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No. 208477

Emily Hu aka avnp, averyniceprince, barleytea was a popular artist and internet celebrity for drawing fanart for the webcomic series Homestuck. She has been known to let her underage friend drink and black out during an anime con and documented via twitter.

Very recently outed as a serial cheater to all her romantic partners.


No. 208478

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Accounts of her cheating from her now ex.

Her previous boyfriend Matt, also claims on his tumblr that she was emotionally abusive(tumblr now deactivated)

No. 208480

God I fucking hate her and her shit art but I've never actually seen any of the drama about the underage drinking thing. Any caps of it?

No. 208483

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It's too far in her tweet log now but she posted her friend passed out on the floor and took selfies around her.

Pic related is the same underage friend.

Taken from this thread:

No. 208484

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6 months ago she announced she was quitting art and becoming a pathologist.

No. 208488

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She's now attending a community college in South Pasadena(fully paid and supported by her rich parents). Judges the community college for not having an office.

No. 208489

I thought Tracy was over 18.

No. 208490

You need to be 21 to drink, she was only 20 at the time.

No. 208493

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Pic of blacked out friend 1

No. 208494

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Pic of blacked out friend 2

No. 208496

woooooo a pathologist's assistant. 2edgy4me.


No. 208497

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No. 208502

>she was 20
wow it's nothing

No. 208504

Moved to >>>/snow/65138.

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