>208576I just noticed all my typos damn autocorrect.
But yeah, I agree also in that being a "race traitor" is so cool now. Tumblr itself can belong to a middle/high class society since it requires a) internet access and b) education as far as being literate. It's this really scary echo chamber where white people are the most terrible evil to ever exist. But this kind of thinking erases a lot of history of other cultures, and that's inherently racist too, isn't it? Basing an entire life perspective on the Internet is very dangerous. Sure you see white people sayingand doing dumb shit, but everyone does that. The Internet in no way represents real life. Does this girl has a job? Does she interact with people of all races on a daily basis? But what really annoys me is her saying nigga and shit. Damn girl. Be self aware. Love yourself. Being white isn't the end of the world, just get off the Internet and meet some real people.
No. 208678
File: 1448750880016.png (27.59 KB, 485x244, Screenshot 2015-11-28 at 5.39.…)

Why are black people on tumblr so full of themselves? I read another post that said: "all society does is copy black people then act like they’re better than black people". I mean for fucks sake, yes some people have blatantly copy black people in the U.S. without giving them credit or while simultaneously hating them, but to generalize to this extent is ridiculous.
They always claim they're the most oppressed group in the world (I guess they think aboriginals don't exist) and that they merely exist to be copied. If they're hated to that extent, then why not gtfo and turn Africa into a better place. Make the gov there stop providing resources to others and make the counties there better. That way, they'll only be surrounded by the magical kings and queens they're always talking about and won't have to worry about not being the majority.
No. 208682
>>208177except gender is real.
the reason why trans people think they are the opposite gender is because they suffer from a mental illness.
dumb bitch
No. 208683
>>208678because they want to be special and whine about non-existant oppression.
while irl they shut up because they know they'd look like complete morons and spoiled brats
No. 208701
>>208698Very few of them that I've come across have ever referenced them, and those that have tend to live in larger cities or have white friends.
I get ticked off at black people who spew this bs on tumblr, yet are in loving relationships with white people or have white friends yet and live in the suburbs. Much of the "black culture" that "society" imitates originates from big cities, where people don't give a fuck where you're from as long as you don't think yourself better than anyone else, so they share their art/food/slang etc with you. Many of these tumblr kids have no connection to their own "culture" and I think if they live in a predominantly white neighborhood or close to one, it's why they probably feel the need to claim their race so hard on tumblr. They want to feel special and valuable, and there isn't a problem with that, they should. Though to go and claim that no one else can participate in it while they're own people are actively selling it for everyones consumption is hypocritical.
Like they feel just as bad when people ignore or dislike something from their culture.
No. 208815
>>208685they assume a "look but don't touch" attitude
No. 208836
File: 1448771286319.jpg (36.33 KB, 752x306, 1448760257099.jpg)

Shitstorm incoming. Feminist pornstar allegedly raped by feminist pornstar. The male pornstar is a jew who was complaining about white girls not fucking black men being racist.
No. 208874
File: 1448776146644.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, sopranos.gif)

>>208305What the fuck lmao
No. 208885
>>208879No. I'm not even saying that she looks black, but she defiantly does not look white in the slightest. Black people think that everyone lighter than black must be white. Even without her hair her skin is dark and her general facial features are no where near caucasian. (I though she was mexican at first)
>>208883>She doesn't look white>racist>horrible things about black people?
No. 208888
File: 1448780091402.jpg (81.98 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nxxi4uEcfR1r8aczvo2_400…)

>>208885>she defiantly does not look white in the slightestOk
No. 208890
>>208889Yeah, I think that anon was just baiting, or they're really delusional and salty for no reason, especially with all the "hurr black people think everyone with light skin is white!!!! are you anigger???" bait sprinkled around their post.
She looks white.
No. 208892
File: 1448780418107.gif (1.67 MB, 540x720, tumblr_nwluxxW42h1r8aczvo1_r1_…)

>>208885>her skin is darkI agree, just look at this ebony pallor
No. 208896
File: 1448782657461.jpg (304.12 KB, 1280x1814, tumblr_nygpc1ehmX1r8aczvo1_128…)

>>208892>Niggers think this is white.She looks like a fucking beaner all the way. I bet you though Zimmerman was white too huh cunt?
No. 208907
File: 1448787464294.jpg (37.98 KB, 500x333, 3964887767_e2cb8c3601.jpg)

>>208898Not the anon you're talking to but
>what is filters>what is overexpositionagreed, she's not a pitch-black nigger but her facial features doesn't suggest being 100% white either, pic very related.
There are a wide variety of skin tones, not just black and white, you know.
No. 208910
File: 1448787973221.jpg (513.16 KB, 3000x2246, brown.jpg)

>>208898I had no idea white people had brown skin. Even with the camera flash white washing her, she's brown.
No. 208921
File: 1448791787050.png (463.55 KB, 1414x755, Capture d’écran 2015-11-29 à 1…)

>>208836the james deen tag is a mess atm
Like always tumblr is jumping on the bandwagon right away.
No. 208922
File: 1448792863825.png (6.19 KB, 521x188, kek.png)

Brown eyes are not "yours" white girls.
No. 208928
File: 1448794496451.gif (756.21 KB, 248x200, 1n1nZOn.jpg.gif)

>>208922i fucking hate tumblr kill it with fire
No. 208930
File: 1448794853578.png (27.51 KB, 640x385, Capture d’écran 2015-11-29 à 1…)

>>208927But they have evidence !
No. 208931
>>208930I've never even heard of Stoya. But I have now.
No. 208934
File: 1448795261419.png (194.94 KB, 725x707, Capture d’écran 2015-11-29 à 1…)

No. 208940
>>208931They've done some magic scenes together.
Weren't they engaged, or a least lived together… This is a bummer.
No. 208945
File: 1448796393014.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.77 KB, 1000x1000, jamestoya.jpg)

>>208940They where the golden couple of porn, but she always was in his shadow.
No. 208946
>>208907You do realize there's more than one way to look white, right?
If we're going by your logic, Italians must not be white because they don't really look like the Aryans the typical stormfag is used to poring over photos of online.
>>208910>Even with camera flash white washing her, she's brown.Except in the pic I posted? You deliberately chose a phone pic of her in dark, warm lighting and compared it to a professional photo of someone in bright, cool lighting. She literally has a white person standing right next to her, too, so why would you go out of your way to find another picture instead of just comparing the two?
You need to try less.
She looks white, sorry.
No. 208949
>>208945Ugh she' so ugly an average looking why did he choose her.
Everyone backing her lame ass up needs to wake the fuck up bc her lies are sooo obvious
No. 208954
File: 1448799206605.jpg (45.09 KB, 600x581, BtnGcEXCIAIGKvC.jpg)

Stoya didn't mind when Deen said this to this reporters back then.
No. 208957
>>208954Something like that can seem fun at first but then when the relationship falls apart, it can feel like betrayal. She's coming off like she feels betrayed and that's okay to say if it feels true for her. But her twitter statement - a legal accusation - is nuts.
I read a long interview with her a while back (I've forgotten where) and she seemed to be trying so hard to sound like a tough bitch. Poor thing prolly has BDP. I know I've gone mental at people back when I was a raging case.
Sage for ramble.
No. 208960
>>208957Oh dear:
His real name is Bryan.
She wrote "log in to the internet".
No. 208989
>>208946You are both wrong, she looks mixed.
Which is what she is.
No. 208991
>>208954Probably because that was done within the consent of both of them. Things can change very rapidly in a relationship and something that was okay before might not be okay later.
I don't think this is a case of "le evil husband" raping her on purpose, but it seems there was a communication failure between them. I am disappointed that instead of going to court about this she posts about it on social media instead, probably in hopes of angering the mob so they'll lynch him, I think that's wrong.
However, I also think he might have done something wrong too here, but it's all speculation since we don't know what happened. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he did do something bad.
No. 208992
>>208941>>208934This is something I really don't get about that logic.
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to actually go to the authorities? Especially if you view your rapist as a big enough threat that he may rape again (or has already done so prior to you?)
Because if you don't report it and he does rape again, then aren't you kind of complicit or at least partly responsible? Like you should have done something but didn't?
And I'm not talking about that deep shame, "keep it to myself"/repressive kind of not telling, but like "lol ill tell all of twitter that a guy raped me but not the police" kind of telling.
I know there's a whole load of psychological shit going on, but this whole "LOL SHE DON'T NEED TO TELL ANYONE IF SHE DON'T WANT TO FUCK YOU I GOT MINE" crap is really counterproductive.
No. 209008
>>208992>>209002I don't get it either. If she reported it and nothing came of it, I'd understand the public accusation now. But publicly accusing him without reporting it first and using his professional name (not real names) in the accusation, does seem shady on her part - seems like she wants his career ruined instead of him being punished appropriately by the courts for the alleged rape. But I'm basing this on the assumption that she didn't report it (I've no idea if she has or hasn't).
There's way more to the story than these two tweets (obviously) so I do wonder what more will be said by them and what will come of it in due course.
No. 209032
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lel they just can't help themselves
No. 209041
>>209031Speaking as a student teacher, this is exactly the shit you're not supposed to do - force your ideals on the kids. Jfc the extent we're allowed to go to is telling the kids "if girls want to play with legos thats fine and if boys want to play with Barbies that's fine too" as far as gender equality is concerned - not fucking ban the use of perfectly fine toys to try and change kids attitudes towards them. She's fucking up as a teacher if she felt that the only way she could get the girls to play with them was by banning the boys from playing with them. Legos are great for all kids cognitively and creatively so her banning of them for this reason is doing
more harm to the boys than good. I doubt their parents okayed this pseudo-experiment - the school didn't anyway.
No. 209043
>>208992I really want to know why she did that. Accusing someone of rape via Twitter got her in a situation where he could sue her. Didn't she think about that?
I understand not wanting to tell the police. In some areas people had really bad experiences doing that. But why use Twitter for this?
No. 209063
>>209058Did you miss the part where clearly said I had no idea if she reported it or not? I just posted a bunch of ideas as other people ITT were doing based on the same two tweets!
To answer your question: a rape accusation is very serious - she's a porn star celebrity and currently media outlets are all over this story. And usually (not all of the time ofc), when shit this serious is reported by a celebrity (even a porn star), the media magically has access to what was written in the police report. But no such info is available currently. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean she didn't report it/try to report it though.
No. 209148
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Idk if anyone has posted about this since I'm on mobile.
MTV's True Life just made an episode about being Genderqueer.
Anyone have a subscription to MTV they wanna share with me?
No. 209151
>>209148genderqueer doesnt exist.
youre either a woman or a man.
No. 209178
>>209175Nah. A tranvestite men would shave to look more like a woman. A genderqueer men is basically a "lol fuck this" tranvestite.
As a girl If I cut my hair short and wear suits (and date girls? Dunno if even counts) I'll totally be special genderqueer denomination.
No. 209180
>>209172This must be the first time I see someone get asked "pronouns?" By other people.
These two are the epitome of tumblr.
No. 209185
>>209180me too.
Unless your trans, if you care so much about pronouns you are a sad human being.
like, pronouns arent fucking important.
these dumbasses need to stop acting and embarassing trans people who suffer from dysphoria, fuck
No. 209195
The girl featured on that episode has a channel. Of course. useful things like "ask a non binary babe" (wut? I thought she didn't identify as a girl?), ask a pan, etc.
No. 209199
>>209162True Life has been a dying show for the past 5 years, but this is really the
trigger puller.
No. 209226
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>>208931Fucking hate stupid cunts like this.
No. 209242
>>209172"I could easily be a girl, but that's not what I want."
Most genderqueer people just look like gay, scrawny dudes, and fat or tomboyish chicks who felt like they weren't good enough at being their actual gender. They're just making things harder for themselves by creating this imagined oppression trap where no one understands their super special imaginary gender, when in reality, most people really don't give a fuck if you're an ugly tomboy or a feminine guy. And is being able to wear a skirt and get weird looks and attention from everyone on the street THAT important to these men when they're not even trans? I bet they get off on it.
No. 209247
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>>209172The use of pronouns in this trailer is fucking ridiculous. They/them when referring to a single person is idiotic and confusing. Same with calling a woman "he/him" when she's obviously not a man.
I hate this.
No. 209297
>>209288granted, they/them as singular pronouns are usually referred to some hypothetical person (replacing one/oneself or the usage of some kind of s/he his/herself convention) or talking about a particular person not present in conversation/you don't know their gender already.
I typically don't give a shit about they/them as singular pronouns but hearing it used in the MTV clip was a little jarring, I'll be honest.
No. 209299
>>208921There's no proof.
tumblr makes me sick. this shit could ruin an entire person's life.
unless there's no proof, shut the fuck up about it.
what happened to innocent unless proven otherwise?
No. 209300
>>209288People have been wanting gender-neutral pronouns in English long before Tumblr. Ey/eir/em was proposed decades ago. It's not necessarily for "preferred pronouns" reasons, it was just another way to obscure the gender of your partner if you were gay and didn't want to out yourself when talking about your love life.
I think they/them is fine as a gender-neutral pronoun but the variations like xe/xim and ey/em sound stupid even if they predated Tumblr's existance and neopronouns/cute pronouns shouldn't be taken seriously period.
No. 209301
>>209195Pan does not exist.
Fuck people who say they're pan.
This is bi-erasure (im sorry for sound sjw) at its finest.
People are so ashamed of bisexuals or want to be oppressed and special so badly they invent new sexualities because they dont want to be associated to bisexual people (because theyre looked down and called cheaters)
fuck this shit man
No. 209310
>>209172I don't get how putting on a dress or wearing man clothes and having short hair suddenly makes you not the gender you are. Like, you can reject societal norms and not act or dress in a way that is expected of your gender, but that doesn't suddenly make you genderless or the opposite gender. That is actually fairly normal. Most people aren't 100% masculine or feminine. Usually we carry traits from both sides. People like "Brennen" would have just been a tomboy back in the day, but in the age of Tumblr, she is now a "he."
I also wonder how these type of people feel about the fact that many languages have only masculine and feminine forms when referring to people and objects. No room for snowflakey labels there. But Tumblrites probably just think basic grammar is oppressive.
No. 209322
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>>209276Eh, not all of islam is that bad actually. People just need to modernize and realize that holy books written thousands of years ago are not going to be 100% completely right. A lot of it is about giving to the poor. But yeah, the treatment of women by muslim extremists is fucked up, and is one of the reasons why the middle east is fucked up today.
pic related: Afghanistan in the 70s.
>>209299You're right, there isn't any proof. I am not saying I believe her at all, but sometimes, rape can be really hard to prove. Especially since victims are often too scared to go to the police about it when it happens. It is a very serious accusation, and it could ruin someone's life. But I oftentimes try to believe people who disclose to me that they were sexually abused/assaulted but were too frightened of their attacker to report it, because the same thing happened to me.
HOWEVER. I am not going to easily believe someone who broadcast their accusations on twitter, especially in such explicit detail. I have a really bad feeling about this. I don't think that she is telling the truth.
I despise tumblr.
No. 209335
>>209324Japanese doesn't use third-person pronouns often, which makes the anime character pronoun drama/trans headcanon pronoun posts more pointless. They have their own terms for non-binary identities like x-gender.
It doesn't seem like third-person pronouns matter much in Korean or Chinese, but I don't know enough to talk about that matter.
No. 209342
>why is islam the new progressive thing to support?Where have you been for the last 15 years? The left has always supported Islam but it really kicked off after 9/11.
>>209322Those old photos from Afghanistan are from inside the old British/American/Soviet zones in Kabul. The pictures of women in Western clothes are mostly family of diplomats attending international schools and some of the pictures are even American or Russian women. They get posted a lot to show how Islam can be liberal but they're nothing of the sort. If anything, they show the benefits of colonialism.
No. 209346
>>209332Holy shit.. that is some unreal levels of cringe.
>>209335In chinese, the pronoun for 'they' (a group of boys, or a mix of boys and girls) is 他们. For group of girls, it is 她们. For animals or inanimate objects, it's 它们.
All these are pronounced the same: tamen.
He is 他,
she is 她,
it is also 它. And funnily enough, these are also all pronounced the same– ta.
I honestly have no clue how special snowflake gender words or whatever would work in Chinese. There's just no real way to make it work and have it be comprehensible/grammatically correct. Not to mention acceptable to the average person.
No. 209350
>>209346I'm looking some stuff up now, but I still can't really figure it out. I'll ask my professor about it. (I can imagine the weird look she'll give me–
"What are you saying, anon? There is only boy and girl!")
No. 209359
>>209350I'm sorry to keep posting, I will sage so I don't keep bumping. Here's a list of words (that seem pretty accurate) concerning gender and transexxualism. > also read about people using the pinyin word
TA as a gender neutral pronoun (for use in writing, as the pronouns are pronounced the same in spoken language.)
However, I still don't see anything about 'cat, cats and catself' pronouns. Unless someone wanted to use 牠, the pronoun for animals (like cows…?)
I just really don't think these special snowflake genders with special snowflake pronouns (sol, solaire, solself) translate well into Mandarin. And most of the articles I can find, even about the subject of purely gender neutral pronouns, don't know what the fuck they are talking about in the first place.
Basically.. I don't know. Essentially, in spoken language, the pronouns are pronounced the same. And you can use na ge ren or zhe ge ren when you want to say 'that person' or 'this person' as well. I'm not too sure about the written characters, though.
And I don't think that fae/faes/faeself is ever going to be a thing there.
(Also, just for some more cringe:
No. 209363
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>>209359>you can use na ge ren or zhe ge ren Sorry, my keyboard software fucked up. *那个人 is that person, 这个人 is this person. I'm not sure about the written characters for made up genders/made up gender pronouns.
Sorry guys, I'll quit my samefagging now.
No. 209390
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>>209363that fucking story
No. 209471
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>>209463>I'm just a badass magical girl here to voice my outrage against privileged, self important cis people who think they're allowed to push their opinions in on trans matters.
>privileged, self important cis people who think they're allowed to push their opinions in on trans matters.that's every fake transtrender on this website tho
No. 209485
>>209172This episode would make a great drinking game. Every time that fugly tumblr-y hairstyle is shown, take a shot.
No but really I kind of want to watch this episode just to see how cringy it is
No. 209497
>>209276I'm not defending islam. I know it's a mysoginistic, intolerant religion. I'm against condemning muslims and treating them as a violent hivemind out to steal our welfare/jobs.
I wouldn't really give a fuck if not for all the hateful, borderline neo-nazi shit that spilled all over social media and real life in my country when it was first announced that some refugees need help.
No. 209521
>>209463This hurts my soul. Draw a little.. cat? Are you fucking serious?
I hate tumblr. I hate tumblr so fucking much.
>>209511Idk about you, but if someone asked me for my pronouns, I'd feel a little offended.. what, I don't look like a girl or something to you? smh
No. 209541
>>209520As a race blacks are horribly selfish.
Since they've got their own civil rights they're just all "Fuck you I got mine" to everyone else. This goes for LGBT, Natives, immigrants, terror-attack victims, whoever.
No. 209571
>>209565I think those on Tumblr are the worst, sure.
It's like they think because they have a college education they are hot shit. Utter worst entitlement cases.
No. 209587
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>>205043tumblrtards never go outside confirmed
No. 209588
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huh, well how hypocritical is that
and even if these weren't people that participated in the very thing they're complaining about, it's interesting that they still like to use tumblr as often as they do
No. 209634
>>209599Black women should just stop caring about what their male counterparts do, i know it made my life easier.
They do raise valid points, but they sound bitter as fuck so of course they won't be taken seriously.
No. 209636
>>209634I just hate how they make it seem like white girls are at fault for black guys being interested in them. Do I think black guys should prefer white over black women? No, of course not. However, thats not representative of all black guys, there are some who are genuinely more attracted to white, asian, latina or middle eastern women. It's something different. It's not an attack against black women or them being self hating black guys.
Like, these tumblr black people have to turn everything into a pity party for blacks. This morning I was watching a fb video featuring that little girl people call Ling Ling (primarily black people from what I've seen), she's the little Asian girl who's always lipsyncing to rap songs while flashing all the money she has. In the video this black guy is harassing her, saying she's poor, and when she defends herself he keeps making jokes about her selling chinese food.
When people pointed out how this was racist, black people all of a sudden freaked out, talking about all that they've been through. Because that justifies it somehow. Because they = their ancestors.
No. 209684
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>>209463>As well as attempting to stop transcum because they were once magical until they got corrupted Wut haha omg
So, they just hate all trans people who don't fit their mold? That's awfully transphobic of them lol
No. 209701
>>209684Truscum are trans people that believe you need dysphoria to be trans and see transsexualism as a medical condition. So people that are actually transgender and not teens that think being gender non-conforming (tomboys, feminine men) = trans.
People like that blogger think it's okay to wish death threats upon truscum and mock them for having dysphoria, I've seen things like FTM truscum get told by MTF that they have shrimp dicks and that they're just jealous of MTF with their natural and bigger "girldicks."
So yes, it is transphobia but that doesn't matter to them because most truscum are trans men and trans men are still scumbag men in their eyes so it's okay to say things like trans men are worthless.
No. 209739
>>209599I like how they're more bitter about the girls than the dudes who are allowing them this.
Also what a fucking stupid question, black guys are just people, it's essentially asking "do you like male human beings"
No. 209794
>>209782If your skin ain't dark you ain't black here m8. Unless it can be proven you're half black, then you're black. And nothing else, just black you self hating coon.
>>209739Every race has its own distinct differences, that's why the question was raised.
>>209636Actually, from my personal life as a black female, some black guys do go for white girls because of self hatred and an attack on black women.
I even had a guy dump me because a white girl liked him. And with my other ex i was constantly compared to white girls and he'd always say he preferred them (and he was the one who asked me out too… glad i finally left him). But what i think is, they should just stop caring and let it go.
If tyrone wants a white woman let him be.
No. 209796
>>209782Depends on which Americans you're speaking to.
For the most part we kind of just lump in North Africa with the Middle East tbh. Not white, but not black either. Like it's not sub-Saharan Africa, but for simplicity's sake since America is bad at geography we want to lump in North Africa somewhere.
FOX news viewers probably very well think North Africa is in Antarctica for all they know tho. So there's that.
No. 209805
>>209794In the same family and from the same parents you can have people with pale skin and people with very dark skin. I know this is more or less common and this is the case with me and my siblings.
>>209796As an advice: don't call a Berber/North African/Maghrebi/whatever an Arab or a Middle Eastern. But I guess it's because of the language used and Islam being the official religion in North African countries. Anyway this is good to know, since I could very well go to the US for studying or for an internship someday.
No. 209812
>>209805Yeah I wouldn't. They're different parts of the world. Just expect it and understand that a lot of Americans really just don't know better.
Good luck with studying or interning if you choose to come here though. That would be a fantastic opportunity, and I hope it works out for you.
No. 209869
>>209812Thanks a lot anon! I hope I'll find an internship abroad since it looks really good on a resume.
>>209850Sorry, it's kind of hard to notice when someone is sarcastic or not online. Especially since there are people who actually think what you said in your previous post. But no offense taken of course.
No. 209877
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>Since IDCP is delusional enough to think Sayaka is transgender, despite evidence to the contrary, she went and edited the official PMMM wiki to say she was. Fucking lol
No. 209897
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>>209877Can these retards get any more autistic? Sayaka is a fucking girl. changing the wiki of a character you didn't create is just ridiculous and offensive to the creator. I'm sure Gen Urobuchi would love people rewriting his characters for him.
Why don't they change the Sailor Moon wiki while they're at it? Usagi can be a fat trans black girl with a big red nose and buck teeth. She can wear a flower crown and have dyed armpit hair. Instead of saving the world and being a badass mom, she'll sit on tumblr all day eating cheese wiz and blogging about trannies and the lack of strong womyn characters in vidya and anime.
No. 209988
>>209893This whole trans "fad" is so fucking disgusting and genuinely harmful, it's infuriating. It makes things so much worse for the very small percentage of the population that is made up of "actual" trans people who transition and DO just live their lives as men or women and not ~*~trans people omg so oppressed so special so beautiful uwu~*~. And yeah, I do think that being "actually" trans (I'm excluding autogynophiles here, too) is a
condition, and it causes a fuckton of pain and suffering - and often suicide, and sometimes murder - for people who aren't just RPing on Tumblr. These Tumblr morons don't want to be the opposite sex. They
want to be "trans." I can't even believe this shit. Fuck this world.
No. 210015
>>209987I think the anime had quite a bit of hints that Usagi eats a lot and is "chubby", but of course they never drew her that way. I wouldn't mind Usagi with a tiny bit of chub as I think it woud fit her character (lazy school girl who plays vidya and eats snack food all the time). It's not more unrealistic than drawing a 14 year old girl like an adult with incredibly long blond hair, long legs and big boobs.
Mind you, a
tiny bit of being chubby, like 10 or 20 pounds. Not 100 to 200 pounds.
Also I never get the race bent. In all three timelines we see in the manga she literally looks exactly the same, doesn't she? And wouldn't her "race" techically be something like "re-born Alien from the Moon" or something like that? Why don't they draw more of Pluto, who actually looks like a PoC?
No. 210080
>>209987I've seen that shit too. Sure, Usagi loves to eat, and would probably be a bit chubby from the junk food, but ffs do these people not see how much she exercises?
She's running around everywhere doing flips and shit, twirling around, beating up bad guys; logically she would NOT be fat.
I really don't understand the trend of completely redesigning a character so that they fit the fan artist's self centered and warped perspective of how the character should be. It's like they can't empathize with people who aren't exactly like them.
I can relate to is Ness from Earthbound, and he's a 13 year old white (or Japanese???) boy. I'm female, mixed black&white, and 10 years older than him. But unlike these dipshits, I understand what empathy is and don't need someone to be 100% exactly like me for me to be able to relate to them.
Why can't they make they're own fat trans chair kin characters? Leave other peoples intellectual properties alone gdi. I can't handle the narcissism.
No. 210091
>>210015Japanese people are POC now?
Also, what the fuck is up with the term POC, isn't that literally just another way of saying colored person?
No. 210125
>>205922yikes at specifying that they a "multiply-marginalized" person
also those cinnamon buns looks like rainbow colored piles of shit leaking cum… double yikes
No. 210133
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>>210121reminds me of how sakaki is self conscious about being tall - it's a problem GIRLS can relate to, who are the target audience, some of whom may be tall and be self conscious about it. that is literally taking something FOR YOUNG GIRLS and turning it into their weird fetish-y headcanon.. sound familiar, no?
No. 210175
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>>210164This has to be a troll blog
No. 210188
>>210141>>210151kek. It's like the Christian Weston Chandler version of heteronormativity. "Boys like sport and girls like shopping" sort of bullshit. And just like the tumblr transtrender fad, it perpetuates some really damaging stereotypes.
>>210133Ugh please xenu don't let these awful people touch Azumanga Daioh… please… I'm scared to even look at the tag on tumblr tbh because that show helped get me through high school. ;.;
No. 210196
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No. 210219
>>210164I approve of this.
It's taking all of tumblr's retarded shit and throwing it right back at them. I like how they targeted the cringiest of fandoms.
No. 210220
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SJW seeks job via FB
No. 210223
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more cringe i found on facebook
No. 210259
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I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but whatever. These people really need to learn some things.
No. 210280
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>>210259This logic is so fucking infuriating. What if I am an eastern European where there are no fucking blacks or other races? Am I still a racist if the only thing I may ever experience regarding prejudice is old school ethnic hatred. FUCK.
No. 210284
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>>210259Oh my god, I'm cringing so hard right now. This shit is ridiculous.
I have no words..
No. 210285
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Have you guys seen any backlash to this yet? I thought this was a very good finisher for that debate.
No. 210310
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I'm not sure if this is from Tumblr, but they seem to be.
No. 210312
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No. 210313
>>210285Urgh I can already hear US tumblrtards going "There's no such thing as reverse racism against white people. Blah blah blah". I can see them ignoring legitimate points being brought up in that post and shouting their usual shit over it because they can't handle the cognitive dissonance that makes them face the fact that their Tumblr view of the world doesn't actually represent the entire world.
Forever and ever do they go on about "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor", but they can't see how their "white people have never been oppressed" bullshit ignores injustice against white people and so they are taking the side of the oppressor in that. Ffs technically Armenians are caucasian/Indo-European/"white", and, wouldn't you know it, the Armenian genocide (racially fueled Holocaust that killed up to 1.5 million Armenians) rarely gets talked about on Tumblr because of that. They act high and mighty over shit and claim that they're doing it out of "equality" and "social justice" yet, they constantly reveal themselves to be hypocrites who know jack shit about social issues IRL nor debating.
No. 210330
>>208992>>209002>>209008Yeah, she's a sex worker and was in a BDSM reslationship… I can totally see the police taking the "He didn't respect my safeword" seriously…
Also her story is completely unprovable, typical he said she said, the only reason to go the cops would be to create a precedent if someone else were to accuse him in the future.
No. 210360
File: 1449155974627.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.38 KB, 338x600, tumblr_nabg9tALpi1qbyjmko5_400…)

>>210339Lol I actually was the person who added those pictures, but yeah, here's one of them.
No. 210363
>>210285SJWs tend to be very US-centric and most of tumblr , despite thinking they are so worldly and progressive, don't know anything about life outside of the US.
I've seen tumblrtards shoot down stuff like that post before. They think it's literally impossible for white people to be oppressed anywhere.
Even if it was one white person on a moon colony with 1000 non-whites they'd probably still claim that one white person had all the power and was a racist. There's absolutely no way to stop them from having this line of thinking. They've indoctrinated themselves and each other to the point of no return.
Occasionally there's some slight clarity. Just look up posts from SJWs around St Patrick's Day. That's when they blast all non-Irish for even thinking they can wear green. But I've seen posts about how the Irish were not oppressed. Or their oppression was not as significant or as severe as non-whites. Never mind that the Irish were not considered white by many people for a very long time and were even depicted in newspaper cartoons as apes.
No. 210369
>>210360Even if the dick was real, having a micropenis is nothing to be proud of lmfao this chick is thirsty.
She looks like a Futanaria reject.
No. 210384
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>>210283Do you want like a cookie or something? Cos I think you just described like 75% of tumblr. The asshats posted in this thread are (hopefully) a minority, but you're really not much better for thinking you're OH SO SPECIAL for just using it as a normal ass blog.
No. 210385
>>210312Christianity is a pretty violent ideology too based on its history and actions. Everyone in this conversation is retarded.
>>210317>You think marriage was an institution that favoured men I guess.Someone sounds bitter that their fedora+neckbeard combo isn't attracting women…
No. 210407
>>210363>>210364>>They've indoctrinated themselves and each other to the point of no return.That's exactly it! And anything that disrupts the regular, familiar sounds of the Tumblr echo chamber is silenced regardless of how well informed it is.
Although, I swear I've only ever seen jokey posts of cultural appropriation + St. Patrick's Day (usually by Irish Tumblr bloggers taking the piss out of said SJWs who refuse to acknowledge the oppression of the Irish though the ages). But anyway. To be fair, we didn't exactly invent the colour green nor are leprechauns or shamrocks sacred to us these days (even though St. Patrick did use shamrocks to teach/preach to Ireland about Christianity) so honestly you'd be hard pressed to find an Irish person who legitimately gives a shit about the so-called "cultural appropriation of St. Patrick's Day". And we only get annoyed if you insist on calling it St Patty's Day - (Patty- nickname for Patricia not Patrick! Paddy would be the nickname you're looking for!).
But yeah it's funny if they talk about the cultural appropriation of St. Patrick's Day and not that of Halloween (also Irish in origin - majority of traditions of it started in Ireland from festival of Samhain and were brought across to the US). But you know, they'll keep talking about how wearing green is cultural appropriation, continue dressing up on Halloween (even though the act of that should be considered "cultural appropriation" by Tumblr's definition, no?) and denying how the Irish were ever deemed racially inferior by anyone white.
Sage for rant
No. 210455
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No. 210489
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No. 210497
>>210495~internalized racism~
But generally: I know a few SJ types on a platform other than tumblr and so many of them are huge hypocrites. I've literally seen the same person go from complain about someone contacting their (ex)employer to contacting someone's boss (for making a questionable joke/point) a few months later. At least take your pick. Either doxxing is bad or it's not.
No. 210498
>>210490The worst part is that this is how he describes himself on his blog:
A filthy sjw, grey-ace, pan-ro, non-binary, demiboy, fat, kin, enfj.
He (and I use this term because to me he looks like a guy now) is a definite cow, but I don't want to post him because I knew him when he was sane. This didn't start until he was around 17 and began a ldr with some married 34 year old woman with mental problems. For the past two years he's gotten progressively worse about this bs, changing identities as soon as tumblr finds a new one for him.
I wouldn't care had he come forward saying "Hey, this is how I feel, I wonder if there is anyone else out there that does, too? Is this normal?" And people suggesting for him to go talk to someone, that it may be a sign he's not interested in sex/trans/bi (Whatever the case may be). But nope, this person "discovers" something new about themselves the minute it becomes popular on tumblr.
No. 210657
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Lemonteaflower is at it again, now still beating the bush about her sooper abusive ex boyfriend whom she manipuled to take hormones back in the day and got him kicked of his house because she needed a trans gf badly. Oh but who needs to talk about that little detail when all you need to say is "he raped me all the times!!" Because tumblr convinced you that Asexuals/Aromantic whatchamacallit can't really consent tus every relationship they have is rape…
God damn I hate this chick, seriously, go to her personal blog and read her tags, she's a fucking asshole.
No. 210670
>>210396well explained, thanks.
i thought it had to do with taking medication with a spoon or sth
No. 210686
>>210678It's the chick who became famous by drawing that ms officer and truffles the bear comic, then scamed the shit out of the backers on kickstarter and to this day says that she was not the one managing the bullshit.
Basically, that little happening and tumblr harrasment made her the bitter asshole she is today, shielding herself with as much opreshum as she can claiming to be everything and nothing at the same time.
No. 210731
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Really?? I'm not even lesbian, but if i were i would proudly say I love vagina!
No. 210732
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God this shit is fucking stupid. The whole "models using wheelchairs for fashion" thing is not new and has been done before. Who gives a shit? She's sitting in a wheelchair, not waving a huge flag saying "I HATE ALL DISABLED PEOPLE". Why is Tumblr so fucking retarded?
No. 210759
>>210754It's a fucking gold wheelchair and she's posed like a doll. It's OBVIOUSLY typical "fashion" garbage, but that people like the person on tumblr saying
>"IF BEING IN A WHEELCHAIR IS TRENDY NOW"It's not "trendy" now or ever. Girls aren't buying wheelchairs for fashion.
>"LET ALONE LAND A COVER SHOOT"S/he wouldn't stand a chance if they could stand up.
This was an editorial shot for Interview Maganize which features "Conversations between some of the most creative minds from the worlds of fashion, art and entertainment. " It's art, it's subjective, and even if you say it's bad taste, people like "petitemidgay" like to take shit out of their context, attach their emotional issues to it, and use it as a platform especially where a Kardashian is involved because hating them is just so popular. This is why Tumblrtards are fucking idiots. They feel like they're educating the world on these complex issues, without actually saying anything helpful and by acting like they represent the whole of their community and not just a part.
Most people do not envy the disabled. This photo has not and will not change that.
No. 210762
>>210759Yeah well, Tumblr is the worst platform when it comes to social issue. For whatever reason, everyone on Tumblr says they are genderqueer/genderfluid/otherkind/some special snowflake with a ton of mental illnesses.
I know a few nice people from Tumblr but most people seem to be a bunch of SJW weirdos.
No. 210769
>>210731It's fucking liberating to say "I love pussy/dick" or crack a bad joke from time to time between friends.
What the hell, these bitches want to suck the joy out of everything and police what everyone can or cannot say.
Your rights end where my feelings begin indeed.
No. 210782
>>210755But like
>>210759 anon said, what does that have to do with art? There's been so many photoshoots and art that have blood and guts - sometimes real - and much worse things than this. It's just her in a wheelchair. When people say she looks like a blow up doll, that really says more about how gross they are than what she's doing.
Your feelings shouldn't be a right to censor something. I think Kylie is an attention whore like all her family, but how we get rid of them is not pay attention. This was clearly just a stunt to stick out, and god damn, did tumblr ever take the bait. She still has the right to do it, but the proper reaction is ignoring it, not giving her exactly what she wants.
No. 210791
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No. 210803
>>206241Irish people were oppressed for their appearance, race and culture. Brits considered Irish people to be on the same level and sometimes lower than blacks.
For example, a black slave was worth 50 shillings and an Irish slave was woth 5 shillings. But people seem to hate thinking that Whites were slaves.
You know blacks enslaved each other, whites enslaved each other and Arabs enslaved fucking everybody - let's just think about it as humans instead of making it about race.
No. 210813
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>>210791>fragile handle with careLOL that describes all these faggots
No. 210817
>>210657I hope someone eventually makes a thread about this chick. I see her mentioned every now and then. I was still on tumblr during the shota drama, so I vaguely remember that but don't know much else. She seems like the type to have some lulzy drama.
Plus, SJW artists are fucking hilarious.
No. 210820
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>>210731How do these people keep this shit straight? Do they have a guidebook or something? I feel like I'm losing my mind when I read stuff like this.
No. 210841
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SJW game localisation editors are helping to minimize the risk of you inadvertently committing wrongthink.
They are changing the script of the games they localise, to better fit the SJW agenda.
What's more, one with his fingers in many pies has admitted it on twitter. No. 210842
>>210817As much as I despise this girl, I still don't think i have enough stuff to bring up about even on snow.
and all i know about her is from my experience since i talked to her during that time she shifted into a crazy "muh pronouns" type of person.
No. 210845
"Yes, all white people are racist.
When you say 'all white people' they rush to claim that is unfair because they are 'individuals;' but this sense of individualism in and of itself is a privilege. Individualism is a facet of privilege.
Folks get MADT when you say #AllWhitePeople, even Black folks, because we've been trained to look at white ppl as 'individuals' even tho they are conditioned to look at us as a group. white people are raised to believe they are unique, special snowflakes- individuals capable of achieving whatever they set their minds to- while Black people are raised to believe we are part of a monolithic group; one that at any minute can be seen as a threat so we must act accordingly so as to make everyone around us
comfortable.We do not have the privilege of individualism. So spare me your whining about
not all white people.Yes, all white people."
No. 210859
>>210845I wish I had the privilege of not being charged with the sins of my entire skin color, regardless of how or when or where or why my skin color came to America. If the black community gave any shit about being part of the US Community, they would try, but they don't and the majority don't feel they should have to play by the rules. They want to re-claim their shitty mouth-noise vernacular, twerk and ratchet culture, hip-hop, anything popular that they deem "black" but NOOOOTHING to do with how much violence, rape, robbery, and general culture of shifty shit continually praised and perpetuated by African Americans themselves, even agains themselves. I can agree that our fraternal cops are shit and need to be curbed, but god, it's like you can view things as separate issues?! Too complex for the average dindu culture.
Yesallwhitepeople? Ok yesallblackpeople are violent, misogynst, and oppurtunistic thieves who rape and rob the white of anything they want because they feel it's owed to them because muh slavery. It's just astounding how little they do for anyone but themselves, even other black people, but if they want it, they'll scream and cry and say they can't when so many other cultures in America did it themselves.
They are just like third wave feminists. Like neat, let's fight hashtag word-wars instead of doing real legwork. Whine with emotion or protest and cut holes in fire hoses while houses with nothing to do with cops are burning. Neat. Let me know you finally catch the Boogeyman you blame for the shitty choices you feel entitled to make everyday.
Fuck All of these movements and the apologists who think they're helping humanity. I'm so
triggered right now.
No. 210884
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>>210864Not even close. It's not my ethnicity that's "so small" yet commits almost as much violent acts as all other ethnicities in America combined. Where's the black outrage about gun issues? What about rape culture in their own communities, glorified through their own pop culture?
Look at pic related:
"First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites."
According to FBI Statistic:
"Whites committed 2,755 murders in 2013.
Blacks committed 2,698 murder in 2013.
So the black population of 13%(~40 million) commits almost as many murders as the white 77%(~225 million) of the population. That's a 5-to-1 ratio."
Wow, so culturally enriching!
It's amazing that arguing against Black Culture in America can backed by real statistics over topics that most SJWs cite as top concerns BUT the only counter argument they can supply is to say that's racist, based on their personal experience. What about my personal experience with shitty hood rats kids who beat public utilities with bats for fun and breaking into people cars? Do they not count?
Progressive and Liberal mindset is as bad as Conservative Republican and Evangelist Christians. They are not interested in middle ground, that may provide better insight into what is and is not working in our society, they just want to believe that they can change our society's problems by hashtag activism.
Fighting a war with words. Truly a privilege.
No. 210888
>>210884You really have no idea what you're talking about. Either that or you're just trolling.
My point still stands though, you're both the same.
No. 210891
>>210888Proving my point. You have nothing to counter, you just want to be heard because it makes you feel proud for having such a ~strong opinion~
Maybe you should Educate Yourself? You sound Ignorant.
No. 210918
>>210898>Those stats aren't accurate Care to elaborate?
>You're an idiot>You're mentally illAd hominem after ad hominem. Not even that person, but you didn't even try.
No. 210925
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>>210898Just name calling after name calling, typical progressive/liberal debate. You're just implying completely false things about me instead of ELABORATING on those stats you claim are false. I've lived in several major US cities near large Black communities, went to university with a large, outspoken African American student body, and I have enough personal anecdotes about their "culture", but why is it that my negative experiences aren't heard as loudly as the positive ones boasted by tumberlinas?
Why are you the one resorting to name calling when you were free to either provide a counter argument or just simply say nothing at all?
No. 210928
>>210925All of this blind defensive/protecting of an obviously shit culture that tarnishes ALL communities, black and white, keeps them unaccountable.
"Agree or shut up"
You guys sound like your trying to censor my rights based solely on the fact that you don't like what I have to say.
No. 210929
>>210925I'm not involved in this argument in any way, but I'd just like to point out that your graphic's source says nothing other than "The College Board," and its accuracy cannot be confirmed based on that.
Sage for my autism.
No. 210931
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No. 210977
Not involved in this debate, but pointing out issues in the conclusions/implications being made.
>>210884The problem with these figures is that it does not account for the reality: 3 million violent crimes in the US go unreported ( which does not indicate how many people are victims in these unreported crimes nor their race. That's a third of all violent crimes that happen in the US do not get reported - obviously that will influence the results of these racial breakdowns. There are many reasons why crimes go unreported: for a black victim of a white crime, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to suggest some black victims don't report out of fear for how the case will be handled by the police (black victim fearing being portrayed as a criminal, white criminal getting of scot-free esp. seeing those in the cases that fueled the Black Lives Matter campaign). Fucking hell Chris Rock constantly makes jokes about being pulled over for "driving while black". It's a thing that does happen amongst African Americans. There have been studies and academic articles written on the vast differences of black experiences with the law and white experiences with the law e.g. .
tl;dr quoting incomplete statistics while completely ignoring the factors which directly influence said statistics is dangerous. These statistics are one piece of a million and one piece puzzle. They are all interwoven, and attempting to separate them by acting like they're not all linked will not solve anything. All interwoven systems/lines of thinking on all ends need to be fixed simultaneously or it all falls apart.
>>210931What are you trying to achieve by posting this? Are you attempting to generalise entire racial populations by using figures based on 16 individuals and 19 individuals respectively? Show your thinking!
No. 211042
>>210977That's why I didn't even bother explaining myself, because to me that anon speaks of someone who is either mentally ill, an outright dumbass or just trolling. There are thousands upon thousands of legitimate sources out there that speak about the criminal justice system in America and race relations, but they go and save pictures they found on other boards with arguments made by other retards.
They either don't know how or don't care to do any research where they find support for or arguments against their beliefs. Many are extremely biased and think that if they only look for and find support for what they believe, that they're justified. I could link them to at least 20 journals and all they'd respond with is some bs graph, as though the same mistake wasn't already made against Planned Parenthood. Graphs don't mean shit when they're presented like this.
No. 211049
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>>210845>white people are raised to believe they are unique, special snowflakes- individuals capable of achieving whatever they set their minds toBoy I sure missed this memo when my teachers told me I would never amount to anything and my parents told me to stop aiming so high and generally media told me i would never amount to jack shit because of my disabilities.
but sure allwhites amirite
No. 211054
>>211049Just because you're an exception doesn't mean the generalization isn't a…generalization. They exist because they demonstrate trends.
However this works both ways:
Black people create a disproportionate amount of crime. Generalizations and trends say if you are black you are more likely to be commit a crime than a white person. I clutch my person every time.
I hate these swj's who've taken an undergrad race/minority sociology class and think they're experts in the field.
No. 211102
>>210803I love all those posts circulating on Tumblr that say WORLD WAS PEACEFUL THEN WHITE MAN CAME AND FUCKED EVERYTHING UP when the whites basically invented democracy that allows them to spew bullshit like this in public and the whole concept of social justice actually, in Africa other tribes killed and enslaved each other (they still do) long before the whitey came in, and so did Arabians. But I guess their knowledge is limited to American history which of course applies to the whole world. And even the American settlers moved from the UK to America to escape oppression.
>>210657The asexual craze going on is fucking insane. Like people actually claiming that their significant other ~raped~ them because "I am asexual, therefore ALL sex is rape to me, even when I gave my consent".
No. 211117
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>Look at all this actual diversity n shit!
They're literally all obese black/mixed women, except the girl in the wheelchair. MUH DIVERSITY!!!!!1
No. 211204
>>211109>To say that the concept of democracy was invented by Europeans is extremely closed minded.Enlighten me then, who invented it? Pretty sure it didn't exist until the Greeks. Inb4 niggers was all philosophers and sheet until the white people burned all their books.
>>211071>Xenophobia =/= racism. Irish people are white.And, as everyone knows, you can't be racist towards white people lol.
No. 211209
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>>210977>Statistics be all racist and sheetTalking out my ass, the post. How the fuck would they know how many crimes go unreported just from a survey? They have no proof that those crimes ever happened, it could just be black people making shit up to skew the stats. Then again, that's just a wild speculation, just like your entire post.
>Fucking hell Chris Rock constantly makes jokes about being pulled over for "driving while black". ….and? Niggers have a massive victimization complex, more news at 11.
I love, LOVE how niggers always go on about their poverty while simultaneously trying to deny that crime and poverty goes hand in hand. Blacks are responsible for massive amounts of crime, no shit they're going to have a different experience with law enforcement. They're disrespectful as fuck and are much more likely to attack cops.
Blacks are more likely to shoot at cops than white by a MASSIVE fucking margin? It's cuz black be scared to call da cops and sheet. Da po po be fabricating reports to keep niggas down lol.
(relax) No. 211210
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No. 211211
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No. 211220
>>211211I can't tell you how many times professors at my college would tell students not to write essays the way they talk. You just can't do that and expect to get a good mark. It's not racism. They'd tell a white student the same thing.
I'm so tired of this super sensitive whiny baby trend. Everything is racist, sexist and offensive. How do people function every day like this?
No. 211222
>>210841This is really true? On GameFAQs there are a bunch of people who get all riled up and shoot down any criticism posters have about censorship and unnecessary changes in localization. I thought they were just being contrary marys looking for an argument. But I'm seeing it more and more every time someone questions why a really stupid change was made.
But the posters bringing these changes up are getting pretty concerned that it's happening so much lately. Might as well learn Japanese.
No. 211305
>>211294I used to have a blog
i even had a bit of followers (i miss the attention tbh)
but since seeing all this ''positivity'' ive been getting more and more annoyed with tumblr
i deleted it after 3 years
No. 211325
>>211294I use tumblr since… 2011? I think. I have a personal blog, though dedicated mainly to pretty pictures, lolita, fashion, etc. I don't post many personal stuff, and if I do it's usually something about things I play/watch at that time.
I don't use any blocking add-ons, and don't see stupid sjws at all. I go here to laugh at them.
My trick is to simply avoid following any people who state their pronouns/sexual orientation/romantic orientation/kintype in their "about me" section. Never failed me.
No. 211352
>>211294Oh well, I've been a user since 2010 when the dashboard layout was distributed in pages of 50 post each and believe me, Tumblr used to be funny as fuck, like legitimately funny.
But since then, shit hit the fan when LJ purged all the activist communities they had and these migrated to tumblr, degenerating it into the mess you see now.
In all these years of being there and creating new blogs, I learned than examining the pages I want to follow is pretty effective when you want to evade sjw's.
It goes without saying, but if the first thing you see when you open the page is a "my pronouns are" on the sidebar or "Don't follow if", it's a waste of time, dong follow. If they have an about page and like 5 sub pages explaining all their mental illneses, fictkins and headmates, get the fuck outta there. Like, forget the cute fanart and shit, bitch is crazy.
And the other metod is examining the posts they have and their personal monologues (if they're ridiculous enough to have a fictkin page, you'll see hundreds of personal ramblings), it gives you a bit of work but it's pretty effective in determining the type of person the owner of the blog is.
I follow a bunch of anti-sjw blogs for shit and giggles, the rest are artblogs of chill people I find.
The only times I see sj fuckery is when I'm bored and I go to the tags to see the world burn, usually when I'm simultaneously visiting this thread to post my finds.
No. 211374
>>210791I absolutely refuse to use neo-pronouns. You're either a he or a she. That's it. I only use they to refer to an ambiguous person I don't know the sex of. I'll be damned if I'm going o go around calling someone ey or whatever. They don't expect this in real life do they?
Imagine how confusing it would be if you had to memorize everyone's super special snowflake pronouns in school and at work. Then have to bear the anger of whoever you accidentally called fay instead or xir.
The English language isn't set up to use all of these made up pronouns in any way that flows naturally or makes sense. You have to have some streamlined standardization.
I really hope this neo-pronoun trend dies when they see how impossible it is to get it to work outside of places like tumblr.
They don't seem to be even slightly aware of how unbelievable stupid it looks. Oh look you've got made up pronouns because on Monday you wore pants and on Tuesday you wore a dress. You're so gender nonconforming.
No. 211411
>>211379It sure is. Usually people with blogs like that list their million different
triggers too which often take up at least one whole page filled with stupid shit like "holes, blue eyes, birds, christians
trigger me!!"
When I ran a gore blog, (edgelord, ik whatever) I used to troll these people by just clicking the follow button. It's funny as fuck imagining their fingers stumble over their keyboard telling me off and saying they're going to report me for doing next to nothing. I seriously wonder how they will find a job.
No. 211415
>>211411well, I'm
triggered by people being self absorbed idiots but alas….
joking aside, gore shit is a bit questionable.
No. 211426
>>211294I've used tumblr since 2009 and fuck has it changed over the years. I thought the worst of it was that horrible meme phase when people were always spouting on and on about being forever alone, y u no, come at me bro, and the whole what is air bs. Nope, 2013-2015 has knocked that out of the park.
I've seen positive, high achieving, goal oriented people turn into whiny little dipshits demanding people for money because they feel they deserve it just because their parent doesn't want them to pretend to be an animal. People that one swore up and down that they're straight all of a sudden are pan, grey-aromantic demi whatever the fuck. It's insane.
No. 211427
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No. 211428
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No. 211432
>>211294I stopped using tumblr after being there since 2010 because no matter who you followed they'd eventually reblog SJW bullshit. I had my SJW phase when I was 14 (now 25) and outgrew it fast so I've been through it years ago and I know what a slippery slope it is, so I'm not converting back to it.
I understand the SJW mindset well as I've been one myself though, you don't do it out of the genuine care for the minorities and oppressed groups, your sole reason is to make YOURSELF feel better. Crying racism/sexism was an easy way to win an argument because it'd nullify whatever human worth the opposing side was. It makes YOU feel important, intelligent, better than others, all the good stuff.
However, I was able to grow out of it because back then there was no cult mentality built around the whole idea of social justice to keep you in. You could get out of it. Now we have Tumblr which pretty much keeps you attached to the community and keeps an eye on you for any slip ups. One joke that could be interpret as bigoted and you're forever ruined. It doesn't even have to be offensive, someone may make it that way, fabricate it along the way and outright start telling people you're a racist, misogynist, transphobic etc. Nobody's gonna ask for sources or proof, they're going to believe it because a website they like said so.
I feel bad for the kids who have to grow up in this environment. They're turning into all kinds of genders and sexualities just to fit in and to avoid their "original sin" of being white, straight and cisgendered. It's going to fuck them up hard because all their friends are into this stuff. They're going to start justifying all their bad personality traits with "illnesses" that have to be enabled to the best extent instead of trying to cure them. Some of these people are well over 20 and still acting the same way I did when I was 14 and that's pretty scary.
No. 211445
>>211431Once I got this fatty demiboy angry at me because I refused to fight with her, seriously she went on and on how shocked she was that I didn't insult her and just stepped off the situation, she was looking to call me out and have the last laugh.
Like really there are people out there that are so attention starved, they feel ecstatic when someone argues with them, they desperately want to feel important enough to be talked to.
At the end she send me a "Well fuck you then, I'm too awesome to argue with transmisogynist clowns"
I felt sorry for her so I guess I just give it to her?
No. 211447
>>211211i go here and NEVER see black people, wtf.
Except that one time they went to go protest the Kanye Western party. kek.
No. 211448
>>211440It just sounds preachy and annoying.
I don't know, I don't like self important people…. Or fat people on unflattering small clothing.
No. 211453
>>211294I didn't realise what kind of place it was when I made an account. I used LJ years ago and really didn't read blogs in the interim.
Sometimes if I'm bored I'll go look at SJW type tags to see how bad it's getting.
>>211411Even people I thought were normal enough to follow start using
trigger warnings or reblogging posts where someone is begging for rent money or clothes to help them transition. Someone I followed reblogged the same donation begging post three times. Some transperson who pretty much looked like an effeminate guy with long hair was begging for money to get electrolysis. You know, like that's a high priority red alert crisis.
The fact that people just take these posts as truth and reblog them all over is unbelievable. I'm really getting sick of seeing begging posts. Stop treating the internet as your personal welfare office.
No. 211553
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what the fuck
No. 211555
>>211553I don't want to generalize but surely if you were
abused by someone, you'd be too scared to post a picture of them that they'd know only you could've posted? Fucking tumblr
No. 211582
>>211042> I could link them to at least 20 journals and all they'd respond with is some bs graph, as though the same mistake wasn't already made against Planned Parenthood. Graphs don't mean shit when they're presented like this.LOL. The planned parenthood graph was fucking fake, it didn't even have a Y axis. The graphes ITT have a reliable source and you're denying it because muh BS SJW journalism. Journalism doesn't mean shit in an argument, get fucked, most of those people are hacks.
Blacks fire at cops the most and they are also the most likely to get shot by the cops. What does this imply? Think real hard, don't link to a Tumblr blog and have them think for you.
>>211213>Democaracy existed all over the world white peeple stole it from everyone else ok>No source Do you have an example of true democracy being practices before the greeks? Small primitive Injun family tribes don't count. Democracy needs a government to begin with.
No. 211583
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No. 211610
>>211601As far as I know, gender disphoria is considered a disorder, so yeah, trans people are considered to be mentally ill at some extend.
Why do you think the suicide rates among Transgender folk skyrockets when people finally transition? Hell, some try to de-transition once they realize that all they have left is an unrecognizable mangled body.
No. 211612
>>211553>Mexican dude's name>chubbyBut cultural appropriation!! Fatshaming!!1 I guess it's OK if you're getting back at an ~abuser~
>"hey aren't I sexy? rate me 1 - 10 lol"Wow, that's just so darn hilarious. Nobody would have seen through that.
No. 211614
>>211582>The graphes ITT have a reliable sourceLike "The College Board"? Lmao.
Stormfront is not a reliable source, soz
No. 211615
>>211583So like
where's the proof he was attacked by black people? Some white dude on Twitter writing captions isn't evidence of anything
No. 211659
>>211610I think you have it backwards, coming from a trans person who is well into their transition by now, I've never felt better. And we're well aware that surgeries aren't ideal, it's a personal choice whether or not someone wants to do them.
I don't know why you're talking about us like we're crazy idiots on a self searching journey, but aside from being physically wrong, I'm just like any other person. And I can guarantee you most other trans people are as well.
No. 211668
>>211610suicide rates are so high because they get bullied and have to hide their true self
It is a mental illness but there are many so it's not like in a very negative sense
No. 211676
>>211668That's a weak excuse for killing yourself, "hiding my true self". But then again, so are the other things trannies say like people who misgender them are literally violent and I've seen radical fems accused of KILLING trans people because they dont accept them as anything but their biological sex.
What manipulative horseshit, it all boils down to "don't criticize me jerking off on my sisters stolen underwear or ill literally kill myself" i wish they would tbh
No. 211686
>>211674What about them? So what if they decide that maybe they were wrong, that's purely their decision and it has nothing to do with your bullshit suicide statistics.
I'm assuming you also posted right below–I don't know what your damage is but I'm sorry. You shouldn't hate an entire group of people that you don't even understand, you know? Individuals, sure, go for it. No matter who or what someone is, if they're a shit person, that's how it's going to stay. But being so vicious about "trannies", what's the point there?
Why should I kill myself, please, lay it out for me in detail. I'm very curious.
No. 211699
>>211686I don't think you know shit about detransitioners. they don't just start hormones, go through SRS and go "oops lol made a mistake", they realize that this supposed silver bullet…doesn't always work, and so they try and salvage what they can from the wreckage. But the trans community sure likes to sweep them under the rug, tell them they're not 'real trans', because it doesn't play into their narrative.
And good job ignoring all my points and only seeing "lol I hate trannies". I hate that misgendering is touted as actual violence, I hate that radial feminists (or anyone who doesn't support gender nonsense) are being called murderers. It's pathetic. I especially hate how stealing women's clothing (esp family members) is a common trans'woman' narrative, and when people object to it they're told they are literally killing trans people by not being 'understanding'. Because having personal boundaries is murder, apparently.
It's a pretty shit community.
>>211693I disagree that is the reason though. how about blaming the actual trans community that teaches impressionable young kids that if they don't transition RIGHT AWAY when they can become the most passable, they should just die because nothing is worse than being unpassable aka ugly. how fucking vain. But then, it's the dirty gatekeepers faults apparently, because gatekeeping literal children is evil as well, I guess.
>>211698When the trans community started pushing for pregnant women to be called 'pregnant person' because it
triggers them, all I can see is narcissism, yeah. And when they try and pass laws to get men into women's bathrooms, yeah, I see narcissism. And when I see them support putting male murderers with female prisoners because muh transgenderism, I want to fucking die. Tell me how that is just 'wanting to live like anyone else' and ins't some giant ego struggle.
No. 211702
>>211699You're forgetting the part where we're not all the same person. Do I agree with everything a trans support group might say or support? Fuck no. Do I agree with half of the shit tumblr "trans" kids say? No.
No, misgendering isn't violence, but it still fucking sucks. I don't know where you're seeing this shit unless you're going and looking for it, because I don't hear about this crap with the people I know. Rad fems don't equal trans issues, and they also can't speak for trans issues. If they're pushing for something without input from the people they're trying to "help", then it's probably not what we want. How dull do you have to be to fall for that shit?
You don't think that maybe, just maybe most of us also hate the extreme views? I'd much rather just have the stigma against people like me be removed than have a bunch of weird shit pushed onto the public. How does any of that benefit us? It doesn't, it makes people hate us even more, you being the case in point.
No. 211703
>>211702Don't blame me when the most visible trans people out there are all moronic fucking loony bin transwomen who are having actual real world effects. The Midwives Alliance of North America now calls pregnant women pregnant person because of this narcissistic entitlement.
And what do you mean going out and looking for it? My own fucking brother (I'm sorry, is that
problematic because I'm msigendering him?) stole my clothing and my mom's clothing because 'I'm a girl!' and when I went online to see how common it was, I wanted to puke. It's fetishistic to the nth degree, but I shouldn't confront him and 'shame' him because he might kill himself. I should let him snoop through my panties and bras. Fuck all of that nonsense. The entitledness of it is disturbing.
No. 211705
>>211703I see now. How pathetic lmao, forget it, there's no argument to be had here. I thought that maybe, just maybe you were being misguided and put off by the stranger parts of the community or whatever. If your hate is literally because your sibling wanted to explore a little, jesus christ, that's hilarious.
I feel so bad for you.
No. 211708
>>211705>stealing clothing of female family members>they're just "exploring"Selfish cunts is all I see.
Fucking trannies, jesus christ. This is why people hate you. you feel like you deserve all this leeway because you're sensitive snowflakes. No, you can't act like disgusting people and steal other people's clothing because of your identity. Stop acting like the world owes you everything because of your mental disorder.
No. 211709
>>211708Yes, I'm so very selfish and entitled. You're absolutely right, I can't believe I had my entire life all wrong this whole time. Give me your lunch money, I deserve it by just existing.
Go cry some more about your stolen underwear, okay? I have a job I need to get to now. Oh man, I can't wait to tell everyone about this though. Hahahaha
No. 211710
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>>211709Oh no, an internet tranny badass, watch out everyone they sound
Srsly tho, I'd like to personally thank you for selflessly volunteering to undergo sterilization via hormones and SRS. You're doing society a favor.
No. 211711
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No. 211712
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No. 211713
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No. 211714
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No. 211715
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No. 211716
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No. 211718
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My personal fave. Cause socialization isn't real, right? kek
No. 211733
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There's chick at my university who says she is a transman but just kind of looks like Lana Del Rey tbh.
No. 211744
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>>211743Your selfpost detector is so off you should feel both ashamed and embarrassed.
Much training to do you have.
No. 211751
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>>211731No they are not they are precious little snowflakes who suffer more than anyone and who are very modest, accepting and not violent at all. check your priviledge cis scum.
No. 211769
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No. 211771
>>211294im a bit late, sorry
i joined tumblr in late 2012 - early 2013 and im still on it almost daily. i only reblog gaming posts, which if you avoid the rabid sjws youre fine. worst gaming fandom by far is either the assassins creed fandom or the dragon age fandom, both are teeming with sjws complaining about "MUH FEMALE PROTAG" or "M-MAGE RIGHTS!!!".
xkit is your best friend on tumblr.
No. 211786
>>211769how are people who argue about gender being a spectrum/fluid so quick to decide when someone is cis? It just seems counter intuitive.
But of course the super-outspoken social media activists are just huge hypocrites.
No. 211793
>>211294I started using Tumblr in mid-late 2011, back when it was mainly rage comics, macro image memes, bands, and Glee. I didn't actually become an active account though until about January.
I think around late 2012-mid 2013 is when SJWs and "feminism" became pretty prevalent and the overall thing. I'm not going to lie, I got invested into it and actually believed some of the shit myself until about earlier this year when I realized how dumb it was, hell I even identified as Pan and "Demigirl" all through 2014 despite the fact I have no interest in girls and the whole gender thing was so I could fit in on tumblr dot com.
These days I just use it for music and aesthetically pleasing pictures, to avoid SJ shit I just go through people's blogs for a good couple of pages and make sure I don't see any huge walls of text about made up bullshit.
No. 211819
>Trans women work their asses off to become women, They've earned their womanhood. Something no cis female can say.
Yeah, about that… millions of cis girls suffer from the same shit too because they also don't fill the ideal feminine archetype. Granted, it's not as bad as being born in a male body, but fuck, when you're actually born female, to still not be considered feminine enough is horrible too. Having to go through extensive means to look girly.
Do they have to get a dick turned into a vagina, no, but many women get surgery on their vagina to look more feminine, bigger breasts, accentuated curves, etc. They have to be hairless, talk/walk/think a certain way.
I fucking hate it when people talk like this. For someone who identifies as a woman, you'd think they'd understand that. That reminds me of why so many people got pissed at Caitlyn Jenner when she said that the hardest part of being woman is figuring out what to wear. Yeah, it was a joke, but when trans women and cis women are being killed everyday for being who they are, for being thought of as weaker, inferior, etc, you'd think that bitch would take the opportunity to talk about that. Nope, she jumps right into the stereotypes.
And I get it, playing into stereotypes is important for trans people because it allows people to be reminded of the gender they're identifying as. However, to be so far removed from what being a woman is makes you question what the fuck they truly know about women.
No. 211826
>>211819How about cis women have it harder, period?
yeah, I have zero sympathy for trans women. None what so ever.
No. 211835
>trans femmes have to claim "womanhood" or else we are denied entry to the bathroomI think someone pointed this out on tumblr of all places, but that person wasn't being denied entrance to all bathrooms, just the womens bathroom on account of very obviously looking like a man.
I mean, trans women do stereotypically girly things all the time in order to avoid looking like a man as much as possible, for this person to think that they should be accepted as a woman without remotely looking like one is a bit ridiculous. Wearing lipstick and a dress doesn't really cut it. Very few cis women would sport a beard that thick and think she is a great example of a woman.
No. 211836
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the apparent "psychology" behind laws that tumblr agrees with
No. 211841
>>211836don't body shame people!
Unless they have small dicks, I guess.
No. 211862
>>211710so basically
not being attracted to trans people is transphobic? the fuck?
No. 211864
>>211716shitty hypocrite. and
>I think that my choice to be a woman makes me more woman than a lot of women out therehow? cutting your dick and coping with a mental illness make you more than a woman? wat?
No. 212089
>>211705>If your hate is literally because your sibling wanted to explore a little, jesus christ, that's hilarious.>wanted to explore a littleEither you're stupid, or you don't have siblings. I have three brothers, all of them have gone through various phases of teenage beings, yet none of them ever went through my panties or tried on my mother's bra. Even if you might have an interest in wearing girls' clothes, the thought of going through your closest family's intimate lingerie should be disgusting to any normal human being.
Panties and bras can be obtrained for a few bucks, even via the Internet. Same with girls' clothing. There's no reason to wear your sister's panties unless it's for your own personal little incest fetish.