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No. 204635
Previous one reached its max.
>>180862They are still in Seoul. Venus did a ice cream mukbang stream. She got cold feet when there was an "error" in the paperwork for her to marry Manaki and decided not to marry him. Venus and Margo are attending Lexis Korea, which is a language school. An article starring Venus was published about her and mukbang.
No. 204648
>>204635does her face look oddly blurry compared to the rest of her.
also her face is 10 shades whites than her hand
No. 204660
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>shes not marrying Manaki now
heres my chance, how do I marry Venus
No. 204666
>>204661K'I'm up to date now.
But I'm just like wtf?!?
So Japan isn't cool enough for her, let's dumb husband and her model carreer lol and move to kankoku to become a famous popstat lmao or what? Hahahaha oh sorry guys this is just too funny
No. 204667
>>204664that giant picture of her face is really weirding me out. Like its a horrible jpg or something.
Couldn't they have use a better picture
>>204666Well the problem Miss Satanic Trips is that Venus and her mom have no idea what they want to do.
First it was youtube fame and that slowed down, even regressed.
Then modeling lolita shit but that happened like one time
then Venus tried that embarrassing kickstarter which failed miserably to kickstart a singing career (wut?)
then ASMR videos on her youtube channel
It just goes on and on
No. 204705
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Margo reminds me of Little My from Moomin
No. 204970
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> To the guy on the left saying "mukbang is dangerous": It's just food, nom nom. NOT eating is dangerous!
> Her only talent is eating ?? how pathetic
No. 204974
>>204972That's him alright. Fuck knows how long he's been obsessing over her, but he needs serious psychiatric help.
Another post by him: No. 204994
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>>204992There's a movie about it staring Jennifer Lopez. Sage for OT.
No. 204999
>>204997I don't think that album is her…
>Once the genre-challenging, independent rap scene got underway in the late '90s, High Priest's avant-garde hip-hop trio Antipop Consortium further pushed that envelop, blending glitch and IDM into their b-boy postures. High Priest, Beans, and M. Sayyid gained a significant following touring with the likes of Radiohead and DJ Shadow before they ended up going their separate ways in 2002. However, High Priest briefly teamed up with M. Sayyid a few years later to form Airborn Audio, releasing Good Fortunes on the indie label Ninja Tune in early 2005. High Priest did record some solo 12" records for Sound-Ink during the Airborn Audio stint, but his official album debut, Born Identity, did not arrive until February 2007. On the song "Keep Time" from the LP, he collaborated with members of experimental rock group TV on the Radio. ~ Cyril CordorI think she was just crediting the music for her creepy website.
No. 205001
File: 1447782171931.png (123.52 KB, 678x492, notadoll.png) was reading her about page and it seems she's trying to get away from the whole doll thing and even sort of imply that she never called herself a doll, but it was other people who just ran with the one picture and the one video and she just had to go along etc etc…
Her about page also conveniently leaves out basically her entire "career" as an internet person aside from mentioning and explaining away her doll persona and her jpop dance videos.
She always mentions the movie she was an extra in and that Thai beauty pageant as if they are things her viewers care about.
No. 205003
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>>204992>>204994>>204977Speaking of celebrity stalkers my favourite case will always be Ricardo Lopez.
I've watched all of his tapes twice now and the extent of his mental degradation in such a short amount of time and the fact that he actively documented it is such a treasure.
Watching the tapes back to back is like watching a documentary on the spiral of progressive insanity. I especially applaud the climactic end :^)
No. 205005
>>205003He was Björk's stalker for those who don't know.
But we should really not derail this thread anymore. Someone can make a thread in /b/ if they want to talk about celebrity stalkers.
No. 205013
>>205005Oooh I might just go do that.
The minds of the criminally insane are fascinating.
No. 205061
>>205001Tbh it's more like she's humble bragging. She's implying that she never had to call herself a doll, it was all other people doing it because she's so beautiful and perfect.
In the Swiss article from the last thread, the author randomly describes her as having a "doll face". Venus does not dress extravagantly anymore and she's just a normal teenager really. Nobody would look at her and think "Wow, she looks like a doll", so you can guess whose choice of words it was. She's probably going to be more subtle about her doll gimmick now that Mukbang is her thing, but I'm sure she will milk it for as long as she can.
No. 205109
>>205003My favorite as well, his documentation is kind of fascinating. Poor Bjork though. I liked her cute pixie-girl image before he scared her off into only doing mature art.
>>205061Yeah, she dresses pretty normally now. I kind of miss not always seeing her clad in bodyline.
No. 205189
>>205001you mean
Margo's the one that always has to bring it up.
100% guarantee margo wrote everything on that site.
No. 205303
>>205288Ok and?
>>205179I wasn't being serious but there are always x-boos for every country. Believe me, I'm Russian and to my surprise I've come across several Russiaboos. Having said that, I agree it's not kawaii, but heck, it's still an Asian country to exploit, right? lol
No. 205305
>>205069"Looking like a doll" is a dumb concept in the first place. Dolls are modeled after (beautiful) people. They look like people. Most of them have big eyes and small faces because they are supposed to be children, but that's the only feature they have in common really.
If she was still wearing sweet lolita on a regular basis it would be a different story. If you didn't know anything about the style and saw a lolita walking down the street, your first thought would probably be your grandma's creepy porcelain doll.
No. 205502
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Of course she had to announce it with an unrelated selfie.
No. 205525
>>205114why is Marg chubby asf then?
She was so slim 1 to 2 years ago
I don't think she works out anymore
No. 205529
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>>205525How does she look chubby? She always had thick legs with flabby knees but that's what happens when you work out.
No. 205552
>>205548The logic being that if you eat 2.5k-4k calories in one sitting regularly, the opposite of starvation mode, where their bodies are basically like "okay, I'll just take what I need" and just shit everything out. Should have phrased it as "don't absorb all the excess calories"
>>205550 that could be an issue too.
No. 205555
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Looks like her next video might be actually mukbang. 5 chicken boxes, I don't know what South Korea's portions are in their McD's.
No. 205557
>>205553another anon here who's not a nutritionist but has tried "intermittend fasting" (that's what it's called when you fast for 16 to 24 or even more hours and then just have one meal in a short timespan, as much as you'd like)
it works because b/p people
-might have entered starvation mode already in case they don't binge daily
-they usually don't schedule their binges so that it's in a intermittend fasting rhythm - 16hours of fasting at least is neccessary
and another idea: purging itself might
trigger some kind of starvation mode, no matter how much you actually do get rid of
No. 205559
>>205553I think it's the amount of time they consume it. A fatty would eat 10 bowls of rice across the whole day, but Yuka can eat it all in one sitting. All of that one sitting digests at once, so not all of it can be digested in a way that someone who's eating consistently throughout the day. That's my assumption anyway.
Plus, if they're exercising as well, they'll have a faster metabolism. So the digestion process is faster, thus less calories digested.
No. 205561
>>205275Maskman already ran, he looked like he was thinking "what an annoying brat"
I bet that was the last time they met
No. 205567
>>205563because they were able to binge?
I don't quite get your idea.
Of course they did not gain weight, because when they ate, it probably was around 600kcal or less. Everyone loses weight then. I'm talking about 2000-5000kcal meals here
Many b/p persons binge once in a few days or if not, very irregularly.
They then DO enter starvation mode if they tried to eat child's portions for a whole week.
Also, as I said they don't schedule their 16 to 24h fasting, which would actually work (if interested read about intermittent fasting)
No. 205575
>>205547Im pretty sure they puke it all out afterwards and stay relatively healthy outside of competition (they train - stretching their stomach - by eating pounds of iceberg lettuce, its super low calorie)
The goal is only to keep all the food down while the clock is going.
No. 205634
>>205559Im only tagging you anon because you posted Yuka
she apparently just has a fast metabolism. There was this video where she went to a doctor to have herself checked but the doctor was actually just baffled at how normal she was
No. 205644
>>205634>>205588>>205580>>205575>>205570>>205552>>205567>>205550>>205548>>205547To end all the fucking "why dont they get fat" shit so we can fucking move on already
this video explains how it works (at least for this person)
>>205634 was talking about this vid No. 205652
>>2056441. She's lying. That makes no sense and doesn't explain anything physiologically.
2. How will she prove she just shoots out a bunch of "undigested" and "unabsorbed" food? Show us a picture of her fresh dump?
She pukes it up. End of story. That's why competitive eaters love drinking copious amounts of water and ingesting laxatives. It's bulimic behavior.
No. 205665
>>205629I thought the same.
Very kawaii, stuffing your face with fatty animal corpses. And fast food is just the worst, eating a steak now and then wouldn't even be a problem.
But she just eats like a pig for the sake of eating and "look at how I'm still thin"
No. 205721
>>205629wow i forgot about that
well i guess because marrying for a japan visa didn't pan out, and koreans typicalyl eat so much meat, being vegan wouldnt work out there
No. 205728
>>205652Does it matter, though? whether or not she is bulimic is her problem. If she is purging it'll catch up to her. I was a binge purge anorexic and I got esophogeal ulcers and a hiatal hernia now.
I've stopped though for a couple of years but the hernia is something that won't go away. I may consider surgery in the future if it continues to be a problem.
No. 205748
>>205746First I thought it was Ice Cream!
And jesus christ her mouth just looks like Magros.
No. 205749
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so the awkward and obvious cuts in the video while its going fast motion is when she gets up to go puke right
No. 205754
>>205753im a chubby male and i get sick at mcdonalds after 2 mcdoubles and a milkshake
100 nuggets for a thin girl like her is rediculous
No. 205756
>>205755the worst part about the video is the horrible fucking audio
the music is so loud I can't even hear anything shes saying
No. 205763
Sorry my english is ridiculous after being shocked by that video
No. 205812
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She's going to lose subscribers to this. She seems to forget that most of her subscribers are weeabos who want to see her kawaii Japanese girl act and want to see beauty related videos. By becoming a Mukbang she'll probably lose a significant portion of her audience with the risk of not gaining a newer one or gaining a much smaller audience. Great job on losing part of that Youtube income Venus and Margo
No. 205813
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>>205744Who the fuck can support, or even excuse, this behavior? Even if she doesn't outright disgust anyone because she's not fat, that's still wasteful and far more gluttonous than any fattie I've seen eat. How can people on this board hate fatties but aren't calling for blood over this? She's wasting food, promoting disordered eating, and thinks it's entertainment to show off gluttony even if it is staged.
We all know she didn't fucking eat 100 nuggets, obviously between cuts she either spat them out, threw em up, or somehow managed to keep it all down before excusing herself to the bathroom at the end.
No. 205818
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If Venus wants to fulfill this mukbang thing she could at least eat far more decent looking food like these ones. So far she's done instant spicy ramen, ice cream, Peperos and…chicken nuggets. Exciting.
No. 205822
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So it looks like our dear Penus has sold her soul to Ash the screeching skeletor.
No. 205827
>>205818How do they stay thin though?
It seems delish but i have a small appetite and eating ALL that food? No way. I would just get all bloated and roll along with the wind.
No. 205833
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>>205827How do they stay thin though?
No. 205844
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How much farther could she go in terms of pandering
I thought her rock bottom was the two shitty "asmr" videos she did
now this
No. 205853
>>205839they use
trigger warnings on tumblr :3
No. 205918
>>205767shit i stopped at the 5th nugget
This is what binge dreams are made of
I feel like im watching those sick ED documentaries about bp disorder
No. 205921
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Starting to notice comments on the latest video about her being bulimic and showing off her disorder. Knew this would begin to happen.
No. 205933
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>>205923>Venus my son it is time that you choose>you can either purge into this bucket and be a D list youtube celebrity>or live a normal life and dress it cute clothes>Nah, I'll just choose for youMARGO EVERYBODYYY
No. 205946
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Not gonna lie, I enjoyed watching her eat ice cream. Something about how small her mouth is, and talking with mouth full and how effortless she makes it seem. Id be sick after one sandwich.
No. 205957
>>205774>>205778The video actually cuts after that.
I wouldn't be surprised if she did purged after that.
No. 205960
>>205805Legit lol. What the hell is this?
No. 205963
>>205944>>205923>>205933Uh guys, why are you all blaming Margo for her Mukbang choices?
Didn't Venus say herself in the react video that this is something that she is interested in? What if this is the only decision Margo decided to let Venus do herself, and is just there to be like, "yeah whatever".
Tbh, neither position is good, but since 2 years ago or so, Venus always had questionable eating choices. Now, as people like to bring up, she's 18 and making 19 next year, so she should know by now these are not healthy choices got her to make.
>God forbid she becomes a mini Aly in the next 2 years>>205767She looks EXACTLY like her mom in the thumbnail, creepy. Smile lines and everything, just due her hair brown and viola! Mini Margo.
>>205841Yeah, and she also posted great and healthy food items and dishes in her blog.(Okay, somewhat maybe. During her 100 day clean eating challenge.)
No. 205979
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>>205809old pasta about this menu
No. 205981
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Penus just ate a fuck ton of this. That stupid cunt is going to get cancer before she gets fat again. That video was beyond disgusting. Mayo is 100cal per TEASPOON, on top of all that factory harmonies pumped chicken that's been sitting put for who knows how long. This stupidity surpasses the lipgloss on eyelids and I never thought it would get that bad. Bitch is seriously brain damaged from huffing eyelash glue or some shit. I also think it's kind of funny no matter how much weight she loses she has a turtle neck just like Mag. Like a turkey thang goin on.
No. 205997
>>205986No that Anon but when you stand back and look at it, it's kind of vile and atrocious.
I mean we as humans have constructed a machine of numerous blades that when powered, spins at such a rate that it turns to mulch everything it touches, and then we push chickens into it, and we consume the mulch.
No. 206000
Sorry to bring Yuka back into this, but 100 chicken nuggers ain't that much compared to 62 burgers.
There's absolutely no way that Venus woke up and decided that she's going to binge eat on YT. She's been working up to this. This definitely has been going on behind the scene before she started eating online.
Does Margo encourage her to throw up? I really don't think so. Margo at some point was a personal trainer, and knows about nutrition. If she had any control over Venus in that aspect, she would have made her a body builder.
>>205997it's like prechewed meat that you have to rechew. nbd.
No. 206002
>>205997Well the concept of cuttung B-class meat as small as possible and stuffing it into something isn't really knew. How do you think sausages came into existence? Usually sausages consis of leftover meat, guts, blood and organs and all the other "gross" stuff people usually wouldn't eat, all mixed up and pressed into the intestinal.Throw in some spices, Yummy!
McDonald's is just the more industrialised version with more flavour enhancer.
No. 206004
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>>206000how… how is that humanly possible?
is this an actual thing?
i used to suffer from binge eating disorder pretty bad, it's like people are paying her to watch her binge eat… like, extremely massive binges.
is she vomiting when she takes breaks? i wonder what her shit looks like after that abuse.
this is what venus is doing now? man what the fuck. that's not healthy.
i don't binge eat anymore but even if i would make 100,000 a year from bingeing on camera i still wouldn't go back.
No. 206036
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Venus will be just like Nina in Black Swan when she gets older. Still trapped and alone with a piece of shit mother who restricts every aspect of her life.
No. 206046
>>206004She's a professional eater. I'm pretty sure they train her by making her bloat herself with gallons of water and juice to stretch her stomach out.
100 burgers is no joke though. that's taking a fun little concept too far. like I imagine her stomach's skin is pretty elastic but at a point you're going to damage it. If she didn't stop at 62 she might have seen herself at the hospital.
what the fuck indeed
No. 206077
>>205963People blame Margaret because apart from being a shit mother who does not understand that letting your brat do whatever she wants does not a good parent make, she is an even shittier manager.
In past interviews Venus always bragged about how much of a role model she is because she's inspiring other weaboo spergs to be themselves or some shit. A role model would not do Mukbangs. A role model would realize that advocating disordered eating is not any less fucked up when kawaii Asian people do it. She probably should have considered that advocating eating disorders is probably not a good idea when a large part of your target audience is young teens.
No. 206086
I found a pretty good article on competative eaters. Not exactly the same as Mukbang but pretty similar. quotes:
>"Chestnut, 23, a project engineer from San Jose, Calif., says his success results from intensive training. "I slowly make my body adapt to my goal," he says, comparing himself to a bodybuilder or a marathoner.Chestnut trains about once a week, eating mass quantities of whatever food he's expected to consume for the next eating contest…">"Chestnut also practices by drinking up to a gallon of milk in a single sitting, which he says trains his stomach to expand.Chestnut says he prepares carefully for practice and competition. In the days before a competition, he stops eating solid foods and limits his diet to protein supplements.">"For a day or two after most competitions or practices, Chestnut admits that he "doesn't feel so good." >"He goes back on the protein supplement diet as his stomach empties out, he says">"So David Metz, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of Pennsylvania, was thrilled when competitive eater Tim Janus offered himself as a guinea pig for study…Metz studied how Janus's stomach handled huge amounts of food. In normal individuals, he tells WebMD, a full stomach sends a message via the vagus nerve to the brain, which then orders the stomach to contract and send food into the small intestine. Competitive eaters somehow block that signal…Metz suspects that competitive eaters may have some natural ability to stretch their stomachs and may also be able to train the muscles in the stomach wall. To know more, he says, he'll have to study an eater over the course of a career. But Metz does know enough to be concerned about some potential long-term effects of competitive eating.">"Another serious risk, Metz says, is gastroparesis, or stomach paralysis. If the stomach muscles are repeatedly overstretched, they may ultimately fail to contract, and the stomach will lose its ability to empty itself. Usually associated with diabetes, gastroparesis can cause chronic indigestion, nausea, and vomiting." No. 206094
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>>206000How much does a nutritionist know about nutrition when eating crap food almost every (other) day? A healthy minded nutritionist would know sugar is the biggest crap one could eat, yet they go and eat cakes, pastries, icecream and even candyfloss.
She let her daughter eat vegan for a month until her daughter says she wasn't able to keep it due to weakness.
What an awesome nutritionist.
Noone could take her seriously as a nutritionist.
Wonder where she got those "She's a nutritionist!" papers from.
I wonder what body builders have to do with anything here.
Venus needs to be a kawaii ugu doll, of course she's not going to be a body builder… but she needs to be tiny then, right?
Margo might control her to lose weight though.
Pic might be related but nobody really knows.
No. 206098
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>>205946but that 'oppai' ice cream was just perverted and she knows it
No. 206217
>>206034oh wow I didn't even notice that (probably because I don't like looking at her face for too long).
it's painfully obvious editing on the right of her head.
No. 206343
>>206228This, I find this behavior selfish ad ignorant. It's like the roman ages all over again.
What irritates me is that in the video there are some people trying to defend her. There is no-one that can eat 100 nuggets straight. If a grown man can't it, you know she can't.
No. 206344
>>206316oh my.
well, I do agree she is purging - it's obvious she's obsessed with food, WAS chubby and is skinny now but eats like a fat pig.
But this isn't proof at all. It is your second account or your friend's or a fake's.
Why would Venus write about something like that with her "Venus" account and not a nickname? She isn't THAT stupid.
No. 206373
>>206368That's not that odd tbh. If you know you're talking to a person from another country, it might be more convenient using measurements they're used to.
I still call bullshit on the screencap though. There is no proof whatsoever that this conversation is legit.
No. 206375
>>206368>>206373Butting in here with personal experience but I'm British and was anorexic in my teens and I opted to measure in lbs instead of stone because it's easier counting each individual lb rather than every 14lbs since 1 stone = 14lbs.
Pretty anybody with an ED will use lbs (go look at MPA, nobody uses kg/stone) so this kind of strengthens the argument more tbh.
No. 206423
>>206389she ate 100 of McDonald's pieces of crap, she's probably kind of "poisoned" from the chemicals/flavor enhancers I think
or dizzy from purging
No. 206517
I ate more than 3 kg of meat with a friend and I couldn't move, I thought I was gonna die (no joke). I will never do this again. So mukbang makes me remind this and I feel sick
No. 206518
even if this people really ~dont~ absorb the calories by some magical anatomy or whatever, wouldnt it still be painful, cramming your gut with all that
No. 206536
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Not to be mean but I really hope she gets fat.
No. 206537
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>>206536Doesn't look like that'll happen with anti-fatty Margo around. Plus she looks ill and exhausted in her latest IG photo, like she's wasting away.
No. 206553
>>206550I agree. I keep imagining her dressing in elegant clothes.
she could be sophisticated but noooo
No. 206568
>>206549might be because she was vegan.
and said "animals are friends" and "go vegan"
she's insincere af
No. 206638
>>206537I was about to say she looks very much like a porcelain doll here.
then i realized that is because she looks like a sickly frail little girl.
How can margo look at her daughter like this and be ok with it?
If i look the slightest bit tired my mother starts overdosing me with vitamins and care.
No. 206639
>>206537If she wants to be this thin that is ok she does look more dolly with a thin frame like this.
But i have a suspicion the way she's going about it is terribly unhealthy and if she does it the healthy way she'd look much better and much less tired/older in the face.
She's clearly lacking some vital vitamins in that picture
No. 206641
>>205767Mukbang fan here.
She's doing it absolutely wrong anyway. People who like this odd shit don't watch it because we want to see a person eat as much food as humanly possible. It's more about just sitting down and eating casually. I for some reason enjoy it as background noise, especially when I'm also eating lol. But other people it can be like…a date kind of feeling. Or eating with a friend. A Mukbang person is someone who's just calmly eating and also talking a little. This craze with eating more and more food is something that most of us hope will die down.
Where she's messing up specifically is though is that she's muted the actual sound and put music over it. Not good. Also, she's making faces and trying to look very cute. Annoying. There's really no point to the video if you can't hear the Mukbang talking/eating and also they're not casual at all and focus too much on how they appear as they're eating. Venus doing this is pointless. In the exact same way that anyone who does an ASMR video with their face in it and also loud talking is also useless and should never make videos again.
No. 206663
>>206642Yeah, I was just about to say that too! I was wondering why people were calling it Mukbang when she called it a challenge herself..
Probably if the discussion goes off too far into Mukbang territory she can just butt in and say "Well I wasn't trying to do Mukbang so…".
No. 206668
>>206639Oh here we go.
Anon, who cares if she looks more dolly? Venus doesn't look healthy and her body doesn't even look like it's built for this either. Fuck appearance for five minutes please, think about her health? Venus hardly looks dolly anymore because she's OLDER, TALLER and her style is changed. Anyone could loose that much weight but it doesn't mean they automatically look "dolly". Just unhealthy.
Venus is only doing this to gain Korean fanbase, probably some sympathy on the side because sooner or later this will turn into ED and you'll have them all going "awww poor venus! its okay venus we support u". The same shit you see with other cows basically.
Venus was never wanted by Japan and now she's doing anything possible to stay relevant.
No. 206678
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Am I the only one slightly bothered by this? It's obvious Venus has some sort of disordered eating and this comment just feels so passive-aggressive. And of course the person who made it is a Kota wannabe, so it makes me feel like she's purposely making a remark about Venus' weight as a snide jab at her.
No. 206689
>>206678Holy shit, Venus is wasting away
She's starting to get those thin face wrinkles next to her mouth
Ugh she looks so bad, I hope she will realise soon that she's sick and needs help
No. 206690
>>206689And she looks wayyyyy much older now
RIP Venus
No. 206694
>>206673that's what she did, it has been exactly one month though.
don't forget to eat 100 pieces of chick mash and try to act like it's cute once you're not vegan anymore
then purge
No. 206704
>>206695there is a middle way between her bodyline chubbiness and the wasted granny look.
How about she'd just eat healthy instead of pastries and junkfood?
No. 206705
Sorry but the way I see it you guys all sound like hypocrites.
You don't get to rag on a 16-17 year old girl for her weight calling her fat when you know exactly the kind of life she leads, and then develop troll's remorse and start acting horrified when she takes your gilded advice.
I never understood why do many of you took pleasure in shitting all over Venus anyway, we ALL know that Margo is the puppeteer pulling the strings here.
Venus has been brainwashed and controlled and deprived of any real education, a chance of making friends, a real home life, stability etc. get entire life.
I mean fuck, do any of you actually believe that it was Venus' desicion to try and marry Manaki and that Margo wasn't crouched down whispering in her ear that she should do it for the Green Card, for the welfare of the family, that she's sacrificed so much to raise her already, that isn't this what she's always wanted, to live in Japan as a citizen?
Margo may as well be her fucking pimp and she is prostituting Venus no doubt.
You know underneath all the makeup and frilly clothing and saccharine pitch I think you have a very unstable, extremely fucked up young woman, and everytime I see one of you attacking Venus and not Margo I cringe.
No. 206712
>>206705well, true enough.
I wish it'd be easy to separate them.
But their moving around makes it even harder
Worst thing is, Margo reading this might get even angrier and the only person who's there to let it all out is her daughter.
Maybe she'll even get mad at her for being bad at hiding her sadness in public.
No. 206767
>>206705First of all, you all as in this whole thread? Because I'm pretty sure that not everyone has disused her about her weight.
Second of all, as much as we can all agree on how much of a fucked up mother Margo is, I don't think putting all of the blame on Marge helps. Why? Because Venus has had friends before. Before Margaret and her precious snowflake went to England, she has had friends in Tenerife and Japan. So you're trying to tell me that no point along the way (not like she was completely isolated), she didn't try to say,
"Wait just a freaking minute, this is pretty fucked up…"
But to be honest, while I abstain poking others about their weight, Venus has placed and sealed herself into a position that requires you to be almost perfect, ~like a doll~.
Is her audience not supposed to judge her when she basically spouts "I was born with a naturally dolly face, skin, body, and color!!"
Lastly, Venus has ALWAYS had a fucked up view of weight and weight gain. Even before fans began to call her chubby and fat, she made that "No one has ever seen a fat doll!!" comment on Tumblr, she had the hundred day eating challenge, she admitted to fasting while on said challenge, and of course that fatty fatty boom boom (or some shit like that) video.
Basically, Venus ain't no angel.
No. 206768
>>206767And I want to add, so saging.
Just because people said she should lose some weight, that doesn't mean they wanted her to get this far. Of course there are the assholes and ana-chans, but some still has concern because she's human.
No. 206794
>>206773>If you participated in the shit talking threads, you are just as much to blame as the ana-chansMy main point wasnt trying to push the blame on others, but the silliness of saying 'all of you', when its an anonymous board and you can't properly identify who's actually doing shittalking.
Myself and I'm sure many others have defended this girl when we saw clear bullshit, so saying that we're just as bad is stupid.
>troll remorseLol, how is it troll remorse for me when I said that I never shat on her regarding her weight? Unless just pointing out someone is chubby is bad now apparently?
Lastly, I never said that some fans haven't contributed to her weight loss, but to push all the blame onto her mom and fans is a bit far considering that she has always had a skewed view of weight in the first place.
No. 206811
>>206806Lol, dude. I never said it was right or that she deserved getting a eating disorder.
All I said that it wasnt right to push all of the blame on her followers and her mother. Is that so hard to understand. Can you point out in ANY of my post that I said it was all Venue's fault without using the greentext to create a one sided argument?
My point is, to blame everyone on here (in the first post that I replied to, anon said that they were disappointed in ALL of us. Making my first argument), and her mother (who I agreed is a fuckwad, also in my first post) is a pretty hard accusation.
While no one should feel bad for having an ED, how can you blame
other people, when the person in question has always have a fucked up view of what her weight standards are in the first place (in which I pointed out examples). Basically, no one should be blamed for this.
>inb4 you blamed Venus!!1!No, she just happens to be the one with the ED, so yes I'm going to point out her perception is warped and she needs help.
Lastly, I did say in a saged post that there are trolls and ana-chans, but they do not make up the majority nor did I ever deny that they amplified her perception of weight.
>inb4 shut up and go away with that long paragraphI didn't mean to write so much, but just replying with sarcastic greentext is pretty silly imo
No. 206813
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>>206705Please commit suicide
No. 206940
>>206915While I don't agree with that, I have been noticing something similar: she didn't post a picture of herself in good quality for a long time now. (and if it's good quality, there's too much lightening)
I guess she is very insecure lately, can't blame her for that.
No. 206960
>>206957My friend, you have missed a lot. Since England, she's moved to the Netherlands, Japan, and now korea. When she was in Japan, she was gonna marry this guy called Manaki who 's 5-ish years older than her. But she chickened out and moved to Korea.
They're both on student Visas for the times they were in Japan and Korea
No. 206971
>>206837No, healthy eating as in what she advocated for in the past. Like speaking out against the Japanese jelly diet, saying she eats a lot of vegetables, eat in smaller (not ed small) portions, and exercising?
(On another note, I think she should be following her own advice. For one, she would be healthier and two, her younger more impressionable fans wouldn't find themselves going down the ed route either.)
If people told her to lose some weight because she wanted to portray a dolly image, and become a model, do you seriously think the genuine followers who doesn't hate her guts would want her to go the ed route?
No. 206981
>>206973and cheapest.
language schools are like $2-3k for a couple months. some are under 10k for a year even
No. 207017
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at Margos age, Venus will be her clone
No. 207035
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>>207017Dat shoop. Margo looks far older than she should even in past pics. She can filter all she wants but it'll never be effective. Same for Venus, she looks older now than she ever has done with the rapid weight loss.
No. 207043
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>>207035Mother knows best.
No. 207060
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>>207035I wonder if margo did this shit on a daily basis to venus when manaki was around tho
No. 207065
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Margaret and Venus reminded me of the 1970's Carrie and funny enough…Margaret, but without the extreme religious brainwashing. Trapped, no friends, can't live a life freely as a normal teen…yeah.
No. 207067
>>207035wow this literally portrays their life
margo as some monstrous pond scum dwelling creature
venus, cute and healthy with a twinge of saddness in her eyes as the pond scum creeps over her shoulder
No. 207199
>>207057When I saw people actually being offended that a Disney villain was being mean to the heroine I couldn't believe it. That's how these stories go.
And I think Venus is looking rather wasted too. She's on the fast train to looking just like Margo. She can't help her genetics but she can improve the odds of not looking as bad as her mother at an early age.
No. 207376
>>207372There have been comments on her instagram (see
>>205812) and probably her videos about how people don't want to see her eat food. It doesn't appeal to her Western audience at all. The weeb/Koreaboo stuff did have appeal, because her most of her audience are weebs and Koreaboos, but mukbang is far too different for them.
No. 207630
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I don't know if it's all the filtering, but she looks like a walking corpse.
No. 207719
>>207717Style? Yes.
Weight? No.
She looks great right now, yes she may have reached it in an unhealthy way, but if she had just done normal diet and exercise it would have been fine. She used to look so chunky and slovenly
No. 207739
>>207728>>That's just your warped American standards talking.Nice try I'm European. And how anyone can look at her current images and images from last year and see how corpse-like her skin has gotten from lack of nutrition, her hair (which I never thought possible) looks more brittle and fine than before and she just generally looks ill.
In this pic alone
>>206678 she almost resembles my grandmother in the weeks before she passed away.
There are plenty people who are naturally very skinny and also healthy - Venus is not one of them and it has nothing to do with 'warped' standards.
No. 207741
>>207730Except it's a runway models job to be thin. That's a lot different from Venus.
if I were really tall and pretty, I'd love to get paid millions to be thin!
No. 207798
>>207796"Sickly" and "corpsely" don't just refer to her weight, they refer to how she LOOKS regardless of her weight, which is sickly and corpsely, most likely due to an unhealthy method of her losing weight. She looks sick and haggard and her getting even thinner is not helping anything.
Get your ana chan shit out of here, no one gives a fuck that you're a bad ass bitch who has a better standard of fat than all of us plebe amurricans (ps I'm not american).
No. 207800
>>207796The only one with a warped standard of anything is yourself.
>>washed out>>frail>>corpse-like skin>>hair looks more brittle and fine>>generally looks illNone of these refer to her weight, only her general health. And all of them are true. Again, there are many healthy skinny people out there.
The girl looks ill. She could be fat as fuck and still have the above traits and she'd still look ill. Fuck off with your pro-ana bullshit and stop thinking everything is "fatty fatty two by four can't fit through the kitchen door".
>>207799How many newfags say the same shit in every thread and don't bother lurking or learning shit?
Google. Use it.
No. 207802
>>207800Excuse you?
I was comparing the two. "She's fat in my country/she's only skinny because you're American and I'm not" is becoming an attention whoring equivalent to "I have a 32" waist/I'm thinner than her did you notice"
No. 207816
>>207796I'm thinkin 80's and onwards was when the real obesity crises ramped up, at least overall in media and coverage.
I don't know where you're getting the "people used to be thinner!" thing from, the book Personal Hygiene and Physical Training for Women (1911) says a 5'3 woman should be exaclty 133 lbs with an upper limit of 160lbs (she has some funky math, but whatever.) That's 'ideal'. Now? Psht. The normal range is between 107 - 141.
No. 207826
File: 1448490102906.jpg (102.11 KB, 723x1020, DSC00061.JPG)

look what i just found on ebay
venus really has lost some weight hasnt shit jfc
No. 207829
>>207630Give it a year and she'll be on some show for anorexia and ed with her bitch mum at her side like "i tried tu a help her buh venos no listen and want to be lyka doll so i dont kno wot tu du… can u help? maybe sum money for venos recovery"
and videos she'll make "please fund my daughter and her illaness, if yu sapport venos much then yu will du this!"
venus be all crippled looking and sickly in her videos caked in bb korean pale face cream, hair all dried up ansd thin, still giggling and looking all skeletal in a seifuku cosplay outfit pretending its all fine when it isn't.
No. 208133
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I am done with her photos.
No. 208172
>>208166I don't think it is a big deal to her, since she basically has lived like a child up until now. I do not forsee her mother forcing her to be more mature. If she were to be more mature, than that may entail wising up to Margo's bullshit and moving out/cutting her off.
I think her weight loss is definitely related to good old Margo though. She is probably telling her she looks fat, etc.
No. 208243
>>208183How do you guys sit through her videos? Am I the only one who skips bc she takes so damn long getting to the point of opening shit and eating it? Like, all that bullshit talking in the beginning she could also easily do while she's into the unboxing process.
Also I'm REALLY surprised there wasn't a glass of water or milk nearby, and the premise of the video is that she ate that chocolate stuff straight and nonstop. My throat would be so clogged and dry…euuuuuugh.
No. 208245
>>208183Watching this makes me feel sick. idk what the Korean ones taste like, but if it's anything like the normal eggs, they're horribly sugary.
Plus the toys are shit now anyway. Not worth it.
No. 208316
>>208301There's been video evidence that she can talk normal, and people who have met her in person have said she can speak normally too. She just puts on the babby voice for videos, but tbh it's actually really distracting and she should just talk normal during videos too (except she's in way too deep for that at this point honestly.)
No. 208365
>>208310actually it's very difficult for german-speaking people to pronouce "th" sounds
she actually has a very strong german accent but with all the fake voice and slow talking speed on top of that make it sound even more strange.
No. 208372
>>208371Didn't say she spoke without an accent, I just said it's been stated she's capable of talking without a stuipid baby voice and ridiculous mispronounciations.
Besides, I though Venus isn't even German German. Isn't she Austrian and Hungarian? German and Austrian are a bit different, no?
No. 208407
>>208406they are only "culturally identical" if you are neither German nor Austrian.
She is Swiss and Hungarian. And no, Switzerland is not "identical" to Germany or Austria.
No. 208413
>>208399haha you're so funny.
but no really your sarcasm is lame. more than like 3 pieces of chocolate in one sitting is kind of… gross.
No. 208461
>>208453well, it shows that you have poor taste and lack self-control
do you really think it's normal to eat that much chocolate?
No. 208485
>>208183>le chocolatele shitty ass maymays died a long time ago.
this is 2015, venus. get a grip
No. 208486
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No. 208487
>>208386Anon you replied to here. Yes, it is fucked up to eat 15 chocolate bars and I have fucked up eating (also ate an entire large pizza and a whole batch of cookies plus other shit last night and puked it up). But it isn't hard at all to fit 15 chocolate bars in stomach-wise but one time I bought 20 nuggets and I had to vomit in between to eat them all.
My point is 15 little chocolates is fucking nothing especially since she did 100 nuggets.
No. 208510
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No. 208512
>>208377I had been craving chicken nuggets since, and I bought 20 last night just to see how much i could eat. Aside from my 20 minute break, it was fine.
To add, I had no sides or drinks, and I hadn't eaten for 9 hours beforehand.
No. 208553
>>208487Different Anon but holy fuckkkk 15!? 15 chocolates is NOT nothing.
Anon your eating is fucked, you need to start disciplining yourself before you end up with beetus.
No. 208650
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>this fucking thread
No. 208903
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>>208510>>208902It's an alien registration card. If it's like Japan, you get one when you are no longer a tourist
Isn't getting a Korean visa easy as shit tho?
No. 208904
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No. 208913
>>208486she actually looks really cute here. dark hair and a little meat suit her really well.
>>208905christ, her fans are dumb.
No. 208939
>>208938My guess:
- They dated
- They broke up
- Venus' visa was expiring
- Venus realized she could use him for a new one
- Venus and Manaki get married
- Her spouse visa was rejected
- She ditched Manaki & went to Korea
No. 208953
>>208929So she's pulling an EYK(correct me if I'm wrong) then?
If her fans were smart they would question why she would need such an expensive studio when she has been doing videos in her living and bed room for years just fine.
Also, why donate so much money when they aren't even permanent citizens and they move around a lot?? Besides, does she not think most of her fans don't remember her German school fiasco, or her "singing career"?
It's obvious they have ran out of money, but I guess instead of mentioning it right out, they have to come up with a reason for getting money.
Imo they should just move back to Europe as they (mostly Venus) seemed more happier there. Probably they should consider somewhere in the US (as much as I personally dont want them to, as we have our own situations, and the last thing we need are more freeloaders that will just chit talk the country when they leave) for immigration or back to tow UK or Hungary.
Truth is, it seems that Venus is just not that interested in Japan/Asia anymore.
No. 208966
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>>208929Screenshot droppings, just in case
1 / 7
No. 208967
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No. 208968
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3 / 7
No. 208969
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4 / 7
No. 208993
>>208365>she actually has a very strong german accentNo she doesn't, her and Margo just have a very poor grasp on english pronounciation and put no effort in to better themselves.
I give you the th, though, it's not only hard for german speakers to get it right, at least they don't pronounce it like a straight F sound like some do.
No. 208995
>>208990I'm surprised this video is still up tbh
People are either arguing about her or defending poor penus-desu
fucking hell
do people ever do any research?
No. 209001
someone's taken over this link
No. 209042
>>209035Old woman offering some playtime with young girl. Check.
Service is paid. Check.
No. 209046
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It's getting really Dickens up in here.
No. 209053
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No. 209076
>>208183Christ, the ways she speaks is so fucking annoying. It's like she mentally retarded and can't hear herself. I don't know how anyone sits through her videos with that fake nasally voice. It's like ear suicide.
And eating that many Kindereggs? I love chocolate but holy shit, that is way too many. I agree with the Anons that says she eats like she's sucking a dick. It really does look that way.
No. 209096
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>>209046next she'll upload a vid of herself walking through snowy streets, peeking through shop windows at all the christmas presents, freezing.
No. 209123
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>>209096She just uploaded a video about an indie go go campaign to raise money to get herself a studio and pay rent….
No. 209132
>>209130I know not all parents are like mine, but they wouldn't give me money for this bullshit if I asked them. And if I didn't tell them what it was for, then they wouldn't give me a lot of money. If it's as a gift, they'd have rather bought the thing for me.
I don't know how kids would even be able to give her the money. Does Indiegogo need credit cards?
No. 209134
>>209127Eh, kids would rather spend money on something tangible, like another pair of cat ears. Maybe they'd give a dollar or two to feel like they're contributing, but they wouldn't give enough to get to $40k. She doesn't even have a million subscribers on Youtube
>>209129If a 35 year old dude is the type to be a fan of an 18 year old 'living doll', he's probably not in a position to be able to donate significant chunks of change either.
No. 209140
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No. 209141
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She just disabled the comments in her youtube video due to 'bullying.'
No. 209150
>>209035This isnt close to prostitution, what is wrong with you?
theres nothing sexual behind this
No. 209160
>>209129I think a minority of her fans are old men.
the majority of her fans seem to be teenagers who just think she's different or cute tbh
No. 209190
>>209129Hey im not 35 okay
Although even if I had the money I wouldn't spend 1000 dollars just for a date with her
No. 209202
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And now Venus was PRESSURED (not by Margo) into marriage by a pedophile "factory worker" (gasp!) stalker
No. 209206
>kawaii desu daddy boyfriendEck.
>let me speaky mindChrist, Margo, learn to type/speak in English properly.
No. 209213
>>209205Person who have lived in Korea here, it depends on what kind of survive you think about. Do you mean survive of being a pretty foreigner? You have a way bigger chance of being regarded as Beautiful and getting special treatment outside of seoul since the western genepool is considerable smaller there. There are so many foreigners in Seoul these days that the hype about us has died completely down.
If you mean only getting by by using English or wanting to eat food other than Korean you're fucked unless you're in Seoul or Busan.
No. 209218
>>208968"18 years young"
Get a fucking job like the rest of us, Venus
No. 209282
she should get a sugar daddy
No. 209327
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>>209282B-but what about Margo? Doesn't anyone care about Margo???
No. 209373
>>209340Let's players upload consistent content, though. In the 5 years she's been on Youtube, Venus made dancing videos, japanese vlogs, creepy pedobait shit, makeup tutorials, reviews, a few recipes, hair tutorials, candy testing videos, ASMR, awkward japanese boyfriend vlogs and now she does eating disorder tutorials. She jumps from one trend to the next as soon as she doesn't become instantly successful, rather than sticking to one thing she is good at and focusing on improving the quality/quantity of her videos, which makes it hard to maintain a fanbase.
No. 209429
>>209255Tbqh I don't see him as victim because he probably knew what the Palermos wanted but calling him a pedo is such a stretch. Stalker? Yes. Pedo? No, we all have had boyfriends who are older than us. It's not like he's 50 and she's 13 still. Also, Margo was trying to talk shit on him being a factory worker as if it was a bad thing like, Margo you're an unemployed mother making money out of your daughter YT career.
Either way L O L at her constantly whining about filming in a corner. That's basically what 75% of youtubers do. Zoella, Grav3yardgirl, etc.
No. 209431
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Venus would like some cheese with all that WHINE-ING?
No. 209432
>>209429The funny thing about this is how quickly Margo goes from praising him to bitching about him.
When he was dating Venus she would brag on PULL about how rich he is and expressed being proud of him for learning English, but every time they're broken up he's poor, a sexual deviant, a pedophile etc. She was okay with her barely legal daughter marrying a dude in his mid-20s, but now that he's no longer useful he's suddenly creepy. Kek.
No. 209439
>>209437>When other YouTubers hit a subscribers milestone:>Say thanks to their fans.>Organize a giveaway/contest to show their appreciation.
>When Venus hits a subscribers milestone:>Doesn't acknowledge it.>Doesn't say thank you.>Asks for more money.>Becomes pissy when her underage fans can't pay for her rent.Also telling an 18 year-old to get a job is bullying. Someone is
No. 209454
>>209448Yeah margo definitely wrote all these.
>>204635>>208966>>208967>>208968>>208969>>209140>>209431Venus may not have the best English skills, but her English isn't this shitty. Just looking through her Facebook posts, you won't see many grammatical errors and has a more upbeat, non-bitchy tone than margo
No. 209475
File: 1448907952254.jpg (35.74 KB, 450x495, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg)

>1 day
>267 dollars raised
This is gunna bomb harder than her kickstarter
Don't worry though because flexible funding will make sure Marg- I mean Venus gets some money at least
No. 209528
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Margo be mad y'all
No. 209534
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>financially illiterate children
Sure Margo. Suuuuure.
No. 209539
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>in a couple more years she'll have lost her only selling point completely.Tfw you legit fear that at that point Margo will Mischa Barton her.
No. 209543
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>>209528Oh, Margo. If she wasn't such a cunt I'd probably pity her right about now. As it happens, it's kind of funny to watch her freak out and talk shit about fans.
No. 209550
>>209531>I'm guessing they're running out of money,I think they get some sort of dole from Switzerland until Venus is like 25. Unless that's coming up sooner than Maggro wants us all to think. Wouldn't surprise me tbh… wasn't there something going around earlier about Venus being older than she lets on? So if she's coming close to that child benefit cutoff point, of course Maggro would be scrounging hard for money from other sources.
Gosh if these people were American, they would've been on Toddlers and Tiaras like dozens of times I bet. When I watch Venus and her mum I feel like I'm watching some euro version of Honey Boo Boo.
No. 209563
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>>208969>a working area instead of a kitchen table>A filming area instead of a corner beside my mattress on the floor I'm playing the world's smallest violin for this cunt
No. 209607
>>209601does she know that won has a similar system to yen? she probably thinks 40,000 won is same as USD.
someone had said earlier, they have a daily rental photo and video studios everywhere you can get for only 300,000 won daily.
No. 209611
>>209609I've seen people say they get like 200 euro per month, or something.
idk why everyone is making it out like that's SO MUCH money to live on, and they can live off of that like queens. That's just enough for maybe food for the 2 of them, if they didn't eat out.
I don't think they should be receiving that money, if they are, however. It's really odd to me that people who do not live in Switzerland receive benefits. Even in Canada, Chinese people scamming the gov't have to show up here once a year or so to keep it up…
No. 209612
>>209611I don't think anyone said they receive a lot, it's just
some money that they get. Venus still gets around 100k views on her videos, so that's gotta provide something too, but I wouldn't know exactly how much.
No. 209615
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There's something very off about her face in this Insta snap of her.
No. 209623
>>209617I know what you mean.
Not molested, but smiling behind the pain of being controlled her whole life. I've always imagined that Margo yells at her a lot for perceived wrongs behind closed doors.
No. 209633
>>209630Was thinking the same thing. They're so desperate to live out there that they probably are struggling. Maybe time on the streets will do them some good, as they're both nothing but liars and have no concept of money.
Shouldn't have spent so much on 100 McNuggets!
No. 209635
>>209629She needs to go back to this
would creepystalk like an indian man
No. 209638
File: 1448939402779.png (225.89 KB, 500x493, a2017ef80ac3325e7fa87defcbcd84…)

Well, she may find out if he actually DOES get $1k
No. 209642
File: 1448939734992.bmp (3 MB, 1366x768, cynthia.bmp)

No. 209649
File: 1448940547224.jpg (3.96 MB, 375x375, f48912.jpg)

>>209638This thirsty nigga prob would donate a grand to her. Keep an eye out for him.
No. 209650
>>209638This would provide quality lulz. I'd say epic, but with Venus, it's always epic.
>>209642>>209645Idiot. Post this on /snow/ or /b/ or something.
No. 209732
>>209563a mattress on the floor? that's trashy as fuck. figures…but i never thought they lived like that, since the apartments they stay in always look kind of furnished in her vids (at least from what you get to see in them).
do you guys think they eat out every single day? i really have no idea how they afford it (and yes i know about the money they still get from switzerland).
No. 209733
>>209617yeah, i mean, it's a form of child abuse to deny your kid any kind of stability all they're life, never allowing them to get attached anywhere to anyone because you keep packing your bags and leaving. can't imagine growing up like that.
and then of course the whole stage mom thing.
No. 209735
>>209635Made me laugh.
Now that I think about it, I have kind of been creepystalking her myself. Now that she starts looking less like a kid and losing the chub I'm kind of butthurt.
No. 209745
File: 1448976979293.jpeg (46.02 KB, 301x500, image.jpeg)

No moar Draw My Life or Wedding Videos* Because of cyberbullies targeting Venus AND Margo!!!
*im confuse because I thought now Manaki was a stalker pedo and they never even got married in the first place?
No. 209747
>>209745Yes, she said that she never got married in the first place. She also said she would never make a draw my life video because she doesn't like making sad videos. I would say that makes her come across as even more of a spoiled brat, but her life really does suck.
Anyways, what this translates into is: We are not going to make the videos we said we were never going to make in the first place.
No. 209757
File: 1448983387341.jpg (77 KB, 1147x593, creeeepy.JPG)

She looks so sad, though.
No. 209759
File: 1448984460249.jpeg (4.21 KB, 98x103, image.jpeg)

Seriously nobody is gonna mention that fucking eyebrow above her bangs? Meitu Xiu Xiu has gone too far
No. 209763
>>209745This is getting absolutely ridiculous. She's 18 years old and acting like a child as if she's saying "I'm not playing with you anymore!"
If Venus wants become any kind of youtube star/celebrity, she needs to get thick fucking skin.
No. 209827
>>209767Like the others have said, mostly weebs and creeps.
But she seems to be losing fans too. Most of her eating videos don't to 100k views, unless they have some sort of novel twist to them, like 100 nuggets or the 'spiciest' ramen. Her hair and makeup videos are more popular, as well as her videos while she was in Japan, some of which got to 600k. In contrast, her latest plea for money hasn't even got 40k. However, there is the factor of how long they've been up to take into account
No. 209860
>>209553you know. I actually doubt venus could get an actual job.
Could you imagine her in the interview?
She'd need her mum next to her to answer all their questions.
Also Venus sounds legitimately retarded whenever she does actually answer instead.
No. 209898
File: 1449015933411.png (866.55 KB, 935x592, 34324.png)

>>208510>>208903Considering it is student visa's, yes.
No. 209929
>>209924Its flexible funding
they will take that 400 dollars it'll make by the end of the month and buy some cocaine
No. 209968
>>209957I don't think its either
Its her retarded choices when it comes to videos. Instead of focusing on doing one single thing well, she does a bunch of different types of videos to exploit their popularity. Most obvious of these is the shitty asmr videos I didn't watch because the very idea that she did that was ultimate cringe
No. 209977
>>209973Seeing her dance again would be cute, even to Kpop, but the rapid weight loss and looking more like her mother just lately despite only being 18 wouldn't be a good mix. That's the only downside to it I guess, you have to look cute 24/7 and she doesn't unless she shoops her face to death.
But having said that there are idols out there who look ugly as fuck and still manage to hold down that title. Who knows, atm though Venus looks like she's stuck in limbo. Being a mukbang won't last for long either.
No. 209980
>>209977mukbang didnt even last 1 video
everyone fucking hates her eat videos. All the comments on her videos are shitting on her
No. 209986
>>209973She's aging just fine. People act like she's just about to enter her 40s. The real issue is more like..Yukapon syndrome. Yuka had a nice naturally round face but then lost a shit ton of weight and looks fucking disgusting now. Venus is doing the same thing. She's listening to idiots who are calling her fat and losing weight. Uncle fans LIKE the baby fat look. Fucking a skeleton is not appealing to men even in the slightest. Venus losing too much weight makes her once round and baby-like face suddenly look strange.
Also, she photoshops too much. An issue girls don't realize when they photoshop their pictures is that once they try to photoshop less or just want to quickly post a picture without editing because they're in a good mood..once you do this, someone will see that nonshopped picture and think you look haggered or aging or etc (just like when they don't wear makeup vs when they do). When in reality, that's just how you naturally look. All of us take selfies and know how you look before correcting it.
I think a lot of people look at normal things such as face lines or thigh thickness and make a fuss as if they don't have the exact same things. Venus could have kept leading the Kawaii train easily for a few more years just as Kyary is still leading her train.
No. 209989
>>209986off topic but I saw Kyary live one time and she is literally one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen in my entire life
pictures actually make her look worse. Its bizaare
No. 209993
>>209989Seriously? That's pretty cool.
I definitely agree that Venus and Yukapon went through the dramatic weight loss and lost their baby fat/chubby face appeal. It's doing so much more harm than good, especially on their health.
No. 210035
>>209993Yeah, she should not have listened to idiots like Totemokawaii who said Venus had quarterback shoulders and bowling pin legs when she was 13 with long brown hair.
Her shoulders just looked big in comparison because her face and head is naturally small. Do people forget she is a real person and not an anime? Bone structure can not shrink from fat loss.
No. 210065
>>210063She's such a stupid cunt
>I'm 18, so i'm still a kidNo, you are not. Most 18 year olds have jobs by now or are in freshman year of college.
No. 210077
>>209905i think visa in western countries are much harder to get. also we dont really have language schools or other small shitty schools that would sponsor visas (we dont really need it. we speak english. if you dont know english an cant access it in your country, you probably cant afford to come to language school in US/UK/AUS (other wise you would enroll in normal university)
idk are east asian language school visas that easy to get? i guess so
No. 210089
>>210063"I never watched Shin-chan"
fuck off
No. 210092
>>210063I freaking hate when tumblr or youtubers say teens are kids. It's just a way to infantilise themselves and deflect any criticism.
And Jesus her shaky voice, I can't believe her accent still hasn't improved after so many youtube vids.
No. 210094
>>210063That's not beer, that's an abomination.
>>210092She sometimes sounds like she had a stroke, or her face is still half numb after visiting the dentist…
No. 210119
>>210063Ok 18 is most likely not a kid at all. If you stretch it reeeeeaaaaaallll far, you're a teen at most. A teen that is old enough to respond for your actions.
And probably old enough to drink real beer, in some countries.
So no Venus stop it. Is it that hard to say "I don't have any interest in knowing what alcohol is like but I sure want to know what this kid's beer tastes like!"?
No. 210122
>>210023>>210028>>210039Tbh it just sounds like you guys didn't know what sort of dishes to get? All these countries have sizable Buddhist populations and thus vegetarians. Plus consumption of meat didn't become a commodity until more recently so there are a lot of dishes that originated from peasants that are veggie-based. But that's off topic anyway.
It's honestly so eerie to see her lose weight so alarmingly fast. Especially when you see her Bodyline model photos.
No. 210149
>>210063What kind of self respecting 18 year old has never drank beer?
She really needs to drop the innocent loli act it's just embarrassing and autistic at her age.
No. 210157
Wtf are you doing phone?
No. 210168
>>210149Whoa chill down pal. Just cause you and your drunk friends all started drinking at 18 doesn't mean everyone has to.
It's easy to believe she is very childlike and naive when she has a mother that is treating her like a puppet. She never had a chance to do crazy things young people do.
No. 210182
It's so tiny tho… like a quarter pint or something like that. Cute for little sampler tastings I would think. I kind of want to get this just for that little beer stein but I would probably just bin the "beer" mix that comes with it. It reminds me of emergen-C, so it's probably bad stuff.
>>210132No because Venus is a sweet innocent babbychild whose precious lips would never touch real alcohol, and that's how Margo wants to market her.
Also I imagine Margo to be a health nut since she used to be a "personal trainer" when they were in London (that's a job that's apparently very easy to get in the UK judging by the job adverts I get in my inbox every day). Like a really preachy health nut even. I dunno. Maybe she's not. All I really know about Margo is that she loves to whore out her daughter Mama June style.
>>210161I have but I grew up around a lot of Lutherans, a couple Mormons, and some even stricter bible belt megachurch style Christians, so there's that.
Venusdesu grew up around Margo and only Margo, who honestly doesn't even strike me as the sort to keep a small bottle of cheap bourbon stashed away in the toilet tank.
No. 210438
>>210063My favourite part about this video is that it almost has more views than
>>208929 and it's only been up for a day.
And she's still only at $268
No. 210647
>>210628She'll never be happy as long as her mother revolves around her life. Thanks to her she'll never have real life friends, a loving relationship with someone, a decent educational background, an actual job to fund her Youtube lifestyle and so much more.
They don't get to live in their favorite country anymore which was Japan and are stuck in a room together making videos for fans in order to stay relevant online in the house of a host family in South Korea until they're kicked out. Venus probably has no say in any of the things they do, as it's all down to Margo because "manager".
Venus turns 19 next February and I doubt it'll get any better. It's a lost cause and a very sad one at that.
No. 210786
>>210063Legal drinking age in south korea is 19. So I guess technically she can say that, but legal drinking age in a lot of countries is 18, sometimes down to 16, so idk.
GG Venus, keep reeling in those pedo views, however, maybe next time pretend you're 17. It's not like anyone really cares.
No. 210848
File: 1449282596756.png (29.56 KB, 519x100, yukapee.png)

this is a yuka tweet btw
No. 210862
File: 1449285796408.png (943.47 KB, 936x592, 3432.png)

Now I am pretty sure the weight loss is Margo's fault.
No. 210999
>>210862Ya know, Margo looks kinda approachable here. Like the caring, soft Mum she thinks she is.
I think a few pounds more would really suit her, would make her less hag-like (and less wrinkly).
No. 211008
>>211002i actually agree.
tbh as you get older, it's probably better to be slightly plump (A FEW - i am not promoting landwhales) because it helps fill out wrinkles instead of making you look a scraggly witch
No. 211030
>>211014I guess it's just the fact a man has the choice to leave while the woman is stuck being miserable, alone and pregnant. It seems Margo probably hates Venus in her own way and is bitter about a lot of it. She can also be reliving her youth through venus, but mainly, it's a huge form of control because Venus has no one else (parental figure) to turn to or other family and it's quite sad.
tldr; guys get off slack free for being dead beat dads while moms are usually left with a ton of burden, even if they abort.
No. 211032
>>211030that's why women need to be safe and probably have sex with a good person that they know will stay. lolmaybe margo was fucking shit to the man?
i'm sorry but who would want to stay with margo?
No. 211036
personally i wont judge the guy because we have no idea what happened.
maybe he's a jerk, or maybe margo fucked up everything.
i have no idea man
No. 211037
>>211014I agree.
it's best to have no dad than grow up with a shitty ass one that will make you sad.
same goes to mothers though (for dads who raise their sons/daughters alone)
No. 211151
>>211147I forgot Margo likes her dark chocolate. Venus really disliked him judging by her immature Tweets during the time her mother was seeing him in the UK, like he was stealing her away.
Bitch is probably a closet racist knowing her.
No. 211167
It seems pretty clear to me that Margo is a narcissist who is both living vicariously through her daughter, and needs to control every aspect of her daughter's life because to a narc, a child is an object you own forever, who exists to love you on command, not a person with their own thoughts, feelings and goals.
Both my parents are narcissists so I have a fair bit of experience with this shit. Generally, narc parents react one of two ways to their children: they ignore the child completely after they're beyond toddler age (because the child no longer lives to love and adore their parent/s and starts having an independent personality), or they need to control each aspect of the child's life so as to forever re-live their OWN youth. I don't think you need two guesses to pick which kind Margo is.
For me, it was easier to break away from the abuse because my parent's were the first kind. This made me independent and able to function on my own from a young age. They also had more than one kid, which means they already had a kid to infantilize forever (my sister), and didn't need another one.
Venus is not only stuck being her mother's conduit to the attention Margo thinks she's always deserved - she's got no one else to take the heat off of her (sibling, stepdad, etc.) It's possible for someone like Venus to break out of that abuse cycle, but it takes serious planning, serious balls, and an outside support network.
Margo has made damn sure at each juncture that Venus has no education, no self esteem or self respect, or anyone in her life besides Margo. My heart goes out to her, but she's also the only person who can break the cycle of her own abuse. I really hope that she gets out from under Margo someday - even if that means the milk dries up on this one.
No. 211218
>>211145Fun Fact:
The black 25yo boyfriend from England, who was a fitness trainer, died from a heart attack while in the relationship.
No. 211372
>>211276Kids raised by single moms are unbelievably fucked up on average. Canada recently started almost always doing 50/50 custody instead of sole custody to the mom because of the strong evidence it fucks up kids beyond repair.
The Penus thread sometimes makes me sad because she never had a chance.
No. 211438
>>211436*sites, not simes
I think it may be possible to still find Tweets but that would be days of scrolling considering how much she spams.
No. 211455
>>211450My bad then. But damn fitness trainers sure do have serious health problems.
>>211451Venus was a right little bitch on Twitter about him as that's around the same time I started following her. Like a child having her favourite toy taken away.
No. 211467
>>211450His name is Serge Camarou and he did die. at the recent tweets
I doubt she knew him as a friend though, idk
No. 211477
>>211416In every way? More likely to have mental illness, addiction issues, risky sex behavior (for girls it's called "daddy issues"). If you're interested Google using terms like single parent statistics and there's a ton of evidence.
Plus it's just common sense really. Obviously a kid raised by 2 parents will have more money and more stability than one raised by a single mom and whatever multiple random dudes that are highly likely to molest them.
And the guys raised by single moms are likely to be crazy and violent so I always drop a guy instantly if he didn't have a dad.
No. 211485
I just watched soul eater and she reminds me of Crona
No. 211524
>>211488Oh gee the sample size of maybe a couple dozen cows. Who cares about sex worker, prison, and drug user statistics. All kids should be raised by single moms because they do a way better job all by themselves and kids don't need a father figure at all.
I'm going to stop shitting up the thread but i feel like I'm taking crazy pills or most people on lolcow don't know who their father is and are defensive about it.
No. 211620
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No. 211623
File: 1449492107301.png (26.11 KB, 625x267, CREEPY.PNG)

Did she mean chopsticks?
So creepy tho
No. 211624
>>211619Yes, Margo, what a coincidence that EYK also had a fundraiser for a studio in Korea, over three years ago.
At least now we know where she got the $40000 figure from.
No. 211627
>>210862Holy shit, she looks SO much better here than she does now. Not even overweight.
She has aged terribly..
No. 211630
>>211623Disgusting. How lonely/hypersexual do you have to be to find your own child sexy?
Reminds me of that time Venus claimed she would date her mom if she was a non-related male. Their relationship is so creepy.
No. 211640
File: 1449501201959.jpg (29.09 KB, 616x270, 12345.JPG)

I guess EYK didn't want to collaborate with them LOL
No. 211645
>>210185Nah what Korea has is a lot of private studios. If you look at rising/mid-tier Koreaboo youtubers like chongnumigooksaram or whatever and her crew, they have a studio they all share, and in the same building Korean youtubers use the same space. So there's probably a Korean media company that keeps an eye out for consistent youtubers based in Korea and gives them contracts/recording spaces and opportunities for collabs.
Maybe that's what Penus is counting on or they aren't being reached out to cuz dat instability.
No. 211665
>>211660Maybe the guy just accepted the stepdad as his dad and there never was the question as if to he is or isn't his real dad lol
but let's not get worked up over an imaginary story
No. 211735
did venus make a new indiegogo campaign? is only 500gbp..
No. 211737
>>211735actually, on second observation.. the user doesn't appear to be email verified so it's probably trying to scam.
>>211619Marg's hella salty at how much they raised.
Don't spend that $245 all in one place.
No. 211750
>>211746Yeah, I don't get it either.
EYK = living in Korea for like almost a decade (I think?) and founded their channel on them talking about korean topics. their fans all like them because they all like korean things too. Thus, when they crowd funded their studio, their fans did it because they wanted more korean videos. Makes sense.
However, Margo and Venus just jump ship from trend to trend and visa to visa, and have never shown any interest in Korea until their ridiculous mukbang shit, and now all of a sudden need a korean studio. Why would her fans fund that? Her fans are largely weeaboos and pedos, who don't give two shits about korea.
No. 211766
File: 1449530670728.jpg (96.9 KB, 640x641, waifucouch.jpg)

But anyway the drama isn't funny anymore i just feel sad. When she was a young teen it was cringy and funny to laugh at now that she's an adult it's just sad.
I'm feeling depressed about life now
No. 211774
>>211623Margo, parenting tip: call your daughter beautiful, not sexy. This is disturbing.
>>211619This was back in 2012? I have no idea. Probably mad they did well on their fundraiser unlike margs and penus.
No. 211809
>>211619I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that she's trying to use EYK's campaign as an example of why they need the money for a studio. Cause everyone's calling it a scam, which in the end it will be, they're using EYK as an example to say 'hey look how much THEY needed for a studio, we need it too' HOW EVER what she obviously doesn't comprehend is that we all remember the other scams they've done, and where the money REALLY went.
And tbh, I think her fans are realizing she's just a visa/ trend hopping has-been. Why should the fans fund a studio, in Korea, when she just recently gives a fuck about Korea, and the vast majority of her fan base is in it for the weeb aspect of the channel? They know as well as we do she doesn't need a whole studio for this shit. EYK was well funded because their channel has always been based on Korean aspects, and they live in S. Korea because I guess they genuinely like it or sth, idk much about them but yeah.
In another universe, had they earned the sheckles they were after, we all know they would have suddenly ran from S. Korea.
…sorry for the blog.
No. 211838
>>211815Kek I saw this and saved it off 4chan last night thinking about this thread. But it's pointless arguing with the single mom defense force straight from tumblr.
>>211824The argument for this thread is against single parents so it applies. She even said ignore the sexism.
No. 211847
>>211838It's pointless in arguing because you're shit posting. Stop it, you fucking cunt. I don't care if single mothers are equivalent to the whore of Babylon, this is just derailing to single mom = incompetent. Keep your daddy issues to /b/, faggot.
>>211735I thought this was hilarious, but it probably isn't Venus. I just can't believe they'd aim for such a high goal when their fans are weaboos and they're in fucking KOREA. Maybe Venus is insane enough to believe her fans think she isn't defined by her interests. … kinda makes me sad.
No. 211872
>>211838>saving one of those pics that was probably constructed by a /pol/tard and using it as evidencekek. We all know Venus is screwed up because of Margo, but do you think if her father was around things would be any different? She would probably never let him have a say in how the money is spent or how Venus is raised and if he ever tried to disagree with her, she would castrate him on the spot. Having a parent that does nothing while the other parent fucks you up is even worse than being raised by one shitty parent.
Does Venus still have a chance at having a normal and happy life? Will she ever escape from her mother?
No. 211916
>>211904What the hell?
Can they cancel their donations?
No. 211917
File: 1449558958426.png (577.36 KB, 518x645, hgfd.png)

She just uploaded this. Bad comments like "you look gaunt" appeared instantly
I guess that's why she deleted it.
No. 211919
>>211917I'd love to know why she likes to lengthen her jaw with meitu.
Her tiny jaw is just fine as it is, kind of enviable. It's what makes her face doll-like.
No. 211926
>>211924Everyone has a jaw, and hers is kind of tiny.
A long face (due to long jaw) doesn't make her look attractive.
No. 211976
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No. 212005
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No. 212027
>>211917Ok I'm honestly really confused…who is this?!
It looks way too old to be Venus yet far too young to be Margo..? It doesn't look like either of them.
No. 212039
>>211976Dammit, I wanted to compare their indiegogo with EYK's because the perks seemed really similar. I was looking at EYKs at looking at the polaroid, makeup kit, and the highest tier meeting reward, it reminded me of those on Venus'.
Oh well, guess they wanted to cut their losses before they embarrassed themselves because no one actually cares about them.
No. 212042
File: 1449582760810.png (543.97 KB, 928x593, Untitled.png)

Her teeth appear to be getting more yellow-ish.
No. 212049
>>212042"What shall I cook today?"
Why even bother Venus, you'll only choke it up in a few hours time anyway.
No. 212056
>>212055If Margo ever googles a recipe I don't think that's off the table for income opportunities.
Look out for a kitchen indiegogo campaign.
No. 212057
>>212042she had yellowish teeth for quite a while now, I think it's because she loves coffee.
Look at her last throwback photo too, she had yellow teeth even back then.
No. 212094
>>212042They're a bit grey-yellow too, like a smoker's. Idk if she actually smokes but fuck tho I'd be wanting cigarettes if Maggro was my mum honestly.
But yeah also stomach acid from most likely purging, and she is a coffee drinker as well, but still maybe should see a dentist about whitening maybe?
There's something really sad about the expression on her face too. Like a forced happiness and I just want to rescue her.
No. 212095
File: 1449595289162.jpg (29.73 KB, 615x326, theirony.JPG)

The ironyyy
No. 212109
>>212098Her whole gimmick was being a 'living doll' with somewhat decent makeup tutorials.
She doesn't even act 'dolly' anymore or wear cute outfits. I don't understand what direction she's trying to head in. People won't want to watch her eat food forever. She could've created a fashion/makeup line or anything if her and Margo were actually smart.
No. 212122
>>212095what the hell.
they eat fancy bakery shit every fucking day.
they are on shopping sprees weekly.
and yet they needed funding.
No. 212125
>>212123yes material that is, I think she rarely got the chance to appreciate friendship or freedom (like being alone for a few hours strolling through nature), a "real" hobby besides makeup and "eating"
to be honest, I think the whole "food is my life" thing speaks for itself. it's the same with many eating disordered people. She fills "empty space" with food - and it's not an empty tummy.
It's probably one of the very few things in her every day life she actually enjoys.
No. 212143
>>209528What a colossal cunt. If she keeps shooting down fan requests like that she'll have to actually get a real job.
Her English is so horrible that I've actually had to learn Margo speak to understand her.
She should just politely decline certain requests. And usually when people ask for better sound quality there's a reason. If you had a job Margo then you could buy some better equipment instead of begging for 40k for a studio.
No. 212157
File: 1449603832719.jpg (15.24 KB, 340x105, ugh.JPG)

Doesn't sound like someone who is proud of their "career"
No. 212162
>>210119Venus is definitely emotionally stunted though thanks to Margo. I wouldn't put her at adult in that sense. I doubt she could live on her own or function as an adult but that's due to how she's been living her whole life as Margo's kawaii little marionette. So I'd peg her as a perpetual child, sadly. It really is tragic.
But the candy beer thing is simply pandering. The "Giggle! I'm just a kawaii little girl!" thing is really getting old. It's one thing to say "I don't like beer but I'll try this candy". But I am tired of the cutesy little girl act. I'd think that after Manaki her old man pervert fans would have jumped ship because they can't fantasize about stealing her purity anymore.
No. 212177
>>212172all I want to say is: priorities.
They live on a low budget. Starbucks and krispy kreme stuff which your body doesn't need (luxury food) isn't usually included in a "low budget day".
Yet they complain about their equipment.
I never go to starbucks and being a student I'm as poor as they are, I saved money for expensive equipment though. It's possible, and you don't have to eat potatoes and oatmeals only. Just brew your own coffee.
They really need to learn to handle money.
I agree with the lazy af part though.
Will Venus ever know what that mysterious "working" normal-people-thing is?
No. 212178
>>212177Yeah, their priorities are definitely fucked up. I feel like they put all their money into being successful in Japan, and when that fell through, they're just trying to grab on to whatever is going to keep them going in the short term. People who are short-sighted like that usually do throw away money on things that they could do without, and I'm not surprised Venus and Margo are exactly like that.
I don't think Venus and Margo will ever have 'normal' jobs any time soon, it'll take for them to reach rock bottom before that happens. They're still grasping on to Venus' YouTube and internet 'career' in order to survive, and it'll run out sooner or later, and they'll have to do something to live. Venus' life is really no different from those 'child star gone wrong' stories, except her mother is mixed up with her.
No. 212188
File: 1449614217092.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1585, Screenshot_2015-12-08-17-33-34…)

Her app-induced eyelash doesn't even match up to her eye. I even think these are things you can fix in-app. I don't even think she's trying anymore.
Also- c'mon Margo, "tired of wearing fake lashes"? Please.
No. 212195
>>212190I think she'd seem much more attractive if she was a normal loving, caring mother and not a narcissistic, toxic harpy.
I don't know whether it's just because we already know what she's like or if it's also the general vibe she gives off, but it's hard to look at her photos without being reminded of what an awful person she is.
No. 212220
>>212200>>212198Personally I'm
triggered by the hideous contrived facial expressions she always makes in photos. I can just tell she contorted her face into that pout and retook the photo like 10 times until she found the one where she looked "kawaii".
Margo, stop trying. You are repulsive. Even if it was raining dicks you'd get hit with a brick.
No. 212221
>>212109Yeah, she's been around long enough, she should start thinking of it now. If she used her fame the right way back when the kawaii living doll thing was new, she could have partnered with a liz lisa type business.
Maybe she should call up mr. Yan …
No. 212369
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No. 212425
File: 1449680861236.png (524.14 KB, 490x596, lolwtflmao.png)

new photo
No. 212483
File: 1449691009195.jpg (51.79 KB, 600x800, creepychan.jpg)

>>212425>venus will never go creepy-chan on usI would fly to Korea and propose if she did that
now that I think about it, why doesn't Venus try getting on one of those America's Next Top Model kinds of shows?
No. 212498
>>212495>>212497I read 5'7" a while ago.
If it's 5'5" she wouldn't be tall enough to compete on ANTM.
>tfw same height>tfw i tried No. 212503
>>212425Stupid pose, stupid expression and those extensions look cheap. Otherwise, I like this new look.
>>212042 this is creepy as fuck
Maybe her pathetic campaign led her to realize that her fanbase will not give money and needs to change the kind of views she attracts? She looks 18 in these new pics.
No. 212544
File: 1449702110403.jpg (99.79 KB, 640x640, 12301142_868734313247552_29359…)

Wearing Venus's clothes again I see.
"we have the same shoe size etc we give each other things to wear whenever the other needs it"
No. 212607
File: 1449716670053.png (1.15 MB, 934x522, managermama.png)

>>212604She may have a tripod but I bet half the photos are taken by her mom.