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No. 204038


tumblr - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/
NSFW tumblr - http://burrito-in-your-pants.tumblr.com/
Her twitter - https://twitter.com/8bitkitten
Overview of posts - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/archive

31 years old
Aspiring artist
Still lives at home with parents and grandma (?)
Not sure if she has a job but possibly
No friends outside of online friends
Spends a lot of her money on toys, t-shirts, plushies, instead of saving up to move out - https://twitter.com/8bitkitten/status/642377595053604864
Amazon wishlist - http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/LLLROJ9476BG/ref=cm_wl_upd_nojs_succ_ei?ie=UTF8&filter=all&page=1&reveal=unpurchased&sort=priority
Posts the same selfie with the same pose over and over - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/tagged/my-dumb-face

Became online friends with Tyler, an aspiring voice artist - http://tylersthings.tumblr.com/
And his friend, Alfred (aspiring artist) - http://paperbloghouse.tumblr.com/
Planned to move to Texas to live with Tyler and Alfred as room-mates
Visited Tyler in another city to go to a convention and Carrie ended up losing her virginity to him
They weren't in a relationship at the time
Carrie hoped that by having sex with Tyler it would make him fall in love with her and commit to a relationship
They went back to their home states
Tyler only wanted to be friends and made it clear many times that he didn't feel anything more with her beyond friends
That he would not ever date her even if they did move in together in the future
Instead of being the adult she is and accepting that you can't manipulate people into a relationship, Carrie continued to try to flirt with Tyler online to get the result she wanted
Carrie couldn't handle to rejection and tried to be happy being friends with Tyler
Carrie's friend, Lasha, who she has been friends online with for years
Lasha is a working animator - http://supuru.tumblr.com/
Lasha and Tyler started talking and fell in love
Carrie lost her shit and was fuming for weeks alluding to a big reveal that would "make them pay"
Ends up being this long-ass explanation artwork of how she felt betrayed, but without using any names, but with many clues to mutual friends about who was involved…
Garnering plenty of notes and sympathy points - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/128442025534
More airing dirty laundry - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/128505501764
Refuses to accept any apology from Lasha.
Vague-blogs all the time, uses her artwork to draw other people's "fursonas" without naming them
Lasha's fursona is a dog - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/131195807039
Carrie a post and artwork alluding to her suicide - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/130909811724
A tumblr follower called the police on her, leading to this audio post - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/130922573444
Posts panic attacks on tumblr every few days - http://kitten-burrito.tumblr.com/post/131389741449
Has had the police called on here at least twice this year
Seems obsessed with both Lasha and Tyler and refuses to accept responsiblity for her actions

Lasha's explanation after Carrie's big reveal - http://supuru.tumblr.com/post/128443223065/

More explanations - http://supuru.tumblr.com/post/128454365565/


At this point Lasha seems to have ended her's and Carrie's friendship after Carrie kept blaming Lasha for her depression and suicidal feelings

Tyler's explanation - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_JrA7aCva_dTmJmLU51dTl0c1E/view?pli=1 which seems pretty level-headed

Carrie seems to try to be happy with being "just friends" with Tyler, while being passive-aggressive towards his gf Lasha, although it's painfully obvious that they should probably stop being friends and move on with their lives

Currently out of state to go to a comic convention, staying at a tumblr friend's house.
Crying how she wants to go back home because she's fallen sick while there.

No. 204068

This is a 30 year old crying about a guy not liking her back. Oh. My god. This whole thing reeks of middle school.

No. 204085

Why link the wishlist?

Oh, right. Self-post.

No. 204087

Fuck out of here with this selfpost.
Why would you know so much about this literal nobody.

No. 204096

Moved to >>>/snow/59510.

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