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No. 206727
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No. 206744
File: 1448215225302.png (Spoiler Image,759.75 KB, 1280x656, 1448206652184.png)

No. 206784
For some of you who like jontron, i found him there: i found Arin did some voice acting in psychicpebbles's videos like this one.
looking back, zach (psychicpebbles), arin, ross and jontron seemed like good friends.
i guess after jon left, zach became closer to arin? idk
No. 206786
File: 1448223367284.png (99.14 KB, 287x223, y.png)

>>206744L-leave Undertale a-alone
No. 206832
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No. 206883
>>206832This is simply magnificent!
>>206630is this some kind of humblebrag about how much attention she got?
No. 206888
File: 1448240492912.jpg (96.46 KB, 596x628, 1446118068254.jpg)

>>206832You're golden, anon
No. 206905
>>206832anon please lmfao
No. 206914
>>206912I found two and didn't really manage to sit through either of them because it's all such inconsequential nonsense.
No. 206956
File: 1448262550591.png (1.07 MB, 912x594, can you feel it mrcrabs.png)

Get ready for Holiday Bullshit
No. 206968
>>206966Agreed, I love Undertale too but who gives a fuck if someone drew Fanart of it involving the Grumps.
>>206958Undertale has been dead since the Tumblr ppl found it. Get over it
No. 206989
>>206956She looks okay here?
Or is this the plethora of cold meds I'm on talking?
No. 206995
File: 1448290756901.png (56.65 KB, 630x483, 1431631191528.png)

Everytime I see Suzy now I remember her old whiny posts about wanting to be a model.
It's kinda sad to be honest
No. 207004
>>206995Whoa how long ago was this? It couldn't be that long ago because she mentions her "fiancee" (how long were they engaged?)
Also, if this wasn't long ago and she was in her 20s and not her early teens, I'm cringing at the fact that she can't spell "believe."
No. 207016
File: 1448297383660.png (1.24 MB, 863x652, wtfisthis.png)

wtf is this? bad contouring?
No. 207019
>>206995As cringy as some of this was to read, abusive childhood? What are the details on this? I've never seen any badblood between Suzy and her folks (and there's not all that much funny about it if it is legit and not just blatant pandering for attention)
But I dunno, I really think Suzy is smalltime as far as cows go on this board, she's just a whiny chubby girl who has money to blow due to a youtube "famous" husband, and a few special snowflake tendencies, there are tons of people like her around.
No. 207032
>>206956I hate it when people make thumbnails (or profile pics) that are so photoshopped to death, using filters etc THAT DOESN'T MATCH UP with the person in the video.
Aren't people shocked when they click the video???
But I guess she has to do it, otherwise it would repulse people clicking on her videos.
No. 207033
>>206995The best video is when she talks about her experience about model agencies and she is so full of herself.
"I got the job on the spot" making a pause after that sentence as if she was waiting for fucking applause.
Watch it here and a few entries of her before it gets deleted for good: No. 207061
>"you? you'll never be a model">I had an abusive childhoodYeah, because it would have been better for your mother to lie to your face and instil you with false hope.
Her mother sounds realistic and like she actually wants to encourage her towards a career she's more suited to, not some useless, vain pipe dream.
Idiots like Suzy forget that the point of modelling is to model things - coats, shoes, hats etc., nobody's gonna want to buy anything if it's hanging off of her FAS riddled mug.
No. 207137
>>207019Some people can surprise you. Some people who never seem to be abused happened to have been abused.
Though I do not see how mentioning her abusive childhood was relevant to anything regarding modeling.
No. 207140
>>207134Things change. I used to have a very terrible relationship with my family and a lot of it was their fault (and mine) but after getting help (was very ill and didn't know it) and growing up, I don't see my parents as these evil uncaring people. Just human.
So I just went on a tangent, anyways, my point is she very well could have been through something but is now well adjusted in regards to her family.
No. 207187
File: 1448342258162.jpg (111.14 KB, 750x750, image.jpg)

>Growing out my side cut is taking FOREVER!!! It’s long enough to lay flat now but not long enough to go in my pony tail #sidecut
No. 207231
>>207189I have to agree, she looks much better without the usual eye makeup.
I'm sure a makeup expert/enthusiast would know better than me but wouldn't her eyes look bigger if she didn't line all the way around them?
No. 207275
>>207274Having FAS has like, zero correlation with being abused though.
Children can end up with FAS if their mother's consume even a tiny amount of alcohol without realising that they're pregnant.
No. 207286
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No. 207287
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No. 207289
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No. 207290
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No. 207291
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No. 207292
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No. 207293
File: 1448389458362.png (59.64 KB, 324x937, skaasd.png)

No. 207617
>>207187Main reason why I'm wary of asymmetrical cuts, the growing out phase seems like a bitch.
It's a shame Suzy is incapable of making friends. I'd like to see her team up with some other beauty yt-ers and swap make up looks around. Frmheadtotoe did that about awhile ago and it was interesting.
Also Suzy was probably band wagoning cosplaying Felicia. I feel like that was the sexy cosplay you saw back then, like Yoko from TTGL a few years ago.
No. 207628
File: 1448419713170.jpg (36.11 KB, 500x216, 1447630464565.jpg)

>>207293Three cans of soda a day? Looks like that caught up to her.
No. 207652
>>207628She was definitely one of those "skinny bitches" that ate whatever they wanted to and expected to be thin forever. It seems she's having trouble these days because she can't imagine there's anything wrong with having a few sodas and snacks once a day.
Man, was suze delusional. Looks like she was probably the "hot" girl in some shit school with awkward teens and thought she was capable of modeling. The entire "NO ONE BELIEVES IN ME. IT WAS MY DREAM." Unlike most careers, modeling is based entirely on what you born with. I wonder what made her stand in front of a mirror and think she could compete?
No. 207660
>>207652She really was. I mean, in this
>>207293blog post, she goes on about her new addiction being some dr pepper soda. She probably ate and drank anything and barely moved and counted on her youthful habits to be fine into adulthood.
No. 207809
>>207807This one is
>>207805 Oct 8, 2014
This one is
>>207788 Nov 25, 2015 (today, 3 hours ago)
No. 207811
File: 1448485182111.png (1.17 MB, 1700x442, before-after.png)

>>207809she looks so frumpy and matronly now, and she puts no effort in anymore kek
No. 207883
File: 1448508334688.png (725.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-25-23-54-54…)

New and exciting content
No. 207884
File: 1448508389837.png (415.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-25-23-56-33…)

No. 207905
>>207883>>207884The message would have been better if she said DON'T SUPPORT BLACK FRIDAY AT ALL (which I do not. refuse to give into that horrible day.)
Holyshit, what a money grubbing bitch. She's a huge hypocrite
No. 207918
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The game grumps tag is hilarious
No. 207921
File: 1448522773377.gif (82.7 KB, 395x281, 100.gif)

>>207918"Kind and beautiful person!"
Literally everything about her personality is fake. Her fans are a special kind of fucking stupid.
No. 207923
File: 1448523861154.png (16.49 KB, 863x121, suzyshit.png)

>>207918"kind and beautiful"
No. 207949
File: 1448542502750.jpg (87.22 KB, 320x652, tumblr_lgubmu6pUX1qeldg8o1_500…)

So vaguely related to Suzy. I was browsing lolita tags on tumblr and noticed Linzb0t (the artist that draws all of suzys shit) made posts about it. So I guess she used to be into the fashion ??
Just something interesting I discovered
Though she only seemed to own Milky Planet and the posts are 4 years old, so I guess it was a short lived phase
No. 207973
>>207884So Suzy, who makes a living (or at least Arin does) from being on youtube/google, most of her videos are like QVC for the dim-witted just trying to shill lootcrates. shoes and makeup to people, who bought cheap crap and then grossly overpriced said crap…this Suzy is trying to talk about the finer points of capitalism now?
I know she's basically just saying: BUY MY AMAZING STUFF! But fuck, shit like that annoys me. Whenever I start to think: 'meh, maybe she's not that bad?' she does something like this.
No. 207979
>>207918bbbbbbut I
do hate all the game grumps. At least I hate Arin too.
No. 207984
File: 1448555380437.png (8.1 KB, 692x54, lol.png)

Comment from her "Support small business" picture. Idk about you guys, but I would absolutely still be irritated if it were Arin posting shit like this – but he doesn't. He's not the one constantly going onto instagram and twitter giving out "wisdom" like he's a fucking god of knowledge, unlike Suzy.
No. 208026
File: 1448565957528.jpg (35.64 KB, 800x300, comments.jpg)

>>207960And the fans are noticing it, she deleted the
mean tweets.
I made this before they get deleted, too ♥
No. 208085
File: 1448579681470.png (10.97 KB, 587x104, 64d29765533a7eaf55293504f57575…)

y'know, not for health reasons or anything
No. 208153
>>208131I thought about this too, but she could of just plainly said "i completely forgot I did this already etc" you know some air head excuse, but It would literally be FAR better then deleting comments and making the video private.
I was literally going to comment on the video if she just forgot she posted the video a year ago, but I thought she would take that as her reason if she was fucking lying lmao
No. 208154
File: 1448595186843.png (13.43 KB, 598x115, Oh so it is just a regular day…)

No. 208374
>>208322this video just made me angry. she can't even pronounce Bethesda, and I doubt she's played fallout at all.
plus, the 111 hoodie wasn't 'omg lootcrate exclusive guies!' it's for sale on the fucking Bethesda site.
god, what a waste of fucking space.
No. 208380
>>208373I don't know about
rules around here.
And personally I think it is good you spread this over to rantsgrumps.
Cause they agreed as well on this topic.
The more people know, the better it gets …
No. 208385
>>208374I think you may have linked to the wrong video. But other than that I agree. Hell, English isn't even my first language and I don't claim to be a great gamer (I have played some Fallout and TES though) and even I know how to pronounce Bethesda.
Does she think coming off stupid is cute and endearing?
No. 208389
File: 1448661400763.jpg (185.22 KB, 440x960, Suzy's Etsy.jpg)

kewl new fanart of Suzy's etsy store ^_^
No. 208390
>>208322I totally forgot to link the video, sorry anon. but you know which one I meant which is good.
I don't know if she's trying to be stupid/endearing, or what her deal is, but she just comes off entirely stupid.
I was looking at her Lush xmas haul video and she flat out said 'I don't like really candy sweet smells, so I don't like this product very much', then proceeds to scream about how she loves like, at least 2 other products and how they smell 'candy sweet'. stupid fuck.
No. 208391
>>208385>>208390also I'm stupid and didn't reply to the right person.
excuse my double post.
No. 208447
>>208420God I know people who are trying to do successful Kickstarters and even they don't post around social media as often as Suzy does in what is less then a 2 day period. And they are peddling something that might disappear in a month. Suzy's bugs and grump tees aren't going anywhere.
And I don't think they realize that professional advertisements use a specific algorithm to make sure that they don't overstatement media with ads which would have adverse effects to sales.
No. 208467
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No. 208548
>>208468Yes poor Suzy can't afford her medication to be healthier because she has no money.
Because seriously, she spends it on much more significant things, like expensive merchandise, sunglasses, clothes and make up. And the really life depending trips to like Japan, I mean everything there is so cheap.
Plus she hardly makes money from her overpriced rotten etsy stuff, t-shirts and sponsored original video content.
Please guys understand, she really can't.
No. 208671
>>208662Does she only ever wear gray t-shirts?
Also, apparently, Sweden is the new America.
No. 208686
>>206726So Brian just joked that Suzy doesn't have any friends and the silence lasted way too long.
I'm dyin.
No. 208688
>>208686Brian is a dick.
But bless him.
No. 208835
I want to see this
No. 208906
File: 1448787164431.jpg (138.85 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg)

>Ootd from #friendsgiving at @commanderholly and @rubberninjer ’s house ?
No. 208981
>>208877The very first day the video came out all people asked was "Oh, didnt she already review these?" If that was her REAL reason she could of literally replied to the people asking. It would of been over just like that Lol
But instead she waited 4 days and kept deleteing comments and made the video private hopeing people would forget. I think she knew she couldnt save herself and finally decided to come up with an excuse.
No. 209010
File: 1448808436134.png (377.23 KB, 600x450, 1448570801255.png)

>>208467You see, she'll go and say she can't afford her thyroid medications/treatments/whatthefuckever and then she'll go and blow god even knows how many hunnids on some busts of her husbandos.
Like, is she not raking in enough dosh from mooching off her slob husband's sweet e-fame and her sweatshop manufactured overpriced dead bug displays?
I don't feel any semblance of pity for bitches like this.
No. 209012
>>208906Why does she think those shoes look good?
Like, it just looks so awkward and bad like hoofs or something.
>>208877Ugh should have kept the old one, looked way better, also wtf how do you just forget that stuff?
No. 209039
>>208686Dear Anons, I want to see that.
No. 209062
File: 1448813343039.jpg (383.69 KB, 1437x2161, IMG_20151129_110835.jpg)

No. 209069
>>209039someone over at reddit said they'd record it but nothing has been posted yet afaik.
>>209062LOL, they all look thrilled to be alive…
No. 209074
File: 1448816718423.jpg (144.73 KB, 1324x653, ss (2015-11-29 at 09.05.41).jp…)

>>208906literally from hot topic.
how basic can this bitch get jfc
No. 209104
>>209011Because she's a GAWTH FACHEN IKON.
>>209074>>209078Honestly I don't mind Hot Topic for specific pieces, And it's an OK place to start for a goth wardrobe, but you have to be selective. Suzy's probably shopping there because they do have bigger sizes (and their plus sizes end up at Torrid usually.) I do like that sweater, but I'd need to see it in person to see the knit quality. I'd wear it with skinny jeans and combat boots personally, but I don't self identify as goth so.
>>209090Brian I think just has that kind of face. The rest, I'm not sure, other then Suzy being shit at taking candid photos.
No. 209108
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No. 209293
File: 1448851108442.jpg (34.09 KB, 507x437, save the penguins.JPG)

oh god, this is going to turn into a grump meme, isn't it? Leave poor Pingu alone. I really don't want to see Arin+Suzy in those weird Japanese animal onesies that seem to be all the rage.
The art is pretty cute though.
No. 209312
File: 1448854641445.png (899.67 KB, 934x550, ?Suzy Berhow? (@mortemer) • In…)

Only two of these stores are worth looking at. The fuck is wrong with Vensy? Why the hell would anyone buy a 50 dollar night light? God damn I need to get into the business of selling shit to cosplay and lets play fans.
No. 209315
>>209313you're the fucking best!
And this is atrocious. She remembers exactly where she got them from in her new video but she doesn't remember making a video about them before?
No. 209348
File: 1448865268700.jpg (125.53 KB, 750x788, image.jpg)

>I clean up nice ?.
No. 209379
>>209348Her face looks so giant and…long. A true horseface.
Has she ever come to these threads/do we know if she has?
No. 209382
File: 1448872357605.jpg (158.33 KB, 750x788, 1448865268700 2.jpg)

>>209348She still looks better without that point in her eyeliner
No. 209418
File: 1448885457966.jpg (46.44 KB, 938x641, 1381905356677.jpg)

>>208906ugg boots don't suit short, dumpy girls. they come up too high on the leg.
>>209348tfw her lips probably look even worse without the filters
No. 209440
>>209348Goddamn I can tell she's widening her eyes to make them look bigger, but for her they just look normal sized.
I also always end up lining my lips after I apply black liquid lipstick, I just don't get the same precision and it shows with darker colors. You'd think she'd know this with her over drawing her lip.
No. 209450
>>209447Hahah yes! Like Xiaxue. Though I guess there's no helping her since she's legit 4'10".
Also now with the weight gain she's going to look shorter and stouter.
No. 209461
>>209445She's admitted in a Q@A that she's actually 5'6" but wears heels to make her look 5'8." I do the same thing so I don't really fault her. What's funny though is that she put her height as 5'8" on her modelmayhem account. I know it's common to lie about an inch but not two.
Linked the video. At 3:54 where she says her height.
Also lol'ing at 2:26 she says she'll never be a person who just wears jeans and a t-shirt. Oh lord.
No. 209481
File: 1448908929510.png (1011.4 KB, 1028x964, thyroid.png)

No. 209490
>>209481That is not an outfit anyone sane would wear out of the house.
>>209466The first dress looks cute but I haven't watched the vid yet.
No. 209525
File: 1448919066826.png (387.79 KB, 533x628, tumblr_nylwhlWA5i1ucq89po1_540…)

just saw this on tumblr
No. 209536
>>208467Legit want that Ocelot, like damn
Suzy blew over 1,200 USD on this though but no money for meds?? okay
No. 209555
File: 1448925048626.png (1.08 MB, 876x768, smms.png)

I cannot figure out what type of body snoozy has. Although her thighs have gotten larger, she still has decent looking legs. She seems to put all of her weight on her neck/face, arms, and stomach. And like very little into her legs in boobs.
No. 209562
>>209466I like her first and second outfit but I am always so fucking
triggered by people wearing black boots without stockings.
No. 209584
>>209551Okay but Suzy and Arin get two cuts of the GG money, plus all the money from their other channels, plus merch, plus a good cut from Starbomb, etc etc.
They are definitely not middle class.
They have a house in LA plus a huge office space filled with video game shit. Not to mention the five trips to Japan and Hawaii every year.
Arin and Suzy live well beyond their means and that's why it's such bullshit that Suzy will spend her money on high end cosmetics, brand name clothing, and MGSV merchandise rather than medication.
No. 209603
>>209542That arin like her butt. I mean she has a decent one for a white girl, but she's not being cute about it in the slightest.
>>209551Not sure about suzy, but arin grew up relatively poor. Not really poor, buy not spoiled the way I was as a middle class child of the 90s. He would spend money frivolously because he has enough to do that. Suzy is just making up excuses as to why she's gained weight when all it really is just the usual hormonal change that a lot of women in their mid 20s go through. If she stopped eating such shit and went for a 15 minute walk everyday she'd lose weight a fuck ton faster.
No. 209646
File: 1448940182253.jpg (479.31 KB, 1280x1642, yikes lol.jpg)

I'm disappointed in Chris Pratt.
No. 209800
>>209756Thankfully she only wears short skirts and stuff like that in these outfit videos, and normally just wears hoodies and jeans for the rest of her life then.
Because otherwise she would totally be just "cool mom" style.
No. 209887
>>209778I think in the last thread someone noticed in some random pic that they do have a treadmill in their home. It's probably 'broken'.
>>209823I suspect the same. He's likely too busy to try to work time to record with them into their schedule, and also probably hadn't heard of them until now.
No. 209904
File: 1449018084797.jpg (238.81 KB, 1080x1350, image.jpg)

>Calling this my @linzb0t outfit- cause it reminds me of her. #livingdeadclothing #jefferycampbell #ootd
No. 209979
>>206784I figured that Jon wanted out because of the stress. I mean they have to pump out this crap all the time and it leaves little room for quality. Look at old eps of game grumps compared to now. Old ones were chill as fuck.
On a side note I love how everyone draws Arin with multiple chins.
No. 210268
File: 1449127769476.gif (1022.55 KB, 500x254, ffs.gif)

>>209904Nothing she's wearing goes with
anything else in that outfit
I'm fucking disgusted
No. 210291
File: 1449136320209.png (1.14 MB, 1079x1056, Screenshot_2015-12-03-10-51-03…)

>>210270I think those are extensions, she recently cut her hair shorter
No. 210373
>>210292Can't unsee
>>210214I can totally see her dressing as something like "Snow White elegant goth version"
No. 210417
>>210169damn, this would have been an AWESOME outfit if she had colormatched it correctly…. I love all element of this but darkgreen and purple dress with pink headbow and mintyyellow shoes? WHY! why not just a purple headbow at least?
anyway she doesnt look too bad here in general though
No. 210423
>>210373Don't you dare to compare Snow White with Snoozy, anon. Snow White is my fav Disney princess :'C
>>210169How is it even possible that a drawn character has got more personality than a real person?
No. 210439
File: 1449174296492.jpg (105.01 KB, 900x900, 20130107151213-0.jpg)

>>210435Considering her hair color, she is rather Cruella de Vil, except she is too fat and has got no personality, kek
No. 210483
File: 1449183515773.jpg (117.26 KB, 540x540, uhg.jpg)

do they not know what Snoozy's done?
Neutral good, my ass.
No. 210486
>>210483They'd need a new block entirely with categories
No. 210491
>>210486That seems likes chaotic evil to me :P
really, if they wanted to acknowledge her shit but still think she's some sort of goddess, they could've switched her and Holly's places I think? Because afaik Holly's only crime is having questionable hair choices.
No. 210527
>>210517I love them too, and I agree, they know their shit about a lot of things. One of the main channels I like to binge-watch
How much you wanna bet Arin will shit talk them behind their backs afterwards? Also, just his face in that picture… it says a lot.
Also I may be out of the loop, but you'd think Machinima and Polaris would be more so against each other.
No. 210572
File: 1449208282256.jpg (142.33 KB, 750x750, image.jpg)

>At #thegameawards with @egofaptor !! Just ran into @michelemorrow ???
No. 210634
>>209904GET A FRINGE
also that bow is hideous
No. 210809
File: 1449275396444.jpg (59.66 KB, 600x397, shoulder rug.jpg) looks like a granny trying to dress like she's 20 again
No. 210815
>>210812Eh, I get it. I'm 5'7" and some change so I like taller guys too, but the one in the middle doesn't look too attractive to me.
If the guy on the left had the middle guy's height then yeah, it would look better. But left dude is almost the same height as Suzy, too short for my liking.
No. 210816
>>210518Arin's smile looks really fake.
Or his face looks like he just came.
I can't decide.
No. 210819
>>210816I'm hoping for option one because number two is something I really don't want to think about.
But seriously. Why is he almost always this awkward in pics? He never looks normal but always like he's either begging you to kill him or like he's trying really hard to pose/put on some kind of 'knowing/in on it' personality. It's just weird.
No. 210856
>>210587Same for E3. I can think of like 10 personal friends that get in that have no creditenials outside being fanboys but now the US industry think that cosplay and efamous gaming comm people are the way to stay genuinely connected to their audience, plus all the free hype-I mean-pr
Honestly, I miss reading like 1 or 2 articles about a game coming out, the 1 or 2 trailers, and playing it. The entire "gaming community" is so masturbatory that I can't even enjoy releases anymore because of how MUCH it gets talked about, 1 million "leaks, trailers, reviews"
No. 210889
>>210857All the way on the right. Beats wearing a shovel knight tee unset a sweater. And he still remains to be the most attractive grump. Rips would be if he wasn't such a man child. Is only on holly's channel is he less so.
>>210881Because it's not a real relationship. Like Suzy puts investment into it.
In truth I enjoy brain scratch commentaries more then I should but that's likely because they are much more standard nerds then most on you tube and super knowledgeable about games. Also since it's post commentary they aren't juggling brain functions as much. Even in the few where they have to it's still not so rage inducing.
No. 210890
>>210889*he's wearing.
Dumb phone
No. 210896
>>210858Off topic–but I can understand your point of view; it's not for everyone. But I personally watch "Let's Play" videos or youtubers in general because I like their personalities and find them funny. It's enjoyable entertainment to me to watch and listen to them, much like a movie or tv show can be. I only watch silent playthroughs for walkthrough type things if I absolutely need help in a visual way, or just want to watch a gameplay more seriously.
I won't watch gameplay from someone I don't enjoy though. Everyone has different tastes and enjoys different forms of entertainment, obviously.
(And I personally haven't watched much Game Grumps after Jon left, the quality has just shut down and I only watch occasionally to see if it changed and NOPE. And that drama. People who care more about the money ruin it for me too.)
No. 211086
File: 1449345781755.png (1.13 MB, 1366x768, ariiiin.png)

>without joy in his heartThe summary of his career now
No. 211094
File: 1449346197451.png (711.91 KB, 839x459, Untitled.png)

No. 211095
File: 1449346306692.png (703.5 KB, 845x466, Untitled.png)

Werent they drinking in that hospital bar in Japan??
No. 211096
File: 1449346341805.png (637.15 KB, 839x427, Untitled.png)

No. 211159
>>211139Yeah Ross is generally adorable TBH
I actually like him and it's also nice to see him in let's plays on Holly's channel
No. 211163
File: 1449363147575.png (640.33 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (525).png)

>tfw you wasted the greatest years of your life playing with toys for children, married to a vapid whale with nothing to show for it
the man didn't even finish sophomore year of highschool. hopefully the youtube bubble doesn't burst because would be fucked
No. 211296
>>211095Yeah. Guess what happens in Japan totes doesn't count. (To be fair the drinks in Japan are weak af)
>>211163I sorta hope it does, just want to see how they'd do without it.
No. 211462 this video to her newest one…'s really sad. It seems she's lost all her energy and passion.
No. 211496
>>211483You might be right. She might have depression, which is why she has gained weight. She should get help I had that problem and talking to someone and being more active really helps.
This in no way makes up for her poor salesmanship and lackluster makeup/ fashion.
No. 211535
File: 1449461488036.jpg (49.03 KB, 554x564, pieceofshit.jpg)

Well, add Octopimp to a GG official piece of shit. I swear all these gaming youtubers all suck GG's dick. I thought Super best friends was safe. I really, really hope they don't collaborate with GG again.
Octopimp's abridged stuff was amusing. Now he's just another run of the mill twitch streamer.
No. 211538
File: 1449461947661.jpg (77.49 KB, 500x300,…)

>>211534> How's the Japanese studies been going buddy? > I'm willing to bet everything I own when they come to Japan, Arin's Japanese helps them with jack shit.That is definitely a given since (I believe it was in one of the Sakura Spirit episodes) he didnt even know what tsundere meant. One of the most simple terms to get - especially since he is apparently so into anime - and he was like "uhh I think it means something rapey. like the dude is saying the girl wants it lolol"
And everytime Danny or anyone else asks him what something means, there is a long pause and he either blurts out something wrong, gibberish, or changes the subject
He is almost certainly that kid you knew back in high school that bragged about learning japanese and could only say shit like hello, cute, and how are you doing (he seems to know a few other basic phrases but you get my jist)
No. 211677
Went back on her youtube channel, you can really see the change in not just her fatness, but video quality after she got married. her old modelling skills were way better.
No. 211761
File: 1449530279805.jpg (250.15 KB, 799x1151, why.jpg) grumps has some new posters made by shanen pae, who imo has a very neat art style
the one nitpick i have with this fucking poster in particular though is suzy. mainly cause she looks like a teenager? but also cause she's drawn skinny as anything and has cat ears.
i get the stylistic choice but, it doesn't really fit in at all when the rest of the guys actually look like themselves?
No. 211764
File: 1449530548850.jpg (262.78 KB, 769x1153, nooo.jpg)

>>211761also, oskar (raspbearyart), ANOTHER great artist, made this
i just don't understand why people feel the need to lie to themselves when they interpret suzy in art? maybe it's cause they get paid to…
No. 211772
>>211670for the amount of time she spends on each pair of boots, you can't even make out any of the details since half the time she's flailing around like a spastic
jfc what is wrong with you Suzy
No. 211797
>>211670Oh god she's too fat for these shoes. Her legs legit just look like stumps haha oh god. Suzy, buy shoes that look better on thick ankles for gods sake.
Still using that shitty silver glimmer shit in the background.
Also she always wears those shoes in nr 9 and they are so fucking ugly on her legs? Like why she like them so much? Am I just crazy to think they're really unflattering?
No. 211820
>>211538Yes thank you! This has always bothered me, but that's not what sealed the deal for me.
>Dan: I've seen you drink honey from the bottle, gross lol>Arin: Uh no, it's ok, Honey isn't sugarArin is a "know-it-all" idiot, and it's only gotten noticeably worse.
No. 211837
>>211761What if Suzy rejected the original so the artist inserted a generic animu cat girl to shut her up?
She seems like she was pasted in.
No. 211995
>>211764Is 10,000 times more faithful to Suzy than this shit.
No. 212091
>>211761I don't get why Snoozy is always included in GG group fanart, but not Holly. Holly's just as much of a GG as Snoozy is. I guess Snoozy is just around more because she's got no personality of her own and has to force-include herself into everything her husband does.
>>212086What, buying tons of useless ugly shit isn't a hobby? I'd have drawn her with a handful o' Arin's credit cards…
No. 212116
File: 1449598426936.png (2.93 MB, 1536x2048, womens.png)

A little grump store modeling Suze
No. 212127
File: 1449600478932.jpg (188.39 KB, 954x605, ss (2015-12-08 at 10.46.17).jp…)

No. 212128
File: 1449600523811.jpg (190 KB, 958x604, ss (2015-12-08 at 10.48.15).jp…)

No. 212129
File: 1449600570349.jpg (160.24 KB, 943x607, 4.jpg)

No. 212133
>>212127Are those chocolate graham crackers? Is she at home? I don't get it.
She can't even make proper smores.
No. 212154
>>212151holly looks more like a man than ross does.
but i guess you are right in her being more talented at life than suzy is.
No. 212165
File: 1449605091889.jpg (19.93 KB, 600x279, kwality.jpg)

Ah the gold old days of modeling, when she was younger and thin.
Such quality!
No. 212169
File: 1449605167640.jpg (32.99 KB, 600x400, kwalitytoo.jpg)

No. 212184
File: 1449610775267.jpg (12.52 KB, 201x279, move over jaslene.jpg)

>>212165Tyra really dropped the ball on this girl.
She's giving you the most all the time.
No. 212191
>>211837that's what i would bet my money on.
i can totally imagine her throwing a tantrum when presented with the rough draft.
gotta stroke dat customer ego.
No. 212255
>>212116>>212121To be honest, I think the makeup/hair and photography is much better in that second photo, and has little to do with any weight gain.Hair and makeup look way better in the second photo, and the lenses keep her eyes from looking super beady. That top photo is pretty yikes though.
-terrible hair (that shaved head thing does her no favors)
-no lenses drastically make her eyes look different, they're very beady.
-is she wearing foundation? Her face looks super uneven and splotchy.
-her face is at a bad angle, not flattering.
No. 212517
>>212515I meant this sentence:
But now it's just a cluster fuck of fake characters to appeal to a mainstream teen audience.
No. 212525
File: 1449700938404.jpg (180.43 KB, 942x597, ss (2015-12-09 at 02.41.52).jp…)

No. 212526
File: 1449700983585.jpg (185.51 KB, 949x614, ss (2015-12-09 at 02.42.51).jp…)

No. 212527
>>212165this random group of
models fucking kek
No. 212528
File: 1449701058519.jpg (162.12 KB, 945x606, ss (2015-12-09 at 02.44.05).jp…)

No. 212531
>>212525Oh my fucking god, this video is so embarassing!!!
Her poses
her acting
her figure
I just can't.. HOW could she upload this shit?
No. 212532
File: 1449701262227.png (988.02 KB, 752x724, Untitled.png)

No. 212534
>>212525 for posterity.
At least she's not using that horrid background, the sparkly one.
But jesus it's like she forgot ALL her skills from her modelling career….
No. 212535
>>212534She looks so awkward flailing around trying to be "quirky".
Also her outfits are just so samey lately… awful.
No. 212537
File: 1449701641388.png (651.58 KB, 870x754, Untitled.png)

No. 212538
File: 1449701676731.png (56.01 KB, 188x155, tongue.png)

No. 212561
>>212525I feel embarrassed. Actual embarrassment as if I had something to do with it. Does Arin film these? He seems at least half self-aware enough to realize this isn't good.
>>212532I usually rather comment an Suzy's antics rather than her looks. But this is hideous. The dress, the shoes, the black lipstick. She can't even be bothered to stand up straight/suck it in a bit?
No. 212587
>>212565LOL Arin is definitely Nate!
She really is an utter sellout. You just know she wouldn't wear any of this but hey, affiliated links! Some of her either young and/or dumb fans might buy something so she can fill her pockets to buy more….not medication…but useless shit.
No. 212597
File: 1449713685457.jpg (111.12 KB, 916x608, surrealism at its finest.JPG)

I like how none of the artists can even be bothered to figure out her actual eye color.
No. 212599
>>212595Nice catch.
>>212597It's brown right? This is what happens when you wear dumb circle lenses.
No. 212600
>>212534WTF is with the cheezy 80s "fantasy guitar rock" music? The sound, her spastic nonsensical poses, combined with her wearing skintight clothing over a body that needs shapewear (she's not a landwhale yet, but she's def lumpy in unattractive places) doesn't add up in any way to make me buy something she's wearing. In fact, she makes the outfits dated, odd, and clearly unflattering to most body types.
And let's get real, most "gamer girls", goffic teens, and women into cosplay are not known for being in great shape, and they're the audience Suzy and her sponsors are aiming for. So all she's done is make it apparent that the clothes are going to look shitty on you if you're Suzy-sized or bigger. And clothing itself is ugly; you couldn't pay me to wear that ugly shit, let alone sell it to me.
Lastly, lol at whoever (Arin?) is filming this shit. I cannot imagine being behind that camera, watching her make a fatty fool of herself and convince her that yeah, that was definitely cute and will make her sponsor happy.
No. 212611
File: 1449717298407.jpg (45.75 KB, 583x325, wait what.JPG)

I don't wanna mock mental health issues…but yknow, know one is forcing you to make a video Suzy. I'm sure the world will keep on turning if you don't hold up a lush/lootcrate/birchbox item that's ~*amazing*~ for a week. And what's with the random enthusiastic plug of another (monetized) show?
No. 212779
>>212771Like Suzy walks outside in any of these cloths.
They would be okay as con clothing, since leggings make for good comfy clothes but normal people stick to black and brown and maybe the odd color or leatherette detail.
No. 212879
File: 1449791001291.webm (639.52 KB, 718x404, oO2cC2C.webm)
>>212532Even the spanx can't hide that belly fat.
No. 212887
>>212884she's super dishonest: scammed her fans by selling them 'handmade' jewellery when she really just ordered a 2 dollar pendant, slapped it 5 dollar chain and then sold it for 100 dollars.
Took down some guys GG comedy compilation video because it made her look bad (it didn't, she was in it for about 2 seconds) When that became public and people weren't too happy she pretty soon changed her story to 'I only flagged it because the video was monetized u guiiz' when it almost certainly wasn't.
No. 212933
>>212923Tries to brag about connection to famous band.
Gets band name wrong.
Joking aside, how is she not ashamed of making such a blatant whore-out video?
No. 212947
>>212923She mentioned those limited Ouija board posters she got made were almost sold out, and that she had 400 printed….
$20 a piece, basically 400 sold
>$8000 No. 212963
>>212947Yeah, because no one's ever lied about the scarcity and desirability of their products to make them appear worth purchasing.
I would be surprised if she manages to sell 200 before she takes them down from humiliation and claims they're sold out. Then she can just release a "reprint" of the remainder as a kindness to all her fans clamoring to buy one.
No. 213060
File: 1449862854537.jpg (46.92 KB, 500x375, 1447871107528.jpg)

>grabs kabooki brush just blend your eyeshadow out with that!
No. 213069
>>213050>everyday Suzy makeup + glasses = THIS IS MAKEUP FOR PEOPLE WITH GLASSES LET'S MAKE A VIDEOMy god, literally all of her makeup tutorials are the same. It's hardly any different from her non-glasses "looks".
Plus, unless your eyes are beady as fuck like Suzy's are, winged eyeliner is just going to be hidden by your frames.
No. 213070
>>213064Oh man I went and looked for it after this comment. Hilarious.
3:30 for anyone who doesn't want to skip around.
No. 213102
>>213096The winged eyeliner really closes her already beady eyes too. She should try a thinner line and an eyeshadow look (not with a kabuki brush) that would make them look bigger.
She's also getting older and she can't dress like a teenager forever.
No. 213104
File: 1449869171692.png (242.89 KB, 536x552, shert.png)

Wait New T-Shirts coming soon!
(Somebody with skill put that logo on her shirt please?)
No. 213137
>>212532Her weight here doesnt look bad.
She should try to get a flat stomach but that's it.
she should try wearing waist training shit or corsets.
No. 213144
>>212534I actually really like her hair. Her weight gets distributed in such a weird way. Her arms are so big.
>>213138I think some of us are. Seems like her and Arin are bored of each other and they don't give a fuck about what they look like. They got married too young I think.
No. 213153
>>21292360 SECONDS
No. 213156
File: 1449883577017.png (329.51 KB, 477x570, absolutely disgusting.png)

No. 213178
>>213050BITCH YOU HAVE HOODED EYES. Unless you make a cut crease, NO ONE WILL SEE YOUR FUCKING EYE SHADOW. All anyone ever sees are the big black liquid eyeliner lines. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
Also, your voice makes want to off myself. And your face if fat. Maybe learn how to contour before you make a fucking video where you're all, "My face makeup is on point, guize! All we need now is a fuckton of Cleopatra eyeliner! Make sure to power up your eye crease - especially if no one can see it, because your eyes are hooded!"
No. 213288
>>213234Yes. Ross frequently refers to Holly add his wife. I think they've been married for a long as Arin and Suzy,but a much less dysfunctional relationship.
Then again Suzy is only capable of using chemistry with Barry, who seems to have chemistry with everyone.
No. 213309
>>213288honestly Suzy seems she'd be alot better off being with Barry than with Arin.
then Arin could also go out and get the gay out of his system finally
No. 213323
>>212538Suzy reminds me of this ~~goth gurrl~~ I know that literally only wears jeans and a t shirt every day, but with Edgy hair and makeup
She even does this exact face holy shit
No. 213374
File: 1449958492305.jpeg (117.02 KB, 1080x1350, image.jpeg)

No. 213402
>>213374sometimes Suzy actually hits a good look. Its rare but it happens. I really like this!
I hope it doesnt give me a nasty surprise when i see the video
No. 213423
File: 1449967993548.png (Spoiler Image,515.41 KB, 1236x1155, 1449959117008.png)

man, some of their fans are fucking insane. who draws this shit?
trigger warning: extreme faggotry
No. 213431
File: 1449969275923.gif (4.19 MB, 320x240, 1438137814442.gif)

>>213423Don't click that spoiler. Just don't.
No. 213440
>>213368Her make up is pretty extreme. That's about it. Her application skills are a million times better then Suzy and has eyes big enough that the inner wing doesn't look dumb. And she doesn't do it all the fucking time. She's also a bit of a norm when it comes to the internet, but she seems to be learning. My mom say one of her looks and thought it was pretty (until she drew the flies on her brows…) and my mom hates it when I do dark, smokey or weird make up looks (even though I'd get compliments all the time.)
>>213374I like the jacket. I like asymmetrical moto-style jackets so maybe that's me. That skirt looks like a trash bag and she should know better then to stand pigeon toed. Also that camera angle. It looks like Suzy's gonna fall over at any moment.
No. 213461
>>213368She uses Limecrime and uses a pushover excuse of, "but muh make-up addiction" and "lets just all appreciate the beauty of make-up guise"
She even used LC to recreate a look by Shrinkle and was clueless about what the big deal was.
But besides that not much
>>213423End me
No. 213474
File: 1449980606877.jpeg (111.34 KB, 750x750, image.jpeg)

Hope everyone is enjoying Saturday! It’s pretty chilly/windy here! Loving my #diamonddogs @kombostore jacket ??? #mgsv
No. 213549
>>213474oh come on you guys, shes not THAT ugly… sure she is boring as fucking hell with a personality as interesting as watching paint dry, which is why I dislike her the most… but shes not UGLY as people say.
Id like to see some of you guys if you think shes so horribly disfigured.
No. 213552
File: 1450023266935.jpg (19.85 KB, 550x416, 142788-004-C3E60EBF[1].jpg)

>>213451Don't forget that Suzy was never really interested in Arin anyways, and only came back after Arin went all obsessive over her. Then she told Arin to stop making animation because he would never make money off of it.
No. 213555
Question:Is Kati Dans Girlfriend? am talking about this girl, shes in a lot of Hollys Lets Play Videos and stuff but I dont actually watch them so yeah
No. 213560
>>213555I don't think so, I know Dan is probably the type of guy whod have some fuckbuddies whod hed only wanna bang, but I don't see why he wouldn't say it out loud if he had a girlfriend.
I don't see his reasoning in hiding having somebody
No. 213566
File: 1450026497805.png (963.02 KB, 1750x1014, morty.png)

>>213549Sure, she doesn't look horrible with 10 pounds of makeup on… I would hate to need to do that just to look socially acceptable.
Pic related and she is even wearing makeup in this (foundation, concealer, contouring, and blush).
No. 213583
>>213566that's really sad, that she has to spend so much time on makeup
she should just lose weight so she can look normal
No. 213585
>>213566i think she looks average ''without'' makeup
but yeah since shes fat it makes her look pretty ugly
No. 213586
>>213585I wouldn't call that average, anon… tiny, far spaced eyes… skinny lips… moon face… thin early 2000 eyebrows…
That's below average as fuck
No. 213685
>>213555She's not. Both have been adamant about that when one mentions the other. Kati I believe games with Holly on her channel and seems like a genuine, sweet person.
>>213549Suzy isn't ugly, but she's not what anyone would really call pretty, or even handsome. She can be borderline homely without make up, but the best way to describe her would be interesting, and not even because she's gawth.
No. 213751
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No. 213753
File: 1450047021432.jpg (122.91 KB, 943x608, ss (2015-12-13 at 02.49.20).jp…)

No. 213754
>>213742I know recently mark had to move in with the dudes he's living with now because fans showed up at his doorstep (which is why we aren't getting a house tour because people figured it out last time). I think what might have happened with Mark is that people figured out who is last girlfriend was and thought her to be the one he talked about in a tumblr post who was abusive. People are dumb and jump to conclusions and I remember a post on fb he made about the more recent ex, who he is still friends with.
I can imagine Dan trying to keep a gf on the down low for awhile, but I don't think it would remain secret for too long. I think he might be afraid of getting into a relationship too because at the age he is the next one will be serious since it seems like he'd want a family at some point.
Also why I think Barry is still single because a mention or slip up probably would have happened by now.
No. 213774
>>213757oh wow they actually kind of do look alike.
I guess all jews just look alike.
No. 213778
File: 1450051063444.jpg (157 KB, 1600x927, 1450026497805_meitu_1.jpg)

>>213566If she would lose weight, wear red lipstick and try to make her lips fuller, use cute blush and volumizing fake eyelashes then she would look fine.
(i'm sorry if the lips look weird)
No. 213785
>>213050>>213050>Only reason why she made the video was because someone funded it. She didn't do it for fans.In all they were great tips you can get from any google search. Just done by suzy (which is half assing it)
I just wished she talked about skin care more. Eye cream is needed for glasses wearers and people over 25. If you don't wear makeup all the time (I save makeup for events)it is a great way to handle bags under eyes which can get highlighted when wearing glasses.
No. 213809
>>213785actually, eye cream isnt needed.
you can use facial oils under your eyes.
i've been doing this and it's better than buying an eye cream tbh
No. 213844
>>213832This made me crease up, lol!
On a serious note no amount of make up can fix that huge nose-mouth gap. Please Suzy, get an upper lip lift and lose weight.
No. 213878
File: 1450062759862.png (1.13 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>213583This. She would look so much better if her face was just less fat. The more weight she loses the better for her face.
And what is wrong with her eyes is that they are slanted upward and she accentuates this with the winged liner. She should do a droopy eyeliner to create the illusion of no slant.
No. 213901
File: 1450064463388.jpeg (112.95 KB, 1334x750, image.jpeg)

>>213878She looks much better with normal makeup than her style of makeup even. I still didn't do exactly what I wanted to do (like a reverse winged liner because too lazy to find an app that would let me). Also I hate her hair color so lightened it up a little.
No. 213906
>>213864I agree.
she needs full lips
No. 213910
>>213901Obviously this isn't a "fantastic" edit, but jesus christ she looks much more palatable here.
Still doesn't change the fact thats shes got such a terrible attitude tho
No. 213913
File: 1450065999336.jpg (64.23 KB, 526x594, 1370594319243.jpg)

>>213423Dear God…
I assume the girl is Suzy, but who is the guy even supposed to be? I thought maybe Ross because of the hair, but why did they draw him so fat? Why is he fatter than Suzy? What sick twisted individual dreamed up this monstrosity? tbh I'm not sure I even want to know…
No. 214070
>>213864honestly though I dont wish for anyone having to resort to plastic surgery or injections. Thats horrible you guys would even suggest that.
Suzy just needs to learn how to do makeup and looks to suit how she already is.
And also calm the fuck down with trying to be a popular grump. Thats all i ask.
No. 214073
>>213423man I know Arin is pretty fat but people always draw him as obese and give him 80 chins.. gotta feel bad man!
I mean fair enough he defiently needs to loose weight, but people are still mean drawing him at like 500 fucking lbs!
Also this looks nothing like suzy or arin at fucking all
No. 214119
File: 1450093684329.jpeg (104.29 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

Why does she have shirts? All she does is open boxes wtf
No. 214120
File: 1450093721666.jpeg (104.07 KB, 750x750, image.jpeg)

No. 214134
>>214121so you need surgery or injections if youre ugly now or have an ugly area of your face? Is that what youre saying?
Because in that case we would all need some corrections, and then when does it stop?
We all have ugly areas. Get over it.
Suzy just needs to do correct makeup and not the cakey shit she does now.
No. 214177
>>213904That wasn't for you…
>>214130Maybe this is in a previous thread I missed or she said it in a video, but why is her handle mortemer anyway? Aside from Disney lore it seems random. Also all hey shirts are ugly.
No. 214442
File: 1450147641984.jpg (178.53 KB, 500x500, suzy_fix.jpg)

>>214389I made a really quick attempt and also made her make up a smokey eye and a darker lip. She needs to stop doing concealer lip.
No. 214459
File: 1450152327575.gif (459.06 KB, 256x144, 1430279386869.gif)

>>214447NONE OF THESE OUTFITS ARE GOTH. NONE. Suzy is seriously one of those stupid basic bitches who says they're goth and probably doesn't listen to the music or is involved in the subculture. And even if you are going to be that lazy, research proper goths. This is just ugly coordinations on all parts.
>I'm wearing black so I'm totes goth!Not with that hat, those ugly fringe (flare) pants and just…everything. This is a total mess. And her poses are obnoxious. Suzy has no idea what she's doing. She has no personal identity. She thinks styles and subcultures are some kind of 'feel like wearing this today' type of thing. I mean, if you're gonna pretend to be goth, don't make it a halloween costume. Better yet, don't pretend.
No. 214485
File: 1450158279942.png (381.82 KB, 623x398, xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.png)

>>214459she's wearing tumblr goth shit. tumblr ruined subcultures and turned them into cookie cutter generic versions that you can get at walmart for 10 dollars. they made everything look the same and all the little shits of today just buy into it. these bitches can't come up with anything unique or good looking it's always just shorts paired with tights lmfao
No. 214487
File: 1450159204774.jpg (44.22 KB, 480x487, 1445815161252.jpg)

>>213156I hope you guys realize the comments are jokes. It's tumblr making fun of tumblr for believing "kinkshaming" is a thing.
No. 214496
File: 1450161289123.jpg (45.68 KB, 570x456, il_570xN.440068508_4z79.jpg)

>>214493Yeah if you search for "hipster goth" you get a lot of similar pics, its just, no. No. Awful.
No. 214506
>>214485I must be a faggot because I think the "goth" look is kind of cute. Not goth at all, but interesting.
Pastel goth is pure retardation and "grunge" looks like a forever 21 store vomited on this girl. I
No. 214559
File: 1450185892156.png (133.25 KB, 309x303, LW6Tsib.png)

I can't stop thinking about the past, I'm sorry
No. 214560
File: 1450185925013.gif (1000.13 KB, 218x262, tumblr_inline_nxcm50szlH1rpdlx…)

I also found this kek
No. 214562
>>214560ok this angle
literally looks like shes from a dr seuss book
No. 214572
Her acting skills suck. Hell, all she wants to do is look "pretty" and that's it, she doesn't take any risks, she doesn't even frown to show that she's pissed, he face is like a wall, you would think that after so many years of sitting in front of a camera smiling and reviewing shit would teach her how to act slightly invested in was she's saying, but no, bitch has no talent, she's as bland as she looks.
(Sorry about the sperg out, Playfag here, half assed performances makes my bloodlust rise)
No. 214591
I guess you're aware of this parody from collegehumour mocking beauty gurus, right? was a comment saying something like this:
"I thought I was gonna watch a CollegeHumor video but I guess I clicked on a mort123m456er video instead"
This comment got a huge amount of likes and comments.
Now the comment is gone,
Now there's only a replacement comment with graveyarg girl.
No. 214622
>>214473I didn't freeze enough areas properly before I started to liquify her lip but yeah. I don't think you can fix her philtrum completely, but you can make that area of her face look less… stretched.
>>214447I like the first dress, but I'm not goth. I like the aesthetic of goth culture, but Suzy doesn't get it at all.
No. 214625
File: 1450206634804.png (1.32 MB, 1020x1236, herecomeshoneybooboo.png)

>>214559Man, I know it's probably just the lighting set-up she had, but she just looked so… healthy. Weight gain aside, her hair and skin looked great and she genuinely looked happy. Now she looks dull, dumpy, and like she crawled out of a trailer park.
No. 214626
>>214447what annoys me about Suzys outfits is that theres always something nice on it, like its not TERRIBLE but she is horrible at mixing and matching things.
The two first outfits could be great if she could style them properly!
but okay theres no helping the last one.
It seems like theres always 2 okay or even sometimes good outfits and then 1 really fucking horrible in these outfit vids.
Also Suzy clearly has grav3yardgirl syndrome, where she constantly makes vids and instagram posts about outfits she never actually wears in real life.
Or at least super rarely.
No. 214627
File: 1450207002935.jpg (406.59 KB, 619x846, 1440811851433.jpg)

>>214625Dropping another.
No. 214628
>>214459While I agree Suzy isn't very goth, my fucking god you sound like a pretentious asshole!
>MUH GOTH CULTUREZ OMGZ DOING IT WRONGstfu man you sound like those lolitas who say you cant be lolita if you dont EMBRACE the lifestyle and have teaparties and frilly sofas
No. 214637
>>214447"How to remain hip and cool at 40"
Jesus christ she really needs to stop. If she put this much time and effort into cardio instead of into outfits she looks terrible in doesn't actually wear, she'd be down 30lbs by now. Priorities, Suzy.
No. 214648
>>214640Seeing the end of that made me happy, god damn i'm such a faggot but i can't help it.
I thought it funny that Suzy wasn't shoehorned into the ending, just imagine how awkward it would've been.
Who knows if she was just glaring at everyone off stage lmao
No. 214663
File: 1450218190670.jpg (74.63 KB, 800x725, af17006096b3877b2489fa62039bd5…)

Does anyone know where she got this top?
No. 214668
>>214447I never understand why she names these videos with something like "3 Outfits 1 Video". Wow, what a deal! We get to watch Suzy awkwardly pose in some shitty outfit for one who minute!
I'm not into outfit videos and stuff but don't most people have way more outfits in a video?
No. 214681
>>214664exactly, it's tortuga from pirates of the caribbean if it went 90s goth-kei.
have not seen many things quite so shit put out by a brand.
No. 214686
File: 1450225578065.jpg (97.93 KB, 675x369, shrek-fun-facts-1.jpg)

Her smooth philtrum reminds me of Shrek.
No. 214693
File: 1450226284199.png (901.35 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_2015-12-15-16-35-05…)

Ew she looks disgusting
Also lol @ her ember poss
No. 214702
>>214693even with that proana pose her thighs still touch
No. 214711
File: 1450230259480.jpg (474.37 KB, 1278x834, NOES.jpg)

>>214648>>214658But, but, that's her right here in the mask ? It even has the winged eye ?
No. 214714
>>214559It's gonna take some time, to realize
But if you look inside, I'm sure you'll find
Over your shoulder you know that I told you
I'll always be pickin' you up when your down
So just turn around…
No. 214733
File: 1450238238630.jpg (60.86 KB, 600x800, beachtrip07052.jpg)

Can't tell if Suzy or twin sister. If Suzy, she needs to change her shitty eyeliner
No. 214758
>>214733What in the fuck is that eyeliner and why is it a centimeter below her lash line - how can anyone walk around like that when they aren't walking around saying "Hi welcome to Hot Topic"
but bc of her weight gain she's keeping her face looking young and preserving her collagen, minus the texture of her skin. nice from far away, but her sick consumption of sugar will catch up to her skin.
No. 214759
>>214661The Best Friends play are pretty upfront, from what I know. They'll just straight up say "This is sponsored by
company, we're getting money for this. We're saving up for an office."
No. 214787
>>214733Her skin is so bad… Whoa
(and have you never seen Jean before? She wears more natural makeup and not all this caked on shit. Also, she has much better skin than Suzy.)
No. 214793
>>214789Nope she has stated in a lot of her makeup lush things that she doesn't do a lot for her skin. I think as of recent she has (Japanese face mask and samples of scrubs)She doesn't use moisturizer or sunscreen (she thinks she doesn't need it because she doesn't go outside).
The damage has been done to her face and with her getting older it is starting to show even with all the thick makeup.
No. 214797
File: 1450248289623.jpeg (91.58 KB, 640x898, image.jpeg)

Apparently they're filming something with Jontron. Ross posted this earlier…thoughts?
No. 214802
>>206726>>214793I think it's a bit farfetched to say that, since that would most likely be a more gradual thing that would be noticeable over time, not immediately after weight gain and an announcement about thyroid issues which CAN make you break out btw (Google hypothyroidism and acne, I can't link because my phones copy paste is being retarded.)
It's like nobody has ever lived in a world without usingface masks and creams. I do believe in using sunscreen but that is really it. Sometimes I wear face masks for fun to feel pampered. But jfc I guess it's easy for me to say since I have normal skin and get a pimple or two before my period and that's it.
I pray I don't become the crypt keeper.
No. 214803
No. 214821
>>214506Pastel goth looks less retarded when done right. Agreeing that the "grunge" girl just looks like she fell into a F21 rack though.
>>214619Have you heard of health goth yet?
No. 214892
File: 1450282776826.png (214.21 KB, 888x1453, arinmadrant.png)

>>214788Suzy is a GG and Arin is connected to her like a parasitic tumor, so he can be mocked as well. He's defended her scams before publically on reddit.
No. 214893
File: 1450282872879.jpg (17.9 KB, 240x240, 1430349081062.jpg)

>>214797Come on, Jon. You got out. I respected you for that. Don't get pulled back into this black hole.
No. 214925
>>214924Ah there's no official story? The claims I heard where always so varied and some were so extreme I never really knew what happened.
Like I heard everything from jontron had sexually assaulted someone to him not wanting to do sponsored videos to him hating suzy and her forcing the break, that I never really understood, lol
No. 214927
>>214925Here's a few conspiracy theories for you from the first thread
>>58906>>58908Jon's girlfriend not liking her:
>>58922 No. 214937
>>214925Earlier in the thread there is a link to the sleepycast here
>>206784 he was tired of doing it. Wouldn't you? To make good let's plays but being told by Polaris that you have to keep pumping out content it can be draining. It even shows. Jon's vids take time but are better than GG's.
No. 214949
File: 1450298687085.png (675.76 KB, 504x577, okay.png)

Jesus Christ!
This picture only looks good, if you if you ignore her face and her wiener stubby arms.
Plus, perfect model pose!
No. 214950
>>214949the dress actually seems really nice but its really fucking hard to see if it looks good on her or not when she stands like that!
Fucking just stand up straight Suzy that pose doesnt make you look skinnier just constipated
No. 214958
File: 1450299636658.jpg (14.49 KB, 200x283, 200px-Bawwwww_bunny.jpg)

>>214900N..No.. No.. A-Arin.. Dan is fine but.. Arin..Why..
My heart hurts so much now.
Why GMM.. Why?
No. 214962
File: 1450301181296.png (24.23 KB, 120x135, Screenshot_2015-12-16-22-24-45…)

What's this face supposed to be
No. 214966
File: 1450301994662.jpg (24.98 KB, 354x484, themtht.jpg)

>>214962Teeth appropriation post.
No. 214973
>>214965I don't think thats it, I just think Arin has extremely low confidence and alot of selfworth issues which in many cases can make him seem arrogan or closed off.
I don't think Arins a bad or snobby person at all, I just think he needs to go see a therapist about believing in himself.
That's also part of Suzys biggest problem.
And when two people with extreme confidence and worth issues are MARRIED its just bound to be bad.
No. 214981
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No. 214985
Like I know yogscast can be cringe too but ffs at least they're hard working and intelligent.
No. 215005
>>214994Lmao i got banned from chat for talking mad shit.
this makes me hate yogscast a little bit tbh. gagging your community is always a bad move in my book.
No. 215055
>>214932Yeah that does suck but I think Jontron still gets paid with all the videos with him in it. Thats why he refuses to talk about the feud because it would destroy his non-disclosure contract or w/e and he wouldnt get paid.
So yeah sucks because his idea baby got stolen but still not terrible since he still gets paid. Could have been worse
No. 215063
>>214949Holy fucking shit snoozy, why would she ever think this looked good enough to post? He upper arms look disgustingly fat and so does her gerbil face.
y can't she let go of her youth already and just accept shes getting older and letting go of herself.
No. 215064
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No. 215072
File: 1450326108217.png (429.77 KB, 501x441, Untitled.png)

>>214900arins man boobs lol
No. 215075
File: 1450326466012.png (906.01 KB, 845x470, Untitled.png)

No. 215078
File: 1450326673700.png (666.25 KB, 834x462, Untitled.png)

>>215075Arin looking like a big ol' butter ball
No. 215080
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No. 215084
>>215075This actually reminds me of a story I once read, in which a man gave his wife an unremovable cursed ring. Through the ring, he was able to transfer all the negative effects of his aging and food intake to his wife. Despite how hard she dieted and worked out, she just got fatter and more haggard (and thus no one believed her), while her spritely, ever-youthful husband did whatever he pleased and looked better than ever.
I think Dan has put this curse on Arin and Suzy.
No. 215142
>>215024>>215025Also being apple shaped. She gains on her top half faster then her bottom.
I'm also getting confused why none of Suzy's pictures are straight. It's like the live in a horse with an incline.
No. 215163
>>215125>>215162OT but: I just recently found their channel like a week ago and have been binge watching them. i can't believe I'd never heard of them before, especially seeing how popular they are.
PS Link is bae.
No. 215230
>>215196Nope, I'm with you there. I started watching GG once Danny was already on the show so I didn't get to experience the "Jon Era", but I watched some older GG videos with him in it just because people would never shut the fuck up about how great he was and he just… was not funny. I know I didn't watch enough videos to get a good idea of him but I couldn't stand to watch more when the few I did see were so embarrassing.
Off topic, I know she's not really a grump but since she's lumped in with them anyway, does anyone know if anything happened between Holly and Jessica? I get the vibe that they're not friends anymore.
No. 215251
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No. 215307
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No. 215308
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No. 215309
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No. 215310
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No. 215311
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No. 215313
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No. 215314
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No. 215315
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No. 215316
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No. 215317
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No. 215318
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No. 215319
>>215314what kind of fatass needs "the strength" not to order a dozen cupcakes to their house, where only 2 people live?? Unless you fatasses will each eat 6 within the next day - and who the fuck needs more than one?? - they'll go stale.
I think we discovered why they're both whales.
No. 215320
>>215319Goddammit I want Amazon cupcakes, but Sprinkles only delivers locally. I live with four other people though. 6 cupcakes is way too much for one person.
Also…why are all her fans jumping up her ass over cupcakes? Is ordering cupcakes that big a deal that everyone needs to make fanart about it? It's fucking food. Her fans are probably as fat as she is.
No. 215357
File: 1450452005074.gif (951.54 KB, 500x251,…)

Her face just kills me
No. 215372
File: 1450459604123.jpg (71.02 KB, 385x393, whatwhat.jpg)

Let me introduce to you, our own, the everly lovely lolcow Suzy Berhow:
No. 215383
this is so fucking cringe worthy
No. 215384
>>215318how can you put that much eyeliner on your face?
If she accidentally rubs her eye in public she's fucked
No. 215502
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No. 215503
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No. 215504
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No. 215511
File: 1450483348793.png (820.91 KB, 970x748, Untitled.png)

No. 215524
File: 1450484480720.gif (194.45 KB, 477x456, villager-mad.gif)

>>215315What a waste of talent.
No. 215540
File: 1450486607053.png (859.74 KB, 1062x597, tumblr_nzj5tkmzke1tj1nnuo6_128…)

No. 215541
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No. 215543
File: 1450487118288.png (212.87 KB, 318x1350, suzy.png)

i dont understand why her fans insist on licking suzy's asshole so much
No. 215548
File: 1450487552045.gif (1.7 MB, 350x153, tumblr_nqikp2yfCq1uo712po3_400…)

No. 215549
>schedules and manages the grumps so shit actually gets doneIs doing the bare minimum of running a business/channel supposed to be super impressive now or something?
>reviews that are refreshingly honestLOL. "I don't like candy scents. OHMIGOD THIS (candy-scented) STUFF FROM BIRCHBOX IS AMAAAAAZING."
>mental health struggles"Guise, people flirt with me all the time! I mean, they bullied me! Yeah, I was bullied!"
>deals with the most ridiculous bullshit…basically because she's a womanOh for fucks sake why do her fans believe this shit.
>handles it with absolute graceGoing full Capslock Warrior is graceful now?
No. 215550
>>215548You know I'm tempted to shit on this but I'm pretty sure 90% of it would be envy because I'm single lol.
Her profile looks like shit though. Her nose is horribly proportioned to the rest of her face.
No. 215551
>>215549>Oh for fucks sake why do her fans believe this shit.Probably because it's the most palatable form of "feminism": Everyone who doesn't like me is sexist so I have no responsibility to maybe do better.
I hate this new fucking social media definition of it. It does untold damage to the actual cause.
No. 215555
>>215550No its okay anon, I shit on her and Arins relationship all the time and I'm married.
They just seem so fake together
No. 215569
File: 1450501727649.gif (673.29 KB, 476x259, tumblr_mvjwkq1X881qa4rnxo1_500…)

>>215543>She gets shit on because she's a womanSuch absolute bullshit. A lot of the people who don't like her are both men and women because she's a leech and wedges herself into things. To be honest, all of GG is trash now, but at least it was kind of okay a year after Jon left and Dan was getting settled in. I stopped watching too long ago.
No. 215605
File: 1450511015650.gif (837.07 KB, 500x207, tumblr_nqikp2yfCq1uo712po6_500…)

No. 215606
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No. 215609
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No. 215610
File: 1450511093822.gif (1.85 MB, 333x187, tumblr_nqikp2yfCq1uo712po4_400…)

No. 215613
File: 1450511207610.gif (1.52 MB, 450x248, tumblr_nsmli5UMjX1rrxarpo8_500…)

man, I love that time she was on pepper gaming kek
No. 215614
File: 1450511302992.jpg (262.89 KB, 1280x1575, tumblr_nwj7q3OdNn1saljxoo1_128…)

Fanart of that time on Table flip they played "cash and guns"
>looks like an in real life representation of suzy
No. 215615
File: 1450511324780.png (906.77 KB, 1280x836, tumblr_nuogewgwwC1qdjznzo1_128…)

No. 215616
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No. 215620
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No. 215622
File: 1450511658224.jpg (335.66 KB, 1280x1481, tumblr_nzbt561kDu1rq28sso1_128…)

>currently arins fb profile picture
No. 215625
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No. 215628
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No. 215629
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No. 215630
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No. 215631
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No. 215632
File: 1450512814107.png (1.47 MB, 1196x764, Untitled.png)

>are their fans really this autistic tho
No. 215633
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No. 215635
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No. 215640
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No. 215642
File: 1450513453663.png (183.83 KB, 683x639, tumblr_npul4rnhgU1qemks9o1_128…)

Why do people always draw her so cute? Are they afraid of pissing off their queen?
No. 215643
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No. 215644
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>games r hard guize
No. 215645
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No. 215647
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No. 215656
>>215630this image and all the other NSFW images in this thread are nightmare fuel
>>215570>>215548hah! you are so right. arin's snuggle (gross, can't believe i had to type that word in reference to two adults) is so forced. just divorce already. there's less shame in getting a divorce than there forcing youself to be with someone.
No. 215657
File: 1450516239830.png (607.18 KB, 882x497, Suzy Makeup.png)

>>215616I know it's super late, but I wanted to try to put makeup on Suzy without altering her actual face structure.
No. 215706
>>215702>calories in, calories outIt's not that I disagree that it is the majority of the case that people overestimate/underestimate their calories, nor am I defending her in particular, but significant differences in metabolism do exist. It can vary due to factors ranging from muscle mass to hormones. There are people who legitimately track their calories and activity levels who observe a harder time gaining or losing weight compared to their peers.
Just pointing that out.
>inb4 100 reply debate about this shit No. 215714
>>215706While you are correct to a degree, I would say it isn't true for the vast majority. Suzie eats crap, it's not her thyroid. I would say someone with Prader-Willi or Cushing's would have an extremely hard time but most people don't have either of those conditions.
If Suzy stopped drinking her cals, stopped eating junk and went on the treadmill for an hour a day at a decent pace, I guarantee she'd lose weight.
No. 215716
>>215715Yeah, but it would suck to be in that five to ten percent and have your situation delegitimized because others have stigmatized the condition so much that it's now associated with excuse-making, or something liars/lazies cop out with.
Again, I'm sure as shit not defending Suzy because her weight gain has been recent and rapid. Clearly it's the result of some sort of bad decision making, whereas I'd more likely believe someone who's shown long-term struggles with their weight.
No. 215762
File: 1450543981333.png (45.94 KB, 226x253, dat_goiter.png)

>>215620i was totally a model guize
No. 215813
>>215622It's probably his way of hinting that he wants his wife to have a visible jaw line again.
Stop ordering $30 of cupcakes and lose some weight, Suzy.
No. 215840
>>215762jesus christ this is horrifying.
I wouldn't even give her any flack if she got a face tuck or whatever to get rid of that flabby ass neck.
No. 215882
>>215846lol no.
Absolutely not.
No. 215890
>>215846I see what you mean, but honestly I think it's just down to her vapidness.
Don't get me wrong, some people are just quiet or a little spergy and it has nothing to do with their intelligence, but people who aren't very bright often have trouble coming up with something to say.
She'd probably be a little smarter if she didn't have FAS, but Jean seems to be doing alright for herself.
No. 215897
>>215894Yeah. When she does her reviews and the only descriptor she can think of is "~amaaaazing~", she makes it pretty clear she probably doesn't read much.
If she had some kind of personality and/or intelligence, she'd have more interesting things to say, and if she was a little more down to earth, she'd be able to connect with people a lot more. Those are the things that people like Holly have that she seems to lack.
No. 215898
>>215885Chill out it was just a thought more than anything.
>>215895In another thread an anon posted a FAS baby that looked exactly like Suzy. Imo she only has the outward appearance that FAS does to you but I don't think she's retarded. She's definitely slow because thats cuz like the other anon said she's vastly uneducated.
No. 215907
>>215901That's exactly it. She presents herself as this ~beauty guru~ and ~fashionista~ when she really doesn't know that much about either topic.
She has a few interests that she tries to make into her 'thing', but doesn't really have a very deep knowledge of any of them.
I wonder what it's like to have no real strong passions like that.
No. 215913
File: 1450578218799.jpg (8.18 KB, 200x268, fetalalcoholsyndrome-01.jpg)

No. 215914
>>215907Bit of a rant ahead.
She always struck me as really childish/immature: like when you're cooking something and a small child is around who wants to copy you so you hand them a bit of dough to play around with. You know it's not going to turn out great but they'll enjoy themselves (shut up) for a few minutes.
That's how everything Suzy does feels like to me. She sees people doing Lets Plays - she has to have her own Lets Play channel. She sees people doing unboxings, makeup stuff, OOTD - she wants to do that too! She wants to be a super-important part of the Grumps - lets have her 'host' things!!
No. 215942
>>215941yea you're right lol
but the thread is mostly about suzy so that's why
No. 216002
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>>215995It's called an imageboard for a reason you know
No. 216003
File: 1450628736327.jpg (59.35 KB, 468x576, twins.jpg)

>>216002Seems like Jean got all the brains…and Suzy got all the …?
Reminds me of Twins
No. 216146
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No. 216149
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No. 216181
>>215645>wearing a shirt saying "girl gang"i bet she says shit like "girl power" oh god
the cringe
No. 216182
>>216149why cosplay as some random people who are "famous" (lmao not) for just playing video games?
what the fuck?
No. 216183
File: 1450676947358.png (95.56 KB, 312x270, 1448603443462.png)

>>216149this is kinda creepy
I wonder if the they noticed them, and what they think of stuff like this
No. 216198
>>216146>"Suzy. Ive said it before and Im saying it again. Calm yourself and save some beauty for me. Its not fair that you have it all. Stop making me love you so much. Its damaging my health."Why do her "fans" insist on rimming her at every step? Sure she's actually fairly attractive in this picture, only because she actually looks her age here and not like a 43 year old housewife acting "hip"
>"How she will look when she dies"All these comments are fucking gold.
No. 216251
>>216149Why does this Arin cosplayer look super constipated?
also who wants to cosplay as a fat childish turd? how sad.
No. 216341
>>216339They randomly make pingu noises at each other.
That's it.
No. 216362
File: 1450737909729.jpg (206.3 KB, 487x591, dumblr.jpg)

Some girl on tumblr made a caricature of her, and the artist is really proud of her work.
She really should appreciate her fans' marvellous work.
Fucking kek.
No. 216366
>>215631Ew why?!
>people drawing animu hentai fanart of a youtube celeb>Dying suzy's pubic hairI don't understand this world.
No. 216367
File: 1450739000166.gif (9.69 MB, 640x360, stop.gif)

>>215633>Suzy cosplay….Well, we hit the bottom of the well.
No. 216375
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No. 216377
File: 1450742233513.png (Spoiler Image,945.94 KB, 1280x1460, tumblr_nxy9lyYPun1ujtz2xo2_128…)

Decided to go into the dark recesses of tumblr today to find more NSFW grumps. Mother of god it continues to be horrifying. They even write fanfics of this trash
No. 216383
File: 1450742344780.png (Spoiler Image,569.07 KB, 1280x1478, ko4lFQc.png)

No. 216389
>>216378Why the fuck is it yellow
Is that piss?
No. 216414
>>216390Agreed. I always found it to be a bit over the wall, especially if someone claims to be a die hard fan of such person.
No. 216433
File: 1450752550583.jpg (138.48 KB, 1063x1600, suzjon2013.jpg)

No. 216493
File: 1450764980136.png (767.04 KB, 915x510, he had to bring his wife.png)

I wish Suzy had friends. She seems like the kind of girl a guy has to take to parties but she doesn't make it a better time. Like you can tell it's guys night out and she just added herself in.
No. 216569
>>216493I thought she wanted to wear that dress from her video to this party???
Now it's just jeans and a shirt? Come on, Suzy!
No. 216570
File: 1450795451753.jpg (32.68 KB, 550x354, amybouzaglo.jpg)

i don't know why but suzy reminds me of this bitch sometimes
No. 216582
>>216433..why wouldnt it be suzy and arin together?? why is it jontron and suzy?
i'm disgusted thinking about it
No. 216596
File: 1450807985583.jpg (24.8 KB, 450x297, 13849098375.jpg)

>>216570They both have the Whoville aesthetic going on.
No. 216607
>>216493God, reminds me of my roommate. She was insufferable yet she forced her boyfriend to take her everywhere because she didn't have friends or a social life. They got into a big fight because she wanted to go to a study group with him and he said know.
I wonder if that's ever raised conflict with Suzy and Arin. I can imagine that he'd have business related shit and she threw a fit because she couldn't come. I think her being "invited" everywhere probably came from a previous fight and Arin was whipped into submission. He (and everyone else) assumes when you invite Arin, he'll have Suzy by his side.
No. 216608
>>216602He should admit that he's Bi already (and a weeaboo)
Also it doesn't look funny he looks creepy af
No. 216652
>>216602I mean he looks kinda cute in a weird way but why exactly is this a thing again?
And why would you post this on the Internet
No. 216662
>>216633I'm not that anon but I get it I guess? Holly gets brought up here a lot and people kiss up to her or call her ugly. At this point it's all been said and done and adds nothing new to the discussion.
For the record I did like Holly despite her speshul snowflake demeanor and weird face. But I tried to watch her channel and it's so bad imo. Maybe it used to be better? Either way, back to Snoozy. Has she ever tried to be friends with a girl who wasn't Grump related? Like another youtuber? I feel like she feels threatened by other girl gamers or gurus.
No. 216663
>>216662I think she was fangirling for Grav3yardgirl (or however the fuck you spell it) for a while if that counts.
And I do agree about her probably feeling threatened by other girls. She really seems to get off on being the only guuurl in the group because she has fuck all else to offer: she's not funny, not particularly nice or charming, not smart, not the most artistic/creative one etc. so she clings to being this superspecial gamer girl like no other woman in the world has ever played games and liked makeup.
No. 216670
>>216662Unless I'm mistaken, I don't remember Suzy even mentioning old friends of her's from hs or anything. Most people have stories and shit and all she seems to have is Jean. I know twins can be weird socially but even the ones I've known have friends together or not.
>>216668Even Nicole is because Arin was friends with Monty. Suzy really needs to try to make some beauty friends.
No. 216673
>>216670I think it's also because of the modelling shit from her past. She probably always felt uggo compared to all the pretty looking models she was surrounded by. I mean in the ANTM thing she wasn't exactly gracious about the whole situation either. The fact that she didn't even try to fake a "I'm so happy for all the other girls I think they're great" response is pretty telling to me. Makes you wonder how bitter and jelly she is of any female who does what she does but better.
No. 216690
>>216687It's an easy way to get sick of each other. When you have a lot of people in your lives, it makes you richer as a personality so you have more to offer.
I do wonder about the shelf live of this relationship.
No. 216696
>>216690they've been together for 12 years.
I don't think they'll ever get rid of eachother because they are both addicted to the other person. They are also two people with zero confidence and lots of depression issues.
I think its gonna be hard to see them seperated. Even though it would be better for both their lives.
No. 216718
>>216687I do think you should be good if not best friends with your SO but the problem us that Suzy has no other friends. None. Especially none that aren't in their GG circle even if they are other youtubers who don't do the gaming thing.
Suzy doesn't seem to do the other thing that successful youtubers do (or have done before that got so popular that they were too busy to do so) which is interact with others on their channels. There are other goth beauty youtubers. Who are better then her, but that's besides the point.
No. 216770
File: 1450849083641.png (684.25 KB, 917x520, no suzy the answer is always n…)

No. 216774
>>216770Haha, that filename.
And yeah, that looks awful on her. Look at her flabby wrist-holyshit.
No. 216776
>>216771Stupid. How embarrassing she tries pushing this eccentric morbid shit when she does nothing but eat cheetos and reviews how amazing luxury skin care is.
and lol at zombiigalactica freaking out. Some people donate their skulls for this shit. Not like Arin is going to get human remains from the black market.
No. 216780
>>216779Even elephants hold reverence for the dead and this bitch thinks it'll get her more views on her shit channels.
I sometimes feel sorry for Suzy desperately clinging to her husband - horse faced and alone - but shit like this and her "buy local" etsy scam make me remember what a piece of shit she is.
No. 216783
is the sort of stupid, shit that shouldn't seem like a good idea unless you're under 13, and it's kind of weird to bother spending all that money on an
actual human skull purely for edge points, but for god's sake, it's just a skull. It's not like anyone robbed a grave for it.
Suzy's a fucking dumbass but she's not quite Hitler for overpricing her tacky jewellery and being an edgelord.
Isn't it enough to just laugh at her fuckups without having to find a reason to make her into a "bad person" so that you can sleep soundly at night despite knowing you,
gasp, made fun of someone on the internet?
No. 216786
No. 216789
>>216784>>216786Nice meme you got there. That really showed me who's boss.
I don't want to get into some debate about this, and I know people have different opinions of what constitutes a 'shitty person', but all I'm trying to say is it's pretty retarded to exaggerate the shit things someone has done so you feel like you can make fun of them and still consider yourself a decent person.
And hey, maybe that's not even what you meant, but it's becoming increasingly common here and I felt like I should put it out there.
But nah, hit me where it hurts. Make fun of my use of italics.
No. 216790
File: 1450852973511.png (965.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshots_2015-12-23-07-42-2…)

Probably not the place he got it from, but nice price tag.
No. 216798
File: 1450855362551.jpg (75.56 KB, 1000x1000, K7ychT4.jpg)

No. 216864
File: 1450886615596.jpg (48.18 KB, 600x450, 1442211071360.jpg)

>>216602>>216604Arin is such a closet tranny at this point. Or he's just some weird cross dresser who wants to get fucked by a big man.
No. 216921
>>216853Of fucking course she picked face 5 (as "uguu asian" as she can) with that ugly ass eye makeup.
Also "Shigamaru"? Jesus Suzy get your weeb names correct.
No. 216933
>>216922Ffs suzy
The dresses are nice, they don'teven look that bad on your body! But your taste is SHIIIIIT when it comes to shoes, also those fucking accesories are not doing you any favors either.
Also get a fucking haircut, get a fringe, you have a disfigurement in your face, which is fine it doesnt even make you look bad, youre just not owning up to it or working with it, you work against it and its looking awful.
No. 217056
>>217050To my knowledge Suzy has never done a get ready with me video, another staple for most beauty youtubers. Do she and arin do nothingat all ever? Even on their anniversary? She didn't even do one for that friendsgiving thing they went to which would have been a perfect time to.
I don't know why Suzy fails at what is so simple.
No. 217159
File: 1450990219556.jpg (234.5 KB, 790x508, stumpie.jpg)

hmmm those shoes… those legs … wait …they fit perfectly together!
No. 217163
>>217159to be completely fair, she showed ALL her shoes, including her everyday shoes…. so those shoes are probably her being-at-home or taking out the trash shoes… which I also have, I wear crocs myself when I'm just lazing off going to check the mail.
You could just ask yourself if such shoes should be included in such a video, but many shoe collection videos do it
No. 217166
>>217050I honestly dont think grav3yardgirl wears her fashion that often outside… but obviously more often than suzy does.
what bothers me about grav3yarsgirl (besides the 24/7 yelling) is that she doesnt even bother to put on some makeup in her videos when shes so fucking ugly. At least suzy puts makeup on first.
No. 217174
>>217170does she ever wear any of her crazy shoes out tho? grav3yardgirl i mean
It doesnt seem like it
No. 217214
>>217211I wonder if it has to do with her only source of social interaction being the grumps guys
like if they all wear some shitty video game t shirt and jeans, suzy's crazy goffik outfits stand out a whole lot more, or it feels out of place and she wants to be viewed as "one of the guys" or something.
No. 258078
File: 1460328558190.jpg (Spoiler Image,703.93 KB, 1134x1700, 1835399 - Game_Grumps Suzy_Ber…)

Found this on the webs. Done by some dude called DukeFuckem. He also got much more fakes of her.
No. 258080
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No. 258081
File: 1460328745155.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.09 KB, 800x600, 3.jpg)